Hi, I'm Denise Austin and welcome to my step workout. It's as safe as walking because it's low impact, but it's an excellent high intensity fat burner. My step workout consists of four segments, a warm up and pre-stretch, aerobic stepping for 25 minutes, toning exercises to isolate the inner and outer thighs and abdominals, and a post stretch for relaxation. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends aerobic activity three to five times a week. Start slowly and gradually. Progress at your own pace. Do the best that you can do. And remember to drink plenty of water before, during and after exercise. Before we get started, here are some guidelines for a proper stepping posture. Keep your knees soft, abdominal muscles tight, chest up and out, shoulders back, your neck and head in good alignment. Avoid locking the knee joint. Use a full body lean when stepping. Don't bend forward from the hips. The knee should never flex beyond 90 degree angles when the body is weight bearing. So please choose a platform height accordingly. Now here are some tips for a proper stepping technique. Step to the center of the platform. When you're stepping up, make sure that you contact the platform with the entire sole of the foot. When stepping down, land on the ball of the foot, lowering the heel to the floor before taking the next step. And always watch your step, glance down at your step each time you step up. Stay fairly close to the platform as you step down. Don't add the arm movements until you're very comfortable with the footwork. Remember the arms are optional. Most of your workout comes from your legs. Step gently. Don't pound your feet on the platform. To find the right exercise intensity for you, here are some guidelines on proper step height. If you're a regular exerciser who has never performed step training, start at the lowest height. A regular step trainer up to 8 inches. A highly skilled step trainer up to 10 inches. Whatever height you choose, make sure you go at your own pace. If you get tired, you can always lower your step height any time during the workout. And now I'd like to introduce my two step trainers, Glenn Finlin and Carla Williams. Let's begin our workout. March in place. Now we're going to do the best that you can do. And think about good posture. Dog on muscles tight. Head and neck in a neutral position. Ready? Take a nice deep breath. Here you go. Ready, and inhale. And exhale. Keep those tummy tight. Inhale. We've got lots of work it out. We're going to do the best we can now. That's one. Take a real deep breath. Come on. A real big one. Inhale. Exhale. And one, two, three. One, two, three. That's it. Now, this step, get used to the step height. Here's a chance to get comfortable with that step. That's it. Come on. Get into it. Ready? Now, one, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three. That's it. Keep your back straight. Great. That's it. Two more. Here we go to singles. Good. Last one. Singles. Lift it. Lift it. Good. Keep your back straight. Tummy tight. That's it. Warming up the whole body. And dance it up. Now, show me those muscles. Come on. Show them. That's it. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Show them. That's it. Keep those knees tight. Keep them straight. Come on. Muscles. Two more. Come on. Press. Press. Two more. One. Step side to side. Here we go. Very good. Good. Use your body. Come on. Use your thighs. Your abdominal muscles are real tight here. That's it. Stretch the body. Warming it up. Feeling good. And reach. And stretch. Good. Good. Good. And reach. Two more. Good. One. Two. Now reach your arms overhead. Punch them. Come on. All the way up. Use your thighs. Get those knees. Great. Keep them soft. Good. Punch higher. Come on. Get into it. Two more. Good. Now across. Punch it out. Good. Keep your back straight. You can do it. Good. Now alternate. One more. Good. One more. Good. Now alternate. Up. Up and across. That's it. Up. Up. Across. Keep your hips facing forward. Very important. That's it. Up. Up. Across. Now relax. Shoulders. Really nice. Pension. Use your shoulders. That's it. Two more. Feeling relaxed. Good. No more shoulders. Ten, two. Two more. One. Two. Take a deep breath. Inhale. Up. And that's it. We're just done. Good. Remember, keep your knees at 90 degree angle. No more. And relax. Hold your hands at your thighs. Ready? Contrast your elbows up. Two and down. Two. Right now contract your tummy muscles. Flex. Extend the back. It's a wonderful way to warm up your whole back. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Turn to the side. Let's stretch out the inner thigh. Stretch out that leg. Make sure your flat knee stays at 90 degree angle. That's it. Knee in line with the ankle. Turn to the front. Hip flexor stretch. Let that leg come out. Again, 90 degree angle. Your back is straight. Hold that stretch. Relax. And now calf muscle stretch. