The Step and Tone Workout with Gilad. Hi, I'm Gilad. Welcome to your Step and Tone Workout. Before we get started, there are a few things you need to know. There are two variables to this workout, the height of the step and the amount of weight. I suggest that you start at the lowest step level and use no more than one pound of weight in each hand. The higher the step, the more intense the cardiovascular workout. The heavier the weight, the more emphasis you are putting on toning. Your goal is to improve in both categories. Even if you are at the advanced level, I recommend you use no more than five pounds in each hand for the ladies and seven pounds for the men. Remember, it is more important to execute each movement correctly and with full control than to see how much weight you can lift. Remember, good stepping technique and controlled upper body movements are the keys to an effective and safe workout. When stepping up, you lead with a heel and follow with a toe. Make sure you put your full foot on the step each time. When stepping off the step, lead with a toe and follow with a heel. Always keep your knees slightly bent when stepping on or off. As you're stepping up, let your upper body lean slightly forward so your chest is directly above your leading knee. Keep your stomach pulled in slightly and don't arch your lower back. Since we're combining toning and aerobics, it is very important that you concentrate on your workout and get the most out of each and every condition. Breathing correctly is very important, so let me do the talking so you can concentrate on exhaling on every exertion. Now let's get started. Ladies and gentlemen, guys and girls, here we go. Ready? Set step. Step. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. One arm goes out. One. Two. Three. Four. More like this. Go. Four. And three. And two. Both arms go out. Four times. Four. Three. Give me four circles back. Big ones. Two. Three. Grapevine to your left. Go. Out. Two. Three. Tap. Up. Again. Up. Two. Three. One arm goes out. Right here. Four. Three. Two. Twice out. Both arms. Now circle. And take it. Grapevine. One. Two. Three. Up. Looking good. Now let's do it one more time. Here we go. Out. And two. And three. Both arms. Let's go. Up. And two. Circle. And go. Up. Step. Up. Let's cut it in half right here. One. Both arms. Circle back. And take it. Looking good. Do it again. One arm. Both arms. Circle and reach out. Two. Let's do it twice more. One arm. Both arms. And circle back. And grapevine. Very good. One last time. Take it. Out. Two. Both arms. Up. Circle back. And step. You got the move. Now turn and walk. Up. Very good. Good. Small steps. Now let's add the arms. Pulling out. One. Two. Three. Turn. Very good. Now what? One arm goes out. One. Two. Three. Turn. Up. Very sharp. Come on. We're here to pump you up. Side. Up. Two. Three. Big move. Here's five. Six. Now give me a tap on the step. Tap. Two. Let's go. Four more. Four. Tap. Three. Heel touch on the step and pull the arms back. Two. Three. Four. Heel. Press the heel away from you. Now tap again and extend the arms. Tight. Tap. Tap. Tap. Four more. Three. Two. Heel touch. Bicep flex. Now press the heel away from you. Stretch the calf. Now let's walk in place right here. Walk it out. Walk it out. Walk it out. Four more times. Four. Three. Get ready to walk in the step. Step up. Tap down. Down tap. Good. Again. Step up. Tap down. Four more times like this. Four. Very nice. Three. How are we doing so far? Okay. Knee lift. Go. Step. Knee lift. Up. Nice more. Now let's add the arms to this right here. Step and pull. Right towards us. Come on. Drive those knees. Drop the arms. Heel curl right here. Up. Leg curl. Step. Leg curl. Step. Leg curl. Let's add the arms on the diagonal right here. Step out. And extend. Step out. Extend. Let's do this four more times. Four. Very nice. Three. Very good. Two more. Now we're going to step up and march in place right here. One. Two. Very good. Come on everybody. Let's see those arms moving. Open the legs out four more times. Four. Three. Two. And hold it down. Palms to the sides and roll the back. Down and roll. Down and roll. Nice circle with the lower part of the back pulling upwards. Last one. Hold it up. Support the palm. Take over the hand. Open the toe out and stretch to the side. Nice and easy. Hold that stretch. Five. Six. Seven. And eight. Shift the body weight over. Palm of the hand supports. Turn. And let's take it down and up. Ready? We go. Down and up. Drop the hip down toward the floor. Down and up. And give me four more times like this. Let's go. Four. Down. Nice and easy. Two more times. Up. Last one. Hold it here. Knee comes in and then extend. What you're trying to do now is extend the heel away from you. Stretching the back muscles along the leg. And four more times. Four. And three. And two. And last one. Hold it out. Go on the bottom of the foot and slide the knee in. Keep the knee in the air. Palm of the hand supports the center of your thigh. Stay nice and tall. And stretch the shin muscles right in here. Now drop the knee down. Extend the arms forward. Keep the heel on the floor. And try to reach forward. Stretching the Achilles tendon. Seven and eight. Palm of the hand is reaching out. Step out. Big step open. Turn yourself back to the center with the palm. Drive the knee outwards and hold that stretch. Hold for four more counts. Four. Three. Two. And one. Take it over. And turn the body. Back leg straight. Let's start. Down and up. Down and up. Here we go. Down and up. Four more times. Drop the hip and lift. Keep the body nice and tall. Two more. And last one. Hold it right here. Knee in and extend. Once again extending the heel away from you. Good. Squeezing into the buttocks. Four more. Three more. Looking good everybody so far. And hold it out. Slide. Bring the front of the foot to the floor. Slide the knee in. Ride the toe line right here. Keep the knee in the air and stay nice and tall. Stretching the shin. Support. And lean forward. Keeping the heel on the floor. Let the upper body come forward and reach a little further out. Hold that stretch for four more. Three. Two. And one. Palm of the hand supports the step. Support the palm. Coming out. Back to the center. Palm in. To the thigh. To the thigh. And