© BF-WATCH TV 2021 Good evening, and welcome to the International Intelligence Briefing. We want to welcome you to the first of a series on signs of the last days, evidences that we are very near the return of Jesus Christ. Religion is a hot topic in the news these days. We're in a state of war with Al-Qaeda. When 3,000 Americans are murdered by people who believe they're doing God's will, it should be cause to put religion under a microscope. But something curious happened instead. Rather than put Islam under the intense examination, we are elected to lump Islamic killers into a larger religious group called fundamentalists. To make that stick, it was then necessary for the politically correct to conduct and conclude that Islam is really a peaceful religion hijacked by a few Islamic fundamentalists. It doesn't take too much effort to break down this little bit of doublespeak into its component elements. A religious fundamentalist is one who follows the fundamentals of a religion. That is, he reads the sacred writings, believes them, and seeks to follow them literally. He also follows the example of the religion's founder. If a fundamental tenet of Islam is peace, then Islamic fundamentalists should be peaceful. Violent killer Islamists would be an aberration. That is as plain as the nose on Yasser Arafat's face. It is also worthwhile to note that the terms religious fundamentalist and religious extremist are both used to describe the same thing. The dictionary defines an extremist as one who advocates or resorts to measures beyond the norm. It says that a fundamentalist is usually a religious movement or point of view characterized by a return to fundamental principles, by rigid adherence to those principles, and often by intolerance of other views to the opposition and to secularism. Clearly by definition, fundamentalism and extremism are polar opposites, not synonyms. All this doublespeak works in the public mind, however, because it is about religion. An Islamic fundamentalist is one who practices the fundamentals of Islam by rigidly adhering to its principles set forth in its holy book, the Qur'an. An Islamic extremist is one who advocates or resorts to abnormal measures. Since both describe the 9-11 terrorist, why is the emphasis on fundamentalists and extremists instead of being on Islam? Now that's an example of fundamental question. Similarly, there are Christian fundamentalists. They are those who rigidly adhere to biblical principles, and Christian fundamentalists are intolerant of any suggestion that there is a way to heaven apart from faith in Jesus Christ. They oppose mindless secularism, like removing the Bible from public property and removing references to God from the Pledge of Allegiance. And then there are Christian extremists, like those who blow up abortion clinics to stop the murder of unborn babies or shoot abortionists so they can't abort any more fetuses. They are polar opposites of a genuine Christian fundamentalist whose adherence to biblical New Testament principles tells him that judgment against abortionists will be meted out by God and him alone, not by the church. Note that we have two examples of extremism. One that can find fundamental religious justification for indiscriminate murder in the name of advancing Islam, and the other can find fundamental religious justifications in committing targeted murder in the name of ending the murder of unborn children. Both are extreme positions, but the kind of lunatons who would kill for Christ and think they are following him makes up a teeny, teeny number that clearly have missed the whole point of the Bible and the example of Christ. If you were to put all the Christian extremists into one place, it would occupy only a small part of a small town police department's day to round them up. On the other hand, there are so many Islamic extremists that almost the entire Western civilization has had to mobilize for war with them. Christian fundamentalist teaching teaches us to love God above all things and love our neighbor as we do ourselves. Since the worst place anybody can end up in is hell, the most loving thing for a Christian to do is to help his neighbor avoid ending up there. To most of the world, that is hate speech and is even so defined in some countries, including Canada. Islamic fundamental teaching that teach that anyone who refuses to convert to Islam is less than a full person, a demi, as they call it, who is without rights and can be persecuted or killed as necessary. I say all that to say this. The war against Islam continues to morph into a war against religious fundamentalism. Any religious fundamentalism, Islamic, Christian, Jewish, Sikh, or whatever, it doesn't matter. The Bible predicts the soon coming of the false prophet. He will work together with a religious political leader known as the Antichrist of Rome. He will seize control of the world's religious systems and fuse them all into one. In the Apocalypse, the Apostle John describes it, and I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spoke as a dragon. In simple terms, the symbols show that he will impersonate Jesus, the Lamb of God. But his message is that of the dragon, which is the symbol in the Bible for Satan. Such a religious system would have no room for fundamentalism, since to be global, it must be all-inclusive. It couldn't teach that the only way to heaven is by martyrdom in jihad, neither could it teach that the only way to heaven is through the cross. But Jesus said to him, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father but by me. God will permit Satan to give the Roman Antichrist mesmerizing religious power over all people. The Apostle John predicts, and all who dwell on the earth will worship him, everyone whose name has not been written in the Lamb's Book of Life. Because of this, there will be no tolerance for fundamentalists, particularly Christian fundamentalists. And it was given to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them, and authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation was given to him. Clearly, these saints are the Christian fundamentalists of the tribulation period. We are engaged in a global war against Islamic fundamentalism at the expense of ignoring the fundamentals that created the Islamic religion. Since this makes absolutely no sense of any kind in the natural, the only explanation has to be supernatural. When looked at from the Apostle John's perspective, it makes perfect sense. God foretold that he would allow the Christ-rejecting world to be deceived. And for this reason, God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they might believe what is false, in order that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth but took pleasure in wickedness. Exactly what the final form of the global religion will be is unclear. It will obviously be some sort of counterfeit Christianity. The two horns like a lamb indicate an impersonation of the Messiah concept. But He will preach the all-inclusive siren song of the dragon, Satan. There can be no room for fundamentalism of any stripe in the global all-inclusive religious system of the last days. Whatever its final form will be, one thing is clear. The Bible says anyone who won't join it, worship its leader, swear allegiance to Him, and take His mark, will be declared an enemy of the state, unable to buy or sell, and subject to the penalty of death. The Bible also predicts a revived Roman Empire will rise out of the old Roman culture and people. The prophet Daniel was roused from his bed at the command of King Nebuchadnezzar in ancient Babylon. Even before the king, Daniel was commanded to interpret a dream that troubled the monarch. Daniel was given a two-fold task before he could interpret the king's dream. He first had to tell him what the dream was. Nebuchadnezzar had forgotten the details. He also wanted to make sure the interpretation of the wise men was genuine. Daniel told the king that no court occult master could tell him his dream. Then he said, however, there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries, and He has made known to King Nebuchadnezzar what will take place in the latter days. This was your dream and the vision in your mind while on your bed. Daniel began by telling the king what the dream was. He then emphasized that it was a vision of the latter days. He said, As for you, O king, while on your bed your thoughts turn to what would take place in the future, and He who reveals mysteries has made known to you what will take place. You, O king, are looking, and behold, there was a single great statue. That statue was large and of extraordinary splendor was standing in front of you, and its appearance was awesome. The head of that statue was made of fine gold, its breast and its arms of silver, its belly and its thighs of bronze, its legs of iron, its feet partly of iron and partly of clay. Daniel himself interpreted the vision as describing four successive world kingdoms. Nebuchadnezzar's Babylon was the head of gold. In Daniel chapter 8, he revealed the first three empires by name. He predicted, The ram which you saw with two horns represents the kings of Media and Persia, and the shaggy goat represents the kingdom of Greece, and the large horn that is between his eyes is the first king. History bore out Daniel's prophecy. The chest and the arms proved to be the Media-Persian Empire that conquered Babylon. The belly and thighs of brass was the Greek Empire that