It didn't take long for the fur to start flying. According to opposition leader John Howard, Mr Keating misled Parliament by claiming that when he was Treasurer, Mr Howard had been soft on tax avoidance. Mr Howard came back into Parliament to prove Mr Keating wrong. He's been caught out on this. He's been caught misleading the Parliament on this. You've been stung, you've been up criticizing the Government's tax chain and you have a rotten filthy record on tax. It all ended with both sides claiming victory when it was time for the members of Parliament to go to an official dinner for the visiting Indian Prime Minister, Mr Rajiv Gandhi. Peter Huffey, Canberra. And the tightest security ever is in operation for tonight's lavish dinner at Parliament House. It's the first official visit by an Indian Prime Minister to Australia for 18 years. Results from a friendship that developed between Prime Minister Hawke and Mr Gandhi at last year's Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting in the Bahamas. Mr Hawke told tonight's dinner the Australian Indian relationship had been neglected for some years, but the visit would change this. Jewish American author and human rights campaigner, Elie Wiesel, has won the 1986 Nobel Peace Prize. 58-year-old Wiesel is a survivor of Nazi concentration camps. He's been called the spiritual voice of the six million Jews who died in World War II. He coined the term Holocaust to describe the massacre. Conflicting evidence today from two key ground witnesses at the Chamberlain inquiry. At odds were a Northern Territory policeman and a forensic biologist, Joy Kuhl. First up today is strong defence from Joy Kuhl of her forensic tests. She rejected a suggestion that instead of finding foetal blood in the Chamberlain's car, she was confused by something else. An emitter might have been confused. I haven't seen anything to change my mind. Then Mrs Kuhl left the witness box to make way for Constable Jim Metcalf, the Northern Territory policeman who worked with Kuhl during months of forensic testing in 1981. Metcalf agreed with the Chamberlain's counsel, John Winnocky QC, that Joy Kuhl should have been free of any influence by police and should have been allowed to conduct her tests in a dispassionate way. However, Metcalf admitted he was anxious to get results, in particular from a sample taken from a spray pattern underneath the car's dashboard. After giving the sample to Joy Kuhl, she got back to him the same day with a positive result for foetal blood. That prompted Mr Winnocky to ask, did you think you were placing undue pressure on Mrs Kuhl by requesting her to have the results for you on that day? I don't recall pressing her in that way. Metcalf's claim that Kuhl gave him the spray pattern results on the same day contradicted earlier evidence by Kuhl that she would wait 24 hours before reporting her findings. And when Kuhl got back into the witness box late today, she said, I deny I could have possibly told him the results of those tests on that day. To do so, she said, would have gone against proper scientific procedures. Other scientists have told this inquiry that the spray pattern Kuhl claimed was blood was in fact a sound-deadening material. Stephen Fennelly, National Nine News. The tallest office building in the southern hemisphere is now officially complete, and the night sky over Melbourne was the setting for the celebration. Christopher Hill has more. From the top story of the massive Rialto complex, 55 floors above Cullen Street, the earth's curve is clearly visible and the view breathtaking. On the floor below, the invited guests prepared themselves for the show Australia's leading pyro technician, Ron Jackson, had prepared to mark the occasion. Ten minutes of spectacular fireworks. A hush fell over those in the tower. And then it was time for the games to begin. Christopher Hill, National Nine News. Certainly a great sight, and finally a look at the weather. Just a few more showers tonight for the forecasters for a mostly sunny day tomorrow. It should drop to a low of eight, climbing to a top of 18. Currently, it's a chilly 10 degrees. We'll have more news with Eric Walters from 6am. Don't forget our major bulletin at 6 tomorrow evening. But from me, it's good night. Melbourne's leading hour of news and current affairs. National Nine News with Brian Layler at 6, Willisie at 6.30 each weeknight online. At Australian Paper Manufacturers, we not only grow the pine trees we need for the paper products we produce every year, we also replant them every year. In this way, we do our part to ensure that Australia's native forests are preserved, not only for your children, but for your children's children. At Australian Paper Manufacturers, forest conservation is our business. optimistic The manicure for professional nails. Who needs nail polish? When there is the manicure, first a little shaping with a fabulously manicured black beauty emery board. Then try the magic satin buff and softless. Struck