You Oh Oh Hello, my name is Baron Baptiste and welcome to my power yoga workout. This is hot yoga We want to generate heat we want to get nice and warm bringing the body temperature up You're going to challenge yourself today. I want you to challenge yourself so that we can develop new levels of strength flexibility balance coordination and Concentration work a steady concentration. Just practice presence practice presence in each posture Try to stay in the moment. I'm going to lead you through the process, but be comfortable learn to play the edge Honor yourself honor your body where you're at. Just do what you can with whatever level of ability you have And from there you will grow in increments Remember, it's a process a process of opening Strengthening and it will all come together in good time. So let's get going. Let's warm up you guys Let's fold forward forward bending Ooh Tanasana, just relax your neck relax your brain. Let's get loose. Let's flow Open your nostrils with the mouth closed. Let's create that deep fluid breath Jai Pranayama your feet find your feet find rapport with the floor Fan your toes into the floor as if your toes were fingers gripping Breathe now, let's hear your breath the Ujjayi sound this breathing is done from the glottis the space between the collarbones a base of the throat Contracts in gently with each in breath with the out breath relax and release deeper into each posture the Ujjayi breathing has the sound a hissing sound like a snake Focus the eyes just let the eyes soften The gaze is steady The mind is calm work with an equanimous mind people Equanimity bringing your hands up to the base of your back lacing your fingers Slowly wrapping your arms forward over your head. Let's get loose in the shoulders Loose in the upper body Neck soft head heavy work with your knees soft bent or straight you choose do the right thing for you listen feel breathe and open Increasing accelerating with each exhalation Just clear your mind and find presence Find presence in the posture Now dropping your hands slowly to the floor ragdoll just go limp heavy heavy shoulders soft Breathing out now. Let's roll up with strength from the legs legs and buttocks Contracting sweeping your hands straight up to the sky To the sky palms press. Let's take three deep breaths here Heels pressing palms lengthening get long Get loose people take a full breath in find the in breath and reach swan dive exhaling pulling the belly in deep stretch Inhale lifting halfway up lift the chin and spine Now walk or jump back to a push-up position That's it find your way back now dip slowly down then the elbows look forward Inhale scoop the chest up point the toes squeeze your buttocks firm and Come low to a low dip if you can now if you're not strong enough in the upper body You can have your knees on the floor here push all the way back dog pose. Let's breathe now get loose now get loose feet about hip width apart hands spread into the floor big hands people big Breathing deep breathing really fill out your body fill out your body with each breath Take up space defy the floor here sit bones lifting pubic bone pulling up Empty the lungs breathing out here now look forward walk or jump leapfrog and lifting halfway up long spine Exhale fold all the way down deep stretch inhale from the legs come all the way up Palms pressing reaching stretch a little bit back baby back stretch and exhale swan dive again Remember flow to your level inhale lifting halfway up Walk or jump back chatwari dandasana dipping slowly down pause Inhale open the heart big stretch pull the heart muscle away from the heels and open Exhale push all the way back now. Let's flow here breathe fluid fluid breathing Clear your mind we go through our days and when you accumulate tensions and stresses In our heads our brains get tight. So loosen your brain Just leave all of your worldly worries responsibilities and anxieties outside of your head. Just breathe it all out through that outbreath Heels drop Breathe out find the outbreath now look forward walk or jump lifting halfway up create that length people long body Exhale fold down Inhale from your legs feet press reaching up chest up And swan dive one more surya namaskara a Inhale lifting halfway Exhale jump back now. Let's flow. Let's flow Inhale scoop the chest up big stretch Exhale push all the way back. Let's breathe five deep breaths one big hands flat hands into the floor Feel the floor people Rapport rapport with the floor belly lifting work the belly lift gudiyana bandha lift gudiyana bandha four And exhaling forehead toward the floor more And five look forward walk or jump lifting halfway up Let's go you guys fold down deep deep fold from your legs inhale coming all the way up power legs Reaching stretching a little bit back and samastitihi Surya namaskara b bend the knees look up reaching up belly in squat exhale fold forward folding Inhale lifting lengthen the back every inch of it exhale walk or jump back Lower slowly down pause pause inhale scoop your chest straight up big smile in the chest Be big here push all the way back That's right electrify the spine now bring your right leg to the ceiling. Let's stay right here with breath with mind A calm mind work with a calm determination A calm Concentration just watch the lower foot fuse your awareness to one point