This program was brought to you by the number one vehicle company in Australia, Toyota. Next Friday for the first time on television... Scary, scary. Don't we look mean. An epic adventure of war and peace. She's got both those thoughts. Disgusting. Let's hack her to pieces. Of heroes... Why didn't you come up by the stairs? ...and villains. Throw down your weapons or we kill the children. Well, now we'll kill the children anyway. John Cleese stars in this bold voyage. She wants to take us on the edge of the world. There is no edge of the world. Toyota presents Eric the Viking next Friday on 7. Here's an exclusive limited offer from Solomon's Carpet. It's magic. Right now you can have this beautiful 100% pure new war merino carpet for only $117 a meter. It's incredible. Heavy duty merino carpet. Three styles, 18 colors. It's exclusive to Solomon's. Whoops! And this unique merino carpet stain treatment really works. And if you buy in February, we'll give you this premium Dunlop underway absolutely free. And you don't have to pay until May. See Vin Stile at Solomon's. America's new craze... Oh, God. ...has Australia in stitches. Dinosaur's Sunday. This program proudly brought to you by Nike and Evian Natural Springwater. Thank you. Thanks, guys. Thanks so much. And welcome to another Friday Night End Tonight Live. And it is, of course, Valentine's Day. Hey. Oh. It's a bit like that. Named after, of course, St. Valentine, the patron saint of florists. And it's a bit like that. And it's a bit like that. And it's a bit like that. And it's a bit like that. And it's a bit like that. And it's a bit like that. And it's a bit like that. And sAh, it's changed France, but I mean, this turned out great. And it's like that. Oh, Group B. Like I said. Good vibes, right? And thank you. And then of course, Last but not least at the end of the day Inc Sick from St. trust. I'm sorry. And this is amazing. All right, folks. and the stinking weather. What kind of weather is this? How'd you like to be up in Sydney where they got belted by hailstones the size of hailstones? And a big hi to all those people who took their holidays in February when the rest of us took it in January. You know all those people who are going, oh yes we're taking our holidays in February because of course it's after the school holidays, lot quieter, the weather's beautiful. Ha ha bloody ha! I put buckets down on you. Now speaking of comedy, I think it always tends to send your mind towards the Victorian Government and always good for a laugh, aren't they? We're still reeling here in Victoria from the thought that 23,000 students have nowhere to go after passing. Look, is it just me or am I the only one thinking why was this a surprise? I mean it's not like these students have come from nowhere. They knew they were doing year 12. You know it's like yeah they're doing year 12. What they've all finished? Oh god. Ah, so that would mean we've got no places for them. Oh I knew there was another step. It is so embarrassing isn't it? Couldn't the Government at least pretend they had a plan? This hopeless sort of, oh jeez I don't know it's all news to me. If I can't say it they keep running around screaming the sky is falling, the sky is falling one more time. But mind you we shouldn't laugh, but we will hopefully. Because they have unveiled their master plan. Yes the Victorian State Government unveiled the master plan and it's beautiful, beautiful plan. Simple yet elegant in its complexity. Basically all it is, we're in debt, we're in Stook Street, we get someone to give us a lot of money. Why didn't we think of that? Such a good idea from the Kermit Government. Nah that's it, that'll get us out of it. You give us a check for three bill. Three billion? Like yeah I can see Paul Keating doing it. Can you imagine it's along the lines of, um Dad I've stacked the car can I have another one? Yeah no worries son, yeah get yourself a nice thing. Can you imagine John Koenigar out there going, please sir I want some more. More? Speaking of Paul Keating, has anyone actually seen Paul Keating lately? Where is he? Thank you it was rhetorical. Where is he? I can't believe it we've had more confirmed sightings of Elvis than we have of the Prime Minister. How long, how long can you stand in front of an open window going, mine, all mine? Before you finally get out and actually do something. I can't wait, the tension. When's he going to mount up and ride I keep thinking. When's he going to get rolling? Compass is back. Excited by that. Don't you feel good about that? Compass looks like it's coming back. They managed to knock off a couple of old anset jets. They're spraying them one in the clock back. Goodness do. Just as well too, I thought that AAA airline, I'm sure it'll be fine but it sounds dodgy at the start doesn't it? AAA airline, I mean they don't have any runways, they've got no planes, they're already in debt, they're run by Victorians I guess. And they've got three pilots who currently are just standing there doing this a lot. Sure on paper it looks bad but they have the largest hang glider air force in the known world. You can glide down and look at the plus side, they've got no overheads, tickets are bound to be cheap. It's got to be a plus, you can't use them for anything but that's standard procedure. What else has been excitingly happening in this? Well I guess it would have occurred to all of you, you would have seen this. The Japanese in the news once again, whaling this time down in Antarctica. Now before you get aggro, because I sensed you were about to, thank you. The Japanese are purely doing scientific experiments down there with the whales. They're just testing how harpoons work. And there's a bit of a symposium going to see how many slices of whale meat you can get per serve. This is all necessary stuff. But for mine the big one happened today. Did you see this? A Japanese tanker ran aground on a sandbar off Western Australia. And you know that was no accident, they were led there by whales. It's their crack anti-terrorist squad in operation. Yes, score one for the whales, yes! That's great. Now we have a thrill-packed show for you tonight. We're going to the Desperate and Dateless Ball. We've got Steve Monaghetty, the world champion inter-chat. We're also going to be doing lots of viewer faxes. And