Boy, did those scenes look familiar. Hello everyone, I'm Maura Driscoll, your host of this video, and like you, I too am a busy parent. You know the feeling that there never seems to be enough time in the day to just be with your children? Well, you're about to discover something new for parents to do with babies that's fun and easy and, believe it or not, relaxing. But before we get started, I'd like to share something with you. A few months back, a nonprofit organization contacted me about a job interviewing parents who've been doing this thing called book sharing with babies. Well, as a broadcast journalist, I get to work on a lot of interesting projects, but this one struck a personal chord with me. As you can see, I'm expecting a baby, and of course, I want what's best for my child. So if this new technique will help my baby and give me a chance to relax and enjoy myself, then I know I'm definitely interested. So come along with me as we meet these families and find out what this book sharing is all about. Each time that we do it, she's learning more and more. Baby like you. Baby, come on too. I think it brings us closer together, lets us spend time alone and focus in on books together. He's not only listening, he's sharing the book with me. Well book sharing certainly does look wonderful, and it's amazing to see babies so small getting into books. Moms and dads really seem to enjoy it. However, I'm wondering, and maybe you are too, it's different than reading. There's something special about book sharing. But how do these parents find the time, and how do you get started? Well, let's check it out. Meet Felicia and Tim. They have four children, but when they had their youngest child, Tamisha, they decided to do something different. Book sharing. Say mommy, me, I have three boys, and I never did this before. I never set time, set down and read a book with them or anything. And by seeing me do it and seeing how fast she's learning, because she'd do things that I never thought she could do. Look, see you got no clothes on, yeah. That's you. Madison, look at the book. Madison's mom, Jamie, has been book sharing with her since she was first born. They're never too young to open up a book and look through pages and colors. The idea behind book sharing is not to read, but to have fun with books. And before you know it, your baby will grow up loving them like a favorite toy. If we start as parents to encourage and to have these children realize how fun these books can be, that'll help throughout their lifetime. I want her to enjoy books. It's very important to enjoy them, not to read them because you have to, but to enjoy them. Book sharing means spending quiet time together, forming a bond that will help your baby throughout his lifetime. It's like bonding really, you know, with her, you know, and playing, you know, and just sharing because we do doing things together. Communicating with your baby by letting him or her participate. Look, where's the birdie? You want to show me where the birdie is? There's the birdie. Mommy, Misha. Look at the little toys. Yeah, that's Misha in a high chair. And a kiss on the face for the baby. Book sharing is also about the first steps in learning. You see, your baby has to hear the sounds of your voice over and over again before he can learn to read. Go, go, go, go. Education is the, you know, the key for a better life. He can be a better student in the school. He can be, you know, a better, he can learn faster also. And your baby needs to hear how proud you are so she grows up eager to learn. Although all children, including those with special needs, will benefit from any kind of book shared with love, the bonding with baby books have been specially designed for you and baby to learn and grow together. Like the colorful ones, like the black people, she likes those. Because I say, Misha, Mommy, and she likes when I say that because all the pictures are with me and her. So when she sees the mother and the daughter, those are the ones she really enjoys the most. Since the books have no words, you just talk about the pictures in your own natural way and mimic the action on the pages. Well, I like to make up my own little stories as I go along. I enjoy those books especially because they don't have, they don't have any words. So you can make up, make the story different all the time. And now the baby boy is showing Daddy where Daddy's nose is. I make all the animal noises, make silly faces. He enjoys it. He laughs. He claps his hands. He has a really good time. Here is Mommy feeding the baby what looks like peas. You don't like peas. Look at that little boy. Oh dear, but Lauren, look at that. Yes, look at that, Lauren. He spits it all. Poor Mommy. Oh gosh. These books are also special because they're geared for baby's development. Each book in the series grows with baby's interests and with your relationship. Books would, it described her. All the things that we saw in the books as she was growing up, those were the things that she does. Some of these babies are older now, but the book for the first three months inspires you to sing and rock your newborn, making her feel secure. On the treetop, when the wind blows, the cradle will rock. By month four, your baby will enjoy the bold patterns and shapes you point out. And look, we have friends at Grandma's. See, look. We're going to play with all the toys. During months seven to nine, this book will get you to spend lots of time together playing