Congratulations on the purchase of your new Body Flex Plus. You know, I designed this program not only for the unfit, for the fit as well. And for all of you out there who may be challenged so much, you can't even stand up. This is the one program that will allow you to burn body fat, build muscle mass, and tone all at the same time, sitting down. My job today is to teach you this miracle program in the simplest way possible. So for the first time in your life, you're able to reach those goals that you never thought you could before. Let's get started. Well as I told you, the only thing you need to do this program is a chair that has arms like I have, and your Body Flex Plus. You know, I'm a firm believer that if you understand why you're doing something, you're much more likely to do it, especially if it makes sense. You know, everybody knows one thing about exercise. You have to become aerobic to burn body fat. The question is, what is aerobic exercise anyway? Most people think it's running and jumping and, well, movement. The truth of the matter is, if you have a Webster's Dictionary, get it. Open it up to the word aerobic, and what you'll find is something like this, increasing oxygen to the body through breathing. So you see, the aerobic part of all and any exercise comes in your breathing and not the activity you're involved with. So you see, if you can become aerobic without running around, we're ahead of the game. And that's exactly what I'm going to teach you, a system of aerobic breathing coupled up with different positions, sitting in this chair. Now, the first step is, I want you to get your measuring chart and your measuring tape from your Body Flex Plus bag, okay? Now, you'll see on here there are some target areas that we're going to want to target, and that is your waist, your upper abs, your lower abs, and your hips, thighs, and upper arms. Public enemy number one for we women, okay? These are the areas that I want you to start with measuring with your measuring tape, okay? Take your baseline measurements, put it on the sidelines, and then we're going to start our program, because you see, we don't know how far we've come if we don't know where we start. So, the first thing I want you to do is get your chair and put it in front of me, just like I am. I'll wait for you. Get your Body Flex Plus and put it next to you, because I'm going to teach you the backbone of this system right now, and that's aerobic breathing. And you're going to use it probably for the rest of your life if you know what's good for you. Now, what I'm going to do is I'm going to show you what one of these Body Flex breaths look like, and then we're going to do it step by step, and you're going to follow me. The first time I'm going to do it, I'm just going to show you what one looks like, okay? Watch. You're going to see me exhale all the stale air out of my lungs through my mouth. You're going to see me fill my lungs to capacity, breathing in through my nose, and then you're going to see me do a technique called diaphragmic exhalation. It sounds kind of complicated, doesn't it, but it really isn't. Then you're going to see me take my stomach and organs and roll them up underneath my ribs. Now, I know you're saying to yourself, oh, I don't think so. Not me, anyway. Well, when I teach this to you step by step, it's a very simple way to do it. Watch. That is the magic and the backbone of Body Flex. This is what 15 million people are doing because it oxygenates the system and it gives us energy and energy. It oxygenates the system and burns body fat, the two things we need the most, okay? Now, you've got your chair in front of the television. I want you to put your feet in front of you just like I am, legs together like this. Now, I want you to through your mouth exhale slowly all the stale air out of your lungs like this. Watch me first. Just like that. Okay, now you try it. Sit straight and exhale through your mouth. Okay, great. Now, the next step is I want you to inhale fast through your nose. Now, you see it's the inhale part of all exercise that speeds up the aerobic process. So, we're going to breathe in through our nose quickly like this. Watch. Filling our lungs to capacity. Now, you may not be able to do quite that much because, see, you only use one-fifth of your lungs to breathe on a daily basis, but I want you to try it anyway, okay? Breathe out. Now, put your lips together. Inhale fast through your nose. Okay, see? Pretty easy, huh? Now, step three. We've gone through two steps. Now, step three, we're going to put our lips together, kind of like we're blotting our lipstick like this. Now, listen to me. See, it's called diaphragmic exhalation. It comes from here. I want you to put your lips together like this. Now, watch one more time. Okay, I want you to try it now. We're not going to do the two steps with it. Just this. Lips together. Now, blow. Now, it probably seems a little awkward at first because you've never done anything like this before, but believe me, it gets better each time you do it. Now, let's connect the three steps we've learned so far. Watch first. See? Now you try it. Okay, I'll talk you through it. Sit with your feet together. Look straight ahead. Exhale through your mouth. Keep going till all the stale air is out. Stop. Put your lips together. Inhale fast through your nose, filling your lungs to capacity. Now, blast out. Go as long as you can. Good. Okay, now we're going to go to the last and final step. This is the very important step because this is where all the action takes place. Okay, here's where we are. We have just blasted out. What I'm going to ask you to do at this point, when you've gone as long as you can, I'm going to ask you to close your mouth and stop