You've got to do it, make it happen, a little better each day. You've got to do it, you can, a little stronger every day. You're pushing yourself, cause you've got to dream. A day at a time is closer than it seems. Just keep it up, no matter what, and make it all come true. Push it, do it, a little each day. Push it, do it, you can do it. You can do it? Believe in yourself. You make it happen. Watch these people. They did it, you can do it too. Paul Avalone, look at his before picture, look at his after picture. Big, overweight, tried every diet, tried every fitness gimmick, but when he brought a personal trainer into his home, he changed his whole life because he got proper exercise technique. Look at his small waist, chest, toned arms, he did it. Look at Martha Wright, before and after. Look at her small waist, look at her toned legs, look at her face in the before picture, look at the face in the after. Do you not think she's a happy woman? She's a motivated woman, she has high energy levels, completely changed her life because technique is the key. Brian Kubiak, well, what can we say about him? 190 pounds, he lost a whole other person. His wife, when she called us up, said that he takes her dancing twice a week, pretty positive. Everybody, just use a personal trainer. As your personal trainer, I'm going to educate you in a very simple manner. I'm going to motivate you in a very aggressive but positive manner. I truly believe that the key to personal and financial success is a well-balanced exercise program. One that gets you in shape, makes you look better, feel better, have higher energy levels. Your self-confidence is at its all-time high, which means your success level is at its all-time high. In target training three, I'm going to work out your total body, shape it, strengthen it, and give it flexibility. I'm then going to outline for you exercise methods that, when they're combined in the proper order, will give you, finally, long-lasting results that you absolutely, without any question, deserve. How do you use this video? Simply, just use it! Only kidding, okay? There's three different exercise levels in this video. You have a beginner level that is 30 seconds or less per exercise at your own pace. Intermediates will go 60 seconds per exercise level at your own pace. Advanced, 90 to 120 seconds per exercise at your own pace. Come into the workout slowly. Learn exercise technique. Technique is the key. Then, add weight resistance. Very important for you to understand that. Your workout schedule, three days a week I want to meet you. Every other day, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. And between those days, I want you to choose 15 to 30 minutes of a low-impact or no-impact aerobic exercise. Some of my recommendations for that are this. Outdoor walking, indoor walking on a treadmill or walker. Outdoor bicycling or indoor bicycling like on an aerodyne bicycle. Stepping machine stair climbers with dual action movement. Excellent for cardiovascular or cardiorespiratory benefits with total body shaping available in that. Remember, balance is the key to long-lasting results. That's what we're going to do. Now, let's begin our first segment of our exercise program with exercise technique. Technique demonstrations so that you can learn the right way to do it so you get results in a lot shorter time that are safe and effective. Wait until you see the models. I'd now like to introduce you to our first model assistant who's an international swimwear model. She's got a great body, Renee Sena. Get up here. How you doing? Great. Is technique important to you in your workouts? It sure is. You look great, so it must be. First thing we're going to show everybody out there is our first exercise is modified squats. Then I'm going to show you the target area. The target area for modified squats is frontal thigh, posterior thigh, butt, or gluteal muscles, or buttocks, whatever you want to say. Those are the muscle groups that it will work. I'm going to demonstrate technique first, and then I'm going to use Renee in a profile so you can see the other angles. Knees slightly wider than shoulder position, knees slightly flexed, abdominals tight, chest up. Head into a neutral position. Go down. Just like that. Come up. Squeeze the buttocks. Down and squeeze. Don't lock your legs back because you'll injure yourself. Hyper extension. One more time. Down and up. Now it's your turn. Turn sideways. Knees slightly