You got it, one more, two more, now go right into tap up, tap down on the step floor, bend your knees, that's it, left and right, you can do it, come on, whoo, now front raise just using the shoulder to the side, three, two, come on and march with me, keep the energy up. Welcome to Abzistil 2000, one of our great workouts from our Bunzistil 2000, the Platinum series. I'm Tammy Lee Webb along with my friends and fellow fitness pros Tracy York and Donna Richardson. We've developed a challenging collection of workouts designed specifically to help you achieve your ultimate fitness goals. Before beginning Abzistil 2000, there's a few safety guidelines we'd like you to keep in mind. During the aerobic part of the workout, if you find that you're not speaking so easy or you're gasping for air, then you're probably working a little bit too hard, eliminate the arms and slow down. For the abdominal part of your workout, press the small of the back into the floor and if you're having a problem doing all the exercises, don't worry. If you're consistent with Abzistil 2000, in no time you're going to be able to complete them all because you'll have nice, strong abdominals and above all, remember, listen to your body. If you have any pain or discomfort, then stop. So with all that in mind, I think we're ready for some warm up. Let's go. Let's go. Let's start with your feet, nice and wide apart, inhale up, take the other arm up, let's exhale it out, step together, inhale up, exhale halfway down with the arms, roll it forward, reach toward us, open it up, snap it down, march on the right leg, come on, bring those knees up nice and high. We're going to get you properly warmed up for your workout. Let's do a step touch, step and tap, nice and easy for four, three, two, let's take the arms and just reach and pull. You can snap with us, you hear us snapping? We're good at that. Let's do four more, here's four, three, now we're going to take a slide to your right side, two steps lateral, two steps rocket forward. Let's do that again. Now add some arms, push side and cross, push it outside and cross. Let's go back from the top, step touch, reach and pull, four more, let's take it back to that slide, cross, two more, back to the step touch. Now the next time we're going to change that up just a little, we're going to take three of those step touches or lateral slides, side, this is two, now hold this one right here and just rocket. Now grapevine to the side, step touch, I think we should try that again, want to give it another try? Sure you do. Here we go, lateral slide, here we go, side, that's one, remember we do three, hold it right here, rock, now a grapevine, step touch, we're ready to move on for four, three, now march it toward us, now step out to the side, step touch with this leg first, let's try that again, bring it toward us, bring the arms up, step outside, step touch, right leg. Lateral slide, three of them, two, last one, rock step, grapevine, now forward toward us, step outside, step this leg, six, seven, let's bring it forward again, step out on the side, step touch, right here, now we're going to take it on the top again, we're going to do those three lateral slides, here we go, two and three, stay here, rock step, grapevine, step touch, four more, bring it back to the front, here we go, step out, step touch, right leg, let's try that again, go forward, up, step out, step touch this leg, hold it right here, step touch, reach and pull, we're going to move it on to our stretch, we're going to do four more of these and we're going to hold the leg out, ready for the count, it's four, three, two, hold this leg out, bring the arms forward, sit down into it, press the hips back, this leg is slightly bent at the knees, stretch in the back of the upper thigh which we call the hamstring, now just bring your toe up toward your body, you'll feel the stretch move down to the heart that we call the calf muscle, for four and three and two, roll it up, step touch on this side and reach and pull, now four more and we'll hold that leg out, four, three, two, hold it out, reach, sit back into it, let's bring the toe up, hold that stretch, bring the feet together, contract and roll it up, step out on this side, inhale up, exhale down, side bend to your right, up and over, bring it back around, take a step over in this direction, bring the heel up and bend the base leg, if you have a little problem with your balance here, it's a nice time to have a chair or a friend or somebody to hold on to, stretch in the front of your thigh called the quadricep, take it back out, inhale up, exhale, side bend to your left side and back up, here we go, lift the leg on this side, make sure that knee is underneath your hip, bend the base, once again stretch in the quadricep, the largest muscle in your body and four, three, two, step it back out, inhale up, exhale down, roll the shoulders up and back and take another deep breath in, step together, exhale down, take your arms back behind you and lift them up and release it down and march. All right, we're ready to start the aerobic part of your workout, all you're going to do is tap front, side, back, side, are you ready girls? We're ready, let's go, here we go, front, side, back, side, a little bit more of a rock, come on Tracy, we can do those hands, look at her go, I'll try, I'll try anything, come on, tap front, side, back and side, now arms, forward, side, one