ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok Hi, I'm Jennifer Kreese. Most of us in the dance and fitness profession know that many of the movements, patterns and techniques you perform in aerobics and body sculpting classes have one common objective and one common origin. The objective is to improve your body's level of fitness through exercises that will increase strength, endurance and flexibility. The common origin is dance. Just like in aerobic classes, dance classes feature three main segments, a warmup, a workout segment and a cool down. In dance classes, however, the warmup is both a study and practice of the fundamental strength techniques and movement patterns that will later connect into longer movement combinations. In the dance class, you'll find beginners and seasoned dancers alike, all warming up with the same exercises. In fact, long after dancers leave the stage, they continue to keep their bodies in shape by attending the warmup segments of dance classes. In dance to fitness, we feature two different programs. Each is based on a typical warmup segment. Each starts with simple movements that target specific muscle groups. They condition and strengthen the body through contraction and release and through constant awareness of abdominal support and body alignment. The ultimate goal of both workouts is to create physical strength, endurance and a feeling of length and poise. The first workout emphasizes body rhythms and dynamics and I'll be leading you in that segment. The second workout is led by Lisa Wheeler, a teacher's teacher of dance and fitness. It features continuous flowing movements that will free your body and leave you feeling energized and motivated. We'll finish the program with a soothing yoga-based cool down. Let's begin. Let's start by standing in a parallel position, lifting the stomach, the chest, shoulders are down and back, and we're going to start with a classic rolling forward. Here we go, everybody, in five and six and seven and eight. Move forward in one, two, three, four, plie, five, six, stretch, seven, eight, again, plie, two, stretch, three, four, and rolling up. Make sure that the upper body is completely released in this entire first section. Again, and two, and three, and four. Notice that the head weight is falling very naturally down to the floor. The legs are soft, the stomach is lifting, especially here as you roll up through the spine and articulate every muscle in your body, again, and one, and two, and three, and four. Listening to the rhythm and stretch, lengthening the tailbone up to the ceiling, lengthening the hamstrings, relaxing the head weight down. Let's breathe in, everybody, up, and exhale, again, breathe up, exhale, and let's start with some nice head roll side, and one, two, three, four, again, and five. Let's reverse it, supporting your head weight as you go. Let's incorporate some upper body supporting the head weight, just relaxing forward, lift the chest. Last set, and one, two, three, four, again, and five, and now we're going to add a nice big plie, knee bend, we go the same direction, breathing naturally, and over. Reverse last time, and one, two, three, four, and five, six, coming all the way up with the arms straight in front, rolling down to a flat back, bend the knees and flip the palms, reach your fingertips, again, and stretch, lengthen the backs of the legs, bend the knees, and reach. Let's go double time, we go one, and up, bend the knees, sweep the arms, and one, bend the knees, and reach, last time, and one, and two, let's take a nice big plie in an open second position, you're turning the knees out, knees over the toes, breathing up to the ceiling, let's reach up, we go one, and two, really lengthen the sides of the body, three, and four, let's bring the arms center, we go one, two, plie, three, four, five, six, seven, now we're gonna melt down, one, two, and stretch, feet turn parallel, now bend your knees, hands on top of the knees, and roll it up, let's go double, and two, and three, and four, and five, and six, and seven, and eight, rolling down, stay, now bend the knees, coming up, use the stomach to lift, again, and one, and two, come center, and open, melt down, feet parallel, stretch the hamstrings, bend the knees, one last time, here we go, and one, and up, strong arms, really stretch those arms, melting down, parallel, bend the knees, coming up, turn the feet parallel, and step closer together so that the legs are directly underneath you, arms by your side, let's do a flat back forward, here we go, and one, three, nice long back, coming up, one perfectly straight line, again, and one, and lift, step the feet together, again, and reach the fingertips behind you, one line from the top of the head to the tail, and up, again, and a one, and lifting up, let's add a plie, step back, we go a one, two, reach your arms front, and stretch, and one piece, lift that stomach, again, and one, and reach, and up, one piece, step it together, again, and one, and reach, working all the muscles of the upper back and shoulders, again, here we go, and one, and reach, together, step apart, second we go, and one, and two, and three, and lift, again, and one, feet together, and a one, last time, nice deep breath forward, support the chest, and we're gonna take it a step further using a diagonal this time, we go forward, and lift to the corner, now contract the abdominals, come front, let's do that again, here we go, and one, and really lift, contract, and front, again, and one, and big lift, feel really tall, contract, and