Tonight on NOVA, James Randi, magician and investigator of psychic phenomena. Don't laugh, this is science. For 25 years, Randi has explored the world of the paranormal and tested claims of supernatural powers. Now, Randi journeys to Russia to challenge psychics never before seen in the West. After decades of research, can we finally discover the secrets of the psychics? Funding for NOVA's 20th anniversary season is made possible by Lockheed, America's aerospace company, supporting math, science and engineering education for national technology leadership. And Johnson & Johnson, the signature recognized around the world for commitment to quality health care products for the entire family. Major funding for NOVA is provided by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and by annual financial support from viewers like you. From the earliest days, man has believed that dreams and the supernatural are in some way real. All over the world, psychics demonstrate powers that their followers accept as modern-day miracles. Here in Moscow, psychic healers treat the sick with chants and incantations. And in the Philippines, psychic surgeons perform operations without knives. A metal spoon turns liquid in the hands of a psychic performer in Britain. Nearly everywhere, fortune-tellers find the future in cards, crystal balls and palms. Three out of four Americans say they've had a psychic experience. Today, you can even find a psychic at the mall. Prebears of the supernatural have created a multimillion-dollar industry. But are psychic phenomena what they appear to be? My name is James Randi, the Amazing Randi. I'm a magician. For the past 25 years, I've been investigating the claims of psychics. Psychics often say that an object can be moved using only the power of the mind. Magicians can produce the same effect. Of course, I was just blowing on the pen. But a little suggestion and a little distraction go a long way. As a magician, there's nothing I like more than a well-executed illusion. Just look at what my friend Jamie Ian Swiss can do. There are those who use magic tricks for more than entertainment. They convince people that what they do is real, that they have special powers. Magical thinking, you know, is a slippery slope. Sometimes it's harmless enough, but other times it's quite dangerous. Personally, I'm opposed to that kind of fakery, so I have no reservations at all about exposing these people and their illusions for what they really are. I've investigated the claims of hundreds of psychics. People aren't always happy with my conclusions, but I do have my supporters. In 1986, I was honored with a MacArthur Award. Unfortunately, most of the prize money went into defending myself against a series of libel suits related to one of my earliest and most controversial investigations. The subject was Uri Geller, a young Israeli who claimed to have supernatural powers. His remarkable affinity for metal and his psychic abilities are well documented all over the world. In the early 1970s, Geller became a superstar, the most famous psychic in the world. Okay, just a second, look at me. Visualize everything that you drew once more. He claimed to read people's minds. I'm going to show what I got, and if I'm wrong, then I'm wrong, but it really came very strongly. It could be two mountains with a round thing on, or two people. Can I show? Yeah. Am I wrong? Am I wrong? You're right. That's what I got. He claimed to bend keys with his mind. I know you're going to think this is a setup, friends, and old Tom has never conned you on anything. This guy is bending this key by rubbing it. It was bent at about a one degree angle when you started out, and it's coming up on 45 degrees now and still moving. You're thinking bend, is that what you're doing? Yes, I'm saying bend. I'm saying bend, bend, bend, and sometimes I say bend baby. But Geller was best known for his way with spoons. Hold the tip of the spoon very, very gently. What I'm doing is I'm trying to melt the metal down. Yes, you see, I feel it. It's getting loose. And there's no force at all in my hands. Look what's happening. Look what's happening. There's no force at all. The whole thing is ready to fall off. Touch it here where I'm stroking it. That is eerie. I have a wisdom tooth. If you can see, the metal is beginning to crack here. It's breaking. Look, it's like putty wax. And keep stroking it here. You see the crack is becoming bigger. I melt the metal down. I want it to bend. I just say bend. You see? Now, wait a minute, wait a minute. Keep stroking your keys more. And people at home, want your watches to start working. Or if there is a radio that is broken, want it to start working. Television broken, just want all those broken things. What Geller was saying, effectively, was that wanting things could make them so. I felt that claim had to be challenged. The media, even some scientists, were taking the Geller phenomena seriously. So I decided to show, for starters, that I could at least duplicate these effects using trickery. Now, a key can be displayed in such a way that it looks like it's bending. For example, just by stroking it, you'd swear that it's bending right up before your eyes. Magicians call this process ratcheting. But to do this, the key has to be bent in advance. The hard part, of course, is how to go about bending the key without letting them catch you. Now, there are several ways. I could, for example, take it and