flexed. Abdominals tight. Chest up. Let's do the movement. Come home with us, okay? Let's go. Just like that. Squeeze. And down. And squeeze. And one more time. And down. That's great. That's modified squats. Our next exercise is going to be wide stand squats, which works the inner part of the thigh, adductors. Ladies, you know what I mean. I'm going to turn around to the front. I'll show you the muscle groups that this will work. This is wide stand squats, and it's going to work the same thing. It's going to work the inner thigh, posterior thigh, buttocks, but it's also going to work the inner thigh, which is your adductor, ladies. Gentlemen, you really don't have to worry about it. It's nice shape and strengthens up, but mostly women, it's a tight area. It's an area that needs to be flexible and tight. I'm going to show the movement first. Little wider. Always remember in proper body alignment that your shoulders are over your hips, your hips are over your knees, and your knees are over your toes. Little wider than that, like this. My toe area, just like this. Abdominals tight, chest up, go down just a little ways. Not as far as the modified squats. Come up, squeeze. Don't lock it in. Don't lock this in, all right? Just a little bit. And squeeze. One more. And squeeze. Okay, now let's show them the profile. Let's show them the right side. For a good area. Okay, a little bit wider than that. Toes a little bit out. Like that, abdominals tight, chest out. Go ahead. Now do it with her. Let's go down. Just like that. You don't need to go down that far. Just right there. And up and squeeze. And two more. And squeeze. And the last one. Good job. Next exercise is lateral leg raises. You want to get down slowly. You don't want to injure yourself. Always take your time. Get in into the position. Don't go sideways. The target area that this is going to work is the abductor muscles, which is your hip muscles, okay? For toning, tightening. Strengthen them if you're going to play a lot of sports like some of the guys would, okay? Bring this leg back. Keep the knee flush to this area. Abdominals real tight. If you could, Renee, let's put your hand right here so you can check. The reason I'm doing this is very simple, okay? When a person usually does these, they fly up with their legs, which has no effect except for it will torque your spine, injure your back, does nothing for your legs. I'm going to show you a little bit better form on this. Okay, now you come up. Let's see your foot position right here. Just like that. Just that far and down. Go ahead. Do it at home. And get the technique down before we get into the workout. I had weights to mine. So there. Okay, just like that. Okay, now let's show them a method that they can lie down a little bit more so you can get a lot less stress and you maybe could go a little longer. The way she supports her neck so she doesn't injure her neck. Same thing. Abdominals tight. Legs brace. This leg's back bracing. Let's go. Like three. Two. And three. And that's it. The lateral leg raises. Our next movement will be dumbbell rows. You want to slowly get up. Pretty determined. Always roll your vertebrae up. Use your hands. Slowly get up. And once you get injured, getting up or getting down. Next exercise is going to work. We're going to show you the area that targets. Go ahead and turn around a little bit here. Works the back, the large part of the back, which is the latissimus dorsi. V taper, you know. I'm going to demonstrate the technique first. You can go ahead and watch me, Renee. And I'm going to use weight with it, all right? Same thing. Always bend down slowly. Use your legs to pick it up. Flexing knee position. This is for bracing for your back. Same way here. Let it go forward. Come back. Squeeze it. Stretch it out. Squeeze it. Stretch it out. One more time. Bring it up. And squeeze it down and over. All right? Go ahead and show them the open hand method. Your knees flex position. Abdominals tight. A little bit lower. Go ahead and get your arm right. Keep your back flat. Okay. Good job. Now do this at home. Just like that. Stretch it down. Bring it up. Stretch it down. Great looking back. Real important. That's the way. Come on. One more time. And down. And that's it for the dumbbell rows. Our next exercise is going to work the chest muscles, and that's chest crossovers. We have to get down again, but slowly. Get down. You want to lay on your back, lie on your back, however you want