your nails to an incredible natural shine. Then your nails are good enough to kiss. Sorry. The manicure. Beauty. When just one delicious dollop of cream can make so many things taste so much better, perhaps you should be dolloping more. Cream. The delicious dollop. The pages. The more you look, the more you find. Whoo-hoo! Ahh! Michelle's fine hair can't take seven more hours of this damp air. It's really flopped. You need more body here and more fullness right here, see? But the trick is to make it last. A new Sunsilk Extra Body Shampoo and Conditioner is improved to give body and fullness that really last. Now that's fullness. And it still looks great seven hours later. New Extra Body from Sunsilk. The two-roddy semester-old, your premieres Wednesday, 730. You'll love it. And so will you. Bundling, spooning, necking, scoring. Over the years, it's been called many things. But teenagers always have and always will face the question of what to do about sex. I was 15 the first time I had sex. It wasn't one of my best experiences, but it got better. One of the things we have to deal with in this country, as you will all your lives, is that we are sexual from birth. Baby boys are often born with full erections. Baby girls are born with their vaginas lubricating. As far as sex is concerned, I feel like the blind man has never seen how can a blind man miss sight if he has never had it. I've never had sex, so how can I miss it? The fact that we even discuss things today that once were appalling and wicked is unreal. You've seen amorality and even immorality taunt the boys and girls under the guise of education. We call it academic pornography. I truly get distraught when these more majority people come on and they say, well, can you imagine a boy and a girl in a sex education class and then they have to walk home together that same day? Well, that's just too much. You know they're just going to jump in bed right there. I just know not to do it, not to go that far. I mean, it could feel great, but I know morally it's wrong. And I just stop. What is first base? I keep forgetting. Kissing. And second base is what? Feeling. Feeling body, above the waist. Third base? It's below the waist. Kids talk about this all the time, first base I guess. Little kids. And home run is intercourse? Yeah. I was 15 when I got rid of my virginity. She was a virgin too. It was a weird experience I'd have to say now thinking about it, but I'll always remember it. Score, what you waiting for? Score, what you living for? You knew what you want the second you walked into the door. You got what you want, but don't you think you really wanted more? Score. Breakfast for muesli eaters can be a daily grind. That's why they'll try anything to get it easier to eat muesli. Now with White Wing's toasted muesli flakes, you can get all the goodies without the grind. Toasted whole wheat flakes are light and crunchy. All we took out was the hard work. Get all the goodies without the grind. Fun shoes, sun shoes, work shoes, beach shoes. Red shoes, bright shoes, black shoes, Aussie shoes. Dance shoes, romance shoes, night shoes, you shoes. Bylandia, very high fashion, under $35. Experts tell us that today about 50% of America's teenagers are sexually active. Are the pressures from parents, government, schools, churches, friends greater today than ever before? Or is sex teenage style pretty much what it's always been? To find out, let's take a trip across the country and meet four teenagers. Two are virgins, two are not. We'll start in California. 17-year-old Stacey lives in Chatsworth with her mom and dad, and 7-year-old kid sister, Corey. For the past few months, Stacey's been spending a lot of time, a lot of special time, with her boyfriend, Greg. She thinks she might be in love, maybe for the first time. I think the most important thing about making love, to me, is sharing that special thing with someone else. The feeling of foreplay during, I mean, before the actual making love part, and then after, how neat it feels, how happy, how weak, how out of it, but yet how sensational you're feeling. I think my mom approves of me being sexually active as well as my dad does. She does believe that it's not a thing to be hidden, it's not a bad or taboo thing, and she was behind me. I try and remember what it was like when I was 16. You know, I do remember, it's not that long ago. And I'm not stupid, I know what's going on with kids. They have the same feelings we do. So instead of pretending that she wasn't going to be acting out those feelings with someone, about a year ago we started looking into different methods of birth control. You should look out for yourself at all times, as far as I'm concerned, and I think birth control, the pill especially, is the best thing. Make love once, you can get pregnant. Stacey worries about one of her girlfriends who isn't using any birth control. She should know, I mean, how old is 17, right? I don't think I really want to, though. No? No, I think