press the tip against the top of the table. That would do it. Or, in shifting my chair backwards or forwards, as I just did, I could have taken it and dropped it below the level of the table and pressed the tip on the chair I'm sitting on. Which is exactly what I just did. Did I fool you? Mentalists have been duplicating hidden drawings for years. If Mr. Geller had chosen to use trickery, he could have used any of a number of techniques. One favorite involves turning your back and covering your eyes while the drawing is being made. Now, I've always wondered why you would cover your eyes while your back is turned. But melting metal is something else again. It's done something like this. And it gets soft, so I see to it bend, bend, bend, and it bends. Of course, it does take a little preparation. In fact, it takes a lot of preparation. Now, this isn't proof positive that other demonstrations aren't the result of supernatural power. But isn't this a more reasonable explanation? And then, of course, there was Mr. Geller's appearance on The Tonight Show. I got a call after they booked him to appear. Would you welcome, please, Uri Geller. Johnny had been a magician himself and was skeptical. I was asked to help prevent any trickery. Nice to see you. Thanks. We have only met. This scares me. This scares you? Well, we just got some things together here. I told them to provide their own props and not to let Geller or his people anywhere near them. One of our staff members did some drawings which have been sealed in an envelope, and I'd like you to take your own pace when you feel like you want to try anything. Do you want to try that particular thing? The experiment first? When I'll feel for it. Okay? Sure. We'll start eliminating the ones that do not have the water. Without touching them. He is really suspicious. I'm having a hard time with you. I don't mean to be, Uri. I really don't. Just keep looking. Okay, let me rest a little, all right? All right. You know, I'm surprised because before this program, your producer came and he read me at least 40 questions you were going to ask me. Well, I can ask you all kinds of questions if you'd like me to ask you questions. I have to have time. Jart, we are back. Your Uri was telling me you don't feel what, strong tonight? Is that... I don't feel strong. It's not at all tonight. Right now, I'm feeling being pressed and then I can't... Well, I'm not trying to press you, I'm really not. No, but I'm really trying to press you. I'm trying to press you. it's not all tonight right now I'm feel I'm feeling being pressed and then I can well I'm not trying to press you I really not you're only telling me well will you try that well I thought that was the idea of no I'm not much to my surprise the tonight show episode didn't have much effect on Uri Geller's career neither did the book that I wrote about him but eventually his star faded why people are so drawn to the irrational is something that has always puzzled me I want to be if I can assure of the world the real world around me as is possible now you can only attain that to a certain degree but I want the greatest degree of control I don't I've never involved myself in narcotics of any kind I don't smoke I don't drink because that can easily just fuzz the edges of my rationality fuzz the edges of my reasoning powers and I want to be as aware as I possibly can that means giving up a lot of fantasies that might be comforting in some ways but I'm willing to give that up in order to live in an actually real world as close as I can get to it during the 1980s I entered a world that I found filled with fantasy and rife with abuse the world of faith human I developed a special interest in a television evangelist named Peter pop-off and God told me he said you smite that cancer with your fist at the time pop-off was pulling in nearly four million dollars a year healing people on his miracle crusades you've got cancer of the stomach are you ready for God to burn that cancer out here it goes in the mighty devil back off you really believe you're healed yes you think your cancers are gone now yes I believe that because God never lies and we stand in his word praise the Lord I'll tell you from now on you're gonna have us all a victory in your heart amen to his followers pop-off seemed to have divine powers as is it Gould Alice Gould he knew their names stand up Alice as well as the afflictions they'd come to cure God is touching that thyroid condition right now God is touching your nerves right now God is touching your eyes just lift up your hands get ready here it comes he also knew the personal details of their lives your good news from Charles before everything is over I'll tell you he's gonna be completely delivered because of your prayers because of your faith here it comes complete healing it Jesus mighty name right now right now right now it's all right to praise the Lord I suspected that pop-offs revelations were other than divine radio scanner we brought to the hall picked up a decidedly worldly source hello Petey can you hear me if you can't you're in trouble pop-off was being prompted by his wife through a wireless earpiece she'd gotten her information from prayer cards filled out by the faithful before the show began you want to get rid of this walker sister Oh glory how long have you been walking on that walk about three years three years 1627 10th Street 1627 10th Street burning this arthritis right out