to say it. It's very important for you. Usually I wouldn't have you going up and down and up and down, but it's important in body shaping that you work your largest muscle groups first, going down in size. So you always start with your legs, then you go lats, then you go chest, then you go shoulder, tricep, bicep. That's how we're going to work this workout out. Okay? She's going to do the crossovers, which is going to be the target area will be her chest. All right? As well as her abdominals, because she's going to come up and get some range with it. Knees braced. Okay? Back flush to the floor surface. Abdominals tight. All right? And you want to take your arms up. Start them in the up position like this. She's got them crossed over. Now go ahead and come up at the same time. And when you do the movement, you're like that. Now start going down. Just like this. Bring it up. Cross it over to the other side. Alternate them. Okay? That's the way. Just like that. She's working her chest, but at the same time she's working her abdominal muscles. And it's real important to look at the ceiling. Do not flex your neck. Only keep it up like that. This is the type of movement. We're going to do three more. Do it with us at home. Come up and down. Squeeze it up and down. One more. Squeeze it up and hold. And down. And that's it for chest crossovers. Next is going to be push-ups, modified push-ups. Another important thing to remember is proper breathing technique. Usually when you perform an exercise, before you do the actual technique, you breathe in. As the exercise finishes, you exhale. If that's a problem to you, then just breathe normally throughout the exercise. That's it for you. Great job. Get up slowly. You're out of here, but we'll see you in the workout. Now I'm going to introduce you to our next exercise model assistant. Her name is Lily Lima, and she works for the Home Shopping Network as a professional model for the world-famous Designer Row. Lily, come on down. How are you? Fine, how are you? Great. You train pretty hard. Yes, I do. Sure shows. Really shows. We're going to get down slowly. Always get down real slow. We're going to do the modified push-ups, so just like that. You're going to cross your feet, and it doesn't matter. You can cross your feet or you can have them straight out, however you want to do it. You want to come back up, keep your hands. You want to keep from having any bowl in your back. You want to protect your back, so you almost roll it up a little bit. Tighten your abdominals just like this. Arms, little flex at the elbow, just like that. Now go down slowly, come up, squeeze up. Down again, and squeeze up. Just like that. Same way, guys. You can do regular push-ups, guys, if you want, but believe me, if you get into technique, you can do it. Do this at home with us. Get into just watching your chest muscles. Just like that. Okay, one more. Hold it. Great job. That's it for the modified push-ups. Our next exercise is shoulder press. You'll have to get up slowly. Get up with your knees. Roll those vertebrae up. Take it easy. Go to the front right here. I'm going to show you the area that it works. Actually, it's going to work your front deltoids. Your target area is right here. Okay? It works mostly your anterior. You do get some medial, and you do get some of your posterior, but mostly the front head. And I show you part of the guys, the women, that type of thing. No shoulder pads, that type of thing. Okay, you want to take your knees and get them in a brace position. All right? Abdominals tight, chest up. Okay, just like that. Bring your arms up, just like you're going to do a press. Okay? Just like that. Bring your elbows back. Okay, start a little bit lower than that. Now go up and press. And down, just like that. See that? She's got great deltoids. Great shoulders. Come on. Everyone, do it at home. Take your time, really. Just keep it slow, just about that far. Don't go up quite that high. You want to put tension on the area. And one more time. Let's go one more. Okay, and that's it for shoulder presses. Our next exercise is dumbbell laterals. I'm going to demonstrate technique from the front, and then I'm going to use Lily to do it from the profile. But the target area that the dumbbell laterals works is the lateral or medial head of the deltoid. Remember, there's three different muscles in that shoulder, not just one. Okay? I'm going to go ahead and demonstrate it first. Good to keep