of your anatomy and that connects you You're creating that mind body marriage and when you have that mind body marriage you have strength You have power You have what the indians call prana life force flowing through every cell now bend the other upper knee Find the out breath here with the in breath sweep your foot through your hands lunging warrior one and one half palms press And chaturanga push up position lower slowly down remember drop your knees if you need to Inhale scoop the chest up big breath in make this feel good Exhale push all the way back left leg to the ceiling stay right here and breathe in Lengthen altitude through the upper leg find altitude find attitude lower heel dropping Challenge yourself people strive a little bit. Let's break through to new levels of ability New levels of connection find that connection mind body connection So you're challenging your limits while remaining sensitive to them bending the upper knee breathing out With the in breath sweep your foot through your hands It's virabhadrasana one and one half. So the back heel is up squat a little bit Chaturanga high push up position breathe in now for five counts. Let's exhale lowering one two slow three four Five inhale open the heart make this feel good acceleration acceleration push back good, let's breathe here one One five breaths heels toward the floor feet hip width apart two Let's hear that sound three Heels dropping Four Finish it forehead toward the floor five look forward walk or jump up lifting halfway up inhale lengthen Exhale fold down deep deep inhale bend the knees reaching up and around squeeze the buttocks palms press exhale fold Forward belly in thigh bones back inhale lift halfway up lift the kneecaps up Walk or jump back again chatwari dipping slowly down down Inhale open the heart shoulders back Exhale push all the way back bring your right foot lunging right foot through your hands virabhadrasana palms press Look up Push up position lower down slow Inhale let's get loose here make this feel good a nice release Exhale push back left leg through your hands left leg lunging on one breath One movement hold the in-breath at the top pause stillness Chaturanga good lower down perfect form perfect controls leg strong Inhale lift up open it electrify the spine And exhale push back good now. Let's make this a breathtaking experience people Get loose. We're building heat We're getting hot Hot yoga as the heat removes the blocks The heat dissolves the tensions to generate heat the legs the front thighs need to be working heels pressing Palms pressing lift out of the shoulders. The attention is steady gaze is steady at the feet Empty the lungs find that out breath and deepen it Look forward walk or jump lifting halfway up inhale find that length And exhale fold down down deep bend your knees sweep your hands up and around nice deep squat Watch the thumbs Exhale fold forward two more belly in let's flow graceful inhale lifting halfway Walk or jump back Lower down slow you can rest your chest into the floor if you need to make this easier, but keep your thighs up Inhale scoop the chest roll over the toes chest open And push all the way back right leg lunging hands over your head one breath pause at the top stillness palms press Chaturanga lower down slowly Inhale scoop it up big breath find the eyes the concentration pushing back left foot lunging foot through your hands Reaching up. So if you can only do a little bit of this pose, it's okay But do it with dignity exhale pushing back any of the movements if you need to rest Or do less of a movement do it. Well lift up do it at your best exhale pushing back Maybe you need to stop and rest right now You can do that. If you want to bend your knees a little bit that lessens a stretch in the hamstrings here Here do whatever you need to do to make it feel good. It should feel good You're in the process of healing opening Heels dropping let's hear that breath Find the out breath exhale Look forward walk or jump lifting halfway up exhale fold down Bend your knees reach up bring your hands up and around pause connection And fold forward exhale Inhale lifting halfway up Walk or jump back Good dipping and inhale open the heart This awakens your spirit awakening the spine push back Back bring your right leg through your hands right leg lunging Let's stay right here and breathe deep breathing You can have your hands shoulder width apart or hands together either way, but the shoulders drop shoulders relax down The tailbone draws in And pull the right leg bone back left hip forward big chest the rib cage fans open with each breath Bending the back knee now find the in breath people the in breath Exhale low push-up position dip down. Remember drop your thighs or chest if you need to inhale lift up big stretch Each exhale push back. That's it. We're awakening the power inside of you left foot lunging Hands over your head back heel up back foot is vertical gently draw the tail in chest lifts up breathe bottom lung breathing bear the chest Chest bear the chest if you bury your chest you bury your lungs with it. So open be big back knee bending centering Finding your poise never lose poise breathing in now exhale low dip Last dip here inhale lift the heart up Open it in steps press Press push all the way back five deep breaths here one Next up now. We're