breathing. So it's going to look like this. Just like that. Don't breathe in through your nose and don't breathe out through your mouth. Just stop. Then I'm going to ask you to bow your head. And then I'm going to say, suck your stomach in without breathing in. So here's what it looks like. That's the magical body flex breath right there. Now, what we're going to do is we're going to practice it a few times, all right? I want you to exhale and then you're going to inhale, then you're going to blast out and when all the air is out, and it's very important to exhale all the air you have, you're going to stop breathing, bow your head, suck your stomach in without breathing in. So basically, you're going to be holding your breath for a count of eight. If you can only go for a count of six in the beginning, it's okay, but you'll work your way up. And you see, when you do this kind of breathing, you'll beef up your endurance, your strength and your stamina. Now, I'm going to do the whole thing with you again. Watch. You follow along with me now. Come on. You're in front of me. The magic of body flex. Everything I teach you from this point forward is preceded by what I've just taught you. So any position we do, we're going to precede it by this breathing exercise. Now, we know that breathing is the key to everything. As I said earlier, oxygen is what burns fat in the human body. So the way we're breathing now is a far cry from the way you've been breathing all of your life. So you may get a little lightheaded and your body may start to tingle a little bit, but you see, it's just the body's way of accommodating all that extra oxygen you're taking in. You're going to have vim, vigor and vitality. You're going to feel like the shades have been pulled open on your life. You're going to be able to have get up and go. That's something that most of us don't have. Anyway, now what we're going to do is I'm going to show you the positions that we're going to work with, because you see, we don't want to just be a smaller version of what we already are. If you did only this breathing, you'd drop inches in body fat. That's what you'd do. But see, what we want to do is we don't want that. We want to take those lumps off our legs. We want to shape up our arms. We want to flatten those upper abs and lower abs and rear and legs. See, this is what we want to do. And so to do that, we have to do something that's going to direct the oxygenated blood to the areas that we want to affect so that we can burn fat and tone muscle at the same time, which of course produces inch loss. That's what we want. So the first position I'm going to teach you is for your face and neck. Now, you know, all exercise I've ever seen works from the neck down. Who cares if your body looks 25, if your face looks 80? You know, so what we want to do is we want to be sure that we're working the muscles in our face and neck because you see the muscles in the face and neck respond to exercise just like the muscles in the arms and legs. So why don't we include it in our workout so that we can look great from top to bottom? Okay? This is for our face. Now, what we're going to do is we're going to make a low O. And the low O looks like this. Okay? You can feel it stretch the really, really working in here. Try it with me, low O. Feel it? Now what I want you to do is I want you to stick your tongue out because then we're going to work up underneath the eyes like this so it looks like this. Nothing personal, of course. Now what we're going to do then, and you'll feel it underneath your eyes, then what I want you to do is open your eyes real wide and look up. So the end result looks like this. Your face is going to get a great workout right here. The muscles in here, it's going to tighten up those muscles which, of course, will give you a more youthful look. Let me show you how it's going to look. Okay? And then you can follow me. Watch. Wow invigorating. Listen, I've done this in the car driving down the road with people next to me. You can only imagine what they're thinking. Anyway, so the next one we're going to do is for our neck. Now what I want you to do is I want you to take your bottom teeth and put them over your top teeth like this, like that. Then what I want you to do is I want you to pucker up like you're going to kiss the ceiling ahead of you so it looks like this. Stretching your neck out. Feel it right here. That double chin that we fight with and that we hate so much, it's going to be a thing of the past. So what we're going to do now is we're going to do our breathing. And remember what I said, it's going to get easier every time you do it. I mean, this is something you've never done before so give yourself a break. It's going to take a little time for you to get this down pat. But practice makes perfect, okay? So now here's what we're going to do. Bottom teeth over the top teeth, pucker up, stretch out right here, okay? Now let's do it together with the breathing. And watch me first and then we'll do it together. Okay, now, you know, one of the areas that we have problems with, all of us, we women, big time problems, is our biceps, our chest, our shoulders. And we want something that's going to tone us up in a hurry because if you can tone up that upper body of yours, you can skim 10 years off the way you look just like that. So this next one is designed specifically for that. It's called the diamond, okay? We're still sitting down in a chair and we're aerobic. Can you imagine that? Never before and probably never again. Anyway, our hands are shaped like a diamond. You see? Our whole upper body like this looks just like a diamond. We hold it right out in front of us, simple. Our fingers are touching just like this, not our hands, our fingers