roll up. Step in. Step in. Heel touch on the step. Palms against the thighs. And project your buttocks backwards. Flex the toe in. Stretching the hamstring. Drop it down. Good. Hold that stretch. Step it slightly forward. Lean into the front foot. And now let's tap. Tap. Now as you tap what you want to concentrate is on the flexing up motion. Four more times like this. Go. Four. Three. Two. And one. Step off. Other leg. Heel touch. Toe flex. Palms against the thigh. Project the buttocks backwards. And sit into it. Don't lock the knee. Keep it slightly bent. Feel that stretch on the hamstring. Step it forward. And tap. Tap. Work on the in motion. Up. Up. Up. Four more times. Here's four. And three. And two. And one. Step off. Open the legs wide. Shoulder rolls. Back. Two. Three. Real good. Four more. Four. Three. Two. One arm. Goes. Up. And over. Good. Into the body. Let's go. Big circle around. Take the shoulder all the way back. And four more. Three. Both arms out now. Let's go. Four. Up. Up. Four more times. Big. All the way around. Two more. Up. Two. Last one. And hold. Now take it. Forward. And pull. Circle the back. And in. Circle and pull. Two more times. Go. One. And pull. Last one. And pull. Now we're going to go out. Extend. Lift. And release. Roll the back. Extend. Lift. And release. First roll. Then extend further out. Lift up. Two more times. Roll. Extend. Lift. And down. One more. Extend. Lift. And down. Good job. Now we are going to work the biceps and forearms. Pay close attention to the different positions of the hands. Grip the weights lightly and concentrate on the working muscle. Okay everybody. Let's get pumped up. Grab your weights. Lift yourself up. Come to the center. We're going to start with bicep curls. Everybody ready? Let's go. Step up. Tap down. Step up. Tap down. Again. Step up. Tap down. Step up. Let's start the bicep curl right here. Up. Two. And down. Lift. Again. Right into the bicep. Take your time. Squeeze it up. Let's go. Eight more. And seven. Come on. Squeeze up. And release. Lift. Four more times. Four. And here's three. Again. Squeeze up. And last one. Drop the weights. Step. Tap to the side. Tap. Again. Step. Tap. Again. Step. Tap. Now let's do a double pump with the bicep. Step up. Down. Drop. Open the palm of the hand to the outside. Good. Up. Lift. Up. Lift. Up. Eight more times. Go. Step. Pump. Down. Halfways up. There you go. Half and lift. Down. Half. Four more times. Step. Pump. Down. Step. Up. All the way on the step. Very good. Drop the weights down. Knee lift to the front. Knee lift. Again. All the way. Drop that knee up. Now give me a reverse curl. Turn the arms out. And step. Lift. Step. Lift. Step. Lift. Let's do this eight more. Concentrating on the forearm and the outside of your bicep. Up. Four more times. Step. Lift. Good job. Step. Lift. Two more. Okay. Now drop the weights corner to corner. Let it curl. Other side. Step. Curl. Good. Step. Curl. Let's add a hammer right here. Hammer. Up. Good. Squeeze. Up. Turn the fit slightly inward. Eight more times. Eight. And seven. Good. Slowly up. Slowly down. Four more times. Four. And three. Give me two more. The best ones now. Okay. Step up. Tap down. Let's go. Step up. Tap down. Again. Two more. Okay. Let's combine them all together. Bicep curl right here. Four times. Three times. Here's two more. Step. Tap. And double pump with the bicep. Good. Step. Tap. Step. Tap. Knee lift and reverse curl. Step. Lift. Good. Give me two more like this. Now what? Hammer. Side to side. There you go. Up. Very good. Palm facing each other. Squeeze into the forearm. Once again to the center. Bicep curl. Again. Other side. Again. Squeeze it in. Come on. Make it count. Double pump. Open. There you go. Up. Down. Step. Up. As you're stepping up, squeeze tight. Reverse curl. Knee lift. Up. Good job. Give me two more. Alright. Corner to corner. Hammers. Curl. Into the forearm. Feel them yet? Bicep curl to the front. Last time. Step. And down. Pump it up. Flex those biceps. Double pump. Palms out. Good. Up. Step up. As you're stepping up, give me a good pump. Reverse curl now. Step and curl. Once again. Two more. Last one. And side to side. Hammers. Hammers. Two more. Okay. Last one. Step up. Tap down. Very good job. Let's keep going. When working the chest, it's important to keep the shoulders relaxed and to consciously contract the pectoral muscles. Make sure you exhale every time you squeeze. Everybody, let's go. Step up. Tap down. Step up. Ready to pump the chest? Okay. Let's start with the chest squeeze to the front right here. Squeeze in. Elbow and shoulder level. And go. Step up. Keep the body slightly forward. Eight more times. Eight. Good. Squeeze in. Good. Squeeze. Drive the elbows in toward one another. Come on. Step it up. Step all the way. Two more. Good job. Drop the weights. U-turn. Up, up, turn. Up, up, turn. Again. Okay. Now let's do a chest cross right here. Cross. Open. Cross. Open. Cross. Open. Now let's do a double cross. Cross two. Good. And double squeeze in. One more. Very good. Last one. Step up. Tap down. Step up. Tap down. Step up. Two more. Now let's do them both together. Chest squeeze to the front. Squeeze. Good. Squeeze. Two more. Squeeze. Now let's do a U-turn right here. Squeeze. One. Out. Squeeze. Now double squeeze. Turn. Good. Back to the center. Chest squeeze front. Let's go. Step all the way up. Elbows in. Good. U-turn and single cross. Good. Double cross. Good job. Let's do this one more time. Chest squeeze. Very nice. Squeeze tight. Work the chest muscles. U-turn. Single squeeze. Good. Again. Double cross. Chest press to the front. Right here. Press. Good. Again. Squeeze it in. Two more. And now U-turn. Single cross. Good. Again. Cross. Double cross. Okay. Step up. Tap down. Up. I can start feeling that chest. Take it to the corner of your step. To your right. Step off with a step. Let's go. Step up and off. Up. Back on. Two more like this. Lean toward the leg and take it over to the other side. Step up and off. Up and off. Up and off. Step it over to the other side. Step up and off. Good job. Come on. Up. One more time. Over to the other side. Everybody looking good here. Come on. Up. Okay. One arm chest squeeze. Step in. Take it down. Squeeze in. Give me a slight turn of the fist. Inward. Over