The Mega power! Explode! Here at WrestleMania 5! He's now the champion of the world. An unprecedented four victories here in this Elimination Tournament. And now he is, in fact, the undisputed World Wrestling Federation Champion. Look at the tears of joy coming down the face of Elizabeth. What a threesome, Jess. What a madness. Hulkamania. And the lovely Elisabeth. Jessi, right there, one, two. Oh, he didn't want to count to three. I love it. He hesitated. I love it. But it's over. Oh. Let's get the official word. Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of this conference, the Mega Power! Hulkamania! Hulk's screaming at Savage. There's the tag. He didn't really make the tag. He just sort of fell into it. Look at the Hulkster go crazy. There's the big boot. Hulk on a mission right now. Drops the big leg. Forget about it. It's over. I can't believe it, Gorilla. Oh, and back home. They've got Elisabeth Cough. They're going to bring her to justice, too, as well as Hogan. The Big Boss Man screaming at her. Yelling at her. Wait a minute. Randy Savage tearing him. Reaps in the ring. Swings at the Big Boss Man. Randy Savage cleaning health. Well, the Boss Man had seen enough. Macho was gone. Hulk Hogan. Hulkster with a stoop. A slam. Hogan coming in and cleaning health. Hulkster coming to the rescue. Macho Man through the roof. Oh, my God, no. Hulk Hogan with Elisabeth. Taking it back to receive medical attention. Randy Savage not tagging out. What? What's he? Oh, what a slam. What was that for? I don't know, but Savage struck Hogan. I'm sure my guts is due. If you were to come every man a man for a bout, I would beat you one, two, three. That would be okay. Try and talk some sense into this guy, man. Try and talk some sense into him. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, big time. Oh, Randy. I had footage of Hulk Hogan. The only thing I can say, what a difference a year makes. A year ago at this time at WrestleMania IV, you were at the side of the Macho Man when he became the undisputed World Wrestling Federation champ. One year later, here in Atlantic City, you're going to be challenging this very same man for the world crown. Well, you know, you're exactly right, Mean Gene. One year ago, brother, me and the Macho Man were as one. We were best of friends. We would do anything to win together, brother. And if you would have told me one year later, right in the very same place that it started, in the Trump Plaza, that we'd be locking horns, going head on head for the WWF Championship, I would have called you a liar, Mean Gene. But you know something? I should have seen this thing coming, man. As the Mega Power team was formed, brother, as the Summer Slams, as the Survivor Series went down, as the Mega Power started growing together, the Mania was a little bit ahead of the Madness, man. But it really didn't matter. You were either in or you were either out, brother. You either believed or you didn't, man. And you were either ready or you weren't. The Macho Man made me feel that he believed in the three demandments of the prayers, the training, and the vitamins. He made me believe that he was in my corner, Mean Gene. And he also made me believe that he was ready to fight all odds. That's why I stuck with him, brother. That's why we stayed together so long. You know, as that relationship with the Mega Powers deteriorated even further, Macho Man Randy Savage went so far as to attack your Hulkamaniac. Oh, yeah, he did more than just attack the Hulkamaniacs, brother. He went so far as to put our manager, the lovely Elizabeth, right between us, man. It was him that was eaten alive by the jealousy. It was him that was eaten alive by the lust, brother. It was a simple fact that the Macho Man couldn't be the man that all my Hulkamaniacs wanted him to be, brother. He couldn't handle the load. He couldn't handle the pressure. But what really tore us apart was the way he was so jealous of Hulkamania, the way he put Elizabeth between us, the way he manipulated her, the way he twisted this whole beautiful thing around. But I found out one thing, Macho Man. You're not a believer in the commandments, brother. Brother, you're a cheap shot artist. You take whatever you can get as quick as you want. You were never in my corner. You were always on the outside waiting for me to make the first move. But just like Donald Trump, Macho Man, I hope you're ready, brother, because Donald Trump has questions in his own mind. He sent a whole team of seismotologists out here to check the foundation of the Trump Towers because when the mega powers explode off the launching pad, brother, as we erupt over the whole Atlantic City, he was worried about the foundation. He was worried that the thousands of people in the arenas might become unseated and swallowed by the Earth. Donald Trump, don't worry about my Hulkamaniacs. They're survivors. They're ready. But you, Macho Man, I don't care where you stand. I don't care what you believe in. All I want from you is your best. I want you to be ready. I want the Macho Man-ness to be at its peak. Because when Hulkamania rules, when Hulkamania lives forever, when Hulkamania puts you down on your knees, I want the whole world to realize that I beat just your best. And at the end of WrestleMania V, I will be the World Wrestling Federation Champion. And what you're gonna do, Macho Man, when the whole world, full of Hulkamaniacs, destroy you? Right now, folks, it's coming down. We're getting very close. So let's go back to Mean Gene, who is with Miss Elizabeth. Miss Elizabeth, we are just minutes away from the big main event, the match where undoubtedly the mega powers will explode. This has got to be the most difficult time of your entire life. Unquestionably, Gene, today I'll be in a neutral corner, and from there I will continue to support both men. It's unfortunate for everyone that these two men feel they have to resolve their differences in this way. I can only hope for one thing, Gene. I can only pray for one thing, and that's that neither man will be seriously injured. All right, there you have them. Comments from the First Lady of wrestling, Miss Elizabeth. Anxious moment from Miss Elizabeth. And you know, here in the dressing room today, we've had many anxious moments, but right now all the wrestlers have vacated. They are heading to the arena because no one wants to miss. The mega power's exploding. Let's go to the arena floor. Okay, I want to take a quick poll. We are minutes away from the World Wrestling Federation Championship match. Who's going to win? Hulk Hogan! Randy Savage! I think what we have right here is a split decision, but I think you know the Monster Man, Randy Savage, and Hulk Hogan are not going to settle for a split decision. Let's get right to the action. Back to you, Jesse and Gorilla. Well, Sean Rooney in trouble out there, but the music is there. That's the music of the champion, the Monster Man, Randy Savage. This is the most exciting moment in sports right here, Gorilla. This is what we've all been waiting for. The mega powers will explode here at WrestleMania 5. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the main event for the World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Championship, scheduled for one fall. Coming down the aisle from Sarasota, Florida, weighing 245 pounds, the World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Champion, Monster Man, Randy Savage! There he is, Gorilla, the champion. And what a champion he's been this past year, winning the title one year ago. In WrestleMania 4 right here in Atlantic City. Coming back tonight to proudly defend that title that he's defended for a full year. Macho, my hands off to you. You are a great champion. And who was the first man to enter the ring and congratulate him when he won it, Jess? The Hulkster. Yeah, the Luster. Not the Hulkster, the Luster. Well, obviously you and I are of different opinions. Yeah. Good for me. And now introducing the manager, the first lady of wrestling, Miss Elizabeth! Miss Elizabeth about to make her entrance. She'll have to go to a neutral corner. Yeah. What a gold digger she is, Gorilla. What do you mean, gold digger? I mean, she's gonna sit in the neutral corner, and I know exactly what she's gonna do. She's gonna go with whoever wins. You talk about heeding in a no-win situation or an all-win situation right here. Sounds like a good idea to me. I mean, if Macho retains the title, she'll, I suppose, waltz off with Randy. If the Hulkster wins it, she'll take off with him. Sounds pretty smart to me. Sounds rather clever to me. Yeah, Sonny, you won't use Devious? Devious? Yeah. Not after the position she's been put in. Macho Man is saying a few words, and they sounded, I don't know, they might have been derogatory statements. Look at pointing the finger. Yeah, there he is, the champ. To me, the most talented wrestler in the world, right there. If you hold the World Wrestling Federation and championship belt, you obviously are the most talented. A real American is being played right now. You know, a little uncharacteristic. I