of your body take a few steps just to make the devil mad hallelujah that's it just move around a little bit there she goes just walk with me oh glory to God she's not gonna need that walker anymore God's just putting new strength new health burning that arthritis out of her body just keep going hallelujah I was able to arrange for another broadcast of the Miracle Crusade on the Tonight Show but this time the wireless prompting was included in 1987 Peter pop-off declared bankruptcy greater is he greater is he the laying on of hands takes on new meaning in the Philippines where psychic surgeons perform miraculous operations without knives I investigated this phenomenon then went on the Tonight Show to demonstrate what I'd learned believe me what you're seeing is strictly special effects it's slight of hand and nothing more and this is the way it looks a little animal blood and a few chicken parts complete the illusion a bonus that's a bit better just a second just one second now maybe better for you you don't feel any better this is where I live with several birds and an old red cat outside of Fort Lauderdale Florida from here I run my investigations write my books and go about lecture recently I was asked to give a class of college freshmen a chance to evaluate one of the oldest systems of fortune-telling astrology you know I started life as a as a magician I still am a magician I guess I think it's in the DNA I'm not too sure but I'm an actor playing the part of a wizard I know how people are deceived I know how they deceive themselves and many magicians most magicians really allow people to deceive themselves would you like to see me fool you who's wearing a wristwatch here a regular ordinary wristwatch you've been a good girl haven't you yes I just say oh I thought it was a Rolex for a minute oh well now what time does it say on your watch it says nine minutes before three and it says it's the second of October right very good open up your hand for me flat like that the clean one she almost changed you know that almost changed now I'm gonna put the watch face down you have put your finger of your other hand on the back of the watch okay there be good now my watch says nine minutes to three so we disagree slightly but not enough for any never mind okay watch what happens now I'm really concentrating on I think I hurt myself don't laugh this is science let me see now holding it only by this oh would you tell the folks what time it says on your watch now please it says 340 but 340 how time flies when you're having fun isn't that wonderful now let me show you something this is such a little tiny itty-bitty watch her hold it tightly in your hand don't lose all the gentleman was carrying it over here behind his waist and he didn't even know there you go the trickster never works alone his audience assists him if he does his job well they want to be fooled Sharla did you pass that back Wendy for the astrology test each student was given a detailed horoscope Robin they were told it was drawn up by a professional based on information they had supplied about when and where they were born actually these horoscopes were not quite what they appeared to be I'd like you to share something with me if you'd be so conscious with the show I asked the students to grade them for accuracy on a scale of one to five five being the most accurate how many gave it a one let's see a show of hands two three four and five okay so we scored pretty highly with this then let's do a little experiment you've got your horoscopes right in front of you take them in your hand like this and hand them over your shoulder to the person behind you okay everybody and the guy at the end down there you'll have to come up to the front because these people in the front don't have one now okay everybody change them around everybody's got a heart open up somebody else's horoscope and read it carefully please they had all received the same horoscope the personality descriptions were generally true of everyone like recently you have had to recover from a disappointment some of them seem specific because they were so personal your sexual adjustment has presented some problems for you and there were others that anyone might hope would be true you have a great deal of unused capacity people like to believe certain things are true and they like to fall for very specific absolutely enormously accurate horoscopes right of course they are did you have a question so why do people persist in ascribing to these systems that's the big question of course and psychologically that is the most interesting question I think that people are trying to get some control over their lives by knowing more about themselves of course they get control over their lives but that's what we're doing all of us each and every day of our lives whether it's financial whether it's emotional whether it's a love interest whether it's health we're trying to get control of our lives we're looking for power and astrology offers you apparently a very old and a very easy formula whereby you can do that sort of thing what you've presented me today is evidence that this can be misused or abused but you have not convinced me that there is nothing to this oh no no I didn't intend to do that okay and and I feel that your exercise today was kind of cynical and one-sided and somehow it is wise to be unbelieving of this I can't prove it doesn't work I can never prove it doesn't see