Hello, I'm Tracy Lourdes. Let's work out together. Just follow me and listen to the lyrics, for the instruction is incorporated within them. Most of the system is performed on the floor, so if you need, use some sort of mat or cushion to make it comfortable. We are now doing the warm-up section. When we get to the hard stuff, you will notice that it is fast-paced. This is designed to improve your cardiovascular system. Don't be concerned with following me exactly at first. Just work along at your own pace, breathe evenly, and don't over-exert yourself. The more you perform this system, the more exact you should become, while developing a healthier, happier, sexier you. Just remember, have fun. Work our hips from side to side, till there's no fat to hide. Keep your tummy firm and tight, if it hurts, you've got to fight. Change! Roll your hips round and round, a perfect circle should be found. Turn, turn, feel it burn, turn, turn, feel it burn, change! Move your ribs left to right, keep it firm, keep it tight, change! Bend your waist, turn round and round, burning off another pound, change! Stretch your neck, control your bounce, lose your flab, ounce by ounce, keep it smooth, now don't you strain, if you don't fight, you'll have no game, change! Look this way and then that, turn again, now go back, self-control is the key, not too hard, watch, you'll see, breathe, change! Relax neck, you will move, don't jerk it hard, keep it smooth, change! Twist it back, twist it out, to be thin is your route, point your shoulder, twist your hand, be aware of how you stand, dance the way you move right here, use some style, some charm, some cheer, change! Twist it now, the other way, you'll feel better all the day, 16 more, I gotta say, your self-esteem will want to stay, change! Push it left, push it right, dance the beat, you must fight, coordinate your legs and arms, learn to be and move with charm, change! Twist it over if you can't watch me, relax your neck if you can be, in that position till I say change, then your move will rearrange, stretch, change! To your right leg, stretch it down, grab your calf, touch the ground, pull your head to your knee, a tighter self you will see, stretch it, change! Do the same other side, no more excess, left to hide, feel the stretching in your spine, soon your muscles will define, change! Bend on down, your legs do spread, stretch your thighs, fat you'll shed, change! Push it left and then right, feel the beat, you gotta fight, bend your left leg then the other one, stretch your waist, have some fun, change! Stretch your back, steady head, now travel forward, hands as pet, change! Stretch your stomach, relax your back, you don't want to hear no crack, push your glute to the floor, feel it stretch your tummy more, change! Legs shake, arm thrust, the picture will show, legs shake, arm thrust, ready, set, go! Change! Reach down for your thighs, come on people, exercise, reach back, bow down, touch your hands to the ground, change! Legs shake, arm thrust, do it hard, you won't rest, change! This is called the torso roll, watch my moves, smooth control, push it, change! Bend your head to your knee, your thigh will burn, you'll agree, stretch it, yeah! Change! Shake your thigh with rhythm, see, cellulite will no doubt flee, change! Arms spread, shake it more, nothing's easy if no chore, change! Push real slow with arm control, go, change! Forge your knee, you should bend with a steady breathing blend, don't you bounce, use control with a steady stretching flow, change! Tap your thigh, point your toe, flex your arms, muscles grow, change! Kicking forward, this leg group, come on baby, please don't poop, change! Hold it, point it, flex, flex, earn it, go! Legs shake, arm thrust, the picture will show, legs shake, arm thrust, ready, set, go! Change, reach back, bow down, touch your hands to the ground, go, push it, change! Legs shake, arm thrust, respiration is a must, change! Here again, the torso roll, watch my moves, smooth control, change! Bend your head, to your knee, your thigh will burn, you'll agree, stretch it, change! Shake your thigh with rhythm, see, cellulite will no doubt flee, change! Arms spread, shake it more, nothing's easy if no chore, change! Push it, push it, change! Knee to knee, you should bend with a steady breathing blend, don't you bounce, use control with a steady stretching flow, yeah, change! Tap your thigh, point your toe, flex your arms, muscles grow, change! Tap, change! This leg move, come on, people, please don't droop, point your toe to the sky, you will love your nice new thigh, hold it, point it, flex it, burn it, change! Cross the legs, dancer style, position four, another trial, change! Less than right, our arms should swing, controlling moves is how we're being, come on now, respirate, watch me as I illustrate, stretch your back and your side with a smooth controlled stride, change! Arms go up one by one, reach it now, have some fun, reach, reach, change! Bend it forward, stretch it twice, be in shape, sacrifice, control your head, don't throw it hard, tighten your body, your calling card, change! Yeah! Go! Change! Rock on back, legs in air, new position, now prepare, change! Back and forth, again we'll swing, control your move, you pretty thing, keep your arm nice and tight as you move, left and right, swing it, change! Repeat once more, arms to air, hear the music, have some flair, push it, push it, change! One more time, back and forth, tummy and chest will feel the worth, be sure not to throw your head, listen to what I