conquered the Media-Persians, and the one who was responsible for this great act was the first king, Alexander the Great. History also reveals that the two legs of iron that followed the Greek Empire were the Roman Empire. Daniel explains how each empire would be destroyed by the next one with the exception of the first phase of the fourth empire of Rome. Daniel first saw that political empire disintegrating from within and then rising in a new form in the end times, just before the Messiah comes to establish God's kingdom. The ten toes of the colossal statue of the dream represents this revived final form. Daniel added to this description in another vision concerning the same theme. He said, Thus he said, The fourth beast will be a fourth kingdom on the earth, which will be different from all other kingdoms. It will devour the whole earth and tread it down and crush it. As for the ten horns, out of this kingdom ten kings will arise, and another will arise after them, and he will be different from the previous one and will subdue three kings. History verifies all of this. The Roman Empire grew two lords to manage and was split into the Western and Eastern empires, represented by the two legs of the statue. The West was governed from Rome, the East from Constantinople. When the political empires collapsed, the spiritual empires of the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Catholic churches remained. Thus the fourth empire went into mystery form, but was not totally destroyed. There's a strange prophecy about the nature of the final form of the Roman Empire. And as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly fragile. As you saw the iron mixed with ceramic clay, they will mingle with the seed of men, but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay. In the late 19th century, Otto von Bismarck noted the change that was coming in the global power structure. He said, we live in a wondrous time in which the strong is weak because of his moral scruples, and the weak grows strong because of his audacity. Those moral scruples of which von Bismarck spoke were the principles of democracy that were beginning to take root in Europe. The days of kings wielding absolute power were gone. War became too dangerous to engage in frivolously. The two wars that scarred the first half of the 20th century were the result of efforts to unite Europe by force. The 1948 Benelux Treaty laid the groundwork for the Western European Union. With the signing in Brussels of the Treaty of Mutual Assistance of the Western Union by the United Kingdom, Benelux, and France, Europe began to come together in the name of peace, not conquest. The 1948 Benelux Treaty led to the 1949 creation of the Council of Europe, which in its turn led to the expansion of the Benelux Treaty under the terms of the 1957 Treaty of Rome. That led to the Western European Union. Eventually, the Western European Union grew to ten nations. The Maastricht Treaty in 1993 created the European Union. The EU grew out of the original ten members of the Western European Union as associate members. The original ten became known as the Assembly of the Western European Union. Here's a thumbnail sketch of the WEU history from its own website. On the initiative of the Belgian and French governments, a preliminary joint meeting of the foreign defense ministers within the WEU frameworks was held in Rome on the 26th and 27th of October, 1984. It was marked by the adoption of the founding text of the WEU's reactivation. The Rome Declaration worked on the definition of a European security identity and the gradual harmonization of its members' defense policies were among the stated objectives. Ministers recognized the continuing necessity to strengthen Western security and that better utilization of WEU would not only contribute to the security of Western Europe, but also to improvement in the common defense of all the countries of the Atlantic alliance. The website goes on to say, �The Rome Declaration reaffirmed that the WEU Council could, pursuant to Article 8, Section 3 of the Modified Brussels Treaty, consider the implications for Europe of crises in other regions of the world. Pursuant to the decisions taken in Rome, the WEU Council was henceforth told two meetings a year at ministerial level, in which foreign and defense ministers were to sit at the same conference table. So we have the military arm of Europe, the real power, resting with the ten nations of the Western European Union under the authority of the Rome Declaration.� Now, for those who know prophecy, that ought to make your hair stand on edge. Daniel says that the ten toes of iron and clay form the nucleus of the government of the Antichrist. The Antichrist is the prince of Daniel, chapter 9, verse 26, which says, �And the people of the prince who is to come will destroy the city and the sanctuary.� Now, we know the city, Jerusalem, and the sanctuary, the temple, were destroyed by Titus of Rome in AD 70. From this we know that the Antichrist must be a Roman, because they are the people who destroyed the city and the temple, and he must be of them. Daniel, chapter 8, verse 25, predicts the means the Antichrist will use to gain power. It says literally in the Hebrew, �By means of peace he shall destroy many.� The revived Roman Empire that now covers all of Europe came into being by peaceful means after the failure of centuries of war aimed at accomplishing the same thing. This generation is unique in all of human history. Never has humanity been forced to come to terms with so many issues simultaneously, issues for which we have no historical precedent as a guide. The explosive growth of knowledge has sent us reeling. Humanist writer Alvin Toffler called it �future shock.� It is only in this generation that last year�s encyclopedia is about as useful as last month�s newspaper. It has been said that the sum of human knowledge from the time of Noah�s flood to 1850 doubled once. It doubled again following World War II. Then human knowledge began to double exponentially. For example, the XT personal computer of 1981, a triumph of human technology then, is the world�s youngest antique. Moore�s law dictates that computer processing speeds double every 18 months. So it is reasonable to conclude that the capacity for human knowledge doubles about the same rate. We are the smartest generation in history. We are also the most mobile. But I am afraid wisdom has not kept pace with knowledge and mobility. The book of Daniel and Revelation are not as mysterious to this generation as they were even 50 years ago. In fact, they seem downright obvious as if they have been taken from today�s newspaper. That is precisely what Daniel recorded as a sign for this generation. But you, O Daniel, shut up or conceal the meaning of the words and seal or encrypt the book until the time of the end. Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase. We live in the most mobile society in history. When you take the long view, the pace of change is staggering. Consider this. Two thousand years ago, the Apostle Paul traveled around Asia Minor on foot or aboard a wooden ship moved along by the power of wind caught in the sails. One thousand five hundred years later, Christopher Columbus embarked for a journey across the Atlantic Ocean in search of a sea route to China. He went to the dock on foot and boarded a wooden ship not too much different than the one of Paul�s time. Three hundred years later, Benjamin Franklin walked to the dock to board a wooden sailing vessel for his trip to France. Then in 1912, the unsinkable Titanic, the latest advance in steamship technology, went to the bottom of the sea off the coast of Newfoundland. It was less than twenty miles from the nearby steamship California. The Californian could have saved more than fifteen hundred victims, but its wireless operator had gone to bed and did not hear the SOS signal. He just had not caught up enough to where it was able to tell them there was a desperate situation only twenty miles away. Today, there are routine scheduled flights of the Concorde supersonic airliner that makes the trip from New York to Paris in just under three hours. The last time the space shuttle touched down safely, it didn�t even read the top news story of the hour on CNN. Who could have imagined our world in Columbus Day, or Franklin�s, or even the day of the unsinkable Titanic when it sank in 1912? While in exile in Babylon, the prophet Daniel was given a vision of the future of Israel up to the coming of the Messiah. Up to this point in the vision, those things that Daniel saw were relatively familiar. Cities, events, people in a context that were not too far removed from his concept of reality of that day. But then he was shown the things to come in the last days. The angel told him in Daniel chapter 10 verse 14, �Now I�m come to make you understand what shall befall you and your people in the last days, for yet the vision is for many days.