Ladies and gentlemen, this contest is for the World Wrestling Federation for their championship. It is set to 4-1-5. Coming down the aisle, led by his bodyguard, Brunter, making his spring residence in Palm Beach, Florida. Playing 260 pounds, here is the challenger, the million dollar man, Ted DiMiozzi. And his opponent, the first lady of wrestling, Elizabeth, playing 239 pounds. Here is the champion, the World Wrestling Federation heavyweight champion, Randy Montemar. Let's give a round of applause to the understuder and World Wrestling Federation champion, Montemar Randy Savage, along with the lovely Elizabeth, get a standing ovation. Of course, he is the understuder champion. They're on their feet in unison here at Jampack, Madison Square Garden, as this is indeed the first title defense of the matchup. And what better opponent than the man who tried everything, including buying the title, and failed. And I tell you something, he is not ducking his obligations, is he? He could have killed anybody else, but he didn't. He accepted his challenge from obviously the number one contender. No question, the gold is definitely on the line here. Lovely as always, the first lady of professional wrestling, Elizabeth, played such an important role in the career of the Macho Man, bringing him to the point that he's at right now. Who would ever have thought it just 18 months ago? And here he is in his very, very first title defense, showing a lot of confidence too. What we have learned is that he is a very, very competent and able wrestler. The man from behind, nailed Savage. Well, he didn't have any choice, although Virgil was going after Elizabeth. I was about to say he's paying the price for it, but in fact, the champion managed to chop the table in his favor. Oh, he's trying to sucker him in, but the Macho Man was too quick for him. He dropped on over the top rope with a 360 and down to the top rope. Goes a million dollar man. And everybody here on their feet have given an ovation to Savage like he's never had before. Well, I've seen it happen so many times before, Your Lordship, that a new champion is crowned and right here in Madison Square Garden, the title changes hands again. And D.B. Hattie is not paying attention to what's going on here because he was actually on the side where he had his back to Savage and Savage is in no mood to let opportunities like that pass. And he's continuing to promise that left arm of D.B. Hattie. Really going to work on it. Jumps right off between the million dollar man and Virgil. What a shot into that steel post again. Savage trying to finish his man off in short order here. Trying quickly as possible. He wants him back in there to get that pinfall. Look at the million dollar man banging. Not going to get any mercy from the champion. No call to whatsoever from Savage. He's in there immediately straight onto that left arm. He knows what this guy is capable of doing. Yeah, he's not going to give D.B. Hattie any room to say to come back here and he's going to be hard work forever. We might be looking at a possible submission here. Elizabeth with a concerned look on her face and rightly so. Any time you step out there now into that squared circle, the gold is up for grabs. Yeah, absolutely. Virgil pleading with his man. I've never seen Virgil quite so animated as he is tonight. He is looking at his man. He is worried. There's no flashing smile of confidence from Virgil at all. Golden lock right in that left arm again, but D.B. Hattie up quickly, drops out over to Clasco. Mata plants an elbow right between the eyes. Mata putting these moves together so beautifully. He is undoubtedly a great champion, but ran into a lot of trouble there. Well, he knows what it's like to wear the gold. As Virgil shouts words of encouragement to Ted DiBiase. After all, Savage was the Intercontinental Champion for quite some time. Yes, he knows what it's like to be the champion. Look out, ran that left shoulder once again. I have the feeling that Savage set him up for that in a way. Savage is a very, very clever, clever wrestler. And he uses a lot of moves to get him off. Oh, nice rubbish move by DiBiase. You can never underestimate DiBiase. And Elizabeth is extremely concerned, as we said earlier on. What inspiration, what motivation she has given to the Macho Man. The title is just as much hers as it is anyone's. Yes, she has been so good for him. And as you said, complete inspiration. But then again, Virgil... Oh, look at that, a random... Virgil, good for his manager. Now look at Virgil. He's got that smart look back on his face again. And again, into the steel barricade. Where's the referee? There he is. Now, DiBiase is smart enough to know that you're not going to win the title on a count-out or disqualification. It's got to be a pinball or submission. And while you were saying that, we did see Elizabeth looking extremely concerned. Heavy back elbow there by DiBiase. Just lost the champion. One, two... And Savage had his eye on the referee, so it may not have been quite so close as we thought. Wayne Choco, as the champion, has his feet over and under that bottom rope here. But the referee can't get the Million Dollar Man to break. Now he does. Well, that's not going to help DiBiase's cause, because if DiBiase hates the referee, he won't have any hesitation about disqualifying him, and that's not going to get him that championship. Savage holding in. Perhaps your Lordship will see the Million Dollar Dream. Yes. That is what it would be, too, for him. Look out. Nailed him with a nice clothesline. Measured him nicely for that. You're not going to be sad as that. So, if DiBiase does beat Savage against that championship, he'll be the Multi-Million Dollar Man. Once we remonstrate him with Savage, I should say DiBiase... Elizabeth Schelling works with encouragement for Randy Savage. Oh, look at that elbow planted right on top of the cranium. That old adrenaline is flowing through the body of the champion right now. Yes, and not only Elizabeth Schelling works with encouragement for Savage, but 23,000 people here at Madison Square Garden doing the same thing. Suplex coming up. Well executed. Good suplex by DiBiase. A devastating suplex by DiBiase. But a very nonchalant cover. And only a one count, resulting from that nonchalant cover. That's not unusual. DiBiase wasting time out here with the referee. This guy is a terrific ring mechanic, Your Lordship. Look at Virgil's face now. Two and perhaps a quarter, that's all he can get. Savage is so good. Just when you think you've got it right down and out, he'll come back at you with something like that. A very, very good move. And very close to winning this bout. The championship is so cold right here. DiBiase coming very close to being disqualified. Irish whip now. No, reversed by the champion. But for a backdrop, perhaps Crosstown could get the leverage. Savage