we've got Ian Moss playing. Plus, controversially, we have Fat Cat here live in the studio. Yes, that's right. The one they thought they were rid of, he's going to spill his guts for us tonight. In a visual kind of way. But first, with the latest headlines, here is Naomi Robson. Good evening everyone. And just when things look bleak for Compass Airlines, New Flyers Southern Cross have stepped in with a merger offer. Compass and many of its staff could be back in the air within three months. Nearly two months after the grounding of Compass, the emergence of a white knight, the first real hope of a rescue deal. We're pleased to advise that Southern Cross Airlines has made an offer to us to merge their company with the activities of the Compass Airlines and Compass Holdings Group. Southern Cross has to raise $60 million to take over 75% of Compass. It hopes to lift off in three months. Cheers Australia! We're back. We did it! Friends of Compass wasted no time cracking open the champagne. Southern Cross has signed an important deal with American Airlines to provide funding and ground services. Iceman James Scott is under guard in Brisbane's Royal Hospital tonight. The Himalayan Trekkers homecoming sparked a security bun fight and anger over the use of police and other government facilities. A blanket shielding the seriously ill medical student from prior media rise, James Scott and his two-person medical team were offloaded into a waiting fleet of ambulances. Under police escort he was rushed through red lights often on the wrong side of the road to the Royal Brisbane Hospital. Inside doctors said James is now out of danger. I think he was subjected to intense tribation. I must say that it's a miraculous recovery. But outside it was the media who were at risk from protective hospital security. Don't start on me pal. What's your name? Large. Large. Bastard. And tonight a lot of Queenslanders want to know why government agencies like the police and ambulance services gave one man such VIP treatment. Especially his high-speed dash to hospital which is normally reserved for the critically ill. I have no knowledge that that occurred and if it did and if it was inappropriate I will have it looked at, yes. Four men appeared in a Sydney court today over a $50 million heroin seizure. The high-grade heroin in 25 one kilogram bags was allegedly found inside two cars which federal police had under surveillance. Two men from Sydney and two from Hong Kong have been charged with possessing a prohibited import. The maximum penalty is life imprisonment. Across the continent police believe they found their state's first act of eco-terrorism in forests south of Perth. They're blaming radical green groups for dozens of metal spikes driven into tree trunks. A lethal trap when loggers try to fell the trees with chainsaws. And a judge today accused a dozen Melbourne police of a cover-up. Their crime arriving late for court. Last Friday the prison transfer service turned up with their inmate at the usual time of 10am. Unfortunately, Morewell Judge Mullaley launched into his morning session at 9.30 sharp. Today all 12 officers responsible from the commander down were summons to apologise. No one had bothered to read the jail order which clearly set out the early time. And finally a story for the pampered pets file. Candyman will be a cut above the rest of the horses at tomorrow's gymkhana thanks to an Adelaide Hills hairdresser. The salon hasn't tackled a main before. Some of their regular customers aren't too sure about the new service. I don't want to get my hair cut there. But trimmed, teased and tinted Candyman took it all in his stride. I don't think I'll be having my hair cut there either. And that's all our news. Richard, I believe you're about to become a father. Well, yeah. Any second now, isn't it? Well, yeah, basically. See, hi Deb. Deb's due now. And so I've got, this is quite real, I've got the pager. So if it goes off, Naomi, you've got the gig. As an official member of the B team, you get to run with the ball. If the beeper goes, I'm out. Not a problem. I'm not nervous though, that's a good thing. Now look, we've got something special that came up. Now before I do it, let me introduce Count Paul Grabowski and the Group Maddox, ladies and gentlemen. Yeah, right, all right, all right. That's plenty, that's plenty. Don't, don't. That's plenty, you'll just milk it. Now the bizarre thing is the Archibald Prize went up today. And nothing bizarre about that. It was won by a painting of Paul Keating, which is a bit sad really. That's where he was. Yeah, yeah, I guess. He's been posing for that all these months. But it's silly to have that the winner, because you know, you can only see it during the week. Weekends they want it back at the ghost train. But the, but the runner-up, get this, was a painting of none other, Count Paul Grabowski. Can you believe this? Count, this is special. How did you get to be a, what do they call it? A settee. A settee, thank you. Good name for the Archibald Prize. Well, I happen to know the painter. He's the father of a musician who I play with. And he wanted to paint me for the Archibald. Oh, couldn't you have worn a frock or something? What is that? What are you wearing there? What is it, your bathrobe? Yeah, it is actually. Oh, Paul, really. See, I wonder if it'll be like the Mona Lisa in years to come, they'll wonder what you were thinking about. As indeed, do we think that about the painter come to think of it? Possibly nursing a hangover. Hey, listen, whereabouts are the groupmatics off playing somewhere, or are you off playing somewhere? I'm in Kiama and Wollongong over the weekend. Are you going to be playing or just a bit of fruit picking? I'm playing in Kiama tomorrow night and Wollongong Sunday. Excellent. Excellent. So, all those people... Oh, look, gosh, there happen to be the dates. However, did they get there? I've got to stop letting him go into the director's area. Take them off. Take them off. We've got lots to do, so we'll get on with it. If you've got any faxes you'd like to send him for Valentine's Day, do it right now. Quickly, here's the number in front of you right there. You can read, so jot it down. Send me a Valentine's Day type fax. We'll go away. When we come back, all sorts of stuff. Fat Cat, Patsy Biscoe here, live. This