Now Purple's ¶¶ ¶¶ ¶¶ Integrity Music presents the adventures of the Donut Repair Club in the Resurrection Celebration. Celebrate, Jesus, celebrate. He is risen, He is risen, And He lives forevermore. He is risen, He is risen, Come on and celebrate the resurrection of our Lord. Take it, kids! Celebrate, Jesus, celebrate. Celebrate! Celebrate, Jesus, celebrate. Celebrate, Jesus, celebrate. Celebrate! Very nice. I think we are getting better. Better? We're getting worse. Yeah, and if one more person steps on my foot, my celebration days are over. Maybe your celebration days are over. Maybe we can't do this without Mr. and Mrs. Johnson. But we've got to. We just can't quit. Not a week before the celebration. Can't we, Mr. Don't Know Man? No, of course not, Jonathan. Look, come here, kids. I know we miss Mr. Johnson, but he was very sick for a long time, and I guess the Lord just thought it best to take him on to heaven. He's much happier there. But I can't help missing him. I know. He was a good friend to all of us, and he and Mrs. Johnson always made our resurrection celebration perfect. So why can't Mrs. Johnson help? Yeah, I should know how to keep people off my foot. I guess she just needs to be alone right now. She's feeling kind of sad. Well, it's sure not the same without her. Yeah, she'd get us into shape. Yeah, I can hear her now. Who's on the right? Girls on the left. Quick, quick, quick. Tall kids in the back, sharp ones in front. Well, don't just stand there. Let's go. Quick, quick, quick. Mrs. Johnson. I'm so glad to see you. I'm so glad to see you too. But we didn't think you were coming. Yeah, on account of Mr. Johnson. I know, honey, but I couldn't let all of you down, and I couldn't let Mr. Johnson down either. I know he'd want me to be here. So where are you? Right here. No, I mean in the play. Jesus is about to come into Jerusalem. Well, then, we'll need palm branches. I know where there's some. Oh, let's go. Come on. Hey. Hey. Hey, what about me? Oh, sure, Duncan. I've got one for you right here. Here you go. Oh, thank you. Why don't you get things started? Okay. Okay, here we go. The children cry. Banana. No, Duncan. Think. Try it again. The children cry. Susanna. Kids, you're going to have to help them out. The children cry. Hosanna. Oh, yeah. Hosanna. All right. Now, let's sing, everybody. Here we go. The children cry. Hosanna. Oh, come on, children. You can do better than that. Sit up straight. Come on. The children cry. Hosanna. And the men cry out. Hosanna. And the women cry. Hosanna. Oh, clean up is what I am. The children cry. Hosanna. And the men cry out. Hosanna. And the women cry. Hosanna. Oh, clean up is what I am. Blessed is he who comes in the name, who comes in the name of the Lord. Blessed is he who comes in the name, who comes in the name of the Lord. The children cry. Hosanna. And the men cry out. Hosanna. And the women cry. Hosanna. Oh, clean up is what I am. Blessed is he who comes in the name, who comes in the name of the Lord. Blessed is he who comes in the name, who comes in the name of the Lord. And the babies cry. Hosanna. And the old men cry. Hosanna. Everybody shouts. Hosanna. Oh, King of Israel. And the babies cry. Hosanna. And the old men cry. Hosanna. Everybody shouts. Hosanna. Oh, King of Israel. Oh, King of Israel. That was great, kids. Yeah, we're doing better already. Thanks, Mrs. Johnson. But remember, children, this is exciting. This wasn't just anybody coming into Jerusalem. This was Jesus, the King of Kings. Now, children, one thing. Do you love Jesus? Yeah. Now, I want you to sing it like you mean it. Yeah, like you mean it. He is the King of Kings. He is the Lord of Lords. His name is Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. Oh, he is the King. He is the King of Kings. He is the Lord of Lords. His name is Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. Oh, he is the King. He is the King of Kings. He is the Lord of Lords. His name is Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. Oh, he is the, oh, he is the, oh, he is the, oh, he is the king. Very good, kids. Brandon, next time you'll hold that sign right side up, won't you? Hey, look! Hey, Duncan, what's going on in there? Are you all right? Duncan, what on earth