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. And now I'm going to get that knee flexor stretch. Watch. Watch. Watch your feet. Put those feet down. That's it. That's it. That's it. That's it. Good. Good. Good. Good. Turn to the side. And lift. Good. You're ready for the stretch. Hold it. Your foot is relaxed. You're getting the stretch in the back of your thigh. Your hands are here for support. Support the spine. Can you feel that? Good. Lift up. And to the other side. Here we go. Inner thigh stretch. Luv it. Hold the stretch. Make sure the knee stays at a 90 degree angle. Down the muscles tight. Okay, to the front. Do a flip turn. Hold the stretch. Hands are on your thighs for support. Wonderful. Press your back heel flat. Good. Half muscle stretch. That's it. Hold it. Lift up. Half hamstring stretch. Don't lean too far forward. Just stay right there. Good. Down the knees. Down the knees. Down the knees. Down the knees. Down the knees. Down the knees. Down the knees. Down the knees. Down the knees. Down the knees. Down the knees. Down the knees. Down the knees. Down the knees. Here! lt keeps going! Straight arms up, right about there. Do what if you felt that,onder. Love it. Four. Five. Six. You can do it! Just stay right here. You should feel a wonderful stretch in hands straight. That's it. Feel it. Relax and tap. Tap. Your back is strained. We're going to get ready for aerobic stepping. Now remember, do the best that you can do. Good. March in place. Hands on hips. The abdominal muscles tight. We're going to begin with a basic stepping. Up, up, down, down. We always begin with the right foot. Just do the best you can and watch that step. Keep good posture now, dama muscles tight. We're gonna begin, one, two, go. Up, that's it. Back is straight, we're gonna do eight here. Watch your step, make sure that your entire sole of the foot touches that step. Got three more, we're gonna tap change. Here we go, up, tap change. Enough, you got it, good work. Don't lean too far forward now. Back is straight. Three more, that's it. Two more, one more, tap change. Let's go with the arms, up and down. This is high step curls, that's it. Good, it's really working. Three more, two more, one more, tap change. Good, good, the arms come up with the body, very natural. That's it, working those high steps. Watch the step now. Stay close to the step when you step down. You got two more, one more, good, hands on hips. That's it, right leg. Good, that's it, right leg, great. One more, tap change, that's it. All fours now. Two more, one more, tap change. Good, right, work those arms again. That's it, good. Last one, tap change, up, good, you got it. Stay close to the step. Last one, tap change, good. Arms, show them off, come on, show off those arms. Two more, one more, tap change. That's it, good. The abdominal muscles tight. We got one more. Let's put the hands on hips, go up. In doubles, tap change, that's it. Let's do that again with the hands on the hips because we're gonna make a little change here. Tap change, left foot, good. Let's add those arms, up, good. Tap change, you got it. We're all in twos now, tap change. Come on, right step curl, get into it. That's it, tap change. You're doing great, I'm proud of you. Tap change, pull, down. Come on, use your muscles, good. I can't, that's it, we got one more set. Here we go, up, down, up, tap change. That's it, good. Now singles, up, tap, that's it. We're seeing tap change on each one. Alternating leads, that's it. Your back is straight, watch the step. Glance down each step. Let's angle it a little, try this one. That's it. Stay close to your step. Your back is straight, that's it. Very good, keep moving. Breathe, do the best that you can. Now make it a little wider. Travel with these steps, travel. That's it, move, watch your step. Put the entire foot on the step. And don't leave, pull, chest out, double time. Good, let's punch it out. Here we go, punch. The other hand stays on the side for support. That's it, let's follow, we're burning some fat. Here we go, woo. Yeah, that's it. Now try some tricep work, press it up. Remember good posture here, coming forward. Other hand is on the side for support. You're doing great. That's it, wonderful. Okay, let's try two arms, Beth. Tricep, watch your step. Put the entire foot on the step. Abdominals tight, come on, work those arms. No more flat arms, woo, firm a lot, here we go. Woo, center it back now. Bring back, angle in, that's it. Now forward, same movement. That's it, we got two more. Last one, then we take it back to basic steps. Here we go, basic, that's