reach, and forward, and lift, get ready for that second tempo, cause here it comes, it's called double time, and a one, and lift, exhale, breathe, and one, breathe in, contract, last time everybody, and we're gonna bring it into first position, we go one, and lunge, head in, use your stomach, use your arms, again, stretch your feet when they come off the floor, let's go to a side wave everybody, one, and pull, and bring the arm behind your back, lift, again, and pull, this is all coming from the stomach, and reach, center, and wave, and other side, use your arms, fill the music, and reach, and pull, start getting ready for that double time, actually no, let's do another one, but bigger, one, and pull, there's plenty of time to go a little faster, right, and I want you to extend the body, and reach, and pull, and reach, pull, and switch, and reach it, and up, and reach, and pull, reach, pull one last time, reach, come center, now let's double time, here we go, and one, and pull, and two, and three, four, and switch, and one, and two, and three, and four, last time, here we go, and one, and two, support the head wave, three, lunging and plie, and switch, and one, and two, and three, that's enough, beautiful job, all right, deep plie, let's start taking the pace down a little bit, because we're going to move into some deeper stretches now, knees over the toes, here we go, one, and two, and three, and four, stay here in plie, turn the body side, hands on the knees, and you can either stay in this position, or you can bring the hands down to the floor, and extend the back leg to stretch, eight counts, here we go, and one, two, three, four, and five, six, seven, eight, bring that back leg underneath you, put your weight into it, and stretch forward, either holding onto the foot, or the shin, the way Lakey is demonstrating, and stay here for a few counts as well, breathing, and one, two, three, four, and five, six, seven, scooping up using the stomach, relying on your balance, reach the arms forward, we're going to go for one more round, here we go, and one, two, three, four, and five, six, seven, eight, and now come up the same way you just did, open the legs, and one, we're going to the other side, and two, and three, and four, this is your fifth plie, you'll stay here, use your stomach to bring the body side, hands on the knees, and then lower down if you feel comfortable, stretch the back leg behind you, and position your stomach, pulse one, two, three, and five, six, seven, eight, bring the leg underneath you, weight into that back leg, position the body so that you're reaching forward over that front leg and stay, and one, three, and five, good, scooping it up, and one, two, three, really stretch the arms and forward again, one more set, you should be feeling warmer now, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, and up, testing your balance now, lift the stomach, come second position, and now bring the feet first, lift the inner thighs together, and we're going to proceed with some classic plies, oppositional work, here we go, and reach, now squeeze your inner thighs together, lift the stomach, reach, again, and one, and in, and two, step the feet apart, second we go, oh one, and buttocks and stomach lifting you up, and two, and squeeze, and three, you're getting taller with each plie, up, and four, let's bring it back to first, double time, and one, and two, three, four, step apart we go, oh one, a two, a three, a four, bring it back to first position, when you hit a first position you want to first start in a parallel position, rock back on the heels, and then just lightly turn your toes out to your natural rotation, let's continue by warming up the feet against the floor, arms are out to the side, here we go, up point, flex, point, add that plie you just learned, out, flex, point, plie, again, and one, and in, again, using the feet against the floor, let's do four more of those, and one, strong arms, and out, two more, and one, and two, we're going to take it front side back, here we go, we go up front, flex, point, plie, now we're going side, side, flex, weight over one leg, take it back, one, two, really lift your stomach when you go back, side, we're going left, we go, oh one, a side, a back, feel very sturdy on that leg, beautiful, let's take it to a broad second, one, two, three, arms down, and one, two, three, down, again, oh one, two, leave the arms second everybody, and one, one more set, and one, and two, and three, and one, double time, we go a one, two, a one, two, arms just stay, and one, two, add the arm, a one, two, a one, two, really working through the muscles, enough, long stretch forward, reach the arms up, breathe, angle presses, we go, oh one, and now left, and right, and left, you're working through the arch of the foot, stretching the metatarsal and the toe joints, one, and two, and three, a four, now bring your feet a little bit closer together, keep your heels pressing, inner thigh squeezing, and we're going to do ankle presses, here we go, lift, and lower down, very subtle, requires great control, feel like someone's lifting you up, and then lowering you down, again, and up, and down, two more, and up, and down, and up, and down, open your feet a little wider again, and if you need a chair to lean on, feel free to get one at this point, we're going to do roll-ups, here we go, hands here, bend, arches, squeeze, lower down, again, and one, two, up, plie, and lift, squeeze it up, one more time, here we go, one, two, now reverse it up first, up, bend, plie, good, and