don't understand why the champ hit the ring first. Here is the challenger. Don't the challenger usually go first? That is usually the procedure, yes. Here he comes. Listen to this place explode here. Everybody on their feet to greet that man. In my book, the greatest professional athlete in the world today. Lost Hogan. You're obviously jealous, Jess. You're darn right, because this guy is so underhanded. He wouldn't come to Macho face to face. He wouldn't say, Macho, I want a shot at the title. No, he has to go after Macho's woman. How much lower can you go, Gorilla, than go after your best friend's woman? You actually believe that doctored footage that was shown by the Macho man? I've seen this from start to finish, Gorilla. I'm not a Johnny come lately on the block. You're entitled to your own opinion, Jess. And everyone else is entitled to theirs. What a matchup this is gonna be. As this is what it's all about here in WrestleMania 5. The champion against the challenger and the former champion. Who's got the support? It's obvious. The support is with the Hulkster. You know, Gorilla, this is truly what the word main event was meant for. Absolutely. This is the main event. It don't get no bigger. Macho man is showing us the WWF belt. This is what it's all about. And listen to the Pukesters. What right do you have to call them that name? Because they are. Hey, Macho made it to the top. Like he said, he didn't need no Pukesters helping him here, helping him there. Oh, but he was glad to have him, wasn't he, with his past year? He did it his way. Won it in the biggest wrestling tournament in history. And then this guy lays in the weeds and fix up this devious plan. Distract Macho. Steal his manager. Steal his woman. Get his mind off what he is, the champion. Savage out of there in a hurry. Not wanting to tie up. And Macho's just using a psych out on him. You don't sweat, Macho. You don't question this guy's intestinal fortitude one bit. I did not question his intestinal fortitude. Looking for the accolades from this capacity crowd and not getting any. Hulkster, cool, calm, and collected. He's been there before. He knows what it's all about. You're not going to psych him out either, Jess. Here we go. The time for talk has ended. Absolutely. Power display by the big guy. I expect that. I expect that. He's got Macho all the way. But we'll see what happens when the aerial tactics come in. Hey, one push down don't win you the title. Absolutely not. They're still on their feet here as one. Side headlock by the champ. See, the champ's trying to wrestle. Nice drop down by the Hulk and nails him with a shoulder lock. Savage slips right out underneath that bottom rope. The champ's using his head. Certainly is. He needed that break. The champ's wrestling smart right now. As old Yogi says, Gorilla, it ain't over till it's over. That's right. And there ain't no point system in the pros. Absolutely not. You don't get no riding time. Why does he keep bad mouthing Elizabeth, Jess? Why did he leave her alone? She deserves it. She ought to be in his corner doing what she... Hey, he took her to the top, Gorilla. He also slapped her all around in the dressing room. Who the hell was Elizabeth before she got with Macho? She was his manager. How do you think he ever got a title shot? Not from her. No, huh? Obviously, you wouldn't know you never had a manager. I had a manager in 81, Classy Freddy Blassie. Yeah, and he took your career right down the toilet. Oh, Bale's on once again. He's trying to frustrate the Hulkster. Hey, this is like a cat and mouse game right here. This is just cat and mouse. Oh, come on. Give me a break. That's ridiculous and disgusting. Brilliant. Hey, the champion pulls out all the stops, Gorilla. Yeah. If there's something there you can use to your advantage. Why not? If it means knocking a woman down or taking her out of the picture, do it. With what Elizabeth has pulled, a punch in the nose might not be so bad for her. Yes. Hebner trying to get both men inside once again and is successful. I love it, Gorilla. Cat and mouse game here. Look at this. Tactics being used. Psych out being used. This is what it's all about. Oh, nice four-move combination. And the Hulkster ends up with a front face lock. This will take the star shotty in a hurry. Oh, yeah, especially when you got 303 pounds leaning on you. With his additional body weight. But I'll tell you what, I'll say in this bout, the longer it goes, I think the advantage switches to the Macho Man. He's lighter, he's quicker, and I think he's got more stamina. There's no question about that. Look at that. Look at that strength. Wow. Smooth there by the champ. What a move of power by the Macho Man. Can he follow it up? No. The Hulkster out of there in a hurry. And those are closed fists. Totally illegal. And another one sends a champ down to the canvas. Referees admonishing him about that, Jess. Yeah, after the fact a little bit. He should have stepped in and hooked the arm. Oh. That's what Ida did. Arm-wringer now by the challenger. Up to the eye, yeah. Sure. Why didn't he step in there and grab his arm when he did that? Didn't know it was coming. Oh, sorry. Savage going to the outside. And here's where Macho's the best, right here. Look out. Bombs away. Wow. Double axel. Yeah. Right behind the ear. This is it. Down for the cover. No, too out only. Not a lot of authority on that kick out, though, Gorilla. No, there wasn't. And it was a good second to count. Look at it. I just caught Donald Trump chewing his nails outside the ring. Wouldn't surprise me. Champ now going to work with an armbar here. Look at him leaning in with that knee. Perfectly lethal, though. It's not on the throat. It's right on the chin. Positively. Listen to the chant go out for Hogan. Yeah, listen to the bukesters. Beautiful. Do you see the smart move by Macho? Referee looped around to the other side. Macho up into the hair, gets it back to his advantage. That's skill wrestling, Gorilla. That's cheating, in my book. It's skill. Elisabeth obviously very concerned. It ain't cheating, Gorilla, unless you get caught. Unless you get caught. Yeah, I understand. Those are your rules, Jess. That's the American way. The American rules. Macho Man, Randy Savage, maintaining control here with this nice armbar on the challenger. Driving that knee into the Chumpster space. Well, if you need some help, these fans can give it to you. They'll certainly give it to the Hulkster. He's on his feet already. Oh, look at... Another handful of hair. But he can't bring him down. Look at Hulk fighting this. Oh, look at him pull the trunks. Leverage move. Leverage. He pulled the tights. I saw that. It was a leverage move. Yeah. Leverage in the trunks. Oh, it's okay as long as Hogan does it, huh? As long as somebody's pulling your hair, yes. Turn around is fair play. And the Hulkster right out of... After the champ. Taking it to the floor. No, he wants him back in the ring where he can put him away. You can't win the title on the ring. He can't win the title on the ring. That's right. You gotta pin the champion. You gotta pin the champion on the ring. You gotta pin the champion on the ring. You gotta pin the champion on the ring. You gotta pin the champion on the ring. You gotta pin the champion on the ring. You gotta pin the champion on the ring. You gotta pin the champion on the ring. You gotta pin the champion on the ring. You gotta pin the champion on the ring. You gotta pin the champion on the ring. You gotta pin the champion on the ring. You gotta pin the champion on the ring. You gotta pin the champion on the ring. You gotta pin the champion on the ring. You gotta pin the champion on the ring. You gotta pin the champion on the ring. You gotta pin the champion on the ring. You gotta pin the champion on the ring. You gotta pin the champion on the ring. You gotta pin the champion on the ring. You gotta pin the champion on the ring. You gotta pin the champion on the ring. and gamble something desperate go for the big elbow if he can hit the big elbow off the top he's got him hulkster back on his feet capacity crop going bananas the sound is deafening in here hulkster now down to one knee i can't even hear you gorilla hardly that may be a blessing in disguise that could be for me macho man choking the chum out i deliver a chunk sure it is look at that there you go pin him mach pin him there he goes he's going up if he hits this gorilla it's over bucaneia will die right here salvage perched up there the elbow he got it he nailed him he got it cover it mach one two no the hulkster's out of there this place is going crazy i can't believe nobody's ever gotten up from that elbow gorilla no absolutely not this place has gone bananas the hulkster is hooked up all those moves he's in progress to that pain look at the look on his face a block and a right hand and another one i can't believe this has happened uh I can't believe it. New World Wrestling Federation by Cunningham, come on, Hulk Hogan. This entire building has become unglued. As once again, the Hulkster holds up the gold of the World Wrestling