it, right foot. Great, last one, let's touch it. Great, now from the left foot. Two more, last one, okay. Touch it, pause, let's begin with some hands. One more, tap change, arms come front. Strong arms, again it goes with the body, very natural. Last one, tap change, arms out lateral. Look at those elbows, do you believe in elbows? We got one more, tap change, come on, front. Up, now straight up arms, that's it. One more, hit two now. Out, out, it's loose, tap change, out. You good, that's it. Out, great, last one, front, good. Take it down, tap it, here we go. Back is straight, great, coming tight. And march it out. Keep moving, we got a new move to show you. Remember to do the best you can, we're gonna start slow. Ready, here we go, and right leg, touch, down, tap. That's it, we're gonna do four right here. Good, pause two now, that's it, we got two more. That's it, we got one more and then we're gonna change feet. Here we go, change feet, go for the left leg. Up, touch, down, touch, we got three more. Good, two more, up, touch, do one more, then we go up tempo. Now change feet, here we go, up, tap, you got it. Good, back is straight, last one, change feet. That's it, work it. Two more, one more, tap change, good. Use your legs, that's it, watch your step. Last one, change feet, come on, that's it. Keep your back straight, watch your step. Last one, corner to corner, here we go. Up, tap, tap, tap, up, tap, tap, that's it. One more, you change sides, great. Here you go, hold your right here, use your legs. Last one, open the side, that's it. Your back is straight, watch your step, good posture. Last one, to the other side, that's it. Use your legs, good. Last one, we go, knee up now, knee up, hold. Knee up, that's it, two more. One more, to the other side, knee up. Back is straight, watch your step, turn, higher foot on the step, great. One more, switch side, side leg out, that's it. Keep your back straight, one more, to the other side. Don't let that leg go out too far, good posture, that's it. Last one, good, eight curl, heel, that's it. Heel, back is straight, you got one more, to the other side, here we go. Eight curl, keep your back straight, one more. Now front kick, front kick, hold it, that's it. Two more, one more, switch side, leg kick, front kick, got two more, that's it. Now the other side, singles, knee up, go to the other side, knee up. Good, leg out, good, leg out. Leg curl, leg curl, front kick, great. The whole thing again, ready, knee up, great. Keep your back straight, watch your step, good. Leg out, leg curl, good, front kick, front kick, that's it. Good, one more time, the whole thing, come on, knee up. Now you're into it, now you know what to do. Leg out, side leg out, great. Heel, leg curl, front kick, now, hold it here, hold, step up, step down, hold. Now you're going to learn a new move, this is called repeater. Repeat a couple times, and if you like the knee lift, you can lunge back. Ready, two more here. Last one, here we go, repeater, up, that's it, lunge back, that's it. Your back is straight, lunge back, whoo, that's it. You're doing great. Now this time, lunge back, change sides, good, repeater, that's it. Lunge back, repeater, good, lunge back, that's it, repeater, last time, that's it. Now change sides, here we go, repeater, now switch sides, here we go, whoo, that's it. Good, switch hands, keep moving, that's it. Remember, the forefoot of the foot is the only thing that touches here. You can't afford my back, okay, that's it, that's it. Now we're going to very easy repeat it, ready here we go, here it is, knee, side, leg curl, try it again. Knee, side leg up, leg curl, boom, right, we're doing it, whoo. Watch your step now, make sure the entire foot is touching your step, that's it, that's it, good. Last one, okay, side to side, pull through hips, corner to corner, whoo, squeeze the buttocks here. Tighten up the abdominal muscles, now get into it, come on, get into it. Keep your tummy tight, it's a new one, whoo, looking great, I'm proud of you, whoo. Pull it through, really good, that's it, corner to corner, watch your step, put your entire foot on the step, stay relatively close to your step. Two more, last one around, okay, shake it down, tap it up, we're going to get ready to take our pulse. Lift, now march in place, ready, place the two fingers at the carotid artery at the neck or at the radial artery at the wrist. Keep it in account for 10 seconds, ready, go. And stop, make sure your heart rate is somewhere between the numbers across from your age. Here are some general target heart rate zones calculated from various resting heart rates. Keep marching, I hope you got your target zone. If you're over, remember, take it easy, maybe bring down your step height, let's