you a lot of times where intellectuals have had to have wanted to disprove mystical things because since it didn't fit into their framework of beliefs that's true they wouldn't allow it but I can't prove you that Santa Claus doesn't exist I really can't can't disprove anything I can't prove a negative but I can show you that it's not very likely to be true that's the best I can do needless to say my message isn't always popular my friend Ray Hyman is a psychologist and he has an idea why we seem to be taken as we're taking something away and not giving something in return and these people want something they're looking for something and I think we have to understand what is it they're searching for and what they're seeking Ray has an insider's perspective on these questions he once worked as a professional palm reader on a recent visit to Florida he allowed me to observe while he gave readings to two volunteers now I want to look at a few other things before we go very far I look at your thumb it's the most important Ray started reading palms to help put himself through college there's a little narrowing of the second joint here that's that's tact that suggests tactfulness at the time he was convinced there was nothing to it this is the spiritual mental I had no belief that would work but to be convincing I did read the books and I did study the lines the way and told it as it's supposed to be told and to my surprise it worked business and then became a very rabid believer in palm reading there's a break in your lifeline this is your lifeline right here so you've had some physical problems you still may have some problems here or some medical problems of some sort he was right about that but I had had some health problems is there anything there about my mother about your mother the one thing that the thing that's clear is that right from the beginning you didn't want to be dominated by her you want to make it put your own mind about what your life is gonna be like and so on I have been very headstrong when it comes to my mother she has kind of tried to dominate me sometimes and I've rebelled against it at the same time you want to be you want to be on your own terms and stuff like that it was pretty right on the money with a lot of things maybe he's got some part to himself that others are not in touch with and he knows these things turned about relationship between your mother and yourself as a palm reader Ray was quite successful I was saying then a college friend bet him that he would do just as well if he told his subjects the opposite of what he read in their palms he decided to give it a try and I did this on my first client and she didn't say a word she had no reaction at all which was very spooky to me because I'm used to feedback I thought was because I bombed but it turned out because she was so stunned I was so accurate and this was really a shock to me because I had done everything wrong so I did it the next client wrong then I realized it doesn't make a difference what you tell them it's more what you convince them how good you are and what you get them to believe as a professional psychologist Ray is very much aware of the role that careful observation can play in a reading you're living in strange world it'd be better if you living maybe 50 40 years ago in some ways I've always said that I should have been born a long time ago this present world is presents problems for you and you're not too happy with it you'd be much from the way she was dressed and so I could say that she'd rather be living in an earlier time than today in fact she was dressed for an earlier time anyway there's a change there's been there for a while looked like you had two jobs or two careers I'm not sure and very recently you have switched in fact there's been a major career change I've been in the same career for six years next year I'm thinking about changing careers but I haven't done it yet so he could just be a little off in his timing if you set people up right you can tell them most anything if they really got a creative and intelligent mind they can make sense out of matter how crazy it seems to be they can find a way of reinterpreting it so that really fits them like a glove this person wants me to succeed I should work out some accommodation now you certainly don't need someone to deliberately fool you to have what seems to be a psychic experience your mind can create one all by itself let's say you you don't like to fly and you're worried about a trip you're gonna take then suddenly during the flight the plane suddenly whoa drops a few thousand feet because of a downdraft you might very well choose to think that you had some kind of psychic intuition about this but what you forget is that you've had that same queasy feeling every time you've gotten on an airplane and if it doesn't fulfill itself you forget about it you see the brain is constantly searching for relationships it's trying to work out cause and effect so we can know what to expect in our lives that's natural the brain is very good at this but it does make mistakes and one way to explain these mistakes is by some kind of psychic explanation my investigations have taken me to dozens of countries but until recently one of the most interesting wasn't open to scrutiny it's long been rumored that Russia harbors psychic talent like nowhere else in the world the country has an ancient mystical tradition and the government has