Celebration Publishers presents The Tabernacle, God's Dwelling Place. A unique teaching video which recreates the tabernacle from God's precise instructions to Moses in Exodus, detailing the exquisite workmanship that foreshadows the life of Jesus. Join Benny Hinn in this unprecedented opportunity to view the place where God's presence and anointing dwelt among His chosen people, the children of Israel. And Lord, I pray in Jesus' mighty name that this same anointing and the same fire that Moses experienced so long ago will descend and touch every life watching this glorious video today. In Jesus' name, my Lord, what a wonderful teaching this is going to be. Thousands of years ago, Moses was commanded, build me a tabernacle, God said, where I would dwell in. And the glory of God descended as the Word declares, and Israel saw the cloud by day, the fire by night. And today on this glorious teaching, we are going to walk through the whole tabernacle. Understand it, and as you see, we have recreated the whole tabernacle for you. How wonderful it must have been to have been there and to see that glory. But today, that same glory that Moses saw, you are going to experience. My, what a glorious thing God is going to do in your life. Come on, take your Bibles and let's begin this exciting journey through the tabernacle. We begin with Exodus 25. Come on, take your Bibles, open with me, and let's begin. Verse 1, and the Lord speak unto Moses, saying, speak unto the children of Israel, that they bring me an offering of every man that giveth it willingly with his heart, he shall take my offering. Now the Lord begins to tell Moses the materials that he wants in building the tabernacle. And everything God gives Moses here is a shadow of heavenly things. The Bible actually tells us in Hebrews 8 and verse 5, let me read this to you. Who serve unto the example and shadow of heavenly things, as Moses was admonished of God when he was about to make the tabernacle. For see, saith he, that thou makest all things according to the pattern, showed to thee in the mount. In other words, God was saying, everything I'm giving you is a shadow of things to come. So now as we're reading together, understand, we're looking at the shadow of things, for the old covenant gives us the shadow, while the new gives us the substance. The people of Israel walked in the shadow of things, while you and I walk in the substance of things. And I pray that the Holy Spirit will give you a tremendous revelation as we are studying this glorious subject. Verse 3, and this is the offering which ye shall take of them. Gold, symbolic of divinity, and silver, symbolic of redemption, and brass, symbolic of suffering. Notice as I go through this list of what God commanded Moses to give, all of it had to do with Christ Jesus. This Bible is a revelation of one person, Jesus the Son of God, from Genesis to Revelation. The gold, he's divine. The silver, he's redeemer. The brass, he came and suffered. And the blue, Jesus the Son of God. And purple, Jesus the King. And scarlet, Jesus the Savior. And fine linen, Jesus the perfect man. These four colors may I add, go hand in hand with the Gospels. Four Gospels, four colors, God commanded Moses to have in building the tabernacle. Remember, the whole tabernacle is again a revelation of the Lord Jesus himself. The blue, Jesus the Son of God. Where is he declared as the Son of God? In John. And then as we go on we see God commanding him to have purple. Jesus the King. Where is that? Matthew and scarlet, Jesus the Savior. Where is that? Luke. And fine linen. Where is that? Jesus the perfect man in Mark. Four colors, four revelations of who the Son of God is. Even throughout the whole Old Covenant we see these four colors mentioned right through the whole Old Covenant. The four revelations of the Son of God. In Matthew, he's the King, the purple. In Mark, he's the man, the perfect man, the white linen. In Luke, he's the Savior, the scarlet. In John, he's the Son of God, the blue. I think that's exciting, don't you? And then he goes on to say, and goats hair, the prophet. And I'll give you in just a second all these wonderful things again and show them to you in the Bible. And ram's skin dyed red. The ram, the kingly animal. There we see him as the king, dyed red, who died and shed his blood. And badger's skin. Badger's skin is symbolic of something without beauty. Isaiah says that when Jesus hung on the cross there was no beauty that we should desire in him. And shittim wood, wood always symbolic of flesh. Shittim wood, the only kind of wood in the world that does not decay and corrupt. So here we see Jesus having the perfect body, perfect flesh, incorruptible flesh. The psalmist declared, thou wilt not suffer, suffer thine holy one to see corruption. Jesus died but he rose from the dead. That flesh was not, and did not get corrupted, was not corrupted. Goes on. Oil for the light, the anointing. He is the anointed. Spices for the anointing oil. And for sweet incense that speaks of worship. Amazing how God gives to Moses everything he gives. Speaks of the Lord and his offices. Now amazingly, verse 7, God begins to give him materials that are symbolic of you and I the church. It says, arnic stones and stones to be set in the aphod and in the breastplate. He goes from the gold and the silver and the brass and all down the line these symbolic things of the Lord and what he did on earth. And then he switches into the stones, the living church. Where