. . Chet Holmes is the president and CEO of Kaleidoscope Media Group, an international consulting firm managing projects in many industries. Mr. Holmes is currently authoring a three-book series on marketing and sales based upon the material you will see in this series. At an early age, Mr. Holmes learned about many diverse businesses, beginning his career as a personnel counselor in New York City in 1975. Before moving into management, Chet Holmes was the top producing salesperson at every position held. Mr. Holmes has created a sizable body of work. He has designed several hundred advertising and marketing programs and has been able to consistently identify the ultimate strategic position for his clients. Mr. Holmes' client list includes NBC, Solomon Brothers, WR Grace, Pacific Bell, Warner Brothers, Merrill Lynch, Estee Lauder, Citibank, Thompson Newspapers, New York Stock Exchange, Cluett Peabody, Research Institute of America, and many others. Mr. Holmes has been written about in the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, the Daily News, Industry Week, Sales and Marketing Management, California Business Magazine, and many other publications. He has appeared on ABC's Eyewitness News, Midday Live, Good Morning New York, CBS News Radio, WPLJ, WKHK, Kiss FM, and many other radio programs. Mr. Holmes' hobbies indicate his discipline, drive, and personal development habits. Chet Holmes studied martial arts for 22 years and operated a karate school on Times Square in New York for three years. Welcome to Mega Marketing and Sales with Chet Holmes. Hi. Welcome to the session that is probably the most motivational of them all. It's called How the Brain Works and how that helps us be more successful. And this module here was designed probably about seven or eight years ago in pieces and then over the last seven or eight years it keeps getting pieced together and pieced together and it's become better and better over the years. It's really short and very powerful, but it contains within this short session lifelong lessons that everybody needs to learn, whether you're a business person or whether this is for personal growth. I mean you can take this module home and show it to your children. It's just something that every person should be aware of as they go through life. I've been teaching this program for about seven or eight years myself and I have to say that every time I teach it I get a deeper understanding of what it means. So I would really strongly recommend that you watch this thing as it's supposed to be watched at least every three months. But if you're just feeling down or you're low on energy or you're going through a tough time, watch this module. It will give you the information to help you get out of that state of mind which is extremely dangerous and very negative and very damaging to any business or any personal life. So watch this module whenever you need a lift and certainly run through it with yourself and your staff on a regular basis to keep everybody focused on how to make a business work better. Now the session objectives that we're going to be covering are basically to teach us all how to live a healthier and happier life, to provide methods for improving everything from memory to motivation to performance, to help set a tone of positive momentum in your company. The areas that we're going to cover are what we think defines who we are, the reticular activating system, an awesome device in the brain which most of us never really use on purpose. We use it a lot, we just use it by accident. And then to ignite the furnace in the subconscious to create outstanding motivation and change. The first thing you should know is that most self-talk is negative. Now I'm certain you can relate to this that there are times when you're worrying about something. Let's say here it is, it's on a Saturday. It's something that you really can't do anything about on Saturday or Sunday or maybe even something you can't react to like there's a pending lawsuit against your company or there's some big event that's going to occur that you're very nervous about or there's potential for danger if certain things don't happen in your company that you're going to be in a lot of trouble either financially or in some other way. There's these horrible things in your life that are happening that you really can't do anything about. It's Saturday or the period of time that you'll be able to react to these things is far off in the future and you're just not in a position to do anything about it. Yet here you are worried about it. It's a Saturday afternoon and it's just like you just thought of this and all of a sudden now you're really worried. Then the phone rings. You answer the phone and it's a friend of yours and you start talking and you forget all about what it was you were worried about because you're now engaged in another activity and your brain's moved on to something else. Now the call comes to an end. You hang up the phone and you go, what was that I was worried about? What was that? Your brain actually seeks out negative things. Now this comes mostly from our childhood when we were raised where most parents are more critical than they are praiseworthy. Most parents feel that their job is to criticize the child and to guide the child and you know that is the job. But unfortunately most parents are more critical than they are praiseworthy and so most of our self talk is negative. In fact studies show that 90% of all self talk is negative. Most people dwell on what's not working in their lives and often a bond between people is built on the fact that they can appreciate the others unhappiness, sorrow or complaints. Then you know what I'm talking about. Those are those relationships that you have where you know the best part of the relationship is this is a person who's so sympathetic to your problems and so often you know some of those relationships cannot be good because those people like to complain. There are people that I've had in my life who were at one time very good friends but every time you talk to them all they want to do