had good balance there. And held it. Saw what was coming. And managed to get himself in a good position. But just cannot find the strength to follow that up right now. The ribcage area really bothering the champion as he blocks the suplex attack. But look at him. Look at him holding that ribcage area. Savage has learned so much in this last year or so. And here is a very good serve. Virgil, and it's not often you see that reaction from Virgil. Now he's mostly subdued. He has that spot. A million dollar man down measuring the champion. And really put his man down with that blow too. But he's not satisfied. I don't blame DiBiase because he wouldn't pin him just after a couple of blows like that. He's got to wear this man down a lot more. And indeed that's what DiBiase is going for. It seems that it was sort of a push to slow him over the guard. Yes. It has. It has. Now a nice over-the-shoulder shot by a number, I don't know, seven or eight handheld. We see the champion in trouble here. He's lost him off by the challenger. But he's coming up. There's huge power getting behind Savage at every opportunity. And they've certainly worked in miracles for him because of the ribcage. He's powered his way out of that one. I didn't think he had any strength at all. And Fuller has saved the moment for the Billion Dollar Man. The champion was about to come out of there with a powerful standing wrist lock. Didn't exactly work. DiBiase is a very, very clever wrestler. That was a nice move he made. He's got that headlock securely and firmly tucked around the top part of Savage's head. And then he stood into a headstand and put a lot of force into it. He knows how to use every ounce of that leverage that he needs for desperately. There he is. Buckleman fighting. Trying to get back to his feet. He'll leave you here. Downward punch. Look at that nice move. He rammed him right into that top turnbuckle. Absolutely brilliant wrestling move by both men. What a worthy championship match this is. Look at him now striking himself up here. But DiBiase onto him straight away. DiBiase will not run out of gas coming out there. He's got to stay on top of this guy all the time. Oh, look at this. There's his elbows up. But nobody was home. That was a really hard miss by DiBiase. Because if Savage can get to his feet, he can take advantage of that for that conditioning turn here. Because straight away DiBiase was after his man. Into the corner goes the Million Dollar Man. And the champion follows him right in with a nice elbow. Oh, look at this leverage move. What a shot. That is Buckleman. That is Buckleman. Watch the man push up there on top turnbuckle. The Million Dollar Man doesn't see him at all. Double leg handle. Right between the eyes. Right between the eyes. That was a great move by Savage. Oh, look at that. DiBiase may have been playing a little possum there. Our referee's gone down. Back elbow from Savage. Floor to referee. In it Mowgli. And a turn slide from Savage has put down DiBiase. Buckleman once again to the outside. This is where he's most at home. Perched up there like a big bird. And this time. Oh, Mowgli came over and knocked him putting up from under the champion. He knocked his left leg. And I'm afraid that Savage went down very heavily. He straddled himself on that top rope. And then went down to the concrete. And the referee's back on his feet and he counts it. He doesn't know what happened. He didn't see the move by Buckleman. DiBiase better do something about it. I don't think he can get the champion through his feet. We're going to have a count out here. Virgil has slashed the championship goal. Well, it doesn't work that way. You don't get the goal. He's going into the ring. And DiBiase is saying, I'm the champion. We'll find out both sides if that is not true. Wishful thinking on the part of Virgil. He's coming back. He's coming back. He's back in the ring. He's got a chair now. He got that drop back. Buckleman with a steel chair. Driving everybody out of that first. At no time was he in jeopardy of losing the belt. He could not change hands once again. On a count out of disqualification. But he did lose the last gorilla. And that is a victory that goes into the record book. But that DiBiase, again, the champion remember. Let's get that one more time. Ladies and gentlemen, the referee's official decision. He awarded the bout as a result of a count out to the million dollar man, Ted DiBiase. DiBiase victorious on the count out, but he got an awful lot of outside help. However, ladies and gentlemen, in the World Wrestling Federation Championship matches, the only way a title changes hands is by a people or a submission. Sam has really set on a shape. He has indeed. But I don't see DiBiase coming back here, gorilla. Well, the farthest thing from his mind is the belt right now. He wants his hands on the million dollar man. Elizabeth tried to explain it to him, but he was counted out. And what exactly went down? Well, he knows exactly what went down. But he is hot. He is extremely hot. I don't blame him. But once again, as we have said, that is a victory for DiBiase. And you can bet your life he's going to take that up with the president of the WWF to get another title shot. He certainly would be first in line right now with this kind of a victory. However, when they view the films, that may change everything around. But this was certainly a bar burner. 20 more actions, still to come. We'll be right back. You know there's a trend being set here, McMahon. Slickster now realizes that Mean Gene Overland is no journalist. Everyone's realizing that. Well, the Slickster sliding to the ring, leading the number one contender, the one-man gang. We're going to have a new World Wrestling Federation champion crown tonight. And by the way, Jess, later on, I'm looking forward to the tag team matchup in Pitt Demolition, new tag team champion against former champ, the British Bulldog. What a matchup that's going to be. And of course, later on as well, the Rocks. We're off against the million dollar man, Ted DiBiase. And I'm looking forward to that one, too. Let's see if we can get a little shot of the footwork of the Slickster. Oh, there he is. Look at that. The Slickster preparing for the matchup. And the Macho Man, Randy Savage, is preparing as well. You can bet the Macho Man, it's going to be sky high when he hits his squared circle. Mean Gene Overland is standing by with the new Undisputed Champion. All right, with me at this time is the new Undisputed World Wrestling Federation champion. He is Macho Man. Randy Savage, along with the First Lady of wrestling, his manager, the lovely Elizabeth. I must congratulate you on being the first woman in World Wrestling Federation history to manage a champion. Well, thank you, Mean Gene, but it's really all Randy's doing. Wait a minute. Too far, too modest. Yeah, you're the inspiration that