up, breathing nicely, and lift, last time, beautiful job, take your feet open to second position, and we continue with ankle presses, we go one, two, three, just lifting your heel, four, four more times, and one, and two, and three, now we're going to add an arm, we go, a one, a two, no head yet, three, four, then we go like this, up, plie, lift, and lift, lift, now let's add a head with that first one, we go a one, now look, right, two, look left, three, four, other pattern, up, plie, lift, starting to move the body in patterns, again, and lift, look, up, and up, beautiful, and up, press, nice deep breath, tall, beautiful movement, one more set, here we go, and up, strong arms, and two, and three, and four, and lift, really leaning the body, using the stomach, supporting in the legs, that's it, plie, and reach, and again, two more everybody, down, gearing up for isolations, turn the feet parallel, and just bring the arms down by the side, let's do the head, right, center, and up, again, and one, nice and slow, let's go down and up, we go a down, stomach lifting throughout this series, very important, down, and up, ear to shoulder, one, center, let's do the shoulder, we go right, and down, and up, and lift, and lift, every other part of the body is still, let's go left, up, isolations, up, and up, let's go front and back, we go a front, a back, a front, back, front, back, let's switch left, a front, broadening the shoulders, lifting the stomach, let's take that to a plie, we go a one, a two, really sink down, feel the earth beneath your feet for support, let's switch to the other side, we go one, two, three, we're going to double time it, four, here we go, and a one, a two, a three, a four, and switch, a five, six, what do you say we do that again, shall we, we go, a one, two, and switch, we're going to the hips now, but we're going to breathe first, we go a down, and lift, let the arms float out to the sides, and place the hands on your hips, rib cage, right, center, left, center, and a right, left, skip the center, we go side, and side, side, side, nice breath, let's go to the hips, front, center, and front, arms gently behind you, side, we go side, center, side, center, and side, get ready to skip the center, we go side, and side, and side, side, nice, you continue lifting the stomach, circles, we go front, side, back, and side, make sure you lift your stomach, reverse, a one, nice plie, the entire time you do this movement, now let's make them smoother a little faster, one, and two, switch, and one, arms behind, two, now we go, one, and left, two, and left, three, and left, add the arms, double, and one, keep your arms out here, beautiful, we go one, two, three, quick change, and switch, two, nice deep plie, side, and one, two, three, four, and switch, let's do it again slowly, because you may have missed it the first time, and switch, and side, and side, let's add some arms, we go a one, two, three, four, and we switch, six, seven, broad hands, and side, two, three, four, and switch, shall we go double time, we go a one, two, three, beautiful, that's it, feel the rhythm of the music, and the rhythm of your breathing, again, here we go, and two, and three, and one last time, everybody, one, two, and three, and four, all right, let's breathe, breathe, we're gonna get ready to really move now, starting to incorporate some patterns, test your memory, let's back it up a little bit, for walks, front, we go one, and two, and three, and four, lower your chest forward, six, seven, eight, again, back it up, two, and three, and four, and forward, five, six, that's it, all right, front, and one, and two, and three, and four, and five, and six, seven, eight, back it up, and one, and two, and three, and four, and forward, that's beautiful, let's go sideways, a new step, we go a one, a two, keep your arms there, we're going other way, that's it, double pulse, and one, and two, using all those isolations that we just learned, double time everybody, and one, let's show that again, again, and one, last time, and one, yeah, yeah, and one, two, one, two, this goes a one, two, arms go side, triple step, two, and one, two, three, again, a one, again, a one, a two, and one, let's do that a few more times slow, one, two, two, now if you'll notice, the feet are doing a three step, a one, two, three, watch again, a one, a two, she steps, a right, left, right, again, a one, two, now we're going double time, a one, two, nice, two more, and one, two, two, let's take it from the top, we have a one, two, we're going to link these steps together and test your memory a little bit, back it up, two, lower the chest forward, we'll do that one more set, two sets of each, a one, a two, a three, a four, and five, five, six, seven, take it back, get ready because we're going to go double time on that second step, forward, five, six, and double time into the next one, and a one, two, yes, and a one, right into a one, two, a one, two, a one, two, a one, two, that's it, we go one, one, and two, second series of steps, that's it, and roll front, hand front, hand front, that's nice, let's do it again, we go deep plie, deep plie, stretch the arms out, and out, now roll the shoulders, again we're using the isolations that we just learned, let's slow it down just a little bit, we're going double, we go one, two, three, and front, even more, two, that's it, and one, all right, that's enough of that, we're moving on, we go one, and two, and three, and four, rock five, and six, and seven, touch eight, we're going the other way, seven, touch eight, we're