Federation Championship. Look at Savage, Jesse. He's Hulk, Don and Hulk. He can't believe it either. Neither can I. History being made once again. The Hulkster claiming he would get his championship belt back and he certainly did. Savage. Bleeding and hurt. But with the gold. Obviously a very disturbed monster man heads back to the dressing room really upset with himself perhaps. Goodness, Elizabeth. But most of all, upset about leaving the gold here in the Atlantic City. Well, certainly he's upset, Gorilla. I should hope so. There's a happy guy right there. Right there you got a guy who will stoop to any level. He'll stoop to any level to get what he wants. Once again, history made. Here in Atlantic City at WrestleMania 5. As the man you're looking at inside right now, the greatest professional athlete in the world has once again regained the World Wrestling Federation Championship. And he's given those Hulkamaniacs out there just what they want. You know, Gorilla, this makes me so sick that it almost makes me want to come back. Step back in and take this dude out. Do you think you feel any sicker than a Macho Man feels, Jesse? Hey, Macho Man was a great champion. He certainly was. No one will deny that fact. There's a guy who will represent the World Wrestling Federation from this moment on as the World Wrestling Federation Champion. And take a look at him. Is he a proud individual? He is. He is a classic individual as well. And they are on their feet. This capacity crowd, given the accolades so richly deserved by the Hulkster. Hulkamania is indeed alive. And after expending all that energy, Jesse, he goes out there and does this for his fans. Thank you to the man upstairs who made it all possible. Thank you to the man upstairs, the Hulkster, leaving here with the gold. As this capacity crowd has not stirred, here comes Jesse. This is after Hogan took the Macho Man elbow, which I cannot believe he survived. Hogan blocking the punch, firing one right hand, a second right hand, a third one, firing the Macho Man into the ropes, catches him with the big boot, bouncing off the ropes, jumping into the air, dropping the leg, pulling the tights, and getting the win. Absolutely no doubt about that one. And is he happy? Yes, indeed. A dream come true. Hulkamania roams wild here in WrestleMania 5 as the Hulkster once again supports the gold of the World Wrestling Federation title. There he is in his glory. What a triumphant exit. All I can say, Jess, is I'm glad I was a part of this one, because this will go down in history as one of the greatest title defenses of all time. Well, I'll tell you what, Gorilla, we're 50-50. You may have pulled, but I got Rick Rude as the new Intercontinental Champion. From the broadcast position here in WrestleMania 5 at Trump Plaza in Atlantic City, Gorilla Monsoon for Jesse the Body Ventura, saying so long, everyone. Goodbye. Well, the celebration was going on. Mean Gene Oakland was conducting an interview with Miss Elizabeth back in the dressing room area. Out in the arena, we have just seen a new World Wrestling Federation Champion crowd. He is Hulk Hogan. Elizabeth, the relationship you had with the macho man Randy Savage and new champion Hulk Hogan, I must reiterate, this had to be one of the most difficult moments of your entire life. What are you thinking about? Sherri! What about her opinion? What do you think, Miss Elizabeth? Your mega powers exploded right in your face tonight, didn't they? Well, let me tell you something. In my opinion, the best man didn't win that match. What do we have here? What do we have here? I'll tell you what we have here, Miss Elizabeth. Yeah, what we have here is the only reason we're not the World Wrestling Federation Champion at this time. Yes, yes, no, that's true right there. Yeah, I just said it the way it was, yeah. And you know the reason that I am not the champion right now, Miss Elizabeth, because you distracted me. Yeah, you did. No, you distracted me. Yeah, you did. You distracted me, didn't you, Miss Elizabeth? And I am the World Wrestling Federation Champion. I should be. And you, no, shut up. Shut up right now. Yeah, I'll tell you something right now, yeah. Please. No, please, nothing. Please, it hurts. You shouldn't have done that, Miss Elizabeth. You shouldn't have done that. Yeah, you're hurting. I'm hurting too. I'm hurting too. I'm hurting too. What should I do about you, huh? I'll make sure that Miss Elizabeth in that pretty face doesn't mess with my matches anymore. Please. I'm going to do that right now. I don't care. I'm going to do it right now. I'm going to do it right now. Please. Liz, are you all right? Are you all right? Oh, oh, help me, my God. Oh my God. Stop, stop. I'm going to just score you. No. No, no. No. No. Well, Michelle, you better run. Well, Liz, are you OK? Liz, are you OK? Michelle Mann, I'm going to get you, Michelle Mann. I'm going to get you. Hello everyone, I'm Lord Alfred Hayes with this week's special report which comes to you courtesy of Coliseum home video on His latest brother love show the outspoken host had as his guest the macho man Randy Savage who made a surprising announcement. Let us go to the brother. Love sure. You never could beat me and you'll never beat me and the only reason that I'm not the World Wrestling Federation champion at this time is because of your manager because of your manager miss Elizabeth I was distracted more than one time I didn't see it at the time but I see it now. Miss Elizabeth I'm done with you. I'm through with you but Hawk Hogan I'm not through with you. I've got me a manager. I've got me a new manager. That is loyal. That is faithful. That doesn't have wandering eyes. It is not possessed by lust. I've got me a manager that is more gorgeous than Miss Elizabeth ever ever ever ever could be. Hawk Hogan, Hawk Hogan, I've got me a manager. That is unbelievably sensational. You made sensational Sherry. Brilliant McMahon. What a brilliant maneuver by Randy Macho Man Savage. Here I thought he'd name maybe Bobby the Brain Heenan. Maybe the mouth of the South Jimmy Hart. But instead sensational Sherry. Terrific. Miss Elizabeth I know you're out there. And Miss Elizabeth I know that you can hear me. Miss Elizabeth I have something to say to you. I am more woman than you have ever dreamed of being. Look at this. One other thing Miss Elizabeth. I have one more thing to say to you. Can you hear me Miss Elizabeth? Are you listening to me Miss Elizabeth? Eat your heart out. How dare her compare herself to Miss Elizabeth. That makes me sick. That's Hawk Joe Man Randy Savage and his new manager. Sensational Sherry. Hello everyone. I'm Lord Alfred Hayes with this week's special report. When Brother Love appeared on the Superstars of Wrestling program last week, the special guest on his show was Brutus the Barber Beefcake. If you were expecting fireworks from this confrontation, you wouldn't have been disappointed. Here is some of the action. You know Brother Love, I can't believe it. The so called Macho Man Randy Savage has chosen as his new manager that sleazy, slimy, overdressed, sweat hog. She has the audacity to call herself of all things, Sensational Sherry. You know, I can't think of anything sensational about her at all. As a matter of fact, Brother Love, when I think of Sherry, it's kind of scary. You know, I think that's it. She shouldn't be called sensational. She should be known as scary Sherry. Oh my goodness. He's going to have this capacity crowd going here in a second. He don't like girls, does he? He's got him rolling with this capacity crowd. Sensational Sherry. Beefcake's having fun. Now would you be afraid of that, McMahon? Look at the way she's dressed. She is scary, isn't she? Oh my goodness. He had it coming. Uncle Macho Man Randy Savage. And don't you ever forget. There's one more thing that I'd like to say to you, Mr. Smarty Pants. I am also a lady. And don't you ever forget that. I am always a lady. Randy Savage from behind. He nailed Beefcake right in the back of the head. Look at this, putting those boots on him. Beefcake being pummeled by Savage and by Sensational Sherry as well. Look at him dropping the elbow in the back of his head. He's unconscious. Ooh, are they going to give him a haircut? They're going to the back, McMahon. Savage ramming the head of Beefcake. Unconscious Beefcake ramming his head face first into the carpet. I love it. I love it. He's getting done to him what he's done to so many other wrestlers. Turnabouts fair play, McMahon. I love it. I can't believe they're going as to Beefcake coming in from behind. Randy Savage hammering Beefcake from behind. Macho Man Randy Savage, aided by his manager Sensational Sherry, believe they got the best of the barber. But Brutus has already sworn to get revenge. For the World Wrestling Federation, this has been Special Report. Hey Bart, want to trade lunches? About to enter the ring area is the challenger, along with his new manager, Sensational Sherry from California, the 249 pound Special Man, Randy Savage. Well, there they are. The Macho Man and Sensational Sherry. They really