Now, let's meet our newlywed couples for today. Couple number one, he packed the car keys in their luggage when they flew back from their honeymoon, but when they landed at the airport where the car was parked, they discovered their luggage had missed the flight. Ellen and Tom Rivas. Couple number two, when they first met, he courted her with a bottle of wine and a rose, but unfortunately, the rose was already dead, but it's the thought that counts. Monica and Perry Brown. Couple number three, they talked for so long on their first date, he almost forgot he had to catch a plane, so he left her with his brand new car. That's a good way to ensure a second date. Mary and Vic Montalvo. Couple number four, the first time they met, she was with her mother and sister on New Year's Eve, and she was not impressed, but he got her number anyway in a match book from her sister, Angie and Tim Johnson. Those are our newlyweds for today, and here's your host, the star of the all new newlywed game, Bob Eubanks. Well, thank you very much. Hello, everybody, welcome to the all new newlywed game. Someone wants to ask, why does a woman work 10 years to change a man's habits, and then complain that he's not the man she married? Well, our couples haven't been married 10 years, but we'll see if they have any complaining to do when we start our game, and we'll do that when we come back. We'll be right after this, all right? With a simple touch, a touch of oil of Olay. Feel how sheer and light it is as it penetrates quickly, replenishing youthful fluids, giving your skin a delightful vibrance, a younger look, an oil of Olay look. Just a touch, but it's the one that performs wonders for 50 million women throughout the world. Oil of Olay, it can help keep you looking younger, too. Alcohol, the leading pediatric journal indicates that alcohol should be removed from all children's liquid medicines. Discover children's Panadol. Aspirin-free, alcohol-free, the way your children's fever reducers should be. Okay, I can't take time out for cramps, so I take the cramp specialist. Maximum strength Midol for cramps. Maximum strength pain reliever, plus a muscle relaxant for fast relief. Nothing else you can buy has that. Maximum strength Midol, the cramp specialist. We all knew the early-wed game. Now with the wife secluded safely offstage, it's time for some five-point questions. As you know, gentlemen, you'll be answering these questions as you predict your wife will answer the same question when she returns. If her answer matches your prediction, you then get five points for the grand prize that's been selected especially for you. So if you are ready, here's your first question for five points. Here it goes. Gentlemen, last night in the whoopee department, will your wife say that you behaved more like an oddvark, a hamster, a praying mantis, or a dragonfly? How'd you behave last night in the whoopee department, Tim? Oddvark, hamster, praying mantis, or dragonfly? Whoops, you're Tim, right? I'm Tim, yes I am. See, when I say Tim, Tom answers. Well, I was wondering how that was gonna work. Tom, Tom, don't answer when I say Tim, and Tim, don't answer when I say Tom, okay? I guess I was kind of like a dragonfly because I was coming in kind of sting. It's the only thing I know. You were a dragonfly. All right, Vic? I guess an oddvark because- You were an oddvark? Well, I don't know if they do anything, so to be that I didn't do anything, I guess I was an oddvark. You didn't do anything, so you're an oddvark, right? That was a bad night, you know. Perry, did you behave more like an oddvark, a hamster, a praying mantis, or a dragonfly? Neither. Oh, good. I don't think so. Yeah, but that wasn't the question, so you gotta pick one of these. Okay? Okay. Good for you. I knew you could do it, Perry. I would say a praying mantis. A praying mantis. Yes. A little religion wouldn't hurt you right now. Tom, guess what I'm gonna say. Oh, I don't know. What do you mean guess? What is this? A hamster. Gee, I don't know. You're a hamster. A hamster. All right, next question, guys. Other than you, who will your wife say was the last man that made a pass at her? Give me a first name only, please, Vic. I think I'll have to say Dean. Dean made a pass at her? Yeah, that wasn't the last one either. Yeah, but that's the question. I mean, meaning that he does it all the time. Oh, I thought you meant that wasn't the last guy that made a pass at her. Yeah, well. Oh, I see. Dean makes passes at everybody. All the time. Yeah, I've heard about him. Perry? I can't remember his name. First name only, please, of the one you can't remember. That's the problem. I can't remember his first name. What's your answer? John. John, all right. Tom? Dave. Dave. Yeah, the guy she used to know at a bar. Yeah, Tim? My wife blew it. I got this one. She told me that some guy was real suave. Jaime. Jaime, all right. Woo! Ha, ha, ha, ha. The last of our five-point questions. Gentlemen, how will your wife say you would complete this sentence? Now, this is you talking. Well, I guess you can't have everything. So I suppose that's why my wife doesn't have... What? Perry, you can't have everything, so that's why Monica doesn't have... Big legs. Big legs, all right. Tom? I guess you can't have everything, so