at a time down, up and clap, there you go, come on, let's do it again, one more time, push it out, now march it out, right leg, next move, turn it just slightly to the right, all we're going to do is a kickball change, looks like this, five, six, seven, here we go, kickball change, now we're going to do three of them and you're going to hold the leg across and step out, one, two, hold three, step out, together and march, because we're going to do that again, here we go, kickball change, two, hold three, step out and march right leg, one more time, this time you won't hold it, one, two, three, here we go, kick, one, two, step it out, march left, there you go, we're going to start that whole combination with the top, this side, here we go, front, side, back and side, come on, rock those hips, bigger movement, more energy, push the arms, side, down, down, up and clap, Donna, you can do that, come on, push it girl, one more time, ready, kickball change, three of them, here's one, two, kick three, step together, march right, now we're ready to start one more time from this time, five, six, seven and, we're going to do four on this side, that's one, come on, work it, that's two, last time, what's next Donna, kickball change, one, two, kick it out, step, march, now from here before we go to the other side, turn slightly toward us, we're going to do grapevine, toward us, here we go, one, two and bam, good, let's do this a couple more times, just get a feel for it, one more time, march it back out on your right leg, now from here, we're going to take this half count so that you get it, take this leg across, ready, nice and slow, here we go, cross out, back, side and lunge, cross, out, back and lunge, let's do it slow again, open and punch, ready for tempo, let's go girls, and push it, and push it, you got it, come on, let's do a couple more, this is the last one, now from the very top to the front, front, side, back, push it, yes, two more, come on, come on, last time, then we're going to go to this kickball change, here it is, kickball change, kick in, hold and march, turn it, four, three, grapevine, get it, here we go, cross it over, tempo, here we go, one, two, three and lunge, now this is the last one from the top now, front, side, down, down, up and clap, come on, get into it, two more times, make sure you're turning those hips, we're turning, ball change, step it out, march, here we go, grapevine, yeah, let's go, come on, let's go, pick it up, you better have a big living room for this, huh, move that furniture, one more time, one more time, now take this leg across, ready, cross, out, back and lunge, you got it, go, big old punch, come on, that's right, lunge, work it Tracy, I can see it, I'm ready to work, two more, from the very top, here we go, front, side, down, down, now we're only doing two this time, just two, kickball change, kick Adana, two, step it out, march, grapevine, here we go, pull it back, one more, where are we gonna go, that one, cross, out and lunge, one more, one more, from the top, front, side, only two this time, where do we go, kickball change, step it out and march, corner, five, six, seven, let's go, one more, right, here we go, Adana's direction, now we're going this way, hello, come on, from the very top right here, last time, we got it, one more, kickball change, kickball change, step, march, right, here we go, grapevine, one last time, absolutely, here we go, grapevine, one more time, cross it over, Tracy's direction, this is great because you can make it hard, you can make it easy, you can make it simple, easy, it's very moderate to low, right here, one more, now march it out, go, march, march, hold it right here, keep it moving, keep that energy up, come on girls, keep moving your feet while I pass it on to Donna, thanks Tami Lee, are you ready for more, did I hear you say yes, alright, let's keep it moving, we're gonna start with a grapevine right and left, can you handle that, oh yeah, alright, let's move right and left, now just remember you're stepping side, behind and back and then together, this is what we call a grapevine, it's a grapevine, who made this, now from here we're gonna add on and we're gonna add two step touches, but grapevine first, step touch twice, left, right, grapevine left, step tap right, left, grapevine, left, right, now step, right, left, there you go, let's try it again, this is your base move, I'm gonna add on so you can stay here or follow me with more arms and more options, one more, alright, we're gonna add arms with the step tap, just clap it out, walk, step clap, again, lots of energy, you can do it, come on, woo, now when you take the grapevine, you're gonna pull your arms and don't do it yet, let's try it now on the right side, pull down and in, step tap, pull it in, step tap, yes, alright, now instead of the step tap, I want you to add a heel lift to the back, step first, step heel and take it left, step heel and again, you can stay at the base move which is a grapevine and a step touch or you can bring it up a little not, it's out and step and if you really wanna work hard, make this a big move, woo, put it down, you show them, how about if we take four more, this is four, do you have your abdomen in, are you working with good alignment, chest up, shoulders relaxed, one more, now hold it here, step knee lift, step first, step knee, big, that's it, from here, march it out right