Hello, I'm Yvonne Frost. For more than 25 years, my roommate Gavin and I have lived the craft. We've taught the craft and the skills associated with it to tens of thousands of students who have changed and improved their lives. We've published several books. One of which we're very proud is the American edition of Astral Travel. It's also been published in the British Isles and throughout Europe. It's been published in Portuguese. It's been published in Italian. Various other languages. We've also published books in Hindi, on Tantra Yoga. We've published books on various aspects of the craft. They've gone worldwide. Today we're going to look specifically at meditation and astral travel as a way of stilling the mind and reaching upward to levels of spirituality to those who have gone before us and who can reach back down to offer us guidance as we go through life so that we can get through perhaps with minimum pain and maximum growth. Now if you're truly relaxed in your meditation place, go through your time or you may feel that you're not relaxed. If that's the case, a glass of wine 10 or 15 minutes before your session may help you relax. This is not to knock back and have two or three or four. This is not for recreation or for whatever. This is for spiritual development. It's a means to an end. A glass of wine may help you relax more. Dare I say it, sex will help you relax. There was an old Roman, an old Latin, who said, post coito omnia animalia tristasunt. After sex all animals are sad. I think that guy was wrong because life has led me to believe that after sex all animals are relaxed. Merry meet again. We've talked about meditation. Now it's time for the real thing to happen. I've got everything set up here that we're going to use. I'm not going to turn all the power off though because that way you wouldn't be able to see what I'm doing. Don't be confused by the light level. There's snow on the ground. It makes things a little lighter than they would ordinarily be. Here's all the equipment. The journal I will use to record my impressions after the session. The glass of wine that helps me relax before I enter. People who don't use alcohol often find it helpful to have a cup of hot thyme tea with or without honey. That's thyme, T-H-Y-M-E, like on your grocer's spice shelf. And I've got the glass of water here that will help me fit my psychic hands back into my physical hands, my psychic feet back into my physical feet, all the parts back into the physical parts so that I'm back in sync with the physical world again. I've got a timer that will signal my 15 minutes. But it's so noisy that I put it under the pillow. I can still hear the bell, but not the ticking. And I've got the unscented candle that will let me see the circle even when the power is cut off. Now I'm going to go to the salt circle I've already cast and sit in the chair that is already positioned. I've got all the bindings from my body. I'm going to close the eastern gate of the circle. I'm going to clench and relax everything to get the contrast. I'm going to make the affirmation that I use. You're welcome to use this one and you'll soon be writing your own. Our friends who are inside, blessed be your names. The lady's dominion come, her will be done on earth as it is inside. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our weaknesses as we forgive those who wrong us. Help us endure our trials. Deliver us from negation. So let it be. I open my aura and send out a beam of power into the ethers. Too soon. It's time to come back. I close my aura with the other affirmation. I am surrounded by the pure white light of the god. Nothing but good shall come to me. Nothing but good shall go from me. I give thanks. So let it be. Now I'm going to open the salt circle. In a moment or two, I'll have a glass of water to get everything back into sync and I'll make all those notes in my journal of the impressions I received. Good night and blessed be. Greetings. I will be your narrator for this tape. You may be wondering why we're running footage of Stonehenge and Avery behind this introduction. That is because these great stone monuments are the biggest stone circles that were made by the megalithic builders. Megalithic means big stone. A man called Alexander Thomm, who went to London University, actually measured these stone circles and came up with a measure, what he called the megalithic yard. That is 2.72 feet. And that is the measure that we still use today in making our circle. Before we start, we need to talk about the meaning of the circles and why we cast three circles. So I'm going to walk over to this little board that we have here and talk about the circles. The outer circle is designed as a container for energy and is usually cast of something like sulfur. The next circle in is a transition circle. It takes you from the plane of the world into a higher spiritual plane. And the inner circle takes you from that plane into the spirit plane. So we go like this, heaven, spiritual, and that is represented in every church that you have ever been in. If you think about the nave and the altar rail, this is this plane, this is this plane over here. Then when you go past the altar rail, towards the altar, that gives you this plane. And then usually behind the altar, there is a sanctuary, a sacred place. This is where they take the queen to have her anointed with oil, and that is the spirit plane. So every church you've ever been in is represented in the circles, and we like to think of the circles as our church. The limitations of this room and the camera position, we're not going to be able to cast a full circle on camera for you. So I offset the center towards the stove behind me. So I will take this board with its nail and crawl over and put it down over here. And put my first