Rrrrrr! Ah... The pristine wilderness. The rustle of the leaves. The chirp of the cricket. The stillness of the lake. The cry of the loon. It's magic. Let's develop it. The sound of a cricket. Music. Music. Pollution is killing our earth. Killing the miracle of earth. Do you know what it's worth? Do you care about earth? Do you care about earth? It's killing our birds. And our cattle herds. To get rid of it, it's gonna take more than words. Pollution is killing our earth. Killing the miracle of earth. Do you know what it's worth? Do you care about earth? Do you care about earth? It's ruining our sea. Killing the fish. Served on a dish. And into you and me. Pollution is killing our earth. Killing the miracle of earth. Do you know what it's worth? Do you care about earth? Do you care about earth? Music. Music. It can come out of our bus. And into us. We need to get rid of it. It will get rid of us. Pollution is killing our earth. Killing the miracle of earth. Do you know what it's worth? Do you care about earth? Do you care about earth? Pollution is killing our earth. Killing the miracle of earth. Pollution is killing our earth. Killing the miracle of earth. Do you know what it's worth? Do you care about earth? Do you care about earth? Music. Music. We Deep breath pull raise sittin' on cells This is the story of why the loon has a ring around its neck. For you see, it isn't true that the loon has always had one. Long ago, the loon's neck was black and unmarked. Only with the unfolding of this story will you learn the truth of how the loon has come to have a ring of white feathers around its neck. It all began a very long time ago, when the earth was freshly born. Clouds of mist rolled over the earth's surface and great oceans sloshed in their beds. So pleased was the sun to have two new companions in the darkness of space, that to celebrate, he gave both the earth and the moon a gift. To the moon, he gave a beautiful ring with which to adorn herself above the mists and brighten the night sky. To the earth, he gave another gift, a great gift. But that is quite a different story altogether. The moon treasured her ring very much, so she wore it only on very special occasions. One night, on such an occasion many ages after the earth was born, yet still many ages ago, the moon was traveling peacefully over the northern country of Thanopa. Here there were many pine trees and many lakes which filled each tiny valley. Gazing downward, the moon watched her face being reflected many times in the many lakes. Smiling, she paused to admire her reflection more closely. The water was unruffled by breezes as the moon moved out of the sky and came to stand beside one of the lakes. Her neck ring glimmered marvelously on the lake's surface and she turned this way and that using the lake as a mirror. Then she removed the ring from her neck and held it up so its bright yellow color cast a very long reflection in the very black water. Now in the lake lived a troll whose name was Chihopa. He had seen the moon wearing her beautiful neck ring many times before and had come to want it for himself. When finding the moon standing on the shore of his lake, he was filled with surprise. At last he would have a chance to steal the ring. Suddenly from beneath the water sprang Chihopa. Instantly the yellow reflection was smashed into ripples as Chihopa's body leapt upward. Greedily he grabbed the neck ring away from the moon and dove back into the lake. The moon stood still on the bank, too stunned to move. The animals from the forest soon gathered round to give her comfort. They too had seen the moon wearing the beautiful neck ring many times and were sad to think she might never wear it again. The moon's face, however, did not reveal her fears. She turned at last to the animals to find any who would help her. But one after another the animals refused. Only the moon offered to help. Many times the moon had passed Chihopa's cave while fishing. The cave lay at the bottom of the lake hidden by seaweed. The moon bravely dove into the lake and swam to the bottom, quietly slipped past the seaweed and into the cave. Inside the walls were roughly cut and glowed with Chihopa's magic fire which burned even underwater. Chihopa was dancing. He was dancing a victory dance clutching the wonderful ring. Chihopa danced until he was completely spent. Lying down still holding the ring, he dropped off to sleep. The moon waited patiently. When it was sure the troll was sleeping soundly, it swam in, looped its head through the ring in a graceful swoop and swiftly headed out of the cave. Chihopa woke with a start having felt the ring being pulled from his hand. Angrily he swam after the thief. Chihopa was filled with greed. He came closer and closer behind the moon. You could feel his sharp claws brushing the tips of its webbed feet. In a whoosh the moon's head broke the surface of the water just as Chihopa caught it by the legs. Flapping its wings, it reared its head in the open air and started to laugh. Loudly it laughed a moon laugh and as everyone knows old Chihopa feared the sound of laughter more than anything else in the world. Back and forth between the hills and over the water, the moon's laugh echoed and struck Chihopa's heart like thunder. Horrified, Chihopa released his grip and dove to the deepest part of the lake. And there he remained for many years. Triumphantly the loon presented the neck ring to the moon who was overjoyed to have it back again. So overjoyed was the moon that she spoke to the loon. Brave loon, to you I shall give a symbol