is live. Thank you. Thank you. You've probably worn things like our new running shoes before. You've probably worn them around your feet. Tarachi by Nike. They gave you the world's prettiest woman. Oh! Ha ha ha! Funniest disc chompy. And happiest three men and a baby. Now all Australia is laughing at and loving Steve Martin as father of the bride. Relaxed, sophisticated, and oh, so subtle. Drive carefully and don't forget to fasten your condom. Dad! Father of the Bride, Australia's number one comedy hit. Spectacular, isn't it? Yep. Pretty one day it may be gone. What do you mean gone? They'll have to build a dam here if people keep wasting water. Well, why don't they tell them to stop? They tried that. Some people never listen. Of course, if everyone started using less water right now, we could save hundreds of millions of dollars as well as this valley. Would you reckon they would? Of course I... They would. Don't be a wally with water. It's the summer of 92 and Nissan dealers have really turned up the heat on the last of their 91 stock. It's your last chance to grab a hot deal on New Ventura. Price is right. Hard even better. Too hot to miss, so hurry. Bevels will give you an extra 10% off everything. That's all marked prices, even sale items. Everything can be purchased on a no deposit lay-by, but only until 5pm Saturday and only at Bevels. Beautiful things, better prices. Violent Femmes, the band that charmed crowds worldwide with their live shows, held music lovers entranced through five albums, including their latest album, Why Do Birds Sing. They're like a mackerel music, they never heard of mackerel music. They're in all the music, sleep my soul. Violent Femmes, see them live across Australia this summer and look for the bonus tour CD of Why Do Birds Sing. Don't miss it. Oh hi darling, I thought I was going to miss you. Completely forgot about that late uni lecture, remember? Anyway, Gina's picking me up and I'm late as usual, but I haven't started dinner. Rissoles, you know those new beef ones? Why don't you do them on the barbie? Those are basil and parmesan and those are for the kids. Oh, this Gina, oh there's some veggies in the fridge. Better go. Won't be home too late. Hey, see you around, I hope you know what. Anyone can play this game. Hope you're doing this at home. The Generation Game, where anything can happen, 7.30 Saturday on 7. Welcome back. Now, the sudden axing of a national television star has prompted tonight's top seven. Yes, it is in fact the top seven comments heard when Fat Cat got the axe. Number seven. Hey Fat Cat, it's from Agro, he's giving you the address of a vile industry factory. It's a cruel industry, isn't it? Number six, but he's irreplaceable, no other TV presenter can lick themselves all over. So many lines, so many lawsuits. Number five, great, we've finally found an opening for television for Hawkeye, but I think he might scare the kids. Number four, bloody Gerald Stoney won't work with anyone who's got whiskers. Darren, how are you? Number three, my personal favourite, there was a dispute over the clause in his contract. It was my favourite, I never said it was funny. Number two, it's his own fault he refused to sign the nudity clause. And the top comment heard when Fat Cat got the axe. It's just that 9.30 in the morning is a bit early to watch someone cough up furball. Yes, this week did send shockwaves throughout the television industry when the Great Cat flap door closed for the last time behind a popular furry TV character. Would you please now give a warm welcome to Fat Cat and friend, Patchy Bisco. Ladies and gentlemen, Patchy Bisco. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. What is this? Take a seat. No, settle, settle, please. I understand it's an emotional time and... Yes, quite frankly, we're looking at a broken cat, ladies and gentlemen. Patchy, welcome. Thanks. Thanks for being here. We're on a first-name basis, I feel we can. Fat, if I could just go right into one of the subjects that's caused a lot of controversy about this whole thing. Do you feel in yourself that this whole sacking is a manoeuvre by the anti-pants lobby? Because I just happen to note that almost every other children's character doesn't actually wear pants. And I wondered if... Yeah. All right, I was thinking of him. Do you think, Fat, that it's got something to do with the fact that you've got pants and they haven't and they're jealous of it? Yeah, I felt that. Patchy, your thoughts on this one? Well, it was said, how come Humphrey's still on air and he doesn't even wear pants? So you're right. Fat did say that, didn't he, before? It's open there. It's a lederhosen thing. But you've been replaced by... It's a kind of friendly show run on a first-name basis. Excuse me, he's calling me Fat. You've been replaced by the worm. How does that feel? Speechless? Have you got any... Fat's choked. Patchy, has he been? Has he been off his feet since this happened? Yeah, he has been off his feet. He's been very sad and I think... I was wrong. Says it all, really. Says it all. What do you look for? Do you think the two of you will stick together as a bit of a team now? Oh, we're a definite team. What are we talking here, Red Spot Specials? Where are we going to be seeing you? Is it come to this that you and the Fat will be there going... Choppers this, chickens there going out? Well, I don't see there's any life after Fat Cat and the Fritz. Oh, it's... Fat, try to put yourself together, mate. It's national television. I understand. If you could just hear a small round of applause or something like that, you'd feel so much better. Oh, all right, then. Could you give him a round of applause, please? Thank you. CHEERING AND APPLAUSE Well done. Fat, I'm sorry. They love it. I'm... LAUGHTER Fat, I've got to ask some questions here. I might have to take a bit of a hard line, look at it, but I think at this stage, an emotional stage in your career, we've got to be honest, do you think... Do you think that having no neck has held you back? LAUGHTER I don't know. Maybe... Has it slowed you down at all? All right, what about the rumours, Fat? We've heard the rumours. Is it true Channel 10 have approached you for a current affairs show? LAUGHTER You're a certainty to host New Faces now? That's been rumoured. Can you confirm or deny? He