... To represent Connecticut in the Miss USA pageant, you have to look your best. I worked hard to trim down and tone up, and the 29 minute workout keeps me looking and feeling great. If a winning figure like mine is what you need, then give me 29 minutes, and I'll give you the body that you want. Hi, my name's Lynn. Welcome to the 29 minute workout. Do our routine every other day, and then every day, and you're on your way to a better body. Ready? Let's go! Now remember, keep your hips and feet facing forward, bend knees, keep your stomach in, lift up from the stomach. Relax your shoulders, and keep your chest nice and wide, and breathe out. And right, and left. Five, six, bring your shoulders up. Eight counts. Up, up, up. Four more. Five, six, seven, chin down, and up. Down, and up. Down, look right, and left. Right, and left. Right, tilt, right, and left. One, two, three, shoulders up. Four counts. Up, two, three, bring them back and forth. Eight counts. Two, three, four, five, six, reach up. Two counts each side. One, two, now change. Three, again. Five, six, seven, now twist. Two counts. One, two, now change. Three, four, come on. Five, six, seven, hands on knees, and just pulse. Two, change. Three, four, again. Five, six, seven, bring the shoulders back. Back and forth. Back, okay, reach up. One, two, three, now twist. Four counts. One, two, three, hands on knees. Last time. Pulse. Two, three, hands on ankles, and pulse. Two, come on. Three, four, five, six, eight, more. Slowly does it. Breathe out. Breathe, breathe, concentrate. Five, six, hands on the floor, and walk out. Two, slowly, to the side. Now bend the knee. Pulse down. Pulse. Four more. Five, six, change to the left, and pulse. Working on the inner thigh. Come on. Five, six, again, to the right, and it's pulse. Pulse. Pulse. Four more, come on. Five, six, seven, last time. Left. Pulse. Pulse. Keep on going. Inner thigh. Five, six, walk across to the right side, and it slowly does it. That's it. Take your time. Breathe out. Bend the knee. Pulse down. Remember, for proper alignment, keep a straight line from your ankle to your knee. And it's pulse. Chest to knee. Stomach in. Breathe out. Five, six, seven, okay. Now slowly down. Slowly does it. That's it. Five, six, up again. And it's pulse. Pulse. Pulse. Pulse. Five, six, change to the other side. Slowly does it. That's it. Take your time. Bend the knee. Pulse down. Pulse. Four more, come on. Five, six, seven, take it up. And slowly down. Chest to the knee. That's it. Five, six, seven, bend the knee again. And down. Down. Down. Stomach in. Breathe out. Five, six, up again. Last time. Chest to the knee. That's it. Slowly does it. Five, six, bring your feet together. And slowly up. That's it. Walk your hands out. Heels up. Up. Up. Up. Take your time. That's it. Five, six, eight more. Count. That's it. Do not rock forward. Stomach in. Just buttocks to the ceiling. Five, six, alternate. And it's out. Two, good. Three, four, five, six, eight more. Down. Stretch it out. Stomach in. Breathe out. Breathe. Breathe. Five, six, walk your hands back to your feet. And slowly does it. That's it. Now remember, keep your stomach in. Lift up from your stomach. Keep your chest nice and wide. Relax your shoulders. Breathe out and have fun. And up. And up. Five, six. Now add hands down. And it's press. Press. Slowly down. That's it. Breathe out. Five, six. Take them up above the head. And it's up. And up. Come on. Up. Up. Five, six. Take eight. Down again. Pause. That's it. Take it down. Breathe out. Keep on going. High energy. Down. Down. Down. Take it up again. Up. Up. Up. Take your time. Come on. Five, six, seven, four. Down. And it's down. Two, three. Take it up. Come on. Up. Two, three. Take it down again. Down. Down. Down. Up again. Four counts. Up. Two, three. Let's try two counts. And it's down. Two. Up. And down. And up. And down. And up. Alternate. And it's down. And up. Come on. Down. And up. Come on. Good energy. Keep on going. Oh, again. That's it. Now. Up. Down. And up. Down. Up. Okay. Hands on hips. Bounce. Bounce. Bounce. Bounce. Five, six. Kicking out to the side. Come on. Out. Out. Out. Punching down. That's it. Five, six, seven. Punching forward. And it's forward. Forward. Come on. Punch. Punch. Five, six. Take it above the head. Breathe out. Up. And up. And up. Come on. Five, six. Back to the front. And it's punch. Eight counts. Punch. Punch. Five, six. Let's try down again. Bounce. Down. Down. Down. Five. Out. Out. Take it up. Okay. Up. Two. Three. Middle again. And it's out. Two. Three. Take it down. Come on. Breathe out. Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. Come on. Up. Up. Again. And down. And out. And up. And out. And down. And out. Out. Down. Out. Up. Out. Down. Out. Up. Out. Hands on hips. That's it. Just bounce. Bounce. Bounce. Five, six. Tap. Swing. Take it forward. That's it. Alternating. That's it. Out. Now change side. Out. Out. That's it. Take it to the back side. Out. Out. Out. Opposite side. That's it. Out. Out. Forward. Again. And it's out. Two. Three. Change side. That's it. Out. Two. Back side. Last time. Out. Two. Three. Take it right. Come on. Out. Two. Three. Take it forward. That's it. And slowly just bounce. Bounce. Bounce. Five, six. Low kicks. First they count. Out. Two. Come on. Three. Swing those arms. Five, six. Bring those knees up. Arms up. And slightly twist to each side. Twist, twist, five, six, seven, take, eight, down again. Out, swing it down, kick, low, four more, come on. Five, six, up, up again. Knees up, up, and up, and up, and up. Five, six, seven, up again. Now four counts, out, two, three, take it up. Come on, up, two, three, down, four again. Out, two, three, up, four, come on. Up, two, three, down, two, come on. Out, out, and up, and up, and up. Oh, again now, come on, out, two, and up. Last time, come on, out, two, and up, okay. Now bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce. Five, six, kicking two times each side. Out, change, out, change. Five, six, seven, okay, add on, swing, that's it. Out, out, out, five, six, seven, hands on hips, that's it. Out, out, out, that's it, keep on going. Out, out, now add hands again, come on. Out, out, four more, come on. Five, six, let's try four counts, head on hips. Out, two, three, add arms. Out, two, three, hands on hips, come on. One, two, three, add arms, and it's out. Two, three, hands on hips, two counts, one, two, add arms. One, two, breathe out, out, two, again arms, again. And add arms, hands on hips, add arms. Okay, now bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce. Five, six, seven, okay. Bounce, that's it, knees up, that's it, keep on going. Five, six, let's try that again. And hands, down, down, down. More energy this time, you know the routine. Now take it up, and it's up, up, good energy. Five, six, seven, take it down, again. Down, down, down, down. Five, six, take it up, again. Up, and up, and up, and up. Five, six, let's try four, down, and it's a one, two, three, take it up, come on. Up, two, three, take it down, come on. Breathe, two, three, take it up, and it's up, two. Let's try four, two, and it's down, two. Now up, and down, good energy. Keep it up, and down again. And up, okay, alternate, down, and up, down, and up. Five, six, eight, more, again. Down, and up, down, and up. Five, six, seven, okay, and it's bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce. Five, six, seven, okay, swing to the side. Out, punch down, punch, punch. Five, six, take it to the front, and it's out, down. Out, out, five, six, take it up, up the shoulders. Up, and up, and up, come on. Five, six, back to the front, again. Punch, punch, punch, punch. Five, six, take four, down, and it's a one, two, three. Now middle, out, two, above the head, and it's out, two, three, again, middle, out, two, down, again, and it's down, out, down, it's out, and it's up, again, out, and down. And down, out, up, and up, down, out, down, down, out, up, out. Keep the energy, out, and up, and up, down, out, up, out, down, bounce, bounce, that's it, keep on bouncing. Five, six, seven, tap, swing, and it's out, that's it. Keep on going, now switch sides, out, again, take it back. Don't over exert yourself, but try your best to stay with the class. It takes time to build endurance. Now take it to the front, that's it, out, out, now take it left side, that's it, out, out, now switch to the back, again, out, out, now switch, last time, and it's out, out, out, just take four, bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce, that's it. Now slowly take low kicks, starting now, ready, begin, and up, out, out, out, five, six, seven, take it up, knees up, up, two, good, three, four, breathe out, five, six, take it down, okay, swing the arms, two, three, four, come on, five, six, eight, more, up, knees high, breathe out, keep that stomach in, breathe, four more, come on, five, six, seven, four, down, low kicks, out, two, three, take it up, come on, up, two, three, down, again, four counts, low, two, three, knees high, again, up, two, three, let's try two, one, and two, take it up, knees high, two, and down, out, two, and up, and down, and up, and down, and up, okay, now hands on it, bump, puff, that's it, puff, puff, five, six, two kicks each side, that's it, out, and switch, that's it, again, five, six, now add arms, then it's out, out, out, out, five, six, seven, hands on it, then it's puff, that's it, out, out, five, six, add your arms again, out, and up, good energy. Point your toe as you kick out from side to side, and remember to breathe, one, two, three, add arms, make them work, that's it, hands on hips again, out, two, three, add