have you been up to? Take the, take the egg out of my mouth. Oh, your mouth! Why didn't you say so? Well, have you ever tried to talk with an Easter egg in your mouth? Oh, so that's what you've been doing, coloring eggs, huh? How could you tell? It's pretty easy, look. Hey, I like it. I'm the very first Easter donut. I'm the Easter donut. I'm the Easter donut. I'm the Easter donut. Duncan, Duncan, I hate to break the news, but the Easter story is not about bunnies or colored eggs. It's not? No. Duncan, Easter is about Jesus, about His dying for our sins and coming back to life. That's the story we're telling. Oh, I guess I got confused. Sorry. Oh, wait, wait, Duncan, wait. Come back. A lot of people get confused. And besides, it's such a pretty egg. You did such a good job. You think so? Oh, yes. There must be some way that the Easter story is like an egg. I know. An egg is made of three parts. It is? Yeah, sure, look. The shell and the white and deep inside is the yolk. But how is that like Easter? Because God is made of three parts, three persons. God the Father, and Jesus His Son, who rose up from the dead for the whole world on Easter, and the Holy Spirit. Three, but still one. Get it? Here, this will help you remember. I'm going to sing it first, and then this group will sing it, and then you, and then you. But Duncan, I have a special part just for you. Are you ready? Yeah. God is three in one, three in one, three in one. The Father makes all things, the Son sets us free. The Holy Spirit brings them to me. The Father makes all things, the Son sets us free. The Son sets us free, the Holy Spirit brings them to me. The Father makes all things, the Son sets us free. The Holy Spirit brings them to me. That was great, kids. But we'd better get back to the story, don't you think? Yeah. Mr. Donut Man, there's something about this story that I don't understand. What's that? Well, when Jesus came into the city that day, He knew that He was going to die soon, didn't He? Yes. So, why was everyone so joyful? They didn't understand. They thought He was a king just like any other king. But why should a king have to die? It is hard to understand, isn't it? Even Jesus' closest friends couldn't get it. So Jesus put it this way. He said it's like a seed. Unless a seed falls into the earth and dies, nothing happens. But if it's buried, then it grows and it makes lots of fruit. Get it? Kind of. Donut Man? What's that, Duncan? I think I know how to explain it. You do? How? The mustard seed. Oh, your mustard seed song. That's a good idea. Hey, why don't you go get your costume on? You need any help? Well, I can get that, but why don't you set up the props? Oh, good idea. Okay. This is such a good story, Duncan. There we go. Okay, all set. Got your costume there? Yeah. Okay. There you go. All right. Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please? Here to explain the mystery of the incredible, changing, growing mustard seed is the star of stage and screen and coffee shops everywhere. Would you please give a warm welcome to Duncan the mustard seed who made his costume all by himself. Yeah! Oh, I'm a little mustard seed No hands or feet and my face is green I'm just the little mustard seed The tiniest seed you've ever seen I'm so little You could sneeze and I would be gone Ah-choo! Bye! I'm so little And I don't even have any clothes on There are times that I think I would be happier if I were a bigger seed Like a corn or a pea or a lima bean But no, none are tiny as me I know that I would be so happy If I could be as big as a tree I'd be happy, oh, yes, I agree Cause now I'm just a little mustard seed One day they dug a hole and put me inside Covered me with dirt I was scared and I cried Watcher made me shiver, sun baked me till I dried You can guess what that did to my pride But soon it was the funniest thing I grew out of the ground I was tall and green All of the birds of the air flew in and out of my hair And made a nest in my branches La-la-la-la, la-la-la La-la-la, la-la-la La-la-la-la, la-la-la La-la-la-la, la-la-la La-la-la-la mustard seed. Ask Him to plant it in your heart. That's a very good place to start. That was great, Duncan. See? Jesus wants us to know that just because something's