only. Get yourself in position, okay? Elbows up. Now what you're going to do is you're going to do your magical breathing. You're going to get your stomach sucked in and then you're going to press, press, press, press, press. And you should feel it, arms, shoulders, biceps, triceps, right across the chest, okay? Now without breathing, try it once like this. Just press, press, press. You see? Can you feel that? I know you can. Now watch. I'm going to show you how to do it once. Wow, wow, wow, okay, now that's for your upper body, all right? Now we still have problems with our side flab. This is one area that I never met a woman in my life that wasn't belly aching about side flab. I swam. Them too for that matter. Anyway, so what we're going to do is we're going to do a technique called the side stretch. And we're going to do it sitting down. You see we haven't even left our chair yet and we don't need to. This is the beauty of Body Flex Plus. Now what we're going to do is we're going to grab a hold of the side of the chair with one arm like this across the front of us. Take this arm over the top of our head. We go just like this, reaching, reaching, reaching. And you'll feel that stretch right here on your side. It's great, okay? Now this is what's going to take that fat off and tighten up, tighten up the flab. You know what the definition of flab is? Untoned muscle. We're going to tighten this up right here and nip our sides down so we look like we're really in good shape. Because we will be. Okay, anyway, so again we precede the side stretch with our breathing. So we'll sit here and do our breathing and then over we go. Watch me first. Whew, that's a good stretch for us. You know, one thing that's really important for us as we get older is to keep our range of motion. The definition of youthfulness is range of motion. You got to have flexibility and range of motion to stay young, okay? So now we're going to go the other way. We went to this way. Now we're going to go this way. All right? Let's try. Boy, I tell you what, that's a great, great stretch, okay? All right, so we're going to work our upper abs now, all right? And the way we're going to do it is this. We're going to do our breathing. When we get our stomach up, and I'm sure you're finding that it's a little bit easier each time we do it, we're going to hold the sides of our chair and we're going to keep our head up and we're going to come down. It's called a reverse crunch. And up, and down, and up, okay? Watch. Boy, we need to flatten this down and this is the way to do it without getting out of our chair. Now, and you see, when we go to work every day, we've had it. We come home. We don't want to get dressed. We don't want to go anywhere. We want to be able to do a program sitting at home in front of the TV, I hate to say it, watching our favorite show and getting ourselves in shape. We don't want to have to give up anything. So here's the way we can do it, all right? Now we're going to do our lower abs. Now our lower abs are something else. We need to kind of lean back in the chair just like this and stretch our legs out, again holding onto the sides of our chair. And if you can't do this to the maximum, listen, do what you can because we all have to start somewhere. So we're going to lean back like so, do our breathing. Like I said, every position is preceded by the breathing. Then what we're going to do is raise our feet up just a little bit and we're going to do the scissors for our lower abs. This is a great one, okay? Now watch. Yahoo! It feels great. Okay, now what we're going to do next is for our waist. This is another public enemy number one that we deal with. Every woman wants a small waist. And I've never met a woman in my life that says, you know what, my waist is just the way I want it. Never, ever, ever. They all want a little wasp waist. And so to get one, we have to do something. And so the thing that we're going to do to have a wasp waist is to do our breathing. And then we're going to do like the old, kind of like the twist bar, you know, or the twister, the twister. We're going to keep our bottom part straight. We can slide up a little bit on the chair. And we're going to just go from side to side like this. It really works the waistline, okay? Just like so, okay? Now watch. You see the action in the middle part? That's what we want. Now good old, famous old saddlebags, okay, the sides of our legs. Now you're probably really wondering, how in the world is she going to work those saddlebags sitting in a chair? Well, I'll show you how. It's called the sitting pretzel. The way we do it is we cross our legs just like this, okay? Now we take our hand, grab our knee just like this. Then what we do is we do our breathing. And when we get our stomach up, we pull back on this knee like so. And we hold onto the chair with our other, and we twist at the waist out like this. And the action that you're going to feel is going to be right in here. And like I said before, keep in mind, oxygen to the working muscle group and the working muscle group to utilize the oxygen you deliver to it, because you see oxygen is what burns fat. And when you're doing a position like this, you're toning. Toning and toning produces inch loss, which is called fitness. That's what we want. So what we're going to do is we're going to pull back on our knee and twist out like this and hold it for our count of eight. Watch. Right here. Now switch legs. We'll go this way. Wow. Now, kind of get you out of breath a little bit. Now what we're going to do is a cool down exercise, okay? And the way we're going to do this is we put our feet down to the sides just like this. We inhale slowly for a count of eight, and we exhale slowly for a count of eight. This