to the other side. Up. Squeeze. Squeeze it in. There you go. Cross. Across the chest. Over to the other side. Again. One arm squeeze. Good. Squeeze. Let's go. And take it over to the other side. One more time. Squeeze. Very nice. Lift up. As you're coming up, squeeze it in. And now let's add the other arm right here. Cross in. Step down. Cross in. Okay. Increase the squeeze by both arms. Let's go. Over. Step in. Other side. Step in. Two more. Watch the transition. Turn the weights right here. Squeeze back in. Good. Squeeze back in. Good. Three. Take it off and over to the other side. Squeeze in. Squeeze in. How are we feeling? Shall we do this one one more? Okay. Let's do this one one more time. Squeeze in. Cross and squeeze. There we go. Double squeeze. Step it off and over to the side. Squeeze in. Very nice. Contract the chest muscles. And step up. Tap down. All right. Shall we put it all together? Front chest squeeze. Right here. Squeeze. Down. Good. Two more. Step into it. U-turn. Cross. Single. Good. Double cross now. And finish on the center and step off to the side. Step. Up. Good. Step and squeeze in. Up. Take it over to the other side. Let's go. Squeeze up. Open. Squeeze. Open. Squeeze. Take it off. Chest squeeze center. Very good. Up. Again. One last time. Cross. U-turn. Good. Turn. Double cross. Very good. Finish on the center and step off to the side. Press. Double squeeze on the chest. Very good. One more. Last one. Over to the other side. Step. Up. Are we good? Two more. Squeeze. Take it to the center and squeeze to the front. All right. This is the third time, right? All right. U-turn and cross. Cross. Put the emphasis into the chest. Double cross. Very good. Finish on the center and step off to the side. Oh, boy. I can feel that chest. Let's go. Other side. Step. Up. And off. Good. One. Two more. Last one. Back to the center. Step up. Tap down. Good job. Up. Keep going. Oh, boy. The shoulder segment is going to work the deltoid and trapezius muscles from several different angles, so pay close attention to the various arm positions. Five, six, seven, eight. Step up. Tap down. Step up. Tap down. Two more. Okay. Now let's do a V-step right here. Let's step out and tap to the center. Up. Ready to start the shoulders? Okay. Let's go. Shoulder lift. Up and down. And up and down. Let's go. Up and down. Give me eight more times. Come on. Let's go. Squeeze. Keep the fit slightly below the elbow level. Elbow goes up to the shoulder level. Let's go. Up and down. Squeeze that shoulder. One. Two. Okay. Drop the weights. Turn, step. Go. Up, up, turn, tap. Very nice. Again. Now let's do a shoulder lift and circle back. Good. Do a lift up. Again. Circle back. Two lift up. Again. Circle back. Big stretch. Two lift up. One more time. Circle. Take it back to the center. Step up. Tap down. Step up. Tap down. Now let's put it together. Everybody ready? Shoulder lift. Let's go. Up, down, up, down. Two more. Turn, shoulder roll. Let's go. Roll. Up. Two slumps. Up and up. Again. Shoulder roll. Take your time. Up back to the center. Lift. Up and down. Up and down. Two more. Good job. Turn, step, and shoulder roll. Roll back. Two pumps up. Again. Shoulder roll back. Two pumps back to the center now. Shoulder lift. Out. Down. Out. Down. Two more. And let's do a turn step and go. Shoulder roll back. Two pumps up. Again. Shoulder roll. Two pumps to the center. One last time. Shoulder lift. Good. Out. Two more. Very good. Turn and roll back. Two pumps all the way. Two pumps up. One more time. Out. Let's stay right here. Single knee lift. Up and back down. Step and back down. One more. Turn, step. Other side. Knee lift. Up. Good job. Step. Knee lift. Take your time. And turn step. Single shoulder lift. Lift. Squeeze in. Palm faces in. Give me a little turn. Turn. Both arms go in. And drop. Other hand. Very good. Two. One more time. Both arms squeezing in. Once again. One arm. Good. Squeeze. Good. Turn the fit slightly inwards. Both arms. And last time. Step. Lift. Step. Lift. One more. Give me a turn with both arms. Step. Heel touch. Good. Step. Heel touch. One more. And turn step. Up. Two. Three. Heel touch. Very nice. Touch. One more. Looking good. Now give me an upright row right here. Heel touch and upright row. Step. Lift. Pull into the chin. And turn. Watch. Open. Out. In and down. Step. Lift. Good. Step. Lift. Step. Lift. And open out. Let's do it again. Heel touch. Upright. Upright row. Bring it to the chin. And now turn. Up. Out. In and down. One last time. Very good. Again. Nice. Up. In. Tap. Step. Tap. Again. Step. Tap. Come on. Good job. Turn. Step. Tap again. Step. Tap. Step. Tap. Step. Tap. And let's turn. External rotation right here. Out. Palm of the hands. Watch. Okay. Working the rotator cuff. Squeeze both arms. In and drop. Again. Step. Tap. Step. Open. Keep the elbows to the waist. Now squeeze up. Do it again. Up and tap. Good. Keep your body weight forward. Now squeeze into it. And down. One last time. Very nice. Two more. Last one. Squeeze into it. Back to the center. Step up. Tap down. Very good. Are we ready to put it all together? V-step. Shoulder lift. Go. Up. Down. Up. Down. Two more like this. Give me a turn step and a shoulder roll to the back. Good. Again. Up pump. Again. Shoulder roll. Double pump. Stay here. Single shoulder lift. Good. Turn the pump inward. Three. Both arms and turn. Again. Let's do it. Squeeze. Up. Again. One more time. Good. Both arms. Up right rows right here. Step. Heel. Step. Heel. Again. Step. Heel. And turn. Good. Working that extension on the turn. One more. And turn. Rotator cuff. Step. Tap. Good. Elbows stay at the waist. Three. Squeeze both of them in. And drop. One more. Okay. Let's do it again. Now let's finish back to the center. Shoulder lift. V-step. Good. Up. Again. How are we feeling? Turn step. Shoulder roll. All the way back. Double pump. Shoulder roll. Double pump. Stay right here. Single. Shoulder lift. Good. Again. One more. Both out. Again. Let's go. Single arm. Give me a turn on the fist. One more. And both arms. Turn. Up right row. Heel touch. Good. Drive those weights up to the chin. Working the traps. And turn. Up. Down. Again. Up. Let's go. Heel touch. Exhale. Good. Turn. Rotator cuff. Open. Out. Good. Tap. One more time. Squeeze both arms