This is natural gas, and of course it burns. This is another kind of natural gas, oxygen, and it too is very flammable. One of the things it burns most effectively is fat. The dictionary defines aerobic as increasing oxygen to the body. The following program gives you a full aerobic workout without running or jumping. It will enable you to burn away the inches you'd like to lose just by using the oxygen in the air you breathe. Oxygen, the non-medical miracle. Welcome to Body Flex. This 18-minute workout solves the problem of you creating your own program. You know, I've designed this workout to cover all of our problem areas in only 18 minutes a day. This tape is specifically designed for those people who already know the Body Flex system. This is not an instructional tape. It is strictly to do along with me each day. You know, in order for our dreams to come true, the very first thing we have to do is wake up and stop accepting less. If your dreams are to be fit, lose inches, and feel great, then this is your wake up call. Body Flex turns dreams into reality. Vacation's over. Let's get started. The best part about this program is that you don't have to go anywhere to do it. You can do it in the privacy of your own home just like I'm doing today. We're going to start our workout with 10 warm-ups, incorporating five of the face and five of the neck. Now, I know it sounds silly and it looks weird, but when everybody else is still trying to figure out how to flatten their stomachs and smooth the wrinkles out of their face, we will have the last laugh because we'll already be there. Our workout starts with 10 warm-ups. We'll be holding our breath for a count of eight, and when we do positions, we'll do three reps on each side. Let's begin. Okay, now the neck. Okay. Side stretch. Side flap, waistline, and spare tire. Other side. Side stretch. All right, back leg extension for the derriere. Side stretch. All right. All right, other side. Side stretch. At this point, you may need to stop and catch your breath, and that's okay. Doing this day after day, you will build up your strength, stamina, and endurance, and pretty soon you'll be able to go through this whole tape without stopping once. Catch your breath. Take a deep breath. Other side. Other side. All right, the diamond for your upper arms. Round your back, fingers together, and press. All right, now the butterfly for our inner thighs. Problem area number two. All right. All right, let's swing over into the pretzel for our outer thighs. Position, and let's go. All right. Okay, let's switch legs. Okay, now we're going to do upper abs, which is the holding crunch. Arms in position. Arms in position. All right. Okay, public enemy number one, lower abs. Get in position of the scissors, and let's go. Okay, now the most popular one of all, the cat. Ready? Oh, I never said it was easy. I just said it worked. Anybody that says it's easy has never done this program, but for we who want fast results in the least amount of time living the most normal kind of life, Body Flex, a one-time process that lasts an entire lifetime. Body Flex, a system using the oxygen in the air you breathe in combination with various body positions to burn away the inches you'd like to lose. This system will bring immediate results, but only if you use it regularly. Body Flex, where losing is winning.