confirms. He confirms. Fat Cat and New Faces. Fat Cat and New Faces. It talks to me. Now, a lot of the gossip scandal sheets, Fat, I've got to be honest with you here, have been going around saying that it was your after-hours life that has caused this sacking. LAUGHTER You know what I'm talking about, Fat? Don't turn away from me now. I can read body language. No. Oh. No, you turn right. You know what I'm talking about? The late nights on the fence. See that? The stretch? The cat-a-walling, the Tom Ketting, the vague smells outside on your doormat every morning. LAUGHTER All right, Fat, all right, I apologise. Come back. I was just funning you. Come on. Come on, sit down, sit down. All right, there was almost a walk-out there on national television. Fat, I'm sorry, I pushed you to that. Listen, Patsy, perhaps we should chat while the big C gets himself together. Can you just tell me something I've always personally wondered? Maybe you can help me with this. Does Fat Cat wear jammies? LAUGHTER Well, no, actually. You're telling me the big cat sleeps in the buff? LAUGHTER Well, he likes to pretend he's half-free when he goes to sleep. Really? He likes to pretend? Please, it's getting too weird for me. I just won't even deal with it. Perhaps we should see a bit of vintage, Fat Cat. Look at this, ladies and gentlemen. This is what they had the temerity to get rid of. This is fat in action, as we knew and loved him. OK. And then we're going to clap. Step and clap. Step and clap. Step and clap. Step and clap. Four of those. Four step claps. Three, four. Right. Right, let's try from the beginning. And... Arms up. And up. Up and down. And down. And steps and clap! Step and clap! Step and clap. Officer أنay. And up and... Down and... Down. Step, step. Step and clap. APPLAUSE Yeah! Here's his fat cat for mine. Here's his fat cat. You saw it here, ladies and gentlemen. The crowd's going wild. The crowd's going wild. Fat, settle yourselves down. I know it's an emotional time. I can't tell you the joy. There are so many kids not going to be able to step and clap now. I mean, we were looking at that vision. Our crew were right into it. Little off beat, getting it wrong, sure, but they were into it. Fat, sit there, control yourself. Patchy, stay with us. This is live. We'll be back. We'll be back shortly after this. Applause Music Music Music Music Music Mexico City in 1968 saw a number of world records fall, but it was in the field events that Olympic history would be reshaped. World record holder Bob Seidron vaulted to gold with the American winning on counter. Bob Fosbury introduced the remarkable Fosbury flop and the high jump headed a whole new world. He won gold with an Olympic best of 7 feet 3 and a quarter inches. But it was in the long jump that 22 year old Bob Beeman shattered the previous mark. He left 8.9 meters but didn't understand metrics. He collapsed with shock when told he jumped 29 feet and better the old mark by nearly 22 inches, a record that stood for 23 years. Seven Sports Olympic minutes proudly brought to you by Just Jeans, Australia's favorite jeans wear retailer and Carlton, one of the world's great brewers. It's true, it's for real, it's a fact of life. You don't get to be number one overnight. Unless someone is learning, getting there is half the fun. You gotta be committed to the long run. Get your motor running most efficiently. Build that factory, concentrate on quality. You back your team and eventually you get to be number one in the long run. Yeah, we're here for the long run. Not just passing through. Oh, we're here for the long run. And it's thanks to you. You made us what we are. Australia's favorite by far. Oh, what a feeling. Toyota, here for the long run. Marble Effect, not only Australia's leading vanity unit manufacturer, but also distributors of Stylus Spa Bars, Spa Pools, Bards, Portable Spa Pools, and the Stylus Scratch Hand Stain Resistant Kitchen Sinks. And we sell direct to the public from Australia's biggest selection of colors and models, all in stock, ready for immediate sale. We're open seven days and now we're offering three months interest free terms. When you buy direct from Marble Effect, when you buy direct from Marble Effect. Herb Fanning is the only landmark in Lynchburg, Tennessee, the government doesn't know about. Our courthouse dates back to 1885. Jail's even older. And Jack Daniel's distillery is registered as America's first. The government named all three of these places national historic landmarks. And if they ever met Herb, we bet they'd name him one too. Jack Daniel's Tennessee Whiskey. Oh, hi, darling. I thought I was going to miss you. Completely forgot about that late uni lecture, remember? Anyway, Gina's picking me up and I'm late as usual. But I haven't started dinner. Rissoles, you know those new beef ones? Why don't you do them on the barbie? Those are basil and parmesan and those are for the kids. Oh, this Gina. Oh, there's some veggies in the fridge. Better go. Won't be home too late. Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Hey, see you around, I hope you know what. A rare insight into the world's most popular monarch. The queen of the people. A woman of majesty and splendor. Elizabeth R. Saturday 6.30 on 7. Robin Williams and his most famous role. Good morning, Vienna! 7.30 Sunday on 7. Oh, what a tragedy. Mugging is an art form. It's Valentine's Day and at an annual event to raise money for the Red Cross, the desperate and dateless ballers in full swing couples who have been matched by computer are having their very first date. To find out how it's going so far, we've got Triple M's Jane Gennady bravely standing by. Janey, you there? Oh, Richard, yes. And the words desperate and dateless are very apt. Excellent. Janey, give us a look. What sort of frock are you wearing there, Janey? That's the important thing. I've got a blue number on but I don't want them to pan down because I, well, you know, I just don't want it to go down anymore, okay? Okay, sure. That's fine. Your personal life's your own. Janey, how is the desperate and dateless ball looking? I tell you what. There are just 5,000 people here and they're feeling very hormonal this evening. Janey, I don't like to say anything but there's a grinning geek sitting next to you. There's plenty of those around tonight. In