said, breathe while you do this move, your stamina will improve, push it smooth, make it burn, healthy self you will earn, change! A to side, hip on ground, tap your toes up and down, don't slam your feet together now, toes touch softly, this is how, change, touch, change, kick, kick, kick, up, up, up, change, touch, change! Touch your heel to the floor, do it softly till you're sore, softly, good, change, touch, touch, touch, change, touch your heel, bruise don't feel, change, toe to back, do not slap, change, change, point it back, kick your leg, kick it hard, don't be vague, if we want to trim our thighs, breathe with it, exercise, change! Some more tapping toe to toe, touch it softly, you control, change! In and out, tuck your arm, with self control, do no harm, stay with me, wait we'll go, flowing out with H2O, work with me, nothing's free, be a health devotee, go, change, hold, change! Now sit down on your can, spread your arm and your hand, kick your leg, point your toe, smile with a happy glow, put your toe to your ankle, to yourself, you'll be thankful, change! Point it now, kick the air, and your mate will want to stare, point it straight, don't get to the ground, we won't gain another pound, go, smile, change! Toe to toe, again we'll tap, control your move, don't let it flap, change! Toe to knee, tight will be, change! Kick it to the stratosphere, your motivation, you will cheer, don't think it's hard, don't poop out, this is something to laugh about, change! Toe to toe, again let's go, change! Toe to toe, leg up and down, don't hit your heel on the ground, change! Toe to toe, once more, go, change! Change! Point it back, floor don't whack, change! Front, go, change! Back, do it, lightly, change! Point it back, kick your leg, kick it hard, don't be vague, if you want to slim your thighs, come on friends, exercise, change! Chop your toes, muscle grows, change! Spread your arm, then tuck it in, don't throw your head, tuck your chin, go! Stretch it, go! Change! Hold, hold, stretch, change! Sit down on your rear, spread your arm, get in gear, point your toe, kick it out, wonderful new body wrap, kick your leg, don't jerk it though, steady breath is apropos, change! Point your leg and your toe, ready up and down we go, point it up, touch it down, sure not, slam the ground, yeah! Change! Sit on up, shake them out, arms flexed, feet stout, change! Point raised leg, we must fight, smooth foot landing, nice and light, arms flexed, hard tummy, tight bodies are really yummy, go! Burn it, change! Point your toe, bounce leg to rear, up and down, sweat will sheer, change! Hold, stretch it, feel it, go! Change! Shake them out, change! Cross your hands on your knees, ready for some more of these, move like this again a while, it will help, busy smile, change! Pull it, pull it, pull it, change! Shake it out, change! Feet near hands is a must as we do the pelvic thrust, feel the tightness in your rear, muscles will soon appear. Go! Push! Steady! Fight! Don't give up, we're almost through, push for it, it's for you! Change! Hold it, burn it, it's good you'll see, breathe in, breathe out and life will be! Change! Shake it out and relax, healthy's happy, face the facts, keep it up, we'll stay fit, come on humans, breathe with it! Change! Cross, pelvic thrust, I know this isn't just, we must endure a little torture if we want any sculpture, press your pelvis to the air, keep your can nice and square. Go! Push it! Burn! Change! Hold it! Tight! Burn it! Change! Wipe it off if you're wet, it's the best when you sweat, kick it out, take a rest, you can only do your best! Change! Legs spread apart, hand side of head, do sit ups now till we see red, breathe out up, breathe in down, move it to the music sound, if you need some motivation, think about your respiration. Do it! Curl! Yeah! Change! Legs apart, up you'll sit, thrust it twice, use true grit, make it smooth as you lie down, don't bump your head on the ground, push it forward, do it hard, a bad day you'll discard. Change! Shake them out and relax, breathe steady, heart should tax. Change! Do some more, feet together, make yourself as a feather, keep moves smooth, set a pace, put a smile on your face, come on up, don't pull your head, tighten tummy, weight will shed. Go! Move! Up! Good! Change! Hands up and down, out they thrust, don't throw your head, it's a must. Thrust it forward, pay the price, if you want health, sacrifice, support your head, chin to chest, breathe real smooth, may I suggest? Curl it! Change! Shake them out, breathe in deep, you will sow what you reap. Change! Eggs and air, cross them now, sit ups on your back, bow, hands behind head, up we curl, exercise is the world, don't pull your head, too hard with this, tight, tight tummy, use your wish. Up! Go! Burn! Change! Cross your feet the other side, do some more, with some pride, tuck it up, roll it in, come on now, you can win, so many reps may make you sore, but your tummy, they'll adore. Up! Go! Change! Shake it out, hands on knees, think about the way you breathe. Change! Roll it over, push up with arms, head push back, build your charms. Stretch! Change! Roll on over, legs to ceiling, this position is quite revealing, spread your legs wide as you can, stretch them now is our plan, point your toes, point them hard, you will feel your reward. Stretch! Go! Stretch! Make it burn! Change! Sit up, Indian style, roll back and forth for a while, do it steady, do it slow, breathing with self-control, stretch it far, no pain, no gain, self-esteem you'll obtain. Push, smile, breathe, good. Change! Spread