encouraged psychic research to Moscow now that the country is open to visitors I wanted to check things out for myself I'd seen the films that came out during the Cold War Juna was a famous healer who had Brezhnev as a client Carl Nikolaev could apparently turn on lights with the force of his will the most famous Russian psychic is no longer living her name was Nina Kulagina during a long career she appeared to move all sorts of things through the power of her mind now that the media are no longer strictly controlled there's a vast new audience for the paranormal on Russian television every night a program called the stars speak precedes the news with an astrological forecast the psychic Kashparovsky has even used television to demonstrate his claimed ability to control pain in this case during a live operation there are even commercials that extol the miraculous during the Cold War both the Soviets and the Americans carried out research on psychic warfare at one time there was fear in the Pentagon about a psychic or sigh gap the Russians claimed some success with psychic mind control but their evidence was sketchy so I was interested to find that scientists at the prestigious Institute of the brain in Moscow had reported measuring psychic effects under test conditions I arranged to observe the experiment the data they'd collected in their tests seemed promising it appeared that the psychic had been able to change the brainwaves as well as the blood pressure of the test subject if these results could be confirmed it would be a real breakthrough for parapsychology to make sure that the scientists would not know what the psychic was doing it was agreed that he would be isolated in a remote wing of the complex since it was founded in 1926 the Institute has been a national center for the study of the brain but much of the work done here had until recently been kept secret the psychics name was a net check according to parapsychologist in Moscow he was the real thing all right we now have a little over one minute before we start the selection process okay accompanying him was Zoya his assistant the experiment would last an hour broken down into four 15-minute tests during each test Ignachenko would attempt to change either the subject's brainwaves or his blood pressure or he might be asked to do nothing at all now he reaches inside and he takes one of these around at the beginning of each test Ignachenko randomly determined what he would do what do we have no is the no okay so we do nothing for 15 minutes for the first segment Ignachenko would not attempt any kind of influence this will be like a control the scientists began their measurements unaware of the psychic selection for phase two Ignachenko chose a heart symbol he would try to change the subject's blood pressure we are raising the blood pressure beginning from the pelvis and working along the backbone until there's burning in the backbone that's enough there's no need to go any further the spreading has already started phase three the brain Ignachenko would try to change brainwaves stimulation the pituitary stimulation of the pituitary okay like that good like that the fourth and last test would again focus on changing brainwaves he will now be very smart we have stimulated both the right and left brain when the experiment was complete the scientists examined their measurements for changes in the subjects brainwaves and blood pressure any variation from normal would indicate a psychic influence all right now let's handle them one at a time what is our conclusion in test number one if you remember during the first test Ignachenko had done nothing it could be the blood pressure the scientists saw a change in the subjects blood pressure then number two in test two Ignachenko had tried to change blood pressure the effect was on the brain I think so Sergey may disagree this time they detected a change in his brain with some disagreement they called the next test correctly for the brain maybe we're brain in third case maybe okay that's brain what about number four the last test had been another attempt to change brainwaves but the scientists found no change at all all right shall we announce the results the experiment had produced one positive result out of four just what would be expected by chance alone not very convincing evidence so what about their previous claims I had an idea what might be at work here I suspected that in the past when they examined their data they had no one what effect they were looking for in scientific lingo that the test had not been blinded they confirmed this raising the possibility that their previous work had not been objective look to see some correlation but one of the group believed that the problem lay elsewhere I feel strongly that it is impossible to accurately measure these extra sensory phenomena by observing electrophysiological indicators because the methods are too crude but remember that modern methods no matter how complicated technical and technically perfect and advanced are of no use whatsoever unless it is conducted in a double blind fashion you know of course the results of a single test are in no way conclusive but one thing I've learned over the years is that scientists like the rest of us have an uncanny ability to find what they're looking for whether it's there or not communism from its very start was considered a scientific system with its failure many Russians have become suspicious