In the beginning, I always thought that was the most important class to anyone who starts By now, you've done tape one, and you're just sitting around thinking, you know, I love tape one so much, I wish Cher would make tape two. And I have. Lucky you, this is tape two. We've got a great hot dance aerobic class, and we've got a great mighty band workout that sculpts your muscles, and I know you're going to love it. I think Cher is marvelous. What I find is really great is the fact that she's a student in the class as well, and it's as if you're in the exercise class with Cher. These two classes, especially the hot dance, it's just fun. If you let yourself go, it's not impossible steps, the music is great, it gets you going, it gets your blood up, you're working your arms so you're toning your muscles, you're working your legs so you're toning your muscles, and you've got your heart rate up so you're burning fat. I think it's great, I mean, I, the video, she's very funny. Cher really made me laugh during the workouts because she's joking with people. If you're already in good shape, then I think you're just going to have a great time with this tape because it's really fun, and you'll be able to do it, it'll still be challenging, I don't care what kind of shape you're in. Cross training, if you don't, if you're not familiar with the term, it means burning fat and sculpting muscle, so that's what we're trying to give you. We're trying to sculpt your muscles and burn the fat, and sculpt your muscles and burn the fat so that you come out with the best result. These resistance bands, these mighty bands, you can get the equivalent of a full weight workout but you don't have to have a million different weights. I think that it's just the easiest way to get into sculpting your body. The Cher video is real precise and really to the point, and even the first time I tried it I was able to do it. The Cher Fitness Body Confidence video contains two free resistance bands. Body confidence is the perfect way to get into cross training, burning fat and sculpting muscles for maximum results. Start training now with Cher Fitness Body Confidence on videocassette. If you like the first one you're going to love the second one. Hi have I got a gift for you. First of all, any woman who tries anything, not this tape, I mean any woman who does anything for her body, who tries to give herself that kind of fit feeling, I have nothing but respect and love and admiration. You have to have faith and you have to have courage and you have to know that you don't get a body, any kind of body. You don't get the best body you can have by wishing for it, you get it by work. What I'm trying to do is make it so you don't have to do it alone. I'm trying to show you I'm doing these exercises along with you. I don't do them the best, I mean they're my programs, that's how I got my body back into shape. I'm going to try to be your motivation. If you see me standing there sweating, not making all the reps, doing the best that I can, I mean you have to start from wherever you're starting and if you have to stop and start if you can do five reps but you can't do ten, well do three until you can do ten. I'm a professional actress, I'm a professional singer, you know, and I know that, that's my business. I train my body because my body helps me do my business. I didn't realize that there were things that I could learn that would really help me use my body as my instrument and from going to these people who it's their profession, their profession and their life is really concentrated on working out, they know so much more than I do that now I'm happy to be a student because I'm gaining, you know, I'm gaining so much by learning these new techniques. These modular classes allow you to do as much as you can do or as little as you can do and you can do something every day or every other day so that you're toning different parts of your body, your brain is not getting bored or tired and that you're making sure that you can get to do something every day or every other day. I think that the most important breakthrough for me since I don't want to spend the rest of my life in my gym and I do want to have a nice body is that there are advances in training techniques which allow you to get in there, do the work, fatigue the muscles and get out. The idea of this tape is to not kill yourself and not beat yourself up. The idea of it is to get strong slowly and as you get stronger you'll be able to do the exercise more effectively and it will become easier for you. It is challenging, it's not impossible and you don't have to start off perfect, you just have to start. We're going to show you three different levels in this step workout. You pick the one that best matches your level of fitness. You can do the beginning level in a low impact style without a step or with no arm movement using a step under six inches. I'm doing the intermediate style and for this level the step should be six to eight inches. Be sure you plant your foot squarely on your step and look at your feet when you need to. For the advanced version the step is eight to ten inches. Now using weights is a personal decision so consult an expert if you decide to use them and be sure and drink plenty of water when you need to. Step class for me is really a godsend because I don't love aerobics, I mean I've never loved aerobics and it's a way to get my heart rate up, listen to music, concentrate, it also takes my mind off of it because I'm having to pay attention to what I'm really doing and in 40 minutes you know you've burned off a lot of fat, it's over and you've really had a good time. I mean I must say it's difficult for me but I never hate it, I always enjoy it. Alright this is the beginning of step class, our favourite class, the sweat your butt off class and this is our instructor Miss Kelly Roberts. Feet apart, knees slightly bent, abdominals in, drop the tailbone directly down, shoulders back, rib cage lifted, take a big deep breath in, exhale and again breathe in. One more. Good now reaching out to the side, reach side, now up, roll down and circle. Again reach side, side, up, roll down and circle. Now right shoulder, left shoulder, that's it, both together, that's it, let's do that again and together, one, two, good, now single shoulder with the foot, four of them, good now the elbow, that's it, release the ribs, now step touch with a big hand, what if you just have a little hand, both hands and a heel, that's the guy and the girl, good now shoulder, elbow, that's it, let it go, step touch, big hand, both hands and a heel, good now reach up, good single circle, reach up, I know what you meant though, swing it, baby can we, single, single, circle, circle, that's it, bend the legs, circle again, single, circle, single, single, circle, let's