� Daniel was so staggered by what he saw that it made him faint. Verse 18 records that one like in the appearance of a man touched him and strengthened him so that he could go on. Daniel tried to describe those things he saw using terminology that made sense to him. But it comes to us as a series of baffling symbols, images, and beasts, and the things he saw terrified him because the visions were so completely removed from his understanding of reality, he was unable to describe them in terms that even he could comprehend. So it remained for thousands of years. Great Bible commentators like Calvin and Luther did not even attempt to interpret the books of Revelation. They pronounced them allegories of past history. Good theologian Matthew Henry, writing in the 19th century, did not fare much better. Even commentators on these books in the early 20th century admitted they had trouble fitting the pieces together and making sense of them. After all, these prophecies dealt with a restored Israel, a revived Roman Empire, and a one-world government. Such things were deemed to be impossible then. They were therefore interpreted as allegories. The revealing angel understood Daniel's dilemma. He explained, �But you, O Daniel, shut up or encrypt the words and seal the book until the time of the end.� Today Daniel and the Revelation are the favorite books of Bible exposers. Many of these mysteries have already been unlocked, and many more grow less mysterious all the time. There are many reasons why I believe we're in the final hours of the last days. There are four spheres of political power that will dominate the world in the end time just shortly before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. The appearance of these political power blocks is one of the most important evidences that Christ's return is near. By last week we examined the most powerful of these spheres, the revived Roman Empire in Europe. It is destined to rule the West, and then later the world. This week we will look at another predicted sphere of power. This power is the mortal enemy of the central focus of the end time prophecies, which is the reborn state of Israel. When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, I predicted in a special report that the world of Islam would become the most dangerous threat to world peace. I wrote, �Islamic fundamentalism represents the greatest threat to world peace since World War II.� But Islam has become even more dangerous than anyone dared imagine. However, it fits perfectly into the predicted scenario of the last day's events. Islamic fundamentalists have targeted two nations as their most hated enemies, Israel and the United States. They see the United States as the leader of the Judeo-Christian culture, which in their view poses the greatest threat to Islam. Since the West of the last days must be ruled and led by the revived Roman culture of Europe, the United States must somehow fade from power. It is on this basis that I see the Islamic world as the main force that will cause the demise of the U.S. as the leader of the Western severe of world power. Islamic terrorists now have the ability to destroy our economy and morale, and in the process take tens of thousands of lives. Bible prophets predicted a momentous role for the Arabs in the end times. Though they are the least powerful of the four spheres of world power, they are the most strategic. It is this power that will be the driving force toward the world's last great war called Armageddon. The 4,000-year-old hatred that has existed in the descendants of Ishmael and Esau toward the descendants of Isaac and Jacob is the flame that will light the fuse of Armageddon. God foretells the case against them through the prophet Ezekiel, "'Because you have had everlasting enmity and have delivered the sons of Israel to the power of the sword at the time of their calamity, at the time of the punishment of the end, therefore, as I live,' declares the Lord God, I will give you over to bloodshed, and bloodshed will pursue you, since you have not hated bloodshed, therefore, bloodshed will pursue you.'" Ezekiel speaks of the everlasting enmity the Arabs have had toward Israel. He notes the continual attacks against it. Then he predicts the judgment that God will bring upon them at the time of the punishment of the end. We know that as the time just immediately prior to the coming of Christ and including the coming of Christ. I wrote all about this in my new book, The Everlasting Hatred, The Roots of Jihad. Jeremiah also predicts the judgment against the Arabs at the end time. The time of this prophecy's fulfillment is precisely set. He said, "'Thus says the Lord of hosts, You shall surely drink, for behold, I am beginning to work a calamity in this city which is called by my name, and shall you be completely free from punishment? You will not be free from punishment, for I am summoning a sword against all the inhabitants of the earth.' And this declares the Lord of hosts. It is at the end of the tribulation, just before the return of the Messiah Jesus, that God will send war upon the whole earth. The names of all of the recipients of these special judgments are given in Jeremiah chapter 25, verses 21 through 26. Edom, which is a general name for Arab descendants of Esau, all the kings of Arabia, the descendants of Ishmael, all the foreign people who dwell in the desert, converts to Islam, and the kings of the north, both near and far, which is Russia and its allies. God warns that the Arabs will be the special targets of His wrath. The reason given is because they took the land He gave to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and their descendants, and wouldn't give it back. God predicts that they would arrogantly appropriate His land that He gave to Israel. "'Therefore thus says the Lord God, surely in the fire of my jealousy I have spoken against the rest of the nations, against all Edom, who appropriated my land for themselves as a possession, with wholehearted joy and with scorn of soul, to drive it out for a prey.'" Ezekiel predicts a great war will start when the Israelites miraculously return to the land and become a state again. We witnessed that miracle, officially, May 15, 1948. He predicts the enemies of Israel by name. The Confederacy of Nations named comprises all the modern nations of the Muslim Middle East. He predicts that they will be armed and led by a great power from the extreme north of Israel, which could only be Russia. He writes, "'Be prepared, prepare yourself, you and all your companies that are assembled about you, and be a guard for them. After many days you will be summoned. In the latter years you will come into the land that is restored from the sword, whose inhabitants have been gathered from many nations to the mountains of Israel, which had been a continual waste. But its people were brought out from the nations, and there living securely all of them. And you will go up, you will come like a storm, you will be like a cloud covering the land, you and all your troops and many peoples with you.'" The psalmist predicts the forming of this Confederacy in the last days against Israel. He says, "'For behold, your enemies make a tumult, and those who hate you have lifted up their head. They have taken crafty counsel against your people, and consulted together against your sheltered ones. They have said, Come, let us cut them off from being a nation, that the name of Israel may be remembered no more. For they have consulted together with one consent. They form a Confederacy against you. The tents of Edom and the Ishmaelites, Moab and the Hagrites, Gebal, Ammon, and Amalek, Philistia with the inhabitants of Tyre, Assyria also has joined them. They have helped the children of Lot.'" These nations make up the Muslim Middle East today. The prophet Amos also prophesies about the Arabs in the end time. This is what the Lord says, "'For the three sins of Edom, even for four, I will not turn back my wrath, because he pursued his brother with a sword, stifling all compassion, because his anger raged continually and his fury flamed unchecked. I will send a fire upon Timon that will consume the fortresses of Basra.'" These are ancient cities that are part of the descendants of Esau. And once again, Edom is the general name that is used in last days' prophecies for the Arabs. For centuries, the Arab people's hatred for the Jews smoldered in their hearts. When a direct descendant of Ishmael named Muhammad formed a religion, it became enshrined as a sacrament. As a result, wherever Islam spread, hatred of Israel spread with it. Then an event occurred that would put them on a collision course with Israel in the end time. In 8635, the Muslims captured Jerusalem for the first time. In 8682, Abd al-Ibn al-Zabayr rebelled against the Islamic rulers in Damascus. He conquered Mecca and prevented pilgrims from reaching Islam's most sacred shrine for their official Hajj. Abd al-Malik, the Umayyad Caliph, needed an alternative site for the pilgrimage and settled on Jerusalem, which was then under his control. To justify this choice, a verse from the Koran was chosen, Surah 17, verse 1, as translated by Majid Fakim. He says, glory to him who caused his servant to travel by night from the sacred mosque to the farthest mosque, whose precincts we have blessed in order to show him some of our signs. He is indeed the all-hearing and all-seeing. The meaning ascribed to this verse is that the furthest mosque, which is in Arabic al-Majid al-Aqsa, is Jerusalem. Muhammad was conveyed there one night on the back of al-Barak, a magical horse, according to this myth, with the head of a woman and wings of an eagle, the tail of a peacock, and hoofs reaching the horizon. Yasser Arafat has added a new flourish to this myth. He now claims that Muhammad tied his horse, al-Barak, at the Western Wall before ascending the Temple Mount summit. Therefore, the Israelis not only have no right to their Temple Mount, but also have no right to pray at the foot of the Western retaining wall. This has been the Jews' holiest site since the Romans destroyed the Temple in AD 70. This sets up the exact scenario that Zechariah predicted would ignite the war of Armageddon. It is this conflict over Jerusalem, now raging between the Arab and Muslims, and restored Israel that will drag the whole world into war. The central thesis of the Koran is that the Jews distorted and falsified the original revelation God gave them. God was sent as the final seal of the prophets. Here are some of the things written in the Hadith and the Koran, the two holy books of Islam. In the Hadith, Muhammad says, �The resurrection of the dead will not come until the Muslims will war with the Jews and the Muslims will kill them. The trees and rocks will say, �O Muslim, here is a Jew behind me. Come and kill him.