are a very, very handsome pair together in the ring there, but they're not here because of that. They're here to get back on track again. The Macho Man. What a title Randy had and what he wants to get back. And his opponent from Tennessee, California, with 303 pounds, the World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Champion, Hogan. There is nothing like the response that he gets in the world here at Madison Square Garden. Listen to this. I'll tell you Tony, that makes my body shiver all over. I have never been in such an atmosphere before ever. I feel it all up my spine and I'm sure that's the same way as it is for you and everybody else here in this vast arena. It's quite a moment for the Hulk toy in New York City. He looks absolutely magnificent, the champion Hulk Hogan. Way to go against the Macho Man. Are we ever going to get all these single-seaters I wonder? I don't think they're going to sit down the entire length of this match. I must say that I think the choice of Sensational Sherry as a new manager for the Macho Man was a very, very smooth move. And I think that she is just the right person to get Macho Man back on track again. I think a very, very good choice is Sensational Sherry. I don't think she's as good as Miss Elizabeth though, but that's certainly another opinion and certainly right now these two men are thinking about each other. Even though Sherry is down at ringside and there's a look at that lady. But she has quite an appearance doesn't she? She really does. She has a plump buster appearance, but she's not there for that. She's there for the moral support and the guidance that she can give to the Macho Man. She knows it because she's been there herself. She was the world champion, the women's world champion, and she holds that title very well. She's a big tall doll, six feet. Oh, she's not going to waste any time. The Macho Man. I don't like the look about what's going on here. I really don't know who it was. Oh, they threw it right in his eyes. And for a moment, he got crossed up and that's given the Macho Man the advantage here. Sending Hogan in and Hogan goes back first and now face first to the man. Down is Hogan, the Macho Man. And now coming Hogan again. Oh, that is humiliating. That is not right. The referee should remove that from Hogan immediately. What is he doing? Hogan obviously outside is cannot see anything. And Hogan really had a lot of trouble here early on. His first title. He's ready to go now. He is popped right back up. You can tell that underneath there. He's grabbing the Macho Man. Right hand by Hogan. Down goes the Macho Man. Down is trying to take the back door. Hogan likes to get him and a big backhand. Hogan is angry at him more than I've ever seen him before. And now look at how he's suffering. What very good advice from the sensational Sherry. Down the bridge of the mound. Now the hostess. Right hand over the top of the floor. Right down the speed of sensational Sherry. Went right by him. Down the back. Sherry working in the corner. Sherry not too happy at the moment with what is taking place there because Hogan is now taking control of this match. Nice work by Hogan. Put his head down, lured him right into that, sent him out, and then chopped him. Look at her talking about brazen and hacking. Oh my goodness. That's the former world ladies champion, the women's champion, acknowledging him physically. Basically she completed her task with that. She wanted to get his attention to give her man the advantage and that's exactly what she did. Oh she's digging her claws in the back of Hogan. Hogan's swinging and he would have knocked her ass home. She would see that sensational Sherry is doing everything she first said she would do. She's about as evil and wicked as you can get her. And right now Savage is looking particularly good. He's already gone for a very, very close cover of the champion, Hogan. That was a 1-2 and a little bit there. And look at this one today. And as we pointed out before, there's no ordinary woman standing on the outside of the ring now. That is a big six foot former world women's champion. You can better believe not only is she choking, but she's digging those nails right down the throat of Hogan also. Those long, long nails. But he's out. Boy there is no doubt as the Macho Man comes from behind that Randy Savage has gotten him a manager who really gets involved in this match and look out. She's into it every bit as Macho's Macho is now the one hooker beast. She is a complete distraction to the champion, Hogan. And Macho now doing extremely well. There's the Macho Man with that headlock on Hogan. There's Sherry. Screaming at the Macho Man, maybe arming Hogan when that's sure. She certainly can't hear from this point, but either of which we're sure she's doing, we had a good look over her shoulder then right into the ring. And there's the champion down with the challenger right on top of him. The Macho Man, does he have the hook throughout? Sherry maybe thinks so. Yeah, he thinks so. She's still in a little cocky there pointing to her head, saying how smart she is and how smart the Macho Man is. But Hulk Hogan has his mark too. And he has a lot of resilience, a lot of strength. We've seen the champion down many, many times Tony before. We've seen him come back from all sorts of atrocities. But Alfred, he's up again. He's really had his chance on him for quite a while now. The Hookster popping back up. He's furthering that stone. He's coming back. He's completely back to his feet. Getting out of it, the Hookster. Shoulder. The Macho Man is down. Hookster on a great cantaloupe. Oh, he's a thinker. Oh, that was really great by Hogan. And Sherry grabs the legs of the Hookster. Hookster has Sherry from behind the Macho Man. Oh, it's driving him so fast into that steel rope. That steel little rope. And the Hulkster must really be hurt now. The champion really in a great deal of trouble now. He went with that other sport but I don't think he will this one. This lady is really troubled. Oh, what's she doing? I don't know. She's helping him, assisting him in another way. She handed him something, didn't she? She certainly did. I'm not quite sure what it was. I believe it's a phonotic of some sort. He has it in hand right now. He has it in both hands. Yes. And right to the forehead there of Hulk Hogan, the champion. He's down and he's giving it back to that lady Sherry. Look at her. She's placing it in her jacket. But Hogan's out of it. Oh, you can never count this champion down. Not at all. Not even a 400. He is a magnificent warrior. Look at him. He's just telling him, give it to me again, you brat or you pest. I'll take it over. Hogan back out. Savage right at him. Hogan's looking. And right hand. Sending Savage in the big foot. Savage pulling Hogan out. And both men on the floor. In goes the Macho Man. Sherry on the back of Hogan. She's pulling him and dragging him back. And the count still goes on. The referee is still there. Hogan immediately to that count. He's going to watch this big one behind him. He's a Macho Man. He's going to pin the Macho Man back in. The Macho Man gets the win. I'm not quite sure what the referee is saying. Let's hear it. The result of a count out. Macho Man, Randy Cummings. The Macho Man wins it on a count out. And I don't think he should be able to get that belt in. No he certainly doesn't. The only way he can get that belt is by a 1-2-3 count in the ring. He is not the champion. He won the belt but he is certainly not the champion. Oh my word. Both their heads together. Sensational Sherry and the Macho Man. Hogan is still the champion. He may have lost his on a count out. That's a technicality because he is still the World Wrestling Federation champion. And look at him now. He's caught this Sensational Sherry. He's running for her life or what he might. For a submission to the New World Wrestling Federation of the United States, Ron Hogan. So there it is. The Hulkster will retain the title. But you can definitely say as a result of this, the Macho Man Randy Savage is a stern contender, especially with Sherry in ringside. Absolutely. There is always a call that if the champion is beaten by the challenger, the challenger will not get that title. And there is always a return back. And I'm sure we haven't heard the last of this. I'm sure that Sensational Sherry will remember. What would you say? Don't let the champion slide there. I don't think we've seen the last of this by any means. But they're destroying themselves as they worship their idol, Batman, the World Wrestling Federation heavyweight champion Hulk Hogan. And there's the belt. And there's the man. The World Wrestling Federation champion. Hulk Hogan. Tony, I stand here absolutely captivated. The charisma of this line extends itself to everybody here. They won't let him go. They're not going home. They're standing on their own. They're standing on their feet. They're waiting to hit. This is history. This is the greatest love of all time. This is the greatest professional sport of all time. No matter who you dare to mention, they