left, march, alright, we're gonna try that again, give me four step knee lifts, starting now, right leg step, one, two, three, four, march right, left, aha, you've got it, let's go, step knee, knee, knee and march, now we're gonna try two, step first, now march and step knee, now we're gonna try one and a march, step knee, march, step and march, that's it, now arms are swinging side, out, circle it around, now again you can tape it right here, do whatever is comfortable for you, yes, are we gonna work harder with the arms, four more, let's go, are you feeling pretty good, again you wanna use the talk test, if you can talk to us very easily, you're doing fine, if you feel you're out of breath, eliminate the arms or make smaller movements, I'll show them, that's it, no, just a couple, just a couple, now we're gonna add on, this is the fourth movement, takes two step taps to the right side, right, now left, now right, left, now turn to the right, turn left, turn right, now we're gonna call this a chug and you push your arms out, push, perfect, you can keep this slow, just with a step tap or take it down and up, how we doing, Tracy, I'm getting into the music, how you feeling Tammy Lee, I'm getting it up, I'm trying to work a little bit higher by jumping, three, we're gonna add this to the step knee lift, take it right down, right leg, step, up, now step tap, two, we've got a step first, right, and step knee, now take it high, try it again, let's go, and step up, take it out, I'm gonna show them that option, that face move, one more, thank you Tracy, step, I get the next one, now guess what, we're gonna try it from the top, right by, step heel, take a left, one more time, let's go, and out, left, now show me that step knee lift, look, step up, and step, two chugs, we're gonna try it again, knee lift right now, knee up, two chugs, now hold it here, march it out, we're gonna put it all together, one set each, can you do it, I hear you, let's go, great five, and left, step knee lift, let's go, yeah, two chugs, great five, step it out, I like this one, heel up, step knee, good move, now chug, how we doing, you should take it a little bit more, come on, heel, take it out, knee up, one more, chug it out, let's go, guess what, I want you to keep it right here, you did pretty good with that, but I think you can handle more, we're gonna keep it here and march right left, let's go, woo, that was great Donna, thanks, I know you can do more, you have to give it a try, you never know until you try, woo, now we're gonna add on, second part, we're gonna step side, three lunges, to the right, and then follow to the left, let's try it, step, lunge, three, now step it out, step, one, two, three, take it left, one, two, three, take it right, there you go, I like this, that leg is out, uh-huh, woo, step it out, there it goes, getting a little bit more bouncy, uh-huh, now instead of the step tap, you're gonna slide, watch this, slide, take it again, if you're in carbon, you may want to keep it at the step tap, right here, one more right here, look, step, now the arms, just pump them up and down, step, it's really smooth, come on, let me see you do it, a real multi-level move, again, now, can we put that together from the top, grapevine, step tap, get those clasps, move left, woo, heel up, left toe up, chug, right now, right side, now we're gonna add the new part, step, pump it up, left side, one more step like that, let's go, slide, push, one more, I think you can do it, from the top, let's go, remember to practice exercises that are safe and effective, really watch your alignment, make sure the abdomen's tight, chest is lifted, shoulders are relaxed, step, slide, here we go, woo, one more, we have a little extra here, we're gonna turn it around, watch first, okay, all right, hold it here, march it out, so again, you have to do what's comfortable for you, and keep it moving, make sure you look into it, right, keep moving, next is Tracy, all right, let's keep the energy up and keep moving, Donna gave you some great tips during her aerobic segment, I want you to make sure that you keep the abdominals in, very nice and tight, think about your technique, and if you have hard time talking and breathing, just to take it easy, take the arms out and decrease your movement, okay, let's pick up the energy, we're gonna march four more and then we're gonna take a double tap right left, four, three, two, one, double tap, great, you should be able to do this, now if we go a step farther and it seems a little bit difficult, you can come back to this, four more, and three, two, now we're simply gonna cross the right foot over, double tap, do that again, so what this is called, it's kind of like a jazz square, how about two more girls, okay, okay, one more time, now we're gonna take three steps to the right and march in place, come on back, and again, now go back to that slow jazz square, two times, and again, let's go to that triple step, come on back, now give me one slow jazz square, and come over here and just march, we're on the left foot and slowly come around, triple step, march in place, right foot around, and triple step, march in place, left foot comes around, now I know you're dying for a little bit more, right, triple step, and march, now jazz square tempo, come on over, now left foot jazz square, yeah, come on, let's go, pick it up a little bit right here, a little bit more energy output, probably