� Surah 551 says, �Muslims take neither the Jews nor the Christians for your friends. They are friends with one another. Whoever of you seeks their friendship shall become one of their members. Allah does not guide the wrongdoers.� Surah 533 and 34 declares, �Those who make war against Allah and His Apostle Muhammad and spread disorder in the land shall be slain or crucified, or have their hands and feet cut off on alternate sides or banished from the land.� Surah 973 urges, �Prophets, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home and evil fate.� And Surah 9 verse 5 commands, �When the sacred months are over, slay the idolaters wherever you find them, arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them.� Christians are considered polytheists and idolaters because we believe that Jesus is the Son of God. The Quran disputes this and says in Surah 23 verse 91, �Never did Allah take to Himself a son, and never was there with Him any other God. In that case, would each God have certainly taken away what He created, and some of them would certainly have overpowered others? Glory be to Allah above what they describe.� Verses like these from the Quran and Muhammad have continued to produce a great hatred and much of Islam against Jews and Christians. One of the founders of Saudi Arabia, Al-Riyadh Saud said, �The power struggle between Israel and the Arabs is a long-term historical trial. Victory or defeat are for us questions of existence or annihilation, the outcome of an irreconcilable hatred.� The founder of the terrorist organization Hamas proclaimed, �The war is open until Israel ceases to exist and until the last Jew in the world is eliminated.� It should be noted that these statements are not the misconception of a few Muslim extremists. They are the logical outcome of the very basic tenets of the Islamic faith itself. You need not take my word for all of this. I have no acts to grind with Islam, apart from the fact I am not pleased that they want to kill me, and not because of something I did to them, but simply because I am a Christian.� Osama bin Laden apparently released the audio tape last week that the CIA has confirmed as authentic. In the tape, bin Laden referred to the recent events like the Bali attack and the Chechen terror takeover of the theater in Moscow. Also in a rambling six-page letter published by Al Jazeera and purportedly written by an unidentified top al-Qaeda leader, �Americans are commanded to stop supporting Israel and Russia and to leave us alone or expect us in Washington and New York.� Interestingly, that was only one of al-Qaeda's conditions, and not even the most egregious. According to the letter, �If America wants peace with Islam, we must convert to Islam.� Because Islam means submission, and its goal is the spread of Islam throughout the entire world, according to the Koran, it makes no difference whether that submission comes from voluntary conversion or involuntary surrender by force. Though there are those who practice Islam and are peaceful, Islam is not a religion of peace. Its basic philosophy is conquest. It is not my intent, therefore, to say that all Muslims are violent or that all Muslims take the Koran at face value. Not all Christians take the Bible at face value either, but even if they did, the Bible does not advocate either conquest or forced conversion. Rather it admonishes Christians to love your neighbor as yourself and render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's. The harsh reality is that while all Islam is not America's enemy, most of it is. Polls taken across the Islamic world confirm this. We never proclaimed Muslims to be our enemies. We didn't know they were our enemies until they announced it themselves. But all too often, we don't listen to what they're saying. Sheikh Saad al-Barak is Saudi Arabia's top cleric. When Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz traveled to Crawford, Texas to meet President Bush in April, he brought Sheikh Saad al-Barak with him. And just before al-Barak left for the United States, he gave a sermon at a major mosque in Riyadh that called for Muslims to kill Jewish men and enslave their Jewish women. His words were broadcast by satellite to the whole Muslim world. They were taped and distributed by Saudi-financed institutes operating in the United States. He also said this, the battle that we're going through is not with Jews only, but also with those who believe that Allah is a third in a trinity and those who said that Jesus is the son of Allah and that Allah is Jesus, the son of Mary. al-Barak issued a fatwa in December 2001 that allowed Wahhabis, their sect of the kind of Islam they practice, or any Sunni Muslim to kill Shias in the name of Jihad. The religious ruling dismissed the Shiite clerics as frauds. Saudi clerics don't hold their position by virtue of scholarship. Instead, the role of Saudi cleric is to keep the embers of Wahhabi fanaticism alive to ensure the legitimacy of the royal Saad family. Islam seeks to conquer abroad to avoid collapse from within. al-Barak and the Saudi government issued the religious edict around the world. It appeared in publications and even on websites of other Saudi clerics. Sheikh al-Barak was behind the effort to raise more than $109 million for Islamic terrorists in a Saudi telethon early this year. The Sheikh made it very clear that he wanted that money used for attacks against the United States. He said the United States would be the ultimate target of Islam, and he made it very clear that he spoke for his religion. Keep in mind that this cleric accompanied Prince Abdullah to visit President Bush at his ranch in Crawford, Texas. At that meeting, Abdullah and the President both praised the Saudi level of commitment to the war on terror. This would be the equivalent of complimenting Joseph Goebbels of World War II Germany for his commitment to the war against Nazism. The Bush administration praised the Saudis and denounced al-Qaeda as a perversion of true Islam. President Bush apparently thought that true Islam was the kind practiced by Abdullah and his religious advisor, Sheikh al-Barak. To illustrate the degree of treachery the Saudi family is capable of, consider this. A week before Sheikh al-Barak traveled to Crawford, Texas to be told that we share Islam's faith, he was in Saudi Arabia telling the faithful what his faith means. He said, �I am against America until this life ends, until the Day of Judgment. I am against America even if the stones liquefy. My hatred of America, if part of it was contained in the universe, it would collapse. She is the root of all evils and wickedness on earth. Who else implanted the tyrants in our land? Who else nurtured oppression? The United States cannot be totally destroyed by these people, but through acts of strategic terrorism they can destroy our economy and cause us to cease to be a world power. And there is no chance of us destroying them either, not until we recognize who our real enemy is. But that fact seems to elude the Western world, even though the Bible predicted the rise of Islam all the way back in Abraham's day. I used to think that the Islamic fundamentalism of the Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran was the ultimate world threat, but his movement is through the Shiite sect of Islam. They only represent about 20% of Muslims. On the other hand, Wahhabism is of the Sunni sect and they are the 80% majority. Wahhabism represents the most radical devotion to the fundamentals of the Koran and Muhammad. This is the movement that produced the Sama bin Laden and the Al-Qaeda. The teachings of this sect also produced the suicide bombers who hit the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. We need to realize that Al-Qaeda is not the main problem. The real problem is the religious philosophy that gave birth to it in the first place. It is violent to its core. Its teachings never have been peaceful. Its founder was not peaceful. So we shouldn't marvel that its devout followers are not peaceful. Islam claims its derivation through Ishmael, hence the Islamic nickname Ishmaelites. Muslims are Ishmael's spiritual descendants, while the Arabs themselves are Ishmael's physical and spiritual descendants. More than 4,000 years ago, an angel of God prophesied to Hagar of her son Ishmael. The angel added, �I will so increase your descendants that they will be too numerous to count.� The angel of the Lord also said to her, �You are now with child and you will have a son.� You shall name him Ishmael, for the Lord has heard of your misery. He will be a wild ass of a man. His hand will be against everyone, and everyone's hand against him. He will live in hostility toward all his brothers.