knot around the nave. Stretch it out, holding it vertically. This is the outer circle, so I put some sulfur in this funnel. And I simply go around, tapping the funnel. Now we go after we have completed the circle, and put the next knot over our nail. And do the same thing with our salt circle. It runs a little more easily. Herbs, we'll go between these two circles. Just scatter some herbs in here, and make the appropriate astrological symbols in salt between these two circles. Making the fireplace, take a piece of aluminum foil and lay it down. This protects the carpet from anything which may drop down between cracks between the bricks. Then we need to construct the double S of spirit and soul in our fireplace bricks. Basically there you are with four and a half bricks and a very nice fireplace that you can put your candles on and put everything else on. Don't forget to take your matches into the circle with you. So you can see it really isn't difficult to construct your circles. After you have the materials, it may take you half an hour to do all the work necessary to make a really nice sacred temple. And you may wonder why we think that we can tell you about love spells and their problems and things like how to undo them. A couple of more flatliners like us. Yeah. Well we were young once. And we have written something like 22 books which have been translated into five languages on the occult subject. Although much of this work is to do with philosophy and spiritual awareness, still there are practical sides to it. And part of that practical thing that everybody seems to want is love spells and how to get out of ones that they have inadvertently done. I should say that love charms and love spells are worldwide. You find them in every culture. And there's some very, very old ones and some very new ones. This is the little thing that the Korean married couple gets, the boy and the girl. And they put this on their bed head. And when things are going well, they turn their heads and let the beaks touch like that. But when things are going bad, either the guy or the lady will turn them apart. He will turn their head all the way around. And that means that something should be done in the marriage. This is the little signal, if you like, that somebody needs to pay attention. We're going to start by talking about the power and how... What a spell is. What a spell is. And how it works. The spell, isn't the spell just a simple ritual? It's a procedure you do deliberately to influence the future on this plane of existence here where we are. Nothing very spiritual about it, but it is an attempt, a sincere attempt, to influence the future in ways that you define through the use of natural energy that's in all of us all the time. Okay. The Platon Socratic method define your basic words. Well, then we ought to make sure that the people who are viewing this tape know how to feel their energy. Indeed, yes. Yes. Everybody who has this has the energy we're talking about. And the easy way to do it is just to take your fingers and wave them very slowly across the palm of your other hand. This is my instrument, so I hold it rigid and I wave it across to sense the energy that comes out the palms. If you are left handed, use the left hand against the right palm. And if you are right handed, do it the other way around. The energy between two people is much higher. Especially if they're cross gender. And you can feel this energy very strongly. If you do this with a significant other, notice that our other hands are parallel. But not touching. If you cross these hands, you switch the energy off. If you have any doubt about this, try it at various times of day. And if you still don't pick it up, try it across the sole of your foot. And you will feel a shadow pass, or you'll feel a breeze, or you'll feel something subtle that tells you the energy is flowing. It's real. It's real. And if you are living, if you are in life form, you've got it. Now some peculiar things about this energy. One of the very peculiar things about it is that you can store it. And in Japan, in people's gardens, you will see this little figure. He's Houtai. And when you're happy, you come in and you rub his head or you rub his belly. And he gets filled up with happy energy. All the family puts happy energy into Houtai. Then if something goes wrong in the family, he gets a pot of boiling water poured over him. And that releases the energy that's contained in him to make things better for the family. So that Houtai is a very useful god. In occult terms, he falls under the category of stone god because he is a material object. Now there are lots of gods and goddesses that are no longer with us, that people have put energy into over the centuries. And in putting energy into them over the centuries, that energy is stored and you can call on it to help you in your work. When you are doing a ritual, you must get involved. Yeah, you can't do a ritual while you're yawning or thinking about other things like the grocery list or balancing your checking account. You have to concentrate and focus in and be like a laser on your intent, your defined intent. It's no good just saying, oh, I would like to get to know that lady or I would like this lady in my life or I would like that guy over there in my life. You have to work at it. There's no other way of describing it. If you just sit around and moan that there's nobody in your life, the thought that you're putting out is that there's nobody in your life. And since there's nobody in your life and you keep on saying there's nobody in your life, nobody will come into your life. It's a very subtle difference, but you have to think about somebody coming into your life, not there's nobody in my life, aren't I, in a big, terrible situation. I'm slumping. The