travel, single, single, travel, that's it, travel, that's it, good, now punch it to the side, punch it, one, two, three, two, now pull up, step touch, yeah, punch it, just be careful not to lock your elbows there, right, now pull up, step touch, can I hyper extend mine, go, punch it, you think you're special don't you, yes I do, punch it, step touch, pull up, good, let's put that together, single, single, circle, ok, travel, again, come on Dory this way, now punch it, pull it up, let's do that again, let's travel, we're on a journey, now punch it, step touch, pull up, good, now the knee, up, up, good, back nice and straight, abdominals in, good, now bend the supporting leg a little, that's it, four to go, now punch forward, punch, yeah, that's it, back nice and straight, let me see that, yeah, four, three, now keep the arms going toe to the bench, that's it, just getting used to where your bench is, address your bench, hello bench, four, three, two, good, now leave the toe on the bench, slide your weight, put it under there, ok, there it is, good, now bring the hands forward and bend, now feel that stretch in the calf, yes, good, you're supposed to, four to go, nice and straight to the back, hold it there, place the hands in the middle of the thigh and just transfer your weight back to the back leg, keep the front leg slightly bent, hamstring stretch, relax the shoulders, that's it, good, now tuck the pelvis under and press back, just be careful not to hyper extend, under and back, that's it, you don't want to place too much pressure on this leg either with that hand, and hold it there, turn the toe out to the side, good, now step on that foot, slide down the foot back a little more, press the heel into the floor, bring the hands forward, shoulders back and now pull back, that's it, squeezing in between the shoulder blades, good, now lift the heel up, heel lift, now press it down, roll through the foot, good, now hold, tuck the pelvis, good, now feeling a stretch in the front of the thighs, now don't bend too deep, that's looking good, dip-a-dee-doo, like I curtsy for the queen, when I met the queen I actually did meet the queen you know, no she had a red outfit on, now hold it there, hands on the thighs, step onto the bench, good, now tuck the pelvis, lower back, middle back, upper back, cleavage and down, for some of us, lower back, well, middle back, upper back, now let's see the shoulders, here we go, that's it, four more, four, three, two, now a double, that's it, I need a double now, again, one more, good, now roll up, that's it, put the head down and now two shoulders, here we go, double, double, roll up, one more time, double, double, roll up, take a big dip right there, step the right foot off the bench, press the heel into the floor, now punching up, punch, that's it, what were we going to be? Wild, okay, let's do that heel, lift the heel off, good, now hold there, lift the heel off, tuck the pelvis and pull down, what were we born to be? Three pansies, two, hold, place the hand on the thigh, slide that foot in and now hamstring stretch, place the hands in the middle of the thigh, legs to the front of the foot, okay now tuck the pelvis under and back, under, just feel that stretch up the back of your thigh, under, good, relax the shoulders, looking good there Ange, hold that there, now turn the toe out to the side, good, now standing up nice and straight, keeping weight through the heel, press down, that's it, calf stretch, shoulders down, relax, last one and hold, good, now step off the bench, marching with the right foot, now let's step on the bench and march for Ange, now I shouldn't be able to hear you stepping on your bench, step back and again walk right through the heel of your foot and step back, do that one more time, we shouldn't be able to hear you, you can't hear me, oh good, so no stomping on your bench, good, now hold it here and four, three, two, now stepping up, right foot, basic step, that's it, looking good, up, up, down, down, good, now walk through the foot, make sure the heel contacts the bench first, bicep curls, that's it, oh wait don't talk now I want to hear this song, I love this song, okay, that's it, nice and tall, good, now swoop the arms, that's it, looking good, shoulders back, good, good, now bicep curl and swoop, bicep curl and swoop, let's transition to the other side, here we go, one, two, three, now tap, step left, frontal raise with the arms, that's it, working good, good, now punch the arms forward, punch it, that's it, still remembering to roll through the foot, contact the bench with your heel first, I am, don't look at me, I've been doing it properly, just checking, all right, frontal raise, here we go, put that together, kind of made me screw up I think, now punch it, it should look like it to me, frontal raise, I was perfect, and punch it, good, now transition, let's put the arms in there, that's it, spread the fingers girls, you know how she gets if we don't do it, right, tap, tap, biceps, you see them, like a muscle, and swoop, biceps, swoop, transition, and tap, frontal raise, standing up pretty tall, now punch it, I think we missed that, it's okay, we did it together, and now, as a group raise, I think we've got a transition now, transition now, I think we must as well, oh come on, don't be so hard on yourself, and tap, bicep, see, you screw up as a group, that's called correct, we've probably messed you up now, bicep curl, yeah, two of each, three on the other side, okay, okay, transition, always do this warm up, your body needs it, get ready for a frontal raise, tap, frontal raise, now, okay, let's see if we can get it right this time, punch, if I can get it right, yeah, frontal raise, and punch, transition, let's go, up, three, and tap, the tap allows you to lead with the other foot, tricky, but you'll get it, you're not keeping your weight, you're okay, bicep, just wanna make sure that you're still there, on your little piece of floor, transition, grab those fingers, three, tap, frontal raise, oh, actually, you know what, I'm better at this than I thought, frontal raise, yeah, I can hear your feet, who's stepping, come on now, transition, we're going into a new combination, now this one's a little bit trickier, three, tap, now, no arms, right foot, basic, I can hear you, ah, step the feet a little wider now, just a little wider, now step them up a lot wider, right to the edge, that's it, back's nice and straight, good, now add the arms, lateral raise, that's it, looking good, fingers, good, now reach it out, reach out, wide, pull, oh, narrow, and again, wide, narrow, again, like you mean it, good, now lateral raise for four, that's it, good, reach wide, pull, narrow, reach wide, lateral raise again, here we go, four, you know it, looking good, three, good, now reach wide, that's