in. And drop. Again. Rotator cuff. Up. Touch. Keep the elbows in. Three. Back to the center. Shen, go again. Shoulder lift. V-step. Two more. Okay. Turn and shoulder roll to the back. Roll. Big. Twice up. Roll big. Twice up. Stay here and single. Shoulder lift. Good. Lift. One more time. Both arms and turn. Again. Shoulder lift. And again. Turn that fist. Both arms turned in. Up right row. Heel touch. Very good. I'm impressed so far. Let's go. Turn. And again. Step. Lift. Step. Lift. One more. And turn. Rotator cuff right here. Turn. Tap. Tap the toe. Keep the elbows to the waist. And squeeze both arms in. And drop. Step. Tap. Good. Step. Tap. One more. And finish it up into the center. Step up. Tap down. Woohoo! Now we're going to turn the back and the triceps. Keep flexing into the movement with every repetition. Step up. Tap down. Go. Step up. Tap down. Step up. Tap down. Tap down. Let's start back pulls right here. Let's go. Pull back. And down. Pull back. And down. So drive the elbows backwards. Let's go eight more times. Go. Eight. And seven. And six. Drive the elbows back. Come on. Flex the lats. Two more. Drop the weights. Take it to the side. Four times up and down. Good. Two. Step. Three. Now let's step over to the other side. Step. Tap. Good. Step. Tap. Good. Step. Tap. Now let's add one arm row right here. Pull. In. Drive that weight into the waist. Up. Other side. Good. Pull. Drive it. Two. Go again. Drive it. Once again, other side. Reach out and pull yourself up. Pull yourself up. There you go. Two more. Up. And let's go over to the other side. Here we go. Pull up. Let that weight lead your way. Squeeze. Back to the center. Step up. Tap down. Step up. Tap down. Let's combine the two moves. Step up. Tap down. Bring the arms to the front. Let's pull back. Pull. In. Drive yourself up. There you go. Open the arms. Pull the elbows back. Single arm row. Pull. And two. Give me two more. There you go. Other side. Arm goes out. And now pull. In. Good job. Pull it out. Give me two more. Very good. Back to the center. Both arms. And pull. And go. Two. Good. Drive yourself up. Squeeze into the laps. One arm row. Pull. Up. Very good. Drive yourself up. Two more. And let's switch over to the other side. Good. Pull up. Again. Up. Again. Up. Again. Both arms reaching out. Now pull to the back. Back. Good. Pull. Again. Pull. One arm row. One more time. Pull. Back. Let's go. Two. Back. Three. Back. Switch to the other side. This completes three times, right? Alright. Two more. And now back to the center. Step up. Tap down. Step up. Tap down. Very good. Now let's go to the triceps. Bring the hands to a triangle position. Tricep extension. Out and down. Out and down. Out and down. Eight more like this. Count it. Good. Don't lock your elbows. Contract on the tricep. Four more times. Good. And two more. Okay. Keep the hands right here to the center. Turn step. Up. Two. Three. Tap. And tap again. Now we're going to do a tricep extension to the back. Push down and back. Push down and extend back. Good job. Four more. Four. And three. And two. Finish on the center. Step up. Tap down. Step up. Tap down. Good. Two. Two more. Bring the hands to a triangle. Let's combine the two. Out. And two. Two more. Squeeze the tricep. Turn and tricep extension. Right here. Push down. And tricep. Push down. Elbows up. Push down. And to the back. Right here. Step out. Out. Again. Out. Again. Turn and tricep extension. And push down. And extend. Push down. And extend. Push down. Extend to the back. Tricep triangle. Out. Down. Two. Down. Three. Down. Turn and tricep extension. Press down. And press out. Good job. Elbows go high up. Back to the center. Step up. Tap down. Step up. All right. Are we ready to combine back and triceps? You guys look ready. Let's start. Pull. Drive your body up. Pull with the lats. One arm row. Pull. Flex the lat muscle. There we go. And last one. Other side. Exhale. Exhale. Exhale. Both arms out in a triangle. Triceps. Out. Good. Out. Good. Step all the way up this step. Turn and tricep extension. Push. Extend. Extend. Push to the back. And back. Pull. Out. Down. Pull. Second set. Three. Squeeze the elbows back. Single arm. Pull. And two. Two more. And one arm goes out right here. Pull. In. Down. Two. Two more. Up. And both arms to a triangle. Tricep out and down. Extend the tricep without locking the elbows. Okay. Tricep turn. Extend. Push. Down. Extend. Push. Down. Extend. Extend to the back. And back. Pull. Let's do it again. Good. Elbows up. Pull to the lats. Single arm row. One more time. Come on you guys. Let's stick this through. Last set. Other side. Drive that arm up. Pull your body up. Two more. Both arms out in a triangle and extend. Tricep. Push out. Two more. I feel it. To the side. Tricep. Push down. Extend. Push down. Extend. Push down. Extend. Step up. Tap down. Step up. Tap down. Good job. Okay everybody. This is the part where we put it all together. Biceps. Chest. Shoulders. Back and triceps. Are you ready? Let's go. Step up. Tap down. Step up. Tap down. Step up. Tap down. Step up. Tap down. Let's go right through it. Bicep curl right here. Up. Four times. Lift up. Two more. Squeeze up. What's next? Double pump and step tap. Up. Let's go. Up. Up. Again. Step. Tap. Reverse curl. Knee lift up. Step. Lift. Again. Step. Lift. Good job. One more time. Keep it tight. Hammer. Side to side. Let curl. Good job. Fist. Hold one another. Press. Let's go. Chest press to the front. Squeeze. In. And down. Squeeze. And down. Two more. Okay. Give me a U-turn and cross to the chest. Other side. Cross. Double cross now. Finish on the center. Step off to the side. Let's go. Step up and side. Squeeze. Squeeze. Over to the other side. Let's go. Squeeze. In. Good. One more. Last one. Shoulder lift. V-step. Up and down. Up and down. Again. Okay. Turn step shoulder rolls. Roll back. Double pump. Up. Again. Roll back. Double pump. Stay right here. Single shoulder lift. Right here. Step. Lift. Again. Both arms squeeze in and turn. Again. Step. Lift. Good job. Lift. Good. Up. And both arms in. Up right rolls. Right here. Step. Heel touch. Up right. One more time. Turn and open the elbows out. Again. Heel touch. Let's go. Squeeze it up. Lift it up. And shoulder out. Now right here. Rotator cuff. Step tap. One more. Squeeze