Tao Touch Yoga Meditation Living Arts Expand your spiritual horizons. Explore alternative approaches to health. Discover a unique collection of books, audios and videos, clothing, music and lifestyle accessories that bring pleasure and quiet beauty to your life. Yoga Welcome to the World of Yoga Journal. Explorations of Hatha Yoga, bodywork, alternative healing, diet and other body positive practices from meditation to martial arts, philosophy to psychology, discover new and old mind expanding possibilities. A nurturing blend of eastern and western traditions offers food for the soul. Join us on the path. Learn more at www.marcoparet.com Learn more at www.marcoparet.com Join us on the path. Learn more at www.marcoparet.com Learn more at www.marcoparet.com Learn more at www.marcoparet.org Learn more at www.marcoparet.com Learn more at www.marcoparet.com Learn more at www.marcoparet.com You You You You You Reclined Mountain Bent leg to chest Release Bent leg to chest Release Bent leg to chest Release Release Bent leg to chest Release Reclined Mountain arms overhead Bent leg to chest Knee to chest Release Knee to chest Release Knee to chest Knee to chest Release Knee to chest Release Leg stretch Leg stretch to the side Knee to chest Release Knee to chest Leg stretch Leg stretch Leg stretch to the side To the side Release To the side Cross-legged stretch Release Cross-legged stretch Release Reclining twist Reclining twist To the side Release Knees to head Roll up Cross-legged forward bend To the side Release Cross-legged forward bend Release To the side Table Cat stretch extended Cat stretch arched Cat stretch extended Down dog Down dog Come up to mountain Arms overhead Release to mountain Mountain Namaste Mountain Mountain Tree Tree Tree Tree Triangle Triangle Side stretch Exalted warrior Exalted warrior Proud warrior Half moon Brave warrior Revolved triangle Extended leg stretch Extended leg stretch, hands in namaste Revolved triangle Mountain Mountain Tree Triangle Side stretch Triangle Exalted warrior Triangle Proud warrior Half moon Half moon Brave warrior Triangle Revolved triangle Extended leg stretch, hands in namaste Wide leg stretch Forward bend Mountain Arms overhead Revolved triangle Mountain Arms overhead Forward bend Lunge, right leg back Plank Upward dog Downward dog Lunge, right leg forward Forward bend Release, come up to mountain Arms overhead Release, mountain Mountain, arms overhead Forward bend Jump back to plank Upward dog Downward dog Forward bend Jump to forward bend Release, come up to mountain Arms overhead Release, mountain Chair Mountain, arms overhead Forward bend Plank Up dog Down dog Triangle Down dog Triangle Down dog Side stretch Downward dog Side stretch Down dog Plank Upward dog Down dog Jump to forward bend Chair with arms overhead Mountain Mountain, arms overhead Forward bend Plank Up dog Down dog Exalted warrior Down dog Exalted warrior other side Down dog Lunge with back bend Downward dog Lunge with back bend Down dog Plank Up dog Down dog Jump to forward bend Come up, arms extended Release, mountain Mountain, arms overhead Forward bend Plank Up dog Down dog Bow Release Up dog Down dog Release and jump to simple sitting pose Camel Plank Up dog Down dog Jump to simple cross leg position Upward bow Up dog Release Reclined mountain, arms overhead Up dog Upward bow pose Come up to the head, extend Come down to the head Release, reclined mountain Upward bow Walk the feet closer to the hands Release Reclined mountain Leg stretch Release Other side Release Leg stretch with sit up Release Other side Release Knees to head Roll up to simple cross leg Simple twist to the right Release to the other side Release to the other side Twist Release to the other side Release to the other side Simple cross legged forward bend Other side Other side Reclined mountain Camel's pose Child's position Begin in staff pose Cross legged forward bend Reclined mountain Reclined mountain Release Other side Reclined mountain Staff One legged forward bend Reclined mountain One legged forward bend Reclined mountain Release One legged forward bend Reclined mountain Release Half lotus forward bend Legs bent One legged forward bend Reclined mountain Release to the other side One legged forward bend Release Half lotus forward bend Legs straight One legged forward bend Reclined mountain Reclined mountain Release Staff pose Other side One legged forward bend Reclined mountain Release Forward bend One legged forward bend Reclined mountain Release Release One legged forward bend Reclined mountain Release Cobbler weaned backward Cross legged forward bend Reclined mountain The sun is setting, feel the release towards silence Your legs surrender to the ground The belly of your pelvis rises and falls with a breath Like the gentle waves coming into the shore The fire of your solar plexus softly glows like the setting sun Your breath is as deep and subtle as the clouds hanging in the twilight sky Your mind softens into infinite space Let go Feel the pulse of the earth Be that pulse Be the earth Glide on the sound of your breath Be the breath Let the skin of the forehead relax Feel the porous quality of the skin of your face Receive Relax your inner corners of the eyes Relax your corners of the mouth Soften the root of your tongue Feel your breath being drawn through the supple tissues of your nose Sense the broadness of your mind Relax your throat Relax your chest Feel the waves of your breath rising and falling Feel the pulse of your heart The rhythm of your breath Relax your shoulders Let go of your arms Soften