games like peek-a-boo. Peek-a-boo, I see you. The book for months 10 through 12 inspires you and your baby to make funny animal noises and start a conversation. What does the cat say? The cat says meow. And don't forget, you can go back any time. Babies love to share their favorite books over and over again. She'll crawl on the floor and grab a book and come towards me and give me the book so I could share a book with her. And she does enjoy that time and it's amazing. Like anything, getting started is the hard part. And once you get going, you may wonder, am I doing this right? I found it difficult because he was looking in every different direction. He was listening to other people that were talking in the background. He couldn't concentrate us at first. And now what is it like? Now he loves it. I got used to it after a while. Babies are easy. So anything you say, whether it's related to the pictures in the book or not, it was pretty easy once I got the hang of it. See, you're not alone. All you have to remember are the five easy steps each time you open a book and your book sharing will be a breeze. She loves babies like I love Jakey. Step one, make sure both of you are in a good mood before you start. If you're too tired or baby is cranky, save it for later. The mood for me would have to be more relaxed, more focused. I want to be definitely focused on what he's doing and his reactions and also for him it would be after probably his nap. You know, he's got to take that afternoon nap. Step two, find a place that's quiet and get baby interested in the book by calling her name and pointing to the pictures. Step three, talk in an exciting voice and repeat back the sounds that baby makes. She in the bathroom. She in the bathtub right there. Yeah, nose. Step four, watch what your baby does and go with what interests her. Just let them take the books. Maybe they don't want you to hold the book. Maybe they want to hold the book and turn the pages by themselves. You can give them the book and watch their reaction and watch how they know how to turn the pages because they're watching you. Step five, repeat the books often and establish your own daily book sharing routine. There has been times when life has gotten very hectic, but never a time when I haven't been able to sit down and actually take. All it takes is 10, 15 minutes. It can be done as long as you make it important to you and just do it five minutes each day. I think you're pretty good with that. And it helps to be very patient. And sometimes if he gets fussy, we just let him be. If he wants another toy, he plays with another toy and then we try to go back to it. Now look, okay, look. Bird, me she a mommy. Remember, your job is to make sure book sharing is always fun. Take this one. See if it looks good. I'd like you all to meet little Lily here. She's only 11 weeks old and we're very excited because she just started sleeping through the night. So we're all keeping our fingers crossed. But Lily and I share a book at least once a day. And thanks to the families I met, I was able to see firsthand how book sharing can make such a big difference. When I pick up one of these, no matter how hard a day we've had, it really relaxes both of us. And Lily, it's all about sharing quiet time with her. You have to try it just a few minutes a day and you'll see. Right Lily? We love our stories, don't we? Let's read our story. Look at the birds and the tree and the mommy and the baby. Once you actually try it, it winds up working out. I think it's real important that the father spends time with her just as much as the mother. It's just being together, being loving to each other that makes it so special. At bedtime is the best time, which we always do at bedtime. A lot of people think that they're just too young to understand and I don't believe that anymore. Just seeing how delighted she is makes me happy. Once you get into it, you and your child will love it. coin. that you can do with your babies. But before we start, I want to share something with you. A few months ago, an organization called to interview parents who have started something called Sharing Books or Book Sharing with Babies. As a journalist, I've had the opportunity to work on many interesting projects, but this one was very personal. So if this technique could help my baby and give me an opportunity to relax, I would definitely be interested. So come with me while I get to know these families and find out what it's all about, sharing books. And also that it penetrates us, unites us as a family. Baby like you. Baby like you. They grow up knowing that we are here to help them. Yes, look. Dad. When I shared with him, I think I got closer to him. Sharing books seems wonderful. It's amazing to see babies get excited about books and the parents enjoying it too. It's different from reading. There's something special about sharing books. However, I'm wondering, and maybe you too, how do these parents find time? And how do you start? Well, let's see how it's possible. Let's meet Astrid and Luis. They have four children, but when they had their last baby, Vanessa, they decided to do something different, share books or book sharing. Well, since they were little, they've been interested in these stories and they're getting used to reading, which is important for their development. Penirda Caravallo has been sharing books with her son since they were just born. They're seeing that you spend time with them, because even