took the Macho Man, Randy Savage, to the top of the mountain. That's where I am now, Mean Gene Overland. Yeah. All right, tonight you have a title defense. You're first on television against the One-Man Gang. You're going to be entering his danger zone. Oh, yeah, but I'm going past the danger zone, yeah, to the wide world of madness, yeah. Macho madness. You're going to feel macho madness all around you, One-Man Gang. It's going to surround you from one end of the building all the way to the other end of the building and everywhere in between, yeah. Another concern that being slick, the manager and his cane. What about it? It's one manager in another man's corner, yeah. And I'm not just any man, yeah. I'm the Macho Man, Randy Savage, yeah, and this is the First Lady of wrestling. The inspiration of all inspiration. And she's going to inspire me to get past that big, bad One-Man Gang tonight, right now. Inspire me down that aisle, Elizabeth, yeah. Inspire me to victory, yeah. Oh, man, oh, man alive. Macho Man, Randy Savage in his own world now, Vince. Macho madness. Let's get back to you. Thank you, me, Gene Auckland. As the New Zealand begins to play this arena, he rocks. Can't you feel it, Jesse? Yeah, I can feel it, McMahon. The people love it. Macho madness. But I'll tell you something right now. I don't think the One-Man Gang and the Slickster are caught up in any macho madness. No, you can bet not. This is an incredible opportunity for both the Slickster as well as the One-Man Gang. Just how long will the Macho Man rule? As World Wrestling Federation Champion. Well, I'll tell you, if the One-Man Gang has anything to say about it, it might be 5 minutes, 10 minutes, maybe 15 at the most. A Macho Man standing tall wearing a World Wrestling Federation Championship belt in there, Jesse. Look at that, those brown eyes. That, indeed, the inspiration in the corner of the Macho Man. You know, that makes me sick that an athlete would need a woman to be his inspiration to greatness. Oh, really? Yes. That's your inspiration. That's figures. Wait a minute, Slickster. What are you doing, Slick? What is he doing? The Macho Man going after the Slickster. The Slickster getting a little too close to Elizabeth. And the Macho Man chases the Slickster all the way back to the dressing room. And now, Jesse. Yes, it's a one-on-one confrontation. The very first title event for the Macho Man on television. What a match that we're going to have. All right, we're ready for the match to begin. The first of five World Wrestling Federation title events in the Macho Man. The Gang's missing. Look at that. Yeah, well, that's what Macho Man's got to do. He doesn't want to match up strength, and the Gang's caught him and pushed him to a corner. And then from there, Savage coming out of that corner. But you're right. The One-Man Gang's strategy, obviously, is to use his huge gurt to his advantage. And again, Macho Man has an advantage on his part if the match progresses for any length of time. Back, missing, but the Macho Man right on target. Down to the midsection. Up now with an elbow. The Macho Man and the One-Man Gang. Out in front. Reversal there. Off and Macho Man trying to get the Gang out back. Whoa, a double hook. Matches over to it. No. What a kick out by the Gang. But look at that. The Macho Man. Quick as a cat. He's down, and now he's right back up. On the top rope. Randy Savage there. Waiting for the opportune time. He leaps. This could be over quick, McMahon. One, two, and another kick out by the Gang. Well, I'll tell you, the One-Man Gang is so big and powerful. Whoa, look at this. Look at that. Whoa, he clotheslined him right on the top rope by the beard. He's going for the cover again. Two in. Oh, right in the face by the One-Man Gang. The Gang. The Macho Man. Lightning light quick. This man is something else. I mean, he's like kinetic energy. He's everywhere. Yeah, but there the Gang did what he wanted to do. He's pitting the Macho Man in the corner. And what the Gang's got to do in this boat is slow it down. Get the Macho Man in the corner like he's got him right now and stuck working him over. No one is any quicker than the Macho Man. And certainly no one has as much fire as the Macho Man. I don't know what you're going to have to do to keep this man down, but the Gang just very well could have his number. Well, here's what the Gang needs to do. Get him in. Use time. He's wild. Look at that. He's got Macho up in the air and slams him back to that man. The One-Man Gang moving in now. The Slickster looking on. Oh, look at that big boot on the side of the head. Come on, Rep, get in there. That's about a size 16 flush on the face. Referee now moving One-Man Gang back into Slickster right there with a K to the front of Randy Savage. Come on, Rep. The referee was tied up with the One-Man Gang in the ring. He didn't see any of that. You're going to look on the Slickster's face. Give me a break. Well, they're going after the championship of the world, McMahon. They're going to pull out all the stops. They're going to do whatever it takes. One-Man Gang with Randy Savage, rips him to the ropes, sets him up, misses with a roundhouse slide. Oh, look at that. Randy Savage going after the Slickster. Catch him. Savage has him. Oh, but the Gang has Savage. Wow, what a smart move by Slick. He brought Savage back into the ring, allowed the Gang to drop the elbow on him, and now the Gang's choking him out. Come on, Rep, get back over there. Well, One-Man Gang using aggressive tactics to say the least against the Macho Man Randy Savage. Gang now with a whole hand full of face. Come on, Rep. Right, man. So now put your hands on my clothes, homeboy. I'll knock you right out, boob. Slickster with comments directed toward the Macho Man Randy Savage. The One-Man Gang hammering down into the back of the undisputed World Wrestling Championship champion. Well, the Macho Man's got to get himself out of the corner. He is in deep trouble right now, McMahon, and his title is definitely in jeopardy. One-Man Gang just pouring it on the Macho Man. And a look of concern on Elizabeth's face, and why not? She better be concerned. I mean, this guy's 450 pounds. Whoa. It could be over. A hammer, two, and Savage kicked out. The One-Man Gang is wearing the Macho Man down. No, Macho Man is not moving nearly as quickly as he did at the start of the match. From the back, there comes a gang. A gang misses. Savage with an elbow. A Macho Man with another one. The Gang is rocking about now. To the ropes. Randy Savage gets ahead of Steve. What a full fly. The One-Man Gang all the way up. What a maneuver by Randy Savage. I can't believe Savage had the strength to knock the Gang out. He's going up to the top rope. Savage on the top. Look out. One-Man Gang. There he goes down. He's got a camera on with him. Trust that cameraman down on the floor. And now put for win on