� This prophecy perfectly describes the nature and history of Ishmael and his descendants. They have always been fiercely independent and even warred with each other, tribe against tribe. And true to the prophecy, they have lived in perpetual hostility toward all their brothers, the Israelites. The last sentence in the Hebrew actually says, �They will live in the face of all their brothers.� The New International Version correctly catches the meaning. They have lived in the hostility that will continue until it starts Armageddon. The history of the Arab people, the rise of Islam, the hostility they have maintained toward the Jew, and the present contention over the land of Israel and the city of Jerusalem all prove that the Bible is true and that we are in the very last days of the end time. It was all predicted. Next we will examine the place and prophecy of the vast populations of Asia and the population of Russia. You will not want to miss it. I want to make it very clear that God loves the Muslim people. He has always loved the Arabs. Jesus Christ died for every one of them. He died for every one of them so that they can have a gift of forgiveness and be brought into God's forever family. But they must recognize that their religion has no provision for making them holy and acceptable to a holy God. They must throw themselves upon the mercy of God and receive the gift of pardon that Jesus the Messiah died to purchase for each one of them. This is also true for anyone who is listening and not sure of where he stands with God. If you want to know him and have a personal relationship with him, receive the gift of pardon that Jesus died to purchase for you. One of the most important pieces of evidence that we are in the end time is the predicted development of four spheres of world power. The prophets categorize four great world power blocks according to their compass direction from Israel. Reborn Israel is not only the center of God's special attention in the end time, but also the geographical center of the world from which he identifies the dominant Gentile powers of the end time. In previous reports, we have examined the spheres of power in the West and the South. They are the revived Roman Empire in Western Europe, and in the South, the fundamental Islam in the southern sphere of world powers. In this report, we will look at two major parts of the Islamic sphere of power. We will also examine the power block to Israel's extreme north, which will confederate with and lead the Islamic world into their last fateful attack against Israel. Previously, I identified the southern sphere of power. It is the pan-Muslim block. I did not get into the specifics of what prophecy says about the strongest nations that will confederate against Israel in the last war. The main players among the dominant nations of the Muslim confederacy of the end time are listed in Ezekiel chapter 38, verses 5 and 6. When the Bible lists nations, it lists them in order of importance, especially in this context. Note that Persia, or Iran, is first. Cush, which is the real Hebrew word for Ethiopia, is second, and Put is third. I did an exhaustive study of the Hebrew words for Cush, Put, and a corollary word, Levim. There is no question that Cush is the forefather of all black Africans. Put and Levim are the forefathers of all the North African peoples, such as Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Mauritania. Islamic fundamentalism is sweeping through these countries like wildfire. There has been a strong Islamic revival in North African countries for many years. The Islamic revival is now in a full gear in the East African countries of the Sudan, Somalia, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, and Nigeria. In every one of these countries, Muslims are slaughtering and driving non-Muslims into exile to starve. They are especially ruthless in their treatment of Christians. Hardly any notice is given these facts in the international media. The attack on the U.S. Embassy in Kenya and Tanzania, the recent suicide bombing of the Israeli-owned Paradise Hotel in Kenya, coordinated with the launching of two shoulder fire missiles at an Israeli commercial airplane, all are just tips of the iceberg. Islam is raging beneath the surface throughout this part of Africa. Even the Republic of South Africa is beginning to see signs of danger. Fred Bridgeland, writing in England's Sunday Herald, reports, Today the Islamic faith permeates Arab North Africa and the sizable areas of sub-Saharan black Africa. Although it has been around for more than 13 centuries, Islam continues to make inroads in the length of Africa from north to south. In Nigeria, Africa's most populous country, this has seen 12 northern states declare strict Islamic Sharia law over the past two years, and this is leading to huge tensions between the huge country's major Christian and Muslim populations. Of Africa's 770 million people, about 310 million are Muslims, with the rest split between roughly the same number of Christians and a dwindling number of followers of traditional animus religions. Bridgeland gives an astute observation as to why Islamic fundamentalism is so appealing to today's Africans. The Islamic tradition in Africa has been changed in the post-Cold War era by the rise of fundamentalist groups seeking to use Islam as a means of political empowerment, either through the ballot box or by resorting to violence. Many people were looking for a new ideology that was neither East nor West, and Islamic fundamentalism filled the vacuum. Many fundamentalists view Islam against what they see as the encroachment of Western decay. Islamic fundamentalism has a special appeal because it is anti-West, because it has a level of authenticity, and because it speaks a language all people can understand, says Professor Asad Abou Kahlil, a political scientist whose specialty is Islamic fundamentalism. It is not a language of the elite, it is not a language that is spoken by those African graduates of the Sorbonne in the cafes of Paris. All of this is setting the stage for what Ezekiel and Daniel predicted would develop in the end time. Ezekiel makes it clear what Daniel means in his outline of the last war of the world. This is my translation of the Hebrew text of Daniel chapter 11, verses 40 to 43. Daniel predicted, and at the time of the end, the King of the South, who is the Muslim confederacy, will attack him, which refers in context to the Israeli leader. And the King of the North, who is the Russian leader, will storm against him, Israel, with chariots and horsemen, and with many ships. And he, the Russian leader, will enter countries, overflow them, and pass through. He, the Russian, will also enter the beautiful land of Israel, and many countries will fall. But these will be rescued out of his hand. Edom, Moab, and the foremost of the sons of Ammon, which refers to modern Jordan. Then he will stretch out his hand over other countries. And the land of Egypt will not escape. But he will gain control over the hidden treasures of gold and silver, and over all of the precious things of Egypt. And Put and Cush will follow at his heels. The Hebrew word put refers to the third son of Ham. Put is the North African Muslims, and Cush, who is the first son of Ham, refers to those who descended from him, and they are all the black African Muslims. They'll all be part of the Russian-led confederacy with Iran. They will not only fight against Israel, but apparently Egypt as well. There will be some kind of a dispute going on between the Muslims and especially Egypt. The other peoples named are today Turkey, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and the Muslim Balkan nations. Ezekiel predicts the third sphere of end-time world power. It will be the leader of the Muslim alliance. Ezekiel gives us three clues to identify this power. First, the geographical clue. Three times in Ezekiel chapter 38 and 39, he predicts this power will come from the extreme north of reborn Israel. And the word in Hebrew means extreme or uttermost north. This is found in Ezekiel chapter 38 verse 6, chapter 38 verse 15, and chapter 39 verse 2. He says Israel's great enemy will come from the extreme north in the Hebrew. Now there's only one nation to the extreme north of Israel, Russia. The second is an ethnic clue. This power will descend from the ancient people of Magog, Meshach, and Tobol. Magog is the forefather of the ancient Scythians who are the forefathers of the modern ethnic Russians. Thirdly, there's a time clue. Ezekiel predicts that this power would rise at the same time the people of Israel are miraculously brought out from the nations, returned to their homeland, and reborn as a nation. That's now, officially, since May 15, 1948. God predestines Russia to equip and lead this Muslim confederacy. Ezekiel predicts in chapter 38 verse 7, be prepared and prepare yourself, you and all your companies that are assembled about you, and be a guard for them. You know, the Hebrew here is very special. It's talking about God's command to this great power from the extreme north of Israel in the last days. And it says He is to be prepared and to prepare Himself, you and all the company with you. Now the word to prepare not only means to be ready to fight, but also to prepare in the sense of equipment. You know, as you look at recent events in, say, since the founding of the state of Israel, there has