move, come on, pick up those knees. Okay, we're ready to tap, up, tap, down, ready, and up, tap, down, up, tap, we've got a new move here, turn steps. Slow, slow, tap, down, slow, slow, this is called a turn step. Let's do it, all this up tempo, two right here, turn step, turn step, hold, tap, up, tap, down, tap, up, tap, down, turn step, good, turn step, right, up, you're doing it, great, turn step, here we go, woo, and turn step, hold, tap, up, we're going to do seven in a row. One more, let's go over the top, over the top, make it good, over the top, good, hold, get your two counts of these, ready, over the top, over the top, over the top, again, woo, now get into it, now let's get into it, over the top, get into it, okay, right here, that's it, one time, that's it, over the top, woo, that's it, take it back, now hold it. Now up top, turn step, that's it, hold, up tap, turn step, good, hold, up tap, one, turn step, hold, up tap, one, good, turn step, now we go over the top, up and over, woo, hold, up tap, down, over, again, hold, up, tap, down tap, over the top, hold, watch your step, good. Good, over the top, now all together, up, tap, down, turn step, hold, now over the top, up tap, great, over the top, that's it, up tap, turn step, great, up tap, over the top, all together again, woo, turn step, we're doing it burning fat, yes, good, watch your step, good posture, good back is to waste, woo, that's it, now over the top, now all together, turn step, over the top, again, turn step, you're doing great, over the top, one more set, that's it, over the top, turn step, great, over the top, now we hold it here, hold it here, that's it, we're gonna learn a new move, here we go, last one, that's it, take it up, down, up, up, down, up, up, down, up, down, hold it, wiggle, wiggle, again, other leg, great, one more, stay down there, wiggle, wiggle, left leg, that's it, left leg, you got one more, stay down there, wiggle, wiggle, 11, last time, that's it, good, wiggle, wiggle, now slow, up, tap, down, this is alternating, that's it, here we go, up tap, up tap, down, up tap, you got it, this is a fun one, good, every part, woo, this is level one, level two is working me up if you can, only if you can, that's it, keep your back straight, watch your step, make sure you're in good posture, good alignment, last one, stand up, give it more jack, march it, march it, come on, pump those arms, that's it, dance, come on your side, let's begin in two, three, ready, now back down, back down, now your hands are here for supporting your spine, that's it, everything's facing forward, this is level one, do what you can, now this is level two, get into it, keep your hands right there, okay, looking good, that's it, good, level three, punch it out, remember the floor is like glass, don't pound on it, that's it, good, good, come on, punch it, get into it, use the body, punch it up now, up, that's it, your forefoot, other foot, the last thing, only thing that holds, now your, two more, one, and two, slow, here we go, slow, hands on thighs, slow, good, make sure your knees stay at 90 degree angle, these are flexed knees, good, you're doing great, keep that good posture now, good, out, arms, strong arms, that's it, out, good, out, keep it out your knees now, now we go beyond 90 degree, that's it, hold, three, two more, do it good, come on, now gather around, hold, good, now we go on the floor, hold, down, down, use your thighs, use your leg muscles, last time, a little bit to the left, here's a great chance to go get some water, okay, we're gonna do beef steps in this one exercise, do the best you can, it's out, out, in, in, okay, it's like a basic step, we'll do it on four, start with the right foot, let's begin, ready, and out, out, in, in, out, out, in, in, two more, last one, tap, change, here, last one, that's it, good, last one, tap, change, just start those arms working, up, up, down, down, that's it, two more, last one, tap, change, left foot, strong arms, they go up when your body goes down, that's it, last one, hands on hips, in two, that's it, tap, change, here we go, two, one, tap, change, arms, all in two, tap, change, up, you got it, tap, change, lift, that's it, use those arms, be strong, that's great, working good, I'm proud of you, last set, that's it, last one, up, up, okay, hands on hips, singles, up, tap, up, you got it, I have the arms, these are like little jazz arms, that's it, you got it, you're doing great, watch that step, look down, is everything okay with your foot, good, and the present enough, travel with this, that's it, watch your step, good posture, abdominal muscles tight, back is straight, you're looking good, that's it, smile, we're burning fat, that's it, present, good, last