the side of Randy Savage. Headway Championship. Come on, Gang. You can do it. Slickster encouraging One-Man Gang. Slickster. And the Macho Man, Randy Savage, going up again. Slickster's trying to pump the Gang up. Savage is coming off. Ooh, the Gang caught him with that one. And that'll definitely slow the Macho Man down. Randy Savage now scooped up by the One-Man Gang. Big body slam. Savage hurting the One-Man Gang. What's he doing? It looks like he's going up, McMahon. He's going up. If this is the 747, it's all over if he hits it. One-Man Gang preparing himself for the splash. Here he comes. Oh, no. Well, that saved Randy Macho Man Savage's World Heavyweight Championship right there. But he got out of the way. What's Slick doing? What is it? And come on. Randy Savage. Here he comes. Savage pointing an accusing finger at the Slickster and again the One-Man Gang attacks from behind. You know, McMahon, that's why I say Elizabeth is a detriment because Randy Savage not only has to put up with the Gang inside the ring, but he has to protect Elizabeth outside the ring. And the referee apparently setting Elizabeth right in there. Look over there. Oh, my God. He hits his own man. Wow. The Slickster hit the Gang. Savage is going to the top. He's going for the big elbow, I think. Macho Man gets his full answer now. Power on. Savage wins it. I can't believe it. The One-Man Gang and the Slickster beat themselves. No, indeed. That's not what happened. What do you mean that ain't what happened? If Slick wouldn't have hit the Gang, the Gang would have never got pinned by Macho Man at that point in the bout. What happened is Macho Man is madder than it's ever been. Randy, Macho Man, Savage with manager Elizabeth right inside. Well, I have to give credit. You know, I was the one that always stood behind and said what talent the Macho Man truly has. You jumped on the bandwagon awful late, McMahon, but Savage is very talented, and he got the big win. Let's go back to the replay. Here you see the Macho Man coming off with the big elbow. Wham! He drives it into the One-Man Gang, and I don't care who you are, if you get hit with that elbow, the match is over as it was proved right there on the One-Man Gang. Ladies and gentlemen, at this time it gives me great pleasure to introduce to you the undisputed World Wrestling Federation Champion, Randy Macho Man Savage, and of course the first lady of wrestling, the lovely Elizabeth. Look at this. Savage has DBSC in the ring, and the Macho Man with the belt that DBSC wants. This place is electric. They're going bananas. This is quite fitting. There's DBSC, Macho Man, and there's the gold. There's the guy that he thought he could buy the World Wrestling Federation Championship belt. If you want to get this, you're going to have to go through me, and that means your ugly bodyguard Virgil too. You better be careful. Virgil's a lot tougher than Elizabeth. Macho Man, tell us about it. I'd love to tell you about it because of the jealousy that's in your eyes because of something that you can't get because you don't work for it. Peter Doos made another man. You're going to have to earn it, Jesse. DBSC's going to have to earn it. He can't buy the title. That guy right there is a spoiled brat, and I got the time to show you that you are not in the same ballpark yet. Wait a minute, man. We may get a title match right here on the floor. Wait a minute, man. We're going to have to get the security out here. I just want to say that the man that's here is going to have to earn it. Introducing first to my right, accompanied by the million-dollar man, Ted DBSC from Palm Beach, Florida, weighing 250 pounds, Furchall. And his opponent... And you believe this, Jesse? It's Devin McMahon. I'm having a hard time hearing myself. Here is the Undisputed World Wrestling Federation Champion, Randy Macho Man! Come on! And the Macho Man, Randy Savage! And here's the Undisputed World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Champion. What an ovation for the Macho Man! And Furchall preparing to rock up with Randy Savage and look at Ted DBSC. Right away, putting the man down on the Macho Man. Well, you know, there's bad blood between these two stemming all the way back to WrestleMania. Whoa-ho, baby. Watch out, now. You know what interests me here, McMahon? Look at the physique. Whoa, baby. Whoa. Look at the physique on Furchall. I'm not sure how much this guy knows about wrestling, but, baby, he's put together. Watch out. Put him behind, Furchall, attacking and attacking here. Well, DBSC did what he wanted to do right there. He distracted the Macho Man, gave Furchall an opening, and big Furchall the bodyguard's taking full advantage of it. Move to the buckle. Furchall is mean, and as you spoke up earlier on, really put together tremendous power. You know, that's the difference here. You know, Elizabeth is no help outside the ring. Elizabeth can't do anything but stand there and look beautiful, and that's not gonna get the job done. Furchall moving in on the Macho Man, Randy Savage. After the attack from behind, another whip to the buckles. And the champs in trouble early. Indeed. Series of shoulder blocks. Ted DiBiase, the Million Dollar Man, urging Furchall on. Oh, wait a minute. Come on. Look at this. Whoa. A little classic example of Furchall tying up referee Dave Hebner and Ted DiBiase doing the dirty work outside. I love it. Come on, ref, get in there. That's my style of wrestling, McMahon. DiBiase with another cheap shot. And another one. Series out there now. As Furchall distracts referee Dave Hebner. Come on, get in there. Well, you can't blame Hebner. He doesn't have eyes in the back of his head. The Macho Man up in the air. Big body slam by bodyguard Furchall. He is really powerful. Furchall going up the ropes. Let's see what's going to happen here. Furchall on the very top rope and he misses. And the Macho Man had enough presence of mind to get out of the way. Look at the fans are going crazy. They want a rally by the Macho Man. Here comes the Macho Man. Knee to the back. And Macho's going up. Top rope brought into Virgil. And Virgil in the air. A slam by the Macho Man. All the way up to the top rope. This could be it. There's DiBiase. Just distract him. Oh, he just missed with that right hand. DiBiase did a smart move. Macho looked like he was going for that big elbow. And that would have ended the match. Now it's giving Virgil a chance to recover. You got to hand it to him, McMahon. DiBiase's not only rich, he's smart. Macho Man coming right up after the Million Dollar Man. Whoa, look at that. Can you believe that? Hiding behind Elizabeth. I bet he's hurting her arms. Oh, no. Virgil from behind. Savage. I'll tell you, DiBiase has definitely done his homework for this bout. Every time Macho mounts some type of offense, DiBiase has something to counter it, whether it be pulling Elizabeth in