a good brace position. Knees slightly flexed. Abdominals tight, chest up. You're bent over a little bit, but you're letting your back of your thigh biceps strength keep you in a good, stable motion. Just like this. That high and down. And up and down. Now, I'm used to using weight. She's going to do the open hand method, which would be like this. Okay? Just like that. Okay, let's show them, Lily. We'll turn to a profile. Okay, knees slightly flexed. Abdominals really tight. Go ahead and get your arms in position. Bend over a little bit. Let's see. Okay, go up with them. Just like that and down. Bring them in. That's right. Get comfortable with it. Grab tight. Do it at home. Get used to it. That's the way. You can see right where it's working. Look at this. Good job. Two more. That's it. And the last one. Good job. That's it for dumbbell laterals. Our next movement is tricep extension. I'm going to just slowly show this one. I'm going to turn to the side. The target area that this will work is the back of the arm, which is right in here, the biggest part of the arm. The bicep is the second biggest part. So we're going to do a tricep. You want to get your legs a little bit apart so that you embrace your position. Embrace your hand on that. Abdominals tight. Real tight. Keep the elbow in close. And what you do is you just come back, squeeze it. Okay? Now this way. And back. Squeeze it. Very important. One more time. Just like that. Now go through the movement a couple times. Do it at home. Just like that. Make sure technique is good. One more. Good job. That's it for tricep extensions. Our next movement is going to be bicep flexion. Don't forget to do the other arm, all right? Okay, the target area that this particular exercise is going to work is the biceps. You know where it's at. Let's have Willie show us right in here. Flex it up and down. It's got great biceps. That's the way. One more time. That is the bicep muscle. Okay? I'm going to show it first, the actual technique with dumbbells, and then we're going to do a profile with her. So I'm going to bend down really slowly. Use my legs to pick up the dumbbells. Just like this. Flexing the position, abdominals tight. And up and down. Just like that. Squeeze it up and down. Keep your elbows in the same position in the same fixed rotation. Just like that. And down. That's the front view. Let's go to the profile with Lilly. I'm going to turn sideways right here. Okay, knees slightly flexed. Abdominals tight. Chest up. Okay, go ahead and do the movement. Come in tight. And down. Just like that. Do this at home. It's not swinging it like a lot of people do like this. Just keep it in tight. And down. Staying in the same position. That's how you work biceps. Just like that. One more time after that. And that's it. What muscles. We're going to see you in the workout. I'm going to bring Renee back because I want to show off her calves, which you've seen as well as everyone. You've got to see these. Have a great one. See you at the workout. Bye-bye. Renee, calf woman. You can even hear her bouncing through. Okay, come on up. We're going to show calves with Renee. She wants to slowly turn around. You'll see why I brought Renee back for this one. What we're going to work, the target area we're going to work on this, heel raises, is right here. Go ahead and bring it up. And down. And again, just like that. That's the target area. Now I'll go ahead. We might as well show you in both views. Flexing the position. Abdominals tight. Now watch when she puts her chest up. You can see her back straightened out. Look at that. Perfect. Okay, now go up. Just like that. Down. Go up. Squeeze it up. And down. Take your time. Just a little bit. There. That's all. And down. One more. Be doing these at home. Okay? Now I want to show you the profile of that movement. Inside. Same thing. Get a good brace position. Abdominals tight. Chest up. Go ahead. Just tight. And down. Just like that. Great job. And one more. Good job. That's it. That's it for exercise technique demonstrations. Remember, technique is the key to getting results quickly and safely. We're now going to go into the workout. Start with the active warm-up. Now for your active warm-up. To increase your blood circulation, lung ventilation, prepare your body for exercise. My exercise. Come on. Just march it out. Get into it. Move everything out in your apartment, in your house. Don't give a dart about who's watching you. I'm not like an aerobics instructor or anything like that. Some people we know. I just need to get the blood up, all right? Look like a fool in your living room like I do out here. Come on. Just get the blood moving. Increase your muscle flexibility. So when you bend down, you can get back up. Almost there. Done. Static stretching. Slowly down on the ground. Start with the low back. Bring it in. We're going to get into the blues now. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. That's the only counting you'll ever hear me do. Ten. Okay. Put it down. Hamstring back. All the way to a comfortable tension, all right? Don't try to bring it all the way back. In three, four, five, six. Come on. Eight, nine, ten. Down slow. Bring the other leg up. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Good job. Down slow. Turn to your side. You've done this one before. If you're one of my members, go back and stretch out. This is where you get your back adjustment. Four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, and ten. Other side. Probably on this move, you probably wish that Renee was back, right? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, and ten. Slowly roll it over. Stretch it out. I'm going to be quiet here and just listen to the tunes, okay? So I can just go do, do, do, do, do. Prepare yourself for exercise. Great exercise. Seven, eight, nine, and ten. Roll it to the front. Don't overdo this. Press down gently, very gently, only to a stretch sensation, and hold. You can warm your head up, your neck up if you want, but no real jerky movements. I'm sweating. I'm perspiring already. It's because the lights are hot. Come on. No hyperextension just to close it. Okay, legs out. Cavs, take it back. And get a little hamstring out of this as well. Flexibility, yeah. Come on, good job. Slowly get up. Use your hands. Stretch. Six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Other side. Use your hands. Support yourself, okay? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Good music, isn't it? Good job. Slowly get up. A lot of oxygen, come on. Shoulder stretch, and across, and hold. Three, four. Can you hear me counting? Seven, eight, nine, and ten. Other side, come on. Three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, and ten. Triceps. Back of your arms. No granny arms going to be in this workout. Four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Other side. It's harder for me to reach. Short arms that are like muscular and big, all right? That's my excuse. Okay. Biceps, and back. And just hold it. Come on. Three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. And that's it. Not bad, I'm getting back in shape. Now, the workout. You'll enjoy it. Modified squats. You know how to do it, or you better know how to do it. I'm going to use weight, all right? Slowly bend down. Pick it up with your legs, not your back. Good brace position, abdominals tight. Let's begin. Squeeze it. This is beginner time. I don't think it's quite the same as Miller time. Come on. Get into it. What do you want out of life? You'll go out once, get the most. High energy level. Beginners, you are almost out of here. See, what do you think of molly muscle? And max muscle. Come on. Get into it. Squeeze it up. Squeeze it. That's it. There's Renee. Looking great. Come on. You can do it. If she can do it. Come on. Intermediate. See ya. Now advanced. Advanced, they're very successful people. They work hard. They go for it. They put all their energy into it. Life is too short for them. You have to get the most. You can do it. Okay, next one. Hold it tight and down. And hold it. And one more time. Hold it tight and rest. Come on. A lot of air. You can do it. Come on. Believe in yourself. Come on. Come on. Dance. Come on. Squeeze it. Squeeze it, squeeze it. And hold real tight. That's it. Wide stance squats. I know you can do it. I believe in you. Okay, wide stance. For wide stance, make sure your knees follow your toes. You should know how to do it. Let's begin. Squeeze that butt. If you don't, nobody else will. Come on. Get into it. You have to go for it. Every day in life, you gotta go for it. You can do the best you can be. Beginners, you're out of here. There's Renee. Come on. Adductors for the women. Inside of the thigh. Tight. Tone. You can do it. Keep it smooth. That's the way. A lot of air. Come on. Intermediates, you're almost out of here. Follow Molly Muscle out. Come on. Squeeze it. Bye-bye, intermediate. Good