both arms in and turn. Let's go. Step tap. Good. Tap. And one more. Squeeze it in and take it to the back. Now back pull. Pull. Out. Pull. Again. Pull. Okay. One arm pulley roll. Pull it. There we go. Drive your body up by pulling the weights. One more time. Good. Other side. Step it up. Step all the way up the step. Heel toe. Up. Two. Triangle arms. Triangle arms. Twicep extension. Up. Good. Don't lock the elbows. Keep it tight on the triceps. Now turn and extend the triceps out. Breast down. Breast out. Breast down. Breast out. Breast down. Breast out. Back to a bicep curl. Go. Up. Down. Squeeze. Down. Again. Squeeze. Down. Step tap and double pump. Open out. Good. Open the waist to the side. Very good. Fist turned out. Knee lift and reverse curl. Step. Lift. Good job. Step. Lift. Two more. Okay. Give me hammer curls right here to the side. Corner. Good job. Up. Slowly down. Okay. Chest press to the front. Squeeze. Open. Squeeze. Two more. Make the elbows touch. U-turn and cross. Single cross. Cross that chest. Double cross. Okay. Back to the center and step off to the side. Step. Good. Cross. Make the chest tight. Step off and over to the other side. Step up and off to the side. Good. Two more. Squeeze into the chest. Take it up. Shoulder lift. Shoulder and down. V-step. Two more. Good job. Turn. Roll the shoulders back. Roll back. Double pump up. Again. Roll back. Double pump. Single shoulder lift to the front. Good job. One more time. Both arms go in. Squeeze it in and drop. Step and lift. Good. Turn the fist slightly inward. Turn it in. Both arms turned in. Up right row. Heel touch. Very good. One more time. And open the elbows out. Good. Step. Heel touch. Step. Heel touch. We're pumping. Let's go. Turn. Rotator cup. Tap. Elbows stay stuck to the waist. Squeeze both arms in. And drop. Again. Step. Tap. Step. Tap. One more. And squeeze. Take it to the center and back. Pull. Pull to the back. Get the elbows high up. Very good. Pull to the legs. Single lat pull. Right here. Pull up. Good. Drive that arm into the waist. Good. Last one. Other side. Pull. Good. Again. Let's go. Up. Two. And triangle arms extend. Out and down. Extend and down. Extend and down. Turn and twice of extension. Press. And push. Step. Down. And push back. Step up. Tap down. How are we feeling? Shall we do it one more time? Okay. Bicep curls. Right here. Go. Up. Down. Up. Down. Two more. Alright. Double pump. Open the arms out. Step. Pump. Down. Drop. Step. Again. Real good. Reverse curl. Knee lift. Good. Slowly up. Slowly down. Okay. Hammers. Corner to corner. Like curl. Good. Again. Very nice. Chest press to the front. Squeeze the chest. Up and down. Up and down. Turn step. Good. Up and cross. Cross. Double cross now. Good job. Back to the center. Off to the side. Step. Cross. Cross the arms at the front. Squeezing the chest. Take it off and over to the other side. Squeeze. In. Squeeze in. Two more. Heavy breathing out. Come on. Shoulder lift. Let's go. Out. Down. Out. Down. Two more. Very good. Turn and shoulder rolls. Roll back big. Double pump up. Roll back big. Double pump. Stay here. Single shoulder lift. Good. Squeeze it in. Turn the fist slightly inward. Now both arms. And go. Step. Good. Up. Do we have one more left? And squeeze it in. Heel touch. Up. Right rolls. Good. Squeeze. One more. And open the elbows up and turn. Good. Again. Heel touch. Good. Lift to the chin. One more time. And turn. Step tap. Rotator cuff. Good. There we go. Extend. Good. Squeeze up and drop. Again. Step tap. Step tap. Step tap. Squeeze back to the center. Pull to the back. Pull. Real good. Good. Open the lats and squeeze them. One arm pulley roll. Come on. Give me the best one now. Let's go. Let's go. Other side. Finishing up this workout. This portion of the workout. Two more. Okay. Triangle arms and tricep extension. Extend. In. Extend. In. Extend. In. What now? Turn step and extend out. Press down. Extend. Extend. And push to the back. Step up. Step down. Woo hoo. You did it. We're done with the step and tone. So now let's put the weights down and for the next couple of minutes let's bring the heart rate back down. Walk it out. A little bit cool down. Let's bring the bodies back down a bit. Here we go. Five and six and seven. Side step. Step. Step. Yeah. Let's go. Five. That was a good workout. Wasn't it so far? So good. Four. Three. Two. Okay. Pull the arms. Pull. Pull. Four more like this. Four and three and two and let's bring the heel up to the buttocks right here. Up. Pull. Nice and easy. Real good. Four more. Three more. Twice each side. Right here. Twice up. Other side. Twice. Real good. Again. Twice. Up. Let's do it again. Twice. Real good. One last time. Twice. And now back to single. Eight times. Go eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. Walk in place. Right here. Walk. Two. Three. Work with the arms. Nice and relaxed. Six. Seven. Tap on the step. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Reach out with the arm. Straight. Straight. Four more times like this. Four. And three. Very nice. Two more. Now let's push the heel into the step. Push. Push. Extend the arms outwards and let's go. Four more. Three. Two. Walk in place. Right here. Walk. Walk. Bring it down. Bring it down. Barely leaving the floor. Real good. And hold it. Now it's heel and toe and heel and toe and heel and toe. Shifting the body weight from side to side. Go four more. Go three more. Go two more. And last one. And hold it. Roll the shoulders. Real good. Four more like this. Go four. And three. And two. Give me a big inhale up. Big inhale up. Exhale down. One more time. Big inhale up. And exhale down. And last one. Big inhale up. And exhale down. Very good. Now we're going to do some toning exercises for the lower body. When you squat, don't bend your knees too far. Rather, project your buttocks backward as if you're going to sit into a chair. Let's get going. Okay everybody, let's bend at the side of the step. Take the step. Turn it around. We're going to work on the calves, the thighs, and the buns. Stand up. Okay, place one foot on the center of the step. Other foot to the side. Feet at shoulder width apart. Hands on the waist. Make sure there's one line between the heel and the back toe. Ready? Let's start with calf raises right