though you have a little bit of a jittery life, or a little bit of a rush, you stop. The idea of sharing books or book sharing is not reading, but enjoying books. And before you know it, your baby will grow up loving it, like a favorite toy. Sharing a book means spending moments of silence together, creating a bond that will help your baby during the course of his life. It's important to communicate with your baby and let him participate. Oh, look at the book of the little girl. Look at the book of the little girl with the pap. Sharing books also has to do with the first steps of learning. The baby has to hear the sounds of his voice repeatedly before he can learn to read. Go, go, go. Education will be the key to his life. That's what I think. And that's what I want to give him. All children, including those with special needs, will benefit from sharing books. The books, Bonding with Babies, have been specially designed so that you and your baby can learn and grow together. You take off your clothes, baby, baby. They are growing up knowing that we are there to help them and to grow together as a family. Since the books have no words, you only speak about the photos in a natural way and imitate the actions on the pages. These are different because you have to think about what you are doing. Since there are no words, you leave the possibility of saying what is going on. What is the teacher doing? These books are also special because they help the development of your baby. Each book in the series grows with the interests of the baby and his relationship with him. Although he doesn't speak, he just tries to point out or touch. And that, for me, seems to be learning. Depending on the book you read, you learn how to behave with others. Some of these babies are older now, but the book, for the first three months, inspires them to sing and coo to their baby, giving them a sense of security. The chickens say coo coo coo, the chickens look for corn and wheat. At four months, your baby will enjoy the photos and figures that he shows in the books. Look at the grandma there. Look at grandma there. With the baby and mommy. Yes, how cute. Look at grandma. How cute. During the months seven to nine, this book will take you to spend more time together playing children's games. Look, daddy, daddy playing with the girl. The book for months ten to twelve inspires you and your baby to imitate funny animal sounds and start a conversation. Is that a cat? And when he is older, the baby will be able to grab the books and play with the pages. And don't forget, you can repeat the process at any time. Babies love to share their books repeatedly, over and over again. The second one, she gets very happy. Like anything else, the beginning is the hardest part. And then, when he starts, he will ask, am I doing it right? Sometimes they look at the images, other times they look to the other side, so you have to be aware of that. And as they watch, they like it more. If he doesn't pay attention, he runs with the baby, because the baby is playing, so he runs with me. So when we play on the floor, as if I were a baby and he is the baby, I think he understands what I am reading. As you can see, they are not alone. All they have to do is remember these five simple steps every time they open a book. Step number one, only share the books when both of them are in a good mood. If you are very tired or the baby is restless, leave it for later. Sometimes I leave it. Yes, because sometimes I think they are tired. Step number two, find a quiet place and get the attention of your baby, calling him by his name and pointing at the photos. Step number three, talk with energy and repeat the sounds your baby makes. Look, mom, we are going to see the little friends of the baby. Aww! Step number four, pay attention to what your baby does and continue with what interests you. Sometimes I read the books alone and I start looking at them and I like what I am liking. And finally, step number five, do it every day for a few minutes and turn it into a routine. For me it is not so difficult because you adapt. For example, I get up very early, I prepare everything, I go to work, and when I come, the first thing I do is spend time with them. More than anything, when I get to work, at five in the afternoon he is playing with his toys and that is when I practically arrive and sit next to him and share with him. And it helps to be very patient. It is very easy for me with them. For example, if they cry, I don't make a bad face. I tell them a story, I sing, I dance, I jump, I jump. And remember, your job is to share the experience of sharing books, a fun activity. Laughter I think I should introduce you to the little Chris. Chris is only 11 weeks old and I am happy to tell you that he has just started sleeping at night, so we are all crossed fingers. Chris and I share at least one book a day and thanks to the families, I have been able to see how sharing a book can make a big difference. When I have a book, it doesn't matter how difficult the day has been. It really relaxes us both. For me, a few quiet moments with him is everything. You have to try it. Just a few minutes a day and you will see. The best a father can give his child is a little time. He is developing and I want to be part of that development. It seems fabulous. This program has given us the opportunity to share, to be able to share with them stories that we create. Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music