I suppose that's why my wife doesn't have... Oh, I'd say she doesn't have a... Oh, those big thighs of hers. That's why she doesn't have the big thighs she has. Ha, ha, ha, ha. Oh, well, I'm doing great, am I? You're doing just fine. Tim? Well, I guess I'll have to go with the chest. Whose? Ha, ha, ha, ha. Ha, ha, ha. That's why your wife doesn't have a chest? Well, you said if she had to, you know, I was kind of thinking that she had to have something that she'd like to perhaps be more, you know... Ha, ha, ha. Vic? I'm gonna have to say tush. Tush. We'll be right back. They'll be right back. I may not be back. We're the wives, and we'll see how well the husbands have predicted, what their wives will say right after this. We have returned, and I did come back. Okay, gentlemen, we've recorded your predictions on cards, and now I have them in front of you. Each time that your prediction matches your wife's answer, you get five points. It's the one couple with the most points at the end of the show that wins a grand prize that's been selected especially for them. So here's your first question, ladies. Last night in the Whoopie department, did your husband behave more like a dragonfly, a praying mantis, a hamster, or an oddvark? Ellen, what did he behave like last night? Is there any dead animal in that category? I'm just kidding. Okay. I love you, sir. Okay. Oh, and I know what you're talking about, believe me. Okay, okay, I'll leave it clear on that one. Dragonfly. Is that your answer? No, I'm trying to. Did he behave like a dragonfly, a praying mantis, a hamster, or an oddvark? I'll say an oddvark. An oddvark, all right. Tom said, last night in the Whoopie department, he behaved just like a hamster. Oh, God. I mean, an oddvark, at least. Monica? The hamster's running a little wheel. Seeing how I slept in the bedroom and he slept in the living room, I'd say an oddvark. An oddvark, all right. Perry said, last night, he behaved like a praying mantis. Mary. I fell asleep last night, but I did ask him if he wanted to fool around, but he said no, so I'd say an oddvark. An oddvark. He behaved like an oddvark. Yeah. Oh, my God. Oh, my God, man. Angie. Let me see. Dragonfly, praying mantis, hamster, or oddvark? An oddvark. Oddvark, all right. Tim said he behaved like a dragonfly. Oh, Tim. What do you mean, oh, Tim? She could have said, Old Tom. A dragonfly. I told him that I was, you know, gonna... Next question, here we go. Ladies, other than your husband, who was the last man that made a pass at you? Give me a first name only, please. Monica. Must have been my last boyfriend. I'll say Ken. Ken, all right. Perry said the last guy to make a pass at you was John. My best friend? I couldn't remember the other guy's name. I couldn't remember his name. Mary. My old boyfriend, Art. Art. Your husband said the last guy to make a pass at you was Dean. Art, huh? Oh, Dean. Oh, I forgot about Dean. Oh, Dean. Oh, Dean. Oh, Dean. He's harmless. He's, he's... Art. It's me. Angie. George. George. Your husband said the last guy to make a pass at you was Jaime. You gotta watch old Jaime, boy. Ellen. Well, this could get people in trouble, but I am gonna say, let's say Stacey. Stacey made a pass at you. He did. How about Dave? Oh, okay. Well, we didn't... Stacey did. Was that a reception or what? Yeah. People got drunk and out of control and you know. Old Stacey made a pass at you, huh? I guess he didn't know about it. It's one of his good friends that he's married to. But it was okay because we didn't do anything. No, of course not. But he made a pass. And what'd you guys do? Yeah, nothing. You know, he just... No, he didn't do anything. He just made a pass. Yeah. Sure. Just a small pass. Just a small pass. But it was a pass, right? A pass is a pass. A little lips on him? No, no lips. Hands. Hands only, yeah. Here we go. Last of our five point questions. Ladies, how did your husband complete this sentence? This is him talking. Well, I guess you can't have everything. So I suppose that's why my wife doesn't have what? Mary? He's always complaining I have no rear end. No rear end. Vic said, you can't have everything. That's why my wife has no kids. No kids. No kids. No kids. No kids. No kids. No kids. Angie. Could you please repeat that? Yeah, well, I guess you can't have everything. So I suppose that's why my wife doesn't have what? Well, I guess I got plenty of everything, but I'll say boobs. Okay, he predicted you'd say a chest. That's right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Okay. You better get this right. Cause he's constantly complaining. This is why he stares at other women. Yes. Is because they have a gap. Between their legs. When they wear pants, you know, there's space. There's space. Okay. He says, A gap. Yes. He says, that's why my wife doesn't have big thighs. I do have big thighs. I know. But you're right about the gap. Yes. We love gaps. I love it. I would have to say he's always looking at women with big legs. So I'd say it's why I don't have big legs. Big legs. He says, that's why my wife doesn't have big legs. Yeah. We'll be back for The Wives to see how well they predict what their husbands will say in the All Day Newlywed game. Right after this message. Welcome back to the All New Newlywed game.