in here. Let's flex it in. Flex. Up and two. Drop. Down and two. Lift. Up and two. And drop it down. Let's do that again. Flex the toe. In, two, press. Down, two, lift. Up, two, and drop. Now in singles. Go. Flex, drop, lift, release. Go. Flex, drop, lift, release. Again. Flex, drop, lift, release. One more. Flex, and drop, and lift, and release. All the way. In and up. Roll in and up. Roll on the ball of the foot. All the way. Get that heel up and contract the calf. Let's go. Four more. Three more. Two more. Now hold the last one up here. Right here. Push. Four, three, two, squeeze and hold. And flex. In and up. Release it now. And hold it up. Let's go. Four times. Three, two, and hold. Flex and lift. Flex. Let's do this two more times. Up, two, three, and four. Squeeze. In and up. And in. One last time. Squeeze it. Up and two, three. Hold the fourth one up. Now flex and lift. And flex and lift. Good job. Drop it down. Place the foot on the step. Bring the other foot in. Knee slightly bent. Drop the heel to the floor. Stretch the calf. Okay, let's go to the other side. Here we go. Same position. Hands on the waist. Shoulder. Legs and shoulder width apart. Okay, toe heel. Same line. And let's start. Flex. Two. Drop. Two. Let's lift. Up. Two. And once again. Drop. And two. Let's go. Flex. And two. Down. And two. On all five toes. And two. And drop. Now in singles. Go. In, down, lift, up, and release. Good job. In and down. Lift and release. Let's do this two more times. Down. Lift. Last one. Go. In. Drop. Lift. Now all the way. Go in and roll back up. Roll in and back up. In and up. Flex in. Then get the heel off the ground. Up and down. Four more times like this. Go. Four and lift. Three and lift. Two more. Last one. Hold it up. Now push out four times. Three. Two. Squeeze and hold. Roll it in and up and in. One more time. Press it. Four. Three. Two. And squeeze. Hold. Roll and lift. Let's do this two more times. Press. Up. Two. Three and four. Squeeze it in and up and in. One last time. Squeeze. Squeeze. Into the calf and hold. Flex and lift. And flex and lift. Good job. Step. Bring the other leg in. I can feel those calves. Yummy. Other side. Okay. Here we go. Same position with the feet. Heel at toe level. Hands on the waist. Now we're going to go into the buttocks in the calf. Ready? Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Sit back. Four. Two. Lift on the toe. Squeeze it. Up and drop it down. Project the back. Project the buttocks back. Press. Squeeze. Up and drop it down. Let's do this again. Back and two. Roll and two. Squeeze. Up with the butt and drop down. Once again. Project the buttocks back. Lift up. Chest up. And drop it down. Now in singles. Go. Down. Roll. Squeeze and release. Down. Roll. Squeeze. Let's add the arms. Press them out. Lift. Squeeze up and release. Down. Roll. Squeeze. Up and release. Down. Roll. Squeeze. Up. Give me three more times like this. Down. Roll up. Squeeze the buttocks and release. Two more. Down. Up. Squeeze. Here's the last one. Go. Down and roll. Squeeze and release. Last time. And roll. Lift and release. Now we're going to go double pump up. Squeeze. Double time. Squeeze. Roll down. Press. Double squeeze. Up. Project the buttocks. Roll. Lift up twice. Again. Buttocks out. Roll. Twice up. Two more. Back. Roll. Squeeze. Up. One more time. Down and roll. Squeeze. Up and hold. Okay. Take it over. Stretch the calf. Don't let the knee keep it slightly bent. Let's go over to the other side. Heel toe. Hands on the waist. Let's start it. Sit for two. Roll for two. Straighten up. And drop it down. Do it again. Back. And two. Roll. And two. Squeeze up. And two. And drop it one more time. Sit back with the butt. Roll on the bottom of the foot. Squeeze up. And drop it down. Now in singles. Back. Roll. Squeeze and release. Back. Roll. Squeeze up. Add the arms. Back. Roll. Squeeze. Up and drop down. Real good. Down. Two. Lift. Again. Four more like this. Four. Squeeze. Lift. Again. Three more. Roll it. Keep your chest nice and tall. Okay. Don't bend forward. Good. And last one. Right here. Down. Out. Lift. Now we're going to sit and pump twice with the calf. Lift. Two pumps up. Again. Sit back. Roll. Two pumps. You're looking good. That buttock is getting firmer, right? Let's go. Sit back. Roll. Squeeze one more time. Sit. Down. Roll. And home. Okay. Step it up. Go. And press the heel off. Keep the knee slightly bent. Very good job. Okay. Let's step to the side of the step. Heel touches the edge of the step. Hands to the waist. And we're going to press eight times down. Small ones. One. Two. Three. Four. Squeeze. Five. And six. Seven. Now we're going to go all the way. Down and squeeze. Down and squeeze. Two more. And up. Now four little squeezes down. Four times. Three. Sit backwards. And big ones. Down and up. And down. And up. Four times. Four. Three. Two. Sit back. Sit and press. Sit. Twice little. Two small ones. Now one big one. Down and up. Two small ones. Good. Extend. Sit back. And again. Try not to bend so much with the knees. Rather sit into the back like you're sitting into a chair. And down. Four more times. Four. Up. Down and squeeze. Press. Down. Last two. Come on. Give me the best squeezes now. Last one. And squeeze. Down and lift. Good job. Shake it out for a second. We're not done yet Felicia. Okay. Foot at the edge of the step. Now both toes on one line. Okay. Legs past shoulder width apart. Hands to the waist. Lean into the right leg. Your left. Sit into it and let's press down. Two. Three. Four. Press. Five. And six. Seven and eight. Now we're going to extend. Up. Out. Lean. Drop the body. Now we're going to press small ones. Once again project the buttocks backwards. Four more. Four. Three. Two. One. Other side. Step. Drop. Lean. Four times down. Go. Four. Three. Two. Over. Step. Up. Lean and drop. Squeeze it down. Two. Three. Four. Step. Up. Out. Lean and drop. Let's go. Four. Three. Quick transition over. Four. Three. Two. Quick transition. Add the arms. Out. Pull. Out. Over the top. Down. Two. Over the top. Once again. Down. Two. Over the top. Go. Down. Squeeze. Sit. Sit backwards with the buttocks. Don't bend the knee too much. Three. Over the top. Down. And two. Three. Let's do it one more time. Down and squeeze. Down. Over the top. Last