of science altogether at the same time private enterprise has begun to develop and operates largely unchecked a good example is health care it used to be provided exclusively by the state modern Western medicine was the model now some clinics charge for service and practice pretty much as they wish the traditional People's Medical Center in Moscow opened in 1990 some 30,000 people pass through here every year the treatments here consist of an eclectic mix of folk remedies and psychic healing the average charge is 50 rubles about half a day's wage for many there are therapies for nearly every ailment from cancer to impotence this healer claims to be able to alter the body's chemistry through the power of his will down the hall a team of healers uses a somewhat different approach we were told that these patients were having their biofields adjusted psychics say that biofields are auras are a visible form of energy that radiates from the human body sick people's biofields need work bottles of water are found throughout the clinic they're here to be charged by the healers energy later the water will be consumed for its curative powers healing claims are difficult to test suggestion alone is psychologically powerful and the body's immune system can cure most disease without any help whatsoever all right I am pouring some tap water into this glass here but the clinic claimed that it's healing waters have qualities that are detectable so I decided to test them now first of all we're testing to show that there is no charge no charge on this water at the moment they used a dowsing rod to measure the charge it's a simple device that beyond whatever other powers are claimed for it responds to the slightest movement of the hand very well I'm going to ask the gentleman now to put the charge on the water he showed the field the field of apparently the field goes out for several meters I wanted to find out whether they could tell the difference between this charged water and plain water if there were no visual cues now if we were to place a shield like this around the glass can he still detect the field they said the shield wasn't a problem but that such a test just couldn't be made yes it seems that the charge would be picked up by all other water nearby making differentiation impossible we tried to find another approach you'll check it by this they claim that charge water would reduce blood pressure I would simply have my blood pressure measured before and after drinking some of it but here blood pressure was measured rather uniquely are we going to use this machine eventually I requested that a standard blood pressure cuff be used that you'll say how was how is your blood pressure and then you'll check it by this who will check it this gentleman or somebody else but once again we were stymied no one in the entire facility knew how to use the cuff there's no one any any doctors here just all the traditional our hosts the director of the clinic interrupted to remind us of the importance of what we were dealing with he said the water had other even greater virtues it aided weight loss increased energy even bolstered the immune system imagine this water appearing all over America in different bottles green rose red and people could drink it quietly and improve their health if this water is so powerful and so important and has such very special qualities it must be possible to tell whether or not it's ordinary water or charged water regardless of all these other influences we've been told yes that can be done now we're being told no it can't be done before he came into the room we mixed these up like that finally it was concluded that if a charged glass of water was kept at a certain distance from other glasses of normal water there would be minimal contamination three glasses would be placed around the room one of them would contain charged water we wish them to tell us which one okay I'll take a seat over here the amounts are the same there would be three attempts to identify the glass of charged water the law of averages would give one accidental success three hits by chance alone would be improbable he said that this charge this is the chart yes okay that they'll leave the room now we'll do it a second time but randomizing okay if they're more than a short of the fact that I but there was once again a problem all the glasses of water are becoming charged when he comes in here the other glasses start taking on a charge because he starts thinking the charging is driven by this mental energy the energy of thought apparently the very act of measuring a charge created a new charge okay and it's in fact getting charged each of them it seemed that the water had yet another special quality an inability to be tested at all before I left Moscow there was one more psychic specialty that I wanted to investigate two women in a nearby suburb had developed a reputation for an unusual ability Inga Pachenko and Svetlana Chernitskaya claimed to be able to describe a person's life and character in detail using only a picture of them for inspiration they even said the Moscow police had called on them to help solve difficult cases because it's easy to inadvertently pass on information particularly with such congenial people I determined that I would work diligently to eliminate any feedback from a group of pictures that we supplied they selected a quite remarkable one to work on Ted Bundy is best known as a serial