buried, why that doesn't mean it's the end of the story. The mustard seed, when it was buried, grew into a tree. And when Jesus was buried, why that wasn't the end of the Easter story, no. It was just the beginning. So, what happened after Jesus got to Jerusalem? Well, why don't we go on with the story. Andy, it's your part. Go ahead. Go ahead, Andy. And when the day of Passover had come. A little bit louder, Andy, so they can hear you in the back. And when the day of Passover had come, Jesus sent Peter and John to make preparations for the Passover meal. This would be the last supper that Jesus and his friends would share together. Jesus took the bread. Jesus took the bread. Jesus took the bread. Jesus took the bread. Jesus took the bread. Jesus took the bread. And lifted them up. This is my body, broken for you. This is my blood poured out for you. This is my body, broken for you. This is my blood poured out for you. Do this and remember me. Do this and remember me. Do this and remember me. Do this and remember me. It must have been a sad night. How's that? Well, it's always sad when somebody you love has to go away. Most of all, Jesus makes me sad just thinking about it. Me too. Hey, where's Mrs. Johnson? Did she leave? I think that story must have made her sad. Because of Mr. Johnson? I think so. Maybe we should say a prayer for her. That's a real good idea. Come on, let's do it. Lord Jesus, we pray for our friend Mrs. Johnson. Lord, help her to know that you're right there beside her and help her to remember that she'll see Mr. Johnson again with you in Heaven. Amen. Amen. I'm still not sure why Jesus had to go away. Yeah, it doesn't seem fair that someone so good had to die. Well, it was because he was so good and without sin that he could die to take away our sins. It's all part of God's wonderful plan so that we could know his love. That's what the Easter story is all about. Kelsey, this is your part. After supper, Jesus and his friends sang a hymn, and then they went to their favorite garden to pray. But while they were there, some men came and took Jesus away. The next day, Jesus was taken to a hill far outside of the city where these same men crucified him. The next two nights were the darkest any of Jesus' friends had ever known. But on the morning of the third day, something wonderful happened. Some women went to Jesus' tomb and found that the stone was rolled away. Then an angel appeared to them and said, Don't be afraid. You are looking for Jesus. He is not here. He is risen. Go and tell his disciples and Peter. Well, the women were excited and ran as fast as they could through the city to go tell Peter. When Peter heard the news, he ran through the city and up the hill to Jesus' tomb as fast as he possibly could. Run, Peter, run. Run to the grave. Run, Peter, run. The stone is rolled away. Run, Peter, run. What do you see? Jesus is alive. The grave is empty. He's alive. He's alive. The stone is rolled away. He's alive. He's alive. I see the empty grave. Run, Peter, run. Go tell your friends. Run, Peter, run. Jesus rolls again. Run, Peter, run. Tell the good news. Jesus is alive. I'll shout it for you. He's alive. He's alive. The stone is rolled away. He's alive. He's alive. I see the empty grave. Peter remembered the night that he said, I do not know this man. Now he is forgiven by Jesus, his Lord, and his life can begin again. Run, Peter, run. Run to the grave. Run, Peter, run. The stone is rolled away. Run, Peter, run. What do you see? Jesus is alive. The grave is empty. He's alive. He's alive. The stone is rolled away. He's alive. He's alive. I see the empty grave. He's alive. He's alive. The stone is rolled away. He's alive. He's alive. I see the empty grave. Run, go. Go, Peter, go. Go, Peter, run, run, run. Go. Go, Peter, go. Duncan, you're going to have to save some energy for the end of the story. You mean there's more? Yeah, the disciples haven't found out that Jesus is alive yet. Oh man, what a story. Can I tell them? We'll see. Hey, where's Andy? Where did Andy go? Mrs. Johnson? Andy, why aren't you downstairs practicing? Well, the Donut Man said he thought you left because you were sad. I am sad, Andy. I just can't get over Mr. Johnson being gone. Me either. He was