one. Let's finish on the top of the step. Good job. Shake it out. Good work. Okay. Step off the bed. This step right here. Leg up. One foot up. Arms right into the waist. Come up on the toe. Heel off the ground. Give me buttock squeezes. In and down. Squeeze the buttocks and release. The lower part of the leg is parallel to the floor. Right here. Press. Four. And. Three. And squeeze the buttocks. In and down. Last one. Add the arms. Pull. In. And release. And down. Roll in. Good. Pull the stomach slightly in. And project the butt inwards. Four more times. Go. Four. And out. Three. And out. Squeeze. Two. And out. Last one. Hold it in. Roll the arms out. Now let's raise up. Overloading the thigh. Lift. And down. Lift and toe heel. Keep the pressure on the thigh. Lift. And down. Press. Up. And down. Four more times like this. Let's go. Four. And three. Two more. Last one. And hold it down. Hands to the waist. Lower leg parallel to the floor. Let's drop it down. And squeeze up. Now you're pushing right here from the okole. The buns. Let's go. And up. Let's rest. Down. And up. Down. Four more times. Go. Four. And up. Three. And up. Two. The best one now. Every time push down. Down. Two. Three. Squeeze it tight. Here's five. And six. Seven. Hold it there. Step forward. Bring the toe right to the line of the step. And from here we're going to go up. And down. Don't lock the knee. Once again working the thigh and squeezing off the buttocks. Let's go. Up. And two. Let's add the arms right here. Press. Up. And drop. And let the arms lead you forward. Four. Three. Two. Now we're going to slow down. We're going to go up. Open. In. And drop. Up. Open. Good. Let the foot go slightly outwards and extend pressing to the buttocks. Lift. And out. Give me four more times. Now go up. And squeeze. Three. How are you feeling so far? Getting those buns? Two more times. One. And out. In. And drop. This is the last one. Up. In. And drop. Good job. Shake it out. One leg left. Okay. Let's press it in right here. Okay. On the back toe. Foot parallel to the floor. And we're going to squeeze. In. And down. Hands on the waist. Okay. Squeeze the buttocks. In. And release. In. Release. In. Release. Four more times like this. Let's go. Four. Squeeze. Squeeze the buns in. There you go. And up. And two. Last one. Add the arms right here. Pull. And out. Roll. Good. Squeeze in. And down. Four more times like this. Here's four. And press. Out. Exhale. Every time you push out. Up. And down. Last one. Hold it in. Roll the arms out. And let's go. In. And down. Overloading the thigh. Okay. Keep all the tension on the thigh now. Toe heel just touches for support. Four more times. Four. And three. Give me the best two. And last one. Hold it down. Hands on the weight. Make sure the foot is parallel to the floor. And we go. Down. And squeeze. Small movement but very, very tight. Concentrating on the other side of the buttocks. Now squeeze off the butt. Four more. Three more. Here's two more. And this is the last one. Now double time down. Press. Down every time. There you go. Put all the emphasis on the down motion. Press. Six. Seven. Hold it there. Step into it. Bring the toe right to the level of the step. And let's start raising up. Ready. Go. Up. And down. Two. And down. Three. And down. Let's add the arms right here. Push. Up. And down. Up. And down. Two more. Up. And down. Now slow it down and squeeze the buttocks. Up. Open. In. And drop. Turn the foot slightly outwards as you're lifting the buttocks. In. Squeeze. Out. Down. And drop. In. Squeeze. Up. Down. Give me four more like this. Up. Squeeze. Down. Don't arch your back. Up. And down. And back. Up. Squeeze. Down. Two more times. Go. Up. Down. Let's bring it home now. Here's the last one. Out. In. And drop. Good job. Check it out. Very good. It's time to work the abdominals. Take a full standing position on the floor. Lean back on your elbows. And place your heels on the step. Okay everybody. Ready to start the abdominals? Lay flat on your back. Arms behind the neck. Bring the buttocks close to the step. Heels right on top on the edge that's closer to you. Hands behind the neck. And let's start up and down. Exhale as you're coming up. Let the head lean against the palm of your hands. And squeeze up every time. Every time you squeeze up give me a good exhale. There you go. As you roll down try not to arch your lower back. Do this four more times now. Four. And three. Two more. Last one. Now let's do it in double time. Up. Squeeze. Down. And release. Up. Squeeze. Down. Release. Good job. Half time. Lift. Down. Release. Again. Up. Lift. Four more times like this. Go. Up. Then press. Halfways down and down all the way. Up. And press. Down and release. Last two. Down and release. Last one. Drive the knee into the chest. Single. Up and down. Up and down. Now what you want to concentrate here is lifting your upper body toward the knee. Knee toward the upper body. Both together and contracting the abdominals. Let's go. Four more. And three more. And two more. Last one and hold it. Extend one leg up. Bring the palm of the hand. Wrap around the hamstring right next to the knee. Let the palm of the hand go further up on your head right toward the shoulder blades. And we're going to go up and release. Now with the palm of the hand that's supporting the leg is going to help you lift up just a little further up. Four more. And three. Relax the head against the palm. And now give me a turn with the chest toward the knee. There you go. Exhale every time you go up. Down. Lift. Give me four more like this. Go. Four. And go. Three. Nice easy turn. And last one and hold. Now we're going to go up and turn. Combine both movements together. Up and turn. Center and down. Up and turn. One more time. Go up. Turn. Center. Twice in. Now go twice in. And up and turn. Now up. Turn. Center. Twice in. Lift. Down. Lift. Up and turn. Up. Turn. Center and down. Again. Twice in. Up and turn. This is the fourth time, right? Okay. Drive it down. Bring the other leg. Pull the knees into the chest. And relax them down. Let's go to the other side. Extend the heel. Bring the palm of the hand right to the top of the shoulder blades. And up and down. Squeeze. Up and down. The palm of the hand that's grabbing the leg is there just for support. Let's