is talk about what's not working in their life and after a while it's just like you know you can't move forward by focusing on what's not working. You have to focus on what you want to work and we're going to talk about it and how the brain reacts to that. It's very important. So this is some of the negative self talk. You know I hate when that happens. I'm out of shape. Most of us complain that we're out of shape when we focus on instead of focusing on what we want our bodies to look like we focus on what it looks like now. But you're not going to be able to get it to look like what you want to look like by focusing on what's bad about it. Now I'm going to explain why in a minute. It's just how your brain is designed. And then I'm not working hard enough. So you know most of us are very highly self critical. Now there's a device in the brain that's called the reticular activating system and it's the attitude programmer of the brain. The subconscious accepts all that you feed it as reality. It cannot make judgments about the thought. It cannot distinguish between a real perception or an imaginary one. Okay what I'd like to do now is further describe that. Let's say here's the head. As you can see I do not have a career as an artist. But let's say that the conscious mind is about 10 percent of our brain power. My thing is running out of ink. And then the subconscious is about 90 percent of the brain power. So this is really the power down here and this is the smallest part of it is the conscious mind which is engaged right now. And then below everything I'm saying what's going on here between the two of us is all this subconscious stuff going on in our brains. You know there's it's tenfold the amount of activity and all the little side thoughts that are occurring and somewhere between the conscious and the subconscious. Let's say there's like a little programmer here. So if we go back to this overhead you can see this person right here. This is our programmer. She sits there and she is the programmer between the conscious mind up here and the subconscious mind down here. And here she sits and her job is to program this computer of the brain. And now and remember that I'm going to completely give you the job description here. Read this again because it's very important. The subconscious accepts all you feed it is reality. So when you make a statement to yourself like I'm out of shape. Let's go back to the beginning of the program. So this is the brain. This is the shape. Let's go back to our little programmer here. Our little programmer says oh you're out of shape? Fine. I'm out of shape. Or I hate my body. I hate my body. Or I'm too fat. You know people who are very self critical. And so this thing immediately programs that and that little thought goes down into here where the real power is to make sure that that statement to the subconscious mind is fulfilled. Because remember the subconscious mind does not discern whether this is real or not real. It doesn't have any judgment. All the judgment is in the conscious mind. So if in the conscious mind you're saying to yourself you don't like your body. Well then this thing just has to fulfill that need. It just has to you know obey the command. So again the subconscious accepts all you feed it is reality. It cannot make judgments about the thought. It cannot distinguish between real perception or imaginary one. Now Stanford study says that 85% of success is dependent upon our attitudes. So if we spell this out let's show you some other things that reticular activating system does and why it's so critical. Alright. Now if you're walking down a big airport hallway and you're on your way to your flight and you're somewhere way in the back of the airport and you're just trucking along and you've got to go to gate 87 and you're at gate 22. So you've got 60 gates between you and where you want to go that you don't even need to be paying attention to all the announcements going on over your head. Joe Smith, pick up the white phone, you know flight 199 departing at and then all of a sudden let's say your name is Bill Johnson and you're going along and there's all this you know Joe Smith please pick up the white phone, flight 199 departing from gate. Could so and so please come to you don't even notice anything and then all of a sudden you hear Bill Johnson please pick and your brain goes huh. Now there's thousands of noises going on in that place and you really don't even hear them and then all of a sudden your name is picked out and your brain goes oh that's important to me. Now that's a brilliant little device in the brain. It's called a reticular activating system. It activates on that which is important to you and without it you wouldn't be able to pick out anything that's important. So we go here you are in your busy airport and as you're walking along you're not even paying attention and your name comes off. Screens out the unwanted noise. Focuses only on that which interests you. In a crowded airport with thousands of commercial messages and announcement your reticular activating system will tune out everything yet if your name is announced your reticular activating system will activate your interest. Joe Smith pick up the white phone if your name is Joe Smith bingo your brain goes hey that's important. A very efficient machine the reticular activating system scopes in on any area of interest your car your hobbies your goals and your negative interests as well. Alright so let's say you just bought a new car. How many people watching this have bought a new car lately and that new car is a Toyota or a Chrysler something a LeBaron and all of a sudden you're driving along and you never noticed these cars before now you see them everywhere. That's because now your brain has figured that this is an area of interest that's why when we get into a new hobby we discover all kinds of people that are into that same new hobby. Now isn't that kind of cool? Whatever you are interested in your brain will automatically pick that stuff out of the thousands of commercial messages that we see every day. Now