. . . . . . . . . Hi, welcome to Supercardio Sculpt. I'm Nancy, and with me are fellow firm master instructors Stephanie, Lisa, Suzanne, and Libby. If you're new to the firm, follow Libby. She'll be performing a modified version of each exercise. Beginners start with no weights. As you become comfortable with the moves, you can add weights to your workout. For this workout, we use one pair of three-pound dumbbells. If at any time the weight becomes too heavy or you're unable to perform the exercise with proper form, it's okay to put the weights down. This 40-minute intense, fast, fat-burning workout combines fun, low-impact cardio sequences with lightweight exercises for an effective total body-shaping workout. Master the foot moves first. Add the arms only when you're ready. It's okay to take the arm movements out any time you want to decrease the intensity of the workout. If at any time you feel the need to stop, march in place instead. This will keep your heart rate up and you'll be able to work out with the dumbbells. This will keep your heart rate up and you'll continue to burn fat. And of course, we'll be using the firm fanny lifter to increase fat-burning results and add variety to your workout. With this adjustable step, you'll tone your thighs, hips, abs, and fanny. So stand behind your fanny lifter and let's get started. Right arm up and left. Now right arm twice. Left two. Squat and round your back. Squat and stand. Again, right arm up. Left arm. Squat and round. Squat and stand. Heel lift, right left. Bend your knees and shift side to side. Get your legs nice and warm. Now sweep your arms left and right, adding the arms, warming the whole body. Four, three, alternate a chest punch. Right and left. Getting ready for the ultimate fat burner. Sweep your arms side. Four, three, and now punch. Four. Step close and curl. Pull your feet together and pump your arms. That's it. Elbows close to the waist. Sweep front. And then sweep back. Sweep front. Eight, seven. Chest up, shoulders back. Curl four times. Pumping those biceps. And now sweep. Four. Do it again. Curl. Four. Sweep to the front. Just four. Now heel lift and sweep side. Keep going. Alternate your punch. Drive through the fist. Step close and curl. Pumping the arms. Sweep front. Just four. Now let's march. Right and left. Pick it up. Are you starting to break a sweat yet? March out and in. Step wide. Go around the fanny lifter. Straddling it. Now march right left. Keep your arms going. Out in twice. Hands on the hip. Tap the fanny lifter. Hard point in the toe to engage the lower leg. Warming the shins. Now march right left. Out in once. And four toe taps. Right and left. March again. Out and in. Here are the toe taps. Heel lift and sweep. Four. Three. Alternate your punch. Keep going. Step close and curl. Elbows in. Sweep to the front. March right left. Out in once. Here are the toe taps. Four. Now full form squats. Reach up. Squat through. Press through the heels. That's it. Up and then down. Reaching for the top of the box. Stretching and warming the backs of your thighs. Hold down and pulse. Press through the chest. Hike your hips. Four. Step back with your right foot. Press into the heel. Now slowly lift it. Roll forward and then back. Not too deep. Still warming. Now step together. Roll to the top. Turn your toes out and lunge right and left. Eight. Warming the inner thighs now. Keep your knees behind your toes. Reach for the fanny lifter. Right. Left. Going a little deeper now. Lunge to the right and hold it. Turn side. Release your back knee to the floor. Front knee behind the toes. Now lunge forward. Press forward. Feel the stretch at the top of the left thigh. Getting ready for all those aerobics. Last four. Three. Now lift up and turn back to the center. Walk your toes and heels in. Roll to the top. Heel lift. Sweep side. Four. Three. Alternate your punch. Keep going. You're almost there. Step close and curl. Four. Three. Sweep front. Great. Now march right left. Out and in. Tap your toes. Four. And your full form squats. Make them big. Press through the heels. Two. Reach up and then down. To the top of the box. Hike your hips. Keep your back relaxed. Hold down and pulse. Feel the stretch in the back of your thighs. That's it. Now step back with your left foot. Settle into the left heel. And now slowly lift it. Roll to the ball of your foot and then down. Gently stretching the calves. Now step together. Roll top. Turn your toes out and lunge left right. Eight. Seven. Knees stay behind the toes. Reach for the fanny lifter. Left. Right. Going a little bit deeper. You're almost there. Lunge to the left and hold it. Turn to the side. Back knee goes to the floor again. Front knee is behind the toes. Let's lunge. Forward and back. Use your hip flexors constantly during