hot people We're talking about hot yoga hands flat Now you're pliable like warm or hot taffy you can start lengthening sit bones lifting Pubic bone pulling away from the hands push the sit bones away from the hands and up Breathing out Look forward walk or jump lifting halfway up Exhale fold all the way down bend your knees sweep your hands up and around palms press Press let's stay right here and breathe you want your arms forward at a comfortable level So that you can see the thumbs without straining the neck Watch the thumbs squat belly pulling down and in the bandha root And belly lock here Now find the out breath the out breath With the in breath sitting five inches maybe ten inches deep squat and exhale fold forward Bring your hands up to the base of your back lacing your fingers Wrap your arms forward now. Let's get loose here shoulders opening Let's bring lots of fresh Oxygenated blood into the shoulders Drop your hands to the floor Four Reach your arms forward in front of you clasping your fingers index fingers forward breathe out now find the leg strength Inhale, let's come all the way up bringing your hands to the heaven straight up inhale here Bring the right arm down to the right side pull the left arm up and reach over Reach hips left left heel pressing chest and sternum pulling up And out breath deep deep Finish it find that furthest point and lifting up bring your hands to the top inhale Exhale drop the left arm reach to the right right foot pressing Chest open the lower rib cage is forward a little bit And breathe let's hear that breath people everybody breathe through these bodies open these bodies work with force And compassion finish the posture here and inhale hands meet together at the top cross the thumbs and Slowly bring your hands to the base of your back fingertips facing up up pulling the elbows and shoulder blades toward each other Now the feet press the chest pulls straight up breathing in sternum lifts and begin to stretch back slowly Squeeze work from a sound base buttocks thigh muscles hamstrings working that isolation that contraction working from a strong base a sound base chest lifts Slowly coming up bring your hands straight up to the ceiling palms press breathe in Bend your knees and fold forward bring your chest to your thighs belly to the thighs slide your hands underneath your heels Elbows wrap behind the calf muscles elbows way back spread the shoulder blades in inhale And exhale straightening your legs as much as you can people Without separating your chest from your thighs now breathe hamstring breathing Hamstrings toward the heavens if your knees are bent, that's okay work on extending your spine pulling the top of your head top of your head toward your feet breathe out find a long out breath and finish the movement From the side arms sideways up. Let's come up on a long inhalation palms press and samas dti Again inhale reaching up lacing your hands above you index fingers extending And reach right exhale big chest feet press work from a sound base a sound base upward and outward breathe as you reach Strengthen the lower body lengthen through the upper and coming up inhale pulling straight up And exhale reach left reach left hips right lower body people work from a strong foundation breathing equanimous mind calm mind long body reaching and lifting up Bringing your hands down palms facing out now big chest open the heart Look up and begin to roll back as you inhale you lift the chest up As you exhale be gently you begin to move back Back accelerate only as you should people be in control Be aware Be aware body wisdom now coming up inhale reach your hand straight up over your head transition Bend your knees and fold forward exhaling Hands underneath the heels Elbows behind the calf muscles inhale and exhale straightening the legs breathe hamstring breathing 25 vertebrae in your back lengthening Roll toward the toes breathe more finish it breathing out With the in-breath coming up from the legs with force Fire force in the fingers reaching and samasthiti Bringing your hands forward in front of you shoulder width apart Bring your right foot out to hip width apart feet hip width apart inhaling And exhale squat down hips back one point of attention Align your mind to your spine find that perfect center of balance center of gravity Coming up lift your heels up standing on to the tippy tippy toes Now challenge yourself people strive strive for a new level of strength and ability here long strong legs inhale Exhale bending your knees lower down with control with form with calm calm long deep breaths calm mind Like the eye of the storm find the stillness releasing coming up Namaskara inhale uttita reaching get long bring the knees together heels lift gently breathing in Exhale lowering slowly down to a halfway point or To a comfortable point for you arms pulling up and back long back firm thighs squeeze the thighs Releasing namaskara hands and feet together samasthiti Again arms forward right foot stepping out breathing in Same posture exhale squat down Same posture, but with the second series here. We can go a little further a little deeper Remember mind filtering down into the spine Let your awareness funnel down into the whole body like a river flowing from the top of a mountain down to the sea Inhale coming up lift the heels standing