going the other way, we go a one, plie, a two, roll through the foot, a three, a four, rock five, a six, a seven, touch, let's take it double time, and a one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, and a one, two, three, four, five, again, here we go, a one, five, last set, here we go, a one, two, a five, a six, we're moving on to another step, take it center, just walk it back, pas de bourree, we have one, two, three, very simple, side, step, side, little faster, one, two, three, three, that's it, no arms yet, now we go front, a one, two, and reach, a one, two, and stretch the arms again, a one, two, and reach, a one, two, and reach, we're taking it back everybody with a lunge and a press, press, using the plies from the beginning of the warm up, and a one, that's it, let's double time in front, one, and reach, two, and reach, three, and four, now reverse it, a one, press, nice, and reach, one more set, front, and one, and two, and three, four, reverse it, this is all leading to double time, get ready, because here we go, and one, two, now you're really dancing, that's it, again, and front, reverse, let's take it from the bird, we go one, and in, and two, linking it all together, and four, roll the shoulders, and out, let's do one more of those, again, we go over, and over, and over, and over, now we're going to move side, here we go, a one, a two, a three, a four, and a rock, and step, a one, okay, let's do that one more time, to the right, we go, a one, that's it, last time, here we go, a one, get ready to go into the pas de bourrée, okay, the step that moves forward, double, take it back, last time to the front, here we go, one more, and back, all right, that's enough, beautiful plie, and reach, and open, down, again, plie, open, let's do that two more times, just winding down, lift, breathe, last time, and plie, and up, open, good, let's move on to a series called battement, where you're going to use both of your legs in extensions front, requires great balance, take your arms to your sides, your right leg starts back, kicking front, we go, a one, take it low, two, and as you get stronger, the leg goes higher, and step back, one, two, three, we're going to repeat it to the front, and step back, again, front, two, three, four, and switch, up, two, extending both legs as you stretch, let's go side, up, two, now you're going to step in that same direction, three, four, little step, we go, and up, two, three, four, let's do it again, and one, two, strong legs, three, four, step, five, six, seven, eight, let's do something moving with that same step, but first take a plie and get ready, breathe, open, so this incorporates pas de bourree and battement, we go, one, two, three, four, and five, very controlled, very extended, very long, very tall, double, heya, and up, make sure your standing leg is strong, let's take it side, and a one, and two, three, four, let's go front again, one, two, three, four, keep breathing side, and one, two, three, now we're going to add some fancy arms, we go, one, two, three, four, and five, six, focus your energy, stretch your limbs, sideways, up, that's it, let's do one more set to the side, before we go double time, get ready, here we go, and front, front, don't make it too big, control is what we're looking for here, front, front, don't make it too big, control is what we're looking for here, side, all right, beautiful job, reach it up, roll it down, plie, stretch, again, plie, stretch, now rolling it up, little shoulder roll, one, two, three, step behind, then forward, reach it up, again, we go one, and roll, feet parallel, stretch down, plie, plie, stretch, again, plie, and stretch, rolling up, shoulders, other way we go, one, two, three, now step right, extend, bend, reach, last two sets, this is short, this is roll, forward, stay, plie, cooling the body down, maximizing the stretch, again, plie, rolling up, lift, right shoulder goes first, one, two, three, step left, forward, reach, left, second, last time, melt, forward, legs parallel here, bend the knees softly, stretch, again, reach, feel those muscles reaching and scooping up, up, start with the left shoulder, and one, step right to finish, up, and scoop, using the stomach still, never forgetting, reach up and down, one more, deep breath in, and press, strong legs, strong upper body, again, come back to a parallel position, lifting the spine, lifting the stomach, if you're in front of a mirror, turn sideways, and make sure you see that tall, beautiful line, thanks for being with us. Hi, I'm Lisa Wheeler. In this segment, we'll be focusing on modern and jazz movements and combinations. We will strengthen and tone the body through contraction and elongation of your muscles. Let's begin. We're going to start in a wide position, legs slightly turned out, abdominals are going to be lifted, and your tailbone is going to drop easy to the floor. I want you to extend your arms out to the side, and feel how long your arms can reach out of your back, live through the fingertips. We're just going to take a deep breath in, let the arms come up to the ceiling, and then open, press the space around you, one more time, breathe in and lift, exhale, press, arm circles your head, press out to the side, let's add a leg, I want you to push into the space, feel the thickness of the air, push, just the arms, around, press, two, add the leg, now we're going to take both arms up, straight up, and turn to the side slightly, now we're going to add a leg, push away this time, push away, beautiful, let's take the arms again, up, feel