is Jesus now? He's in his body alive on earth. And then it declares, these stones are to be set in the aphod and let them, verse 8, make me a sanctuary that I may dwell among them. God gives Moses the command, bring these materials and with them build me a sanctuary. All these again are a shadow of things to come. Symbolic of the Lord and who he is. And then the Lord declared that they may build me a sanctuary. Now let's begin looking and discussing this glorious subject on the tether. God commanded Moses to build the tabernacle so you and I can learn how to enter into the presence of God Almighty. Here we are standing on the outside of the tabernacle. This is the gate. Now when God gave Moses the details on building the tabernacle, he began from the inside out. As God always does, he begins in your life from the inside out. He fixes your heart first and then he works on the outside. But so we can understand better the tabernacle, we're going to begin from the outside in. We begin with the gate. This here is the actual gate that God gave to Moses. You see the four colors, all symbolic of the Lord Jesus. Let me also add that this gate was called the way. Does this bring something into your memory? Of course it does. Jesus called himself the way. And when the Lord said I am the way, the Jews understood immediately what he meant. He is the way into the tabernacle. He is the way into the presence of Almighty God. And in this gate we see the four colors again. We see the blue, Jesus the Son of God. We see the purple, Jesus the King. We see the scarlet, Jesus the Savior. We see the white, Jesus the perfect man. Again going hand in hand with the four gospels presenting Jesus to us. When Moses faced the tabernacle the first thing he was faced with is the Son of the Living God. When you begin the New Testament what are you faced with? Jesus the Son of the Living God. He is the way. He is the gate. He is the way into God's mighty presence. Now the Lord also said I am the truth and I am the life. As we enter in later you'll see that the door to the holy place, which may I add was also called, hear this, the truth. It led them into the holy place where truth was revealed in the furniture in the holy place. And then as we go further we'll see the veil which was called the life for that's what the glory was. The gate was called the way. The door into the holy place was called truth. And the veil which was the way into the holy of holies was called the life. Jesus, he is the gate, the way. He is the door, the truth. He is the veil, the life. Now amazingly as you look at this gate you'll find something here that is very important. It's high enough you can see what's over. Only when you enter in and beyond can you see the glory and the beauty of the Master. All you see here on the outside is who he is and his offices. In addition to the gate as you see there is a fence of white fine linen speaking of the perfection of the Son of the Living God, the man Christ Jesus. And as I told you earlier in Hebrews 8 and verse 5 the Bible declares these are a shadow of things. And I want to show you something that is absolutely glorious, a shadow that speaks of something wonderful. The pole here, God told Moses, he said I want you to get shitton wood. Do you remember earlier when I said the shitton wood is symbolic of the incorruptible body, the wood. Symbolic of flesh, shitton, symbolic of incorruptible. Shitton wood, the only kind of wood found in the eastern deserts, the Arabian deserts. Speaking again of the perfection of the Son of the Living God whose body did not see corruption. But then God said I want this pole to be kept on the top with silver redemption. On the bottom the base is to be brass, suffering. And I want you to have a rope of goat's hair attached to that pole holding it down to the ground. Goat's hair speaking of, hear this, sin. In Leviticus 9 verse 3 God's word declares that the goat was for a sin offering. He said I want you to attach to this pole a rope of goat's hair and to be attached on the bottom was a nail of brass that went into the ground only half way and half way out. Let me show you the whole Gospel in a pole, a cap, a base, a rope and a nail. I think it's glorious. The shadow of things to come and now we have it. The substance but back then all they had is the shadow. Let me show you the Gospel in that pole, the cap, the base, the rope and the nail. Here's again the pole. Jesus the perfect man, the incorruptible wood speaking of the incorruptible body who was my Redeemer in the silver, who was my Savior in the brass, who became sin for me in the goat's hair, Leviticus 9 verse 3, who suffered and died in the brass nail and was buried. God said it is to go only half way in, buried but then he said and half way out. Why? He rose from the dead victoriously and somebody say hallelujah. Here you have Jesus the perfect man in that shittim wood who is my Redeemer, who is my Savior, who became sin for me, who died and suffered and was buried but rose again from the dead. Imagine the people of Israel had the whole Gospel in a pole, in a rope and a nail and could not see it. Why? Because all they had was the shadow. They could not understand the shadow. But today we have the substance of that shadow. Now think about this, if the glory of God rested upon a shadow, how much more upon the substance? If the cloud by day covered the shadow, how much more today should that cloud cover the ones that have the substance? If the fire covered