step. So this is an important stretch. Lunge forward. Last two. Now lift up. Rotate back to the center. Walk your toes and heels in. Roll top. You're ready for the ultimate fat burner. Four limb aerobics. You need the top or purple section of your fanny lifter. Beginners no weights. All others you need light dumbbells. Stand behind the fanny lifter. Now toe taps to the side. Go right then left. Big steps. Turn your palms up. Curl your biceps left and right. Eight times. Squeeze the arms. Four. Now elbows up for triceps. Remember adding weights to these moves burns more calories all day long. Biceps. Elbows in close in this move. And now triceps. See the difference in the two? Kick to the front. Kick to the front. Lift your legs forward. Nice. Four. Add a pinch. Beginners remember you want to keep your kicks low. Follow Libby. Now squat to the right. Squat to the left. Keep your knees behind your toes. Beginners not too deep here. Add a delt lift. Lead with the elbows. Working the shoulders here. Nice. Now kick front four times. Pull by the hips. Squat to the right. Then the left. Again kick front. Pinch back. Squat right. Squat left. Toe side with biceps. Pull the arms in. And now the triceps. Squeeze as you press. Kick and pinch. Four. Squat to the right. Then to the left. Now alternate basic climb. Look down as you step. Make sure your whole foot lands on top. Strike with the heel and roll forward. Heart rate is climbing. Twice more. New move. Right leg front side and front. Push off the fanny lifter. Change legs. Push into it. Now add your biceps to this. One more. Now alternate basic right and left. Four. Chest up and shoulders back. Here's your front side with biceps. Put your hips into it. One more. Alternate basic right left. Between the set. Front side right. Alternate basic left and right. Two. Front side left. Now from the beginning. Toe side with curls. Four. Three. Now your triceps. Extend the forearm. Kick and pinch. Four. Squat to the right. Then the left. Alternate basic. Strike with the heel. Front side right. Curl the arms. Alternate basic left and right. Front side left. Adding on once more. Heel toe heel. Flex and point your feet. Add biceps. Thumbs are up. Alternating step knee. Step and lift your knee. Put your abs in and your shoulders back. Heel toe heel. Right and left. Pumping the arm. Alternate step knee. Hang in there. Heel toe. Two. Alternate step knee. And then we're going to do it all once more. Toe side and curl. Four. Triceps. Kick backs. Kick and pinch. Four times. Squat to the right. Then the left. And then alternate basic. Have fun with this. Front side front. Push into it. Alternate basic. Almost there. Front side front. Heel toe heel with a pump. By the hip. Alternate step knee. Heel toe heel. Right left. Last time. Alternate step knee. That was great. Step aerobics is next. Squat to release your weights. Stand behind the fanny lifter and march. Right left. Keep your heart rate up. Keep moving. Four. Three. Basic right. Strike with the heel and roll forward. Change left. Up and down. Now right basic two. Left basic twice. Alright here we go. Right basic two times. Up and lunge rear. Push back. Exit and alternate step glute lift. Lift the leg straight behind you and pinch the hip. Two. Left basic twice. Go. Up and down. Up and lunge back. Heel stays up here. Alternate step glute. Four times. Pinch the hip. Two. Now right basic two. Up and lunge back. Exit and alternate step glute. Extra long set this time. Contract the hip internally. Feel it. Last four. Squeeze. Almost there. Now left basic twice. Up and down. Up and lunge back. Exit and alternate step glute. Four times. Three. Now we're going to shorten it even further. Right leg up and lunge rear. Exit and alternate step glute. Exit and alternate step glute. Exit and alternate step glute. Twice. That's it. Left leg up and lunge twice. Exit and alternate step glute. We'll do two more sets. Right leg up and lunge. Exit. Alternate step glute. Keep it up. Left leg up and lunge. Exit and alternate step glute. Adding on. Right leg up and lunge side. Hands on the hips. Exit and again. Now let's add some arms. Punching front. Making the move more intense. One more. Keep it up. Now lead left. Same move. Four sets. Punch. Twice more. Remember you can take the arm move out if you get really winded. Keep your legs moving. One more. Now this same move but alternate lead legs. So right. Then left. Up. Press. Again on the right. Change left. Right leg up and lunge back. Exit and alternate step glute. Two times. Left leg up and lunge. Exit and alternate step glute. Right leg up and lunge side. Punch. Exit. Go left. Press deep. Two more. Punch. And again. Get ready. We're gonna add on. Pivot and kick twice. Sweep the leg. Change sides. Again. Pivot and kick