... ... ... ... ... ... 이거를 JAMES CHAVEZ STzers Toczne S by Lewin H movement is laughs of van van or van van We've lived in shame! We've let me escape! Harry's a lucky boy. Today, he's going to look for something he left behind. Falling in love again. Harry started out as a lover. Stick out your tongue. Oh? I'm going to teach you how to kiss. And to fight. He was a builder of bridges. Well, I'm going to be an architect. I'm going to redesign all the streets and houses of the Bronx. A dreamer of dreams. I'm marrying Harry Lewis. I'm getting married. What is this? What is this, some kind of crazy joke? I love this girl and I want to marry her. What girl? You don't know any girls. All right. This is your last lesson. How did a marriage made in heaven and the East Bronx go to hell in Beverly Hills? I hear what they say about me at the store. I have ears. Harry has been, that's what they call me. Harry never was. Cut it out, Susan. You spent your whole life dreaming. What about your sex life, Harry? Harry is out to prove that you can go home again. I can't believe this is New York City. This is Southern Boulevard, right? Southern Boulevard? I used to live here. Could be your lucky night. I saw you with that woman, Harry. Sue and I have the greatest relationship of any two people I know. We make love. We make love at night, in the morning, in the evening. Falling in Love Again, starring Elliot Gould, Susanna York, Stuart Paul, Kay Ballard, Michelle Pfeiffer, with music by Michelle LeGrand, produced and directed by Stephen Paul. The movie Rex Reed calls an enchanting, polished, sophisticated achievement that left me dancing three feet off the ground with happiness. Harry! Falling in Love Again. You don't have to sleep to dream. To dream. Leave him alone, you good or not? You've been much too visible. I don't like it. Killing Machine. He was no ordinary man. He was trained to be the best killing machine. But something is about to change his life forever. My wife's there! Don't burn the truck! Emma! Emma! Please! Emma! His wife and unborn child are gone forever as the killers go free. Killing Machine. It's gotta be his pannier! Get him! Get him! Pushed him over the edge. Now he's pushing back with a vengeance. Stay out of it! It's none of our business! I haven't worked for the organization in a long time. I'll call and ask them to send someone else. You two just fine. You'll do just fine! Killing Machine. I don't like this. It's completely against our organization policy. It's completely against our organization policy. I don't like this. It's completely against our organization policy in France. Let me give you some advice. Don't think. Margo Hemingway is Jacqueline's secret agent. I want to take care of him personally. Lee Van Gleave is Jalot's criminal mastermind. Nobody ever puts their hands on me. Nobody. Killing Machine. Willie Ames is Tony's partner in revenge. Richard Jekyll is Martin, who started it all. And paid the price. I'm going to kill you, Picard. George Rivera as Killing Machine. The ultimate instrument of revenge. Killing Machine. It wasn't meant to be a real war. They came as a small group of 20,000. Conquering heroes. Sent out to smother a disturbance. Before long, half a million of the Empire's finest soldiers were caught up in a bloody civil war. The Empire's finest soldiers were caught up in a bloody civil war. You're in low-carb, Chris. I'll get you. Damn it, man! It's not my idea to fight the war this way. Torn Allegiance. A story of families split apart by divided loyalties. As men are reduced to animals, brother fights brother. And for once, women find that men are not alone. They are not alone. They are not alone. They are not alone. They are not alone. Women find that men are not alone in paying the price of war. Maria. What's it like? With a man? Ah! Give us the girl, Granny! Give me! Stop! I'll shoot! The siege is on. The US Marshal has barricaded himself and his family in their apartment, with the US Marshal as hostage. Danny Travis is armed and dangerous. Richard Harris is Danny Travis. Penelope Milford is Danny's daughter. Martin Landau is Captain Garrity. Travis, you're goddamn fool. Danny Travis. Eccentric. Inventor. Genius Extraordinary. He loves kids. His family. His home. Neighbors. Aaron Black is Paula, the tough TV reporter. Mr. Travis, is it important enough to warrant taking the law into your own hands, endangering lives, possibly harming the futures of your children? Let me refresh your memory. You assaulted a Marshal in the line of duty. Though you had been legally evicted, you refused to leave, didn't you? And that's how you met the Marshal, who by this time was also your hostage. Mr. Travis, you don't own this property. What the owners did was their business. Oh, right. I agree with you. I agree it's their business. And what the city is doing now is their business. What the Marshal is doing out there is his business. But living here was our business. And nobody is concerned about our business. Do you know why? Because our business was to be neighbors. It was to get up in the morning, go to work, to take care of our children, to try and live together as neighbors. But there's no money in it. You see, look, I am sick and tired of seeing people getting elected, you know, to office, and they say I'm just like you and me and all of those people out there. But as soon as they get into office, they disappear behind departments and government agencies. But you can't fight that kind of power. You can't even see that kind of power. It's a bomb. It's a damn bomb. Get up. Go. Move. Ben, pull down those lights. Danny Travis is an individualist, and today that is very dangerous indeed. Don't miss Danny Travis. You may never meet another man like him. Live wire. Pull out. Go.