affirmation is a negative affirmation and the more you make it, the more negative your life will become. Put it in positive terms. Something wonderful is about to happen in my life. I'm about to meet somebody who will be very important to me. And these are the steps I will take to make that come true, to put the law of attraction into fast forward. Nowadays, we hear a lot about things like aromatherapy and Feng Shui and all of these other modern wonderful- Approaches and disciplines. Approaches. Aspects of behavior. Color therapy, color magic, astrology. What we have to tell you is that for centuries, people knew all of these things. They knew that color, scent, attitude, symbol, astrological time, the phase of the moon, and all of these things added together to make an appropriate time, an appropriate set of tools, if you like, to do a magic. Attributes or tuners or whatever you want to call them that help you focus, help you focus every sense and every aspect of your being on the work at hand. And these psychic tuners have been put together in things called tables of correspondence. And almost any good magical book will contain within it tables showing correspondences between symbols, colors, and perfumes. For the intent you choose. What's your purpose in doing all this? That is very important because if you're trying to bring somebody into your life, it's important that you define the person or what it is you want very, very carefully. The ladies of our coven many years ago did a ritual to bring more men into the coven. And we were suddenly surrounded by gay men. We had a very nice group of gay men and several covens developed of gay people, but that was not what the ladies had intended. But they didn't say so. They just said men. Sometimes I can see the guides up there saying, what are we going to send on them now? All of these intents are valid. There's nothing wrong with a good little bit of lust. It probably makes the world go round. But you must decide what you want before you start planning your ritual. Let us do a simple candle ritual and we can show you what we mean by some of these things. I have here several colors of red candle. They range from light pink, which might be affection, all the way through the dark red of lust. You have to pick which you want. Let us pick for this tape, lust. So here we have a red candle and here we have a candle holder. Now we need to tune this candle to an object. You can't just send out lust. That's not going to work. So the first thing you need is some picture of the ideal person that you want in your life. You can take a single picture or you can take a group picture. In taking a group picture, you can just cut out the person you want. This allows you to visualize the person that you want to come into your life. As you visualize the person, you can do what we call dress the candle and you pick an appropriate scent for the dressing. You can get these little things from your local aroma therapy or herb store. Aroma therapy has become so popular that natural oils are available. All you have to do is go in and find the one you want, whether it be rose or lavender, lavender for the older, affectionate person, rose for the lust, etc. So Yvonne will dress the candle. Keeping in mind firmly my intent, I visualize what I want to happen and I name this candle as my ideal person, my target. I call it lover and I think in my mind what my lover looks like and what the behavior is and address the person in my mind the whole time I'm dressing the candle with thoughts of come to me, let us meet. Let us get to know each other. Let us compliment each other and let our lives merge for greater growth and happiness and so that we will both be happier, better people for knowing each other. All the time I'm dressing the candle, I keep those thoughts in my mind and I dress it tenderly because this is important to me. The same time she's looking at the picture, the psychic link to the person she wants. Of course if you know the person you want, you get a picture of them or some psychic link to them, some signature or something they've written on, whatever, something they've touched or owned or carried around with them and you will have that with you all the time to keep the picture of that target person in your mind as you dress the candle that represents your desire. All right. And this chant that Yvonne will now do is very typical of the types of chants that are used. For lust you do seven, nine, five. Five is good. Five really concentrates it to do five for lust. And the affirmation at the peak of the spell, as I build to the peak and make the affirmation, the affirmation is boiled down, condensed to one word, maybe two words if it's so elaborate, but usually one word and this will be lust. I-O, I-O, I-O, I-O, I-O, lust. You see how it concentrates? Even on the tape you can feel the increase of energy. That energy is from myself. I've done nothing unethical. She has taken her energy and the energy that she put into the candle as she dressed it and sent it out to the target person with the intent that they will get lustful with them. And this all happens in one emphatic moment. I don't just draw it out and yawn and have some vague yearning. This is real. It's condensed, it's immediate. It happens and then I put it out of my mind because I know with my affirmation and my energy the guides will work and I don't need to worry and I don't need to pick at it. One of the things that we just touched on is the psychic link. In doing rituals with people who are your significant other, we often get asked for rituals that will improve a marriage relationship. There are some very old rituals that are still in use today that are designed specifically for couples who are living together and they use the most powerful sexual psychic