your fingers Breathe Simple inhalation Simple exhalation No effort No restriction Surrender completely The yogis believe that every day begins a new cycle and that different times of day possess various qualities of energy. In yoga journals, Yoga Practice for Energy, you will experience a new way of practicing yoga that joins the cycle of the sun and the rhythms of the earth to your body, mind, and spirit. If this is the first time that you've watched this program, you probably have some questions. The absence of verbal instruction allows you to focus on the movement, the breath, the emotions, and the energy you feel. You hear the sound of your heart, of your breath, and the cascade of waves caressing the seashore. Yoga Practice for Energy's five segments are designed to follow the natural cycle of the earth, from the sunrise to sunset. The sections also correspond to the five elements, earth, water, fire, air, and ether. You can generate the qualities of these elements through the poses you practice. I recommend using this program in several ways. First, practice the entire program several times. As you become familiar with the program, you can intuit what section you may need at any given time. For example, if you feel stiff, you may want to practice the awakening sequence, the earth element. If you're tired and need more energy, try the second section, centering, the water element. If you want to increase your alertness, practice creativity, fire. Or before going to bed, try reflection and surrender, air and ether, to unwind and let go. As B.K.S. Iyengar has said, yoga is like music, the rhythm of the body, the melody of the mind, and the harmony of the soul. Create the symphony of life. The following appendix represents various modifications for poses that could be difficult and challenging. Find and choose the modifications that feel right for you and that allow an easy breath and observant mind. Namaste. The appendices can be an aid to help you modify the more challenging poses in this program. The use of props like a strap, blocks, and bolsters will make the poses that are difficult accessible and allow you to be in proper alignment. Remember, if you want to be in proper alignment, your breath should be unrestricted. The props will allow you to receive the benefits of the poses without forcing them. In the first segment, Awakening, there are several gentle warm-up stretches that employ a cotton strap and blocks. Leg stretch. Holding one end of the strap in each hand, hold the strap so your shoulders are still on the ground, your arms fully extended, and your legs both straight and reaching. When releasing your leg to leg stretch to the side, hold your strap with just one hand, your right hand as your right leg drops open, and your left hand as the left leg drops open. Cross-legged stretch. Place your strap around your bottom leg. Have enough slack to allow your spine to be extended on the floor. Lunge. Use the blocks to allow your spine to be more extended instead of rounded. Downward dog pose. If your hamstrings are restricting the extension of your spine, try using blocks for aiding the pose. In centering the flowing standing pose sequence, you can use a block to modify your poses to keep a healthy extended spine. The blocks bring the support of the floor up to your hands, so you don't have to distort the spine in standing poses. In modifying the poses, press down into the block instead of leaning your weight on them. There are three different heights and handholds for the blocks. Find which one allows the most comfort and support. In creativity, I have designed some alternative poses and some poses with props that modify some of the more difficult postures. Build up to plank with bent arms by replacing it with plank with straight arms. For a milder backbend in the lunge, try placing your hands on your front leg and press down, helping your spine get the necessary lift. In camel, use your blocks to assist the pose to allow your spine to extend while backbending. To build up to full backbends, practice bridge. Twist. You can modify this pose by hugging your upright leg instead of clasping the foot. Cobblers. Get more extension of your spine by placing your hands in back of the hips instead of holding your ankles. In reflection, a series of forward bends and hip openers, if you find releasing your head on your legs or on the ground is difficult when bending forward, you can modify these poses by resting your head and torso on a bolster. Bolsters allow you to release deeply into the forward bends by supporting your weight. In all of the forward bends, bring the bolster back to the legs and rest your torso and head. If your hips are too tight to cross your ankles over your knee, go back to simple cross-leg pose. If bringing your leg in half lotus is not possible, bring your leg to simple cross-leg. And in wide angle forward bend, use a bolster under your torso and head so your mind can relax deeper and your spine can extend as much as it rounds. In the final segment, surrender. Your mind, your body, your emotions, and your breath release into the earth as the cycle of the day comes to a close. Lying on the ground is a conscious relaxation. The mind and body need to be completely comfortable. On the ground, if your back feels strained, try putting a bolster under the knees and let the legs drop open. Another variation for everyone is reclined cowboy pose with blocks under the thighs. Drop the arms. Drop the legs. Listen to the rhythm of the breath. Surrender. Namaste. Music Music Music Music