don't really come close to this man. They're exactly right, Lord Alfred Hayes. And look, he's telling them, this I teach for you. And he always stands the line up there. Okay. The Madison Sturgeon World Wrestling Federation event continues. This time, Jim the Anvil Knight. This time, Jim the Anvil Knight. Jim, tonight your opponent is going to be the macho man, Randy Savage. He is the former World Wrestling Federation champion. Why this match at this point in your career? Why? Because I hate him. I hate the way he treated Miss Elizabeth. I hate the way he acted when he wore the championship belt. And I'm going to make sure he never gets another shot at it. He may be able to push women around, but you ain't going to budge the anvil, baby. You want Hulk Hogan's belt? You got to go through me. And without Miss Elizabeth by your side, you aren't much of a man. Let me bring up the subject of the macho man's new manager. She is sensational Sherry. What about this gal? What do you make of her? She's always at his side. Scary Sherry. He's got her by the flea collar, all right. But that's her problem. His problem is me. And this old dog does more than bark. All right, Vince, whoever said chivalry is dead has him at Jim the Anvil Nightheart. Let's go back to you. And there's a look at the big powerhouse on his way to the squared circle. The Lumia-centric side, no question of that. But Jim the Anvil Nightheart stands between the World Wrestling Federation championship opportunity of the macho man. He wants Hulk Hogan. He'll have to go through this man to get to the hulkster. I, for one, don't think the macho man can make it through the anvil. Nonetheless, Jesse the Body is standing back now with the macho man. Macho man Randy Savage, I'm not gonna ask you about WrestleMania V because I know you're looking to the future. I know you're looking to get your belt back. I know you, macho man, and I know that I'm right. Yeah, Jesse Ventura, you're 1000% right. Yeah. After I get past Jim Nightheart, I'm going after you, Hulk Hogan. Yeah, I am. I'm going right after you because I'm the number one contender. And there's nothing that you can do about it because I'm coming after you and getting my World Wrestling Federation championship belt back. Yeah. And that lady outside the ring, that woman won't bury me like she did with distractions before. Never again. You mean Miss Elizabeth? Yeah, I'm telling you something. Don't say that name. Never again. Never once, okay? Yeah, dig it. You got it, macho man. Let's talk about Sensation O'Sherry, your new manager. How's she working out? Sensation O'Sherry, yeah, beautiful, gorgeous, and lovely at the same time, yeah. Sensation O'Sherry, say oh yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah, unbelievable, and she knows her place too, Jesse. Sensation O'Sherry, how does it feel to succeed the First Lady of Wrestling, whose name, of course, I'm not going to mention. That chicken-legged, bony excuse for a woman, she was no wrestler and she's certainly no lady, and she is history. Oh yeah. Oh yeah, Sensation O'Sherry. Come on now, we're going to climb that first step of the mountain, get past Jim Neidhart, and on to Hulk Hogan, yeah. Walk this way, yeah. The macho man Randy Savage is on his way back, Hulk Hogan. Keep your eyes open, and I'm on my way back, Jack McMahon. Keep your lips shut. All right, we are ready now for the matchup involving the anvil, Jim Neidhart, and the macho man, the former World Wrestling Federation Champion, who would like to be the title holder once again. And there, oh my, sensational Sherry, or is it scary Sherry? I don't know, you be the judge of that. Nonetheless, you can bet the Hulkster is looking on with a very avid interest here. The Hulkster preparing for his matchup a little bit later on, but he may be facing the macho man sometime in the future, should Randy Savage be victorious here over the anvil. Hey, McMahon, you didn't do what I told you to do. I told you to keep quiet. What a matchup this is going to be. And laying it all on the line here, this is a most important matchup for the macho man, Randy Savage, and important as well for the anvil, Jim Neidhart, who rapidly has been climbing the ladder of success. You know what I don't understand, though, McMahon? Macho is the former champion, therefore he should be an automatic number one contender. Why does he have to go through the anvil to get a return match at Hogan? I'll tell you why, because Hogan's scared of him. Hogan knows he won on a fluke, and he don't ever want to step back in with the macho man, so he sends the anvil out to do his dirty work. I don't know about that, Chelsea. This is going to be some sensational matchup here. The anvil and the macho man Randy Savage going round and round. I should have known I wouldn't get no answer on you. Wait a minute, look at this. Sherry hanging on to the ankle. Come on, Ralph, take a look at this. Disqualified Savage. Randy Savage in the knee to the anvil a moment ago. Savage set up, back body drop, and the anvil sits right down on him. Counter two there, real quick. The anvil to powerhouse. Savage face first to the buckle, and I think we saw just a moment ago in Sherry what we are likely to see throughout the duration of this matchup. Well, I'll tell you this, macho man is going to be ten times more dangerous with sensational Sherry. You know why, McMahon? Because Elizabeth would never have the guts to get involved. The guts. That's right. That's what it takes? That's right. Take a look at that. Yes, that is no Miss Elizabeth. It's not by a wrong shot. This is a different human being altogether, and I think one far suited to the macho man's temperament. Ramming the knee a moment ago to the back of the big man, and finally the anvil goes down. Macho looks as deadly as ever, McMahon. He's on a quest now. Yeah. I don't think that was a direct order. I don't think it was a request. Look at this woman. She looks possessed. Wait a minute. There she goes again. Choking the anvil. Referee's back his tongue. She's choking the anvil, helping the macho man out. Turn around, ref. Come on. I love it because Sherry is deadly. She's the former women's champion. She can get in there and mix it up. She can do that all right. She must be about 150 pounds, and she knows how to get her out of the ring. Look at this. Continuing to choke away on the anvil. As I said, McMahon, macho is going to be deadlier than ever now. He got rid of that albatross around his neck. Albatross, the only thing that was class around him was the first lady of the World Wrestling Federation, Miss Elizabeth. Down across from the top rope, the macho man with a cover. Oh, how about that? Whoa, that was a kick out with authority. Macho man moving right back in on the anvil, scoops him up, and no. That's what everybody anvils to. Can't quite get the count of three. And Sherry, with a look of concern on her face. The macho man moves right back in. She don't look happy, does she? That's not a happy woman. That's an intense woman, to say the least, and that's an intense human being. But look at this. The shoulder block by the anvil. Macho man moving back in with the elbow. And shoulder block over the top rope. What agility by the anvil. He catapulted himself. 270, 280 pounds right over that top rope. Look at this. The anvil with a tremendous blow on him, and another shoulder block. The anvil on his way to cursing the macho man Randy Savage. Sets him up, off the rope, and missing with the manhouse. But he doesn't miss that. Covering. One, two, three. No. He better hook the leg. That's the former World Wrestling Federation champion in there. Drop kick to the sternum area, all the way to the outside of the macho man. A standing drop kick, no less. And Sherry over to help her man out. See, now if it was Elizabeth, she'd be retreating to the other side of the ring at this point. And the anvil coming over who has a burn to pick. What scary Sherry. She's been interfering in this matchup throughout the duration. Turn around. Drop kick again. The anvil is hitting him not one individual, but two almost. The anvil with the macho man rosing back in. The anvil back in on his own right. And now perhaps he will be able to polish off the former World Wrestling Federation champion. Well, this could be disaster for the macho man, because if he loses to the anvil, he's going to go far down that ladder. He'll never get a shot. Power slam. Almost a count of three. Well, you gotta hand it to the resilience of the macho man. Nobody else could have got up from an anvil power slam. Macho man in more trouble now. Hot in the ropes. Come on, Hebner, unhook him. The anvil with a clear advantage now, and he is all over the macho man. Roughly backing night on up. Wait a minute. Look at this. Sherry, break my cup. Helping the macho man off the rope. Here comes the anvil charging. Oh, no. See, Sherry is an asset, McMahon. She gets more involved in the match. From the top rope. Savage down across the back of the anvil. Wow, he drove his head right into that steel railing outside the ring. Now, there is an