your legs, arms push out, bounce one leg, do not pout. Change! Push your arms the other way, bounce this leg, if we may. Change! Again, bounce it, change! Rock it now, back and forth, you will know what this is worth. Rock it, breathe, go, beautiful. Change! Bend it forward, rock to and fro, push small of back, breathe, let's go! Go! Stretch! Change! Stretch it hard, the floor goes chest, keep the pace is the test, push hard, see the ground, better body, you are bound. Change! Grab your ankle and your calf, pull it down to this half, pull your head to your knee, this one hurts, you'll agree. Pull it, do it, harder, good. Change! Pull your arm overhead, stretch the side, move that leg, this is how we stretch our ribs, honestly, would I fib? Stretch, go! Change! Head to knee, other side, hands on leg, pull and stride, stretch your torso and your thigh, your body will purify. Change! Overhead with arm again, force the heart to burn as pain, if you think this is a bummer, think of how you'll look this summer. Go! Feel it, stretch! Change! Hands on knees, walk side to side, have a smooth, even ride, stretch it this way and then that, make your body nice and flat. Change! Shake your legs, loosen them up, arms flexed out, they'll develop. Change! Feet together, hands on floor, bounce them now, make muscles sore. Go! Stretch them, good! Change! Grab your ankle, rock it now, watch me, I'll show you how, shoulders back, chest protrude, you'll feel better, you'll conclude. Push it! Rock it! Change! Bend forward then go back, don't give yourself any slack. Respirate with rhythm please, you'll find you can do with ease. Go! Stretch! Fight! Change! Shake it out while back you lean, you'll be as healthy as you dream. Breathe deep, change! Above your head your hands should clap, like a bird our wings will clap, feel the calories burn away, your tight muscles will surely stay. Fight for it, nothing's free, you'll be glad ultimately. Swing them, yeah! Change! Hands high, cross and fly! Change! Clap your hands, elbows meet, now elbows back, feel the heat, watch the picture and you'll see the variations that will be. Go! Change! Arms swing forward, head is bowed, tuck your head, you'll be proud, smooth moving head, be accurate, exercise, control your weight. Go! Relax our heads as we bow down, let it hang toward the ground, palms turned up, arms to air, we will finish if we bear. Push them, go! Yeah! Change! Thrust your arms side to side, with the music stay in stride. Breathe with it, calm and smooth, feel the beat as you move. Change! Lean on back, shake them out, breathe, prepare another bout. Change! Grab your calves, forward stretch, definition you will etch, push yourself back, extend, feel it burn as you bend. Good! Terrific! Stretch it! Change! Grab your ankles, pull back down, push it hard to the ground, pull it down, flex it tight, your body will feel delight. Stretch it! Go! Change! Lay your tummy on the floor, to the ceiling, legs should soar. Go! Good! Fight! Change! Now let's do the other side. Come on people, keep your stride, show me how you kick much higher. Come on friends, let's see some fire. Kick it! Go! Change! Relax, catch your breath. Change! On hands and knees, thrust your tummy, you don't have to ask your mummy. Up and down, re-energize, this one's hard, you'll realize. Stomach back is what this is for, do it right, you will score. Go! Looking good! Change! Leg goes up, kick it back, you're doing good so don't you slack. Kick it back, for your thighs, make them some you'll advertise. Point your toe, touch heel to bun, come on now, make it fun. Go! Yeah! Sweat! Change! Relax, breathe. Change! Kick leg back, other side, make it smooth, make it glide. Kick with vigor, kick with zeal, your handsome self will appeal. To everyone you see each day, if you work with me, butt play. Kick it up for a while, it'll seem easy if you smile. Sweat! Go! Breathe! Do it! Change! Relax, breathe in, no fun is a sin. Change! Point your toe, thrust leg in air, thrust it hard for a prettier pair. Push it to the air, don't touch the ground, to a happier life you're bound. Thrust it up, high as you can, when you come down floor don't slant. Do not touch your foot to the floor, if it hits it may get sore. Go! Do it! Good! Kick it up! Change! Other side, now kick with me, point your toe, you can see. I say again, don't hit the floor, aren't bad health, it's all out war. Thrust it! Go! Up! Fantastic! Go! Don't quit! Change! Down, relax, catch your breath, prepare for another test. Change! Slowly, feet on floor, stretch your calf a little more. Change! Come up and down, at your hips, stretch legs and back, just like this. Stretch! Good! Feel it! Change! Stand up now, we're all but through, this is all been just for you, thrust and turn with dancer style, today's session you can almost file. Go! Beautiful! Change! Punch it left, punch it right, you did great in a fight. Go! Punch it! Change! Do the same but punch the air, we're almost through so please take care of over exertion, set your own pace, we don't want no lawsuit case. Change! Up, down, relax, catch your breath, prepare for another test. Change! Come up and down, at your hips, stretch legs and back, just like this. Come up and down, at your hips, stretch legs and back. Come up and down, at your hips, stretch legs and back. Come up and down. Come up and down. Come up and down, at your hips, stretch legs and back. Come up and down. Come up and down. Come up and down. Come up and down. Come up and down. Come up and down. Come up and down.