Now, the total horror has begun. Now there is no way out. Now the ocean becomes a graveyard. The faster you run, the quicker you die. Because once they were almost human. Shockwaves, the deep end of horror. Starring the masters of shock, John Carradine and Peter Cushing. You are indeed very stupid. Now it is too late. Something unknown, something unforeseen, something unspeakable lives below. And it lives to destroy. They have risen. You mean to say that what we all saw out there is just a mirage? Well then, the total core, the death core, creatures more horrible than any you can imagine. From beyond the dead, from beneath the living, from the depths of hell's ocean, everything they touch will die in the deep. Shockwaves. Once they were almost human. Some men rode alone. Men of action. Men who tried to shoot the sun down. I don't know how many times I told him. Siesta, ain't no time to go calling on folks. Shoot the sun down. I don't know how many times I told him. Academy Award winner Christopher Walken is Mr. Rainbow, the deadly loner whose destiny is a rendezvous with death. That's a pretty song. And would it be the melody or the singer, Mr. Rainbow, that catches your fancy? Margo Kidding, Bo Brunden, Jeffrey Lewis, and Oscar winner Christopher Walken. Shoot the sun down. Only in an endless desert lies the answer. Hello! Hi! Shoot the sun down. Mikey and Nicky. They're gonna kill me. You're not gonna die. You're gonna die? I know it's for a fact they're gonna kill me. You are not gonna die. Peter Falk, John Cassavetes, Mikey and Nicky. Ma, if anything happens to me, Mikey did it. You're not gonna die.