been one consistent ally with all of the Muslim powers as they confront Israel. And that has been the Soviet Union, and now Russia continues the same tradition. They have become an armed power that is world-class, even though the Soviet Union collapsed. The Russian power is still in possession of one of the most deadly arsenals ever assembled. And they still equip all of these Muslim powers just as God commanded them to do, and God has moved behind the scenes to make them do. And the interesting thing here in verse 7 is that it says, become literally not a guard, but the word can also mean commander. And that's the way it should be understood in this context. The idea is to not only equip all of these nations, but become a commander to them. Now Ezekiel predicts that the Russian leader will be caused to make a fatal tactical mistake. As we look at Ezekiel chapter 38 verse 4, Ezekiel uses an ancient tradition, an ancient practice of his time. He says as he addresses this Russian leader, I will turn you about and put hooks into your jaws, and I will bring you out and all of your army, horses and horsemen, all of them splendidly attired, and a great company with buckler and shield, all of them wielding swords. Now in this first part it says, I will put hooks in your jaws. This refers to a device that they used in those days where it's kind of like a bit today, only it had very sharp spurs that would dig into the soft part of a horse, a mule or a donkey's jaw. And once you put this on the horse, whenever the horse would be unruly or try to go a different direction, you just had to pull on it, and this would dig into the tender part of the horse's jaw. And the horse or the mule or donkey would follow wherever the person leading wanted him to go. That's the idea that is given of what God is going to do with, in a symbolic sense, with this Russian leader. In other words, he's going to cause him to go in directions he wouldn't normally choose to go. And I believe this is the evidence that God is going to cause the Russian leader to make a great tactical blunder. He's going to cause them to plunge into a war that will be fatal. It says also that they would be splendidly attired. Now this doesn't talk about having a beautiful uniform. The word splendidly attired refers to equipment. The army that is with him will be fully equipped with the best modern weapons, and all of the weapons that Ezekiel uses of that day refer to the best equipment they had. And that transposed to the future time means this will be a splendidly equipped army with all that's needed to carry on a war. You know, after this battle is launched, there's going to be an exact movement of troops. As we look at Ezekiel, these verses actually tell us how Armageddon will begin. Ezekiel 38 verse 8 says, And after many days you will be summoned. In the latter years you will come into the land that is restored from the sword, whose inhabitants have been gathered from many nations to the mountains of Israel, which had been a continual waste, but its people are being brought out from the nations, and they are living securely, all of them. You will go up, you will come like a storm, you will be like a cloud covering the land, you and all your troops and many peoples with you. This is the initial assault. This is exactly parallel with what is predicted in Daniel chapter 11 verses 40 through 45, which we'll look at in a minute. But I want you to see, first of all, this could only be now, because Israel has been brought out of the nations restored exactly as predicted here. Now in verse 14, I want to bring out a point, it says, Therefore prophesy, son of man, and say to God, which is a cryptic name for the Russian leader, Thus says the Lord God, On that day when my people are living securely, will you not know it, or literally, you will not know it, said, You will come from your place out of the extreme north, you and many peoples with you, all of them riding on horses, a great assembly and a mighty army, assembly means they'll be a very mobile army. And then in verse 16, it says, You will come up against my people Israel, like a cloud to cover the land. It shall come about in the last days, which means just before the Messiah comes. We know that is the second coming. That I will bring you against my land, so that the nations may know me when I am sanctified through you before their eyes. And you know something? God's purpose in all of this, we're told in Ezekiel 38 and 39, is number one, through fulfilling this prophecy that God made about His movement of Russian troops in the Muslim Confederacy with him into Israel, that He would fulfill prophecy. And apparently the nations are going to know it, and many will come to believe. But also, it's going to bring Israel to true faith in their true Messiah. And of course, that is the number one reason for all of this that God's going to cause. But God kind of rubs it in here, because He says in verse 17, Thus says the Lord God, Are you the one of whom I spoke in former days through my servants the prophets of Israel, who prophesied in those days for many years that I would bring you against them? You see, God is making it clear. These people are the ones He predicted, and the world somehow is going to know that God did predict this. Now, some will be so hardened, of course, the majority, they won't believe. But I believe there will be many who have heard through one way or another through Christian writings that God was going to do this. And when they see it happen, they're going to say, Yeah, that's exactly what God said. Those who are left behind who never had a chance to believe in Jesus Christ will believe then. Now, I said that this is something that is parallel to another very, very important point. This continues in chapter 38 and chapter 39. It shows that once the Russian-led Confederacy attacks, that they're going to be utterly destroyed. It is the fatal tactical mistake. And they're going to be obliterated on the mountains of Israel. But Daniel gives us the actual battle plan, an outline of how all of this develops. It's exactly parallel with these things. Well, let's look at Daniel chapter 11, verses 40 through 45 for a second. It says, At the time of the end, it's a long prophecy of history. Most of it has already been fulfilled. But it leaps over events in verse 40 to the time of the end, the end time, which is immediately before the Messiah Jesus Christ comes back to the earth. It says, At the time of the end, the King of the South will collide with Him. And we saw that was the Muslim Confederacy. And the King of the North will storm against Him, and that's the Russian leader coming against Israel. And He comes with chariots, horses, and with many ships, a multimobile army. And He will enter and come through and overflow and pass through. He will also enter the beautiful land, which is Israel, and many countries will fall. But these will be rescued out of His hand, Edom, Moab, and the foremost of the sons of Moab, and this is Jordan, and probably God will cause them to be spared because the mountains to which Jesus commands them to flee for safety during this time, those who believe, are in Jordan. So God makes a bypass so that He can protect His people. Then verse 42, it says, And then He, the Russian leader, this is the last one identified, will stretch out His hand against other countries. The land of Egypt will not escape, but He will gain control over all the hidden treasures of gold and silver and over all the precious things of Egypt. And the North Africans, the Libyans, and the black Africans, the Ethiopians, it's Kush and Put and Lubim, will follow at His heels. In other words, they will be the central force that is confederated with the Russian in this time. Now we have where the tide turns for Armageddon. In verse 44, it says, But rumors from the east and from the north will disturb Him, referring to the Russian leader. Now, He's standing in Egypt. He is about to consolidate His control of Africa when news from the north and from the east will trouble Him. Well, looking from Egypt northward, what do you see? Well, you see Europe. And that would be the revived Roman Empire under the Roman Antichrist, mobilizing his forces to counterattack. And then as you look eastward from Egypt, you'd be looking at the Asian invasion. We'll talk about that next week. We'll be looking at the vast powers of Asia coming, as Revelation chapter 16 verses 12 through 16 says, with an army of 200 million soldiers. I'd be troubled, too. He sees His supply lines about to be cut off. So the Russian leader, it says in verse 45, will return with great wrath to Israel, and He will pitch the tents of His royal pavilion, or His central headquarters, between the seas and the beautiful holy mountain. Well, between the seas, the beautiful holy mountain is the Temple Mount, and the seas would refer to the Dead Sea and the Mediterranean. So He makes His headquarters at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. And yet, here's what it predicts will happen. And yet, He will come to His end, and no one will help Him. And that's where we switch back to Ezekiel 38 and 39, the last half of the chapter and all of chapter 39 speaks of the tremendous destruction that will be brought upon the forces of Russia and the Muslim Confederacy. It's there that they'll be obliterated. And they'll be obliterated by forces from the revived Roman Empire in the West and forces from the Asian Confederacy in the East. And