I'd just rather take it's chance. Well, I can never take the chance of being pregnant, though. I don't want Stacey to have to face that decision at 16 years old. 19 is hard enough to have to raise a child, but to start at 16 or 17 isn't fair. I've thought about being a mother. As a matter of fact, I think about it a lot when I'm with Cory. I love my little sister very much. I love little kids. And I think I can teach a kid a lot. You did it! If you have any questions ever about having little babies or anything about how boys and girls like each other or anything about that, you let me know, okay? I will. Or mom or dad. Are you going to marry Gray when you grow up? Marry Gray? Yeah. I don't know. I don't think I could marry a man that wasn't involved with the feelings of other people, including children. Greg is absolutely fabulous with my little sister Cory. He's fabulous with animals. He just really gets along with people. And I need someone outgoing because I am myself. But marriage is not that important on my list of priorities, let's put it that way. I want to finish education right now. And if I can do it by being married or living with somebody, then I'll do it that way. But I don't think I need to. I think I can do it just fine myself. MUSIC I think there will always be a segment of the people that believe that there are good girls and bad girls. My conflict was that I didn't want her sexually experimenting with everyone she met. And at the same time, to be tied down to one relationship didn't seem to be the ideal thing either. My mom has never told me that I've been playing around too much. She got a little bit too worried when I was having two-month relationships for a while, and that's all it was. But I just think that that period or that stage that a girl goes through is just trying to find maybe the right one. What? I love you. I love you too, baby. Have you, um, I wish you'd take some time off your work. We haven't been together in a while. Well, let's go out tonight. How about a nice, quiet, candlelight dinner? My place or yours? Let's do movies. Yours, of course. Oh, I can't. No? Why? I think to be a virgin on your wedding night would be something to experience. Fiesty, huh? Mm-hmm. Want to go home and get feisty? Just like you. Good night. I know grandmas and grandpas seem to be married for 50 years, and here our relationships now last for two years. But if you didn't like it, I mean, what would happen the next year you're going to be married, or however long that relationship was going to last, if the guy happened to be too rough or too sensitive for you or something? Sex is a big part of a relationship, and people say it's not supposed to be, but it really is. And, uh, let it or leave it, that has to be a good part of it. If I'm going to be with somebody for a long time, I want to know what they're like. If I was with Stacey and wouldn't do it until I got married and found out that she didn't like it, you know, whereas I was totally excited by it, and she always had to play that she liked it, or, you know, would do it just to please me. I would want her to be pleased mutually. I feel very fortunate that part of our relationship where, you know, something can always be discussed. I find that very exciting in our relationship to be open like that and talk and discuss it. And, no, I don't like that, or yes, I do. I really enjoy it. When I did orgasm with the first guy that I made love to, I thought, I'm broken, you know, I'm not going to come, I'm broken. And it's, you know, you think that, you think something's wrong with you. And when I finally did find out, you know, about this orgasm, which I thought was wonderful, it was quite an experience. Everybody had been talking about it, and I was the only virgin left at age 15. But it was something I can't explain. It was just fabulous. And with someone you love, it's even better. I think girls love sex. I think girls love it just as much as guys do, but they try and hide it. I mean, I've seen girls go, well, it was okay, right, when they're dying to do it again. I think teenagers, if they are mature, should have sex anytime. I don't think marriage is a big factor. Marriage is wonderful if you're going to have a kid and make it legal, etc. and so forth. But as far as I'm concerned, I think if you want to make love, if you feel strongly about somebody to share that special thing, then you should. There's the physical excitement that makes you want to keep going. And then there's your head saying, is this right? Is it wrong? What should I do next? And then there's the good old heart saying, well, what if it makes him happy? You may have a good background, young people. You may know right from wrong, but every time you're trying to think right, the person you're committing sin with will help blind your eyes so you don't know right from wrong. And it's so important that you don't develop that kind of a dirty lifestyle. I have no objection to anybody going further in sex than