on to the tippy tippy toes Olympian athlete legs Lower slowly down with the outbreath heels lifting Breathing breathe strong straight spine Lift the chest lean back a little bit strong back From the side you have a straight back the pubic bone lifts heels lift finish it everybody strive And relaxing namaskara inhale reaching straight up uttita get long length knees and inner thighs together Lower body tightens Upper body lengthens lower slowly down here Be here now presence presence in the posture bottom lung breath bottom lung breathing arms reaching Stretching back a little bit more back if you can And namaskara samasthiti Eagle eagle pose reaching up inhale spread your wings people palms press Relax into this right arm underneath the left arm Bend your knees bring the right leg over the left leg So you bring your fingers and palms in line as best you can eventually your fingertips will be in one line align the arms And legs to the spine Find that spine line that center of dignity Integrity Structural integrity squat down more and spring up reaching up inhale Bring the left arm underneath the right arm Left leg over the right leg Go deep Breathe deep Spine long Joints working open the joints people those joints in your back 25 of them lifting Squat low just bake that left that right bun Steam clean the right thigh and spring up inhale reaching palms press Right arm under right leg over let's flow right through this eagle pose So you chart your own course in this class Do what you can Do what you can that's all that's demanded from you in yoga Just do what you can Be yourself honor your body Find breath to get some breath into your body Supercharge the cells Squat and reaching up inhale palms press left arm underneath the right arm Right arm Find footing find your roots here Build your house on a rock people Build your house on a rock belly in belly in squat If you build your house on sand it cannot stand your emotional house built on a rock A calm steady equanimity always reaching up inhale lengthening Exhale folding wudi anabandha belly in inhale lifting halfway up Exhale jump or walk back Inhale scoop your chest straight up shoulders back Exhale push all the way back breathe here breathing one Two Three Four Five look forward walk or jump lifting halfway up exhale fold all the way down All the way down inhale coming all the way up Reaching reaching palms press samasthiti Now inhale bring the right knee up to your chest. This is stage one You can stay here. Otherwise the first two fingers of your right hand wrap around the big toe Inhale left hand to the waist Exhale right leg forward Concentrate and you will radiate find length extend through this right leg Breathe breathe three Four stand tall and strong Now bring your hands to your waist point the toes deep breathing one Leg strong focus on strength contract the muscle two Lift more if you can steady steady good good excellent and three release bring the left knee up inhaling Grab the big toe exhale extend the leg long body people big chest strong spine one Two lower leg is pretty straight here You can keep the knee slightly soft belly firm find your spine four Four increasing only if you can and point the toes hands to your waist breathing one So just focus focus on this front thigh muscle two Lift it use abdominal supports abdominal strength and three Rest bring the right knee up into your chest again Bend the left knee lace your hands around the sole of your foot So you can stay here stay at any stage that works for you inhale now Exhale extend the leg forward Work with equanimity Work with poise work with a powerful mind In this posture you're developing tremendous strength Toning strengthening the thighs the calf muscles the buttock spine is stretching stretching sinking and lifting the leg more And slowly release bring the left knee up into your chest bending the right knee now Lacing the fingers around the foot inhale find your gaze point steady attention Exhale leg forward breathing one sense of direction is upward forward The body is sinking working opposing forces you're sinking Into that lower leg strengthening it At the same time you're lifting here. We're creating balance the balancing postures develop the mind The mind body connection they take you right out of your head You're thinking and they bring you right into the present moment finish it And release it good good holding excellent Bring the left arm up nata rajasana bringing your right foot up from behind grabbing The inside of your right leg bringing the knees and inner thighs together Now if you're just working your balance and strength grab your foot if you want to go for flexibility grab the shin bone more Inhale upward and exhale begin to reach forward leg back Now you will stop and stay at any point in this pose breathing to Upper foot active point the toes or spread lower foot pressing upper leg lifts find attitude Find altitude And slowly release it good good bring the right arm up grab the inside of your left leg Knees together inhale pulling up Exhale slowly reach forward leg back breathing one Two Three lifting Four And five slowly coming up let's windmill the arms left arm up grab the inside of your right leg Take your time here be steady be smooth inhale and exhale reach forward leg back breathing one Chin up look forward brian look