front. It's brilliant. Savage, quick to the ropes. Virgil sets him up. Boy, did he ever drive the elbow to the chest. A cover. One. And only two at the most. I personally think Elizabeth is a detriment. You've made that comment earlier on. The match's not over yet. Closed line by Virgil. But look what it causes, McMahon. Cover one, two, and a kick out by the Macho Man. Macho Man can't concentrate on the bout because he's got to worry about Elizabeth's safety. His head's got to be in two places at once. Get him down. Oh, my. Randy Savage turned over the top rope over by Elizabeth by Virgil, and Ted DiBiase distracted the referee as Elizabeth. Out attending to the Macho Man. Cool down, Hebner. You're gonna have a heart attack. He's getting so fired up in there to referee. You know, Macho Man's learning right now. Wait a minute. Look at this. Elizabeth there. And she can't do nothing. I think... giving directions in there. I should say out there is Ted DiBiase and Virgil following those instructions to the letter. But what's going on? Look at this. Trying to approach Elizabeth with a fistful of hundred-dollar bills. Right here. What's he trying to do? Wait a minute. Close the line. Close, Virgil. Oh, close line. DiBiase down. Well, DiBiase and Virgil made a cardinal mistake. They took their eyes off the champion. A scoop. What's happening here now? Look at him. Close the clock. Look, that man is on it. Savage going to the outside. He's setting him up for the elbow, McMahon. If he hits it, it's over. DiBiase is going around this time. One, two, three, and... He wins it. At center time and time again, nobody gets up from now on. Whoa. Virgil may have lost the battle, but it looks like the million-dollar man's going to win the war. What are they doing to him? They're working him over. They're teaching nacho men exactly what it's going to be like to be the champion of the world. Everybody's gunning for you. Everyone. A hundred-dollar bill in the hand of Ted DiBiase. Oh, they crammed that hundred-dollar bill right in the mouth of the nacho man. He's a big tipper, McMahon. Oh, no. Who's that coming in? Cocoa B-Way. How is he going to rule? Well, we got total chaos now. It's turning into a battle royal. Randy Savage with nothing better than to get his hands on the million-dollar man, Ted DiBiase, just one more time. I think the feeling is mutual. It definitely is. This is far from over, McMahon. There's been nothing settled here in this match. Wait a minute. Randy Savage has broken loose, down into the million-dollar man and Virgil. You know, I think, personally, I'm going to get out while the getting's good right now. I think it's Ted DiBiase and company clearing the area and will clear the area as well and return with more World Wrestling Federation action....the corner to my left, accompanied by the corner to my left, accompanied by his bodyguard, Virgil, making his spring residence in Palm Beach, Florida, weighing 260 pounds. Here is the challenger, the million-dollar man, Ted DiBiase. And his opponent... To be left towards the ring by his manager, the First Lady of Wrestling, Elizabeth, from Sarasota, Florida, weighing 239 pounds, here is the undisputed World Wrestling Federation champion, Randy Macho Man Savage! Oh, look at this! Randy Macho Man Savage going right after Ted DiBiase, shoved him right into the rope, and both lined him coming back. He doesn't even have his cape off yet. Macho Man going for the top rope if he doesn't get all tangled up in his own cape. Oh, a double forearm takes him down. Off comes the cape. Macho Man, with the championship belt on, takes him off. And right after Ted DiBiase, the million-dollar man. Off on a top rope. Virgil, the bodyguard for DiBiase, right there. Macho Man says, come on, let's do battle, let's do it. My gosh, Billy Graham, superstar. Have you ever seen a start like this? I tell you what, there's no love lost here. You know, in their first meeting here in the Garden, the Macho Man lost to DiBiase. He was counted outside the ring in his first title defense here in Madison Square Garden, and DiBiase won the match, did not win the title, but it was close enough. Anything can happen, and DiBiase is just a hair away from winning the World Wrestling Federation Championship. So that must be the race that a Macho Man came out going. Exactly right. Exchange a right to miss by DiBiase. High in the air to Tommy Brown. Oh, he realigned his spine. Goes in, clotheslines it, takes him out on the top. Right down onto that dick. Macho Man turned on. He can jump start a 747 right now. He's revved up. Yeah, it's called pandemonium running wild in Madison Square Garden right now. If you take a close look at DiBiase, he appears to be some blood from the mouth, from the nose, unless it got popped open there on the way over the top when he hit the floor. It's full promise for the Macho Man, and everything to the fire. Over the top. Well, that could be a problem, because he's going to turn us back on the Million Dollar Man, and you don't want to do that. Just like I said, here he comes. No way. Look out from behind. Oh, right over, but right beside us here. Throwing him in. Somebody's bleeding up there, like you said. On the far side, Ted DiBiase out, Macho Man right after him. Oh, and DiBiase bleeding from the nose. He may have broken his nose. His nose is definitely broken. Over the top rope. DiBiase right down on all fours. Desperation, desperation move, and now Elizabeth is out there to try to help her man stand by her man. DiBiase, I'm sure his nose is broken. Really bleeding profusely. Well, I tell you, now that Elizabeth's out there, you know, she could be a detriment at times. She could be a distraction, and other times she could be a help, but I don't know. Macho Man just got it by DiBiase. A boot on the top of the head, and Virgil, the bodyguard over there, going to work him over. No, he's going to throw Macho Man in the ring. He may be able to sense that Macho Man could be pinned by DiBiase right now. Well, it looks like it's two against one to me, Roger. It's two against one, brother, right here. In the breadbasket, there's blood spattered all over here. A forearm smash, I mean, a fist in the head, Roger. Exactly, a fist to the nose. And I think DiBiase's trying to break the Macho Man's nose. He even takes up, kicking away at the chest there. He won't let him breathe. I tell you, the Macho Man's in trouble. Look at the face of DiBiase. He's been cut, the nose has been broken, and he's still not there. He's tough. Oh, yeah, it's a smart move. On the jaw, Macho Man, right from the floor. A double sledgehammer coming. No, he gets it in the guts. Cut the boot by DiBiase. The Million Dollar Man hammers him into the turnbuckle. Look out. What's he going to do? He's setting him up for something, putting him on the rope. An Irish whip into the ropes on the far side, gets him with an elbow. What