I do. That's their decision and I feel in no position to judge them. We'll find out more about Simon in a moment. At the brand new time of 730 Friday, Big Laughs' tourney goes back to school in Who's the Boss? Followed by Growing Pains from 730 Friday on 9. Feel it, feel it. It's a feeling deep inside. It's a feeling you can't hide. You can feel it. Comfort, softness. Feel it. Comfort, softness. It's a feeling deep inside. Comfort, richer, softer. When's the best time to have an Innerspring sale? In the spring, of course. So Captain Snooze has dropped the prices on Sealy Posturepedic, Slumberland, Sleepmaker and Sealy Innersprings. Mattresses start at $99. Bed sets at $199. And some queen-sized beds are going at double bed prices, including free delivery. So still buy now and don't pay till next summer without a third payment plan. But hurry, what goes down must go up! Hey, what's got three hands, a gray face and works in a band? I don't know. My Loris watch, silly. Loris, the best time you can have for your money. 17-year-old Simon is one of the star attractions here at the Children's Theatre in Palo Alto, California. These days he still feels more at home in front of an audience than he does alone on a date. As far as sex is concerned, I feel like I'm like a blind person. I don't know what it's like. A blind person doesn't know what seeing is like because he's never seen it. How can he miss it? That's basically what I feel about sex. I've never had it, so how do I know it's missing? Simon's parents, Ellie and Mark, remember what it was like when they were teenagers. Well, I was Simon's age. I hadn't had any sexual activity. I was still a virgin then. But the chief difference was, at least I hope it's the chief difference, is that I felt really terrible about it. I felt sort of defensive about it and I felt I was made to feel it. The only reason I was a virgin was because I didn't try hard enough or maybe because there was something lacking in my masculine drive. I am a bit curious, but I'm in no great hurry. I've got a lot of life ahead of me. And there's no great rush to me right now. I've got a lot of other things to do. Sex will come when I have more time. Theater basically is my love and life. That is really where all my activity takes place and just about all of my real friends are. And people I feel closest to are. Just a lot of the general sort of emotional ways of getting along with women, I have not told him because, and maybe this is a cop-out, because I felt that he didn't want to hear it from me. I certainly wouldn't listen to my father when he said things. Simon's dad is an English professor at a local college. His favorite student is his own son. He and Simon both agree that books and lectures in classrooms can only go so far. He'll learn about sex when he's ready. For the time being, Simon's doing what he wants. The physical act of making love is not that important to me right now, but having a girlfriend or someone I can talk to like a girlfriend, I think is important to everyone always. And they're just nice to be around their friend. A safe refuge, of course safe, also means someone who you don't feel pressured to act on in a certain way as far as sex is concerned. Who, you know, kissing and hugging and all that is a pleasure rather than a worry if you're doing it right or wrong. Make full of yourself. I think parents have a right to know, short in this age, where they are, what time they'll be home. Some idea of who they'll be with. It's like having someone looking over my shoulder and trying to help me and steer me on my way, which is what parents traditionally try to do to their children. They've just gotten the habit of being secretive. Lately as years have gone by, I've grown to hide more and more of my personal life from them until I reach the state where I tell them almost nothing about what goes on outside of the house. We are the Ripper's Life. Did you get the knife? The acting is an emotional experience. If it was any bite, we're going to need a real one. I ain't got a knife. Go inside and get the kitchen knife. I don't let my emotions show because it's a sign of weakness. It's shown in me, in me, which I try and keep covered up in private. I can't imagine life without a theater, so I think I'll probably always have it with me. And it will always serve as a release for energy and pent-up emotions and whatnot. As far as life in general is concerned, including sex, I don't really think I need their approval that much. I would not want my parents to be upset with me, but at the same time, I'm not really too worried about their opinions of what I do. They've taught me to be soft-reliant. The real test of family closeness is if people can choose not to be close and to develop a certain sense of independence, just so long as they know that the closeness is the kind of base that they can come back to after they've been independent and done their thing. We have a very intellectual relationship. I'll talk to them