forward breathing two Accelerate finish the posture do what you can Release excellent right arm up grab the inside of the left leg Okay, inhale find length people pull up breathe in now Exhale reach forward spread the bones in your chest Spread the shoulders front shoulder reaching and slowly slowly coming out Namaskara hands to the chest the heart center Inhale reaching up lacing your hands above you You index fingers up firm hand stepping on to your right leg take a big step And bring the back leg off of the floor strong legs now inhale lift the chest up arms back Exhale begin to move forward move forward So you want your hands laced arms in front of you arms in front of you hands laced bring your back leg up Up like a t if you can but work with good form straight spine breathe out now Inhale coming all the way up Step back step back inhale pulling up Exhale step forward onto your left leg Chest up now take a breath here inhale pull upward Exhale move forward just as far forward as you can with good form If you go too far, you'll know it your spine and shoulders will round you'll lose your breath You'll lose your equanimity. Just go as far as you can with all of the necessary dynamics here breathing out Leg lifts coming up inhale reaching up pull a little bit back and samasthiti Good lunge inhale reaching up big breath in In step on to your right leg take a big step forward inhale now Exhale step into the front leg onto the front leg spread your arms like wings Now let's work balance. Let's work poise people Poise elegance Eloquence in action Find your mind work with a strong mind And the balance requires a calm determination now gently bring your hands to the floor Grab your right ankle and bring your forehead and torso toward the leg Upper leg strong not allowing the energy to break at the upper knee, but extend as you breathe Find altitude and breathing out here. Let's come back to airplane airplane control control balance And slowly come back to lunge Hands over your head palms press sink deep sink deep and push all the way back Inhale reaching up again deep breath in step into left leg left lunge Inhale now exhale step onto the left leg arms strong spread your arms like wings back leg lifting Pulling your heart muscle forward away from your hips upper foot active Breathe leg up ryan leg up Bring your hands slowly to the floor without losing Balance if you fall out of the pose no big deal Just breathe through it breathe through it Leg lifts Leg breathing nice strong lines of energy through the leg Now slowly come up to airplane pause with poise people poise And slowly come to lunge step back onto that right foot arms over your head palms press And push back jump samasthiti Excellent now let's come to the front of the mat again Inhale exhale step out to your right three feet to your right Arms out Bring your hands to your waist inhale lift the chest up look up Exhale fold forward sliding your hands underneath your heels inhale lifting halfway up spine is long here people Exhale pull forward and down through your legs top of the head into the floor if you can Look up to the navel breathing one Two Three breathing out three and inhale lifting halfway up Bring your hands to your waist exhale hold here Inhale push the feet down come all the way up inhaling exhale now arms out inhale Exhale hands to your waist again Inhale lifting halfway up Exhale fold forward grabbing your big toes people big toes Inhale lifting halfway up Exhale pull forward and down let's breathe eyes up to the navel Chin toward the chest let's hear that breath Work with a strong spinal extension pull out of that low back Out of the low back breathing out now deepen it Deepen it and with the in-breath just straightening your arms straightening the spine look forward hands to the waist exhale now Inhale come all the way up legs pressing and jumping to the front of your mat Samasthiti Step out to the left side take a four foot step out arms out opening your right foot to a 90 degree angle sliding the left heel out Inhale trikonasana reach and grab the ankle or you can lace your first two fingers around the big toe The left arm is vertical lower arm pressing down Breathe watch the thumb Pull the chest away from the hips chest away from the hips Slowly coming up bend the right knee right away Look through the front hand the front hand Pull the shoulders and torso toward the back leg a little bit right palm turning up inhale Hari vrita virabhadrasana reverse warrior reach to the left leg bring the right arm up and way way over Bending the right knee let's breathe breathe sink deep Work deep take it out of the neck. No pressure. No tension in the neck. Notice how you tend to accumulate tension in your movements Let go of everything Let go of any unnecessary holding and slowly coming up leave the legs where they are Inhale now exhale right forearm to the right thigh left arm up and over at an angle If you want to go to the stage two position bring your right hand to the floor. Look up to that hand and let's breathe Pull the upper hand away from the heel Pull the upper hand away from the heel extension strong extension through the left leg breathing out now Inhale coming up and let's change the feet exactly to the other side Reversing inhale straight legs strong legs exhale reach forward bring the right arm up