this is the ultimate carnage. And that leaves left, once these two spheres of power are brought out, that leaves left to confront for the final battles the forces of the West under the Roman Antichrist and the forces of Asia with their vast numbers of soldiers. This is when, as Revelation says, blood will stand to the horse's bridle for over 200 miles. That is the entire length of the Sea of Galilee and the Jordan River Valley all the way to the Red Sea. What a carnage that's going to be, terrible. You know, I wished I could shake people and make them see God predicted all of this. You don't have to be there, but sadly, I'm afraid they're not going to listen. You know, all of these events are developing right before our eyes. You are witnessing these things that are predicted in great detail coming together. We surely must be on the brink of Christ coming for His own. One of the most shocking things that I discovered as I did my research on this for the last many weeks is that a great deal of Al-Qaeda operations, a great deal of the operations that are launched by the Islamic militant jihad is originated in Southeast Asia. Here are some quotes that I got from CNN's Jakarta Bureau Chief report. Intelligence sources say Osama bin Laden first focused on Southeast Asia in 1988 when he sent his brother-in-law, Mohammed Jamil Khalifa, to set up a financial network in the region. Officials say they believe much of that network is still in place today. Even starting in early 1994, several cells of the expert terrorists, mainly Arab Afghans, intelligence sources told me, arrived in the Philippines and established operational cells all over the country. Over the years, Al-Qaeda jumped from there to Malaysia and the rest of Southeast Asia. Now here's something very important to file away in your memory. Every single major Al-Qaeda plot has some link to Southeast Asia. Here are some reasons that I say that. Following the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center, its mastermind, Ramzi Yousef, fled to the Philippines. The 1995 plot to bomb American planes, which aimed to kill 4,000 people in over a 48-hour period, was hatched in Manila by Yousef and his uncle Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. Remember that name. It'll come up several times. And again, though this has not been published, the Oklahoma City bombing has direct ties to the Philippines. Terry McNichol is reported to have had information, booklets and so forth, that he brought back from the Philippines, because his wife is a Filipino, that showed how to make bombs. Of course, this was not brought out widely, but there is a direct Al-Qaeda connection that seems to be linked to that bombing. And then in 1998, the U.S. Embassy bombings in East Africa, one of those convicted did some of the planning for the attacks from the Philippines. The bombing of the USS Cole in 2000 was partly planned in Malaysia. And the attacks on September 11th had a key link to Southeast Asia in the shape of, again, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, now one of the world's most wanted men. In the mid-1990s, Mohammed lived in the Malaysia and the Philippines, where investigators remember him as someone posing as a wealthy Saudi Sheikh. There was a plan now that is really disconcerting. And this is where the Muslim connection to Asia gets very, very spooky. There appears to be an Al-Qaeda plan to take over certain nations in Southeast Asia in order to be able to control and interdict the strategic sea lanes of the Malaccan Straits. This is one of the most important and strategic sea lanes in the world. A third of all maritime traffic goes through there. And since the Muslims already are in position to control the Suez Cadel, that would put them in control of the most vital sea lanes in maritime traffic in the world. You know, 80 percent of all oil going to Japan has to come through the Malacca Straits. Now in order to do this, they would have to take over, and there are Muslim militant groups already under the command control of Al-Qaeda. There's a Muslim group in the south of Thailand. There's a strong Muslim radical group in Malaysia. They also have virtual control of Indonesia. There's a strong Muslim group in northern Australia. And of course there's the Moro Islamic Liberation Front that is in the Philippines. Now their goal is nothing less, these are from intelligence reports, their goal is nothing less than to take control of Malaysia, Singapore, to take control of Indonesia, northern Australia, and the Philippines and make one Sharia law Muslim state out of it. Here are some intelligence reports that are very interesting about this. And I quote, intelligence sources tell CNN they fear a maritime attack on ships and ports on the Malacca Straits, a highly strategic sea lane that carries one-third of the world's trade, 80 percent of Japan's oil. An attack here, and let's say, would traumatize the world economy. And another source, British security expert David Claridge warns, Al-Qaeda has shown themselves to be able to learn from previous attacks. They have an interest in maritime terrorism. We know that, and I think it's inevitable that groups within the region, that is the Malacca Straits, will be thinking about maritime terrorism. And of course, the countries of Indonesia, Malaysia, South Thailand, North Australia, Singapore, the Philippines are now in the crosshairs. An Australian intelligence report said the British-based terrorism specialist Rohan Gunarata estimated in early 2002 that about one-fifth of Al-Qaeda's organizational strength was in Asia overall. In Southeast Asia, Al-Qaeda's activities appear to have been concentrated in the Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia. One of the most dangerous things that's coming out of this mix is that not only will the Muslims control the Malacca Straits, but also the Horn of Africa, the entrance into the Red Sea, and also the Suez Canal. The most radical Muslim elements are working in these areas and could interdict virtually all shipping coming from Asia to Africa and then to Europe. So they think strategically. One of the most striking things that came out of the study is that CIA Chief George Tennant was asked to do a special study of the real trouble spots, the hot spots around the world, and to formulate a plan of how to handle these, what our reaction would be, even the use of nuclear weapons. If I take a graph of those hot spots that the CIA Chief drew up and I take another graph of what Bible prophecy predicts would be the real trouble spots in the last war of the world, unless in the end times the people that would be involved and so forth, it would be like laying it right over the other and it matching perfectly. I don't think that's an accident. The fourth sphere of political power will be an Asian Confederacy, and for a long time I've seen China's awakening during the 20th century and coming into the industrial age and then the information age as a beginning of the formation of that great power. China is the second largest world economy behind the United States. You know, one of the troubling things to me is that the United States has almost stopped producing anything, where we plan things, we design things, and then we market them. Here in America, in fact in all of Europe, we're not manufacturing anymore. We're having things made either in Southeast Asia or in China, especially China. China, as we predicted, I predicted back in the early 1980s, would become one of the dominant powers in the world, but now they're running a close second, the United States. China's arsenals of ICBMs and thermonuclear warheads are formidable. They have the largest army on earth, both active and in reserve. One of the things we have to remember is that when China came into the nuclear club, they did it in record time. They went from a crude atomic bomb to a sophisticated thermonuclear hydrogen bomb in a very, very short time. But one of the things that China has done is they've entered the space launch business and they've launched a lot of satellites for hire for United States and other Western powers. In doing that, they were able to reverse engineer a lot of our hard-won research and development in space, and especially with missile technology, into their own arsenal. As a result, they've become an increasingly formidable power as far as nuclear weapons are concerned. They now have the ability to strike the West in a deadly way. China's allies, Korea, Japan, and potentially India, may be a part of that confederacy. It's my opinion that in Revelation chapter 16, verses 12 through 16, and it talks about the kings of the East, plural, that talks about this great Eastern confederacy, I believe that it's talking about the dominant powers of Asia. And I believe Korea, Japan, and India will be a part of that. And that means they will have under them, at a minimum, 2.4 billion people. China is arming terrorists all around the world, Pakistan, Libya, Iran, Saudi Arabia. They're helping Iran, Syria, and Libya with nuclear weapons and missile program. North Korea is also meddling in this and helping. China shipped HQ-7 SAM missile systems to Iran over the protests, the strong protests of the United States. Now this is a surface-to-air missile, anti-aircraft missile, has a range of over eight miles and a speed of Mach 2. Now they created this system by reverse-engineering the French crotal SAM system. Anything they get from the West, they reverse-engineer it and make it themselves. And it's interesting that just as this program was getting developed, there was a non-flagged ship from North Korea that was captured by the Allies, by actually the Spanish Navy, and it had more than 15 warheads on it and Scud missiles. It was headed toward the Horn of Africa. We now know that it was headed for Yemen, and what I believe was a very serious tactical mistake. President Bush has returned those missiles to Yemen. Where is all of this leading? Well, I'm going to go to the Scripture right now because Bible prophecy has a lot to say about the fatal cryptic area of the Asian alliance. It says in Revelation 9, as it talks about one of the last great judgments, the judgment of the sixth trumpet. It says in Revelation 9 verse 13, �Then the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God. One saying to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, �Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates. And the four angels who had been prepared for the hour and the day and the month and the year were released, so that, or for the purpose that, they would kill a third of mankind.