It's right, left, right, left. Now start imagining going up and down on the bench. Right foot leads up and down. Are you ready? Let's go. Up and down. Now remember what we talked about, flat foot landing, roll down through the foot on the floor. Now let's try some coordination with the arms. Opposite arm, open the back. Good, opposite arm, other arm, squeeze the back there. I want you to work these muscles. Do two more of those. The next hour is devoted to giving you a full body workout unlike any other available today. Bench stepping is an exciting concept in fitness training, allowing you to experience movements that increase the physical challenge to the lower body. This has created a whole new dimension to our aerobic workouts. Mary Anderson and members from her two clubs in Seattle, Washington welcome you to Benchworks. Hi, Benchworks is continuing the tradition of my first video, Moving Up, and focuses on the increased training needs of the advanced exerciser. I will guide you through all the steps in progressive stages of intensity, complexity and impact. I encourage you to stay at any one stage before moving on if you feel your body is working at the level you desire. This workout is not an introduction to bench stepping. I recommend it only for those who have prior experience with the bench, no matter how fit you are. The movements are quite different from conventional aerobics or other sports. Before we get started, here are some suggestions to get the best and the safest workout. When stepping to the bench, use a full body lean rather than bending at the waist. Abdominals will be working nonstop to support the back on each step. When stepping up, land with the entire foot on the bench, pressing your weight through the heel, and when returning to the floor, roll down through the foot, toe ball heel. On faster movements such as lunges, it is not advisable to force the heel to the floor, push off the ball of the foot. I recommend a bench height no higher than 8 inches for this particular workout. If at any time the workout seems too intense, simply step off the bench and do the same movements on the floor. You should be able to talk to me during the workout and be breathing comfortably. During any pivots or rotations on the bench, I encourage you to watch the first time while continuing your movement. When performing a partial pivot on the bench, plant the foot towards the direction you are going and put the weight on the ball of the foot. More energetic pivots or rotations require you to unload the foot by adding a small hop. Remember, rotations are optional, you may continue the step without it and will still be doing the same workout. During the Dyna-Band portion of the workout, using the resistance is optional. If you do not have a band or choose not to use one, follow our arm or body movements and create tension within the muscle as if you were using the bands. Always resist the band when returning from the stretched position. For your own safety, please do not substitute hand weights or use them during other portions of this workout. In many cases, this changes targeted muscles. Now have a mat or towel nearby and plenty of water. We'll be taking two 10-second heart rate checks, but I'd like you to monitor your exertion by how you feel throughout the hour. Remember, this workout is meant to be not only a challenge, but fun. We want to keep you busy, stimulated, and most of all committed to your fitness program for months and years to come. Bench works, you know it's time. Chest up, shoulders back. Now roll the shoulders forward and squeeze the shoulder blades. Good, loosen up that back. Now right arm's gonna reach up, left arm follows, pump it down, hip and thighs up. Now loosen up the knees a little bit for me, all right? Good, and again, up, up, pull down. Now sit into the leg, so it's up, pull down. Good, press right and left, pull down, again, lift up, up, pull, and lift, lift, pull. Two more, up, up, and last one, gonna reach across, over to the right, left, good. Keep that going, push through, push through, eight more, seven, and four. Step together to the side, and one, tap it in, bicep curl, nice and easy, side to side, tighten it up. Now we're gonna lift the back leg into a hamstring curl, think about the muscles that are working now. Now can you give me a little bounce, loosen it up there. Good, that's it, eight more, and four. Ready to reach the heel forward and pull back, pull back, tighten up those abdominals, let's put it together now, four of each, hamstring, and pull it through, again, hamstring, up, pull it through, give me one more of those, hamstring, and pull it through. Now side, side, step, left, right, and double, good. Keep pressing through the foot, into the leg, start warming up the feet, the ankle, now on the next one, on the double, you're gonna travel to the left, and then to the right, keep it small, there you go, feel that heart rate elevating, we're gonna add on to that, step together, step, good. Eight more of those, eight, seven, four. Now ready to go back to the