four, three, good, hold it, good, last one, now hold it there, ready, tap up, tap down, that's correct, good, two more, give me march on four, up, two, down, up, one, march on the floor, march, march, come on, get those knees up, you can do it, you stay right there, we're all gonna come around, ready, and march it over, that's it, march your foot, up those arms, okay, let's begin, tap up, tap down, tap up, that's it, we've got a new move here, we're gonna move diagonal, here we go on this, tap up, tap down, move diagonal, hold, tap up, tap down, march it back, hold, tap up, tap down, moving, that's great, tap up, tap down, march it, yes, tap up, tap down, diagonal, watch your step, tap up, tap down, march it back, you're doing great, woo, get into it now, that's it, woo, march it back, good, tap up, tap down, move it diagonally, great, up, watch your step, abdominal muscles tight, woo, you're doing it, that's it, tap up, tap down, march it back, one more set, up, tap down, you're doing it, woo, tap up, tap down, march it back, tap up, tap down, move it diagonally, great, and march it back, here we go, tap up, tap down, tap up, great, and quickly, here you go, over the top, here we go, ready, over the top, hold, over the top, great, tap up, tap down, over the top, good, hold, you got it, over the top, you're doing great, that's it, over the top, that's it, you're doing it, now we go over the top, over the top, that's it, woo, over the top, and over the top, good, break it down, here what we're gonna do is heel, tap up, touch your heel, that's it, you got this, you can, few more, that's it, last one, tap on, tap down, woo, take a breather, good, hold, two more, march it out, one, two, march it out, four, march, march, that's it, let's go to the end of your step, right here, that's it, now pop it, pop it, come on, you can do it, hurry, you got it, you go up on the step, up, down, good, down, tap, up, good, up, two, three, four, again, two, three, four, and up one time, that's it, take it down, take a good deep breath, adductor, let's chest muscles, let's begin, ready and down, up, down, up, down, out, that's it, flex your toe, up, that's it, your back is straight, you're using your pectoral, your chest muscles, cooling down, last one, take a good deep breath, now grab some water, boy I needed that, now remember to drink plenty of water before, during and after exercise. Now it's trim and tone time, let's work on the inner and outer thighs and abdominals, place your hands on your thighs for support, one hand to the step, the other hand, and let's get down very slowly and safely, let's go to the side, ready for our outer thigh work. Bring your body down, relax, I don't want you to go all the way down here, but I'll step here to watch you, up, two and down, two and lift, two and down, two, this is working the outer thighs, the area that we all have problems, those saddlebags, this hand should be here for support, that's it, really feel it, last time good. Now let's do it in three sets, one, two, three and down, good, that's it, working on those legs, and down, up, two, three and down, lift, lower, this is working out right here, but I want your foot to be relaxed, don't flex or point your toe, just let the leg do the work right here, your back should be in a straight line, good posture, your hand is here for support, now hold it, beautiful, bend your knee, place it on your step, okay do inner thigh work, ready and up, two and down, two, lift, two and down, two, that's it, smile, we're toning, that's it, that's great. Now take it up, three, two, two, all the way and down, that's great, lift and down, you're doing great, working those inner thighs, no more jigglies, that's it, up, two, higher, now singles, lift, lower, lift, come on get into it, feel it right here, feel it, that's it, firming it up, it's a hard area to firm up, that's it, last one, hold it, middle hold, hold it, isometric hold, can you feel it, wonderful, okay relax, let's switch sides, get your body out and to the other leg, working on that other thigh, here we go, ready and up, two and down, two, up, two and down, two, that's it, working on the legs, working on, especially right here, those saddlebags that we all hate, that's it, good, now three, ready and up, two, three and down, good, that's it, no more outer thigh problems, we're pear shaped, here we go, firming up that area, oh I have problems, there I go, it's a target, good, up and down, lift and lower, lift and lower, couple more, come on, working on the outer thighs, last one, hold, beautiful, bring it in, bend it, relax, let's work on the inner thighs, let's go, hold it, bring your body weight slightly forward, okay, ready, begin, up, two and down, two, good, smile, we're gonna lose