about books I've read and about philosophical ideas. My parents and I can talk about sex in a theoretical sense very easily. We'll talk about the morals of it and the values, and they've said, if you ever get in trouble, come to us. The idea of just going in there and saying, so, Mom and Dad, how do you make love? Would I think be rather difficult? Emma could not feel a doubt of having given Harriet's fancy a proper direction and raised the gratitude of her young vanity to a very good purpose. I'm not sure what sexual happiness really is. What ideal, if we had power to mold our children, what would we really want them to do? Is the happy sexual life 500 relationships or is it three or four? Sex is such a screwy subject, it's difficult to try to push your children in a direction where you are not even sure what the ideal direction is. I don't know. Our lives are happy. Hopefully, perhaps some of this happiness will bring down them, but they may choose to seek happiness in a totally, totally different way. I don't think of my parents as sexual. That doesn't mean they aren't, of course. I don't think of them as sexual, but they are very affectionate. I mean, they've had their arguments and their fights, but generally they've stuck together for 20 years, just a while ago. And if I could be as happy together as they are, I would be quite pleased. Tomorrow, Simon and his dad are going off to visit several Ivy League colleges. He's looking forward to going away to school, and he wonders what's in store for him. I haven't learned that much about the actual practice of sex anywhere. When I go to college, after I graduate, which is next year, I suspect I'll probably learn more. But then again, I don't know. It's all up in the air. If he's feeling inadequate, it is more possibly in just the emotional, when to approach, how to approach, and think what I suppose would be called technique. It's something that you learn by your own painful trial and error, and it's why none of us ever want to be 17 again. As far as what one actually does, the physical actions, I really haven't learned that anywhere. And when the time arises, when I do have to perform, what shall we say? I will really be in the dark. I think parents should tell their kids about where babies come from, but I don't think my parents are properly qualified or trained or know enough to tell me about contraceptives or abortion or any of that stuff. They just, I mean, you know, they don't know enough. You need somebody who knows the facts about it. Okay, our subject today, our topic today for this session is should parents be notified when a minor child receives a prescription for contraceptives? I think parents should understand that if their child has, is going to have sex, no matter what, sometimes they just can't stop that. And I think the kid should be allowed to decide if he's going to or not and be able to go get his contraceptives or whatever and prevent having a child. You can find neighborhoods like this one in just about every city in the country. We're at the Stapleton Housing Project in Denver, Colorado, where raising a family can be a challenge, and kids sometimes have to grow up pretty quickly. Joe is 17. His parents were divorced when he was nine, and since then, he's learned a lot on his own. I want some of the forex today. Yeah, expensive ones. I was 15 when I got rid of my virginity. It was, she was a virgin too. It was kind of awkward because neither of us knew really what to do. I didn't use birth control my first four or five times. She kind of told me when it was the right time of month, and I finally realized that that might not work all the time, so I started using. If she turned up pregnant, that'd be the end of my life. Basically, there's two kinds of girls that I would go out with, and sex is an important part. There's some nights where you want to go out and you want to take some girl home and do what you want to do with her and then leave. If I went out and found somebody like that, then I'd pressure her to leave. Let's go jump in the sack. But if it's a girlfriend of mine, I can wait. I can wait as long as she needs to wait, but I'm not going to wait forever. A crazy guru tries to perform a miracle. My soul will enter her body. But the guru goofs. I feel like I'm going to die. Now, Ed Wheeler and Roger are living together in the same body, and he just can't seem to get her out of his system. Stop playing with it already and take it out. Steve Martin and Lily Tomlin are together. We've got to get up, Roger. In a riotous movie premiere. You did it with a dead woman? All of me, Sunday, 8.30 on LINE. Just the thought of going board really freaks me. It starts to march backwards, and then it's like, oh, I'm going to die. Just the thought of going board really freaks me. It starts to march back, and you worry like hell. She's scalp dandruff, hair loss. I was really frantic until I went to Ashley and Martin. Many Ashley and Martin clients find that baldness never