twice. Lift the leg. Change sides. Two kicks. Here's your move. You ready? Pivot and kick two. Go over the top. March around. Pivot. Kick twice. Sweep the leg. Over the top. March around. Pivot. Two kicks. Up. Over the top. March around. Do it again. Pivot and kick. Twice. Over the top. March around. Right leg up and lunge back. Exit and alternate step glute. Lift. Right leg up and lunge. Exit and alternate step glute. Another long set. Four times. Lift and squeeze the hip. You can do this. Two more. Right leg up and lunge side. Exit and change sides. Same move. Let's do two more sets. Burning lots of calories now. Blasting the fat. Pivot and kick twice. Sweep the leg. Go over the top. March around. Pivot. Two kicks. Over the top. Over the top. Big march. Pivot. Two kicks. Over the top. March around. Last time. Two kicks. Over the top. March around. Great job. Low impact is next. Move your fanny lifter. Stand to the left and march. Right and left. Keep your heart rate up. Keep moving. Now double step touch. Step together. Add arm circles in. Beginners stay here. All others add a hop. Push in the center. Power up. Twice more. Now step touch. Lift side. Go. Squatting side to side. Four. Three. Pivot. Keep your knee. Pull it up high. Keep your abs in and your shoulders back. You got it. Step touch. Left right. Squatting side to side. This is tough. Pivot. Knee repeater. Lifting. Shoulders back. Now step touch. Right left. Go. Pivot. Knee repeater. Step touch. Step touch. Pivot. Knee repeater. Let's go back to the double step touch. Four times. Circle your arms. Push in the center. Step touch. Pivot. Knee repeater. You can do this. Step touch. Four. Knee repeater. Lifting. Arms up. Beginners, keep it shallow. Follow Libby. Lunge side. Punch front. Eight. Seven. Squat through. Four. Now four calf pumps. Up. Lunge side and punch. You got it. Now double step touch. Four. Remember you can always take the arms out if you get too winded. Step touch. Lift side. Pushing. Knee repeater. Lift. Step touch. Knee repeater. Now those calf pumps. Up on the toes. Lunge side. Four. New move. March front and kick. That's it. You're doing great. Double step touch. Four times. Three. Here's a single step touch. That's it. Knee repeater. Abs in tight. Step touch. Four. Knee repeater. Come on. Calf pumps. Hit it. Up. Lunge side. Four. March forward and kick. Right and left. That's it. Now grapevine. Four of these. Three. Two. Tri star hop. Tap front, side, center, small hop. Beginner stay low. Grapevine twice. Moving. Tri star. Have some fun here. Grapevine again. And the tri star. Let's put it together now. Grapevine once. Tri star. Grapevine. Tri star. Twice more. Grapevine. Tri star. Grapevine. Tri star. Double step touch. Go. Beginners remember to keep it low. Follow Libby. Step touch. Go. Four. And the knee repeater. Push it. Step touch. Working hard. Knee repeater. Lifting. Four calf pumps. Stay vertical. Lunge side. Punch. March forward and kick. Then back. Hang in there. Grapevine once. Tri star. Grapevine. Tri star. Toe hops. Hands on the hips. Beginners this is your chance for power. Now doubles. Four. Isn't this fun? Two more. Double step touch. Four. Three. Two. Step touch. Lift side. Lift side. Here the repeaters. Last sets of these. Step touch. Come on. Knee repeater. Four calf pumps. Go up. Lunge side. Punch it. March forward. Keep it up. You're almost there. Your hard work is going to pay off. Grapevine. Tri star. Grapevine. Tri star. Toe hops. Hit it. Right and left. Finish strong. Come on. Here are your doubles. Four. Three. Last two. Feet apart. Good job. More step aerobics. Get the top section of your fanny lifter. March. Right and left. Keep moving. Keep that heart rate up. Alternate step hamstring. Step. Bring the heel up. Curl the leg. The arms stay close to the side. Reach and pull. Three times. Two. Now low jack. Left right. Lead left. Step curl. Total of seven. Heel up. Flex the back of your thigh as you lift the heel. Three times. Step. Curl. Low jack. Right left. Lead right. Step curl. Three this time. Two. Low jack. Left right. Lead left. Step curl. Three. Low jack. Right left. Basic right. Go. Four times. Strike with the heel and roll forward. Keep your chest up. Up and straddle. Lift side. Exit. Do that move again. Left basic. Four times. Go. Up. That's it. You're doing great. Keep going. Up and straddle. Up and exit. One more time on that side. Basic right. Twice. Up up. Up and straddle. Lift side. Arms out. Left basic. Up and straddle. Now we'll go back to the beginning. Alternate. Step curl. Three times. Pinch the heel. Low jack. Left right. Lead left. Step curl. Three. Two. Low jack. Right left. Basic right. Down down. Up and straddle. Arms out. Now left basic. Two. Up and straddle. Aren't you having fun? Right leg. Up and straddle. Three