it, and pull, use your arms, if you're tired, keep your arms at your waist, transition, that's it, I'm afraid not to do it right, so you should be, step, good, now step wide, come on, fall, don't embarrass me in front of the phone, one more like this, here we go, that's four, three, getting in from hell, good, now we're gonna punch out to the side, two claps, punch it, side, side, punch forward, and again, side, make this, that's it, and again, lateral raise, that's it, now punch it wide, nice line, yeah, back to the lateral raise, oh, yeah, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, oh, oh, ohh, oh, ohh, oh, ooh, ooh, ohh, ohhhh, okay, it's our turn now, That's it. Good. Reach it wide like you mean it. And again. Transition. Nice and strong. Shoulders back and tap. Lateral raise. Let's go. Up. Looking good. You're very quiet. I'm trying to think of something funny but Dory's making me laugh. She's such a sourpuss. Lateral raise. That's it. And three. Now touch it. Any young men of the step class now? And again. Transition. Time out. You'll be right though. No worries. And tap. Lateral raise. That's it. And three. Good. Reach wide. And again. Transition now. That's it. You're all with me. It's only luck. Tap. Shut your mouth. I will. Good. Now punch wide. And again. Careful not to snap the elbows. Good. Now a new transition. Four basics on the left leg. That's it. Three. Now you're going to tap down step right. We got it. Tap. Three. Step left. Tap. Now two times. And again. One. And again. And again. Good. Now one of each. Now step the feet a bit wider. That's it. A little wider. Now we're going to give it some direction at a turn. That's it. Good. Now we're going to add the arms. Looking good. Good. Now hold it here. Step up. Tap down. Step up. Tap down. Good. Now we're going to add the arms. Good. Now along the bench. Here we go. Step up. Tap down. That's it. Good. Along the bench. Step up. Tap down. That's it. Now along the bench. Step up. Tap down. Good. Now we're going to add a repeated knee. No arms. Repeated knee. And again. Up. Two. Three. Back's nice and straight. Now let's add some arms. You're burning calories like a crazy person. Keep going. Now along the bench. Along the bench. Step up. Tap down. Good. Repeat a knee. Repeat a knee. Good. Along the bench. Step up. Tap down. That's it. Repeat a knee. Repeat a knee. Along the bench. This time we're going to add into it. Step up. Tap down. Good. Repeat a knee. Repeat a knee again. Good. Now we're going to add over the bench. Over the bench. Again. One more time. And march. Again. Here we go. Over. Over. Again. And march. Good. Now we're going to add some arms. Over and pull. And again. Over and march. Let's do that again. Here we go. Over and pull. Over and march. Now let's add some direction. Over. Diagonal. Over. And march. And again. Here we go. Over. Diagonal. Over. And march. One more time. Here we go. If you're really beat, just rest for a while then jump back in when you can. And march back. Now along the bench. Here we go. Up. Down. Down. No arms. No arms. Good. Now we're going to add the arms. Here we go. That's it. Good. Now step up. Tap down. Here we go. No arms. Good. Now add the arms. Here we go. That's it. Nice and strong. Good. Now along the bench. Step up. Tap down. Good. Along the bench. Step up. Tap down. Good. Along the bench. Step up. Tap down. Good. Now repeat a knee. No arms. Repeat a knee. And again. Repeat a knee. That's nice and straight. Good. Now add the arms. And again. Along the bench. Here we go. Up. Tap down. Repeat a knee. Good. That's it. Good. Along the bench. Up. Tap. Down. Tap. Again. Now repeat a knee. And again. Get ready for over the bench. Here we go. Over the bench. Diagonal. March back. Get ready. Along the bench. Step up. Tap down. Repeat a knee. Good. Over the bench. Diagonal. Over. March back. Get ready. Along the bench. Here we go. Step up. Tap down. That's it. Good. Repeat a knee. Good. Over the bench. Diagonal. Over. March back. Get ready. Along the bench. Step up. Tap down. Good. Repeat a knee. And again. Good. Over the bench. Diagonal. Over. March back. Get ready. Along the bench. Here we go. Good. Get up. Tap down. Good. Repeat a knee. Over the bench. Diagonal. Over. March back. Get ready. Basic step. Great work. Let's find out exactly how hard you're working. Alright guys, I'm kind of starting to cook this. Does anyone want to take a heart check? Find your pulse in your neck or at your wrist and start counting the number of pulses. Or on the carotid pulse, just slide the hand down from the side of the eyebrow. Not pressing too hard. And I'm going to fight on my watch. Stop. Now find your age group on this chart and check if the number of pulses you felt matches the number to the side of your age group. That's your training heart range. Now, if the number of pulses you felt was higher than the amount listed in your age group, you're working too hard. Take it easy. Just walk in place for a bit or drop your arm movements. If you've got a lower pulse count, then you're not working hard enough, so move it. Stay in your training heart range to get the best fat burning results. Ready for more? Yeah. Let's go. Left foot up. Tap down. Good. Arms. That's it. Abdominals in. Good. There we go. Now lift the leg up to the side. Here we go. Put the hands back to the side and the leg up. There you go. This is called abduction. Now toe to the bench. That's it. Good. Back straight. Now let's add some arms to this one. Push forward and slightly across. Good. Back's nice and straight. Good. Now corner to corner. Let's just travel. That's it. Good. Now abduction. Here we go. Abduction. Good. Toe to the bench. Straight away. Abduction. Good. Toe to the bench. Now we're adding in something new. Leg to the back. That's it. Now make sure your chest stays up and the abdominals are in. That's it. Lead with the heel. Make sure the hips stay nice and square. Keep the abs in. Now add some arms. Push forward. That's it. This is called heel to the back. Good. Now abduction. Toe to the bench. Heel to the back. Push. Yeah. Let's do that again. Abduction. Here we go. That's it. Toe to the bench. Good. Heel to the back. Now we're going to learn a new move. Good. Hold it here. Curl the leg behind. That's it. Good. This is called a hamstring curl. Good. Now add the arms. Here we go. Pull and down. Good. Good. Now let's turn it. Direction. Come on. Hang in there. You can do it. Good. Now back to abduction. Here we go. Good. Toe to the bench. Leg to the back. Hamstring. Good. Abduction. Again. Up. Good. Toe to the bench. Leg to the back. Hamstring. On the next time around we're going to add a little bit of high intensity here. Abduction. Good. Now we can hop this one. Come on. Now you can hop this one too. A little bit of propulsion. Good. Hamstring. Abduction. Good. Corner