to vertical Draw the tailbone in In The belly and the tail meet at the core the center of your body On the front foot press the inner ankle down Chest and sternum pulls away from the hips Inhale slowly coming up press the left foot down On bend the left knee look through your left hand palm facing up Inhale now Exhale reach right left arm up and over left knee bends Outer edge of the right foot is pressing Heart muscle lifting and opening. Let's squat deep here people this develops strength length upper body work the length And slowly coming up leave the legs where they are inhale now Exhale left forearm to the left thigh bring the right arm over right hand in line with the right heel Left hand to the floor if you want breathing one Two chest open Just gentle rotation lower shoulder rotating forward upper rib cage back Exhale now And inhale coming up slowly straightening the legs feet to parallel position And jump to the front of your mat samastitihi Again stepping out to your left Three to three and a half feet arms out now turn to your left facing Centering your hips bring your hands up over your head inhale And exhale pull with a straight spine upward and forward exhale breathing deep deep breathing Pulling the left hip back right hip forward two So you're turning your hips just like a steering wheel working your hips and thighs like scissors the left buttock pulling Into the right one So some of you need to shift your body weight into the front leg and then pull that left leg back work with the straight leg If you can breathe out now Hands together palms press inhale coming all the way up from the legs feet press This turn all the way to your right centering the hips as if you were walking a tight rope Inhale looking up and stretching back Exhale fold forward reach reach and breathe belly in Let's breathe now feel your body breathe into your body Breath is life people breath is life Find that length reaching Breathing out find a long out breath then let's come all the way up with leg force leg strength Facing center facing parallel and step to the front of the mat samasthiti Vrakashana tree pose bring the right heel up into the left thigh bring your hands to your heart center Now let's breathe This is a very calming posture standing meditation Find that breath that deep breath Find a long strong spine find that bone in your back and lift it up Breathe out now Dropping your hands Inhale reaching straight up palms press Oh tita let's get long people breathe With equanimity With poise Find that eye of the storm Lifting reaching Striving And relax namaskara bringing the left heel up Pull it way up tucking it in namaskara strong spine Whenever we lift our spines and lengthen the spines we create energy we free the energy the flow removing the blocks Palms press firm shoulders relax breathing out now Now dropping your hands inhale sweeping up with energy take up a lot of space here palms press breathe Shoulders relaxing Lengthen lighten And slowly release namaskara samasthiti Samasthiti Okay, let's take it to the floor series reaching up inhale big breath in now lengthen exhale fold Belly in trainee lift the heart spine long Walk or jump back to a push-up position. Let's lower down elbows in Inhale lift the heart nice strong stretch stretch exhale push all the way back now lets you jump forward into sitting navasana Both series so bring your low back sacrum into the floor You can just find that low back and push it down rest on the forearms Or you can bring your arms forward breathing on the feet ankle bones together Olympian legs people athletic legs three Three front ribs lower floating ribs dropping down to the belly five Lift it finish it and release bring your knees into your chest now Bring your hands behind your head lacing your fingers at the base of the skull Inhale lift the shoulders up not yanking on the neck. Just rest with it. Exhale right leg forward Right elbow to the outside of the left knee inhale pause at center. Exhale left leg twist Inhale belly firm exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale keep the shoulders off of the floor. Exhale inhale Exhale picking up the pace inhale exhale inhale Exhale focus on strength inhale focus on breath exhale Inhale three more exhale inhale exhale Inhale last one exhale come back to center And knees into the chest rest for a breath drop your legs straight down to the floor Bring your right knee up into the chest lace your fingers around the outside of that knee pull it in firm Now the right hand the first two fingers on the right hand lace around the big toe straighten that leg inhale Exhale bring your forehead up to the knee left hand reaching down the left thigh You can bring your forehead into the knee Or you can bring the chin up into the shin bone if you can The second stage in this position is to sit up onto the sit bones find that long long spine Connect leg and torso And really slowly lie onto your back bring their leg out to your right breathe Left hip toward the floor left ear into the floor find length Find breath Just let the body melt let it open with each breath Notice how the body responds to each breath breath now slowly coming up to center And let's release that leg down bringing the left knee in Grab that knee just a nice spinal release a low back release here Grabbing the big toe with the