from a marketing point of view I'm just going to say one little side thing because this is really not about marketing as much as it is about attitude for making a company or an individual successful but from a marketing point of view that's why it's important to rise out of the clutter because once I as a potential buyer for your products or service once my brain is tuned into your product or service now I notice every commercial message. So you want to do anything to grab my attention because once you have it now you have it. It's just like now that I own this car I notice the car. Once I'm aware of your company now I notice all kinds of messages that you may have about your company. So but for a personal growth standpoint you've noticed that anytime you become interested in an area all of a sudden you start picking out things about that area that you never noticed before and they were always there you just never saw them before. So think about that. That works automatically. It's an automatic system. But what about if you deliberately were to program it to be looking for certain kinds of things to be looking for things that would improve the quality of your life. All right. So let's go here to the next slide which says that the other thing it will do is in a crowded room your reticular activating system enables you to focus on your conversation and not even hear the conversations around you. So in effect if I'm sitting here and you and I are having a conversation and we're in a big crowded room or in a cafeteria or in a restaurant and we're having a little conversation and right here at the table next to us they're having a conversation and the table behind us they're having a conversation yet we don't even hear those other conversations. I mean they're just right next to you. They're in a table right next to you and you don't even hear the conversation. Yet at any time you can sort of like you know kind of listen into their conversation and then it tunes out of the conversation that you're having over here. Or you can even listen to both a little bit but that's when you have that interest the brain automatically obeys it and it all works automatically. So you're starting to get the hang of this. It is such a powerful device in the brain and it all works automatically. But what this session is about is learning how to use it on purpose. You're learning how to direct it so that you can expand your areas of interest and focus on things which are going to help you rather than hurt you. So without your reticular activating system you couldn't focus. You'd hear all conversations in all situations. But take warning because your reticular activating system focuses on that which interests you good or bad. So again try to imagine this. I'm trying to give you a really great little analogy here. Here's the control room. Alright and here's that computer programmer. She's sitting right there between this the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. And down here it's like a furnace. It's just roaring. It's got all this power, all this energy. And every time this little programmer programs something in it goes into the furnace and roars to life. Flames of activity start to occur around it. So imagine there is a person who sits between the conscious and the subconscious. Their job description. Do not judge anything. Simply obey commands and respond to focus. So it's not making a judgment on whether you've decided to focus on something good or bad. Zero in in all areas of interest including negative ones. You know if you're interested or it thinks you are let's go back to you were worried about something. You're worried about failure in your business. You're worried about not getting enough money in. You're worried about some legal issue that's facing you. You're worried about some confrontation that you have to have. Well if you see that in your brain it's something that's going to go negative and you keep focusing on the bad part of it. Your brain will direct you. Remember how if you're interested in this conversation it sort of tunes into this one. If you're interested in this one it tunes into that one. It's the same thing. It interprets you're worrying as an interest as an attraction to the bad rather than the good. So powerful and it can really really and that's why companies again in trouble where everyone's worried about the company. They spiral out of control because the negative thought process that's going around and the worry is actually attracts them subconsciously where the real power is is being attracted to what's not working. So it's just a really really powerful thing you need to understand. Let's put this this fantastic device to work on purpose and let's close our mind against the things we do not want. Okay. So zero in on all areas of interest including negative ones. Put the subconscious to work on fulfilling the requests of the conscious. So you say I'm out of shape. She says okay you're out of shape. Click click click click goes down in here. Flames of fire engulf that thing and we just put it to work making sure you will never be in shape. I have a terrible memory. This is a great one. Normally I ask and I'm teaching these in large audiences and I say who in here has a terrible memory for names and invariably you always have several people put up their their hand. Well that's impossible. The brain is so capable of having a tremendous memory. Now we do research projects in all these markets. I mean just all the stuff we've been talking about in all the modules you know where you research trends on the market to find you know that those strategic positions. That's one of the things our company does. And so we've got people in our company who have this massive amount of information in their brain. They're just walking around with it. And it's the other reason is because they've taken this module where they learn that the brain is capable of having a tremendous memory. So let me tell you how that starts. You're 16 years old. You're in school and you keep forgetting this one person's name. You keep forgetting Betty's