what was to be a shadow, how much more should that fire come upon you and I that carry the substance in our hearts and I think as glorious? In Exodus 25 God said to Moses, you recall earlier, verse 8, and let them make me a sanctuary that I may dwell among them. This is only a shadow of the sanctuary. Who is the sanctuary? You and I, when Jesus came, He gathered Himself a body and now He dwells within our hearts. He is the one living within us. All this is the sanctuary that was a shadow of the real sanctuary, now the body of Jesus Christ. The pole, the calf, the base, the rope, the nail, Jesus, the whole Gospel right here. But they could not see it. But when Jesus came our eyes were opened and we saw Him, the Son of the living God. And He made us into that sanctuary, filling us with the cloud, the Holy Ghost, filling us with the fire, the power. What happened on the day of Pentecost? The Bible declares the presence of God filled that place in tongues of fire descended upon the apostles and they were filled with the Holy Ghost and power. Now remember this, the cloud speaks of the presence of God while the fire speaks of the power of God. If the fire, which is the power, and the cloud, which is the presence, rested on the shadow symbolically of that glory that will come on every believer, how much more should that today rest upon you and upon me? Now, let's go inside, see a lot more and experience that same glory. Isn't this glorious? The first thing we see on the inside now is the altar of sacrifice. When the priests went through the gate, the first thing they saw is this altar of sacrifice. And from this position, as you look all around, you'll see the fence and, may I add, 60 pillars that God commanded Moses to have. Now, I want to say something here that's very important. There are no meaningless details in the Word of the Living God. Everything God gave had a reason behind it. Everything God said is vitally important. He told Moses, I want to have 60 pillars holding the fence. Why 60? Because you see, six is the number of men. Ten in the Bible is the number of responsibility. Meaning, Jesus, the Son of God, became a man and fulfilled our responsibility. In the areas we failed in, our responsibility to God, He came and He took and fulfilled. He looked and said, man has failed. Man has not made it. But He came and took our place and took our sin and took our weakness. That's what the 60 pillars are all about. The 60. Jesus becoming a man and fulfilling our responsibility. I think that's glorious. But now here, at this altar of sacrifice, this is where it all began, after the priests had passed through the gate. And now I want to show you from the Word of the Living God what this altar is all about. Jesus fulfilled our responsibility. But now here we are standing at the altar of sacrifice. The first thing that the priests saw once they entered through the gate, and again remember, the gate was a shadow of Jesus who is the way. So in other words, once you and I meet the Lord as Savior and come through that gate, the first thing we see is the altar. And as the priests entered in, they saw the altar. But what happened on this altar? That's where animals were sacrificed. That's where the blood was shed. In other words, right after you meet Christ Jesus as Savior, He's the way, the gate. The next thing that the Holy Spirit reveals to you is the power of the blood. And you cannot experience the presence of God. You cannot enter into the Holy of Holies without first experiencing and understanding the power of the blood. Ephesians 1.7 declares, the blood has come to give us forgiveness. First, John 1.7 declares, the blood cleanses us on a daily basis. Romans 5.9 declares, the blood justifies us. So number one, through the blood we have forgiveness. Number two, through the blood we have cleansing. Number three, through the blood we have justification. Now here's something glorious. Forgiveness always deals with the past. Cleansing deals with the present. But justification deals with the future. In other words, the blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, has taken care of your past, present and future. I think that's glorious. For Ephesians 1.7 declares, the blood has brought us forgiveness. Forgiveness from what? From our past sins and past iniquities. Yet, 1 John 1.7 says, if we walk in the light as He is in the light, then the blood of Jesus, His Son, cleanseth the present tense, cleanseth us from all sin. Cleansing, like I said, deals with present failures and present shortcomings. In other words, if you're standing talking to somebody and then you fail, a weakness hits you or something happens. All you have to say is, Lord, I'm sorry. And instantly, the blood cleanses you. You are clean in that moment as though you had done a thing. But also the blood justifies. Romans 5.9, we are justified from the wrath to come. The blood has brought justification from the wrath to come. And we see the future here involved. But you say, well, doesn't that give us or give someone a license to sin? People don't need a license to sin. But you see, if you're walking in obedience to Him, if you're living for Him, if you love Him and serve Him, if you're His child, if you're truly born again, you're not going to go out and willfully sin against Him tomorrow. It's impossible to willfully sin once you are born again. It is impossible to begin planning sin tomorrow. It's impossible to say, I'm going to go and do such and such tomorrow