inches, that's the key here, firming up, making your body nice and toned, nice and firm, good, no more jiggling inside, that's great, up, two, three and down, one, two, come on a little higher, go up there, great, couple more, and down, one more, up, two, three and down, now lift, lower, lift, lower, that's it, relax, remember your back should be straight, good, three more, come on, you can do it, last one, hold it there, isometric hold, beautiful, let's work on that tummy, the abdominal muscles, keep your knees bent, protecting the lower back, let's do pelvic tilts, ready, and up, two and down, good, that's it, I wanna make sure you're not using the quadriceps or your hamstrings or the glutes, it's all in the lower tummy, let's do singles, lift and lower, lift and lower, tighter, good, easy, good, okay, now let's do lower tummy work, bring your knees to your chest, feel, stay closer buttocks, lift, two and down, good, and two counts, that's it, up, two, down, to initiate this movement from the lower end of the abdominal, we're working right now below the belly button, that's right, last one, good, now hold it, singles, that's it, lift and lower, two more, come on, it's worth it, I promise you, last one, okay, take it easy, place your hands behind your head, let's do sit ups, and ready, and up, two and down, two and lift, two and down, two, make sure right now the small of the back is against the floor, very important, three, two, ready and exhale, inhale, and really feel it, press the back against the floor, feel the belly button is pressing against the back, that's it, come on, give it all you got, notice where my elbows are, there's enough space here for an apple or an orange, that's it, last one, hold it up, good, hold and release, to the side, okay, ready, and up, two and down, two and up, two and down, don't let your elbow lean, let your shoulder lean, make sure both hips are flat to the ground, that's it, to the other side, up, two and down, two and up, two, last one, give it all you got, come on, and relax, okay, now it's time for our cool down, stretch your arms over your head, stretch it out, oh my favorite part of the whole workout, the cool down, because then we're over, we've done it, okay, let's stretch it out, when it comes up for a stretch of the hamstring muscle, right back here, smile, we did it, rotate the ankle all the way around, that feels so good after a workout, to elevate your feet, now rotate the opposite direction, oh it feels so good, your stomach is in, press the small of the back against the floor, that's it, okay, bend your knee, try to grab onto your ball of the foot and pull back, you're gonna get a wonderful stretch in the calf muscle, that's it, hold it, every stretch should be held at least 10 seconds to increase your flexibility, okay, relax, bend the knee, the other leg comes up, give yourself a good hamstring stretch, you feel it all along the back of the thigh, good posture, rotate your ankle, that's it, now flexibility is very individual, so just do the best that you can do, and reverse the direction, that's it, great, now flex the foot, make sure your knees are bent, that's it, pull the ball of the foot back, so you get a good stretch right back here, that's it, relax, let's roll over, on your hands and knees, let's get a good stretch for the lower back, contract the abdominal muscles, make sure, and release, make sure your wrist and your arm are one straight line, ready, and trap jab, and release, and slowly stand up, place one hand, both hands in front, one foot turn, take a nice deep breath, that's it, and exhale out, and then inhale up, and exhale, and let's stretch out our neck, stand the arm for an extra stretch, and that feels good, oh, we did it, the other side, I'm so proud of you, release any tension in the neck, stand that arm, clasp your hands behind you, give yourself a good postural stretch, hold the stretch, your back is straight, don't arch the lower back, close it up here, and lift up, and lift down, and let's stand up on this step, we're gonna stretch out the calf muscles, drop your heel, lower the level of this step, but only put one third of your body's weight into your heel, just gonna hold it down there, feeling a good stretch, as your tummy in, lift it up with all of your strength, great, and switch to the other leg, hold the stretch, doing a great stretch back there, just do what you can now, everybody's different, but again, only one third of your body's weight into your heel, and release, and relax the arms and shoulders, no more shoulder tension, so take it all the way back, keep your tummy tight while you do this, your knees are soft, that's it, take a nice deep breath, inhale, and exhale, give yourself a big hand, yay! Thank you.