name. I'm sorry. I have a terrible memory and you feel embarrassed. So you say I have a terrible memory for names. So we go up here to our little cute computer programmer and she says oh you have a terrible memory for names. OK program according to terrible memory for names goes down to the subconscious subconscious goes OK. And it just starts to fulfill that which you decided that you have. Now you don't really have a terrible memory for names. You just said that because Betty here you can't remember her name. And then maybe within a week or two if you say the same thing two or three times now a pattern starts to form and the brain starts to accept this and the brain starts to then make sure beyond a shadow of a doubt that you will absolutely positively have a terrible memory for names just like it will make sure if you say I have a terrific memory for names. You know these people who say well I know all my phone numbers and I know my checking account numbers and most of my credit card numbers and I you know I remember numbers. I'm very good at numbers or your kids when they say oh I'm really good at math you know where that comes from. The father says you know she's really good at math. The daughter says oh OK I'm really good at math. And so the habit starts to form because the subconscious is capable. Now we have other things we're naturally good at but those things form in the early years as we feed the subconscious what it is that we decide we want to be good at or bad at. So we can be practically good at everything. We just have to decide that and feed that into the subconscious. So the other thing it does oh my back hurts you know to focus on that. So I have that in the traits of overachievers you see how one of the one of the overachievers that we feature in there is an actual vice president with our company who was skiing and broke his leg and they put steel screws in his leg to hold his bones together and the next year he got out there he got on the slopes again and every time he felt the pain he would go oh good it's healing oh good it's healing. Now that's because he's taken this course so many times that in his brain that's the message he wanted to send not oh my leg hurts it was oh my leg is healing. You know all that pain is showing me that I'm straining the muscles which because they're strained they are sending more calcium there to build and he had this whole scenario in his mind and he just healed twice as fast as they said he was going to heal. I mean just twice as fast he was out of the cast and half the time they said he was going to be out of the cast he was off the crutches and half the time I mean just everything worked faster because he put his subconscious the real power to make the body function as if everything was on an accelerated pace. Pretty cool stuff okay. So the other thing it does is it answers disempowering questions why do I always make this mistake you know those people they make this mistake and they say why do I always make this mistake or why do I always date losers and your brain will answer a disempowering question with a negative because the emotion is in there and it's a negative emotion so the brain just answers you well because you're stupid and that's you know that's the answer your brain will give you. Alright now so what we want you to really notice here is that your reticular activating system will continually draw your attention to that which you think the most about. If you dwell on what's not working your humble servant remember it makes no decisions or judgment about your thought patterns will think that bad news is more important than good news and it will continually bring your attention your entire life focus to the bad news so it's kind of like there's this huge magnet and that's what you think about your reticular activating system will draw you to that bad news. Okay as an example let's say you have a perception that business is really terrible and that business is really bad all over. The reticular activating system will bring your full force of your brain to sort through the clutter and carefully select that which you think the most about so think about that remember we said it selects there's thousands of things going on all around you all the time and it just picks out what it's interested in so if you're interested in the bad news it's going to select the bad news. If you dwell on the negative your reticular activating system will screen out the positive the positive news in your environment and bring your attention to the negative so here's a business that's going out of business and right next door there's a business that is expanding like crazy so they must sell because they have to move to a new location this must sell because they're going out of business. Here's your person who thinks that business is bad all over that's the thought and then they see this store and they say aha see business is bad all over and right next door the reality is that there's a business booming at twice the rate of the business that's going out of business but since you think business is bad it's going to bring your attention to really what's not working in your life so let's talk about how we form new habits and new thoughts processes that will help us program ourselves for a better life. So here's how to use it for your advantage strings into steel we call this any statement you make to yourself begins in your subconscious as a thread of an idea so the first time you say you know I have a terrible memory or I'm out of shape your brain goes oh it's programs but it's just a little kind of a cobweb an idea just goes down in there like this so here it is just a little tiny sliver of a thought goes in there but each time you repeat it the thought gets thicker and thicker and thicker and thicker and then the little cobweb becomes a thread and the thread becomes some string and the string becomes rope and the rope becomes steel until absolutely positively your brain is designed to fulfill that which you have created so each time you make a statement the thread gains another layer the