fact, all these people have been matched up by computer and I saw them all arriving and I tell you what, from the moment they walked from the taxi when it dropped them off down to where we're partying now, it's a very long walk and I was trying to go through what in God's name the conversation would be. There was a lot of silent partners. But did you know that last year's desperate and dateless ball, there were 7 marriages from it? You're kidding. No, I'm serious. So they're original partners or do people go and desperately swap numbers during the walk? Well, I think there is a bit of swapping going on here quite frankly but some blokes really got the right idea. They got the horse and cart. They hide every horse and cart in Melbourne and drop the girlies off and some guy even hide a helicopter and dropped his date off by helicopter tonight. Unbelievable crawlers. I can't believe it. Absolutely. Now, Janie, have you got a date? That's the big question. Well, no because ever since I found out that Stan Grant was married, well, my life's not worth continuing really. Sure. Sure. Hey, I understand that but Janie, be brave. You've got to go on. I've got a cat here whose career's shattered. He's going on. I might find a date with that cat. You never know. All right. See if you can pick it. No, there's a terrible line there. Let's leave it. Janie, you can put it. I'm sorry. Gumpi's giving me a hard time here. We'll come back to you, Janie. We'll talk to you later on when they're more drunk. I love you, Stan. Thanks, Richard. Okay. Whatever. Yes, indeed. Our next guest, it's with great pleasure we welcome a champion Australia can be proud of, a masochist, sure, but a world champion masochist. Would you please welcome world champion Olympian marathon runner, Steve Monaghetty, ladies and gentlemen. Monaghetty, you've met Patsy. Have you met Fat? Yes. Hi, Fat. How you going? Really? Monaghetty, can I just say right off the bat, beautiful suit. Thank you. Yeah, thanks. It's not often I get out of a tracksuit and into a suit. But it's incredible the way you work the Nike logo in there. You little corporate animal, you. You're the greatest. Thanks. They're all at home cheering. I look after my sponsors. Exactly. Now, I talked about you as being a masochist and to most people, I've got to tell you Monaghetty, you are. No one in their right minds runs that far often. No, I don't run them often either. That's probably my secret. You've only done the A's, haven't you? Yeah, since 86. So I'm spreading them out a little bit trying to keep them safe. As you would. Yeah. Well, it takes you a long time to forget how bad the last one was like about a year. I've got to tell you, I'm not much of a runner and to me the thought of doing a marathon is a bit like hitting yourself in the head with a piece of wood, you know. Feels so good when you stop. Yeah. Well, I hadn't thought of it like that. I'm sure that'll be inspirational when I was jogging in the Olympic marathon. Think of it when you hit the wall, mate. Just think of that. Stubbs, you said this would hurt. Yeah. It's too late for brain damage anyway. I'm safe on that count. I've always wondered, you know, forget the questions like why do you do it, because it's there, I guess. But what I've always wondered is what you go through as you run your race. So what sort of thoughts do go through your mind? Because it's not like a sprint. I mean, you've got time to think about what you're doing. Yeah, a bit too long probably. You tend to try and be very relaxed in the early part of the race, worry about your own form and look around at the people that are running with you. Make sure you're not running too quick, which I've done on occasions. You've always got your game plan worked out and you know your opposition and all that sort of stuff. Yeah, it's pretty well. Yeah, pretty well. It never works out as you plan. You always, I have this mental imagery where before the race you go through how it's going to pan out and of course let's face it, mental imagery, you always end up winning. Sure. But it never quite works out that way. Do you do that stuff? Do you do positive visualisation, seeing yourself going yes, slow-mo across the thing, you know? Yeah, you try and sort of get a bit of that in your mind because if, you know, it gets very difficult at the later part of the race, you're losing a bit of your sensing. So if you practice, it's a lot easier. Sorry, hang on a second. Go back. You're losing a bit of your sensing. Yes. What is, I'm a little fuzzy on the losing the sensing thing. What is that, Monnur? When you get early on in the race, you're looking around, you know, terrific, beautiful place to be running here, Barcelona, the fountains, lovely. And then by the end of the race, it's straight down the bitumen because all of your energy is really going to just keeping your mechanisms going and you really can't be afforded to be looking around waving to people in the crowd and this sort of stuff. It sounds like fun. Now, it's not here. Thanks. What about before the race? In a lot of events, I feel there's a lot of psyching out of their opponents in the change rooms and stuff. Is there much of that between marathon runners? No, I would say there's great camaraderie between marathon runners. Yeah, I've always felt that. I think we all sort of realize that it's a personal challenge. Like, I think in some of the events, we know that people are going to make it. It's not a matter of whether you're going to get there. It's just a matter of who gets there quickest. But I think in the marathon, we realize everywhere in the world, you know, I'm not concerned about what the other guys in the world are doing, the other people, because you know they'll be training just as hard as what I am and we all respect the work you put in and when we're out there, we're fiercely competitive. But afterwards and before, it's business as usual. In a lot of ways, it does have that real Olympic ideal still. I think where a lot of sports have perhaps gone a different way, gone into money sports, it does still have that vibe of camaraderie and striving for a personal best as well as for your country. Yeah, I'm pretty lucky to be in an event that really does have that camaraderie. Yeah, I guess. It still hurts. Yeah, I know. Which brings me now into the next