dance. Next one, squeeze and hold. And down. Squeeze and hold. Begin. Squeeze and hold one more time and rest. Come on. This is a short one. Come on. Get into it. Get the most out of life. You only go around once. You gotta be your best. You gotta have your highest energy level. Enjoy your kids. Come on. And hold it tight. Real tight. Shake it out. Loosen it up. The next exercise, we get to lie down and do it. Lateral leg raises. Shake it out. Slowly put the weights down. You don't have to go to lighter weight. Bring this one up with your legs. We'll slowly get down. Slowly get down. Four. Remember technique on this one. Weight on the side. Does that look right, Renee? Let's go. Keep it small movement. Come on. Great looking thighs for the ladies. More stability for the men. Racket ball. Lateral movements. Come on. Gosh, you can't tell me you're out of here already. Come on. See you, beginners. Take it easy, guys. Take it easy, ladies. Just enjoy it. Come on. Look at Renee. Those legs. Come on. Do it. You can do it. Get the movement short. Intermediate. You got it. Come on. And bye-bye. No advance. Come on. Vice or life. Variety. Come on. Give your stamina for your life. Or your wife. Or vice versa. Come on. Do it. Next one. Hold. Shorten up it. Come on. You can do it. You're out of here. Advanced. We don't have the other side yet. Slowly turn around. A lot of oxygen. Prepare yourself. It takes me a while to get ready for this stuff. Ready, begin. Come on. Come on. You got to do this. You got to do this. You're getting shape. Get tight. Firm. Tone to the bone like some of my other tapes, eh? Come on. Get into it. You got to want it. Vice or life. Variety is the spice of life. Come on. Come on. Beginners. Easy for you. You're out of here. Look at this girl running. Come on. Is that the picture of health? You can be that way. Either that or you like walk into your grave. You got a choice. Come on. Get into it. Go for it. Watch your legs. Get into it. Come on. Come on. Intermediate. You're almost done. Go for it and you're out of here. Advance. Advance got like really nice looking hips. Good looking butts. Live longer. Have higher energy levels. Have more stamina for the life or the wife. Vice versa I guess. Come on. Come on. You can do it. You can do it. You can do it. You can do it. You can do it. You can do it. You can do it. You can do it. You can do it. Come on. Come on. You can do it. Okay. I'm going to do some short ones in a second here right now. Come on. You can burn. A little bit here. Come on. You can do it. You can do it. Hold it. That's it. Next exercise is dumbbell rolls. The showy part of the back. Come on. Slowly get up. A lot of oxygen. Put that dinky weight down if you're a dinky workout person. Get the big weight. Slowly get up. Brace knee position. Abs tight to protect your back. Let's hit it. Stretch it. Come on. That's the way. Come on. Stretch it. Get into it. Get into the music. Come on. You can do it. Stretch it out. Stretch it out. Come on. Beginners, you're out of here. Look at Renee. Look at her form. Get her. Get into it. Come on. You can too. Come on. Stretch it. Easy stuff. Come on. Enjoy it. The results. It gives you after the workout, intermediate, bye-bye, and then this. Take it to the women. Come on. Suck it in. Come on. Stretch it. Stretch it. Come on. Squeeze it up. Stretch it down. That's the way. Come on. Come on. Go for it. Come on. Stretch it. Big back. Strong back. Out of here. Shake it out. A lot of oxygen. Brace position. Abs tight. Let's begin. Need a lot of air on this. Oxygen. And more oxygen. Stretch it. Stretch it. Come on. Forget it. Go long. Come on. That's visual motivation for the guys. And for the women. Sitting in a jacuzzi in great shape. Come on. Get into it. What a vibe. Motivation. Visual motivation. Intermediate. You're long gone. Okay, get into the movement in advance. Get into it. Not easy for me. But what it does for you. Worth every bit of it. Come on. Stretch it. Come on. Stretch it out. Come on. Go for it. Tuck it in. Come on, advance. It's going to be real special. It's going to be called advance. Come on. Pick it up. Stretch it out. Woo. That's it. Prolapse. Now chest. Crossovers. I'm going to put the heavy weight down and get the light weight for these. Slowly. Weight's over. We get to lie down on this movement. That means I'm going to have a lot more energy. So you're really going to have to keep up with me. Brace position. You know how