thread turns to string rope and then bands of steel which absolutely obey your commands all of these beliefs can be programmed into reality so let's ask which beliefs you'd like to program in I've I'm terrible at names I have a great memory which one of those two would you rather program or how about this one success comes very easily to me and again how many people watching this would say that how many people say that and guess what it does because you know why again remember just like the brain started focusing on this conversation and tuned out the other one it starts to tune out the things that will make you fail and tune in to the things that will make you successful and it is so powerful these people that constantly second-guess themselves and say well I hope this really goes well but you never know you can fail or you know someone compliments them and they immediately give themselves a put-down you know the type there's a lot of you out there who every time someone gives you a compliment instead of saying thank you and reaffirming in yourself and in them that you are worthy of the compliment you say you know someone says well you know you that suit looks really good on you say yeah well you know I think so it's kind of yellow I mean you start immediately finding excuses to not take the compliment and that's again that's a low self-esteem problem that's someone that's focused on bad things rather than good things so it's not actually in the dialogue here or any of the overheads but I will tell you the secret to a compliment say thank you when someone gives you a compliment don't downplay it say thank you it reaffirms in your subconscious that you're worthy of the compliment and it makes the person who said it to you feel that in fact you are worthy of the compliment so just say thank you now how do you use this thing on purpose well your brain has two major modes of activity I mean there's actually four or six I can't remember which but there's two major modes beta mode is the active mode and then alpha mode is the relaxed mode all right now alpha mode is more receptive mode naturally when your brain is busy like right now you're engaged in a seminar and your brain is really active right now you can make auto suggestions you can make suggestions to your brain and they'll have an impact no matter what but when you're just about to fall asleep or when you just before you get out of bed your brain is in a very slow mode and it's highly susceptible to any suggestions that you might have though your brain accepts and acknowledges all self-suggestion auto suggestion is how it's turned it is naturally more receptive when the mind is less busy just before you sleep and just before you climb out of bed so what you should do is just before you get out of bed you should talk about the kind of day you're going to have not I will have or I want to have the kind of day you're going to have because remember the brain accepts all you feed it is reality so if you say I will have a great day today your brain will say oh I will that means I don't have to work on that right now versus I'm having a great day today it's a great day today or success comes to me easily versus success will come to me easily you want your brain in the current mode working on these things making them happen now now Napoleon Hill was a famous author who actually interviewed Andrew Carnegie in the 30s I believe and Andrew Carnegie was a steel magnet who sort of came over from Scotland and came over with not a penny to his name when he died he was worth what would be the equivalent today of about four billion dollars making him at that time one of the richest men in the in the world and he had amassed this huge fortune from absolutely nothing and this young reporter did an interview with him and at the end of the interview he says to him Mr. Carnegie is there some secret to your success and Andrew Carnegie said as a matter of fact young man there is a secret to my success and any person who knows this secret can achieve any goal they desire in life well naturally this young reporter is like oh what is the secret what is the secret he says I'll tell you what I'm not going to tell you what the secret is but I will give you access to the world's wealthiest men and you can go and you can interview these men and and that time they were all men all the captains of industry were all men today we have quite a few captains of industry there are women but in those days it was all men you know Henry Ford J.P. Morgan Roosevelt Vanderlip Woolworth Rockefeller all those all those men of that era so they gave Napoleon Hill access to these men and he went and he interviewed and he did a study on their traits and he wrote this book which most of you who are in this sort of self-help mode or always trying to you know get positive personal growth are very familiar with this book and Napoleon Hill has been dead I think about 20 years or something or 10 or 15 and what quite a while he died at 92 years old this book is still in every bookstore in America it's called Think and Grow Rich and as a matter of fact he doesn't even tell you what the secret is but he tells you that it's hidden in the words of the book and he tells you how many times it's mentioned 186 times or 286 times I don't remember what the actual times are but the more you read the book the more you see the ingenious design of it and so Napoleon Hill became like the grandfather of self-help books but again it was written way back I mean 1937 or something like that and but it's it was written from studying the most successful people and not from a technical sort of like what was the strategy use and what was the tactic but what was the emotional content of your behavior in your thought process all right now what he did was actually we quote him all through this module in the next one he says never go to sleep without a request to your subconscious so this is Napoleon Hill from studying the world's wealthiest people and told us don't go to sleep without telling your subconscious something now how many of you have said this to yourself I