how wide your back can get, right here, press, add the leg, nice, let's take the arms all the way up, lift, now plie, wrap the arms, take the arms up to the ceiling again, breathe in, exhale, around the back, once again, I want you to feel how open your chest is, how wide your back is, one more, now we're going to go into a side stretch series, I just want you to bend your knee, drop the arm, four counts, now take it over the top, keep the legs where they are, go through plie, arms side, let's try the other side, dip down, reach, now take it over the top, come through plie, center, and open, let's try that up tempo, and reach, over, plie, extend, again, drop, over, plie, drop, over, plie, two more times, really reach, one, over the top, plie, extend, and one, over the top, we're going to go into a little hip work right here, I want you to turn in and out, go ahead and place your hands on your hips, I want you to feel your pelvis rotate in, let's add some arms, you're going to wrap, one, open, now make sure you unload the knee, so you lift up off that leg slightly, let's add a plie, so we wrap, plie, come back up, center, open, reach, wrap, plie, center, open, one more time each side, keep the abdominals lifted, especially in that plie, okay, knee right over your foot, you're going to add one more arm, you're going to wrap, reach the front arm, up, together, out, wrap, it's that little dynamic, up, out, wrap, reach way up to the ceiling, out, wrap, reach, a little isolation right here, reach it side, one, now bring it center, big contraction, take it all the way up to the center, shoulder roll, way back, let's do that again, feel the rib cage move, bring it center, now blow it out, round your back, it's up and open, shoulder roll, let's take a flat back, lead with your chest, now contract and roll it all the way up, arms come through the center, they open, out, one more, lift, flat back, now articulate your spine as you roll all the way up, arms lift, top, open, let's put those two together, reach side, out, center, contract, exhale, it's up, open, nice big shoulder roll, enjoy, flat back over, contract and roll it up, up, now arms lift, up, feel how tall you can get, let's do that one more time, big reach, out, feel how expansive you can get, up, open, big shoulder roll, that's it, flat back over, contract and roll, now big burst with those arms, lift, open, lift, I want you to walk your feet in, toe heel, bring it in center to a parallel position, rock back on your heels, take one leg behind, arms out, start with the outside shoulder, turn it in, two, three, extend the right leg, take it out, plie and hold, reach, step behind, round the back over, roll it up, feel your arms reach to the side, one more time, take it down, reach side, outside shoulder, turns in, in, in, extend the arm and the leg side, out, go through plie, reach and hold, take it behind, round your back, lift up, last one, round, step to second position, take the arms up, now feel all the space around you as you press down, breathe in, exhale, we'll be ready to move, okay, we're gonna walk the feet in and let's march it out on the right foot right here, good, let's walk forward, we're gonna swing the pelvis back and front, let's walk back, swing the pelvis front and back, that's it, I really want you to feel that pelvis swing, back, front, we're gonna add some arms, just scoop them forward, scoop, swing back, beautiful, let's take it back, swing forward, can we make it a little bit bigger, let's go, big scoop, way up, contract the abdominals, swing back, that's it, we got one more time, feel how high, how low, forward, reach, drop through and back, we're gonna take a grapevine side, other side, I want you to cross in front, let the weight of your arm just pull the body over, let's add the weight of the head, always supported with your abdominals, I'm gonna add one more element, take the arm over the top, drop, two, once again, just feel the space around you, feel the weight of your body, move with it, feel it through space, last time, let's march it out right here, march, easy, V step, march, center, all V step is, is wide and narrow, let's add the arm, you march, V step, out, out, march, now watch my friends and look what I do on the marches, it's a circle walk, V step, let's join in, circle walk, let's add it in, grapevine, arm over the top, circle walk, V step, one more time, cross in front, really drop, yes, circle walk, shall we take it from the top, let's move forward, come to me, scoop up, swing back, yes, walk back, swing forward, I'm gonna take a grapevine, cross in front, drop, two, circle walk, from the top, one more time, forward, scoop, as you get more comfortable with the movement, make it bigger, stronger, more fluid, grapevine, arm comes across, two, circle walk, V step, march right here, easy, nice, you're gonna just take a tap, side, here we go, tap, together, tap, turn it in, like the warm-up, let's add a wrap of the arms, wrap, yes, now up tempo, no arms, just side, two, keep your weight centered, add the arms, out, two, go back to the half-time wrap, one, together, two, up tempo, out, out, from the top, walk forward, scoop, yes, rock it back, walk back, scoop forward, grapevine, cross in front, big arm over the top, stop, circle walk, V step, half-time wrap, wrap, together, up tempo, reach it out, four, three, two, march it out, right here, nice, let's keep going with this, we're gonna start with just four marches, one mambo, four marches, right here, four, three, mambo, together, other