and plan it. We fail because we are weak. We don't plan on it. It just happens. That's why the blood is there to cleanse us. But you see, the future also is taken care of. For we have been justified by His grace. Oh, how wonderful this is. But the altar of sacrifice, not only does it reveal the blood and the power of the blood to us, it's also the place of death. You cannot experience the power of God without experiencing death, death to the flesh, death to self. The Bible declares we must crucify the flesh. This is where death takes place. The first thing the priests saw when they entered into the tabernacle is the place of death. The first thing you and I will experience after being born again is we'll face the cross, the place of death. Jesus said, if any man will follow me, let him take up his cross. Death, the cross, a symbol of death. People ask me, how did the anointing come on your life? When did it all happen? My answer is always the same. When I died. Well, how do you die? All years ago I used to hear Catherine Kuhlman talk about how she died and she died a thousand deaths every time she'd walk on the platform to minister in those glorious miracle services she used to hold. And I used to pray, oh Lord, oh Lord, let me die, let me die, let me die. I didn't know what I was talking about. How do you die? Let me take you and show you. Turn with me please to the Psalms. Psalms 63. I want you to see this. I want you to understand this. This is so glorious. It declares, verse 1, oh God, thou art my God, early will I seek thee. My soul thirsteth for thee. My flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is, to see thy power and thy glory as I have seen thee in the sanctuary. David was hungry for the power and presence of God, but he knew one thing. He knew there had to be something happening first, something happening first. Is that something happening? He declares, my flesh longeth for thee. There must be a longing first for the presence of God. If you'll turn with me to chapter 42 of the Psalms, hear what the Bible has to say now. Verse 1, as the heart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, oh God. Now the heart, the deer, when it's chased by another animal, that deer will look for water, not so much to drink it, but to dive into it, to be immersed by it. Why? Because the deer knows that that scent, that scent is what is causing that other animal to chase it. But now it also knows if it finds water and jumps in, that scent will be lost, that scent will be gone. No animal can get it. You and I, being chased by the enemy, what must we do? What do we need? We need the waters of the Holy Spirit so we can jump into the presence of Almighty God, where no devil can find you and no demon can touch your life. But how do we get there? How does this death process begin? It begins with the flesh longing for the presence of God to jump into that presence and that water where nothing can touch you. And so now let's talk about prayer, for this is how we begin to die. Years ago I'd say, oh Lord, kill me, oh Lord, help me die. I didn't know what I was saying. Finally the Holy Spirit began to show me, oh how glad I was when He finally showed me how to die. When you and I begin to pray, how do we begin? Whether you're on your knees or standing or sitting. And God doesn't really tell us what position to be in. It's not the position of the body that matters, it's the position of the heart that matters with God. And now as you begin to pray, how do we begin? We begin with struggle, we begin with repetition, we begin with a war that goes on suddenly between the flesh and the Spirit. When I begin to pray, oh, a glory doesn't come right away, it doesn't ever happen, that's within us. First the flesh must be put aside, first the flesh must die. At this very altar of sacrifice there was death, the shedding of blood. And so you and I must come to the place of death. And as we begin to pray, the flesh begins to die. And you see when you begin, you begin with repetition, you begin with weakness. At times your mind says, well maybe I should go and get a pizza or something, maybe I'll feel better or something. And sometimes you may fall asleep while you're trying to pray, other times you'll yawn while you're trying to pray. You see that flesh fights you. But hear this, the longer you stay on your knees, even if you repeat yourself, what you don't realize is this, the longer you stay the more that flesh is dying and the more that flesh is being crucified. For there will come a moment in that prayer time when there will be a breakthrough, there will be a release. And when that release takes place then and only then you'll know that the flesh has been crucified. You see as long as there is that war, the flesh is alive. But when that war is no more, when the flesh has surrendered, when the repetitious prayer has stopped, when the yawning has quit, when the falling asleep is no more, when the desiring this and desiring that isn't there anymore, then the flesh is dead. As long as that war is on, the flesh is alive. But as you stay on your knees, what you don't know is that flesh is dying. It's coming under subjection, under subjection, under subjection. The longer you stay, the more the spirit is now alive and the less the flesh is alive. You say, well how do I know that I'm dead? Simple, guilt is now gone. You see often when we begin to pray, what do we say? Oh Lord forgive me, oh Lord help me, oh Lord do this, oh Lord do that. There's