a shot that was. Flips him over, goes for a choke. I thought he was going to go for a pin, so the referee. A choke right on the throat. And the right hand in there. He's not going to let him up. He's not going to let that son of a gun breathe. Step down to his face. Well, with a little extra push for us now. Exactly right. The Macho Man prone in the middle of the ring, trying to get some, trying to get his breath back, trying to get it back together, but the Million Dollar Man has measured him up on the top now. Going for the second rope now. He's going to come right off the top. Sledge, yep, right on. Oh, brother. DiBiase should go for the pin right now. What's he doing? He's walking around, Stalin taking his time, gets him with a shot. Cover him. Cover him right now. He just piled rope that right into the face. And a kick out by Macho Man. I didn't think he could do it. Macho Man has tucked his intestinal core, Duke Brothers. Look at Elizabeth. Look at the concern on Elizabeth. You bet. She has every right to be concerned. That's her man. All right. And DiBiase looks to the ground. He should be working on the... That's exactly right. He's turned his back on him. He's got some... Oh, look. There's a fist right alongside the jaw. Macho Man coming back and hitting. Elbow smash on top of DiBiase's head. Into the card buckle. No, he didn't get there. What a move by DiBiase. I got to hand it to him. What a smart move that was. Yep. And chops him right across the chest. Oh, brother. On the top rope. No. Yeah. He put him on the top rope. Going to whip him across. And a cold light. Now, can he go that far across? Yeah, I'm sure he can. He's going to try. He's waiting. And the Macho Man up. He doesn't know where he's at. A double sledgehammer on top of the head. The Macho Man cannot get up from that shot. I believe it knocked him cold. You drove him right in the ground like he's digging a fence post. A fence post hole, I should say. Double sledgehammer. Double sledgehammer. Double sledgehammer. Double sledgehammer. Double sledgehammer. Double sledgehammer. Double sledgehammer. Double sledgehammer. Double sledgehammer. The Macho Man is in trouble, Roger. He's in the worst trouble I've ever seen him since he's won his championship. The man is almost delirious out there. I'll tell you. I bet your Macho Man is thinking twice about this one. Right in the foot. Right in the face. Another one. Look at this shot. Good angle, guys. All right. Holes him off the rope. Piledriver coming. They should fire this thing. They're going to kill somebody with it someday. And that makes all the difference. They see a new champion right here. We might see a new champion. Man, how does he do it? Intestinal fortitude. The will to win. The will to survive. I remember a man called Gashan once said, when the going gets tough, the tough get a little bit. The pretty, pretty girl that she's really, really worried, concerned. Oh, look at that. Double thrust. On the top rope. Macho Man trying to get his brains together. Look at this. He's shaking his head. Virgil, a bodyguard, is following him around. Down goes the Million Dollar Man. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, listen. One of the most vicious moves in pro wrestling I've ever seen in my life. Oh, he got a pull on the forehand, straight in. Oh, another one. I know what's coming now, and I can feel it. Oh, he got thrown out. Double-crossed him. He double-crossed him, indeed. Tami Miyashi throwing Macho Man out of that rope, out of the ring. Macho Man's shoulder hit that chair square on. Tami had done some deltoid damage there. Elizabeth trying to get the chair out of the way, trying to help the man. I don't know what she can do, but say, get up, please get up. You're not that hurt. Suck it up, get tough. She's acting like a manager. Elizabeth grab hold of him and pull him up. Come on, girl. Now, some of the managers ought to take up EMT, Emergency Medical Techniques, huh? And they can be used, they can use them right here. Tami Miyashi recovering from the opening moments of this fight. She just turned down, bleeding profusely from the nose. Just a little bit illegal. Miyashi back in the ring before they get counted out. I don't know who's keeping tabs on the referee, but the referee's got his work cut out for him. I don't envy his job at all. There's Elizabeth helping him out. That's what I want to do, is grab him by the arm and throw him back in the ring. Hauling him back into that ring over the bottom row. And Miyashi seems to be in control right now, Elizabeth. Absolutely disgraced, an elbow smash. Got him. I wonder what Elizabeth's EAL is. Emotional anxiety level. Yes, yeah, yeah. Well, I tell you what, she's got every reason to be concerned, because I've never seen the Macho Man in this much trouble since he's been the world-rusting Federation champion. He's hurt and he's hurt bad. Well, that's her man and she loves him, and by golly, you can't blame her. She's a lovely lady. That's Endi Miyashi picking him up by the hair. Irish whip across the ropes into the... Oh, he clotheslined him. He not only clotheslined him, I think he got him with a fist on the left side, on the right side of the head of the year. Yeah, knowing that, I think is... Oh, look at... All the way from about five feet in the air, straight on down, all of that kinetic energy being expended on the face of the Macho Man. A kick on how the guy does it, I don't know. Roger, this may be one of the greatest world-rusting Federation championship matches I've ever seen, even the ones I was in. Look at Elizabeth. She's concerned. She should be yelling. Elizabeth, yell for your man. I'll tell you, Miyashi, oh, and he got one right on the breadbasket on the top of the head as these men run from his knees, the other standing over him. It's hard to get a lot of force on a downward punch, so Macho Man has the advantage in coming up, but I think he's kind of out of it a little bit because he looks very weak. Both of these men have been weak at one time. Yeah, they've done it all, you know. The energy that they've spent out here is unbelievable. They're still fighting. These are true athletes. I've got to give it to both of them. They're fighting to the face. Neither one of them are going to give up. And listen to this crowd. They love it. Mazda Square Garden packed to the ground, sold out, packed yellow, pandemonium, making news. The Macho Man come in. And rakes him across the eye. Daviasi. A blow to stop Floyd from Daviasi's nose. In case she comes through then, Eva, it was Floyd. The Clarence was Floyd. Covered. One, two, whoa. That was close. That was two and three-fourths. That was as close as you can get. Two and seven-eighths. And Elizabeth is up on the ring right now. Referee goes over and they tell her to get down. She's trying to tell the truth. The referee has got Berger on the other side. She's doing