to corner. Good. Pick the style that's appropriate for your level of fitness. Hamstring. Good. Now pull the knee up to the front. New combination. Good. Knee out to the side now. Lift it up. That's it. Good. Back's nice and straight. If you don't want to use your arms on this one, that's fine. They're kind of tricky. Let's add them here. That's it. That's optional of course. Good. Now let's just travel that. Side to side. Now something tricky coming up. A repeat a knee here. Repeat a knee. Two. Three. Other side. Walk. Walk. Knee. Yes. Stay face in the front. Walk. Walk. Two. Three. Walk. Walk. That's it. Good. Now come to the side of your bench. Side of the bench. Side of the bench. Walk. Walk. Make sure you place the feet. Walk. Walk. Two. Three. And walk. Walk. Two. Three. Now the rocking horse. Here we go. Up. Knee. Knee. That's it. Place the feet. Make sure the back stays straight. Now you don't want to rock the spine. You want to keep the spine really straight. Walk. Walk. Knee. Good. Now we're going to add some arms here. But again, these arms are optional. That's it. One more. Good. Now single knee. That's it. Now rocking horse. Rocking horse. Rocking horse. And walk. Walk. Knee. Keep going. Looking good. That's it. Rocking horse. Here we go. Up. Knee. Knee. Knee. Walk. Walk. That's it. And again. Good. Up. Knee. Now we're going back to a leg to the back. A leg to the back. That's it. Good. Now keep the chest up. Abs in. Good. Now hands forward. Now again, on this next combination, the hands are optional. Let's get this in direction. Good. Now no arms. Three taps up. Two. Three. Now walk. Walk. Other side. One. Tap. Tap. Tap. One. Tap. Tap. Tap. Hook. Good. Now leg to the side. Oh. That was a little strong. Walk. Walk. Tap. Tap. Tap. Again. Tap. Tap. Walk. Walk. Good. Now we're going to do a step touch. Step touch. Now here's some optional arms. Tap. Tap. Tap. Walk. Walk. So this is called up tap, down tap. Back is straight. Tap. Tap. Now we're going to put it together. Get ready. Leg to the back. Single. Hook. Yeah. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Uh huh. Single leg to the back. Again. Up tap. Down tap. Don't forget to breathe. Woo. Step on that bench. Here we go. Tap. Tap. Again. Again. Now single knee to the front. No arms. Knee. Again. Now come along the bench. Good. Now come to the back of your bench. That's it. Nice and straight with your back. Now let's straddle. Straddle knee. Straddle knee. Now you can add some propulsion here if you're feeling really that way inclined. Four more. That's it. Good. Now straddle. Now straddle. Up. And march. And four. Four. And three. Good. Now straddle. Ho. And march. Good. Back straight. And again. March. Four. Three. And two. Slight change here. Down. Up. Up. And hop. March. And again. Down. Up. Up. And hop. March. Hold it here. A new move. Power squat to the right. Four of them. One. That's it. Three. Now straddle. Straddle. Here we go. Down. Up. Up. And hop. Power squat. And again. Here we go. Straddle. Up. Up. And hop. Power squat. Now march with the left foot. Left foot. March. Four more. Four. And three. And two. Good. Now straddle. Left foot. Down. Down. Up. Up. Down. And march. Good. Two. And three. Let's go again. Down. Down. Up. Up. Down. Down. March. Let's try that with the hop this time. Down. Down. Up. Up. And hop. March. Two. Three. Here we go. Down. Up. Up. And hop. March. Get ready for that power squat. Four of them. Good. One. That's it. Two. Three. Soft. Three. Okay. Let's straddle now. Straddle. Down. Up. And hop. Power squat for two. Let's do that again. Here we go. Straddle. Hop. Power squat. Now straddle right. Here we go. Hop. Power squat. Straddle left. Hop. Squat. Again. Up. Up. Hop. Again. Left foot. Here we go. Down. Up. Hop. Squat. One more time each side. Hold. Squat. Get it. Good. Left. Hop. And squat. Okay. We're going to start to cool that down. Marching on the bench. Yeah. Come towards the back of the bench. Keep your heels on. Now a slow lunge off the back with the right leg first. That's it. Now keep the back straight. Nice and easy. Not too deep. That's it. You're just going to slow it down. That's it. Just make sure you're placing your feet back on the bench. And now march on the bench. Coming around. We'll cool down. We'll just slow this foot here so the forefoot's resting on the bench and your heel's hanging down for a calf stretch. Breathe in. Reaching up. Sink the heel down. Good. Now drop the hand down. And up. Leave that hand there. Reaching up. And come up. Change sides. That's it. Just check you're placing it. That's it. And down. Leave that hand there. Reaching up. And step down. Good. Now just rock it side to side. Taking the shoulders. That's it. Reaching across. Now reaching up. Hold. Turn. Slide that foot in. And now slide it back. Good. Now just sinking that hip down. Just stretching our hip flexors here. Really important. Just check that this knee is back in line with the heel or even slightly behind it. Now hold that there. Good. Now slide the foot in. Hamstring stretch. Placing the hand in the middle of the thighs. Flat back. Rolling the toes up. Come to the center. Hold it here. Now a lower back stretch. Flee under. And release. Again. Under. Release. Rolling up. Knee a little wider. Good. Rock it side to side. Now reaching across. Across and up. Hold. Turn. Slide the foot in. Just all the way back. That's it. Good. And now slowly down. Just check your knee. Check the knee. Down. And up. And now hold. Slide the foot in. Good. Hamstring stretch. Flat back again. Rolling up. Good. If you're feeling still really warm, you want to keep cooling down a little bit more, you know you can. But we're not! Thank you, Miss. Thank you. Okay. Time for abs. Come on. Let's roll out your exercise mats and sit down. It's important to pay close attention to the cues because with ab workouts, the moves are small and subtle. This forces the abdominal muscle to do the work. That's how you get a flat, tight muscle, not by throwing your arms and legs around. We're also going to do some back strengthening moves for a healthy back. Hang in there. This workout is tough. The ab, it's a very short class. We exhaust it. We get in and we get out. There's no, you know, we don't prolong anything. It's a very concise, challenging class. Sitting up nice and tall. Here we go. Pulling the navel in against the spine so that you can feel that transverse abdominus working for you. Just slowly roll down until your lower back touches the floor. Keep it pulled in now. That's it. Now bring your feet in nice and close. Hands come back behind the head, just supporting the head. Elbows out to the side. Good now. Exhale up and inhale halfway back. Now make sure you're not pulling on your head each time you come up. Slowly down. Cut the pelvis