on the mark get set we're riding on the internet cyberspace set free hello virtual reality interactive appetite searching for a website a window to the world got to get online take a spin now you're in with the techno set you're going surfing on the internet it's another day in the life of the Jamiesons maybe a family a little bit like yours except it's not really just another day today's the day I'm taking my family surfing around the world on the internet why we'll see dinosaurs order baseball tickets even plan our family's vacation to Disney World it's cool that's finally installed the internet on our home computer now I can surf the net anytime I want not just during my one-hour computer class at school take a spin now you're in with the techno set you're going surfing on the internet hi there and welcome to our home as we share with you the basics of the internet so that your family could take advantage of this exciting new world like ours has you'll learn how the net can entertain you transport you to far off locations help your children with their schoolwork and make working at home easier don't worry there's cool stuff too and it's not just for boys either why you can even plan a family adventure on the net so join us in the next half hours we explore the infinite possibilities on the family guide to the internet we hope you'll enjoy it because we've made this presentation basic and easy to follow with plenty of helpful hints it's great if you're starting out on the internet or even just thinking about installing it on your computer or if you keep hearing about the internet but are totally confused about what it's all about but before we get started you may want to pause the tape and get a pencil and paper we'll be covering lots of exciting things and you want to take notes take a spin now you're in with the techno set you're going surfing on the internet first let's give our viewers a preview of what they'll be seeing well in this program we'll be covering what you'll find on the internet surfing the world wide web the easy way using newsgroups to share information with people all over the world and email electronic mail plus new high-tech developments that include online banking buying and selling stocks and shopping hey email now that's something everyone needs to know about plus how to download free software and video conferencing will even tell you how to make domestic and international long-distance phone calls for the price of a local call Wow think of the money will say and we'll show you some important websites for the whole family to use well that's exciting stuff I'll bet our home viewers can't wait to get underway yeah whoa whoa hold on a minute first we have to cover some of the basics you're going surfing on the internet so Peter why don't you tell our viewers what you learned at school you know about the history of the internet okay the internet was started by the US Defense Department back in the 1960s for years the main users of the internet were government agencies universities folks like that the internet was actually set up as a communication system between defense agencies scientists and government contractors that was way back when computers filled whole rooms and the general public knew very little about them yeah that's true I still remember when they introduced those little punch cards to register for classes at college exactly dad and way back in those days the internet was designed as a non-centralized system for security reasons and this decentralization is what gives the net its unique democratic operating approach even today then as the public became more knowledgeable about the internet the government relinquished its control and the internet became privatized and that's where the excitement began for all of us okay so if no one owns the internet who runs it well it's a lot of people really private businesses universities and others have banded together to make it accessible to everyone you might say it's the ultimate democratic system it's supported by thousands of computers and millions of users all over the world so how does it all work that's a hard one dad you'd better take it okay son without getting too technical the internet operates through a series of what are called protocols or languages that computers use to talk with each other the protocol used is called TCP IP with UNIX as the programming language dad I'm still confused well honey TCP is the name of a language like the language we speak is English and UNIX is the programming language like the alphabet makes up words in English now I get it thank goodness you don't need to know all of this techno speak to get on the internet it's all been done for you through a new series of user-friendly programs who okay okay mom so we understand the history of the internet and that TP stuff that they used to talk to each other let's tell them about the fun stuff yeah like email and web pages and exactly what you will need to do to access the internet on your computer take a spin now you're in with the techno set you're going surfing on the internet okay let's start at the beginning to access the internet you'll need a computer our family bought a computer but that doesn't mean that you need to own one you're right you can jump on the net from a variety of locations like libraries universities a computer at work even TV at home via the new web TV system just look and you can probably find a resource nearby but if you're planning to install the net on your own computer there are certain basics that you'll need the most important is that you need to have 8 megs of RAM memory as an absolute minimum 16 megs or more are preferred because the system will run faster RAM memory is like your computer's brain it needs to be big enough to handle all of the information you can access through the