Way to go! Welcome to Thin Thighs Guaranteed. For the best results use the video three to four times a week and if you ordered Beachbody supplements make sure to take them every day to accelerate your results. Hi I'm Debbie and welcome to Thin Thighs Guaranteed. Now make sure you're warmed up properly before you begin. Each move is 45 seconds and there's a bonus at the end if you still have something left. So let's get started. Are you ready guys? Okay great. First exercise is the squat front kick. We're gonna press and kick. Make sure those hips are pointed back and your weight is in the heels of your feet. You want to keep your abdominals in tight and exhale as you kick. Now if you're a beginner you can follow Sandi and you can just do the beginner move and just the basic squat. Press and kick. So we're working the quadriceps. We're gonna be working sectional progression here. So right now the section we're working is mainly the thigh, the front of the thigh, the quadriceps. Keep it going. Five more seconds. Press, kick. Good. Now the next exercise is a reverse lunge with the knee up. So right leg back, knee up. Press and lift. Again if you're a beginner follow Sandi and just do the basic reverse lunge. You really want to press and squeeze. Back is nice and straight. Again we're really focusing on the quadricep here. You're also hitting the glutes. But I really want that main focus to be right here. Five more seconds. And switch legs. Step it back and lift. Good. Sometimes it takes a little bit of balance for these exercises. So if you want to hang on to a chair that's fine. Keep that back nice and straight. The abdominals are in tight. You should really be feeling it now in your quadriceps. Press and lift. Make sure that knee is not pointing over the toe. Make sure it's right in alignment with the ankle. Keep going. These are the ones that count. And switch. Now we're going into a stationary lunge. Straight down and up. Really sink into the heel of the front foot. Press and squeeze up. Keep those abdominals in tight. If you feel this and it's burning, that's when you really want to go for it. If you get a little too tired, just march in place but keep moving. Press, squeeze. Make each one count. You're worth it. Five more seconds. Press, squeeze. Really work it. Switch legs. Ready? Right into it. And press, squeeze up. Very important here that the knee does not push forward. Make sure you sink straight down and straight up. You're really sinking into the heel of that front foot. And the back knee is bent. Still really focusing on that quadricep. Keep breathing. Five more seconds. You can do it. Squeeze. Next exercise. We're going into a squat rear kick. Right leg goes back. Press, kick back. This is working the hamstring and the glutes. Press, squeeze up. Really hit that squat first. Then lift, press, and lift. If you're a beginner, you don't have to come up as high as I'm going. Press, squeeze. Five more seconds. Good. Now we're going to go into the standing leg curl. Right leg comes back. Stationary leg is bent. Squeeze up and down. Again, focusing on that hamstring. What you want to do is visualize that muscle working. Squeeze. Of course you're still going to be feeling in your quadricep, but I really want you to focus on the hamstring now. Squeeze it, resist it. Squeeze it. Keep going. Almost there. Abdominals in real tight here. Five more seconds. Switch legs. Let's go. Squeeze up and down. Think of squeezing that hamstring like you would a bicep. Really get deep into that muscle. Abdominals are in tight. Remember, you want that beach body, so really push yourself on these. Squeeze. Squeeze it. Keep going. We're almost there. Just five more seconds. Good work. Now we're going to go into the squat. Leg lift to the side. Press and lift. Alternating legs. Sit and lift. Now the section we're moving on to is the abductor, the outer thigh. It's all part of this sectional progression that I'm talking about, and it really works. Sit into that squat and lift. Press. Lift it. If you're a beginner, you don't have to go as high. Once again, follow Sandi. Make sure you really hit that squat. Hips are back. Chest is lifted. Five more seconds. Good. Now we're going to go into a crossover lunge. Starting with the right leg, we're crossing over and here. Still focusing on that outer thigh area. Back is nice and straight. Abdominals always in. What that does is it really protects your lower back. Again, the knee cannot be projecting over the toe line. Very important. We don't want any knee injuries. Really control it. Pressing into it. Five more seconds. You're almost there. We're almost home. Now next exercise we're going to do is the curtsy lunge. Stepping back with the left leg first. Come down. Wide stance and sink right into that lunge. Press. Still really focusing on the outer thigh area. Again, all these exercises work all the major muscle groups of your lower body. They get your heart rate elevated. You're getting a cardio benefit as well. Breathe. Your stomach is in tight. You don't have to come down as deep as I am. Really work your way into these exercises. Five more seconds. Good. Now, if you still have anything left, here's the bonus exercise. We're going into plie squats. Are you ready? Press. Squeeze up into the butt. Make sure those knees stay right over your toe line. Back is straight. Chest lifted. Abdominals are in. Really focus on that inner thigh. Now we're making the transition to the inner thigh area. Visualize it working. Really squeeze it. Press. Squeeze. Come on, this one's for you. Make it work. Make each rep count. Press and squeeze. Now little pulses at the end. Let's go. Pulse it. Hold. Pull it up. Squeeze. Great job, everybody. Good job, guys. We'll see you tomorrow.