happens because they suffer from conditions that respond to the exclusive Ashley and Martin hair and scalp treatment programs. Can your hair loss be slowed, even stopped? You may never know unless you have an Ashley and Martin consultation that's entirely free of cost to find out how much they can help you. Ashley and Martin really helped me. I told him I really don't want him to waste any time on having a sexual relationship at his age. He needs to use all his powers and energies to get as much out of life as he can. And there's no sense in having physical sexual relationships with anyone until you're older and you have the time for it. Joe really shouldn't have the time for it. He has a lot to do. I work at Johnson's Recreation Center. What I do there is mainly work with kids, and I like to do that, by the way. I like to play with kids, you know, because they're funny sometimes. They do some crazy things. I like to teach them some things, games, card tricks, play with them. That's why I like to work with them. He's taken the responsibility of children and raising children very seriously. Joe realized the magnitude of the problem of having such a large family when I got my divorce, and Joe reacted very responsible by asking questions about how I was going to make it financially, how were we going to eat, how could I stretch a welfare check to feed us all. My mom, she's a secretary, and she works her butt off. She works long hours, 10 hours, 11 hours a day sometimes. She works Sundays sometimes, Saturdays sometimes, just to keep us going, just to keep us kids going. And the first thing I want to do is get her out of there and get her life back, you know, to where she can enjoy it. I mean, a 60-hour week, right? 60-hour week. Yeah. I just took Sunday off. So out of those 16, that's 10 hours a day. Yeah. MUSIC Joe is the kind of guy who makes the most of every opportunity. A top student, he's also a teaching assistant in his high school electronics class. I think school is the most important thing at this age. Not sex and not your social life. You want to have it, though, and that's in every teenager. I need to go out and I need to, you know, see some girls and put sex into that, you know, it's all part of it. MUSIC I'm not totally living in peace with my mom about being sexually active, but she doesn't know about it all the time. MUSIC I know that sex can be important to a teenager, especially if he gets into peer pressure or social pressure. I know that's a very important part of his life, so I've told Joe of his responsibility with sex, and if he does engage in a sexual relationship, he knows if he hurts somebody, I cannot be his friend. MUSIC MUSIC At the end of my sophomore year, I'd have to say I was partying a little bit too much for myself. Going out, school nights, you know, not coming home till late. My grades went all the way downhill. They started just falling. My mom was probably the most important person that had me settled down. MUSIC No matter what, I want to go to college. I want to do something with my life, whatever I can, and the first thing I want to do when I get out and get a job is get my mom out of the place where we live. Joe was just elected to represent his high school on the Denver Student Board of Education. He took his oath of office with the nine other representatives chosen from all of Denver's high school students. Oh, I'm really proud of Joe. Joe doesn't really realize the value of his mind and his good looks, and he has so much tenacity, and he's really gone through a lot, and I think that it took a lot of self-discipline to get where he is, and I really have to hand it to him. I feel I have a lot more control over what I do now, over my life, everything. I think as long as I can handle that and, you know, have the grades up, have everything together, my life under control, I think I should be allowed to have a social life, and sex is an important part of it. Like, when I first talked out about all that stuff, you know, I asked my mom, could I go out and get this from the clinic? She agreed with me because she didn't want me to get no little girl pregnant where I couldn't support her in that. Values don't get taught in the classroom. They are the result of that life experience that you have primarily in your family. Knowing what you want is hard, and especially at my age. And at someone younger than I am. It's hard to know what you want. And everyone has their own way of life, their own value. We'll get to know Kim when we come back. On Wednesday, Channel 9 presents the World's Craziest Comedy Duo. And it's good night from me. And it's good day from me. The two Ronnies in a brand new Australian series. He's certainly throwing them back tonight, isn't he? Ronnie Corbett. I spent the first two years of my life on a child bracelet. Ronnie Barker. Only last wonk I approached the chuck-out boy. With their unique style of comedy, a special new series made in Australia. See you then, partners. And don't you miss it now. The Two Ronnies, Wednesday, 7.30, online. You'll love it. The same choice small leaf flavour you get with Land Choo leaf tea. You also get with every Land Choo tea bag. 