slightly so that the back stays nice and curved. And again, lift up. That's it. Good. Now control it. And down. Good. We'll take that a little bit faster. Here we go. Now for two counts up and two counts down. That's it. Good. Keep going. Good. Now as you're going, what you want to do is make sure that the pelvis is tucked. Just like that. That's it. Good. Exhale each time you come up. That's good. Lovely. You look perfect, right? Perfect. Good. One more. Lovely. Now hold up there. A little pulse. Two sets of eight. You might just want to bring your feet in a little closer there. That's it. And eight. That's it. Six, five, four, three, two. Now staying up there, reach your right hand down beside the body. Bring the knees together and tuck the pelvis just a fraction more. Good. Here we go. Now reaching down. Keep the shoulders up nice and high. That's great. Good. Now hold down there. Here we go for eight. Six, seven, and hold. Cut the pelvis a little more. Lift the shoulders a little more. Here we go. Eight, seven, six, four, three, two, hold. Oh, nice work. Good. Let's go to the other side. Keep the knees together and one. There you go. Shoulders stay up on one level. Reach all the way down. That's really difficult. Hold that there. Here we go. The nasty ones. The nasty bits. Let's go for those love handles, ladies. And hold. Tuck the pelvis a bit more. You know that one. Here we go. Eight. Now side to side. Here we go. Eight, seven. Keep the shoulders up. Six, seven, hold. Bring the hands up. Hands behind the head. Get the right foot up. Tuck the pelvis. Here we go. Now pull. And point your toe now. Thank you. Try not to push too much with your foot that's on the floor. Good. Now hold in there. Hold, hold. Place the foot across the knee. Hand on the thigh. Tuck the pelvis. Lift the shoulders up. Keep both the shoulders up and come across and back. Hello. I think I'm doing a really good job. Thank you. It's really hard. Now hold. Pulse along there. Good. Now hold there. Little tiny one here. And hold. Tuck the pelvis. Squat your hips off. And eight. These little pulses are intense. Just hang in there. That's it. Good. Now hold. Come back to the center. Both hands behind the head. Now lift the shoulders. I lift the hips. And both. And down. Make sure as you lower the legs that the hip, that the lower back stays flat. But you don't let the lower back arch up. And again, shoulders. Exhale. Make sure you're breathing. Last one. Squeeze in. Hold. Cross your ankles. Now let the knees drop out to the side. Now curling the hips up. Here we go for eight. Seven. But make sure you're really controlling that. You don't want to just rock the pelvis but pull. And hold there. Lift the chest a little higher. Tuck the pelvis a little more. Eight to go. Eight. Seven. Six. Now if you're getting tired, you might just want to drop your shoulders down and roll through the lower part of the body. And hold. Place the right foot on the floor. Extend that left leg up. Good. Point the toe. Good. Now not pressing on the left foot. Pull it in. And down. And again. Curl up from the hips. That's it. Good. Now we're going to stay there this time. Place the foot across the knee. Take the hand onto the thigh. Tuck the pelvis. Both shoulders lift. Here we go. Eight. That's it. Make sure you're not pulling with your hand. Keep the elbow back. And stay there now. Hold. Here we go. A little press for eight. That's looking good. And hold. Tuck the pelvis a little more. Another set of eight. Seven. Are you breathing? Yes, I'm breathing. I'm breathing and I'm sweating. And hold. Back to the center. Both hands behind the head. We've got that nasty one. This is shoulders. Now the legs. Both. And again. Here we go. Lift the shoulders up. Shoulders. Just make sure you're not pulling on your neck now that you're getting a little tighter. That's the tendency here. These are shoulders. Now the hips. Both. And hold. Hold there. Now cross your ankles. Hips and shoulders. Crunches. They're the toughest, but they work. When you're starting to get really tired, you might just want to keep the shoulders down and pull just through the lower part of the body. Good. Now hold there. Pull the navel in a little more. Lift the shoulders a little more. Here we go. Now eight. Seven. Control the movement. Keep the heels tucked in nice and close. Nice frame. Yeah. And hold. And slowly let that go. Good stretch out. That's it. Good. Now roll over onto your stomach. That's it. Good. And now just slide your elbows in underneath your shoulders. And now open the chest like a sphinx. Pull the shoulders back. That's it. Keep the back of the neck long. And release. Good. Slide the hands forward. Just squeeze your butt and tuck the pelvis under slightly. And lift the left hand and the right leg. Four counts up. Four. And down. Two. Three. Now the other side. Lift up. And away at the same time. Yeah. Now we're going to do that in counts of two. Here we go. Now lift up. And down. Two. And up. And down. Good. Now keep tension on the butt. This is a great back strengthener. Lift as high as you comfortably can, but don't arch your back. That's it. Make sure the back of your neck remains long. We're almost there. That's good Trish. Almost there. Are you breathing? Yes. You still need to breathe on this one. Last one each side. Here we go. Lift. There you go. Good. Now coming back, bring the hands in and press back into a cat stretch. Lift the center of the back up. Let the head dangle. And release. Now sit all the way back. Good. Now take hold of the heels with the hands, leaving the head down. You're just going to press the hips up, feeling that stretch right through the back and the shoulders. And then release that. Great work. Thank you. Get ready for the most unique program for legs and buns. This program is designed to shape and sculpt beautiful lean muscles throughout your lower body by using the entire upright body for resistance. This is probably the toughest of the three programs on this tape. So I want you to do only as many repetitions as you can comfortably do. Work up to this program slowly. Most lower body classes that I've been to, you get on all fours. You don't stand on the muscle group the whole time. And Kelly, I mean, this class is unbelievable because she just goes from one group to the other and she keeps fatiguing it so that you really work it and then you move on and you work it and you move on. And by the time you're finished, you've worked every part of your lower body. Okay, here we go. So the toes are turned out about 15 degrees. Knees are soft. Take a big deep breath in. Exhale. Drop the shoulders. Again, breathe in. Good. Now reach across two times. Reach across. Other side. Here we go. That's it. Good. Now to the front four times. Open up the back. Open up the chest. Just let the head be really