side, side, step, go, side, side, trap, step together, four, do that again, side, side, step together, four, one more time, I think we can add on to this movement, good, three steps to the left now, and tap the foot as the arm comes up and over, good, think nice and long, don't collapse the spine, now lift the knee, pull, that's it, four more, and two more, you ready to go back to the beginning, side, side, and travel, side, side, and go, step together, four, three steps to the left, with the knee, and again, two more, from the beginning, again, side, side, and push, and step, there's your last chance, go three steps, knee up, good, now step towards the bench, just step, and back, that's it, now we're gonna get to know the bench a little bit, step up, and tap the foot, that's it, now without shifting the weight, you step on the bench and push, press, pressing into the thigh there, four more, now can you stay forward, take the hands on the thigh, feel that thigh pressing into the supporting leg, inner thigh stretch, take it back, same thing, keep the chest lifted, hold it forward, now you're gonna tuck the pelvis, up, press, feel the abdominals contract and the back release, last one, hold it up, arms are down and roll up, face front, ready for hamstring stretch, hands on the supporting thigh, chest once again is up, toes are down, lift, feel the muscles of the shin working there, last one, hold it there, roll up through the back, step up on the bench, arms up, take it to a lunge, calf stretch, arms down, roll up, pull back and tuck, again roll up and tuck, good, now when you do that tuck, I want you to feel it through the hip and the lower calf and Achilles, now the next two, keep the legs still and just release the arms, pulse those hands, up, down, good, now let's take it down to the bench, hands on the bench, slide that heel out, bend the back knee and again, hold it down now, stay right there, four, three, we're gonna push off the back foot, come right under the hip, roll up through the back, keep the leg bent, arms back, release the chest, now bend the arms as you straighten and press, two more, ready to march out on the right foot, right and left, good, face the bench again, get ready to step towards the bench on the other side, here we go, just step, swing it down, good, we're gonna do that whole sequence now, step up on the bench, yeah, say hello, good, up, now don't shift the weight, just step it and push, press, push, two more, get that chest up, back as long, now hold it front, hands on the thigh, hold the stretch, feeling the inner thigh, especially on that back leg, take it back and change the stretch to the other, hold it there, hold, now let's see that pelvic tilt, tilt it up and push, two more, last one stays up, arms down and roll up, face front, hamstring stretch, bend the standing leg, hands on the thigh, toes go down and squeeze, tight the muscles, two more, hold it up right there, roll up through the back, step up on the bench and take it down, half stretch, arms are ready, roll up, tuck the pelvis and press that heel, good, nice long back, use your breathing, there you go, one more then we're gonna hold the legs steady, just the arms, they go up and pump the arms in, get up and pump, stay right there, let's take it down to the bench, bend the back knee and again, hold the stretch wherever is comfortable for your body, four more counts, let it lengthen, push off the back leg, bring it under, roll up through the back, this time arms front, spread the shoulder blades, now we're gonna stretch the leg and the arms up and down, up, two more, ready to march it out right there, right foot leads, come over to the end of the bench, we're gonna practice a step that comes up later, step touch to the side, step touch, stay right here, good, stay there, now arms, they're gonna go up, push in and again, now do one of those and then slide behind the bench, do that again, step touch and slide, good, step touch and slide, give me one more then I wanna see a big breath right there, march it out, we're gonna start benching now, it's right, left, right, left, good, nice long backs, chest is up, now start thinking about leading with the right foot up and the right foot down, count four, three, ready to go, up on the bench and down, keep that going, get used to the legs, I'm gonna start adding some arms in a second, I want you to feel real comfortable with the legs, here we go, now opposite arm pulls, other arm then squeeze the back, again opposite arm and squeeze, again pull and squeeze, lift up, squeeze, let's do two more of those, strong arm, one more, now no arms, take the legs out on the bench and then together on the floor, think of a V there, now the arms follow with elbow, again elbow, feel that back, let's put it together, pull and back, take it out and again, overhead pull and back, take it out, yes, how you doing there, pull, alright you're with me, take it out, let's take one more, pull and back and out, now no arms, just legs, tap left, tap right, we're gonna be changing sides at this point, three more, two