will wake up on time tomorrow I wake up in a great mood every day so how many of you have said to yourself I will wake up on time tomorrow and then all of a sudden the next morning you wake up boom just wake right up and then I wake up in a great mood every day or show me how to solve my problem with prospect Smith so if you have a problem that you can't solve don't approach it like I can't solve this problem tell your brain to give you the solution use that program or say go down in that subconscious where I have infinite intelligence infinite unlimited intelligence and find me the solution to my problem come up with a way to get me what I want tell your brain give it this command your mind has unlimited resources and extraordinary and untold abilities to solve your problems but only if you tell it to focus on the solutions instead of the problems now there's another thing that the brain does it's a really great little exercise and if we were live here I'd do it with you and I've got in my briefcase I carry you know six or seven little mirrors it's just a really cool little exercise you take two stars take a star like this see this star and then you draw another star around it exactly around it right so you got your two stars you got one star here and then one star here on the outer side of it and you draw them on a piece of paper then you take a mirror and you have somebody hold a book or something in front of you so that you can't see the page at all with your eyes you have the only way you can see the stars is through the mirror understand me here then you take a your pen or your pencil and use the mirrors your only guidance force and you try to get around the lines between the two stars and it's a it's a trip I mean you know because it's just it's the upside down backwards I mean it's really hard the first time you do it you just sort of sometimes you get stuck and you're just sitting there drawn in little circles you literally cannot get past this one line all right so so your drawing ends up looking like that if you think I'm kidding you go ahead and try this and that's what you're going to end up with and that will take you five minutes so what they did is they took two groups in group one they asked they asked to do two in a row group one does only slightly better the second time so this is five minutes and this is what they end up the second time they try it they actually get around it but it takes four minutes in group two they asked to do one then wait an hour to do the second one so group one group two rather they do it and they're just as bad takes five minutes the same as group one but they wait an hour and the next time they do it it takes 30 seconds and they go right around it and it and the team that was doing it just they can't believe it they don't understand that they go how can this happen how come they're so much better they waited an hour we did two in a row you would think the brain would immediately be good if it does two in a row well that's not true so remember we got that huge furnace down there that subconscious mind said you know wait a second this was weird you know and now it continues to work at how it could do that now if you never come back to that I mean after a while it lets go of the problem completely and you know that's the end of that but because you waited an hour your brain continues to solve your problems the subconscious continues to solve your problems even though the conscious mind has not done so so that's a really good lesson for us to learn the subconscious continues to work to solve problems even though the conscious mind is stopped so if you have blockage on something you're trying to do some creative idea and you're not getting the right idea just stop go do something totally different and come back to it myself personally I'll do eight different projects all at the same time do a little this one a little that one a little this one and just you know and I don't think twice about it now about skipping around I mean something if I'm in flow I also will not disrupt it I'll continue to flow you know and try and get it all out of my system another example of how to use the subconscious mind and this one was so highly publicized that you've probably heard the story they had two basketball teams group a practiced four hours per day group B practiced three hours per day and visualized for the other hour the body can make errors in a layup shot the mind can visualize a perfect layup shot every time so think about that they had the one group and they do their layup shots physically working at it constantly the other group did layup shots for three hours and the other hour they would have them visualize now picture yourself you're going up and someone would guide them through this process they're going up there doing layup shot and it's a slam dunk every single time well over a I forget what the period of time was a four or five weeks group B this group that had the visualization ended up scoring 26 more baskets than group a so the point is is that our brain you know is very capable of creating even physical now every single Olympic athlete in the world uses visualization as a method of training and they all hire gurus of this kind of thing to come in there and teach them how to do this a little better now goals will focus your attention and force your brain to attract what it is that you want so what I well if you don't have goals then your brain doesn't now remember how whatever you think of it picks it out of all the stuff going on and it directs you and guides you to that what you think about or what you think is important so when you don't have goals your brain just wanders around and it just goes through life and it's not going to pick out anything specific so what goals do is it starts to look at what and if you read that think and grow rich book I mean they just get so detailed not only the exact amount when you're going to achieve it how you're going to achieve it they want plans and goals and everything now the new thinking on this is that you don't really want very heavily detailed