thing. You do stuff that I've always found fascinating, fun runs. Now, to me, that would have been a contradiction in terms, you know. I don't. Call me crazy, but I don't wake up eight o'clock on a Sunday and go, oh, I might get into my shorts and run 20 clicks. You know, just for a laugh. Now, you do those and I heard from Ian Cove that you freaked him out by saying hello to everyone when you ran with him. Is that true? Well, that was a race in Ballarat and most people in Ballarat are probably pretty aware of who I am. They're supportive, so I feel like if I don't say g'day, that they won't be supporting me. So Cove was having a little bit of trouble, but we were running pretty quick for Ian Cove's pace. So whereas I was on a training run, so I was coping with it a bit more. So he's straining himself and you're running next to him going, yeah, hey, Fred, the garden's looking nice. Well, I was talking to him trying to talk him through it, but we had a couple of problems along the way. I hate someone trying to talk me through it as I'm gut busting, quite frankly. Yeah, I think often, and Cove has mentioned this before, he often says, look, just don't talk to me because I'm focusing, concentrating and I suppose it's probably pretty frustrating when you're running as hard as you possibly can and this guy's just jogging along the side. I think you're probably running backwards chatting to him really putting him off too. I think that's the real bummer. And let's have a look at you in action actually. We've got some scene of you in Berlin pounding the pavement there. More than 30,000 took part in the gate. On a get, he took the early lead and in a brilliant performance broke away five kilometres from the finish, posting the year's fastest marathon of two hours, eight minutes, 16 seconds. Thanks, fat, bit of training. It could be a new career. Steve, what makes a favourite run? You said that was one of your favourites. Oh, I won that one. Oh, fantastic. But that's such an emotional one too. I mean, that was just as what, two days before or after the wall came down? It was, yeah, the reunification. Yeah. So it was commemorating. It was actually three days before they were having the big celebration for reunification. So very emotional. And as you've probably noticed, marathons can be a bit emotional as it is. And actually the lady that won the women's race, Ute Pippig, was from East Germany and she ran through the Brandenburg wall, the Brandenburg gate and she was actually crying. Yeah, but normally you had to run through it a lot faster. Yeah. She's probably the only one that could run over and get back inside. Yeah, you really screwed up on that starting gunfight. Let me tell you. And on that somewhat tasteless and dramatic note, let's go to a break. When we come back, Ian Moss plays live. This is Tonight Live. Footy fever is back better than ever with the 92 fastest cut. There's a mighty clash between Footscray and Melbourne Live, 8.30 Saturdays and exclusive to seven spots. Presenting the Wheels Magazine Car of the Year, the new Nissan Pulsar with 35% more power and laser, 10% better economy than Corolla and technology you won't see in Honda City. Like remote control alarm and optional ABS brakes, making the zippy new Pulsar Australia's best small car. In 1988, Victorian police began investigating the companies connected with the VEDC loans affair. But were the investigations suspended just two weeks before the last state election? Confidential police files outlined several intelligence theories that include reports that the chief commissioner, Mr. Glare, was linked to the directive. But was he set up? What is the real story? Stop. There is something for you in tomorrow's age. Marble Effect, not only Australia's leading vanity manufacturer, but also distributors of stylish spa baths, spa pools, baths, portable spa pools. And the stylish scratch-and-stain-resistant kitchen sinks. And we sell direct to the public from Australia's biggest selection of colors and models. All in stock, ready for immediate sale. We're open seven days and now we're offering three months interest free terms. When you buy direct from Marble Effect. When you buy direct from Marble Effect. Hi I'm Gavin Wood. Making it easy for you. The famous furniture bazaar's catalogue sale is making it easy for everybody. Making it easy with 12 months interest free terms. Making it easy with Melbourne's largest selection of lounge suites, dining suites and bedroom furniture. Making it easy with the lowest prices on wall units, coffee tables and bed zetees. Making it easy with your chance to win $5,000 worth of famous furniture. There are plenty of furniture stores in Melbourne but this one really is the best. Who is this? I like your style Jack. Hugo Boss. Fashion and quality is our business. Melbourne the hub of a new royal network. High-speed freight and passenger trains linking the eastern seaboard. It's not just a pipe dream it could be the linchpin of Paul Keating's long-awaited economic blueprint. Australia getting back on track has seven nightly news special report Monday. Yes and welcome back. Ian Moss is one of Australia's most famous rock musicians. His second solo album Worlds Away. Regatta. Not yet. Was released last year and with the third song there's the album you must rush out and buy. Make him a millionaire. Make him a millionaire. The third song for now is Ian Moss with Never Give Up ladies and gentlemen. For the future we could never see the end of those days. I know you can remember how you love. Hold it up like a beacon. Hold it up when we're losing our way. I know you'll never give up until the feeling's right. Never give up when you see that light, baby. Never give up until the night is gone. Never give up until the day that has gone. Oh, baby, you know time is our only friend. Don't you worry, don't you worry, don't you worry, my friend. Wishing away all the troubles. Moving to bring back the daylight again. And I say, never give up until the feeling's right. Never give up when you see that light, baby. Never give up until the night is gone. Never give up until the daylight has gone. Oh, baby. Never give up until the dust is settled and the mountain wind. Never give up until the shouting is died. You know all the bitter words, all the poison I'm sure. Can disappear like the