do this. Four more. And three more. It'll help you go just a little higher up. Now give me a turn into the knee. Chest toward the knee. Exhale as you're coming up. Go. Squeeze. Go. Four more. Three more. This is two more. And last one. Now up and turn. Go up. Turn. Back to the up and down. Up and turn. Center and release. Up. Turn. Let's do this one more time. Turn. Center. Now twice in. Twice in. Turn. And go up and turn. Up. Turn. Center and down. Two turns in. Good. Up and turn. Go. Up. Turn. Center and down. Two turns in. And exhale once again. Up and turn. Up. Turn. Center. Give me one more time. Two turns in. Up and turn. We go up. Turn. Center and release. Bring the other leg up. Good job. Bring the knees in toward the chest. Lift your upper body forward slightly. Good. Palm of the hands open to the sides and relax your stomach. Breathe into it. Deep breath. And exhale out. Okay. Relax the back. Bring the heels to the floor. Arms behind the neck. And we're going to contract upper body and lower body. Up. Two. Squeeze in. Two. Drop down. Two. And release. Again. Squeeze upper body. Lower body. Down. And release. Again. Lift up. Squeeze in. Two. Drop. Two. Release. One more time. Go up. Two. In. Two. Down. Two. Double the speed. Now go up. In. Drop. Release. Up. In. Drop. Release. Exhale. Squeeze. Drop. And release. Up and in. Drop. Release. Four more. Up. Squeeze. You got to want these next three. Up. Two. How badly do you want the next two? In. Drop. And release. Last one. And squeeze. Down. And release. Now all the way in. Halfways out. Let's finish up the abdominals right here with a big movement. Elbows to the knees. Then bring the legs half ways down. So the upper leg is parallel to the floor. Then pressing elbows to knees. Go. Four more. Three more. Give me the best two. Last one. And hold. Bring the knees into the chest. Relax them in. Good job. Okay. Place the heels back on the step. Big inhale up. And exhale down. Good work. We're ready for a stretch. Cool down. Let's bring this workout home and finish with our cool down. Lay flat on your back. Raise the arms over the head. Take a deep inhale. And exhale. Bring the arms in. Once again. Deep inhale. Arms over the head. And exhale down. Take a hold of your foot. Leg. Bring it in. Extend the heel up. Palm of the hand. Support behind the hamstring. Other palm right behind the knee. Toes. Both toes are slightly flexed in. Now point your toe out. And flex it in. And point it out. And flex it in. Turn the foot clockwise. And once again clockwise. And hold it. And counterclockwise. Up. All the way around. And again. And hold it. Okay. Extend the heel a little further up. Pull the leg a little closer to you. And to increase the stretch now, straighten the bottom leg outwards. And lay it on the step. Hold a comfortable position. And press the upper leg just a little closer toward you. Take a deep breath inhale into it. And exhale. Let it go back down. Bring the heel to the step. Other leg comes in. Once again. Palm of the hand goes one hand behind the knee. The other one on the hamstring. Flex the toe in. Extend the heel a little further up. Now point the toe. And flex it back in. And point the toe. Very good. And flex it back in. Circle the foot around clockwise. And one more time. And counterclockwise. Up. All the way around. And again. Okay. Extend the heel a little further up. Bring the leg closer toward you. Pulling nice and easy on the back of the leg. Extend the bottom leg out. Lay it on the step. All the way out. Good. Hold a comfortable position. And bring the upper leg a little closer toward you. Breathe into it. Deep breath inhale. And exhale. Extend the heel a little further out. Good job. And relax the leg back down. Both heels on the step. Press yourself a little further out. Okay. Give me a big inhale. Arms over the head. And bring the arms in. Bring the knees in. Class your arms around the knees. Pull the knees into the chest. And roll up slowly. Very good. Okay. Put your feet to the side of the step. Extend the legs outwards. The palm of the hand. Support yourself up. Come one palm forward. Other palm forward. Reaching out. And reaching out. Hold that stretch. Give me a deep breath inhale. And as you exhale try to reach a little further out. Go forward and away from you. Hold that stretch. Very nice. Hold it for another second. And relax it. Good job. Bring the heels on top of the step. Right here. Sit backwards. Bring one foot in. And take it to the side. Okay. Foot is right on the inner thigh. Okay. With the palm of the hand take a hold of your ankle. And press the knee outward. At the same time lift your upper body forward. And flex the front toe in. Big inhale. Extend the arm out. Relax your shoulders. Lift yourself up. And slightly forward as you exhale nice and easy. Hold that stretch. For another second. And relax it back down. Palm of the hand to the back. Support your back. Other leg comes out. And shifting to the other side. Pull that ankle a little closer to you. Okay. Take a hold of the ankle. Press the knee downward. Flex the front toe in. Extend the arm. Lift your upper body up. And square to the front. Press yourself forward. Exhale slowly. Reach out nice and easy. And relax it back in. Support the palm to the back. Lift your back. Other hand. Both legs out on the step. Shake them out. Very nice. And bring the legs in. Turn yourself around. Right here. On your knees. Roll the back up. Circle one vertebrae at a time. And slowly relax it down. Once again roll the vertebrae up. One vertebrae at a time. And relax it down. Very nice. Straight up. Bring one leg out. Palm of the hand against the thigh. Support yourself up. And press the heel to the floor. Extend the arms outwards. Pushing the heel to the floor. Hold that stretch. Now lean a little bit more into it. Holding it. And feel that stretch in the calf. Step forward. Press the heel back. Extend the arms forward. Hold that stretch. Lean a bit more into it. Hold it right there. And step back into it. Very good. Big wide feet. Big inhale up. And exhale down. Once again. Give me a big inhale up. And exhale down. And one more time. Very good work on big inhale. And exhale down. Very good work. Yay! Alright. Good job. We got it. Music Our cast included from left to right.