left fingers first two fingers straightening the leg inhale Exhale bring the forehead up right hand reaching breathing one two Three lift the torso belly power people abdominal force Lift it and release it bring the leg out to your left find stretch Let those inner legs open here breathe in Breathe Right hip down four Five coming up to the top Drop that leg down set to bandha sarvangasana bring your knees up into your chest Drop your heels flat into the floor right alongside your hips breath Breathing out on the floor Inhale lift the chest lift the torso lift the hips straight up to the ceiling Big chest so with the in breath the chest expands toward the chin With the out breath pressing your feet down and tailbone up tail up Buttock strong focus on strength people leg contractions you're pushing your hips away from your head So the neck releases and lengthens Stay here or bring your hands alongside your ears breathe out here with the in breath lift straight up Find your center the epicenter of the posture lift the tailbone straight up up breathe strong legs strong mind strong breath Work with a calm mind people grace under pressure Work with poise Peace and a powerful mind and you will succeed in opening changing strengthening loosening releasing all those old knots Lower slowly down one vertebrae at a time take your time Stretching straight out bring your legs together feet together flex your feet strong legs breathe Now slowly bringing your knees up into your chest Let's take rock and roll six times rock all the way up to flat feet. That's one clockwise. Let's go. That's two Put your way around That's four keep going that's five spinal massage here that six let's jump back Chaturanga, let's lower slowly down Inhale here release the spine make this feel good squeeze the buttocks Exhale push all the way back and let's lie down onto our bellies people Feel Hands flat arms alongside the chest slowly with the in breath scoop your chest forward and up Let's breathe one Chest lifting so the belly button is halfway on halfway off of the floor breathe out find the out breath With the in breath lift your hands off of the floor Arms come out to airplane Legs lift work the buttocks now slowly bend the knees grab your feet Breathe out here with the in breath. Let's lift straight up Press the legs back and up resting onto the rib cage Again, not wrenching the neck keep the chin slightly down top of the head pulling In and really slowly down Coming up upward facing dog lift the chest up Exhale push all the way back down dog Drop your knees to the floor camel pose. So stand onto the knees bring your hands to the base of your back You want your knees about six inches apart back bends are done from your legs So find your buttocks strong legs with the in breath. Let's lift the chest up And begin to move back slowly you can stay at the first position or grab your heels One hand at a time You can go to stage three bringing your hands over your head to the floor Or or bring your forehead down to the floor do what you can do here This is a powerful posture. This posture opens the whole back side of the body the backs The spine is lifting upward chest lifting Now with strength with lower body strength, we're going to come up with the in breath Exhale forehead to the floor child's pose Balasana arms alongside your body palms facing up Reach your hands out in front of you and let's do up dog again inhale Nice strong stretch here shoulders back Exhale push all the way back down dog Bring your right foot to the outside of your left wrist pigeon pigeon Now find some semblance of center here people You can bring your hands alongside your hips chest up strong spine Breathe you want the foot right foot active Now gently begin to walk your hands forward in front of you without losing your center of gravity You can drop your forehead down nice strong extension through the spine. Let's breathe into these hips Breathe into these hips We hold tension in the hips. So with each breath, let's dissolve that tension Any contraction, especially you athletes Who run or or play You will find you accumulate tension in the hips and this is a powerful pose One of the most powerful poses in all of yoga to open that tension to unlock the hips To unleash your true and natural physical potential physical ability Now, let's slowly come back And let's just slide that left leg forward and out to an angle pull that right heel into your groin Inhale reaching up breathe in here exhale reach over your leg grabbing your foot Now let's work with a long spine people Find length find length and strength focus on strength in that front thigh Focus on length through the spine breathe Breathing out here inhale. Let's come all the way up hands up over your head And relax bring the left foot over your right thigh. We're going to twist Bring the right arm over right armpit over that right thigh hook it Bring the right hand down to the knee Or if you can you find the hole in your legs there sliding this right arm through the hole left arm wraps around the waist Connecting your hands behind your waist With the in-breath lift the chest up with the out-breath twist chin down With the in-breath lift the heart up with the out-breath spin around spinal spinning just like a spiral staircase Up and around this is good what howard's doing here. He's