links that there are. And there are two psychic links that are used in these rituals. One is seminal fluid and the other is menstruating blood. Menstrual blood was always very, very powerful and had to be very carefully concealed and destroyed because a magician getting a hold of menstrual blood could do anything he liked with the person who was menstruating. The simplest ritual for using this type of fluid is to take either an avocado or a bell pepper and turn it into a lamp. A large number of seeds in a bell pepper is indicative of the fact that you want it to be a fertility ritual. You take some ordinary cooking oil, you pour it in to the fruit and you make a wick. This can be peanut oil or canola oil or sunflower oil or whatever, cottonseed oil? Yes, any sort of oil will do. If you feel very strongly or have heavy connotations with any oil from a specific source, let your feelings be your guide in choosing the oil. You add a little of your natural aroma to the oil and you add either the seminal fluid or a drop of menstrual blood. Then for 15 minutes you burn your little lamp. Of course, because this is a demonstration it won't burn properly, but still you get the idea I'm sure. Visualize it burning. There. As you burn the lamp you sit and visualize the person involved. The psychic link is in the oil and in the aroma and in the green of the fruit and the seeds. You can see that this is a very powerful, total little ritual that you can do very easily. And hold your thought. Don't just set this in motion and wander around the house doing some mills. Sit there and send your energy into it the whole time it's working. That's a very ancient ritual, but one which is obviously very powerful. Another thing you must do, and we touched on it very briefly, is define exactly what you want. Because once you have done this type of ritual, it is a caging spell. You are putting a cage around somebody else and bringing them into your life. Do you really want Barbie? Do you really want this type of lady in your life, knowing that she is supposed to be the dumb blonde, but of course that's an old stereotype. Blondes are probably just as smart as anybody else. And did I do a PC? But do you want a Barbie? Do you want a Barbie who you are going to have to worry about all the time because she is so very attractive that she is going to be very attractive to a lot of other people too. And if you feel threatened. That's no basis for a relationship. Right, right. Do you want somebody with just physical attributes or do you want intelligence too? Or do you want them both combined? It's very difficult to be as lucky as I was. Oh, good grief. We were talking one day about what I dreamed of in my ideal mate and I said he'd be intelligent and he'd be gentle and he'd have a sense of humor. The physical thing hardly enters into it because love will find a way. But think, think before you commit, before you do your work. And think before you decide on putting the ritual together. It's caging. It's not a nice ritual. And as the lady said to us in New Orleans at the time, what are you going to do when you get tired of him? Take him to the used lover store? So think what you're doing. Think. There are ways of uncaging and we will get to that in a moment. There are several other old methods of doing these rituals. And in this book, which is Grimoire, which is still available, and by the way I need to tell you, you can find all of these books for sale on our website, which is wicca.org. W-I-C-C-A dot org. This is basically knot magic. You're going to do this with a piece of hair from the desired one. It's called a kell. It's an ancient knot made by sailors mainly. And there are instructions as to how to do it in that book. But it's relatively easy. Even I can do it. I hope I can do it. When it comes to making this with hair, it becomes rather more difficult and fiddly. A friend of ours, Gunther, in Germany, went to a local beauty salon and got several pieces of blonde hair from the floor and wound them together and made a kell. And he had several ladies very interested in him very quickly. Of course, they were not exactly the shapes that he had in mind because these ladies were old and young. There was one 13-year-old, I think. Before we get through here, we're going to have equal time for brunettes, is that right? Well, as a matter of fact, one of Gunther's ladies was a brunette because Germans are very good at dyeing hair. They're the home of the chemical industry. Now let's talk about pulling these ends tight. Do you pull the ends tight? What happens if you do? Oh, you just knot this together and leave it open. You better not pull it tight? No, don't pull it tight. What happens? Well, the caging gets more and more intense. Yeah, yeah. And as you're doing this, of course, you do all the same things. You visualize the person. You put a little of your aroma onto it. And then you chant over it to charge it. Okay? Now to destroy, this is called a knot spell. To destroy a knot spell, you simply undo it. And in undoing it, you release it. So this is one of the easiest caging spells to undo. And maybe in that sense, the safest kind of procedure to do. So a cowl is a very useful and simple procedure. The one that's closely akin to that is straight knot spell, where you make a figure of eight knot. I better do it a little larger. You make a figure of eight knot, which represents the person, the target. And you put your aroma into it, and you put your thoughts into it, and you chant over it. You do all of those things. And then, starting usually at new moon, you tie one knot in the other end of the cord. And this is you. And then the next evening, probably when you're in bed and all warm and sexy, you tie another knot. And notice it's getting closer. And you keep on putting one