internet and you need a modem to transfer that data from the information provider the modem links you to the outside world through your telephone line it's really useful to have a 28.8 modem or faster particularly if you'll be transferring graphic files otherwise you'll find yourself doing the old hurry up and wait while the files are being transferred you're going to fit on the internet so what's next for our viewers I mean after they've gone to the computer store to get the right equipment now you'll need to install the software and connect up your modem depending on the internet vendor you've selected you'll have a different set of steps to go through to finally get the program installed today they've automated the installation process but it can still take some patience so first off you need to get an internet service provider or ISP an internet service provider what's that that's the company that connects you to the internet through special super high speed lines and there are a couple of ways to choose a service that connects you to the internet that's right there are online service companies and there are ISPs that provide direct service to the internet so what's the difference between them well online service companies provide content of their own and they give you more help in navigating around the net direct internet service providers or ISPs are for those who prefer to do things on their own they link you directly to the internet but navigating around can be a little bit more experimental so America online and Compu server online companies and the AT&T MCI and netcom services would be ISPs right right so let's review there are two ways to get on the internet either through online service companies or internet service providers ISPs very good you know but either way you'll still need to install your internet software and which installation approach you use will depend on whether you're using an online service company or a direct ISP if you're using an online service company you'll be provided an installation disk to get you online and the disks are free you just call them to get yours the disk will lead you through a series of screens for the installation of the software you might also need to make some refinements in your modem settings they'll give you on-screen commands that will ask you to type in your name address and credit card information so you can be billed your monthly service charges you will also be asked to select a passport it's like a PIN number at the bank it protects you from fraudulent charges on your account with the newer systems you'll find that a lot of the process has been simplified for you but you may need to consult the installation booklet or technical assistance if you have problems and a final word of caution make sure your internet service provider provides a local phone number this may sound obvious but we had a friend in Los Angeles that signed up with an ISP in San Francisco they were having a great time on the internet they got their phone bill you're going surfing on the internet on the other hand setting up your system for a direct internet service provider is more complex and installing the internet with an ISP can sometimes take almost an hour so you'll want to get a book on manually installing dial-up networking if you need this information that is unless your internet service provider has developed an automated installation for their service which more and more of them have if this is the case you simply follow the instructions that you receive with the program to set it up even though some of our viewers may not take the time to install the internet right now let's give them some additional installation tips so when they do they'll be well prepared good idea and first be sure to set aside enough time for the installation process and you might recruit a computer savvy friend or relative to help then you'll want to start with the obvious basics make sure your computer system itself is up to the task if you've been having other problems get those fixed first that's true so then what back up your data on a tape so that if you have any problems you're safe then use a defragmentation program to make it easier for your system to install the new program and finally be sure to follow all of the installation information you've received very closely it's a very good point and actually follow all the instructions they give you it will save you a lot of time figuring out problems later and now for a quick review set aside enough time get any other computer problems fixed back up your data defragment your disk and follow all installation information okay okay dad so I've got my computer with the correct amount of memory I hooked up my modem to the phone jack I've installed my ISP or online provider so what's next you're going to fit on the internet well now it's time to push the button and get online finally hey just a minute you guys first you'll need to install your browser the browser is the application that allows you to view all of the information on the web you forgot to tell them that installing a browser is simple and often it's free that's true Dasha sometimes you can get it free from your ISP or a friend can download it for you on a disk and don't forget mom you can also buy a browser or download one from the internet you guys are jumping way ahead of yourselves first Peter you might want to explain what it means to download that's simple it means to transfer a file of information from a main computer or server to your computer and it's easy to do too even I know how you simply highlight the link for the information you want then save it on your disk to install use later you can download games or anything in the browser's built-in helper applications allow you to view or play some files right away so to download a browser