season gone by. So take a look at you. You can choose the way you want it. You can work it out, plan this our way. Set the rules, don't need to mess. We can mend it all and it'll close again. In the end, you can just walk away. And I say, never give up until the feeling's right. Never give up when you see that light, baby. Never give up until the night is gone. Never give up until the daylight has gone. Oh, baby. Never give up until the night is gone. Never give up until the day is gone. Oh, baby. Never give up until the night is gone. Never give up when the wind freezes. Get to be wrong. Oh, baby. Never give up until the night is gone. Never give up until the race is over. Oh, yeah. Oh, baby. Never give up until the night is gone. Never give up until the wind freezes. Get to be wrong. Oh, baby. Never give up until the night is gone. Never give up until the night is gone. That's it, ladies and gentlemen. This is the album you should race out and buy. And you can see in Mosley's band, he's touring with Rod Stewart, doing Rod Stewart's tours. And then after that, he's going to be doing an Australian tour of his own, rush out and get to see Mosley, if you possibly can. Yeah. I've always wanted one of these things to... Richard, Richard, you're my Valentine. I respect you so much when I'm drinking a glass of wine. You are my favorite person. But don't forget to keep rehearsing. All the best, my friend, in jest. Keep well, my babe, Valentine. Thanks. Thanks. Too good. Thanks so much. Thanks. Thank you. And thank you, Rhythm and Malone. Yes, it's all there. I'll treasure that always. Look at this. I'm on national TV with a cat and a clown. Going away when we come back, another cross to the desperate and dateless ball. More stuff. It's Valentine's Day. It's a beautiful thing. There is love in the air, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you. $$$ From real life, face to face with a serial killer. Beyond the silence of the lambs comes a shocking story from real life. He told me that he would eat my heart. Inside the mind of a serial killer, a victim who barely escaped with his life, tells all. I thought I was gonna die. Real life, 6.30 Monday, following 7 Nightly News. Ray Drummond Golf Shops are celebrating the Australian Masters with super savings. TaylorMade 8.5 metal drivers, $119, save $50. Practice Net with Target, only $39.95, save $10. Dynacast World Club Golf Set, $239, save $60. Metro Golf Bags, only $79.95, save $19. Hugh Juddman Shoe Sale, only $49.95, save $35. Ray Drummond Golf Shops, Masters in Clubs, Accessories, Price and Advice. Motor Mania. Motor Mania, Melbourne Showground, Saturday February 15, 7pm. Kids under 12, free. See the training post for details. I think I can see him on the internet. Oh, that's a great game. Look at that pack, Ray. Good start. Drop her. What a tan. Good leg. Oh, quick writing back for you and the dealers have really turned up the heat on the last of their 91 stock. There's red hot savings on new patrols. It's brilliant. And so is the deal. It's your last chance to save, so hurry. And that's a good call. Where's Casey? She's in the car at the moment. I'm alright, it's not that bad. Remember all that down in the curb? I was changing the tape. We're only in the hurry. How fast were you going? Maybe we were going 85. I don't know what to bet on if he's along here. Can you put my mom on? Can I go and see her? No. No, as best as I can. No, I really want to go and see her. Where is she? I can't even see her. She's not going to die. Tracy! I'm sorry, Tracy! Tracy! Tracy! Tracy! Tracy! What if she dies on the way? Tracy! This really not cute at all. No, it's not. No, it's not. No, it's not. No, it's not. See the cream of Aussie golf in action against some of the world's best when The Australian Masters continues tomorrow live and exclusive at 7. Welcome back. I'm sitting here casually with Mona, Patsy and Fat. Fat, how are you feeling? Good, you okay? Listen, mate, don't take it hard. You're a professional. You'll land on your feet. Little cat joke there, sorry. Mona, give him a bit of positive reinforcement. Maybe you need a running partner. Fat's got the feet for it. He's definitely got the feet. Imagine how many strides I'd have to take if I had feet that big. Exactly, buddy. To say nothing of the old cheating at the start line. Stick that foot out, half the front rank goes over. Look, it's time now for something we love to call Viewer Faxers. Remember at the top of the show I asked for some Valentine-y type ones. And we've got lots and lots of faxes in. Thanks so much to everyone. We'll just do a few. Hi, can you please tell Cherie, brace yourselves everyone, we could have to reach for the bags during this. Could you please tell Cherie, I love her, miss her, need her, want her. She's the sweetest, cutest, most adorable girl I've ever known and I can't bear to lose her. Two O's. Thanks, Shane. Aw. That was a joke. Dear Richard, there's something strange about my Valentine-y. Promise me you'll never forget me. There's something strange about my Valentine-y. Promise me a romantic dinner and turn it up at my place with McDonald's and roses. Thanks, Clarice, for that. Gorgeous. Here's one. No, as it turns out, it will get us taken off air and is anatomically impossible. But thanks so much. I don't believe I've ever seen that done with a nanotube and Roman rings. Thank you. Have enormously special. No, that's not quite right. There are two people in your audience who are getting married tomorrow. Could you please embarrass the heck... Andrew, Karen, Aaron, Karen, Andrew, Karen, there they are. Andrew, Karen, get them out of here. Get them out of here. Andrew, come on. Oh, Andrew, have you no shame, honestly. Stop the senseless waving, waving around the place. Stubbs, it happened one night, weird Valentine, one at my girlfriend's house. She wears contact lenses, I went to bed. She went to take out her contacts, she can't see anything without them. Uh-oh. She decided to go to the bathroom. She went to the bathroom, she went to the bathroom, she can't see anything without them. Uh-oh. She decided to gargle what she thought was mouthwash. She came running in saying her mouth was on fire. She couldn't breathe properly, I asked her what was wrong. She told me she gargled death oil instead. I killed myself laughing and