side, march, four, three, mambo, together, march, four, three, mambo, little hip, one more, now instead of this march, give me a jazz square, step, cross, mambo, other side, step, cross, give me a little shoulder action here, one, two, mambo, other side, jazz square, you're gonna step first, you go step, cross, mambo, last time, I think we gotta take this from the top, let's move forward, scoop up, one, swing back, and take it back, swing forward, we have a grapevine side, arm way over the top, really breathe, circle walk, V step, half-time wrap, wrap, together, up tempo, out, four, three, let's do that jazz square right here, mambo, other side, jazz square, cross, from the top, one more time, let's scoop up, really feel the space now, you have the movement, enjoy it, reach, grapevine, arm goes over the top, circle walk, V step, we have that half-time wrap, really wrap, together, wrap, up tempo, out, out, jazz square, one, cross, mambo, jazz square, mambo, just a little march right here, easy, that was beautiful, we're gonna take the next segment into working the legs a little bit more intensely. Okay, in this part of the combination, we're gonna work the legs from the hips, someone should feel inward rotation and outward rotation, so we're gonna start with the feet together, hands right on the hips, right leg, we're gonna turn it in slowly, in, out, kick, other side, in, out, kick, other side, in, out, kick, together, in, out, kick, one more, then we're gonna take it up tempo and out of march, ready, up tempo, in, out, kick, march, other side, in, out, kick, march, we're gonna travel the marches, in, out, kick, back together, march, in, out, kick, we're gonna add one more element, in, out, kick, give me a knee up, out, extend, yes, in, out, kick, how about some arms, in, out, kick, the arms come in with the knee, the arms basically do what the legs are doing, in, out, one, two, out, again, as you get more comfortable with the movement, bigger, stronger, let's add on, slow cross in front, cross, open, two, tap it back, no arms, one, tap, let's do that part again, slow cross, cross, reach from toe to fingertips, tap back, four, three, two, again, this time give me a little bit of an arch, up to the ceiling, tap back, tap back, one, two, we're gonna add one more thing, slow cross, one, out, two, two taps back, reach out and in, one more time, slow cross, extend, contract, long, two taps, out and in, now slow, I want you to bring the arms up, open, other side, up, do that again, in, up, open, from the warm up, take the hand around the head, head, two more and march it out right here, we're gonna cut all that in half, take it up, lift one, other side, two, around the head and march, one more time, take it all the way, up, open, you're gonna watch my friends, I'm gonna show you variation on the march, it's a pivot, one more time, lift up, one, two, around the head, let's try the pivot everyone, right here, last time, all the way up, big reach, place, lift, around the head, circle, pivot, shall we take it from the top, turn in, out, one, two, out, knee up, other side, in, out, lift, slow cross in front, take it down, up, down, two taps back, out and in, to the hip, reach up, one, out, two, out, around the head, pivot, let's add on, cross tap, one, two, behind, let's go ahead and take the arms out, I want you to slowly take that leg off the floor, again, if you're beginner, keep it low, as you get more advanced, take it higher, one, out, two, let's add some arms, up, pull, so you get taller as the leg extends, abdominals lifted, long back, strong torso, from the top, here we go, turn in, out, lift, knee up, other side, turn in, out, lift, knee up, slow cross in front, down, extend, two taps back, one, out and in, to the hip, big reach, up, burst, burst, open, burst, around the head, circle, pivot, get ready, cross front kick, cross kick, two, three, from the top, one more time, turn in, turn out, one, two, lift, knee up, up, in, out, slow cross, get down and deep, lengthen, down, tap back, two, reach out and in, hips, big burst, way up, place it down, up, around the head, circle, pivot, cross front kick, arms up, two, three, I like this one so much, I want to do it one more time, in, out, in, out, your legs should be getting very warm right now, in, out, up, slow cross, one, out, two, tap back, one, reach out and in, big burst up, how tall, big, exhale, inhale, exhale, around the head, pivot, cross and kick, really reach out, two, three, no arms, bring it down to a tap, breathe, two, a little smaller, three, let's march it out, right here, that was beautiful, hopefully your legs, your upper body are warm, our last combination, we're really going to move, have a little fun, I want a little bit of hip movement here, a little freedom through the shoulder, just tap front right here, tap, two, three and march, easy, now give me a little hip action, here we go, take it forward, hip, two, three, walk back, all it is is taps, you give it the flavor you want and take it up, two, three, back up, this time tap right and left, take it forward again, lead with your hips, back it up, this time give me a lunge, easy, lunge, forward, take those arms behind you, back it up, lunge with the arm wrap, forward, last time, big hips, yes, walk back, lunge, we're going to take it step together, step to the side, hold right here, other side, one, step touch, let's take it to a chasse, step touch, really let your back be easy, it's going to keep getting bigger, arms go out, now bring the elbow in, other side, push, two, let's bring that knee up next time, push, wrap