Hey there, this is your Colonel talkin'. Now I got somethin' here that's downright fun. My new popcorn chicken. Crunchy morsels of tender white meat. It's mouth-poppin' good. Ooh, look at him go. Hurry down to KFC, try my new popcorn chicken for $1.99. It's more fun than watchin' me, unless of course Colonel get funky. Go Colonel, go Colonel. At KFC we do chicken right, and not just in a bucket neither. Chevrolet would like to bring you this special announcement. New Chevy cars and trucks are heading your way. Right now, your local Chevy dealer is offering great deals. During the Chevy model year clearance. Get up to $1,000 cash back on Chevy Cavalier now. Get 1,250 cash back on Chevy Malibu now. Or get big savings with 0.9 financing. Financing less than 1% a year. So finish what you're doin', then get to the Chevy model year clearance. We're talking savings at your Chevrolet dealer's Northwest. Meet me where it always feels like summertime. The swing of Wilson's pond or old Mahoney's sign. The good times that you're cravin' are just around the bend. Ready for somethin' cool? Meet me at the Dairy Queen. Where the feelin' never ends. Meet me at DQ. Right now, treat yourself to a rich, delicious peanut buster parfait for just $1.99. Come home to that feeling. And meet me at DQ. Every day, as a part of our Change Your Life television, we're sharing with you different ways to get in touch with who you really are. What I call the capital who. We're calling it Remembering Your Spirit. Because I just know that all goodness comes from the spirit that is connected to the greater spirit. And I'm sharing that with you so that other people can become more connected to themselves. And every day, I'm doing it all this week, Maya Angelou's gonna start out next week and we're gonna use famous people, not famous people, talking about how they connect to the part of themselves that is connected to the greater force. And I know you connect yourself every day. How do you do that? I get up by a prayer every morning when I get up and it goes like this, may the sunrise of supreme bliss shimmer in every particle of the universe. So why not drink a fresh cup of joy every day and become inspired with new perceptions. Remember, love and respect must be renewed with each dawn. Wow. That's really good. Thank you for that. The past couple of days, I talked about meditation is one form. There are as many ways to remember your spirit as there are people to remember. And I do a myriad of things. Meditation is one. Journaling is another. And I found that taking care of someone or something is just one of the many ways I could get connected with spirit. Take a look. For me, remembering spirit is remembering what makes you feel most alive. And certainly one of the things that makes me feel most alive is walking in the woods with my dogs. We're going walking. Yeah, we are. Come on. I have 11 dogs, little people with fur. A couple of them are real dogs, but six golden retrievers and the two little people with fur that live with me in Chicago, Solomon and Sophie, they remember my spirit and that's what they are responding to, not to a personality, but the spirit of who I am. It's a way for me to remember what pure caring and affection really is. It's a way for me to remember that it's good to have other people depend upon you, even if they are people with fur. Sophie always has trouble adjusting at first when we come to the farm because she has low self-esteem. Come on, Sophie. You're doing good. People would think that when the city dogs come to the country that the country dogs would not adjust to them, but it's really the opposite. It's the city dogs that have trouble adjusting. Solomon eats it up. He's like in dog heaven and I think misses it when he's in the city because he needs room to run. Solomon, get out of there. You can bathe them. They can look really pretty. You start out and then by the time we end the walk, they're always going to go in some pond. Oh, pond scum, pond scum. I have six golden retrievers that they all might look alike to you all, but I know them. I can tell from the side. I know the shape of their heads. I know the way they walk. I know the way they pant. As a kid, I wasn't allowed to have dogs. My father is one of those people who believes that dogs are dogs. He doesn't know they're little people with fur and wouldn't allow dogs in the house, so now I've completely rebelled. I think I have enough, though. I think 11 is enough. Speaking of memories, this past Thanksgiving, my father was at the farm and I have all 11 dogs in the house. We're the father who never allowed dogs in the house and he got up to leave the table and came back and Solomon was in his chair and he says, this dog is in my chair. I said, it's the other way around, you're sitting in his chair. We'll be right back, back in a moment. Hey, where's the cream filling? Now, that's the stuff. Hostess. This Saturday only, it's Lamont's one day sale. That'll be the day you save, save, save. For one day only, save 20 to 70% off all through the store. You'll find amazing savings on fashions, accessories, and gifts for your entire family and home. Plus, save 70% off original prices on already reduced summer clearance. For the name brands you trust, at savings you'll love, shop your neighborhood Lamont's. The one day sale, Saturday only at Lamont's. Yakima County's district court judges unanimously support Ruth Rukoff. We selected Ruth as a judicial officer in 95. Join us in supporting Ruth as our new district court judge. Voters don't have to guess which candidate might become a good judge. Ruth has already proven herself. Electing Ruth will guarantee a smooth transition in January. Your district court judges all agree. Without question, Ruth's proven experience makes her the best choice. I appreciate your vote. Paid for by the committee to elect Rukoff for judge. We didn't sell them all last month, so there's still time to save big. Valley Ford Nissan's final closeout 98 has been extended. This weekend only, choose from dozens of remaining 98 models still in stock and priced to sell. Every new 98 Ford, every new 98 Nissan, move to our main lot and mark down for immediate delivery. Rebates up to $2,000, interest rates as low as 0%. It's the last four days of incredible savings on all remaining 98 models. Final closeout 98 at Valley Ford Nissan, be there. I want to say thank you to Leslie and Max and Carol E. and Alan and Gail and of course Susie Orman. Once again, Susie's book is called The Nine Steps to Financial Freedom and she's a part of our Changer Like TV, trying to get America reconnected to itself and so you're going to be seeing a lot of her on the show. They'll be back in a couple of weeks. We're going to be following you to see how life changing this has been for you and you can join Susie tonight live on Oprah online. That's at 9 p.m. Eastern time. She'll be back in two weeks so we can stay on top of this. And what'd you want to say? I was going to say, number one, thank you to all of you, but that it really can happen. There are people in this audience today like Barbara, who have been repeating the truth. Barbara's gone from fifteen hundred a month to how much are you making now? Nine thousand. Nine thousand a month. How long ago did you start doing this? In, well, actually February. We did it February 8th. Barbara and I started. Barbara can do it. Leslie can do it. You went from fifteen hundred to nine thousand a month since February? I said my truth every day. What is your truth? I'm happy, I'm healthy, I'm successful in my career and I make more than ten thousand dollars a month. So she's getting there. Okay, so if everybody's like, what do you do, let me do that, and it's not about what you do. It's not about what you do. It's about drawing into you, drawing into you that which you believe is possible for your life. Correct? Correct. I ask you all to remember, your thoughts create your destiny. Your thoughts create your destiny. Thank you. We'll see you again shortly at the Hong Lee Hotel, located in the heart of Chicago's Magnificent Airport.