inspiration outside the ring, don't you agree, McMahon? You call it inspiration? Macho man is going to be more deadly than he has ever been now. Macho man Randy Savage on the top rope. Take it to the back. Take it to the back. And a three count. And I'm out of here. I got an interview. Since Sanchez knows Sherry, the new manager of the former World Wrestling Federation champion, Macho man Randy Savage. And so Mr. Savage now perhaps can look down the road for a possible opportunity to once again rust away the championship from the reigning title holder, Hulk Hogan. And I think we saw a sample right here with the interference of Sherry, which we might see in future matchups. But there's no telling what we're going to see in our next matchup. Tremendous encounter still to come here at the Nassau Coliseum. Brutus the barber beefcake with vengeance on his mind. He'll take on the former World Wrestling Federation champion, Macho man Randy Savage. Oh wow, from the sky. Yeah, but guess what? You're not going to be seeing former too much longer. Nassau Coliseum is going to witness the vindictive emotion of Brutus the barber beefcake. But guess what? His vindictive emotion, sensational Sherry, means nothing because I'm going to beat him and beat him flat. What do you think about that, sensational Sherry? Oh yeah, Brutus the barber beefcake. We're not mad at you. We're not even angry with you, but we're going to give you something your mama should have given you a long time ago, boy. And then we're going to use you as nothing more than a mom stepping stone to get back at Hulk Hogan and to get the macho man back that belt around that way. Brutus the barber beefcake has stated that he's going to have a haircutting party tonight and you are the guest of honors. Oh wow, guess what, Sean Moody? Brutus the barber beefcake doesn't know everything. In fact, he knows nothing. Yeah, guess what, Brutus the barber beefcake? I ain't your mama, but I am the lord and master of the ring inside the square circle. Ask Hulk Hogan and ask yourself, Sean Moody. Let your conscience be your guide. Yeah, we think about that. All right. That match still to come. Stay tuned. Brutus the barber beefcake to face the macho man, Randy Savage. The Macho Man and Sensational Sherry coming into this. And these two are fired up, Tony. We're talking about the Macho Man, Randy Savage and his manager, Sensational Sherry. He wants the piece of the barber again as well. And you can better believe that Sherry will get involved in this match. I'm sure everyone well aware that Sensational Sherry knows how to handle herself in the ring. She's a former World Wrestling Federation Women's Champion. And she definitely has to be considered a factor in this encounter. The Macho Man threatening everyone. Howard Binkle. He's got quite a battle on his hand here. The Macho Man not exactly receiving a warm reception, Tony, no, but it's what we expected and I'm sure has to be what he expected. And speaking of warm reception, stand back because you're going to hear this place explode. Yes, indeed. Here we go. And now introducing his opponent, from San Francisco, California, weighing 271 pounds, Brutus the Barber Beefcake. And Tony, as he said, has come through. This crowd has erupted with the arrival of Brutus the Barber Beefcake. He's ready and I imagine by the time he hits the ring this will be a live fighting too. Yes, indeed. He is ready to use his opponent. There's the Macho Man in the ring. Sensational Sherrys himself. The Barber not only has a score to settle with the Macho Man, but Sensational Sherry or Scary Sherry as he likes to be referred to as. Brutus the Barber Beefcake is facing two opponents tonight. Brutus the Barber Beefcake up to this point had not even just rolled and now uses that roll as a weapon. Still a tough turnbuckle. Brutus the Barber Beefcake taking control and punishing the Macho Man and a lot of vengeance builds up inside the Barber. He's been waiting for this opportunity, Tony, since that attack on the Brother Love Show. Certainly has. And the Macho Man getting a foot up. Sending the Barber his hand, crashing into the turnbuckle. Macho Man and Sensational Sherry not only provided a new look for the Barber, but an entirely new attitude. Reversal, another one. It's the Macho Man sending the Barber in, but no. Brutus the Barber moves out of the way. Macho Man on a full sprint went into that corner. There he comes, one, two, and Randy Savage kicks out. That's close. It really was. Sherry up on the apron again and the Macho Man on the canvas. Brutus coming out of the corner of his eyes, pretending he was distracted. Close line miss. Two counts. The Macho Man escapes again. A couple of near calls right there, Sean. But first of all, that flying body press and that one with the high E. Now to the other side. One too many times against a veteran like the Macho Man doing the same thing. What a back drop by Brutus the Barber and Macho Man. Here he's trying to help him to his feet. Macho Man struggling. Trouble trying to find his right. Now the Barber, Sean, trying to help him in. Macho Man back at his feet but not appearing all ready to go back into the ring with the Barber. That's okay with Brutus because it's the head of the Macho Man that goes to the apron. Especially before the Macho Man trying to draw in the gentlemanly qualities of the Barber. He is no gentleman when it comes to sensational Sherry. She takes those calls in the back and pushes into the post. And he hit that post with that left shoulder. He hit that post, Tony, and his shoulder landed solidly with the ring post. Macho Man, Randy Savage, right on top of him. Macho Man, Brutus the Barber still in trouble. Down goes the Barber again. Now he has given instructions to sensational Sherry. She gets one of those heel shoes down into him. Macho Man gets into the ring in tights. Now, with the knee drop, down on the chest, a cover. Oh, close, but it's still a two-count. The Macho Man with arms and gait saying, what else can I do? Brutus, the Barber, just continues to hang on. Trying to get himself together, reaching down, trying to recover. Right now, Tony must save all his reserve energy to just kick out. Because the Macho Man, relentless, is going for the cover. And he comes back with a double-axe and a blow. Great maneuver by Macho Man, Randy Savage. Double-axe and a blow. And two, up there, again he's out. Tony, we are seeing some tremendous action between these two, back and forth. What an exchange. They are really going at it here. What a battle. Macho Man, sends the Barber right over the second rope onto the floor. Oh man, that's some time out of the ring in this match. The Barber trying to get out. Jerry with applause in the back. And the Barber now. Barber trying to reach Jerry. And now that will enable the Macho Man to come from behind. Here he comes. Watch out, double-axe, handle hits again. The Barber letting his focus stray from the Macho Man, Randy Savage, his opponent. And the Macho Man taking full advantage of it. Jerry doing her job well as the manager of Macho Man, Randy Savage. Show called now and Dave Hebner is warning the Macho Man. That still gets its effect in and he does it one more time. Again, I've seen many referees in this case that not only make the bridge and make you stand up, calling for the illegal hold. Now, the Macho Man, we could say, seemingly on the edge of a victory here, but the Barber has really shown some great resiliency here. Jerry has her pockets up. She is scrambling for this Barber escape from it. Kacil Jerry capable of any tactic to ensure victory for the Macho Man. That's a good job to display right there with her purse. That Dave Hebner is making a ruling on that. That's Jack Coney. You're not allowed to bring that purse to ringside as he uses any weapon. On that occasion, he was assumed to purse. One thing we can say about the Macho Man is you already know where he has the advantage. He is so dangerous. He has so many weapons. He is at it again with the choke. I've got a good block by Brutus. Shams the Macho Man hits first into the turnbuckle. Maybe on a comeback here. Blocks again into the turnbuckle. Daisy Macho Man, Randy Savage, who comes away swinging and really clips Brutus with a right hand. Now, sending the Barber to the side ropes. Missed the clothesline. Both men, double clothesline, both going. What a collision at center ring. Both men going to the clothesline and both men successful. He's got the worst hand of those clotheslines. The Barber, the first one on his feet. Sherry trying to arouse the Macho Man. The Macho Man pulling the leg of the referee. Sherry tripped up first. He landed right on his head on the mat. He landed head first, Sean, did you see that? Arm in the mat. The Macho Man had the attention of the referee. Sherry tripped up Brutus Barber and he really hit hard. He rolls up the Macho Man. One, two, no shot. Another escape. One thing you must admire about the Macho Man, Tony, the way he continually stays right on his opponent. Not allowing the man to even think about attempting another move just gets right on top of him before anything else can happen. The Macho Man ready to go up top. This time the Barber is there. Here he comes. You can feel it and you can see the crowd. Back to the corner. Sherry just trying to get him out of the way and I don't believe her. The Barber going for a short end of this match. Okay, reversal. Barber missed the clothesline. Sweeper! And the fans are left. We have seen this on many occasions and not many can get away with Brutus Barber's beefcake. It voids the Sweeper hole. Sherry is right behind. Here she comes into the ring. She's in and she nails the Barber with his flipper from his bag. The Macho Man is out. The bar is sounded and now the Barber gets his hand up. Watch out for that. Randy Savage trying to get back on his feet. The Barber. Finish the Barber beefcake. Let's get the official word. Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of this contest and the result of this qualification, Brutus the Barber's beefcake. What a match it was between these two great athletes and in the end a disqualification for sensational Sherry coming into play. An incredible match Tony. It may have ended up a disqualification giving Brutus the Barber a beefcake to victory but Tony an incredible exchange between the two. I think it almost got the call of the trial when it came right down to it. I would have to agree. What a match. It's a human wrecking machine. It's a human wrecking machine and he's got the madness in his eyes. Hulk Hogan and Brutus the Barber beefcake. Accept the challenge anytime, any place. Make a date and don't be late. Zeus, what do you think about it? Tell Hulk Hogan and Brutus the Barber beefcake the way that it is. Hulk Hogan, beefcake, Barber, we are going to destroy you. Brutus the Barber beefcake. What's your answer? That was last week. Now let's pick up the comments from the Hulkster and Brutus the Barber beefcake. Will they accept the challenge? Yo Hulkamaniacs, the first thing I want to lay out for you dudes is that me and my partner Brutus the Barber beefcake, we formally accept the challenge of the Macho Man and that big monster Zeus for SummerSlam. You know me and Brutus, we just didn't stumble into each other in the parking lot, walking here arm in arm. There's a reason for this thing, man. Macho Man, you're the one that made it happen, brother. We're all animals in the WWF dudes. The Hulkster's got his domain, the Intercontinental Champion has his, the Tag Champions have theirs, and the Barber even has his, man, in the Barber shop. And when you crossed that fine thin line, Macho Man, when you jumped into the Hulkamaniac war camp, you saw how I chased the madness down. But when you went one step farther and you jumped up in Brutus' face, man, that's the line you never should have crossed. You know, Brutus, the Macho Man has said time and time again that he could beat me or you one on one at any time. How do you feel about that now that the Macho Man has jumped on your back and cut your hair off, dude? Well, you know something, Hulkster, I've been watching this thing from afar the whole time. I've seen the Hulkamaniacs. I've seen what's been going on. I know exactly where you're coming from, brother. But now the Macho Man has seen fit to take advantage of a situation. He has come into the Barber shop uninvited. He came in and took something, took something from me. He should have never touched. And now we got something else on our minds, something big, a big ugly animal. We don't have to worry just about you, Macho Man. We got this real big ugly human wrecking machine, a human wrecking machine. This guy is so big, Hulk. What do you think about that? Well, you know, I had problems with a dude in the movie, man, before, during, and after the filming, man. And now that he thinks he's a superstar, he thinks he's gonna walk into our backyard, the WWF, and take everything that we work for. Well, you know something, brother, when you're in the jungle and you cross into somebody's domain, whether it be a continental divide, a river, or a valley, man, sometimes the hunter becomes the hunted, brother. And even though Zeus is a lot bigger than you and I, brother, even though he may be more powerful than both of us put together, if we hunt together as a pack man, if the omnipotent heals with the clippers, if I keep pounding him in the face, sooner or later we'll chop him down to size. And then we'll have two macho men in the ring, brother, and at summer slam, when Brutus cuts and struts and Hulkamania runs wild, I actually feel sorry for the remains. And if Scary Sherry gets in your face, brother, what are you gonna do with those clippers, dude? Oh, Scary Sherry, oh, when I get my hands on that Scary Sherry, brother, I can't tell you what I'm gonna do. Give her a Baldo Rinaldo for me. What's she gonna do when the barber and the Hulk's to run wild on you? Let's take a look at the history behind this upcoming matchup. Let's take a look at the history behind this upcoming matchup between Brutus the barber and the macho man, courtesy of the Brother Love Show. Also, a lady, and don't you ever forget that. I am always a lady, and don't you ever forget that. I am always a lady, and don't you ever forget that. Well, Macho Man Randy Savage and Sensational Sherry, I for one, thoroughly enjoyed watching again Brutus the barber beefcake, getting what he deserved. After two years of giving lousy haircuts to defeated opponents, it was about time somebody did it to him, and I can't think of better people to do it than you two. Just see the body of Ventura, I'm glad that you enjoyed it. But I didn't do it for you. Oh no. And I didn't do it for those people out there. Oh no, I didn't do it for them either. I did it for Sensational Sherry because Brutus the barber beefcake insulted her, oh yeah. And nobody will insult the manager of the Macho Man ever again. Sherry, you must be proud to have a wrestler like the Macho Man defending your honor. Oh Jesse, I'm proud, and I'll say it loud, oh yeah, I'm proud. Well Macho Man, what about the match tonight? Is this one for Sherry? No, this one here is for the Macho Man Randy Savage. I'm doing it for me because Hulk Hogan won't recognize the Macho Man as the number one contender. Silly as it sounds, yeah, but his buddy Brutus the barber beefcake and him are pals. And when I destroy the beef, then Hogan will have to recognize the Macho Man as the number one contender, dig it? Yeah. Macho Man, my inside sources say you're planning some sort of surprise. What is it? A surprise? Jesse the body, you're a journalist so you have to ask questions like that, yeah. But I can't tell you right now, but I will promise you one thing, in a little while you may know, yeah. But first, I'm gonna destroy beefcake and then one more step closer to Hogan. Wow, Sensational Sherry, are you ready to get down that aisle? Oh yeah. You follow me and I'll lead, alright? Oh yeah, to the ring, yeah. Well, McMahon, I asked the question but only Macho Man knows the answer. I did my job, let's watch Macho Man do his. Back to you. Indeed, the music plays and the Macho Man, along with Sensational Sherry, or scary Sherry if you would, making their way to the ring. What a matchup is that going to be? This should be one of the great World Wrestling Federation matches, Brutus the barber beefcake and him fine. He is ready for this, and he better be ready, not only for the Macho Man, he better be ready for that lady. I use the term of it loosely, Sensational Sherry, who indeed from the outside has been known to interject herself into the matchup. And there, Sensational Sherry rolls the rope for this man. Former World Wrestling Federation champion, wanting to be a title holder once again, the Macho Man, right down, taking him in, Jean into barber. All right, with me at this time, Brutus the barber beefcake. We've already heard from the Macho Man, Randy Savage. He claims he's got a big surprise in store for you tonight. Your reaction, Brutus? I mean, Jean, I'm already surprised. I'm surprised the camera lens didn't break after pointing at scary Sherry. That woman could scare the Z right off Zeus' head. Well now, Sensational Sherry. Scary Sherry. Okay, Scary Sherry. I admit she does have a rather unique look. However, the Macho Man has already cut off some of your hair. Brutus, does that give him the advantage tonight? Savage and Scary Sherry are gonna pay for what they did to my hair. A man's hair has to make a statement, Jean. Do you know what my hair is saying right now? Really, I don't hear anything, Brutus. Your ears are too sharp, Jean, because my hair is saying that Brutus the barber is a cut above the rest. I'm not worried about Savage and Scary Sherry. No, because the barber always has the edge. All right, I don't hear what Brutus' hair is saying, but I must admit I do hear him loud and clear. Vince, back to you. Lucky me, Jean, but Jesse, what would me and Jean know about this thing to hear? You've got a point there, McMahon. I'll agree with you. Then again, what would you know either? You're both in the same category. Right now, making his way to the square