times. Hands on the hips now. Walk back behind your box. Do it again on the right. Three straddles. Engage your inner thighs on the straddle. Walk back. Lead left. Same move. Up and straddle down. Two. Now walk back or hop. Do it again on the left. Remember the hop is optional. Beginners stay grounded. Walk back or hop. Lead right. Same move. Keep it up. Two. Walk back or hop. Lead left. Go again. Up and straddle down. Chest up. Walk or hop back. Alternate step curl. Three. Two. Low jack. Left right. Lead left. Step curl. Keep it up. Push yourselves. Low jack. Right left. Now basic right. Twice. Up and straddle. Left basic. Two. Up and straddle. Hands on the hip. Right leg straddles for three. Three times. Long set. Walk back or hop. Lead left. Go again. Burning lots of calories. Walk or hop back. Knee repeater. Go. Three quick knees. Change legs. Let's add hesitation to this move. Press into the ball of your foot. Do it again. Alternate step knee. Reach up. There are eight of these. Remember you can just do the leg part if you get really winded. Last four. Last two. Here we go. Hesitation repeater. Two of them. Change legs. That's it. Now alternate step knee. Reach and pull. Chest up. Now one hesitation repeater. Push down. Alternate step knee. Hesitation repeater. Alternate step knee. Now alternate step curl from the top. Three. Two. Low jack. Left right. Lead left. Step curl. Three times. Low jack. Right left. Basic right. This is tough. Up and straddle. Left side. Left basic two. Up and straddle. Three straddles. Right leg. Watch your box. Eyes down. Walk back or hop. Lead left. Same move. Three. Almost there. Walk back or hop. Hesitation repeater. Alternate step knee. Almost there. Hesitation repeater. Last set. Alternate step knee. Wow. You did it. That was great. Move your fanny lift. Stand center. March out in slow. Right. And then left. Now go fast. Right and left. V the arms up. Beginners stay here. All others add a hop to the back. Here we go. Four. Lots of energy now. Two. Shuffle heel dig. Moving side. Push down. Four. Three. Two. March out and in. Wide. Hop back. Twice more. Beginners stay low. Shuffle heel dig. Shuffle shuffle and dig. Two. Step touch. Eight. Seven. Moving the arms and the legs. Low jack. Right left. Eight times. Really step out. Power move. Step touch. Right left. Four. Low jack. Right left. Come on. Step touch. Two. Low jack. Step touch. Two. Low jack. Now the combo. One of each. Step touch. Low jack. Twice more. Hang in there. March out and in. Go wide. And remember beginners stay low. Follow Libby. That's it. Shuffle heel dig. Right and left. Push down. Two. Step touch. Low jack. Big range of motion. Keep that heart rate up. Bunny hop. Press front. Eight times. Walk the arms up. Push. Hold top. Heel dig. Pull down. Now beginners you're low. Keep it grounded. Stay close to the floor. Bunny hop. Press front. Walk up. Heel dig. Pull down. Flex your feet. Now march out and in. Four times. You can do this. I know it's hard but you can. Shuffle heel dig. Four. Three. Two. Step touch. Low jack. Keep it up. Two. Bunny hop. Press. Walk up. Heel dig. Pull down. Four. Heel toe heel. Flex and point. Opposite arm punches. Left and right. Knee lift. Press down. Eight. Beginners you'll keep this low. Remember to follow Libby. Heel toe and punch. Two times. Knees up. Go. Four. Heel toe right. Two knee lifts. Heel toe left. Knees up. March out in. Last time through. Keep it. Push. Shuffle heel dig. Last set. Two. Step touch. Low jack. Almost there. End in sight. Bunny hop. Now. Four. Walk up. Heel dig and pull. Nice. Heel toe punch. Knee lifts. Heel toe. Knee lifts. Heel toe. Last set. Knee lifts. Heel toe. Knees up. And that's it. Great job. We're going to climb the Fanny Lifter. Beginners get only the blue section and no weights. Everyone else you'll need light dumbbells. Stand behind the Fanny Lifter. Feet under the hips. Chest lifted. Are you ready? Here we go. Lead right. Step and tap. Place your whole foot on top of the Fanny Lifter. Tap the toe. Now add biceps curls. This bumps up the intensity of this move. Heart rate is at its highest now. Twice more. Now just the legs. Take the arms back out. This is a firm signature move. The Fanny Lifter is perfect for it. Let's add the biceps again. Once again, boosting the heart rate. Getting through this toughest part. Now just the legs. I want you to concentrate on your footing again and your posture. Careful not to lean forward. You're almost done. Don't quit. Add your biceps for the last four. Careful not to swing the weights. Squeeze to the top. One more. You did it. That was great. Let's start bringing the heart rate down. Squats release your weights. You need just the purple section of the Fanny Lifter. Place it center. Stand to the left. Now travel over the