soft there. Good. Now across. One each way. And two to the front. That's it. Let's do that again. Reach across and across. Two to the front. Looking good. Here we go again. Reach across. Slight change here. Reach the hands in front. Join them. Breath up. Open out to the side. Let's do that again. Reach across. Across. Join them. This time hold them up. Hold them. Good. Now contract under and up. Grab the tailbone and keep it tucked. But open the chest there. Breathe in. One more. Good. Now hold there. Blood side to side. Here we go. Side to side. Opening up the ribs. Keep the shoulders away from the ears. Four. Three. Two. Hold the legs. Reaching up. That's it. Good. Keep your abdominals in. Now drop the opposite hand. That's it. Really stretch up out of the ribs. Let's add some legs. A little reach. Four. Three. Hold the hand. Join the hand. Roll down. And up. And see the hands in the middle of the thighs. And up. And down and hold. Good. Now we're going to start some roller back stretches. Pull the navel in against the spine. Contract under. And release. So each time you contract, you feel a stretch in the lower back. Contract. And release. That's it. Contract. Good. Let's take that up to the side now. Contract. And release. Good. So it's a slightly different movement. You'll feel a stretch in a slightly different place. A little bit more to the side of the spine. Good. And again. That's it. Good. Under. Under. Release. Under. Now let's just take the hand away from the leg. Contract it. Pull away. And release. Under. And release. Under. And release. Under. Good. Let's just take that a little faster now. Four more. That's four. Three. Two. Good. Now circle the shoulder. Four. Three. Two. Hold it there. Turning the toes out to the side. Keeping the body in a nice straight line. Squeeze your butt. Now we're going to do a set of plies here. Bend. Now push into the heels to come up. That's it. And again. Bend. Two. Three. Four. And up. That's it. Good. Now as you bend, you want to make sure that the knee lines up with the toe. Push into the heels to come up. That will activate your inner thighs. Bend. Two. Three. Four. And up. Make sure you don't quite lock the knees. Let's just take that in counts of down. Two. And up. Two. Down. Two. Up. And again. Down. Two. And again. Down. Two. Let's just take that in single counts now. Down and push. Good. Now check your alignment. Squeeze your butt. Push the heels into the floor each time so that you feel your inner thighs working. Feel that? Good. And my butt. Good. Soft knees as you come up. Make sure you don't drop the hips below the level of the knees at any time during this work. Good. Now let's hold in here. Now press the knees back. There's rotation happening here in the hips. So you're working all the muscles that rotate the thighs back. Think of it not so much as a release forward, but as a press back. Good. Now hold them back. Press up. Two. And bend. Now press back four times. Here we go. Four. And three. And two. Now push into the heels to come up. And bend. Now press back. Abdominals remain in. And again, pressing up. And bend. Here we go. Pressing back. Now keep pressing back. You've got eight more. Here we go. Eight. Try not to release it too far forward. And hold it back. Slowly up. And bend again. Slowly up. That's it. Hold it there. Squeeze the thighs back. Opening up the hips. Now lift the heel and press. Good. Lift that heel. Right up. Keep the knees back in line, just like you were doing before. Abdominals are in. Chest is lifted and buoyant. For four. Three. Now a four count lifting. Lift it up. Other heel. Lift. Squeeze. Up. Press. And bend. Good. Now you want to pull the quadricep muscle right up. You want to pull the quads up. Pull them up. And again. Up. Up. Good. Now hold. Slowly bend. And up. Now turn. Bend. Slide that foot in slightly. Now we've got a lunge here. Bending line. That's it. Now you can take this one at any level you like. What I'm demonstrating here is the easiest one. Like this it's just slightly harder. So you can take it like this too if you like. Now this is the most advanced version. Lifting up and you step right back behind yourself. You want to make sure that this knee doesn't jut forward but the foot at any time. Four more. Now hold here. Hold. Middle press. Sitting into that. That's it. And four. Three. Two. And hold. Slowly down. And up. Again. Now bend. Now push into the heel to come up. Push this heel into the floor. That's it. Good. Now bend. Good. Push the floor away with your heel. Push it away. Last one. Good. Now come back to face the front and plie. And up again. Plie. Lift the heel. Other side. Now pulse. That's it. Good. Lift that heel right up. Rotate the thighs. Open. Looking good. Four. Three. We've got that four count. Lift. Here we go. Lift. Up. Up. Now. That's it. Push the heels into the floor on that third count. One more. Good. Now slowly bend. And lift. Now turn. Bend. Slide the foot in slightly. We've got those lunges again. Here we go. And down. Up. Now again you can take this at any level you want. Good. Now you can shift the foot if you wish. Next level's here. Good. Now most advanced level. Lift the knee. Bend. Keep the back straight. The abdominals are in. Good. Four more. One. Now hold down. Little press. Bend into that. Good. Now slowly bend. Two. And up. Now you want to check this alignment here. This knee doesn't jump forward of the foot. Stay slightly behind if anything. Now you push the heel into the floor. Four more. Push the floor away with your heel. Push it away. That's it. Great. Now turn. Plie. Slow plie. Slow plie. Push the heels in. Now we've got a little pulse before. Lift that heel. Good. Now to the other side. Keep the knees back. Abdominals in. Lift the ribs. Now in twos. Here we go. Down. Two. Up. And two. Looking good. And again. Two. Almost there. Down. Two. Good. Now we've got that four count raise. Let's go. Up. Lift. Now the other side. We're going to alternate here. Up. Good. Now again. Other side. Switching side to side. These little horrible presses mean gorgeous legs. Up. Up. Four count pulse. Here we go. Four. Three. Two. And switch. Looking good. Now in twos. Down. Two. And down. Now really push. Keep the knees open. One more set. Down. Two. Down. Two. And hold. Hold. Good. Walk the toes in. Walk the heels in. Now rolling up through the spine. Stretching out your lower back. Bring the hands in front. Squeeze the butt. Now we're going to sit down for eight counts. Here we go. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. And up. Now keep that rhythm. You want to bring the hips back behind the heels. Keep your weight in the heels and keep the chest up as high as you can. Let's take that a little bit faster. Down for four. One. Two. Three. Four. And bring the hands down. Squeeze your butt. Two. Three. Four. And up. Now squeeze your butt. Keep the chest lifted. Keep your abdominals in. Think of them like an elastic girdle locking in around the spine. Sit. Think of dunking your tail feathers in a bucket of water behind you. That's it. Two. Three. Now we've got a tricky change here. Down. Hold it here. Now one. Two. Three. Now come up. Now we'll take it like walking down three stairs. And up. Looking good. Looking good. And again. Good. Did we express pain? No. No pain expressed here at all. I like walking down stairs. One more time. Now we're going to reverse it. Down for one. Up. Two. Now this is a little harder. Down. Two. And again. This is the last one. And hold it here. Getting ready for singles. Now down. Feels intense? I know. Keep going. Don't fight. You lock your knees as you come. Getting ready for a car phrase. Car phrase. Now reach your hands up. Here we go. Hands to the thigh. Reach. Down. Reach. Sit back. Reach. Down. And hold. Hold. Walk the toes in. And rolling up through the spine. Bring the feet a little closer into a squat position. Now here we go. Eight counts now. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. And up. Now this is a little harder. Now in counts of four. Here we go. Down. Two. Three. Four. And up. Good. Now again. You want to keep the chest up. You want to make sure that the hips don't drop below the level of the knees. And up. Two. Three. Down. Two. Three. Four. Down. Two. Three. Four. And up. Two. Now we've got that three counts down. Three counts. One. Two. Three. And up. Down. Two. Three. And again. Now chest up. Abs in. Looking good. Now reverse it. Down one. Up. Two. Walking up the stairs. Down. Up. Two. Three. Now hold. Little pulse. Center. Hands on the thighs. Now lift the heel. For four. Three. Two. Back to the center. Four. Three. Two. And other side. Here we go. One. Two. Sit your weight back behind you. Now in twos. And twos. Just like the plies. But your weight's back behind you more. That's it. Good. And down. One more time to this side. Then we're going to go to singles. Here we go. Single squat. Down. And up. Good. Squeeze your body. Great. That's it. Abs are in. Chest is up. Good. Good. Now let's see that calf rise. Yeah. Yeah. Calf rise with a reach. Hands to the side. Reach. Yep. We're almost done with these. Don't stop now. If you're getting tired, you can take the hands out. Or hold onto a chair. Hold. Yeah. Three. Four more here. Four. And three. And two. Now roll up. Circle the shoulders. Back. Good. Well done. Just transfer the weight. Having a little rest here. And four. Three. Two. Now leave your weight on this leg here. Bringing the weight onto one leg. Abdominals are in. Think of their hip bones like headlights. Keep them square. And we're going to lift. Now let's go to the other side. Now for two. Good. Now lift the leg directly out to the side. You want to keep the body upright and the abdominals held in. So you don't release the pelvis out to the side like that as you lift. But you keep the hips really square. Good. Now add a little bend through the supporting leg. So you're getting a single legged squat. Now lift it up. Now we're going to add a little more intensity. You're going to bring a squat through the center. So go as deep or as shallow as you want. But you never want to take the hips below the level of the knees. So you sit and lift. And again, you don't release the pelvis back. Now singles. Here we go. Now up. That's it. Now press. And press. Good. Lift it to the side. Meet that resistance. Keep the chest up. Abs are in. Here we go. Sit the weight behind you. Just like that squat. Good. Now tap the toe. Tap the toe. Good. Getting ready to lift to the side. Here we go. Lift it up. Press into that. Good. Now add a punch. I say yeah. That's it. Push it. Good. Tap the toe. Three. Now punch. Here we go. Punch. Three. Tap the toe. This is the move that gives you that sexy little cut in the side of those buns. Tap the toe. Good. Now bring that to a step touch. Step touch. That's it. Getting a little breather here. Good. Shake out the hands. Shake out the legs. Now step them together. Here we go. Now two lunges forward. Good. Other side. Now we're going to go to singles here. Singles. That's it. Now if you're a beginner, you might not want to step too far forward. Just make sure the whole time that this knee doesn't go forward of the heel. If you're more advanced, you're going to take a bigger step. Now push back from that. Push back. That's it. Big push back. Add the arms. Yeah. Pull them down. Good. Now squat abduction. Here we go. Squat and lift. That's it. Push up. That's it. Squeeze your butt. Good. Now toe touch. Good. Now lift the leg to the side. Yeah. Now punch. Keep it going here. Now hang in there. Punch it up. And four. Three. Tap the toe. Two. And punch. Three. Tap the toe. Step touch. Get ready for a single lunge forward. Let's go. And lunge. Good. Good work. Now remember, control the movement. Concentrate on pushing back. That's it. Abs are in tight. Good. Now add some arms. Here we go. Pull and back. Push back. Push back. Push back. That's it. Good. And three. And two. Good. Hold. Little press here. Hold. Rolling up. Step touch. Step touch. Here we go. Enjoy this break because there's a lot more coming. You're over the hump. This combination is kind of like putting together everything we learned in the class into kind of a dance, dancey kind of routine. So you can have a bit of fun with this. Not too much fun here. But remember your form. You're still going to remember your form. Let's go. Now a squat. Two step touches. Now a plie and another plie. Do that again. Squat. Step touch. Plie. Now we're going to add some arms. We were doing these arms already but let's add some shoulders and some muscles. Let me see them. Again. Squat. Up. Shake it. You want to make sure the toes are turned on that plie. Up. Step touch. Step touch. Plie. And good. Here we go. Squat. Up. Good. Now toes turned out. Now on the squat. Remember the feet are parallel. Shake it. Shake it. Shake it. Shake it. Plie. Plie. Yeah. Up. Shake it. One more time. Here we go. Down. Up. Step. Touch. Good. Now step touch. Step touch. Good. Good. Easing off. Take a big deep breath in. Exhale. We're going to cool it down a little. And exhale. Shake it out. Shake it out. I'm going to go down to the mat for some inner thigh isolation. That's what I live for. I hate it. Okay. Let's go. Coming down to our mats now. We're going to lie on our sides. Good. The knees slightly bent in front of the body. Lay all the way down with the hips stacked and the shoulders stacked. Just take the top leg off. Resting it in front of the bottom leg. Lift the other leg up. Here we go. Lifting up and down. Now you want to make sure here that the hips are going to remain stacked the whole time. You don't