circle. Brutus, the barber, big kick. And is he on a chair, or should I say a cup? Yeah, but he's got great form. The former World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Champion. Yeah, running for cover. Everybody's running for cover. Brutus the barber with a special barber bag and what's inside the bag. Jesse, for a second we don't know, McMahon is being serious. Ooh, scary Sherry and the Macho Man running for cover. Can you glance down? Just a little bit over the top, maybe a little up the side. Brutus the barber. The Macho Man trying to collect himself there on the outside. The Macho Man staying cool and calm right here. Him and Sherry outside the ring. They're going to get the battle planned together. They're not going to let Brutus' shears psych them out of the match, McMahon, because he can't wrestle with them. That's for sure. And they're safely over in the corner now, out of the way. And here comes Brutus. Macho Man bucketing Brutus the barber, beefcake to come on. And now, look at the shoulder block. She ducks and runs for cover. Beefcake's coming right after him. Look at this. What a wild and wooly match this is going to be. Here everybody is. Now this is Brutus from behind Macho Man. Macho to the rescue. What a heroic deed he just did there, McMahon. Savage shoving beefcake into the ring, as you brought off before the match officially underway. Savage on the attack. Beefcake with a series of wrong hands. Well, I have to give beefcake credit. So far it's been all the barber. Macho Man has not gotten his scheme of attack underway. Look at this. That's a flagrant choke with a forward object. The referee, of course, is going to let that by. Brutus the barber choking the Macho Man. Randy Savage and gives him a trial to the canvas. Just really getting out of hand here. Beefcake continues on the attack. Savage down for the ride. Coming off the rope, the atypical boot is blocked. And he's got Savage very vulnerable right here. Oh, double axe handle. He's going for the cover. Two and almost a count of three. Beefcake moving back in. Maybe a little too quickly there. Savage with a boot to the midsection. Randy Savage ramming the head of Beefcake to the buckle. The Macho Man clearly the aggressor now. Series of tough jabs by Randy Savage measuring Brutus the barber. Has him out in front. Reversal. Reversal again. And solid misses. Oh, what a critical miss for the Macho Man right there. He had everything going in his favor until Beefcake rolled out of the way. Beefcake. Oh, but he passed two and oh, thought he had it. It's going to take a while to put the Macho Man down, McMahon. Savage motioning for Sherry to come into the ring. I believe she's up on the apron. Brutus the barber distracted now. Moving back over to Sherry. Clever move by going after him. Very smart by the Macho Man and Sherry. Advises Macho Prime. Here comes Savage. Beefcake. Literally beats him to the punch. Beefcake. Now on Savage. Looking for the line again. Now it's a reversal. Off the rope. Off the rope again. High knee. Not Savage getting carried up to the net. No. Macho Man showing a lot of resilience, McMahon. You don't pin the Macho Man easy. He's proving that time and time again, McMahon. And Beefcake now hammered by Randy Savage. Savage to the rope. Coming up and oh, he misses again. Wow, and that's two critical misses for the Macho Man. Randy Savage could be in a bit of trouble. Beefcake now with momentum. Here he comes. High knee to the forehead. And the only problem here for Beefcake is Macho's hot on the floor and he can't pin him out there. Nobody can certainly win the matchup. Macho Man now being countered by the official. Oh, he's not. Beefcake's beefing with the official. Beefcake's coming right outside. Through the sub-over. Taking it to the Macho Man. Here he comes. Oh, look at that. Cowering his head. I can't believe Randy Savage would do that. I remember when he used to do that with Elizabeth. Beefcake goes after Randy Savage nonetheless. What a complete difference in managers. As you compare sensational Sherry or scary Sherry to Elizabeth. Look at this. Exactly. Right there. Sherry doing something to help Macho in the match. Elizabeth could never do that. Beefcake over the top. Down to the floor. Oh, no. Randy Savage going up. He's all the way up with a tap time buckle. Savage crashing down across the back. You know, Savage might miss once. He might miss twice. But don't ever count on him missing a third time. Brutus D'Avada Beefcake suffering. Oh, look at that. I can't believe it. Wow. Brutal Kiss. What a vicious series of kicks by sensational Sherry as the referee's back was turned. You know what's great about her, McMahon? You could definitely walk down a dark alley with sensational Sherry. She'd scare everybody to death. Savage now back over with Brutus D'Avada. Ooh, again. More shots to the rib area. And Brutus is in trouble. Look at that. Wow. Sensational Sherry took her heel off that spiked heel and ran right into the head of Beefcake. You know, you have to admit, McMahon, Savage is much more devastating with sensational Sherry than he ever was with you know who. Whatever her name was. Yeah, I see. Savage back in now with Brutus D'Avada Beefcake. Randy Savage perhaps sensing victory here. Sensational Sherry up on the apron. Referee trying to move it out. Wait a minute. Beefcake has Savage pinned. But Sherry has the referee tied up. Two and three. I love it. What an effective manager Sherry is. Savage now covering Beefcake. No, no. Almost three. Macho Man Randy Savage taking control with the help of his manager Sensational Sherry. Sliding down the shoulders on the canvas. Two and almost three again. Beefcake hammered down. Great choke hold. Come on ref. Get in there. He's counting. He's counting. Brutus D'Avada Beefcake going tooth and nail here with Macho Man Randy Savage. Come on ref. Savage with the foot to the throat. And look at how smart he is breaking right at the forecourt. What is this? What is that woman doing? She took her nylon off. Look at what she's doing to Brutus D'Avada. I love it, McMahon. It shows Sherry will do anything to win a match. She'll even disrobe it ringside. She's putting it back on as if nothing happened. Macho Man Randy Savage on the top rope. Macho Man ready to drop the elbow. Beefcake. Yes. Brilliant maneuver by Brutus D'Avada. Big right hand follows it with another one off the rope. And it's time to go 99. Beefcake is going to put Randy Savage to sleep. Elbow again. Set him up now. Pull the rod. Kick to the chest by the Macho Man. Desperation moved by the Macho Man but it worked. Look at this. Look what scary Sherry's doing now. She's holding Beefcake for Savage. Savage with a run. Oh no. Yes. Look at that. Sherry's out. Macho Man has knocked his own manager out. She is hurting. She's in trouble and the Macho Man's in trouble. Brutus D'Avada perhaps just moments away from winning this matchup. Reversal, reversal again to the buckle. Savage moving out of the way. Beefcake with the lunge. A quick thinking move by the Macho Man to save himself. Look at sensational Sherry. She's in tough shape outside the ring, McMahon. Yeah, my heart blades for her. It ought to. Randy Savage down. Here he comes. Oh no. Look at that. Whoa. Beefcake with a back body drop. Savage all the way out to the floor. Here comes scary Sherry over to help the Macho Man. He may be counted out. Savage back drop over the top rope. And Brutus D'Avada with Savage to get back into the ring. What a matchup this has been so far. It's been a tremendous matchup. Macho Man talking to Sherry. He's sending her back, McMahon. I know what's gonna happen. What? She's going back. She's gonna get the biggest man on earth. I'll give you a clue. He's got a seed cut in his hair. You know, man. What you need is one glass of water. Survive with fibrin. Let her go. Please, Mrs. Buckman, I love her. Let her go. It can drive you crazy. You can't run out on me. You're my wife. You're his what? He got married a couple of days ago. Are you out of your mind? It can drive you wild. But it's the greatest adventure of them all. Steve Martin, Rick Morales, Keanu Reeves in a Ron Howard film, Parenthood, rated PG-13. 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I need some pucker. Thankfully, now there's Kissel. Here it comes. They're gonna love it. Because Kissel has the same nutritious ingredients as yogurt, but none of the cultures that make yogurt taste sour. Kissel gives you more food flavor without the pucker. Does it come in pickle? Does it come in pickle? Listen to your taste buds. Don't pucker. Just Kissel. Cop Talk tonight at 1 here on WJAR Channel 10. The Macho continues. Buda Sabaro Beefcake with Macho Man Randy Savage. And Beefcake pretty much in control here. Savage has definitely heard Beefcake going for a cover. Ooh, almost. And Savage not quite the same threat without Scary Sherry at ringside. Beefcake. Oh, moves in on that one. All right. Staff Mayor over goes Beefcake. Macho Man drops. He misses. And he drove that knee hard into the canvas. Buda Sabaro and the Macho Man back to their feet.