� And then in verse 17 it says, �And this is how I saw in the vision of the horses. Those who sat on them, the riders had breastplates the color of fire and hyacinths and brimstone. The heads of the horses are like the heads of lions, and out of their mouth proceed fire, smoke, and brimstone.� This prophecy has a lot of symbolism, but it can be understood in the light of today's events. First of all, it tells us who is going to be involved. Apparently, these four fallen angels that are bound at the river Euphrates and have been there since ancient times are among the most vicious of the fallen angels. Those that are bound are always the most vicious. And the place where they are bound, the river Euphrates, that has great symbolic meaning because the Euphrates from ancient times has always been the boundary line between the Middle East and the Far East. Now it also says that when these are released, they are released because of a very special appointed time. It says in verse 15, it says, �And the four angels had been prepared.� The word �had been prepared� is a perfect passive participle in the original Greek. Now this means that they had been prepared at a point of time in the distant past with the results they continued to be prepared. And then it nails down something that the Scripture, I don't know of any other instance where it does this. It says they were prepared for the hour, the day, the month, and the year. In other words, they were prepared for a very special moment in history. What are they prepared for? Well, there's a purpose clause here that very clearly tells us that they were prepared, it says, �so that� or for the purpose that� they would kill or slaughter a third of mankind, a third of the world's population. And then it tells us how they will do this. What's the means? The end of verse 17, it says, �Out of their mouths proceed fire and smoke and brimstone.� In verse 18, �A third of mankind was killed by these three plagues, by fire and smoke and by the brimstone proceeded out of their mouth.� Now, everything these symbols mean we can't know yet, but we do know a lot. First of all, fire, the word in Greek means something of intense heat. Smoke is a word that can mean pollution. And this would be, I believe, a nuclear holocaust where the intense heat of thermonuclear explosions and then the tremendous pollution, the fallout, the cloud-like smoke spreading around the world that would kill many, many more people. And brimstone, this is the word that means elements that have been reduced to a molten state by intense heat. I believe this is a prophecy of the Asian world launching a nuclear holocaust before they move their troops into the Middle East, as Revelation chapter 16 verses 12 to 16 predicts they will do. This apparently is an act to cover their movement into the Middle East. And the fact that these troops go almost unhindered to the Euphrates River and thereafter cross miraculously across a dried-up Euphrates River into the melee that's already going on in the Middle East tends to show me that there is a connection in the last days between this Asian Confederacy and the Muslim Confederacy of the South. Apparently they are rushing in to their rescue. And we turn to Revelation chapter 16 verses 12 to 16, and it tells us more about this Asian power. Revelation verse 12, it says, �The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river, the river Euphrates, and its water was dried up so that the way would be prepared for the kings from the east.� Kings plural, the east. Here's your Asian Confederacy. By this time after the holocaust of Revelation chapter 9, they've reached the boundary of the Middle East, and they're ready to run an onslaught into that. You know, when you put the battle plan together from Daniel chapter 11 verse 40 and from Ezekiel chapter 38, what this shows is that the powers of the west will already have decimated the sphere of power from the north, Russia, and their confederation with the Muslim powers. And so this last great war will be fought between the powers of the west laid by the Roman Empire, the revived Roman Empire, and these powers that come with 200 million soldiers from the Asian Confederacy, and I believe led by China. This is where the world is headed, and you can not only see it in prophecy, it's happening right before our eyes. The two personalities that are the key to starting the final stages of all of these things that Bible prophecy predicts are called the Antichrist of Rome and the False Prophet. Revelation chapter 13 gives a prophetic biography of both of these figures. Revelation chapter 13 verses 1 through 10 speaks about the one that would come from Rome. I say Rome because Daniel chapter 9 verses 24 through 26, I should say verse 27, says that the same people who destroyed Israel and Jerusalem back in 70 AD would be the people out of which this coming prince, the Antichrist, would come. There's much been said about him already, so I won't cover a lot of time on him, but there's just something that I think is very important to bring out, and that is from Daniel chapter 8 as it talks about him, where it says, and through his shrewdness he will cause deceit to succeed by his influence, and it says he will magnify himself in his heart, and then there is a verse in the original Hebrew, or a clause here, that's rarely ever translated, the old King James Version translates it, but I think it's because it sounds so incongruous, translators don't say what it literally says, because here's what it literally says, by means of peace he will destroy the many, and I think that that didn't make sense to some of the translators, how can you destroy through peace, but that's exactly what this man will do. This great leader who will come to Rome, will appear to be the greatest leader the world's ever seen, the answer to all of our problems, this man is going to destroy by using the lure of peace to drag them into his system, but you know the most important figure in all of this is the false prophet. In Revelation chapter 13 verses 11 through 18 he's brought in, he says, then I saw another beast coming up out of the land, or it says the earth, but in the original Greek it's the word taste, gaze, the land, and in this context, as it's used in the book of Revelation, the land refers to Israel, and of course what follows shows that this must be true, this is a person who comes out of the land of Israel, and it says he had two horns like a lamb, but he spoke as a dragon, he has two horns like a lamb because he impersonates the Messiah, but he speaks like a dragon, of course only those who know the word of God will be able to know that that's true. Technology has made this man's equipment perfect today. He couldn't have appeared on the scene and do what's predicted here until our present day technology. It says he's going to cause the whole world to receive a number, which symbolically is the number of the name of the Roman Antichrist, and that people will not be able to buy or sell unless they have that number. Well we virtually have the technology now for that. First of all, we have the injectable chip in which that number could be put in the hand or in the forehead as it says. We also have reduced currency to have nothing behind it, it's just paper currency which in effect is simply electronic entries. There's no such thing as gold or silver or platinum to back its worth. And national security today is talking about tracing through computers the purchases and sales of all Americans, and this is done in order not to profile any certain group so that records will be kept on all Americans. Well all of this is bad news, but the good news is this, the ultimate hope is the fact that every living believer in Jesus Christ, every person who's come to a personal knowledge of Him and received the gift of pardon is going to suddenly be caught up to meet Christ in the air and change from mortal to immortal without seeing physical death. This is our ultimate hope and I believe that that could happen at any moment because the scripture indicates, especially in 2 Thessalonians chapter 2, that this has to happen before the Roman Antichrist is revealed. Are you ready? Don't leave this program without making sure you've accepted the gift of pardon that Jesus died to give you. Claim it right now and acknowledge your sinner. God bless you.