more and get ready to start on the left foot right now, up up, down down, get those legs going and let's try the arms, opposite arm first, pull and back, again pull and back, second part you ready, out, good, keep that going, practice a few, put it together, in, open, side, go, out, again pull, pull and back, side, let's do one more, strong, strong, squeeze and it's out, now no arms, alternate legs with a tap, side, now instead of tapping side, I want you to tap up on the bench, okay, arms are forward, we're gonna pull back, both arms and one, now strong arms, we're gonna be using resistance later, I want you to practice this movement, four more, two more, now no arms, keep those legs, keep the heel on top and now tap the heel down next to the foot on the floor, we're gonna start pivoting a little bit, be very careful how you plant the foot, okay, always in the direction that you're going so the knee isn't compromised, now let's start moving down the bench, okay, add the arms, reach and pull, nice strong backs there, three more, two, now let's go up and over the bench, it's the same step, right, we're just going up the side, practice four more of those, and three, two, we're gonna put it together, go down the bench, right now, can you go up and over right away, up, down the bench, go, up and over, do that again, down the bench, up and over, now are you ready to add on to this, give me a step knee and then a heel on the bench, pull and press, pull, press, give me eight more of those, two, four, three, two, now we're gonna do repeater knees, you pull it up, pull it up, just three more, ready to step tap and go down the bench, go down, there we are, up and over, everything together now, step knee, heel, repeater knee, one, two, step tap and go, that's it, there you go, up and over, step knee, heel, repeater and go, now stay with this, I'm gonna get you over to the other side, all right, keep going, one more, now stay here, give me the step knee and the heel, okay, practice that step, keep it going, two more, can you give me those repeaters, seven, six, and three, two, step tap and go, down the bench, yes, up and over the bench and step knee, heel, three repeaters, one, two, three and go, down the bench, up over, step knee, step heel, repeater, one, two, three, four, good, we've got it, make it big now, up, step knee, heel, repeater, step and go, now stay with this, stay with this, two more, one more, good, march it out right there, nice work, come up to the side of the bench now, right foot, right foot lead there, now we're gonna step up on the side of the bench and tap the foot, just step and tap, okay, now I'm gonna show you this in stages, intensity low to begin and we graduate from there, you decide what stage you wanna stay at, at any time, I'm gonna give you lots of options, now let's do a hamstring curl, squeeze it, squeeze it, now after the hamstring you're gonna touch the heel to the bench, heel to the bench, now if you wanna increase intensity, let's take those arms up, up overhead, now this might be a place that you wanna stay, the rest of us are gonna add a little jump here, up off the bench, not too high, now can you count three of those for me, one, two, third one, tap the foot in and give me a twist, let's do that again, step, heel, heel, tap it in and twist, yes, are you getting into this yet, good, let's go, and up, and up, now I want you to take the heel close, a little further, a little further down the bench, bring it in and twist again, good, it's close, a little further, a little further and twist, one more, now there's a reason for this, okay, on this next one we're gonna add a half turn, on the third one you go to the other side, your back is to me and twist, again it's close, middle, ready to turn, now if you find the turn uncomfortable, follow me, we'll just stay on this edge of the bench, good, up and twist, again it's up, lift and lift, and once again you don't have to jump if you don't want to, okay, one more, and twist, again that's it, and up, now I'm gonna join back in, so you stay where you want to, up and go, and twist, one more set, now don't forget this, we'll put it away for just a minute, now second part, march it out, take it back behind the bench, remember the warm up step, three, two, we're gonna step and lift the leg side this time, lift and tap, lift, arms go up, out, now do one of those, slide behind the bench, good, do one of those, wanna give me that side leg lift, up and go, good, up and go, two more, up, go, now if you wanna keep the intensity at this level, you stay right with this, march it out right there, come up to the bench, let's practice the side lift first, step up and out, now one of those and slide across, good, one of those, slide across, up, slide across, now it's gonna get more difficult, we're gonna skip the side leg lift, just slide, do three of those, one more, we're gonna add on a heel toe and slide, up and up, one more, give me a toe, heel toe, heel is up and out, give me a toe and again, now for those of you that find this too intense, I'll show