no relationship, there's begging. You begin to beg and you feel so guilty and you feel so condemned. That's a part of dying. But once that goes, once you no longer are repeating yourself, bless me, forgive me, bless me, forgive me, this or that, once prayer now begins and true prayer out of the heart begins. You see, when true prayer begins, you know you've died because the flesh can't pray. The flesh doesn't know how to pray. And at this altar, God deals with the Isaacs in your heart. Please hear what I just said. God deals with the Isaacs in your heart. You know why God told Abraham to give up Isaac? Because you see God wanted his heart and his heart belonged to God. And the Lord said to Abraham, he said, Abraham, your heart was mine but now Isaac, who's your child? You're trying to get him into your heart. You see Isaac was becoming very special to Abraham. Isaac was getting into the place that belonged only to God and God said, no, not even Isaac can share the heart that belongs to me and me only. And if you allow an Isaac to come into your heart and share your heart with God, God says, no, offer him on that altar. Everything must die. What did Jesus say? Jesus said, if you don't hate everything else and love me, you're not worthy of me. If you don't hate father and mother and children and husbands and wives and brothers and sisters, if you don't love me more than anything else, you're not worthy of me. The Lord wasn't asking us to hate anyone. What he was asking us is to love him beyond all else. He is first our lives and hearts in comparison to his love. Everything else is hate. If we don't love him above all else, we're not worthy of him. And yes, we do love our parents and we do love our children. He commanded us to love one another, but not to love them more than loving him. He must be number one always. You see that comes after death. Once you die to everything, then he becomes number one. No Isaacs are allowed and the flesh must die. And at this altar, the altar of sacrifice, that's where death is. But you see where death is, there you'll find the blood that will cleanse and keep you clean. So after you meet Jesus as Savior and Lord at the gate, you'll face the cross, the place of death and the blood, where every part of you surrenders. And then he comes and becomes number one. And then and only then are you allowed to move beyond this altar to the labor. The labor symbolic of the Word of the Living God, the Word that empowers us, that renews us, that fills us with the very presence and power of God Almighty. Yes, there's much to say about this labor. But first let me say, many believers have not gone beyond the gate. Yes, they've experienced Jesus as Lord, as Savior, seen his love and grace, but have not yet crucified the flesh. And without crucifying the flesh, we cannot know the power of the Word. Jesus said in John 13 and verse 10, Listen, Jesus sayeth to him, he that is washed needeth not save to wash his feet, but is clean every wet, and ye are clean, but not all. What was he saying? He was saying once you pass the altar of sacrifice, you are clean. And all you have to do is wash your feet. Why? You see the priests in the Old Covenant wore a beautiful garment, but were told they could not wear shoes. Why? To remind them they still touch dust, they still touch dirt. You and I, yes we are washed by the blood of the Lamb, yet because we walk on this earth, we still come in contact with the world. And that's why we need the Word of the Living God to clean us up every single day, to wash us every single day. The Old Covenant saints had to wash their hands and their feet in this labor. Hands symbolic of work, feet symbolic of walk. Today we don't have to wash our hands, because we don't live by work. But we must wash our feet, for our walk must remain clean, for we touch earth every day, we touch the things around us every day. The Old Covenant saints washed their hands because there was work involved. Today because grace is involved, work is no longer needed, but the walk must remain clean. Now God told Moses that this labor was to be made out of the mirrors of women. A brass laver that they used for mirrors. Why? Because as you look into the Word of the Living God, this Word reveals who you are. You see once you pass the gate and meet Jesus as Lord, then you come to the altar of sacrifice which we saw, where death is, where you experience death to self and the flesh, where the blood is shed and you are washed and you are clean. And only then can you go beyond to this labor here and experience the power of the Word of God, and immerse yourself and your life into it. Remember what I said earlier? The Psalmist said, as the heart pended for the water broke so my soul longeth after thee. This longing for the presence of God, for the water of His mighty power and presence, what is it? It's the Word of the Living God. You cannot experience the power of His Word until first you die. But now once you come to this labor, this Word, as you read it, literally like a mirror, you begin to see who you are in Christ Jesus. You begin to see what He's done for you. You begin to see what this Word is all about. And once the Word fills your life, and this Word begins to affect your life, something happens on the inside of you. Now, truth comes. And please hear this. Now, truth comes. Truth comes. Truth comes. And the result of this truth filling your life enables you now to move beyond the labor into the Holy Place. And as you see