arms, last four, out, two, three, let's try two counts, and it's out, again, add arms, that's it, again, hands on hips, arms out, good, that's it, up, one more time, hands on hips, and up, okay, that's it, now slowly bounce, let's try the whole routine again, you know it now, now you can work a little bit harder, keep on going, and it's high, that's it, that's it, out, and up, keep on going, now, and it's punch, punch, punch, punch, punch, punch, five, six, seven, take it up, oh, that's it, up, up, up, keep on going, now take it forward, out, out, out, good, five, six, seven, take it down, and it's down, down, down, down, good, out, now take it up, up, two, good, up, two, good, three, again, four, and it's out, two, three, now, down, and it's down, good, out, good, up, and out, and down, and out, and up, and out, and down, and out, good, that's it, out, and up, and up, and up, down, out, and up, and out, out, and up, and out, bounce, that's it, bounce, bounce, five, six, bring, that's it, good, slowly, tap, swing, swing, okay, now change side, that's it, swing, again, change, good, stomach in, rebound, now change, good, good, good, take it forward, add it, change to the left, take it back, back side, good, take it forward, okay, good, bounce, bounce, bounce, five, six, okay, let's kick forward, that's it, out, good, swing those arms, four, five, six, bring those knees high again, come on, more energy in before, good, four more, five, six, let's take low kicks again, out, two, three, come on, five, six, last eight, take it up, swing it high, slightly twist, breathe out, four more, five, six, low kicks, four counts, come on, one, two, three, take it up, add it, up, two, three, take it down, add it, down, two, three, last four, come on, up, two, three, now two, down, and up two, you can do it, good, out, two and up, and down, and up, and down, and up, and down, good, bounce, that's it, take it tight, tight, good, good, okay, to the side, add it, three, four, add, good, seven, now add arms, two, three, four, five, six, seven, hands on hips, two, three, four, five, six, seven, add your hands, two, three, four, five, good, five, good, five, good, now hands on hips, four counts, add it, two, three, add your arms, two, three, hands on hips, two, three, add arms, two, out, good, hands on hips, one and two, good, arms up, hands on hips, arms up, dance, hands on hips, add arms, last time, hands, hips, hips, up, okay, bounce, good, take your time, five, six, seven, eight. Slow down and cool down as we go into mat work. If you don't have a mat, grab a towel or work on a soft carpet. Remember, when doing stomach work, keep the small of your back against the mat. Concentrate on keeping your stomach in and breathe. Okay, now place your hands behind your head, that's it, alternating, alternating, bicycling, good, keep that stomach in, breathe out, keep on going, that's it, keep on going, breathe, out, good form, keep on going, take your time, good alternating, that's it, elbow to that knee as you bicycle, good, that's it, keep on going, breathe out, breathe, breathe, breathe, it's almost over, take your time, don't give up. Good, that's it, good, now crush your feet alternating, elbow to the knee take your time keep on going that's it it's good for the stomach concentrate on stomach only good good keep that chin into the chest breathe out good that's it it's almost over hold on come on okay good good that's it keep on going good good good good okay now take it up slowly up that's it chin back breathe out good stomach in that's it working the upper abs that's it upper stomach breathe out keep those elbows wide good concentrate on that ceiling chin back breathe out good good keep on going good stomach in breathe out okay slowly bring your feet down to the mat okay now place one hand behind your head and punch through that's it it's still stomachs breathe breathe okay now slowly let's change punch punch punch come on punch let's change again and it's punch punch punch punch five six last change and it's punch punch punch four more five six seven okay now slowly bring those hands down that's it but it's up small of the back is up and squeeze buddy time squeeze squeeze squeeze squeeze keep it up that's it and it's squeeze squeeze do not bounce breathe out keep that stomach nice and tight into your back breathe out keep on going good good good that's it keep on going don't bounce too much that's it okay good good good good good keep on going up up okay now slowly out and it and up and out and in squeezing out that's it try to keep the buttocks stationary up that's it keep that back up stomach in and it's it and out and in and out good concentrate on the inner thigh and buttocks and it and out and in out and in out that's it good okay keep on going out and then slowly bring it down bring it east to your