you a variation on the floor, good, it's up, touch, up, touch, stay right here, toe, heel, toe, heel, go up, good, anytime come off the bench when you need to, do one more, up and two, three, toe, now ready to start the first part, hamstring, hamstring, good, up, now if you wanna add a little jump, go ahead, they're coming back to you now, now let's do three of them, take it close, middle, little further, no turn, twist it and go, it's up, little further, little further and twist, I think we're ready for the turn, ready, little further, pivot around, unload that foot and twist, go close, little further, up and twist, again, take it up and go, you wanna get that foot halfway over to the bench to make the turn easy, last set, good, ready to march up onto the bench, stay there, all right, feel all right, we're gonna start with some lunges, start with the left leg back, nice and slow, just reach and reach, watch that back, now I want you to add a knee, so it's four counts, down, knee up, down and push, the arms pull, then they press, can you speed it up, one, pull, push, that's it, one, good, four more, two more, now start thinking about a repeater knee, let's do three knees, one, two, three and step, one, two, three, good and one more, now same step but the second one you turn it out, arms up and push, up and out, good, think tall, hey, big pull, hold that back, last one, good job, all right, march it out, find your pulse, ready and count, stop, now find your age, go across the screen for your recommended 10 second heart rate range, make adjustments in your intensity accordingly, now get to the back end of the bench, start with the outside leg marching, now we do what's called the paddle step, you're going to be going down, down, up, up, okay so say that to yourself, ready, down, here we go, down, down, up, up, that's it and this is called stage one, lower intensity, if you feel you can pick it up a little bit, we're going to add a little spring, so you replace the leg at the top of the bench, that's it, you got it, now if you feel good we're going to go further, little hitch kick, there you go, now can you count three, one, two, you're going to march on top of the bench there, one, two, three and go, yes, everybody pick that up and march it, one, two, three, go, down, up, now if you feel good we're going to add a little skip on that march, right, just stay on the bench and skip it, and down, that's it, stay up and skip it, okay we're going to practice that two more times, skip it right there and again, ready for a transition, stay down, now just march it there, now limbo, four counts, bring it in, step up, let's start stage one, easy, now you'll have a second chance on that transition, right, ready to try stage two, little jump, now go back to one if you need to, those of you that want to move on, let's take a little hitch kick there, think of that right knee bending, now can you count three, two, one and march on top, that's it, down, stay there and march, I think we're ready to skip a little bit, skip on top and again down, skip it, let's do one more set, after this one we'll practice that transition again, skip, take it down, four, three, two, one and go, now let's put it together, one, two, three and skip it, transition right away, eight, seven, six, limbo down the bench, in two and up, take it down, one more, skip it, take it down, five, six, seven, eight and go, in, turn and up, now if you're feeling good on that transition we're going to skip it on the floor, skip, take it down, continue skipping, ready to go, four, three, two, one in and up, good, down, skip it, take it down, I think we have it, go, yeah, now show me some personality here, alright, skip it, take it down, skip it, five, six, seven, eight and go, in, turn and up, yeah, getting down, skip it, take it down, this is the last one, give it to me, good, now new step, slow lunge, calm it down a little bit here, okay, now ready to speed it up, single count, that's it, now let's go back slow and do two of them, slow, four fast, let's do that again, slow, slow, remember you don't have to force the heel down, now let's add on a straddle step with the knee, back knee lifts, front knee lifts, now if you want to work a little harder once again just add a little spring to that knee, think light, think light, from the beginning slow lunge, fast lunge, now four straddle knees, up and again, now we'll repeat that thing again, slow, slow, four fast, that's it, take it down, straddle, knee, now we're going to cut it down a little bit, okay, take two slow, two fast, one straddle will put you on the other leg, ready to lunge, go, down, down and double, straddle step and change, go, go, reach, reach, single and straddle, yes, I think we have it, down and straddle, now I'm going to show you a turn on that straddle knee, we're going to do a pivot to the other end of the bench, go and reach, how'd we do? Straddle and knee, good, now if you don't want to turn follow me, I'll show you a few without, down, down, down and lift, good, reach, hey, how you doing there, take it