feel a little bit more difficult, utilize the quadriceps a little bit more, I bet you that heart rate will come up, what do you think, and again, okay, just one more time, now march right left, we're gonna give you some arms, if you don't have already enough to think about, you don't like the arms, you just don't do them, so give me four more, three, two, now arms are going to cross, open, and then just down by your hips, and again, cross, open, and down, and cross, open, and down, one more, what do you say, a little faster, yeah we can do it, now remember what I said, you don't like it, you don't do it, you make up your own arms, a couple more, four more, three, two, now march backwards to four, with the arms, now no arms, come on up, yeah, let's move back, no arms, let's move on, now once we start building up on this move, we'll be adding a little bit more impact, and if you'd rather not be jumping around, you're gonna follow Donna, because Donna's gonna keep that what we call a face move, all right, I'll show them, Tamale and I are gonna be putting out a little bit more energy, trying to get you energized, a little bit higher, a little bit higher than that, because I'm gonna give you energy, okay, let's march up, and rather than march in place, tap out right left, now move back, tap out right left, now move up, tap out right left, move back, tap out, move up, now Tamale and I are gonna take it up to a little higher impact, move back, now two jacks, give it a try, you don't like it, follow Donna, great, couple more, one more time, now we're gonna go back to that jazz square, right foot crosses over, triple step this way, jazz square this side, now move up, two jacks, move back, two jacks, right foot jazz square, move this way, now left foot, perfect, now move up towards us, two jacks, move back, perfect, right foot crosses over, to the left, to the right, now move up towards us, one more time, now when we break this down, it's gonna make like a box, so right foot crosses over, jazz square, shuffle, move up, two jacks, now left foot crosses over, shuffle, good shuffle, now move down, right foot crosses over, shuffle, move up, two jacks, left foot crosses over, yes, perfect, now take it back, right foot crosses over, this way you shuffle, move up, two jacks, left foot crosses, now we're gonna add a little bit more of an energy output, you're gonna move back, and definitely you're not gonna take our arms out to the side, cross over that jazz square, shuffle, move up, perfect, left foot crosses over, shuffle, now hold the march, move back, two jacks, right foot, come on, get down into it, now move up, two jacks, left foot crosses over, shuffle, perfect, move back, two jacks, we only got a little bit more, come on, this way, move up, good, left foot crosses over, and stay with the march, keep moving, keep that energy up, wasn't that wonderful? That was a great workout, I love working out with you guys, that's great, well now it's time for your cool down, and a cool down is a very important part of an exercise program, after you do any type of strenuous activity, you always want to bring that heart rate down, especially if you're going to be doing stuff on the floor, which we will be doing, let's step touch, it's nice and easy, just relax the shoulders, keep breathing, now what we're going to do is we're going to do single, single, double, two to the right, stay here, go single, and double, now we're going to add that shoulder roll, now two to the right, and shoulder roll, two to the left, come on, two to the right, and roll it, just breathe and relax, this cool down is a nice transition, sometimes this is my favorite part, now what we're going to do is we're going to go single, you're going to go double, then you're going to walk back, you'll be on your left foot, stay right here, we go single, single, double, two counts, walk back, right foot, and front, let's take it again, two counts, walk back, and hold it here, this side, two counts, walk back, and hold it, now we're going to add one more thing, you go circle, two counts, now walk back, and tap out, left, right, now roll the shoulder, two counts this way, walk back, tap out, what you want to do is go get a mat, because we're going to be working abdominals soon, you'll want to be here with us, guess what, it's time for your abdominal workout, you'll need a mat or a towel, it'll be a little bit easier on your back, position yourself so that you can easily see us, let's come down onto our backs, your feet are on the floor, hands behind your head, now we're going to go up for counts of twos and downs, but you want to exhale as you go up, and inhale as you come down, are we ready girls, we're ready, here we go, and let's go up for two, and down for two, now as you come up, press the small of the back into the floor, try and lift your shoulder blades off of the floor, you feel this right in here, and down, now our abdominals are the opposing muscle group to our lower back, now if I was to ask you which one is stronger, you'd probably say, stomach, yes abdominals, no I know, I know, that's right, most of us overuse our backs, and we actually let this literally be hanging out, you don't contract it enough to support the lower back, so that's what we're going to do here today, all right, and down, how many more Tammy Lee, well how many more would you like to be done, only two, all right, so let's up for