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If you're after the best quality lighting and the biggest range, but you only want to pay half price, then rush to a Brody Lighthouse and take your pick. 18-year-old Kim doesn't think she's ever been in love, and that's okay with her. She's enjoying taking her own time learning about love and sex at her own pace. Growing up in your teens, you do, you face lots of problems, and sex is the main one. I got my values from my parents, of them bringing me up the way that they have. And it's hard. You never think that the way they raise you, that they do give you the values that you need in life. And you forget that they've grown up, and they've faced the problems I'm going to face. Before every date, Kim's boyfriend Greg has a talk with Kim's dad, who's a construction worker and a policeman. My dad gives the dates the third degree in the way of asking him where we're going, what time we'll be back. He knows I have a curfew, so I'm coming back at 12, so I don't know why he asks what time we'll be back. I'll sit there and talk now. If you're ever drunk, call me, I'll come pick you up. We can do that speech. You and Kim heading out? Yeah, a little dinner at Huckleberry's. What about the drinking tonight? Well, I don't know. I'm not, don't worry about me. I'm not going to drink and then try to drive. But if I go to dinner, you know, it would be alright if we ordered a beer or something like that. I mean, I won't. But I mean, you're not going to a bar afterwards. No. Alright. Listen, have a good time tonight. Behave yourself, and take care of it, will you? I will. Okay, no problem. I want to please a person, but I want to please him to the extent of going all the way or having his oral sex. I mean, I want to please him in a way that I can please him, and hoping that it pleases him. That's what scares me. I mean, I'm surprised that we haven't broke up because we haven't gone all the way. I think I have waited, and this is the fact that I think we know each other a lot better. I think we can handle it. Yeah. But, no, you're right. Why does he know him? I feel like I'm disappointing him. But if he really likes me, he shouldn't be disappointed. He... I feel if I say no to a guy, he should respect me for what I feel. And if he doesn't, hey, tell him to take a hike. My favorite thing about Greg? That he can take charge. He can show security, that he has control. I mean, I like to have control of myself, too. But he's someone who makes you feel secure. Kim has a lot of security in her life, including a special relationship with her mom. My mom explained sex to my brother and I, both sitting on her bed and her bedroom. I remember the day... What one? Oh, come on. Where are you going? You have to have a whole new effort for this. The closeness with my mother is a friendship that someone would have with a girlfriend. We talk about anything openly, honestly. She tells me whatever I need to know. She doesn't beat around the bush. She's always there. Kimmy has just made me extremely happy. I mean, I've always been proud of her. She's always been herself and a good person and somebody you really couldn't help but just like. My dad and I are closer in a different way. He's closer to my brother than I am, which I can see perfectly. Scott and dad, both guys, they can talk about anything. As mom and I, we can talk about anything. I can handle sex right down to the basics when it comes to Scott. My son, he's a jock and I relate to myself when I was his age. I got all the young kids raising hell, drinking, parking in the wrong place, even girls at bars. Honestly, what do you think attracts these girls? The guys, I think it's really on their mind when you hear the guys tell them about their war stories with different gals and such and Scott's right there listening in. And I feel comfortable that way. I would feel very uncomfortable if Kim were there. I mean, I wouldn't feel right. Here's a girl running down the street. That's a really bad one. Goddamn, you're a goddamn fool. You think that that turns them on? Yeah, they say, look at that guy, he takes girls and stuff. Yeah? They like guys with muscles. Okay. My parents always taught me, don't be loose. Keep it all together and then you'll have all the boys. And I thought for a while they were wrong. I thought that's all guys want. But they're right. That was luck, Kimmy Ann. Where'd you go, mom? The pressure has never bothered me. I mean, if there is pressure where I feel the guy is pressuring me into going into sex, I'll say, hey, you're not for me and I don't want you. And I'll tell the person straight out. And if the person really likes me, he'll know to stop pushing. And I can honestly say that I've never been mad at Kim for saying no, really. And if she pulls my hand somewhere