the spine, yes, out, two and march right here, breathe in, exhale, we're going to take that from the top, turn those little walks forward, tap, here we go, one, two, now back it up, lunge, side, chasse and push, out, wrap, chasse, out, wrap, step together, step touch, again, step and hold, same base move, different feel this time, step touch, reach, hold, other side, reach, let's elongate the leg, reach out, lift, reach, cross in front, feel the line from your fingertip to your toe, add a contraction, engage those abdominals, exhale, one more time, reach, way out, contract, two and march right here, breathe in, the movements are getting bigger and stronger, let's take it forward from the top, here we go, hips, one, two and back it up, lunge side to side, chasse, here we go, push, out, wrap, yes, other side, what we just learned, reach, leg, contract, other side, reach and march, beautiful, I think we can move on, we're going to work on the little mambo series, leg crosses, two times, mambo, chasse, other side, very simple, let's add an arm, the arm cross, back, open, cross, back, open, a little bit bigger, cross, yes, two, way out, feel those fingertips, watch my friends, I'm going to add one more thing to turn, yes, if you feel comfortable with this, join in with us right here, turn, arms way out, two, shall we take it from the top, let's go, forward, one, two, three, back it up, lunge right and left, wrap, chasse, wrap that back, let's go, other side, way out, now reach side, leg extends, contract, two, now here we go to the mambo and cross, yes, turn, from the top, have a little fun with it and hip, two, three, back up, wrap it right and left, chasse, really push, out, this should feel good, out, two, walk side, reach, leg, contract, use those abdominals, mambo, cross, yes, turn, turn, I think we need to do this one more time, out, two, three, back it up, lunge side to side, chasse, out, wrap, yes, let's go, one, two, grapevine, reach, out, contract, exhale, use those abdominals, mambo, cross, down, turn, down and march right here, breathe in, exhale, that was a beautiful workout, each time you do it, add a little bit more, hip, a little more arm, a little more leg, a little more fun, we're going to begin our cool down with a big breath in, lift the chest up to the ceiling and exhale, open the arm side, let's do that again, breathe in, up, exhale, open, just keep the knees soft, I really want you to feel your ribs lift up off your hips, exhale, move the space around you, last time, breath in, up, exhale, open, okay, let's take one more breath in, this time lace the fingers at the top, press your palms up to the ceiling and reach your heels to the floor and the palms up, now let's just take the back over the top, just your upper back, press your palms towards me and spread your shoulder blades to the back wall, let's lift it back up center and slide the hands back behind the head, now I want you to contract the muscles in your back and then lift the chest up to the ceiling, remember to keep your abdominals engaged and to support your head, let's bring it back center, release the arms down, let's do that whole thing again, big breath in, up, lace the fingers, press the palms up to the ceiling and take it over the top, once again spreading your shoulder blades and reach up and take the hands behind the head, contract the muscles in the back and lift chest up to the ceiling, abdominals and head supported and back to the center, beautiful, let the arms float down, nice, we're going to take some sun breaths and into some sun salutations, so we'll start, take the arms up, exhale, open, flat back over the top, reaching the hands down to your ankles, gently pull your chest to your thighs, place the hands on the floor, give me a demi plie, just slightly bend the knees, straighten the legs, place the hands on the shins and look up, lifting your chest, lengthening out your back, drop it over and then airplane arms up, up to the sky, open into the prayer position and hold, once again breathe in, lift, exhale, open, reach out, lengthen your back, gently pulling your chest to your thighs, hands on the floor, a little demi plie, extend, placing the hands back on the shins, lift your chest forward, shoulders back, long neck, drop it down again and airplane arms up to the top, open and into the prayer position, let's take this a little further, one more breath in, exhale, open, reach out, this time hands right on the floor, let's take the left leg back into a lunge, now you want to remember to keep your knee over your heel and I want you to lower that back knee to the ground, slowly walk your hands up to your thighs and hold, now you always want to feel a lifting up and a pressing forward rather than a pressing down, let's everybody take your shoulders up and back, now if you're comfortable here, stay in this position, if you'd like to take this a little further, let's reach the hand forward, take it up to the ceiling, open the arms side and down, let's do that one more time, reach way out, feel the length in your back all the way through the fingertips, open side and down, let's place the hands on the floor, now engaging your abdominals, I want you to pull your knee underneath you and turn to the side, now depending on the flexibility in your hips, you may need to open your legs out a little bit more or keep them crossed, try to keep both hips down, arms out to the side, take a breath in, exhale and just fold the body over, relax, just breathing into your hips, keeping the knees easy, lower back soft and just