got his left hand into the floor Working the floor finding that leverage leverage and let's release here Crossing your feet. Let's jump back push up position Lower slowly down with control with good form. Let's open the heart lift the chest up squeeze your buttocks Push all the way back bring your left foot to the outside of your right wrist pigeon again So you're trying you're striving for a right angle in this front left leg hands alongside the hips chest up Hands alongside the hips chest opening up chin down Breathe breathe into the hips direct your breath See if you can direct your breath down the spine to the hips Now gently walk your hands forward strong extension through the arms and spine Roll that right hip down people right hip down with breath And slowly Coming up walk your hands gently back to center Bring your right leg out to an angle pull the left heel into the groin Inhale reaching up Reach and exhale fold forward right leg strong Foot alive right foot active Toes spreading breathe. Ooh diana bandha Work the abdominal lock here Here breathe through that leg just like wind through a tunnel Relax the forehead relax the facial muscles This is a very important counter posture breathing out now With the in-breath, let's come all the way up hands up over your head And release bring the right foot over your left thigh bring your left arm up and over that right thigh Again find any kind of position that works for you. You want both sit bones into the floor You can work your right hand into the floor just to gain some leverage here Pull the shoulders down people shoulders down Left foot right foot flat Look over the right shoulder without straining the neck. This is not a neck pose So get into the low back the mid back the base of the back and twist it out breathe more Spinning ringing out the spine like a sponge And releasing posthumottanasana bringing both legs forward in front of you pull your sit muscles out Sit bones into the floor ankle bones together feet alive Inhale reaching up breathe in lengthen Exhale fold grabbing your big toes now inhale lifting halfway up strong long spine Exhale pull forward now. Let's focus on length on length long spine breathe Make this a deep release a deep release Just take it to the furthest point So we're always working the edge playing the edge Challenge challenging your limitations while remaining sensitive to them Breathe out finish the posture with the in breath lift halfway just halfway up Exhale here inhale come all the way up hands up over your head And relax your hands down cross your feet and let's jump back push up position Inhale lift the chest up Exhale push all the way back Down dog now drop your knees to the floor fire breathing Arms straight now this develops our uddhyana bandha the lower belly strength lower belly lock Just focus on the exhalation Good good just swallow. Let's do it again a little bit faster pursed lips Excellent beautiful work you guys let's lie onto our backs feet face the back wall Final relaxation palms facing up And just do whatever you need to do right now here and now to be comfortable To just let go let go It's so easy to hold on We go through our daily lives and we soak up stresses like a sponge We accumulate tensions and And pressures in our body and our minds and here's an a golden opportunity to just let go Let go rather than holding on Just consciously let the whole body melt Let the eyeballs fall into their sockets Let the tongue fall down into the throat If you have any brain tightness or tightness in your brain Just consciously let the brain rest and melt down onto the back of the skull Let the weight of the head collapse into the floor Release and relax the throat Consciously dissolve in the shoulders Feel space in the chest and openness in the chest Let the abdomen the midsection release deeply all the internal organs of vital organs Consciously let all the Inward body the inner body release and dissolve let any tension dissolve like an ice cube in hot water Release your body In hot water release your hips your legs Just let the feet fall apart And just we'll just take one minute you have one minute here Just feel the power of gravity and your helplessness to it Feel the hardness of the floor and your body's contact to it And just be conscious we hold tension unconsciously And as you become conscious as you become aware alert and awake You then can consciously release those tensions those points that we hold Just feel your body tingling feel that glow of life that life force flowing We've removed blocks. We've opened the pathways the energy pathways You've shifted your energy we've started at one point And now we're finishing at another there's a free flow of energy and you can feel if you're calm if you're quiet You can feel that energy bubbling up right through the solar plexus Just like oil bubbling up through the sand just feel that flow of energy that life bubbling up and flooding Out into every nook and cranny Electrifying every cell Energizing your mind your brain your nerves your glands The digestive organs just feel your whole body glowing Just batting your head Now you can stay here for five or even ten minutes if you like But thank you so much. You want to be regular you want to be constant consistent with your practice Your consistency will bear fruits for you You