of great bravery. You and all your descendants shall have white rings encircling your necks so that all creatures will forever remember your deeds of this night. With that moon once again wearing her marvelous neck ring ascended into the sky. And if you look carefully on nights when the stars are covered with a thin veil of clouds, it is possible to see the moon wearing her ring. It's Oregon country, the rain's coming down. The water is soaking the ground all around. Inside there's a fire, good friends all around. Oregon country, that rain coming down. Fall comes to Oregon, summer is gone. I'm up on a mountain, I'm watching the dawn. I'm sipping hot coffee and sniffing the breeze. The road is down to canyons and brings my mind ease. And it's Oregon country, the rain's coming down. Water is soaking the ground all around. Inside there's a fire, good friends all around. Oregon country, that rain coming down. And it's autumn in Oregon, chilling in the air. There's a fog in the mornings, the afternoons fare. Down the Columbia clouds are all the way. I'm watching the end of Oregon day. And it's Oregon country, that rain's coming down. Water is soaking the ground all around. Inside there's a fire, good friends all around. Oregon country, that rain coming down. Oh, up high in the casket, snow starts to fall. And out over Mount here you'll hear the geese call. Winds off the ocean chase clouds across the sky. I can smell that rain coming, oh, I'm feeling high. It's Oregon country, that rain's coming down. Water is soaking the ground all around. Inside there's a fire, good friends all around. Oregon country, that rain coming down. It's Oregon country, that rain coming down. It's Oregon country, that rain coming down. It's Oregon country, that rain coming down. It's Oregon country, that rain coming down. It's Oregon country, that rain coming down. It's Oregon country, that rain coming down. It's Oregon country, that rain coming down. It's Oregon country, that rain coming down. It's Oregon country, that rain coming down. It's Oregon country, that rain coming down. It's Oregon country, that rain coming down. It's Oregon country, that rain coming down. It's Oregon country, that rain coming down. It's Oregon country, that rain coming down. It's Oregon country, that rain coming down. It's Oregon country, that rain coming down. It's Oregon country, that rain coming down. It's Oregon country, that rain coming down. It's Oregon country, that rain coming down. It's Oregon country, that rain coming down. It's Oregon country, that rain coming down. It's Oregon country, that rain coming down. It's Oregon country, that rain coming down. Dear Diary, The last time I wrote in my diary, this wise guy stole and made a film from it. I like the film so much, I've decided to write a few more ideas and thoughts in which I'm having and see what happens this time. To make sure, I'll leave you open on my table for a few days. So dear Diary, I asked my dad what he thought of the terrible heat that we were having and did he think that it had anything to do with the harm that's been done to the ozone layers. I also told my dad that I read that all kinds of horrible things will happen to us real soon because of the sun's ultraviolet rays which are breaking through those damaged ozone layers. Well, my dad said that after what happened the last time when we argued that he didn't want to talk to me about such subjects again and that I'll have to wait until I grow up to understand that some things were much more complicated than what I thought they were. So I told dad that he was unfair, that he was just making up excuses so he didn't have to answer me. That's when dad got mad and said, I'm fed up with being blamed for all the catastrophes that may or may not happen and let me tell you that I and all the other scientists and engineers I know want to be left alone so that we can work without hassles on solving these problems whether they're imaginary or not. Did I blame you just now? Look, dad, all I wanted was... Yeah, yeah, I know already. What? Yeah, yeah, dad, it's because you and your friends were left alone for too long that we're having these problems imaginary or not. How dare you? Up to your room and right now. So mom came up after a while. You should be ashamed of yourself. How dare you make your dad so upset and angry? When will you stop being such a pipsqueak wise guy? So I got angry at mom and I told her that if I were a lawyer like she and dad always tell me that I should be when I grow up, because that would drive everybody crazy, that I would eat dad and his friends alive. And mom almost slapped me and ran out of the room and I wasn't even called down for supper. But that night I heard mom and dad arguing and sometimes it was quite loud. I don't deserve any of this. No, no way. I'd have to be crazy to bring a child into this world today. I don't think I'd want to be here. Sure, it's a brave new world. People all have to be very brave to want to live in a world like that. Which is exactly what I was going to tell dad myself, but in other words, because dear diary, I'm telling you that something has to be done fast and now. I'm really happy that mom and dad quit smoking, but what good will that do if it's true that our immune systems are getting weaker and weaker, that there will be more and more people with skin cancer and terrible infections and all kinds of diseases, and that there will be hunger and starvation all because of this terrible pollution and industrial waste which is already killing enormous numbers of whales and