down, good, now I'm going to join back in the turn, you stay with that if you'd like, down, down, step, good, reach, reach, single, can we do two more, got it in you, good, single, step, step and go and reach, reach, double, go, now new step, slow lunge, I want you to roll on the ball of the foot there, okay, lift up the heels, lift up the heels, four more, three more, little rest here, ready to speed it up and you've got to unload the foot now, down, down, four more, let's add some squats to the side, you take it down, up and tap, up and tap, good, let that body go a little bit, hey, yeah, can we put it together, lunge, out, two, squat, down, up, lunge, down, two, squat, up, again, go, out, out, squat, down, we got it, almost there, keep breathing, it's out and out, good, go, squat, down, down, good, now on that squat, give me some depth, okay, down, down and lunge, four, three, two and one, good job, all right, are you ready, marching out on that right foot, this is what the more challenging parts of the video with resistance, so at any time you want to drop it, please do so, get ready to lunge back on the right leg, nice and slow, go, it's down and out, good, now we're going to take the arms overhead, we're going to start with pull downs, both arms pull down, make sure you work both the positive and the negative, that means nice and slow down and all the way back up, make sure you're moving the band and it's not moving you, that's it, two more, now we're going to do four count leg work with a knee, up, down and up, good, three step, knee, keep those arms going, stay focused into the back, into the latissimus dorsi there, good, pull, lift, pull, now we're going to add triceps with the arms, you bend it and then bring it back up, good, try to keep the elbows and the upper arm parallel with the ground, there you go, and again, down, bend, can you do two more of those, good and again, now keep everything going, we're going to do all triceps now, down, just bend and bend again, good, open, try to really focus, squeeze it out, keep those wrists tight, the wrists are an extension of the forearm, there you go, let's do two more and just one more, you're going to march it out up on the bench right there, take the arms down, now we're going to march down the floor, down, down, up and tap the left foot to the bench, here we go, it's down, down, up, down, up, down, that's it, now you're going to angle the body a little bit to the left corner, get the arms ready, we've had a break, ready to work again, pull the arms back, working the rhomboids right between the shoulder blades and also the rear deltoid, squeeze it, now if you want to work just a bit harder you can lift that knee, okay, but I want you to really focus on the upper body work as much as possible, keep the abdominals in time, there you go, two more, now let's do one arm pull back on the next one, one arm right down by the hip, that's it, keep that elbow slightly bent, now ready for the challenge part, we're going to put both together, shorten the range of motion, make it smooth, come on breathe, you really need it here, that's it, let's do four more, that's one, two, three, four, march it out on the floor, good job, count four more, four, three, two, now we're going to step tap, step tap and step heel, step tap and heel, take the band under the thigh, now you want to have the palms up because we're going to do bicep curls, take the curl when you step on the bench, now you want to keep the standing leg bent so the band doesn't slip up the leg, try to get as much range of motion as you can by pressing down that leg, press it, there we go, that's it, now we're going to double time the arm, you might want to shorten the range of motion, squeeze, squeeze, focus on that bicep, now if you want to work harder just put those hands closer together on the band and vice versa, if you don't want to work so hard slide them out to the end, let's take eight more, four, three, two, keep the legs going, release the band, now ready to tap and walk on the floor to change legs, up, tap, walk, walk, up, tap, walk, walk, take the band right behind under your rear end, now the back of the hand is on top, you might want to put the hands near the end of the band, this is difficult, we're going to do front lifts for the shoulders, nice and smooth, nice and smooth, good, as much range of motion as you can get there, four more of those, two more, now you're going to turn the leg out and take the arms to the side, work in the middle deltoid, once again think of lifting the elbows, good, four more, three more, as much range of motion as you can get without letting the band go slack, let's put them together now, front twice, side twice, front, up, up, and side, I think that's the last one, march it out right there, alright keep that going, four more, ready to step up to the bench, tap and alternate, step up, march, march, step up, again step up, now this one we're going to stay here, heel on top, heel on top, take the band under the other leg, this time we're going to do upright rows instead