top. Watch your footing. Make sure your whole foot lands on top of it. Let's add arm circles here. Circle in and out. Fanny knee arms. Good. Now travel in circle. Step hip lift. Three times. Travel in circle. Step hip. We call this a leg abduction. Lifting away. Travel in circle. Step kick. Sweep the leg across your body. Use your inner thigh. Travel in circle. Step and kick. Have a little fun here. Travel in circle. Step glute lift. Remember, lift the leg behind you. That's it. Travel in circle. Step glute lift. Squeeze the hip as you lift the leg. Now travel in circle. Step hip one. Step kick one. Step glute. Let's travel. Step hip. Step kick. Step glute. Adding on. Travel. Hip lift. Step and kick. Step glute. Now step heel dig. There are four of these. Pull the toe back. Use your arms here. Now a heel rock. Three heel digs. Pull the toes back. Do that again. Travel in circle. Step hip lift. Step and kick. Step glute. Step heel dig. Four total. Pull the toe back and press through the heel. Heel rock two times. Up and dig the heel. And again. Moving on. Travel in circle. Hip lift. Step kick. Step glute. Now step heel dig just twice. Heel rock once. Squat to the box. Not too deep. Squat and sweep front. Squat and stand. Now just step heel. Squat and stand. Now just squat. Knee behind the toes. Squat with a sweep. Travel in circle. Hip lift once. Step kick. Step glute. Step heel dig just two. Heel rock once. Squat to the box. Hands on the hips. Squat and sweep. Squat and stand. Two regular squats. Keep it shallow. Squat with your sweep. Moving on. You ready? Travel. Hip lift once. Step and kick. Step glute. Now here's your heel rock. Pull back. Squat with a sweep. Down. Heel. Hip lift. Step and kick. Step glute. Heel rock. Go. Squat with a sweep. Down and up. Now just travel in circle. Fan top. Take a couple of deep breaths. Heart rate's coming down. Just the legs now. Hands on the hips. Watch your footing. Two more. Great work. You've done it. Now it's time to stretch. Stand on top of the fanny lifter. Slide your right heel back. And we'll start with a calf stretch. Stretching the lower leg. Now slightly bend your right knee. Press down. And bring your right arm across your chest. Adding a shoulder stretch here. Keep your arms straight. Release your arm and step back with your right foot. Tuck your hip and lower down until you feel the stretch in your upper thigh. Steady. Now arms up. And release your right hand between your shoulders, stretching your triceps. Back of the upper arm. Release your arm and lift top. And release your left hand. And bring your right knee across your chest. And bring your right knee across your chest. And release your right hand between your shoulders, releasing your arm and lift top. Slide your left heel back. Stretch your left calf. Now slightly bend the left knee. And add your left shoulder stretch. Take a deep breath in. Exhale and release. Exhale and release. Now release your arm and step back with your left foot. Now release your arm and step back with your left foot. Tuck your hip, lower down slowly. Feel the stretch in the thigh. Feel the stretch in the thigh. Feel the stretch in the thigh. The arms come up. Left hand between the shoulders. Stretching the triceps. Stretching the triceps. Holding here. Holding here. Now release your arm and step back. Reassemble your fanny lifter. Reassemble your fanny lifter. Place it center. Place it center. Have a seat. Right knee to chest. Stretching the lower back. Bring your chest down to meet your thigh. And roll your ankle. Slowly. Now extend the right leg. Now extend the right leg. Raise the back of your leg and stretch your hamstrings. Beginners keep this low. Cross your right ankle over your left leg. Cross your right ankle over your left leg. And with a flat back, lean forward. You'll feel the stretch in the outer thigh. Now sit back and turn your feet out. Stretch your inner thigh by leaning forward. Stretch your inner thigh by leaning forward. Leave with a chest. Now sit back. Feet together. Bring your left knee to your chest. Take a deep breath in. Add that slow ankle rotation. And now extend the leg to feel the stretch in the hamstrings. Once again, beginners, you want to keep this low. Cross your left leg over your right. Keep your back flat as you lean forward. Outer hip stretch. Now sit back and stand. Take a deep breath in. Bring your arms up. Flex your right leg. Pull your arms left. Now come to the center and change sides. Bend the left leg. Release to the center. Now slowly bring your arms down. You've done great. Keep it up. Combine Super Cardio Sculpt with other firm workouts and a healthy low-fat diet. And I promise you'll get the results that you want. doing. Great job. Keep it up. Keep it going. Keep it up. Keep it up. Good job. Keep it up.