twos, and down, one more please, and up, we're going to change this, you're going to stop on top, here we go, hold up for twos, right here, and now come down for two, and you're going to crunch, and take it up for twos, and hold, and down for two, and then you crunch it in, make sure you're exhaling coming up, you hold this position, that's called an isometric contraction, which happens to be that the muscle doesn't change, lengthen or shorten, it just holds still, down, here we go, contract, exhale up, you should be getting a little warm in here now, I'm feeling it, yes, yes, but don't worry, all that is is the blood rushing to your stomach going, hey, she's finally working me out, I'm going to give her some abs of steel, crunch it in, let's do a couple more, up for two, and hold, keep breathing though, and down for two, and contract, is this one more, yes, we got it Donna, notice she's always counting for us, she doesn't want to have to do more than she has to, and in, and release it, now this time we're going to change it up, bring the knees up to a 90 degree angle, we're going to bring the knees in two, and down two, ready, here we go, up for two, and down for two, up, once again, do not arch the back, and do not put your feet on the floor when they come back down, all right, and you might feel this a little bit lower in the abdominal region, because we're bringing our knees to our chest, this changes it just a little bit, you see our abdominals are connected all the way from here, all the way up to here, we're going to change this a little bit, now take it up for twos, and hold for two, bring it back down, ready for that crunch, let's try it again, and hold, bring it down for two, exhale and crunch, and it's important that we work both the lower and the upper, as well as the sides, which we're going to get to in a minute, that we call the obliques, up for two, and hold for two, and down, okay Donna, what are we on, we have one more, and hold, and down, and contract, now we're going to put those two together, we're going to bring both the knees and the chest up to meet each other, here we go, up for two, and hold, take it down for two, now crunch, try and get it up a little bit a little bit higher, and hold, and down for two, and crunch, again, up for two, hold for two, and down, shall we do one more, why not, actually we can do four more, hold, and down, I like this, and bring it in, okay, put your feet back on the floor, now gently just let them roll to one side, extend the arm out to that direction, we're going to lift in the shoulders, and down, same count, here we go, now you'll find this a little bit more on the sides, this is what we call the obliques and their costals, there are rotator muscles, and it seems to be the guys that add a little bit more fat there than us women, yeah that spare tire, but if you stick with us, we can take care of it, all right, take it up for two, and down, now let's take it to singles, up, and down, up, and down, good, come on, give it your best shot, three more on the side, there's three, two, and one, but just change hand position, singles up and down, up, and down, and up, and down, up, and down, three more, two, three, and release it, now change sides, same direction, okay, as your knees are going, up for twos, and down for twos, exhale, up, and down, and up, and down, come on, give it your best try, you should be getting a little warm in here now, ready for eights girls, yes, do one, come on, do it with us, two, three, four, halfway there, come on, lift it higher, and release it, stretch it out, stretch it out, and I think Tracy's gonna move us on to some more abdominal work. Abdominal, okay, let's take a quick break and then we're gonna continue doing our abdominal work, let's put the hand behind the head and just let that head rest in the hands, we're gonna contract and lift two counts up and then slowly come back two counts down, here we go, contract, lift, and lower, and again, up, lift, and lower, a couple more, perfect, now we'll take it up to tempo which just goes up and down, fantastic, give me a couple more of those, and we want to work the abdominals as Tamalee was saying, weak abdominals can contribute to low back pain, weak abdominals potentially can exacerbate low back pain, so if we firm the abdominals, you might feel a lot better, now if you're going for that look, that look of the abdominals with definition, not only do we want to strengthen, but we want to include what other things guys, aerobic exercise, which we just finished, and a low-fat diet, okay, let's get a couple more tempo, three, two, let's go back to half counts, two counts, up and down, give me an extra little flex at the top, now tempo, let's go, up and down, are you breathing, don't forget to breathe, and half count, we're going to lift, up, up and down, and up, up, let's go to tempo, four more, and you're going to hold it up on four, three, and hold it, now from here, just lift, lift, try to just flex the abdominals, now slowly we're going to lift, up, two, reach your hands between your thighs, hands come behind the head, and slowly down, so it's four counts, one, reach, and hold, now we have another option, if you're uncomfortable with taking your hands from your head, you can keep one hand right behind your head, and down, you feel that little isometric there, I sure do, you gotta keep those shoulders up, and hold, now what we're