of biceps, ready to pull it up, and again, now take a look at those wrists, try to keep them as long as you can so you don't bend at the wrist, good, really focus on the shoulders, up, also feel this in the trapezius, lots of muscles of the back working, this time with the shoulder, again, can you take eight more, seven, got the live behind me, four more, three, breathing hard, two more, one, let the band go, keep the legs, we're going to do the same transition, you're going to tap up and walk on the floor, up and walk, take it to the corner a little bit, take it back, take the arms behind you, now repeat our hamstring, one, two, three and walk, get ready for shoulder press, up, the back arm, good, change arms, push, that's it, push, smooth it out, don't get jerky as you get tired, very important, keep going, two more, keep it smooth, come on, work that negative, up, now back to single legs, okay, keep the arms, bring it up right under the arm, hit there, we're going to do incline press now, pushing up at an angle towards the ceiling, try to focus on the chest, shoulders are still working too, push, keep going, are you ready to double time to finish it off, go, up, up, two more, that was one, that was two, march it out, alright, ready to cool it down in just a minute, find your pulse, ready, count, stop, okay, how do you feel, to calculate your actual training heart rate in beats per minute, multiply your ten second count by six, alright, keep marching, we're going to do a couple stretches now, ease out a few muscles, lift up the chest, front shoulder please, take that right arm around, drop the shoulder down, let the deltoid stretch, good, let's take the other side, press it down, take the arms forward, spread the shoulder blades right there, should feel good, take the arms overhead, now bend the elbows a little bit, take them back behind your head if you can without arching and shake it out, are you ready, are we all on the right foot to get started, take it down, gotta get a little funky here, loosen up, four more, step together to the right with a clap, hey, give me a little hip, four more, now three steps to the right, tap the foot in front, that's it, now let's take the arms in, just a little pump, little pump, good, now I want you to tap the foot on the bench, okay, nice and easy, here we go, keep that going, hey, so we got that so far, right, take one more, we're going to do a slow tap to the back and back on the bench and again, take it back, back on the bench, that's it, and again, full, we're going to double time, all right, get back, front, back and front, go, and back, front, do two more of those, now don't forget, it's going to come back, good, ready to step together with a clap, nice and easy, hey, four more, you ready to learn a new one, two steps to the right, I want you to push it out to the left, to the right, do that again, two steps, push right and left, let's add on to that, right, eight singles, eight, seven, six, four, and go to the left, push it out, hey, singles, eight, four, three, two, and go, one, two, three, and push, push, five, six, seven, eight, and go, now this is pretty tame, I think, time to add some arms, have some fun, so go to the right, arm comes up, and use that with pace, four, three, two, one, and go, we're having some fun now, and rib cage, yeah, four, three, two, one, do that again, hop, hop, push it, watch that back, one, two, three, four, and go, now do you think we can cut it down, it's going to be a little bit faster, go up, up, and push, yeah, time to loosen up, up, up, push, do it again, now start thinking about that first step, are you ready, three steps, tap on the bench, step together for four, now third step, do two of them, arm goes up, up, other side, first step, three steps to the left, tap it up, touch, step together, second step, yes, up, up, and push, and again, three steps again, go to the right, touch, step together, and go to the left, arm goes up, up, and go, last time, let me go, step together right here, now we got to take that heart rate down a little bit, can you give me those hips, sink down, sink down, how's it going, now change the step a little bit, just sink, lift the arms in the opposite direction, now I want you to get some depth in the legs, keep that blood flowing, nice deep breaths, four more of those, four, three, let's roll that shoulder back, right shoulder, left, that's it, now let's take a deep breath, we're going to slow it down, up for two, and down, bend those legs again, up for two, take a deep breath, parallel, hands on the thighs, now contract, and down, a little bit faster, go up and down, up, down, two more, third one stays up, arms are down, and you roll up to the back, right there. Put the Dynaban under the top platform of your bench, with equal length at each side, have a mat or towel on top for comfort. Okay we're ready for the last portion of the video, it might be part of the toughest, we're going to do some upper body work that we haven't done, get your hands ready in a wide position, you can either do this on your