want your shoulders to drop back either like this because what happens here is you tend to roll back. So you don't want to roll forward either. So just think of your alignment the whole time and stack yourself. Hold your abdominals in to support that whole position. For a more relaxed position, extend your arm down to the floor and rest your head on it. Let's hold it up. Hold it up. Little press. Five, six, seven and again. Two, three. Press it right up into the other thigh. Yes. The pain of it all. And hold. Good. Now bend and extend. Lower it down. Let's take that a little faster now. Lift up, bend, extend and down again. Up, bend, extend. Up, bend, extend and down again. Lift it up. Uh huh. Really squeeze. Now extend it. Lift it a little higher as you do that. Really lengthen the muscle. Good. This time we're going to leave it bent. Leave it bent. Good. Now bring it up and forward, down and back. Up and forward. So it's like you're going to press the knee into the back of the other knee. Really squeeze. Make sure your abdominals are held in. Now hold it up there. Little tiny press. One, two. Six, seven and again. This exercise gets rid of that jiggling little flesh on the inside of your thigh. Five, six, seven and hold. Extend the leg. Bring it back in line with the body. Lift it a little higher. Here we go. Six, seven and again. Two, three, four and five, six, seven, hold. And let it go. Good. Let's go to the other side. Good. Now remember that set up. The hips are stacked, the shoulders are stacked, the abdominals are in. Just drop that front foot in front of the other leg and extend the other leg down from there. Good. Now here we go. Lifting up and down. That's it. Now as you do this, you want to make sure, just check your abdominals are in. That's lovely. Good. That's what I like about being your teacher. You don't have to do it all yourself. Yeah. Good output. It gets a little bit tiring. Yeah, that's right. Painful. And hold. Little tiny press. Seven and again. Two, three, four, five, six, seven and hold. Lift. And bend, extend and down. Let's take that a little faster now. Up, bend, extend and down again. Now really lift. Good. Now let's see. On that extension, lift it up and down. That's the one. Now check your alignment. Abs are in. That's it. This time we're going to hold it bent. Keep it bent. Here we go. Now lift it up and up. Bring it right up into the back of the other thigh. Thighs to die for. Yes, you can have them. Abs are in. Your hips stack. Just have a little check there. Shoulders are stacked. Leave it up there. Little tiny press. Here we go. Lifting up. Press it directly up. Directly up. Keep it forward. Press directly up. So you're really squeezing right into the very front part of your inner thigh. Now hold it there. Extend it. Bring it back in line with the body. Lift it a little higher. Now here we go. Two, three and hold. And down. Good job. Stretch the legs out. Stretch the arms out and roll onto your back. That's it. Now just take the right leg, right knee and pull it into the chest. Stretch up the back of the thigh and the lower back. Now drop that across the chest and towards the floor. That's it. Good. Now reach the hand out and up and sweep it around. Big circle. Extend that arm out. Look at that hand. Good. Okay. Now just roll onto your back, allowing the right foot to cross over the left knee. Take hold of the thigh and pull the knee into the chest. Good. Now a little circle to the right. Four, three, two and now back the other way. Very gently. Good. Now pull the knee into the chest and hold. Two, three. Good. Release that, placing the foot on the floor, keeping the knee bent. Keeping hold of the hamstring with the left hand. Take the right hand onto the calf and slowly extend that up. That's it. Now flex. Four, three, two and point. Keeping the hips down really flat. Good. Now flex again. Now keep that flex. Now extend and pushing up through the heel. Just straighten the leg a little more. Good. Now bend the knee, pulling the knee into the chest. Hug it in. Extend the right leg down. Good. Now open that thigh out to the side to stretch the inner thigh a little. That's it. Good. Now drop that across the chest towards the floor and take the hand and open it out. Two, three. Now reach away. Feeling that stretch through the lower back and upper back. Now just roll onto your back, allowing that left foot to cross over the right knee. Reaching in between the thighs, pull the knee into the chest. Little circle. Massaging the lower spine. Now back the other way. It's a really tiny movement there. Good. Now pull the knee into the chest. A little deeper stretch for the hip. And release. Place the left foot on the floor. Take hold of the calf and extend that up. Keeping the hips down. That's it. Now flex. Two, three, four and point. Keep the hips flat on the floor. Good now. And flex. Leave it flexed. Leave it flexed. Just extend a little further, a little deeper into that hamstring stretch. Good. Now bend the knee, pulling it right into the chest. Good. Extend the left leg all the way down. Now drop the knee out to the side. Drop it out to the side. Stretching the inner thigh. Good. Now bring that knee back into the chest. Now leaving that leg where it is, take hold of the top of your foot with the right hand. Good. Now extend your left hand up. We're going to do a quad stretch here. Lift the left hand up above the head and just roll onto your left side. That's it. Good. Now bring the knee down in line with the other knee. Keeping that knee close, just tuck the pelvis and hold that stretch. Good. Now bring the knee back to the chest. Roll back onto your back. Pull both knees into the chest and hug them in. Good. Release the right leg all the way down now. Take hold of the left leg with the left foot with the left hand. Good. Now extend the right hand above the head. Good. Now roll onto your right hand side. And now take that foot behind the buttock and tuck the pelvis right under so you feel the stretch all the way up the front of the thigh. And just exhale as you stretch that. Good. Now pull the knee back into the chest. Keep rolling back onto the back. Both knees into the chest. Hug them in. One last time. And now a little roll on the lower back until you come up to sitting. And big deep breath in. Congratulations. Well done. I'm really proud of you. Great work. We've got enough stars to light the sky. We've got enough sun to make the whole world bright. We've got more than enough. There's one thing there's just not enough of. Not enough love and understanding. We could use some love to ease these troubled times. Not enough love and understanding. Why? Oh, why? We've spent all of our time building buildings up to the sky, reaching everywhere but where we need to reach the most hearts we never can win. Thank you.