you'll want to download it to your location on a hard drive typically your temp directory so you can install it now you need to connect your ISP you click on the icon and then choose connect you can hear it dialing sounds weird huh now it's verifying our secret password and now we're online finally so Peter minimize that window so we can get it out of our way now that we're online we need to learn about search engines so that we can find the information we need a search engine is an application that does exactly what its name says it will do it searches for information on the net and you can easily access a search engine from your browser there are hundreds of specialized search engines to choose from however the most popular ones automatically appear after you select search the net from your browser menu then you choose a search engine like Yahoo or Alta Vista and the words for your topic you want to search for so that the search engine can search the net for the websites containing information on that topic so let's say that I wanted to get information about surfing in Hawaii I just type in Hawaii and surfing and cowabunga up comes a list of all sorts of places that contain information I want and guess what I'm doing when I'm going through all this information I know I know you're surfing the net oh so that's what surfing the net means now let's take a look at how to open web pages directly that is if we already know their addresses first we type HTTP colon double slash then you usually type in www that stands for a worldwide web and then put in the address you're looking for for example in this case we'll type in Netscape and then finally.com which designates that the address is a commercial organization once we get to the Netscape site there's a lot of useful information there like the what's new and what's cool listings that show us the newest sites on the net and your friends may tell you about particular websites that you become more internet savvy you'll notice web addresses everywhere television magazines newspapers oh it appears we have a few possibilities here okay now let's use a search engine to get on a real net project okay let's say Peter needs some help with his homework how about that report you're supposed to do on the history of the United Nations well I can take it from here dad first I type in the search keywords as they're called then I press the button and whoosh I've got tons of resources from all over the world it is so amazing and so fast and now we've got some great web pages with all sorts of information to choose from so you might select about the UN so that you could find out about its history right you're right sis and I can't think of a better example than that to illustrate the power of the internet and helping our children with their schoolwork doing schoolwork is fun now me too I surf all over the net getting information for my homework assignments you're going to fit on the internet so where should we go from here why don't we show our viewers some of the places they can go just by surfing the net sounds great let's say you're looking for a review of computer CDs here's a giant selection to choose from and it's constantly being updated or if you're feeling a little hungry my flock we can just check out the site for recipe ideas there's lots of others too oh I have a better idea honey why don't you take us out to a restaurant I'll check the restaurant search before we go or how are your stocks doing right now check them at p.c. quote no stocks because you've got no job try searching America's job bank and other employment resources yeah yeah how about continuing education from the world's largest extension program at UCLA need a package shipped in a hurry FedEx is there to help how about a little online shopping and oh shopping sounds good I can never pass up a bargain and it's fun for the whole family let's try it out do you have teenage gamers in the family like we do you'll be interested to know about these the Yahoo search engine to find hundreds of games and there are lots of other cool resources for kids on the net and you can access encyclopedias that don't become outdated and what fun would be like without MTV CNET is one of the most popular sites on the web and always has the latest in computer happenings along with information on the CNET television show and here's a great find real audio allows you to hear excellent sound quality in real time on the net you can dial into a lot of great new music and regular news updates hey Peter what's new in the news the internet has news lines for all of the popular news resources you can get up to the minute information from the Los Angeles Times CNN the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal Wow hey here's a great one for our next night at the movies I can search hundreds of movie reviews for free and how about viewing the online editions of magazines yeah hey what about television on the net there's NBC and other network links they have contests and a viewers club being a certified sports nut a few of my other favorites are here too dad and I can get current stats and scores all the important sports news now how about we take the family out to a concert we can buy the tickets online and if you're interested in politics you and your children can learn the history of the presidency and the White House you can even write the prayers directly there's even a special White House tour for kids you can learn about the legislative process and how to contact your legislators you know this is great for students I wish I had something like this when I was in school hey we can start planning our summer vacation on the net wow what a blast the internet has everything there's so much to learn you're going to fit on the internet okay Peter let's say our viewers want to stay in touch with