will kind of cool us down just a little bit to go to the next step. The plus step. All right? Watch. One more time. This is your cool down. After you've become aerobic, and now that we are aerobic, we're going to move on to the plus part of the program, which is an exciting new system. Now that we're still aerobic, and boy are we, we're going to move on to the exciting part of Body Flex Plus, and that is your gym bar. My gym bar. We take it out of the bag just like this. It comes in two pieces. Get your bag out, and look. You're going to see two pieces like this. What you're going to do is you're going to hold your bar together, and you're going to see a little red button here. You just press the little red button down, snap it together, that's it. And just put the bar in your hand. It feels really sturdy, and it feels real solid, and this is something that we like to work with. So, just kind of get the feel of it for a minute, and make sure that the little pegs are down solid. You can just push down on them, just to make sure everything is secure. Okay? You're going to hold it in your hands, just like this. You'll notice that on the face of this bar, all your instructions are printed with photos. You see, because we just don't like to follow directions. I don't like to follow directions. If I can see it in picture form, then I know what I'm supposed to do. So what I'm going to show you now is myself show you how to use this bar. What we're going to do in our program that you're going to see on the workout video later is that we're going to do five of our aerobic breathing techniques to kind of get ourselves geared back up again. And then when we do that, we're going to start our positions with the bar. Now, as we get older, we all know we have to have some kind of weight-bearing exercise. We have to, especially we girls. We know we have to. And so what we're going to do is rather than go to the gym and lift free weights, I mean, come on, you know, two pounds, five pounds, seven pounds, ten, I mean, it's confusing and it's dangerous and, well, I just don't want to do it. I don't think you do either. We want something we can do at home. They have proven that free weights and resistance training are equally effective. And so I say this, let's take the path of least resistance. Let's do something that we can do at home that's going to give us the same results if we were going to go to the gym, or even better yet, do it at home and get bigger results. You know, I have a patent on this bar, so nobody can copy it. And it's very clever, and I'm about to show you, that you can add weight to this bar just by doing a certain technique, which will come later. Anyway, what we're going to do is the first thing we're going to do is we're going to start out with our biceps, okay? Our biceps are right here. Now, we know we don't want to get into that mode of wasting, where we're kind of skinny and everything's kind of saggy. We don't like it. Even if we can build a little bit of muscle, especially in our upper body, we can skim ten years off the way we look, just like that. And we can be allowed to wear sleeveless blouses and tank tops and things for the summer that sometimes we feel a little self-conscious now, if we're not in the best of shape up top. Okay, so we're going to do our biceps first. Watch how clever this is. And remember, you're still sitting down. I hope you're still sitting in front of me. What you're going to do is you're going to hold the bar in your hand. Then what we're going to do is grip the bar. Look at the picture. See what you're supposed to do. You're going to grip the bar underneath, like this. And you're going to do a curl, which looks like this, one, two, three. Now, anyone can do this, okay? Now, as you do this day by day, and you'll be following my fitness workout video, now as you do this day by day, you're going to get stronger and stronger. So when you do, what you're going to do is when it gets a little too light for you, what you're going to do is you're going to take and roll this bar, just like this. This is a patented piece of equipment. No one else can do this. And it's so clever because you can add resistance onto this bar, which is the same as adding weight just by rolling the bar around once. You can add about five pounds. Now try it. Oh, it's not quite so easy. But see, you need to do that because you're going to get stronger and stronger. As time goes by, guess what? Roll it a second time. Now, it's really not so easy. So you see you have the flexibility and the luxury of being able to add resistance, which is the same as adding pounds to your bar. Just sitting down. It's lightweight. It's portable. You can take it anywhere, on vacation, anywhere. Put it in your purse. Take it to work. Do it on your lunch break if you want to, or do it sitting in your chair watching TV at home. Now, what we're going to do on position number two is we're going to work our shoulders. Now we've all seen girls that have nice shaped shoulders and have some kind of definition. You know we want shape. We just don't want to be a smaller version of what we already are. We want to have some shape in those shoulders and shape in our arms. So this next one is working this area right here in our shoulders to give us that nice, shapely look. Okay? We're going to grab the bar like so. And you can see it pictured on the bar, just like that. Now you're going to raise it up to your Adam's apple and down. Raise it up and down. Feel that. Feels good, doesn't it? Now again, when you get stronger, you're going to roll this bar inward one time around. Now you're going to try it. Try it with me just for the fun of it. Up and down. See, now it's not quite so easy. But you see, we do this bar at the end