feet or your knees, we'll be demonstrating both, we're going to do it in stages now, you lower one third, two thirds, touch the chest and lift, now it's very important that you use the abdominals to support the back the whole time, make sure you rest if you need to, now second part, lower half way, come up and then all the way, do that again, and touch, good, two more, touch, last one, good, now carefully lower the knees to the floor, get a little short break here, release the chest, going to do two more sets, second one's a little bit harder, you keep stretching, this is the arm position, elbows are going to pass by the body, okay hands directly under the shoulders, same sequence, let's go, one third, two thirds, touch and lift, one third, try to exhale at the point that's hardest for you and that's usually the push up portion, there you go, one more, now let's go half way, push it up and touch, three more, lower down, two more, down and one more, touch down, carefully lower the knees if you're on your feet, roll yourself back and release that chest, third set's the challenge, declines off the bench, come on back, climb to the end, either on your knees or on your feet, now this time just do four singles, it's down, three more, now pulse it down for eight counts, eight, four, three, two, one, push it up, one foot at a time, off the bench, have a seat right on the edge, tuck the pelvis and roll yourself down to the bench, now pick up the bands, if you'd like to use resistance we're going to do some work for the tricep just to finish that muscle off, now elbows straight up in the air, I want you to slowly extend and drop, now both Heidi and Leslie are showing a version without the bands that you can do at home if you'd prefer, keep those wrists tight now, do a couple more at that tempo and again up and let's speed it up, four of them, it's four, three, push that lower back to the bench, now let's take it just the first half, okay, just the first half so that that lower arm is parallel to the floor, four more, keep breathing, now let go of the band anytime you need to to rest, now we're going to do the second half of the range, you go up, lower half, keep those wrists tight, come on, breathe, squeeze it out, push that back into the bench, three more, two, slowly lower down right there, good job, take the hands under the thighs, lift the chest, tuck the pelvis, roll yourself up, now I want to take a quick stretch of the triceps, so take that front arm, pull it up, just release the tricep there, change arms, use this as a little rest, we're going to go into some abdominal work now, take the arms once again under the thigh, tuck the pelvis, roll yourself down to the floor, now just go up onto your toes so you can push the back to the ground, take the back hand behind the head, put the other hand on the abdominal wall, now curl up slowly and hold it there for me and then go back down, a little bit faster, down, up and down, now I want you to use those fingers to make sure that you're really working hard, both the upper and the lower portions of the abdominal wall, pull the abdominals into your spine, try to keep the rib cage and knit together the whole time, keep breathing, that's it, now I want you to put both hands behind the head and keep it going, try not to let that head curl forward, the head just goes along for the ride, exhale, now I want you to pulse it up at the top right there, just lift and lift, think of trying to clear the shoulder blades off the floor, three more, two and one lower down, now this is the time where you can pick up resistance again, if you don't want to, please don't, make sure the band is secure under the thumbs, take the hands behind the head, now let's test one, take it slow and back down, a little bit faster, up and down, good, now the resistance is going to be gentle here, only lift as high as you feel is comfortable, lower back pushing into the floor, two more and we're going to stay up and pulse it at the top, good, now pull in that abdominal wall, push it towards the floor, little press, eight more, seven, six, four, take it down, alright, pick up the leg closest to me and cross it over the back, we're going to rotate towards that leg and come back down, there you go, take it up and down, up, down, good, that's it, get the range of motion that feels good to you, up and down, up and down, two more, up, down, up and pulse it up, right there, pulse, pulse, last four, three, two, one and relax, let's change legs, now ready for the first one, make it slow, up and down, little bit faster now, up and down, up and down, good, keep that going, two more, now stay up and pulse it right there, pulse it, seven, six, four, three, two, one and down, let go of the bands, alright, now I want the legs up in the air, cross the ankles and drop the heels right to the buttocks, take the hands behind the head, now lift the hips, bring them towards the rim cage slowly, hold it there and lower down, and again up slow, one more time, let me see you in control, now a little bit faster, up and down, up, good, really