knot after another, one a day, all the way up until the last knot. The day of full moon will be very close to your desired objective. And this will gradually bring the objective closer to you as the knots progress up the cord. Again, to undo this, you start at full moon, and you reverse the process. So the day after full moon, you undo the knot that's closest to the objective. And then as new moon approaches, so you finally undo the final knots down here. And this undoes a knot magic. They're very simple, very straightforward. Knot magics are fun. And you should leave your knot at cord or your kel somewhere where you see it regularly. Because by seeing it regularly, you think it's going to happen. You're putting the energy out more and more and more. And you can think, I've got something working, I've got something working. It changes your, changes your, the way you live. Another way of bringing somebody into your life is using candle magic. And it's the same sort of progressive thing that you do with the knots. If this is your central person, this is the central idea that this is what you want to happen. And the idea here is purity. You're going to do something which is very nice and very positive. So this candle represents the central idea. If your central idea is lustful or something like that, then of course you need to use a red candle as the central candle. So that's the way you need to pick something for you and something for the beloved. Here we're using green candles. Green is the color of Venus. We're using two different shades because the beloved is probably not as intent as you are on this procedure yet. The red candle doesn't have a wick, which is very interesting, so I'll have to use a different one. Let's use a pink candle for affection. So we've got green for Venus and love and pink for affection. Every evening, starting again at the new moon, you name them. Yes, this is me. You name them, and this is me. One is you, the worker, and one is your target person. Whether it's someone you know or whether it's your ideal who you don't even know yet. I'll light this off. Move them every evening, sit with them, light them, and think about the situation, and move them just a little bit towards the central candle. After, oh, five minutes of concentration, blow them out, come back the next evening, get closer, and so on. Keep on moving them closer until eventually they're all very close together. Some magicians will recommend that you then take the remaining pieces of the candle and melt them together and then burn the resulting candle by itself. However, we don't recommend that because it's irreversible. Once you melt the three candles together, you can't get it back out again. Whereas if you decide that the person that came into your life is not the right person, you can undo a candle magic exactly the same way that you can undo a knot magic. You can start at full moon and move them apart, a little bit at a time, until at new moon they're back to their original positions and the magic has been reversed. You have some words, I think, Yvonne, on how to reverse a magic that you think somebody has put on you. It's immortal stuff. If you think somebody has done a love spell on you and you don't necessarily want it to happen, or you're tired of it, and so you didn't do the spell that somebody else did, you know who it is. What you do to undo that spell is surreptitiously get their left shoe and urinate in it. That'll undo the spell. We have been talking about lust and love and desire and affection, and people tend to get those confused and intertwined things. Yes, all tangled up to each other and get a real twist in their niggers, because they haven't defined exactly which aspect of all this they're thinking about. I can desire somebody without loving them. Right, right, right. I can love somebody without wanting to go to bed with them. So the two things are different. They're both valid, both are valid, all the aspects of this are valid, every aspect is valid, but keep your labels straight. If you want to have a brief relationship with somebody, that's fine, that's fine. If you want a long-term relationship, that's something different entirely. So be careful what you're thinking about. Okay. We see nothing at all wrong with good, honest sexual relations, even with appropriate precautions with somebody who are relatively, relative strangers. We do have a word that we use to define what is no-go, and that word is duped. And Hanifan will tell you what that word means. If I think of the word duped, d means no disease, u means nobody's under contract with someone else. I am a freelance operator, my desired target person is a freelance operator as well. What if that contract says that they're not monogamous? Okay, okay, if they're under contract with someone else, or if I'm under contract with someone, and my contract specifically says, and that target person's contract specifically says, monogamy is not an essential part of this relationship, then that's alright. But there'll be no violation of a contract that defines monogamy, that specifies monogamy. For p, d-u-p, there'll be no unwanted pregnancy resulting from this, because nobody wants to be duped. The e means no expectations beyond what's happening right now. The fact that you and I are having a relationship doesn't mean that it's going to turn into a life sentence. There's no expectations, and the final d of duped is there's no implication of emotional debt. If we have a relationship, that doesn't mean I owe you something, or you owe me something, or it doesn't mean anybody belongs to anybody else. So nobody wants to be duped. There's no disease, nobody's under contract, there will be no pregnancy, there are no expectations, there's no implication of debt. Don't get duped, and don't