her job and she's getting reprimanded for it. I don't believe it. Oh, no. Look at this. Wow, what a double-cross that was. The bodyguard halved the turnbuckle off the ropes, exposing the turnbuckle itself. And both men got a chunk of it. It backfired on Virgil and Daviasi. You can be sure they planned that one ahead, right, Billy? Yes, sir. There's the count. Who's going to get up first? Who's going to beat the count? They're going over for a cover. One, two. Yes! That's it. Referee called for it. So, Virgil in there. Macho Man goes after Virgil. Referee sends him with a count of three. There's a marker. Stay on the Macho Man. Give him all you can take. Macho Man going after Virgil. That's what I want to see. Wait a minute. Oh, and he nailed the Macho Man. He's kicking the back. He's kicking him. Those ribs can be broken if they don't get him out of there. They can't get him to stop. I've never seen such a courageous champion all my life. Look at that man. All right. The referee explaining to the ring announcer, look, here's Daviasi and Virgil, the bodyguard. Randy Macho Man Savage getting up. He's coming around. He's got it. This championship belt is going in the ring. Look out. He's going after Daviasi. He was going to take him, behead him with that championship belt. There's your winner, Macho Man Randy Savage. And here's the official announcement. Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of this bout as a result of a disqualification and still the undisputed World Wrestling Federation Champion, Randy Macho Man Savage. All right, the Macho Man. All right, the Macho Man and his manager, Elizabeth. Pacing back and forth like a cape flying in there, Kate. The million dollar man, Ted Daviasi. His bodyguard, Virgil, on hand. Hey, and right away, Ted Daviasi goes after Randy Macho Man Savage. I didn't even hear a bell. Did you, sir? Oh, you don't even need a bell in a cage match. You go when you want to go. When you're inside that ring, you go. And right now, Daviasi has definitely got the edge. He jumped the Macho Man, took advantage of it, and, man, well, a knee drop to the jaw. He was like a tiger there. Yes. Oh, Macho Man back into it. Look at Macho Man. Tremendous reserves. He's right back there. Roger said he's not allowing this belt to be taken away from him. And look at this. Daviasi hammering on both of these guys and starting out like steam rollers. Elbow smash right in the chops. Daviasi. Oh, and Macho Man rolling out of the way in time. Well, I'll tell you what's going to happen here. The tail of the table will be the first man who takes a blow against the cage and how much damage it does to him, Rod. You have to avoid that at all costs. You've got to stay away from those iron bars because they spell defeat for you immediately. I've got enough scars on my body to tell me that, and I'm sure you have. A roll-out escape by Macho Man. Saved him from a knee drop at the knee. Knocked the hands of Ted Daviasi. The first attempt to escape the million-dollar man trying to get over the top. And believe me, that's the wrong way to do it because even if you make it to the top, you could lose your balance, fall 15 feet to the cement floor, and break your neck. And then what kind of a champion would you be if you couldn't kill your father? You know, that was very, very premature on the part of Ted Daviasi, and I'm somewhat surprised by that because he is a very, very accomplished wrestler and a good technician and strategist. Exactly. Macho Man may have a better target in that his knee drop connected, and Daviasi's did not, but he got one on a chop. Million-dollar man really hit him with a million-dollar smash. Look at Elizabeth there, standing by the side of the ring, very, very concerned about the welfare of her protege there, Macho Man. Well, there's not much she can do and there's not much really Bridger can do except watch and maybe yell in encouragement to their respective people, but I tell you, when you're in that cage, when you're there alone, brother, it's you and the world, and everything, everything right now depends on how much and how bad the Macho Man must remain champion of the World Heavyweight Federation. And there he goes again. Trying to climb up as he gets up. Bridger was urging him on. You know something? Oh, he's got him. I heard Ted Daviasi, made a very valid point there. He said to Macho Man by media of the television screen, he said to Macho Man, remember this, we'll be inside, but on the outside will be Elizabeth and so will Bridger. That's a lot to think about. Yes, it is, because Elizabeth being a bit helpless, obviously, Bridger being a bit vicious, but there he is. Well, the Macho Man's got to worry about it. That's all there is to it. Sometimes he becomes a distraction. Daviasi zeroing in on the midsection. Just look at... Sometimes she becomes a distraction. She is a distraction. She's gorgeous. We got that shot there of Elizabeth looking extremely concerned, and well, she might, because there's the... That's the first hit into the cage. That's what I was talking about, bro. That was the first hit. The Macho Man took the first lick into the steel cage. It's like hitting a side of a tunnel going about 80 miles an hour. I don't know what the statistics are, but whoever takes that first hit, I'd like to know how many of them lasted through to win the match. That's interesting. I'll tell you what. The man who takes the first hit gets it taken right out of him. He could have been knocked home. Now, this is third try for going over the top. Now, this is another chance for Daviasi. This is for the championship. That's for all the marble, the money, the title. The Macho Man retains it, or Daviasi wins. He's like a gorilla hanging onto that cage that the Macho Man is. A little handful of hell, though, will happen. Oh! That's a bad position to be in. Just an awful position to be in. And Virgil is right there. I don't know if he's going to do so. He did. He released him, and there goes Savage. Oh, Virgil in a bear. I didn't think he could reach him. Well, there we see the advantage of Virgil and the disadvantage of maybe Elizabeth. I don't know. If we haven't seen that happen just then, if we haven't seen Virgil go up and save him, I'm sure that Savage would have been outside now with his Elizabeth, and they would have been going home. He was gone. He was well on his way. Right between the eyeballs, there's a thought rearranger. A modifier, if you will. Oh! Daviasi ate the steel cage. What a tremendous reverse there by Macho Man, and Elizabeth telling Macho Man, get your feet! Look at this crowd. They're going absolutely gaga. It could have knocked Daviasi out. That shot rattled the cage, brother. It could have knocked him go, and the Macho Man is itching his way over to the corner to make another attempt to climb the mountain of steel and get on the outside and retain his title. But