this door of the Holy Place, this was called not only the door, it was called the truth. The Jews knew it as the place that revealed truth. Within this tabernacle, there was revelations of truth. Jesus said what? I am the way, the gate. I am the truth, the door. But how do we come into this truth? Through the Word of the Living God. So remember, the gate, the way, Jesus, salvation, brings us into the power of the blood. We experience total cleansing. And then death to self and the flesh, which allows us to go beyond and experience the labor, experience the power of the Word of the Living God. And now as truth fills our hearts, the Word of God literally becomes a lamp unto our feet, a light unto our path. More to be desired now than gold, yea, than much fine gold, and sweeter than the honey and the honeycomb. The Bible declares the law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul. There's something that happens within the soul as the Word of God comes in. The soul comes alive and now suddenly prayer becomes a living thing. You see what happened there at the altar of sacrifice. There was the struggle. There was the repetition and then there was the death. And once death came and guilt left, now something happens on the inside. Prayer becomes a living thing, a living part of you. And now as you begin to pray, you pray according to the Word of the Living God. Remember, what is prayer now? Prayer number one is confession. You confess who God is. You confess His glory and power. Remember Peter the apostle, when he prayed in the book of Acts, he said, Lord, your Word declares you are God. And when Moses entered into the very presence of God in Exodus 32, he said, you said to Abraham, whenever you and I truly begin to pray, we always pray first using the Word and the Scriptures in the presence of God Almighty. Literally it is the Word of the Living God that causes us to pray. We begin to pray the Word. Literally the Word becomes alive in that prayer time. You look up and say, Lord, you said, Lord, you said, Lord, you said. Prayer is no longer now repetitious. Prayer becomes the living Word inside of you, bubbling out of you, touching the very throne of heaven. Oh, I tell you, this is glorious. And now the Word of God not only fills and changes the very inside of you, converting the soul. Prayer also besides being confession, it is supplication, making requests, no. Prayer besides supplication is adoration. You enter into a time of loving him and worshipping. Prayer not only is adoration, but prayer is intimacy and oneness. Prayer is intercession, taking the place of another. Prayer is now more than this. It is thanksgiving. And now lastly, praise. Yes, prayer isn't just calling on God. It's becoming a living part of his promises. Literally you take the Word and say, you said, Lord. And now once that comes into you because of the Word, once the Word comes in and truth is birthed within you, converting your soul, literally changing the very inside of you, bringing life to the very inside of you. Now the gate, speaking of Jesus and meeting him as Savior and Lord, speaks also of reconciliation where you and I are reconciled to God Almighty. The altar of sacrifice, like I said, which speaks of death, the crucifixion of self on the cross, speaks also of redemption for that's where we see the power of his redemption. This slaver that speaks of the Word of the Living God also speaks of sanctification because as the Word comes into our hearts, we are sanctified. Now as we go beyond the door into the Holy of Holies, we'll see the lamp stand which we'll look at in just a minute. It speaks of illumination, revelation, and then the table of chobre, satisfaction, the table of incense, exaltation where God is exalted, and then beyond that is the Holy of Holies. You see the Ark of your covenant speaking of glorification where God is glorified. The Bible has a lot to say about the offices of the church, about the five ministries of the church that these poles symbolize. Read on with me now Ephesians 4 and verse 11. He gave some apostles and some prophets and some evangelists and some pastors and some teachers. Why? For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come in the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. God told Moses that the door should be held up by five poles, five ministries, five offices. The apostle, the prophet, the evangelist, the pastor, the teacher, and these five ministries are called truth. They lead us into truth. What is an apostle? He is like my thumb that can touch all my fingers. The apostle is the one who has done all other ministries. He has been a prophet, an evangelist, a pastor, and a teacher. He has done all. He has touched all. What is a prophet? Like my finger pointing and saying, Thus saith the Lord. The evangelist, the finger that is longer than any, reaching out to the entire world, I think it is glorious. The pastor, the gentle finger, and the teacher, the little finger that can get into little areas that none of the others can get and bring the truth right out. And those five fingers making a hand, the hand of the living God. And as these five offices come together to teach us truth, look what happens. Verse 14, seven results, that we henceforth be no more children. In other words, we will become mature. Number two, tossed to and fro will be established. Number three, carried about with every wind of doctrine by the slight of men. In other words, rooted and grounded. We will not