dup anybody else. In considering caging rituals, you must consider that our basic philosophy says, and it's hard none do what you will. A caging ritual is a harmful ritual, and we do not do it for anyone else, but it is in your own karma, if you like, if you do it yourself. You have to review your ethics. You have to decide in your own ethical set how much of a love spell you are willing to do. You can do something really mild, and do it easily, but the best type of love spell is the love spell that changes you. You look in the mirror on the wall and decide, this is what I need to do to attract the person I want. There's a famous scene now from the movie There's Something About Mary, where the guy goes and jerks off before he goes out on a date, and the reason he does that is to change himself, to get his level of desire down so that he can talk to her as a person, rather than something he just wants to take to bed. Is that the right way of putting it? Oh, can't you put it more candidly? All those technical terms are maybe beyond the layman. All right. So remember, and at harm none, and change yourself. Sitting at harm, disappearing into your own fat, watching TV, or sitting in front of the computer terminal is not getting you out, doing social things, and meeting people. Surely you have a hobby. Surely you can go to places where people with light hobbies are present. If you're interested in France, go to the local college and take a French course. If you're interested in dance, go ballroom dancing. If you're interested in flying kites, go fly kites. Yeah, go fly a kite. If you're interested in car racing, go to the pits on a Saturday morning when everybody's out there getting greasy. Whatever you like to do, there are other people who like to do that same thing. Go where they are. It's a terrible irony to me to go to our ballroom dance classes and see women there alone, hoping to meet someone, while down the street in a bar, the room is full of men sitting there, sucking their thumbs, hoping to meet someone. Women aren't going to go to a bar looking to meet somebody, unless it's... For a long-term relationship. Not for a long-term relationship. It's just an irony that the match is so close, but it's not going to happen. Go where things happen that you enjoy. And you meet people who are pre-screened to enjoy the same things you enjoy. It's kind of inevitable. Yes, we know that you can get dates over the Internet. Yes, we know you can get dates through computer dating services. But you need to meet these people. You need to socialize. Sitting at home is not the way. Even Baby Cupid with a little quiver of arrows isn't going to come knocking on your door, seeking you out. You have to get up on your hind legs and make the first step yourself. I have to talk about something which is kind of, whoo, out there. And this is the theory of soul pieces. Your spirit can be fragmented into several pieces. If you have lived for a long time with one person and that person leaves, something is missing from you. You have the feeling when the person leaves that something is missing. Unless, of course, the leaving is such that you're saying, bye, great, see you. But normally you'll feel that there's something missing. And that is because in shamanistic terms you have lost a piece of your spirit. It's gone with that person. These caging rituals are actually designed to take a piece of the person's soul and put them into the candle or the little lamp or whatever and keep them for you. Yes, a simple reversal is possible. We've shown you how to undo the knots, how to move the candles apart. But you also need to know that in certain cases people will cling on, especially in divorces, they'll cling on to those soul pieces. You've got two ways of getting them back. You can go through a shamanic ritual. Now to do that you need a real shaman, not a shamman. Not a shamman, right. But a shaman. But a shaman. Because only a real shaman knows how to do this well. They go out on the astral and they find that missing soul piece. And they bring it back and reintegrate it with you. It may take several trips to bring all of the pieces back because most shamans won't bring everything back at once as it's often too traumatic for the person. So they bring back a little of the missing soul piece at a time and then it's restored. Your other alternative is to go lie on a psychologist's couch or sit in his leather covered chair for several months. And he will do the same thing. He will restore and heal your missing pieces from your spirit. But it will take time and the shamanistic route is quicker and easier in our opinion. So remember that when you're doing these rituals what you're actually doing is stealing pieces of somebody else's spirit. And if you can avoid doing that, avoid it. Obviously people like us who have been together for 30 or so years, our soul pieces are interconnected and any split would be devastating. And we would have to spend a long time getting the pieces back from one another to straighten ourselves out again. Show me yours and I'll show me mine. Over time the process becomes very much one of interlocking. Yes, when two people live together they interlock and their soul pieces interlock. When they break apart, and it's on a practical level too, things that you naturally do for me wouldn't be done. Yeah, there's a lot of emotional baggage that builds up and that's just another way of saying there's been an exchange of soul pieces. And that if we split apart we'd have a long traumatic time putting them back together again. I think we've covered everything that you need to know. If you want to do a love spell, unfortunately in some ways they're very easy to do. You take a candle or something else, you dress it, you have an object of desire in mind, having