killer and is believed to have brutally murdered more than 30 women he was executed nearly four years before this session I'd read about him and found that ironically he was a psychology major in college he was also married and had a child he's good at meditation he's athletic and it seems to me that to some degree was involved in wrestling tennis to some degree he has a pleasant wife he has a very pleasant wife it started like most readings do a laundry list of possibility she's cute attractive blonde reddish hair they were looking for me to respond in some way maybe you can say something he looks like Laurie Geller doesn't he graduated from college he has some kind of military training I think he's a psychologist by education psychology history it seems to me he's been to Switzerland there was one overwhelmingly important fact about this person if these women had any psychic ability they should have been able to pick up on Bundy's horrendous crime you know pretty wife and everything is not maybe the most outstanding thing I don't feel this is a man with one moral direction he has a wife one child a boy three years ago something happened that was critically important to his fate I feel it so clearly if you would ask questions we could continue our talk in a particular direction it was hard to deny these women but it seemed to me that any questions I asked would give them information he is original in that he can behave in many different ways many variations to his behavior strong-willed though it's hard to say this about a person in a negative direction I'm uncomfortable saying that a leader who is patient, manages a group well, has an excellent memory, outstanding if we had feedback it would be a completely different emotional search I think it's time maybe I told them the whole story this is a photograph of a man named Ted Bundy he was executed by the government because he is a mass murderer how well did they do? well Bundy did have more than one moral direction but then again so do a great many other people nothing important happened to him three years ago because he was already dead he was executed four years ago and I'm not inclined to give them that kind of latitude in all two-thirds of the statements the women made were wrong and the rest weren't very specific his wife was brunette not blonde his child a girl not a boy he was neither a wrestler nor a tennis player and he had never been in the military or to Switzerland it's true that he did study psychology interesting I was saying that he had a sad yes the eyes of a sadist negative negative psyche the morality of a negative character I said that categorically almost not quite before there can be results we need to be unfettered and we aren't unfettered with him the information doesn't come he doesn't inspire us he makes a stopper a cork the woman is complaining Jim the woman is complaining a lot of people hate my skepticism and I think I understand why the psychics offer wonder and endless possibilities in a world that often seems difficult and mundane they promise health wealth wisdom eternal life but if you examine the record it's not the psychics but the hard-nosed scientists who have actually delivered the things that improve human life and to me science describes a world far more interesting than any psychic fantasies it's a good world not perfect but it's ours so we better learn to live with it the way it is now I'm just doing it very gently very gently remember plead innocence through this whole thing I know nothing I know nothing ah it's just at the right point now but see you can handle that you can handle it quite freely and we're lucky it really doesn't show very much just the tiniest little bit of a cracker now you see how flexible it's getting you say okay now it's broken you see and they don't know it watch now let go of it and you tell them to let go and then you hold it up like this you see so you do this kind of thing and you say look it's getting flexible and you let the top part droop over very slowly I'm pinching it pretty tightly yeah the control is not all that easy and then turn it sideways like this and it starts to go over to one side and it gets to this point they hold your hands beneath it hold your hands beneath it go ahead all right like this and ah and it drops in two pieces a miracle and then you look at them straight in the eye and you know I don't know how that happens it's just such a mystery funding for Nova is provided by Johnson & Johnson the signature recognized around the world for commitment to quality health care products for the entire family and Lockheed America's aerospace company supporting math science and engineering education for national technology leadership major funding for Nova is provided by the corporation for public broadcasting and by annual financial support from viewers like you teachers educational institutions and organizations can now purchase this program and many other Nova programs from the Nova 20th anniversary season for 1995 plus shipping and handling to order a videocassette call 1-800-255-9424 Nova is a production of WGBH Boston this is PBS next time on Nova for some people their next breath could be their last their only hope is a lung transplant doctors are powerless waiting while patients are dying to breathe that's next time on Nova for a transcript of this program send five dollars to this address or call one three oh three eight three one nine thousand