plans necessarily of how you're going to achieve your goals you want some idea of how you're going to achieve them but you want to create the opportunity for better stuff to happen for even more imaginative and greater opportunity to occur in your mind so that's a thought you want to constantly instill in yourself here's my goals but or one of your goals should be even greater things will occur for me you know even greater goals in the shall occur for me so that your brain is now attracted to potentially greater things think about the power of that so wonderful so now let's say your goal is to own a yacht or your goal is to I had I have 26 life goals that I read regularly every day and here I am reading these 26 life goals every day day in day out day in day out and all of a sudden I see a way to take four totally separate goals each one of them a marathon goal that most people would think was nuts to try and achieve including me no see that's bad program your reticular activating system I do not think it's nuts I think it's exactly what I should have programmed and that's why I say you need to watch this module again and again I've been teaching this for seven years and I still need to learn it but anyway I had these four goals that each separately was a very large goal and one day I saw how by combining them which I would have never thought the four of them could be combined in one direction I could achieve all four goals better than trying to do them separately so my brain was working on this now if I didn't have those all written down if I wasn't reading them every day if I wasn't charging that subconscious mind to seek those things out it would have never happened so most people spend more time planning their vacation than they do planning their life that's true so let's have a little goal writing workshop let's put your reticular activating system to work on purpose at attracting some great things in your life so I'm going to leave this on the screen here for about ten seconds so you can pause your VCR and I want you to write down five lifetime goals five things that you would like to have or accomplish in your lifetime so you want a vacation home or you want a yacht or you want a home in the foreign country or you want to you know whatever it is five lifetime goals then I want you to write down five goals for this year or if it's toward the end of the year when you buy this write down your five goals for next year or let's have five goals between now and the end of the year then I want you to write down your desired annual income each year for the next five years then I want you to take five things you will do each month to improve your productivity or to improve the quality of your life or improve your emotional activity so here take take as long as you need ten minutes whatever you need and write down five of each one of these goals and leave this up here for about ten seconds. Now that's really a great exercise for anybody to go through and yet I teach these things all the time these courses all the time and you say to people how many people in this room have a lot of goals and you'll see several hands go up and you say now those that have them written down leave your hands up and you see most of the hands go down so those goals aren't written down and you aren't reading them on a daily basis then you're not putting your reticular activating system to work at fulfilling them are you? So here's another great quote from Napoleon Hill and it says and yes I have a tape of him in an interview and he kind of talks like you know he's like this this next statement deserves your most profound consideration if you can constantly focus on the things you want and close your mind tight against the things you don't want low or where they use in those days a hopeful future will open to you this is the most profound statement that I can share with you for this entire module if you can focus on the things you want and close your mind against the things you don't want so when you're thinking about negative things remember your brain is attracted to those and when you have fear fear is dangerous fear attracts attack you know I studied karate for 22 years and I used to teach self-defense in the city in New York City and what you teach people is that the people who go into a dangerous situation you can be walking down the street and there's two people standing like this and you know it's a bad situation and what happens is as you walk into the situation most people just continue to walk instead of saying oops I forgot my and turning around and going the other way which avoidance is the highest form of self-defense what they do is they sort of put their blinders up and they kind of like let me pretend this is not happening and they walk into it and that fear that they show attracts the attackers because they think oh this person is going to be easy versus if you walked into that situation instead of turning around you started looking at both of them like you got a problem they sort of go hmm this person looks like they're not the right kind of person to mess with so remember fear attracts attack so anytime you feel fear fear of failure fear of you know bad things happening on a certain confrontation or bad business you know anytime you have those things you're actually attracting them you are actually attracting them into your life so Napoleon Hill said it now this is not me this is somebody who studied the world's wealthiest men and he said close your mind tight against the things you do not want the other thing he talks about too how before you eat that how the food goes out to all of your molecules and how it goes out to that to the structure of your body and how you know that you should be at a very peaceful graceful state of mind when you're eating so that the food goes to healthy things rather than negative things so eating when within a bad mood or to have stress in it while you're having a meal it's all things that are not good for you and you need to constantly use all your positive energy to build yourself a better life okay use your