exhale, you can drop the head over and if you like, you can actually wrap your arm around your thigh and gently pull your chest down, but mostly I just want you to breathe and relax over, let's stay here for two more breaths and relax those shoulders, one more, breathe in, okay, let's roll it up, replace the hands in the front, lift your abdominals and take it back into the lunge position, chest up, shoulders back, engage your abdominals, lift up, feet together, let's take that demi plie again, release the hamstrings, straighten the legs and airplane arms out and up, together, open into the prayer position, shoulders back and relax, last time, breathe in, exhale, open, reach out through your head and your tailbone all the way down to the floor, let's take that right leg back this time into the lunge, slowly lower the knee to the mat and come up, hands on the thigh, remember once again, lifting up and pressing forward rather than thinking down, let's take those shoulders, roll them back and breathe, let's move on, reach the arm forward, reach it way up to the ceiling, open the arm side and back down, let's make a little bit bigger circle this time, reach way forward, way up, open your chest and down, beautiful, let's replace the hands back on the floor, engaging your abdominals, lift up and pull the knee underneath you and wrap the legs, once again, if you feel this is a little intense for you, open the legs out a little bit, otherwise keep them crossed, try to keep both hips down, let's take a breath in, exhale and allow the body just to fold over, you may want to start right here and just hang out here for a while, as you get more flexible, take the hands more forward and drop the chest to the thigh, let's take two breaths here, exhale, that's it, keep breathing deeply in, exhale out, I like to think of breathing into my hips allowing those muscles to release, one more exhale, let's roll it up, replace the hands back on the floor, lift up and take it back into the lunge, beautiful, let's bring the legs back in, take one more demi plie, straighten the legs, airplane arms up and to the ceiling and open, palms together, we'll do one more time, taking all the way to the floor, let's breathe in, exhale, way out, hands to the floor, this time lower one knee at a time down to your mat, we want to sit back into the child's pose, so send your hips back over your heels and reach your arms forward, drop the head to the floor, one more breath in, exhale, bring the hands in by the shoulders and roll up and to shift to one side of the other, swing the legs around, we're going to go into a straddle position, so take the legs out to the side and again depending on your flexibility you might want to start small and eventually get the legs a little wider but don't force it out too wide, you want to be able to sit up tall supporting your abdominals and your lower back, let's take the arms out to the side, I want everybody to breathe in, reach up, feel the length of your spine open, keeping that length and let's take it to the side, lock your thumb underneath your ankle and reach up and out, try not to think down, think out, really concentrate on keeping that hip down, now drop the arm and then reach it up to the ceiling and back just a few inches, opening out your chest, front of your shoulder, let's reach that arm down to the toe, lifting the abdominals, turn the body and lay the chest down by the thigh, relax the head over and breathe, concentrating on keeping this opposite hip down, toes pointed up to the ceiling, one more breath in, exhale all the way over, let's walk the hands around to the front, staying low and roll up, let's take the arms out to the side, let's go, reach out and over, up, up and out, keeping that opposite hip on the floor, exhale, go over just one more inch, then drop the arm and reach it up to the ceiling, reach it back a few inches, opening out your chest, keeping your neck free and easy and then reach it out over the leg again, turn the body and rest the chest by the thigh, once again maintaining rotation out of that other hip, toes pointed to the ceiling, breath in and relax the head, neck and shoulders, slowly walk the hands back to the center and roll it up, let's bring one leg in, add the other, we'll take the arms up one more time, exhale, place them behind you, lift your chest up to the ceiling as you feel your tailbone dropping through the floor and as always you're going to keep your abdominals engaged, be careful that you don't release the head, you always want to be able to breathe and to be able to talk freely and come back to center, let's take the arm over, gently resting on the side of the head, drop it over to the side, you never want to pull your head, just rest gently, inhale, exhale, release it just a little further, put the arm drop down by the side, drop the chin to the chest and roll it up, other side, just gently let the weight of the arm stretch the neck rather than pulling on the head, one more big breath in, exhale, release the arm, let the chin fall to the chest and roll it up, let's come back up to standing, so take the front leg, push yourself up and over, replacing the hands on the floor, bring the other leg underneath you, you're back into that beginning position and let's reach the arms out to the side, airplane up all the way to the top, palms together, open and we'll take one final deep breath in, arms up, exhale, shoulders are dropped back, abdominals are lifted, head floats easily on top of the shoulders, I'd like to thank you for working out with us. Thank you.