else, then it'll go somewhere else where I'm safe. You know what I mean? Where she's okay. I have a routine. I guess all guys do. They have to. Or else you're nothing, man. You have to think you're good. Or else you're nowhere. I know him like a book. Stop, turn the radio on, refine the seats. Anyway, Kim, I'm a little tired. I'm going to lay back in my seat a little bit. Just rest my eyes, okay? You're not attacking me? Not at the moment. Why do you want me to attack you? Greg, he pleases me and makes me happy. And I feel even better when I turn Greg off. She knows who I'm turning to. God, do I know who you're turning to. Sometimes maybe I'm a child, you know? Spoils. Maybe when it comes to sex. I just want touch and feel and do whatever. And she keeps her head. You know, you have to have a couple of drinks sometimes. She's the lady. How I know when to stop sexually? I don't know. I just know not to do it. Not to go that far. I mean, it could feel great, but I know morally it's wrong. And I just stop. Having a dad as a policeman, you have security. Every police officer knows who I am. It doesn't bother me, though. In a way, it feels security. And then in a way, I feel like I'm being watched all the time. But I think it's fair if I tell my parents what I've done before they find it. Somewhere else. Which I think would hurt them. And would break the trust that we have now. Church is my life. It's part of my life. It's what I believe in. It's what gives me the rules to live by, besides my parents. Sex with the church is something which shouldn't be misused. I mean, it's sacred, much as the sacrament thought. It's part of marriage. My parents' marriage is something that I would love to have. Me and I marry. What I admire in their relationship is their relationship with us kids. And someday I hope I have the same relationship I do with my kids as my parents do. As a family, we're super close. And there's a friendship, love, everything in a family that anyone could ask for. I think that we've done all we can is to lay a base for her morals and her understanding and her idea what love really is. And now it's up to her. Whether Kim's a virgin or not when she gets married really isn't important to me. It's how happy she is. I plan on sex not until I'm ready and when I'm in love, which probably won't be for a while. How do I know I'm only 18 and I need to experience more dating, more guys? And then maybe I'll really know what love is. Sex, teenage style, will continue. Friday. You're a knockout. And you're a creep. And knockout Emmy Award winner Michael J. Fox. Promise me you'll go slow. And the fastest bunch of school kids you're ever likely to meet. Are you a virgin? 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Do your friends pressure you to go further than you're ready to? What do you know about birth control? Think about it. Better yet, talk about it. You might be surprised at what you'll discover about sex and love and new feelings. Well, it's getting dark now. Guess I better get going. Oh, you're welcome to stay if you'd like. I'd like to, but I'm not a teenager anymore. Stay with Nine Now for highlights from the latest Challenger heats in the America's Cup. This begins in a few moments. And don't miss the first comedy special from the two Ronnies in Australia. Ronnie Barker and Ronnie Corbett are hilarious in a show packed with non-stop entertainment here online at 7.30 tomorrow night. We'll be right back. If you remember the jargon, cruising, romance and music, you'll love American Graffiti, the movie that tells it how it was, 8.30 Saturday, on 9. Right now, the Launceston Country Club Casino and Rest Point Casino are having a sale, but we haven't cut any of the excitement or glamour. 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Dennis Connor lowers his colors to arch rival John Coleus. And New Zealand maintains its unbeaten record with more Kiwi magic. The man with all the stories, Bruce Walker. Good evening. Action aplenty here in Fremantle both on and off the water. For sure, Snake and Kidney edged into the spotlight with the sacking of helmsman Gary Sheard and the appointment in his place of one time South Australian skipper Fred Neal. And talking about the Australians, we'll be having a close look at them all later in the program. But first, today's results. Not exactly brotherly love as Mark Peugeot in French Kiss defeats his Peugeot in Challenge France by a whopping 17 minutes 40. Italia beats Eagle by one minute 34. New Zealand downs White Crusader by an even four minutes. Canada too defeated Azura with the Italian 12 retiring after four leagues. America too beat Heart of America by four minutes and six seconds. And Stars and Stripes had a walk over when courageous did not start. USA had the later. Now with details of how Kiwi magic scotched White Crusader, Bruce Stannard. If ever there was any doubt about the sheer power of this New Zealand boat, today's performance against White Crusader certainly dispelled it.