be carried about by everything we hear. It's said now, the slight of men and cunning craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive. Fourthly, these five ministries will bring us liberty from deception. Number five, but speaking the truth in love, we'll be able to speak truth in love because of these five ministries. Number six, grow up into Him in all things which is the head, even Christ. Constant growth is the sixth result of this truth. And seventh and last, verse 16 Ephesians 4, from whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplies according to the effectual working in them, measured of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love. Seventh, harmony. So here are the seven results of these five ministries touching your life. Number one, maturity, verse 14. Number two, established in the faith, verse 14. Number three, rooted and grounded in the truth, verse 14. Number four, freedom from deception, able to discern in other words. Again, the same verse 14. Number five, the ability to speak truth, verse 15. Number six, hear this constant growth. You'll continue to grow in the Lord because of these five ministries. And number seven, harmony and oneness. God said to Moses, He said, I want you to put five poles to hold the door of truth, the five ministries of the church. Now, let's go within that door and see what's on the inside. And I pray you'll receive revelation as we enter in. Let's go. And once you experience the Word of the Living God that changes your life and your heart, you'll enter into the Holy Place, the place of praise. O God, Thou art my God. Early will I seek Thee. My soul thirsteth for Thee. My flesh longeth for Thee in a dry and thirsty land where no water is, to see Thy power and Thy glory, so as I have seen Thee in the sanctuary. Because Thy lovingkindness is better than life, my lips shall praise Thee. Thus will I bless Thee. While I live, I will lift up my hands in Thy name. The place of praise, the Holy Place, the place where the soul is satisfied. The place where you're not thirsty anymore. You longed for this presence. You longed for this satisfaction. And now, the Word of the Living God brought you into this place, and you're satisfied. And praise has erupted out of your innermost being. Reality now is here. Life has touched you. And because of the Word, you are now illuminated by the lampstand. Revelation is now yours. The Word produced Revelation. The light of the lampstand that shone continually in the Holy Place, that spoke of Revelation, is the result of the Word of the Living God. The oil that causes it to shine, the very anointing of the Holy Spirit that brought this Revelation. Oh, how wonderful it is to hear from God. How wonderful it is when His Word becomes life to you. Jesus said the words I speak, they are spirit and they are life. No longer is this Word something distant. Now the Word begins to illuminate you. God talks to you one on one, face to face, heart to heart. And because of this Revelation, something happens. Revelation always produces something wonderful. Satisfaction, that's right. Satisfaction. This table of showbread speaking to us of satisfaction. My soul is satisfied. I'm not hungry anymore, Lord. He is now the bread of life. You remember, Jesus also said in Matthew, that because of the Word comes persecution. Moses was commanded that this showbread should be covered with frankincense. They would sprinkle frankincense on it. Frankincense has a very sweet smell but a very bitter taste. Why? Jesus declared these words. Listen please. 1 Peter 4, 14 declares, If ye be reproached for the name of Christ, happy are ye. For the Spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you. I'll gladly suffer persecution. Why? Because I want the Spirit of God to rest on my life. The Bible declares He will rest upon those who will be reproached and suffer persecution. Jesus said the Holy Spirit who is with you shall be in you. But then in Acts 1, 8 He says He shall come upon you. But do you realize He will not come upon you till you suffer persecution. The apostles were persecuted and on the day of Pentecost He came upon them. I'll gladly pay that price. I'll gladly pay that price so I would know Him upon me the rest of my days. The Bible declares the table of showbread that spoke of satisfaction was sprinkled with frankincense. A beautiful smell. Yes, when others come in contact with those who are satisfied there is a beautiful aroma. A fragrance of Christ is in them. But also there is persecution once eaten. Once you partake of that satisfaction, that persecution will come. What is that persecution which causes you to worship the Lord Most High? And that is why before you enter into the Holy of Holies you'll come to the table of incense. Worship. See, it is revelation, the lampstand, that leads you to satisfaction, the table of showbread. That causes persecution because of that satisfaction. That leads you into a wonderful place. A glorious place. A place of worship. And as you begin to worship Him, only then can you enter into the Holy of Holies where He dwells. God commanded Moses that on that table of incense He was to keep that incense burning, that worship rising to Him. O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness. Fear before Him all the earth. Psalm 96 and verse 9 declares. Worship the result of satisfaction. Feeding upon Christ Jesus the true bread. And once you are satisfied, and once you have tasted Him, you will worship Him