email you know email is still the number one use of the internet mom but first we'll have to make sure the basics are set up you can download an email program from an FTP site or set up the email program provided with your online software it's really easy to use once installed you follow some of the same steps used to get on the internet first we're gonna need to connect to our ISP remember that one our internet service provider there now our computer is connected and we're ready to access our email program it might be one that's integrated into our browser program or you can download others free of charge email is a great way to stay in touch with business clients friends and family look here's an invitation from your cousin Marie about the surprise party for Aunt Dottie's 60th birthday oh yeah why don't you RSVP that one right now yeah Peter tell her we'd love to come is there anything we can do love and kisses rich and in the kids email is very cool I email my best friend Janet all the time mom says it's better than hanging out with her on the phone for hours you're going to fit on the internet check these out they're great internet programs that allow you to talk long distance anywhere in the world for just the price of a local call one of the most popular is called vocal tech and there are similar products like microsoft's net meeting too let's try it out hello these products offer a great new way to share information with people all over the world and all you need to operate them as a basic sound card it allows your computer to transmit sound it's usually included in newer computers but if yours is older you may need to add one and the best part is that you can download free demos of these products and some come bundled free with web browsers there's even an online directory information service my favorite is 411 you can look up the email addresses of your friends business addresses phone numbers even celebrities oh that sounds like fun this is a great application this is what we've been hearing about for years it's low-cost video conferencing from the internet yeah you can have business conferences without traveling to the meeting stay in touch with family members even make new electronic friends around the world wait and you say it's low-cost I heard video conferencing can cost five thousand dollars or more that's the best part about this application you can get this whole system with the connectix camera and their video phone software for only about two hundred and fifty dollars or you can download the popular see you see me software for free oh that's great I can see myself now I have my 15 minutes of fame online oh geez honey you deserve at least 30 you're going surfing on the internet want to try at-home banking from your computer most major banks have a home page you can get account information pay bills even apply for a loan in the comfort of your own home that's what I like easy money well it certainly makes handling your money easier son that's the trend you know the internet has moved from information to interaction I like that information interaction have to write that one down newsgroups are another major area of internet activity and a great way to meet people with similar interests if you've got a hobby sewing or crocheting for example or travel every part of the world is there or cultural subjects you're interested in learning about newsgroups and real time chat groups are easy to access you're going surfing on the internet now we all want the Jamiesons to be good netizens don't we okay so let's make sure that our viewers are all aware of some netiquette you recall Emily Post don't you don't slurp your soup please and thank you that sort of thing are you kidding I've got mrs. Nash in school this year well netiquette is a little bit like that except it applies to our online manners so we shouldn't spam anyone that's sending junk email to lots of people you don't know right right hey you're a quick learner otherwise maybe you'll get flamed that's when you get nasty mail from others sometimes anonymous users and one way to get flamed for sure is to ask a lot of newbie questions without first getting the facts that's right rich you sound more and more like Joe Friday are you becoming a detective well all internet users need to be detectives of sorts to seek out the answers to their questions and facts or listings of frequently asked questions are the right place to look for the information you need in fact there are several specific fact newsgroup lists just for new users check them out here's another hint don't type in all caps you look like you're shouting and since we're talking about do's and don'ts let's put in a word here about keeping the net safe for your children I'm especially concerned about some of the sites we hear about in the news rich as well we should be and there are now several software packages that help parents by restricting the internet news groups and websites that your children are exposed to it's a little like the v-chip they're putting into TVs but nothing's perfect so the best way to avoid problems is to go online with your children yourself like we do and monitor just what they're doing there are so many exciting things you can do on the internet we can go on and on I'm sure you could Peter but actually I have a little surprise for you all we're going to Disney World on our family vacation and I planned it all on the internet all right in the meantime we hope you've learned a lot today serves up to see you on the net yeah if I could ever get any time on our computer on the mark get set we're riding on the internet cyberspace set free hello virtual reality interactive appetite searching for a website a window to the world got to get online take a spin now you're in with the techno set you're going surfing on the internet you