to do it. Big chest for the guys. Big chest for the women. Come on. Squeeze it. Squeeze it. Come on. Get into it. Squeeze your abs. Woo. Get out of here, beginners. You know, when I was saying advanced, you're better than everyone else. No, you're just good for your own level. Everybody, as long as you're doing something for your health, you're a winner. You're going to live longer, higher energy levels. You can do it. Come on. Yeah. You're out of here, intermediates. Come on. Watch Renee. Watch her technique with her open hand grip. Come on. She can do it. You can too. Come on. Squeeze it. That's the way. Come on. Concentrate. You have to concentrate on life. You have to put 110%. Come on. Hold it. And down. Come on. That's the way. Come on. Do it. Come on, advanced. Hold it. And down. Come on. Hold it tighter. Woo. That's it. Next, modified push-ups. Slowly roll over. Push those darn weights out of the way. Good position. Make sure your stomach's tight. Just a little bit. Let's begin. Flex the chest. Come on. You should feel it. See who's a wimp and who's not. Come on. Come on. Beginners. You're out of here. Get into it. Look at Lily. Come on. Chest. Chest. That's the way. Come on. Intermediates. Next one is hold it. You're out of here, intermediate. I think I should have went out with the intermediates. I have to be quiet right now because I have to do this. Come on. Come on. Next one. Hold it up. That's it. Next one is going to be standing up for shoulders. Big shoulders. Slowly get up. A lot of oxygen. You'll really need it. Bend down again. Slowly with your legs. Pick up the weights. I shouldn't have drank that orange crush. Brace position. Ready. Let's begin. Listen, beginners. You don't want to wait in between sets. Fast forward to the next exercise. Look at Lily. Look at her shoulders. Look at them. She looks great. Look at you. Beginners. So long, baby. What is it? Hasta la vista? Come on. Get into it. A lot of air. It's hard for me, too. I'm telling you, dude. Intermediates. Go for it. And hold it. Go on, intermediate 10. Don't forget the aerobic exercise. Look at the stepper. Come on. You need cardio respiratory, too. Balance. A balance fitness program. I'm your personal trainer. Come on. Hold it. And down. Hold it. And down. Hold it. Whoo. Roll it out. Shake it out. Next will be shoulder laterals. We've done the laterals. You can do it. Shoulder laterals. Second wind. You can do it. But get rid of these, all right? The other weights are more applicable. Brace knee position. Let's do it. And do it good. Come on. Come on. Believe in yourself. Conceive. Believe. Come on. Look at Lily. Look at her shoulders. Look at me spinning all over the floor when I was trying to do that. Come on. You can do it. Go for it. Beginners. Yeah. Go long. Bye-bye. Come on. Remember, you can always fast-forward your next exercise. If you're aggressive, if you're into it, come on. Yeah. Come on. The only reason I'm yelling is because I'm hyped. Come on. Tight. Put the most out of life. I'm gonna get it. I'm really gonna get it. Hold it. So long. Come on. Go with this. Come on. Look at this. Hey, ladies. That should get you psyched. Look at it. She's getting fit in her jeans. Look at it, guys. Look at it. Come on. Go for it. Out of air. Hold it. And down. And hold it. And down. And hold it again. One more time. Come on. Whoo. Good job. Shake it out. Next thing we're gonna do is triceps. That part of the arm right there. You can do it. Do it good. Come on. Second wind. Drop the weight. We don't need it. Maybe you shouldn't do that in your house, though, okay? Slowly bend over. Knee flex position. Now. Come on. Come on. No more granny arms. For you guys, you'll have, like, no pipe arms. You'll have big arms. Strong arms. That's the way. Come on. Go for it. Look at Lily. Look at her tricep. She's toned to the bone. Come on. Feeling good. Feeling great. Beginners, you're bye-bye. Come on. And squeeze it up. Squeeze it up. Squeeze it. Come on. Think of yourself as a car. What kind of car do you want to be? A pintle? Or a Corvette? Notice they use American cars? Come on. Did it last time? Hold it! Intermediate bye-bye. Advanced. Go for it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Come on. Tight. Tight. Tight. Keep your elbow in. Come on. Come on. Next one. Hold it. And in. And hold it. And in. And hold it. Shake it out. A lot of air. Get ready for the other side. Same thing. Come on. That's the way. Come on. If you don't