subconscious mind to make new business contacts more receptive the one-minute manager a book that was very popular one-minute sales manager rather they taught in that book how to do a one-minute visualization and affirmation because what happens is it increases self-confidence it transmits a sense of confidence which attracts others it makes prospects more receptive now in the module on mastering the telephone we teach you why tonality is so important because their subconscious mind picks up your tonality so they actually tell you in this book the one-minute sales manager take a few minutes close your eyes and visualize the prospect being receptive and we've got this visualization in that module about mastering the telephone so I'm not going to go over it but you know a really powerful thing to do before you make a sales call so feed or be fed if you don't work at feeding positive goals attitudes and thoughts into your subconscious life's general negativity will have greater influence over your life so focus like a laser beam on what it is that you want so I'll tell you a great story I was head of a national association that represented a particular market and I was the press contact for this particular market so I got calls from newspapers and everything and one day I got a call from one of the biggest newspapers in the world extremely well-known newspaper and I don't want to say anything negative about anybody here so I won't tell you the newspaper and the reporter says to me gee we're we're looking for a story you know right now the economy is very bad this is when the economy this is in the 80s or yes late 80s and they say you know the economy is very bad and we want to talk about how it's affected your industry and so I said okay what do you want me to do and the reporter says well can you give me can you supply me with people that are having a tough time in your industry and then we can go and do this story about you know how the the recession is has hit your marketplace so I get on the phone I start calling how'd you like to be featured in this major publication I mean just a extremely well-known publication and I said you know how's it going has the recession affected you most of the people said you know the recession really hasn't affected me and I think because of these reasons we're doing better than other industries so I called her back up and I said you know I think the story is actually that the recession has not affected this industry as much as it has others because people are actually doing well and the reporter says and I quote no no no that's not the angle we're looking for and they finally found a couple of vendors who would say you know things are not going well in this industry and the fact was that most of the vendors were having a good time so that's not the angle you're looking for well what about reporting the truth here so a lot of times what you're getting pumped into you is not necessarily the news that that is the reality so you must choose what it is that you decide to believe and that will affect your reality all right very powerful stuff so summary positive self-talk every day makes a huge difference in your attitude here's a few affirmations I attract success I want you to repeat I want you to repeat that right now I want you to say that in the room all of you if there's a big group of you I want you to right now say it I attract success I know my cameraman saying this right now all right so I attract success and just smile at me so you got to think about how you what you want to perceive in your mind as reality so this is a great one just feel that you are what kind of person that attracts success and your brain will lean toward and pick out those things that actually make you more successful another great affirmation I only think positive thoughts this is one of the things that you can do is when your brain gets some negative thought or some fearful thought we talked about how dangerous that is you get that fluctuation of activity you know we're going oh no when you get that just replace it with this statement I only think positive thoughts so you'll get the fear and you go I only think positive thoughts and replace the fear with a positive thought now by the way it's not like you'll ignore these problems if you got a problem you know you got to deal with it or you know I will find the way to solve this problem I will find the way to solve this problem your brain starts to find the way people are instantly attracted to me that's another great one just to make yourself feel good about yourself success comes to me easily and effortlessly can you think of a better affirmation than that for business people success comes to me easily and effortlessly so write these down but pause your VCR write these concepts down and then you know add to them every day every time you think of one this becomes like a science and again once you open up your mind to something your brain starts picking it out so once you open your mind to this you will start picking these things out final summary you know it's feed or be fed so read motivational books listen to tapes use affirmations before you sleep and before you get out of bed review your goals daily do a little plug there's a company called nightingale conant and they're listed in the one eight hundred directory under nightingale conant and they'll send you a catalog where for fifty nine dollars you can buy six cassettes on just about any kind of self-help concept you can possibly imagine and I have a trunk full of these things because I listen to them all the time all right so get out there have a good attitude I you think you know this stuff but you need to hear this all the time let me be your personal coach on this one and let me take you through this stuff once a month or or once every three months at the very least but certainly when you are feeling negative and you're got that black cloud over your head put this module on right then and right there and write down your goals and get your brain focused on what you want instead of what you don't want okay thank you.