of our body flex breathing because, see, we are now aerobic and we're going to continue to be aerobic. This is where all the action takes place. When you're aerobic, this is when you have to do your bar because you're going to get bigger, faster results when you're aerobic. They have proven aerobic breathing done with weight lifting or resistance training provides bigger, faster results. So that's what we want. We want the best, the fastest. So now you see we've rolled it around twice and you kind of get the drift of how this is, how you can graduate from kindergarten to first grade and second grade. You see what I mean? Now our next position is for our triceps. And I never met a woman in my life that wasn't belly aching about her triceps, which are of course under here. So we've affected this area, this area, and now we're going here. We just take the band out from under our feet and we slip it right under our rear end. Now we know it can't slip out from there because it's got a lot of weight to hold it down. Well, anyway. Now what we're going to do is we're going to take this bar like this, go right over our head like so. Keep our elbows in, and up we go, and down, and up and down. Ooh, you can really feel that on the tricep area, right back behind the arms, just like that. Okay? Now, again, when you get stronger, and you will because you're doing this on a daily basis, you're going to be able to roll that bar and add resistance. And as I said before, it's the same as adding weight. Okay, the next thing we're going to do is, and I've never seen an exercise program that allows you to sit down in a chair and work your upper abs. How can that be? You're going to find out in a second. Okay? What we're going to do is this is called a reverse crunch. Okay? This is the ab flattener. This is for your upper abs. What you're going to do is make sure that your rope is securely under your feet. Make sure of that now. Then you're going to take the bar you can bend over and just put it right on the back of your neck. Just like this. See? Secure. And this bar feels so good, don't you think? Because it's so, it's solid. It's not flimsy. It's very solid. So what we're going to do is we're going to hold it like this, and over we go, head up, and we come back up again, and back, and we go down, and we come up and back. And if you can't do this to the maximum when you're starting, just do a little bit. Just go like this to start. And as you get going, you'll get better. You'll be able to go further, and further, and pretty soon you'll be able to do this all the way. Now the next thing we're going to do is we're going to do our waist, okay? Now our waist is something that is a very serious problem for all we women. There's no woman in the world that says her waist is small enough. I say my waist isn't small enough. So we need something to affect this waistline, to nip it in, and make it as small as possible, and be nice and shapely, okay? What we're going to do is we're going to hold our bar just like so. The bottom part of us stays straight, and we twist from side to side to side like this, see? It's kind of like that old twist board that used to be very successful, but see we can do this, and every one of these so far has been done sitting down. And last, but certainly not least, our butt and leg toner. Now the way we're going to do this is we have our band under our feet, now we just bend over, put the bar right on our shoulders again, and if you can stand up, stand up. If you can't stand up, then omit this from your program because you have had a fabulous workout anyway. So if you're able to stand, you're just going to stand just like this. And of course, you know, all these positions can be done standing up if you're able. And if you're not, I've designed them for sitting in a chair. So what we're going to do is we're going to have a chair or a bed behind us always for safety sake, and we're going to keep this rested on our shoulder, gripping this bar tightly. So we come down with our head up, we touch our rear end to the chair, come back up without straightening our legs fully, down, up, down, up, ay-ay-ay, and down. If you can stand up to do these exercises, you're perfectly welcome to do so. You know, this program always needs to be done on an empty stomach. So I suggest doing it first thing in the morning when you haven't had anything to eat for at least eight hours during the night. And not only that, but if you're currently pregnant, of course, this is something you can't do while you're currently pregnant. The minute you have your baby, get on to Body Flex Plus, because it's something that'll snap your body back into shape in a hurry. And this is the key word here, hurry. We want it now. And if we can't have it now, we're going to go on to something else. And so that's the reason I've included the tape measure and the measuring chart. All every seven days, measure. Have yourself measured and see the results of Body Flex Plus, because you will definitely see the results of Body Flex Plus. And the tape measure doesn't lie. See for yourself. Now, when you're finished with your program, what you're going to do is you're going to disassemble it. Simple as pushing a button. You see the red button on there? You saw it when we put it together. You simply push the button, pull the bar apart. You can just wrap the cord around the bar, and you just slip it right back into your bag, just like this. You know, opportunity comes and goes in life. And the difference between a winner and a loser in life is someone who grabs the opportunity when it comes. You have taken the first step in grabbing an opportunity to have a healthier, happier, leaner you. Congratulations to you, and I'll see you tomorrow at Workout. Bye.