going to do is we're going to add a couple different levers as the arms hold, your arms go out to the side, up, behind the head, and down, so we lift and hold, hold, reach, now arms go side, keep those shoulders up, keep those shoulders up, this makes us work harder, right? This might be something that you want to work up to, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, maybe next week, lift up, and reach, arms out, up, let's go back to two counts, you go up for two, and down, and again, up for two, now at tempo, so just lift and lower, three, two, and now that killer one, you lift up, you reach, and your arms go out, out, up, do that for me one more time, you lift up, you reach, and your arms go out, up, behind, now two counts up, contract, two, and down, boy that really adds a lot to our 14 pound head, now up and down, remember quality is most important rather than just quantity, think about your technique, now the hard ones, here we go, it's up, hold, reach, arms out, up, behind, and again, you lift, and reach, arms out, up, okay let's go through that again, two counts up, up, two, and down, contract, flex, and down, are you breathing? I'm breathing, yes we are, now tempo, up and down, four, three, two, okay our last killer one, here we go, you lift and hold, you reach, and your arms go out, keep those shoulders up, and relax, okay what we're going to do is we're going to cross the right heel over the left thigh, right arm extends out to the thigh, keep your left elbow out by your ear, we're going to lift center, turn, center, and down, here we go, lift center, turn, now Tamalee mentioned a little bit about our internal and external obliques, they're used to rotate and laterally flex the spine, and up, a couple more, try on that third count, this is one, two, three, to lift up just a little bit, one, one, let's see it Donna, oh you got it, I can't see Tamalee so I don't know, so I don't know if the work is hard, up, cross, one more time, up, now let's just take it over, single count, and think about lifting the shoulder up over to the outside of that right knee, rather than taking your elbow and poking it at your knee, however it's not that important to touch the knee, is it Tracy? No, no, no, not at all, just contract as much as you can, through the abdominals, through the obliques, two more, two, now let's change legs, we're going to take that left heel, cross it over the right, right elbow comes out by your ear, lift up, cross over, center, and down, we're going to lift up, cross, center, and lift, cross, center, center, up, center, double more, I can feel it really at the top, it's an extra third count, I can do it, remember quality, consistency, and technique, equal results, it adds of steel, and up, cross, now let's go to eight, just over eight, seven, six, five, come on, we can do it, can you do it, three, two, oh let's do four more, oh Tracy, okay take a breather, just stretch it out, nice and long, we got some more for you, Donna's going to finish it up for us. Thanks Tracy, we have a few more abdominal exercises to do, place your hand behind your head to support the neck and the head, your back should rest comfortably on the floor, pelvis in a neutral position, try to maintain this alignment through all the abdominal exercises, we're going to start with three abdominal contractions forward and one count to stretch back, let's go, one, two, three, and down, breathing out as you come up, and inhaling as you stretch down, and relax, that's it, remember to pull down and in, and then let the abdominal muscle have time to stretch out on the one count, pull in, two, three, and down, think of lifting the body as one unit, the head is a natural extension of the spine, so as you're lifting, think of one unit lifting forward and lowering down, remember don't pull your chin into your chest, imagine an apple right here, creating that same space each time you lift and as you lower, let's hold it here, from this position, we're going to take it side to side, let's try it, side and center, and again right here we're working the internal and external oblique muscles, can you feel it, Tracy, oh thanks Tammy, really work on the contraction, pulling down and in, before you lift up, really concentrate to compress the abdomen towards the floor, remember the hands are to support, so don't pull the head forward, use your abdominal muscles, squeeze tightly in, these are great tips Donna, thank you, four more right here, it's four, technique has so much to do, three and two, one more, now start with the other side, it's side and center and down, remember to perform a variety of exercises that strength and stretch the abdomen and the back, how we're doing here, can you feel it at home, I'm feeling it, we have four more right here, just two more, now this time we're going to take it forward for two counts and lower down, now what I want you to notice is that we're going to take different levers, I'm going to work with a longer lever, which makes this exercise a little bit more challenging, I have more weight to lift up against Bradley, as you notice Tracy has her hands behind her head, and Tammy Lee has one hand in front, which makes it a little easier, you know why, I'm heading in like 14 pounds, I have so much brain, I have to hold it there, Tammy Lee is so funny, how are you doing there, can you feel these good abdominal exercises, it's really hard for me sometimes