sort of like a grandpa to me, the way he told me stories and took me fishing and helped me fix my bike. He sure loved you kids. But I was thinking, isn't that what our resurrection celebration is all about? I'm not sure I'm following you, child. Well, Jesus' friends were sad when he went away, but when God raised him up, they were happier than ever, weren't they? Yes, they were. And doesn't the Bible say that all who believe in Jesus shall have eternal life, too? Yes, the Bible does say that. Well, I know Mr. Johnson trusted in Jesus. Even though we're sad now, we'll see him again. Maybe even get to go fishing. It seems like that makes a difference. It does make a difference, Andy. It makes all the difference in the world. Thanks for reminding me. Now we both have something to celebrate. Well, here you are. I've been looking everywhere for you. I'm sorry. Andy and I were just having a talk, but we're ready to join you now. Sure you're feeling up to it? Sure. You know how the kids in the repair club are always talking about how Jesus fills up the emptiness in our lives? Yeah. Without Jesus, we're like a donut. We have a big empty space inside of us. But that's what I'm talking about. I don't feel so empty anymore. And believe me, that's something to celebrate. It sure is. Well, then come on. Join us. Let's celebrate. One, two, three. Welcome to the Donut Repair Club. What's this? This is a repair donut because you helped to fill our hearts with the Word of God. Congratulations. Oh, and just look at this. This is beautiful. You shouldn't have. Yes, we should. We love you, Mrs. Johnson. Yeah, you helped us learn a lot. Like stand up straight and sing louder. I learned that God is three in one. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I learned that Jesus is a good King who loves us. And died for us. And rose again. And if we have faith even the size of a mustard seed and ask Jesus to live in our heart, He will. And He'll make us happy and joyful just like Peter was when he ran to the grave. And he found the grave was empty. Yes, he did. Jesus is alive and I feel His love with us right now. We love you, too. Jesus is alive. Come on, everybody. Let's celebrate. God's not dead now! He is alive! I feel Him all over me! God's not dead now! He is alive! I feel them in my hands I feel them in my feet I feel them in the church I feel them on the street I feel them in the air I feel it everywhere I feel Him all over me Yeah, Yeah, Yeah! God's not dead no! He is alive! God's not dead no! He is alive! God's not dead no! He is alive! I feel Him all over me. Where do you feel Him? I feel Him in my hands. Oh, I feel Him in my feet. I feel Him in the church. I feel Him on the street. I feel Him in the air. I feel Him everywhere. I feel Him all over me. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, God's knocking! It's a lie! God's knocking! He's alive. God's knocking! Now he's alive, I feel him all over me. Where? I feel him all over me. Oh! I feel him all over me. Yee-haw! I feel him all over me. I feel him all over me. Integrity Music Just for Kids offers a full line of exciting and fun products to take your children on a musical journey of laughing and learning about God and His ways. Just for Kids tapes are a fun-filled combination of favorite praise and worship choruses, best loved Sunday school songs, and easy to learn scripture memory tunes. For each tape, we also offer a split-track accompaniment tape with instruments on the left channel and vocals on the right. These tapes are perfect for Sunday school, children's choirs, and even at home. Featuring all the songs from five tapes, our songbooks are great for learning to sing and to play Integrity Music Just for Kids songs. Melody lined with accompaniment and easy to play arrangements help parents, teachers, and young musicians. Join the Donut Man and the Donut Repair Club kids on video as they travel the country singing the most popular songs from our best-selling tapes. Octavos for children's choirs feature the most popular songs and medleys from our children's tapes. Bright, colorful, and fun to wear, our t-shirts are definitely a hit with the kids. Integrity Music Just for Kids, songs that teach, songs that praise, with the Donut Man.