in the beauty of His holiness. And when that happens, then you're ready to enter into the Holy of Holies. He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress. My God in Him will I trust. This is the place where the presence of the Lord is. This is where you dwell in that secret place of the Most High. And then He promises. Surely He shall deliver thee from the snare of a fowler and from the noise and pestilence. He shall cover thee with His feathers and under His wings shall thou trust. His truth shall be thy shield and buckler. Verse 10 says, There shall no evil befall thee. As shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling place. And then He declares, For He shall give His angels charge over thee to keep thee in all thy ways. This is the place where now words become inadequate. And in Isaiah 26 verse 9 we read, With my soul have I desired thee in the night. Yea, with my spirit within me will I seek thee. It is here in the Holy of Holies where we become one with Him. Oneness begins, fellowship begins, intimacy begins. And words become inadequate in the Holy of Holies. The word of the Lord declares, With my spirit will I seek thee. I pray that the Holy Spirit will create such hunger in you to seek His presence and to taste His glory and to be literally clothed with His divine presence on your life. This is the place where you'll understand, be still and know, I am the Lord. I pray this experience will be yours daily. At the gate we were reconciled, at the altar of sacrifice we were redeemed, at the laval we were sanctified, at the lamp stand we were illuminated, at the table of showbread we were satisfied, at the table of incense we exalted Him. And now in the Holy of Holies we are touching Him and when we touch Him then and only then we will experience Psalm 42 verse 7. Deep calleth unto deep at the noise of thy waterspouts all thy waves and thy billows are gone over me. It is here where the deep calls unto deep and when that happens, when we touch Him the Word declares thy waves and thy billows are gone over me. He begins to clothe us and cover us with the waves of that presence, with the waves of His glory. Calleth unto thee. Coming soon from Celebration Publishers, Benny Hinn presents three brand new teaching videos from the land of the Bible. These inspiring tapes, shot on location, will bring the Scriptures to life before your very eyes, adding geographical and historical understanding to your knowledge of the Word of God. From Israel, Benny Hinn traces the journeys of the Father of our faith as he recreates in words and pictures the life of Abraham. And I will make thy seed as the dust of the earth, so that if a man can number the dust of the earth, then shall thy seed also be numbered. God said to him, now that you are beginning to see my faith, I'm going to start to bless you. And your seed will be like the dust. Let me just get some from here because I'm walking on the very grounds he walked. Now I'm going to make your seed as the dust of the earth. I tell you this is glorious. Walking here in the promised land where Abraham walked. He walked those very grounds. And the Bible actually goes on to say in the following verse, look at and read with me, verse 17, Arise, walk through the land in the length of it, in the breadth of it, for I will give it unto thee. Here we see him applying what he had been seeing. See, I'm telling you, it's in the Word, it's all through the Word. Get the information of the Word, then you'll get the vision of it, then you'll start to do and apply it. And when God said walk through it, he began walking. And I'll tell you what, he walked on the same grounds. I'm walking. This is so exciting. There's nothing like being in the Holy Land. There's nothing like being in the promised land. And literally, I'm telling you, the Word comes alive. The land of Egypt provides the setting for Benny Hume's exciting teaching on the rod of Moses with powerful visual images. The awesome experience of the children of Israel comes alive as you relive the events leading up to their escape from bondage. Now the Nile River was called the Father of Gods in those days. Basically, it was symbolic of Satan himself. And the rod of God came against first the Father of Gods, Satan himself. And today that new nature that you have been given by Christ Jesus, first it comes against Satan and destroys him. Hallelujah! Glory to God! Next, you'll travel to the Greek island of Patmos in much the same way as John the Apostle did during his exile. In a unique teaching video, Benny Hume combines in-depth analysis of the book of Revelation with actual footage from the locations surrounding John as he received his vision from Jesus. The fifth trumpet sounds, and we see a being who was given a key, and he opened the bottomless pit. And now smoke arises, and in that smoke comes out locusts. What are they? Demons. Right after the fourth trumpet, when one-third of the sunlight was gone, demon power now is released in a greater way than ever before on earth. Now remember, there are five worlds below us. The Scriptures declare every initial bow of things in heaven, things on earth, and things under the earth one day when every voice will cry, Jesus is Lord. Benny Hume's dynamic teaching videos on the life of Abraham, the Revelation, and the Rod of Moses are currently in production and will be available soon. For information on these and other audio and video products, write to Benny Hume, P.O. Box 90, Orlando, Florida.