to just hold my hands across my chest, yes, now I have to strain at the neck, right, that's a very good point, Tammy Lee, now hold it here, hands behind your head, we're going to take it side and side and center and back, let's try it, it's side, side, center and back, how we doing, is it okay, feels great, how do you feel at home, remember if you feel you need to take a break, please do so, but don't break too long, and it's up and down, you remember three counts contract in, one count to stretch it back, four more, it's four, three more, we can do it, two more to go, come on, they can do it too, I bet, one more, now start with the other side, side, side, center, just a few more techniques, you really want to practice your good alignment, keep your head in line with your spine, your torso is the center of your body, you want to make sure that you develop a strong torso, as we're doing now, by combining a balance of abdominal and back exercises, what happens when you have that imbalance, Tammy Lee, well if you have a muscle imbalance in your abdominals and your lower back, you're gonna find that you're straining the lower back a lot more, that's why eight out of ten Americans end up with back problems, also when you have a strong center, it will help you do everything, most movement uses the torso, so you can get the most out of your workout by developing a strong base, it's four and center, three more, next both our lower and upper, it really is our base, two more, and how about one more, this time, it looks good, hold, we're gonna take it up on one count and lower down for three counts, let's go, pull it in, two, three and down, you know what, I'm gonna change that around, go up one and down three, it's up, two, three, now can you feel that at the top, I want you to really tighten it and slowly lower down, squeeze up, oh that's okay, that muscle gets a little lactic acid built up, but it's okay, it's just letting you know it's working and again, if you feel you cannot continue, please take a break and pick back up, it's one count up, three, two and down, lift up, how many more, I think we have about four more, four, three more, keep trying, remember, really strong and abdominal muscle, strong back, really looks good, helps to build that strong base that we've been talking about, one more, now hold it here, we're gonna take it up for seven counts and release down on one count, let's try it, it's eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, what were you saying there Tracy, one, two, three, holding the contraction, that's it, can you feel this at home, tighten it as tight as you can get it, that's it, remember the space I talked about between the chin and the chest, come up, compress it down towards the back and hold, continue your breathing, remember to exhale as you work and inhale as you stretch, I think that's enough, Tamale, can you please do some nice stretches, that was great work, now let's do it, thanks Donna, let's bring your knee in and rock yourself up, we're on the home stretch to stretch out your abdominals, in a cat-sitting position, in a cat position we call this on your hands and knees, just round the back, lower the chin and stretch the back and now release it in a neutral position and let's do that again, exhale and round it up and release it and let's just sit back into it, keep your arms out in front of you, stretch it back and bring it back up and let's bring one knee under and let's sit up, extend one leg out in front of you, we'll stretch the back of the thigh and just reach out toward that leg, remember to stretch to the point of tightness not pain, all of us have a different range of flexibility, whatever you do, do not bounce, okay, hold the stretch and breathe and now let's pull that toe back towards you, you'll feel the stretch come down to the lower part of the leg, now take the top arm and just reach it over, feel a nice stretch in the obliques and intercostals, that's right in here and lift it up, take that same leg across the body, bring it nice and close, lift in the torso and turn it away and breathe and release it, let's try it on the other side, extend the other leg out and just extend over the leg, just reach down there, just feel a nice stretch in the back of the thigh, you want to exhale on all the stretches, do not hold your breath, bring that toe back in and release, let's bring this arm up, stretch it over and reach it out and lift it back up, take that extended leg across the body, once again lift in the torso, bring the knee in close and exhale and release it, let's just sit in a comfortable position with your legs in front of you, we're going to take a side bend to your right side, lift the arm up and exhale over, keep the hip on the floor, stretch through it and lift, let's try it on the other side, here we go, lift it up and over and bring it back down and release it and let's roll the shoulders up and circle them back, two more, one more and release it, let's take a deep breath in and lift it up and exhale, let's do it one more time, lift it up and exhale and release it, good job, your abdominals got a great workout today, stick with the Abs of Steel 2000 along with our Buns of Steel 2000, the Platinum Series and not only will you see results, you're really going to feel the difference, I'm Tammy Lee Webb along with Donna Richardson, Tracy York and we thank you for joining us on Abs of Steel 2000.