told her to go drink water. Then she came to bed still saying her mouth was burning and that was that half an hour later. She said to me, would you like to do naughties? And of course I agreed. Can we keep going or...? She went down to Stanley and you can guess what happened about 15 minutes later. Stanley was on fire, she was the one laughing. That's the... That's the week of Bill Faxes, ladies and gentlemen. APPLAUSE But don't worry about it, I'll tell you about it later, buddy. It's a showbiz type thing. No, just as well, really. Well, meanwhile, speaking of all that type of thing, still reeling from the whole concept, it's the desperate and dateless ball in full swing. Triple M's Jane Kennedy is lurking there somewhere. Janey, how's it going? I'm a bit stressed, Richard. Yeah, yeah, I can believe that. What's happening? What's the state of play? Well, I'll tell you, the best spot to be is in the girls' toilets because all the girls are going, oh, I hate him, I hate his guards. And they're all running away and everyone's doing the runner. Lots of people have lost their partners. But there are some people, you know, who are getting on pretty well. In fact, so I went out and I've gone and found a couple and I just want to ask Andrew and Michelle how they're getting on. How are you getting on, guys? OK. Oh. OK, maybe... Yeah, maybe we might move away from Andrew and Michelle. Yeah, no. Actually, I do have another couple over here. This is Herbie and Anne. Yeah, nice suit, Herbie. Aren't they a good looking couple? Yeah. OK, now, Herbie, you've given Anne the lovely corsage. Yes, I did. Very romantic touch. Oh, you've got to do your best, don't you? You do, Herbie. Now, I believe that you did a very romantic gesture in bringing Anne tonight. What did you do? We came in a horse and cart. Yeah, OK. His personal life's his own, Janie. I think we'd better leave him with that. Janie, listen, how do you think... How do you think you're going to... How do you think you're going to finish up? Well, I don't like to say, Richard, but I think I might be getting in the cab and heading home soon. We're actually having an auction of young men. It's purely sexist, yes, I know. There's no women on stage. I'm going to auction off some celebrities in a minute, and that should be pretty wild, I'd say. Well, Janie, I've got $10 for you, if that'll swing it. You know, chuck it in for me. I think it might help. Janie, thanks so much and good luck tonight with a desperate and date, Les Vaughan. Bye. APPLAUSE Oh, my God. Well, this is like, we'll come back, fun pages, weather, more with Vat, Mona and Patsy. It's live, you know, tonight live. APPLAUSE MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC It's the summer of 92 and Nissan dealers have really turned up the heat on the last of their 91 stock. There's red hot savings on luxury new Maximus. With my money, there wasn't a better car on the road. It's your last chance to save, so hurry. That's my car. JFK. Acclaimed as the most important American movie of recent years. All the critics agree, JFK is gripping, powerful. JFK. The must-see movie experience of the year. This year, Victorian manufacturers will make three-quarters of the cars Australians buy. Frigates for our Navy. A third of all the packaged food we eat. They'll make textiles and clothing for millions of people. And aircraft components for companies all over the world. But the most important thing Victorian manufacturers will make is our future. Jacket with plain or matching skirt. Value. Superfine twill. Double-breasted jacket. Plain or box pleat skirt. Pleated pants. Proudly made in Australia. Quality and especially valued. Wellington of Melbourne. Here's the ultimate Valentine's Day gift. The Lover's Guide. For adults only, The Lover's Guide shows how to get the best out of love and sex. However switched on we think we are in daily life, we all have at least some inhibitions about sex. Presented by Dr. Andrew Stanway, the guide deals with topics such as oral sex, arousal, problems and making love. A good sexual relationship has got to be based on honesty and trust. Get the full picture and give your lover something they'll really enjoy this Valentine's Day. The Lover's Guide. Violent Femmes. The band that charmed crowds worldwide with their live shows. Held music lovers entrenched through five albums including their latest album, Why Do Birds Sing. Violent Femmes. See them live across Australia this summer and look for the bonus tour CD of Why Do Birds Sing. Don't miss it. Welcome back. The crowd's going wild for Fat Cat Quad, frankly ladies and gentlemen. It's a fat cat, it's a fat cat lead recovery. Alright plenty now. Stop it or I'll make you take him home. Fat settle. Now Naomi you've got some fun pages for us? Yes I do, yes I do. I've got the Daily Telegraph Mirror first. They're leading off with the new figures on growing youth unemployment. And the Valentine's Day wedding of in excess drummer John Farris to his sweetheart American actress Leslie Bega. There we've got the Sydney Morning Herald's top story about Nick Griner's plan to scrap changes to his state's land tax. Plus news that Bob Hawke has failed in his bid to get a hotel suite free of charge for six months in return for his appearance at Breakfast Speeches. What a hideous deal. And the odd golf appearance. What a hideous deal. Give us a room for free and I'll be there every breakfast time. What a horrible bargain. Now Mona what have you got coming up? Have you got a bit of a run? You're training every day of course. Yes training very hard, a couple of times a day. We've got a race in Melbourne Olympic Park in a couple of weeks, Tuesday the 25th. Alright gorgeous. I'll see you around there. Patsy we've had a bit of a chat, safeways we think. It could be the next one. I can't tell you how much I appreciate you coming in at this emotional time. Put it there. Beautiful buddy. Now what chance do you think, what do you think you do? Have you ever got your show back? What do you reckon you do? The cat's over. There it is, the cat's gone down. Time for us to go. See you later ladies and gentlemen. This is live. Music Music This program proudly brought to you by Nike and Evian Natural Spring Water. The Golden Greeks, Jim and Evian, join Denny Hines of the Rockmelons on the main event 6.30 Sunday.