defined that very carefully, and then you chant. Concentrate and build it up and send it out and release it in the knowledge that the guides will take your energy and use it as they see fit for your best long range, whatever you want. Remember that if it's something you want to build up, you start at new moon and build towards full moon as the moon grows. It's something that you want to decay away, you start at full moon and you finish at new moon. So one of your essential tools is an almanac, or one of those calendars from the bank that has the phases of the moon on it. The moon and the earth and the sun and all that are very real. We are at their mercy. We have to work in harmony with them. Now you can dress it up a lot of other ways. You can wait for the right astrological time, which may be in 3200 years, and you may not want to wait that long. And you can get more symbols, you can get whatever the appropriate symbols are. And tables of correspondence will have a whole line of things that you can see that if you have all of those things, the ritual will work better than if you just have one or two of them. But in our experience, love rituals are so powerful that you only really need two or three of the items from the line. You don't need them all. If you feel you need them all, and you can't get the nettunian or the swan or the whatever. Yeah. If a Venus ritual calls for representation of a swan, it's one of the things on the table of correspondences. And you can't get a swan and leave it home from the city park to sit under your table while you work. Draw a picture of a swan or get a swan feather and lay it on your altar, your work table. It'll make you think of a swan, and that's good enough. Because what happens out there is not nearly as important as what happens in here. This is where it starts, and this is where it comes true. Not out there. Now in closing, let us recommend that you do something nice for that person that you're interested in. And what we suggest is that in the middle of the night, you get a bunch of red roses. And you hold them in your hands, and you smell their odor, and you feel their texture, and you look at their color, and you visualize those roses, and you send a bunch of red roses to the beloved, and he or she will pick that up in their dreams. Ask them the following day what they dreamed about, and they will have dreamed about at least flowers and probably red roses, and probably getting a nice beautiful bouquet of red roses. When you've done it, you can send the roses anyway. Ladies in most cases love to get flowers. If you really want to stretch that out, you can start by sending one rose at New Moon, two roses the following day, and building up to a whole cartload of roses at Fullman. If she doesn't get the message then, she's not with them. She's not paying attention. You better shop elsewhere. But the telepathic sending of the roses works. We normally have all of our students try that. And again, in closing, I'd like to say we do teach this, and we have been teaching this for 30 some odd years. And you can find out all about it at our website. Wicca.org. Blessed Be. A hug? A hug. On camera hug. Now let me take a few moments of your time to introduce the School of Wicca, which is an arm of the Church. The first thing you get when you join the school is a whole series of lectures. Some are in the large format, and some are in the small, convenient booklet format. These cover every possible topic you can imagine. The basic witchcraft course and 12 lectures give you a thorough grounding in the craft of the wise. To help you along the way, we also have audio tapes that you can listen to in your car, and video tapes to show you demonstrations of how to make things work, how to make your tools, how to do real magic. The school runs a library service, which allows you to borrow books for a small fee, because many of these books are very difficult to get. Everything comes to you in plain envelopes. Nothing tells anyone that you are studying witchcraft. You are assured of our personal attention. Here Yvonne is carrying folders from the file cabinets and beginning to work on the answers. This is just about half of one day's file folders. Everything has a student number, and only in encryption files in the computer are the student name and number put together. Here Yvonne is carrying another set of student mail, and you can see in these packed file cabinets all of the student folders, thousands upon thousands of them. There are, I think, 18 four-draw file cabinets, and all of them are stuffed with folders. And we take the files out and store them of those students who have gone before. Here is just a small stack of follow-up mailing to people we haven't heard from, people we want to hear from. Here are some of the books we have written in conjunction with the work with the students in the school. We set the new Neophytes all sorts of tasks. I'm sorry you can't read the titles on some of these books, but as soon as you join the school you will get a book list. Here is a book written by a student called The Azure School. These are not just two people with a typewriter. This is a large organization that tests and researches information continually to help the course get better. All of these give you proven techniques. This is a large listing of past students. This is just a listing for, would you believe, one year's worth. In addition, every two months you will get a copy of the church newsletter where people advertise, and you will read the latest thoughts. At least twice a year we meet in a large circle like this one, which was for the blessing of a baby. This gives you the knowledge that you are part of a group, a group of friends who will support and help you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.