focus on the lower portion of the abdominals there, keep it flat, now I want you to add the chest and the head, okay, up, down, up, lift, lift, now I want you to do to that tempo and stay up for double time, you press, press, press, do that again, slow twice, slow and double, four, three, two, try to lift those shoulders, one more set, up and double, four, three, good, let's take the legs up in the air, now open the legs on one count and bring them back together, you don't need to open very wide, now when the legs come together I want you to lift the hips and hold them there, okay, don't throw it, just open, lift, open, lift, let's add the chest, up, down, up, now we're gonna add one to that, open and stay up, bend the knees and stretch again, open, stay up, bend, stretch one more, open, stay up, bend, stay there, stay there, stay there, slowly roll over there, nice job, lower the feet to the ground one at a time, okay, take the arms overhead and release the abdominals, how'd that feel, good, hey, that's what we wanna hear, now I want you to stretch the arm and the leg closest to me, same arm, same leg, it's okay if the back arch is, let's change to the other side, back arm, back leg, deep breaths, good, now relax the arms, push the lower back into the bench and pick up the back knee, bring it towards the chest, slowly unfold that leg, releasing the hamstring, flex the forearm, circle the ankle and the toe, right there, and reverse the circle, good, keep it slow enough that you really feel the outside, hold and flex, take a deep breath, inhale, exhale and go a little forward, good, now bend the leg, use your abdominals and your leg to help yourself curl up, keep that leg up, cross the foot over the other knee, start with the back rounded, now contract the back muscles and bring the pelvis up through, feel the stretch through the rotators of the hip, take it back down, release the back, and again, let's go up a little higher, hold that stretch, good, take it back down, just enough to uncross the foot and face me, now take the leg, inside leg, up on the bench, scoot yourself up to the edge, facing front, arms are open, pick up and over, lengthen that waist rather than crunching, now face the leg, keeping the length, and open it back up, face front again, arm up with a deep breath, let's go down to the other edge of the bench and take that from the beginning, hands under the thighs, roll yourself down, good, now the back knee comes up again, unfold it, release the hamstring, flex the foot, circle the ankle and the toes, make sure you're keeping the rear end on the floor, let's reverse the circle, good, and hold it there, take a deep breath, inhale, exhale, go a little further, that's it, bend the leg, now use your abdominals and push with that thigh to help yourself up, same leg crosses up over the knee, start with the back rounded, then contract the back muscles and bring the pelvis up through, and release it, second one comes up a little higher, good, hold that stretch, release it down, just take the leg off and pivot to face me again, once again the inside leg up on the bench, scoot right up to the edge, give me a long back, arms down, take a deep breath and rejoin, roll and face the leg, come back up and face front, take a deep breath and come up, bring both feet forward, use the bench now to help yourself up, roll up through the back, now step up on the bench, start with the right heel off the edge, take the hands back, release the chest one last time, use your breathing, take a deep breath, now bend that back knee slightly to release the achilles and lower calf, take the right arm across and release the shoulder, let it press down, keep the stretch going through the leg and take the other arm, shoulder down, good, come up, let's change legs, and this time arms are forward, clasp the hands, spread the shoulder blade, now bring the arms up, bend the elbows, take it slightly back, bend the back knee right there, hold the stretch, good, you're gonna step up off the bench, take it into a lunge all the way down, press that heel back, bend the back knee once and again, hold that stretch down there, whatever is comfortable for you, let the muscles lengthen in the hip and the quadriceps, push off that back foot, bring it right underneath, roll up through the back, now can you get your balance on that left leg, take the right leg side, feel your balance from your center, not your eyes, now tuck the pelvis as you pull the thigh back, good, let's step down on that foot, put the left leg up on the bench and start that stretch once again, heel back, bend the back knee, down and lift, and again, third one stays, hold the stretch wherever it feels good to you, good, push off the back foot, come up underneath, roll up through the back, take that leg to the side and get your balance on the right, reach for the leg, drop the knee, tuck the pelvis, pull the thigh back, good, let's step it out, take a deep breath, inhale, we sure hope you had a good workout today, thank you very much, good job. Good, thank you. Good, thank you.