chest and squeeze just relax that back that's it stomach in and take a nice deep breath slowly let your legs down okay now turn to the side working on out of five that's it good okay up up and up five six seven again and it's up and up and up and up good five six seven again and it's up and up make sure that foot is parallel to the floor five six keep on going that's it up and up up oh good okay now bring that leg up make sure that you're working the inner thigh now take it up up slowly up working up that's it inner thigh inner thigh good think it's like make sure you're not bouncing that leg off the mat that's it again foot is parallel to the floor good up up breathe out keep that stomach nice and tight good out and up that's it up and up and up keep on going good inner thigh think of inner thigh up up okay slowly bring the legs together and switch over to the other side it's time for the other side okay and it's up same thing put should be parallel to the floor five six seven again and it's up two three four breathe out five six make sure that foot is parallel to the floor breathe out of five that's what you're working on keep on going five six seven again and it's up two three four five six seven okay now slowly bring it down that's it working on the inner thigh now okay now it's up working on the inner thigh five six make sure that foot is parallel again up take your time breathe out keep on going up six think in our thigh again up up come on up six seven okay good up up five six seven okay now slowly bring that foot down that's it and slowly let's stretch it back stomach is in okay and what we're gonna do now is buttocks and it's up up up up five six stomach and that's it up up keep that leg straight five six seven let's again do it up up up five six eight more again up two three four five six keep that stomach in tight okay slowly down let's do the other side same amount stretch it out first slowly up they go and it's up two three four don't bounce five six keep that stomach in tight think buttocks two three four five six seven again and it's up two squeeze four stomach and six seven and it's up two three four five six seven okay now slowly bring it down stretch it back relax as you cool down loosen up keep breathing and take your time it's buttocks to the ceiling and heels up good now what we're gonna do is slowly alternate and it's good good four five six let's add eight more stretch it up breathe out stomach in keep on going five six walk your hands back to your feet slowly doesn't slowly doesn't take your time now let's slowly stretch that leg back and poke again it's a cool down stretch it out out good take your time now slowly up chest to knee take your time stretching it all up good good good now let's go back down again pulse two three four five six last time take it up and it pulse two three four five six let's walk across now let's do the other side slowly does it that's it keep that stomach in and pulse hang on that's it good good five six seven take it up and to the knee that's it good good breathe out some again six let's bend that knee again pulse pulse take your time stomach in tight five six let's take it up last time and it's pulse chest to knee breathe out out five six seven now let's take it to the front slowly does it that's it now what we want to do is stretch out the inner thighs take it to the right stretching out the left stretch stretch five six now take it to the left stretching out the right two good breathe breathe five six take it to the right again stretching out the left good breathe take your time don't bounce five six one more time to the left and it's good breathe breathe breathe five six let's walk those feet and slowly walk slowly take your time that's it now grab your ankles pulse pulse that's it make sure that buttock does not drop rolled underneath take your time good good good good keep on going good take your time breathe breathe breathe good okay now slowly pulse down now change good again five six seven now twist and it's one two now change three four again five six seven reach up and it's one two now change three four again five six seven okay shoulders back and forth back and forth five six hands on knees again one two now change three and now twist one two again okay reach up one two now change shoulders back and forth back two three shoulders up eight counts one two come on three breathe out five six seven okay now look tilt right and left right and left come on five six now look right and left and it's all right and it's good five six now look up and down and it's up and down and up and down five six seven shoulders up again one two three now tilt right and left one two three look right and left breathe out and that's it the 29 minute workout do it with us every other day then every day so you too can get the most out of your life