enjoy the workout, you're sure the heck going to enjoy the results. You will. Come on. Hold it. One more. Hold it. Beginners. Hit the road, man. Come on. That's the way. Come on. That's the way. Come on. You can do it. Come on. Intermediate. About that time, isn't it? Come on. About that time. Time to say goodbye. Mr. Rogers. Bye. Come on. Look at this bike race. That should get you psyched. Come on. Aromag. Cardiorespiratory. Kick somebody's buns right there. Come on. Go into it. Come on. Keep it tight. Keep it tight. Short movement. Squeeze it. Squeeze it. Squeeze it. Intermediate. I should dance, dance, dance, dance. Out of here. How did I ever get immediate? That's how much this workout has been screwing me up. Shake it out. Shake it out. Next, we're going to do bicep flexion. You notice I'm getting more energy when we get to the end of this workout? Come on. Slowly put this weight down. Like that. Pick this up. Come on. Brace knee position. I think you can do this, right? Let's go. This is the way. Come on. In. Squeeze it in. As if it looks like I'm mad at you, because I am. Come on. This is an easy movement. Come on. Gosh. Many beginners get out of here so fast. Don't do it. It's not fair. See you, beginners. Oh, look at Lily's arms. And the rest of her body's not bad either. Come on. Do it. In through. Squeeze it in. I'm not saying swing it. I'm saying squeeze it. Come on. That's the way. Come on. Do it. Come on. Next one. Hold it tight. Come on. Intermediate stroke. Come on. Squeeze it in and hold it tight. Down and squeeze it and down and squeeze it and advance. Come on. Show them what it's all about. Come on. How much do you want it? How much do you want a great life? Come on. Look it. There's what makes motivation. Those are my kids, Tara and Trent. That's what you work for. Try to be your best so that they have the best. Come on. You can do it. If you can't, everybody can tell. Come on. Tight. Hold it. Down slow. Last exercise. Come on. Again. Good looking calves. Shapely lower legs. Last exercise. Come on. Think anyone else in your house can hear me? Come on. I'm your obnoxious personal trainer. Come on. But I get results for you, for your family because you look good, feel good. Look at Renee. Check those calves out. Imagine what they look like in high heels. Come on. Go for it. Get into it. You're out of your beginners. I gave you a couple seconds more because I really like you. Come on. Think about it. Last exercise. You made it. I hope you made it. Come on. Intermediate. Hang it up there. Come on. Hang it up there. So long. Dance. Last exercise. Balance. Come on. Coordination. Determination. Feel better. Look better. Live longer. Come on. You're home. Tight. Tone. Shapely. Aggressive. Come on. Go for it. Intermediate. I want you to hold the next one. Hold it. And down. And hold it. And down. And last one. Whoo. Whoo. Put the weights down. Walk it out. Put the oxygen. Move it around. Move that body around. Whoo. Be your best. Stretching. You have to stretch at the end of this workout. So slowly get down. Just keep your blood from pulling into your extremities. Make you even more flexible. Keep the cramps from coming. Come on. Relax. Listen to this music. It should put you to sleep, but you'll wake right back up. I'm not going to count. I'm too tired to count. You count yourself. You put the one leg down. Out. Come back. Stretch it. You're ready for your day. Make it a great day. A productive day. A money day. Or a honey day. Or the other way. You have to cool down. On your side. Adjustment. Think about your day. Think what you're going to do. Every day is precious. You have to go for it. You really have to go for it. Other side. Move those waves. You can't go all the way on this. It doesn't matter. Just go as far as you can. Sooner or later you'll be flexible enough to go all the way down. Never push it. Do the workout slowly. Get into exercise technique. Very slowly turn around. Get into the praying position because you made it. Slowly get up. My favorite stretch. On oxygen. Life goes too fast. You saw my kids. Don't you think they're worth working for? Come on. Do you think they're worth doing the best you can? Slowly get up. Stretch out the arms. Shoulders. A lot of oxygen. Great job. It's the end of your workout. It's the beginning of your day. The beginning of your life. Believe in yourself. Make it happen. You can do it. Check me out every other day. Great workout and be positive. You can do it.