dolphins and all kinds of fish and birds. And you know dear diary, the ozone layers can't be fixed and they're becoming thinner and thinner and we're all going to fry like the shish kebab that mom's making for dinner. What a mess dear diary. And I'm telling you that although I'm dying to drive, and mom and dad promised me that I'll go to driving school when I'm 16, I'm not going to drive a car that will add to the pollution. They'll have to invent a pollution free car for me and my friends. And I've got a lot of friends who think and feel the way I do. And this reminds me dear diary of what I heard dad tell mom and his friends at a party a few years ago. They bought the patent, the plants, everything. Hey, so where can we buy it? Nowhere. The funny part, the company thought that my idea would cause too much of a dangerous economic reaction. You dangerous? All to them of course. Hey, forget people, forget the environment. They want to make money. So here I am with a new house, a new car, a cottage and a boat all paid for by an invention that will never be used. Way to go. What a clever guy. He's really clever, huh? Wonderful. And I laughed too because I thought that dad was so clever. But I was much younger then. So now what do I do about my dad and how do I convince him that things are getting worse every day and that all the scientists and engineers got to do something and fast, that they got to work for the environment and with it instead of against it. Well, it matters stores will be filled with all kinds of stuff, that there won't be any people to buy them because they'll all be dead or dying. And I think that all the money that armies get all over the world to invent and buy more and more war toys should go to make our world better and healthier. Sick soldiers can't go to war anyway. And I know dear diary that dad will say again that I don't understand anything about things like national security and all that. But I know dear diary that acid rain and a screwed up ozone layer are the number one national enemies. They're the number one international enemies. And it's me, the pipsqueak who's saying it. I'm going to get all my friends together and we're going to do something about it. Hey, we might even go on a hunger strike. We have to do something. We have to convince these so-called adults that what they screwed up or didn't care about till now. Oh, here comes my yuppie big brother jogging home. He loves to jog in the traffic during the rush hour so everyone can see his new Jacuzetti state of the art socks. Well dear diary, I've got lots to do before I become like what mom's making for dinner. Hey, mom, dinner ready? Whoops. What do you know? It's gone. I hope dad doesn't go to the cinema. these are evaluations of you. Could have been carbon monoxide poisoning, food coloring, potassium metabisulfite might be. This one starts like, one, two. Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh. Water, water everywhere and not a drop to spare. Water in the ground, water in the air. Though it may evaporate, it never goes away. It snows on top of the mountain, melts and flows into the bay. Animals need water. People need it too. Keep it clean for me. And I'll keep it clean for you. Animals need water. People need it too. Keep it clean for me. And I'll keep it clean for you. Now you can take a shower in it. You can wash your hair. You can wash your clothes. Or wash your teddy bears. Really clean water is getting pretty rare. If we want to save it, people have to care. Animals need water. People need it too. Keep it clean for me. And I'll keep it clean for you. Animals need water. People need it too. Keep it clean for me. And I'll keep it clean for you. Now water is rain. Water's a flood. Water turns dirt into mud. Sometimes water's blue. Sometimes water's green. Sometimes water's dirty. Sometimes water's clean. Animals need water. People need it too. Keep it clean for me. And I'll keep it clean for you. Animals need water. People need it too. Keep it clean for me. And I'll keep it clean for you. Now they say the ocean's filling up with stuff like DDT. It shows up in the fish. And then it do it in me. If we drink too much of it, we'll wind up in bed. If we drink enough of it, we might die of it. Animals need water. People need it too. Keep it clean for me. And I'll keep it clean for you. Animals need water. People need it too. Keep it clean for me. And I'll keep it clean for you. Animals need water. People need it too. Keep it clean for me. And I'll keep it clean for you. Oohh We'll wind up in bed, it ends with drainin' up a bit, we might run to bed. Animals need water, People need it too, keep it clean for me, And I'll keep it clean for you Animals need water, People need it too, keep it clean for me, And I'll keep it clean for you Animals need water, People need it too, keep it clean for me, And I'll keep it clean for you Oooo the noise of the fish. And into you and me Elucia is killing us Killing the miracle of her Do you know what it's worth? Do you know what it's worth? Yes Or do you care about her? Yes Or do you care about her? Yes It can come out of our bus And into us We need to get rid of it Oh, it will get rid of us Elucia is killing us Killing the miracle of her Do you know what it's worth? Do you know what it's worth? Or do you care about her? Yes Or do you care about her? Yes Elucia is killing us Killing the miracle of her Elucia is killing us Killing the miracle of her Do you know what it's worth? Know what it's worth Do you care about her? Do you care about her? Do you care about her?