there's Virgil again. The second rope, the top rope. Virgil coming in to interfere. He lets Macho Man have a couple right in the guts from behind Daviasi. Oh, well... It's despicable, I tell you that right now. How in the world can the Virgil interfere like that and get by with it? Well, we're in a cage match, and everything goes, partner. The champion's in a spot of trouble here. He's got that left leg hooked, and he can't seem to get it out. He's trying hard. He managed to get it there. Macho Man. A sabot kick by Macho Man. I don't know if you saw it, but he gave a foot back in the guts of Daviasi. Macho Man. This time Virgil not in sight. However, it seems we are under control there. The next time Virgil reaches up and tries to nail the Macho Man, the Macho Man needs to grab his arm, pull it through the cage, and break it on the steel bar. That'll stop him from climbing up next time, brother. Good move there by Daviasi. Look at Elizabeth there. She is so concerned. She may be crying, I'm not quite sure. I think I can see those eyes glistening. Well, I had a talk with Elizabeth earlier tonight. She asked me to look for some advice. I told her, look, what you need to do is go ahead and gain some more weight and get bigger. And look at this. Daviasi going for the door. He was on robbery legs. Unfortunately for Macho Man, he was right in the path of that door. He was trying to get over the top before. Now he goes for the door, he's got some hair. He's got the whole nine yards going. An Irish whip and no reversal. Daviasi caught a part of the steel cage on his back. Double clothesline there. That was a double clothesline, my friend. Who gets up first? Who goes over the top first? Who goes through the door first? It might be a new champion, or it might be our same champion who retains his title. Macho Man going painfully. Going through the door. He's going to ramble through this time. He's urging him on. And here comes Brugger to block it. He's got the door open. He's halfway out. He had a grip on the side of the ring, but... He was partially out. The entire body has to be out. Oh, your feet got to hit the floor, Roderick. Your feet got to hit the floor. You got to be able to walk away from it, man. And Elizabeth seems helpless. She seems helpless. And she is helpless. She can't do a thing. I told her to gain 75 pounds body weight, take enough power lifting, get your neck up three inches, get your arms up five inches, and get tough out there if you're going to be out there. And I've got a lot of respect. Big axe handle. That's exactly right. And all due respect to Elizabeth, and she'll still be beautiful, 80 pounds heavier. Just look at Elizabeth. That's right. Oh, that's... A double-double close line. A double-double close line. Both men have been trying to get the initiative here, and neither of them can do it. Their fronts are evenly matched. It's on the macho man's face. It's etched all over his face. And Elizabeth pacing up and down. This time GBS seems to be completely stunned. And Vardula's very worried. Vardula's extremely worried. His chances of his man making that challenge... This sell-out crowd is absolutely going goofy. Well, they have every right to be, you know. This is the ultimate, and they're in the World Wrestling Federation. This is the ultimate match, the maximum match. Vardula tells it all, this does it all. A steel cage, brother. Fight to the finish, fight to the end. I want to go on record. This is the first WWF steel cage match I've seen. Macho Man... and DBS, he doesn't know where he is. He can't see the bones going up. The bones going, second direction. And there's Virgil again. Up on the side. Oh, that's just terrible. Nothing to prevent DBS. Virgil lets Macho Man have it. For DBS to make it to the top. Lord, I was shocked that DBS actually got back off the top rope... when he had a chance to go over the top and win after the Macho Man. Why would he do that? No power in the legs. All the energy's gone, sapped out of his body. He's going to go for this. I don't know if he'll be able to pull this off either. He can't. He can't do it. Macho Man with the super. What did I tell you? There's no power in those legs at all of DBS. Exactly. A few hits on the head of those steel cages. And that rattles your cages. Yes, and those two double clotheslines took it's toll. On both legs. Late with his timing there. His timing is going. Oh! Oh, my word! DBS, he has to be knocked cold right now. He's got to be cold now. And this is a chance here for Macho Man. Bombs away. All right. He's coming in front of him. He's going for the door. He's got a lot more energy. Virgil's trying to cut him off. Virgil's trying to stop him at the door in his head. Virgil in a fan and wrecked Macho Man on the head. Oh, he took that foot on top of the head. Flesh to the face. And he's in trouble. And right now that pendulum has definitely swung. Even though Deb DBS is not upon his feet. That's why Elizabeth... That's why Elizabeth has to get tougher. She's got to get stronger. Look at Deb DBS here. He's crawling over the top of Macho Man. DBS is on the ropes now. He's nearly up. It could be the title. He's practically all the way up. He's gripping those stairs. Macho Man trying to arm him back in. There's not a great deal of strength left in those arms. Macho Man is managing to inch him back slowly, ever so slowly, but surely. He's struggling hard. Macho Man is going to get done. What an effort by the Macho Man. He's down. He's down and it gave him his soul. It gave him his spirit. What an effort. I've never seen it in my career. They're both on their knees now. Hammer and tongue. Man for man. Macho's got his back to that door. I don't know if he knows it's just there or not. Is Macho Man going to hammer him into the ropes? There we go. He's going to come up and run him in again. That's what he needs to do. Macho's got the energy. He still has to avoid Virgil. Virgil in that corner again. Look at that. Pull him in the cage with him. That's what he needs to do. Puts his lights out. Look at this. We've got a fan coming over here. We've got a fan coming over here. Trying to interfere. He was in danger. The kid was in great danger there. Yes he was. Look at this. In the meantime. Macho's having a time. He's on the side. They've got somebody there. Macho Man. He did it. What a turn of events. Can you imagine that? What a fantastic turn of events. Alright. Macho Man Savage. Retaining his championship. In the steel cage. He did it to DiBiase. What a magnificent athlete. Superstar by the champion. Here it is on replay. Look at this. Virgil one too many times. One too many times. Macho said I've had enough. Here comes DiBiase. Two on one. Two on one. Here we go. Look at the child. Look at the child. That's a dangerous thing for the child to do. Those men up there are in the throes of combat and anything could happen and it does. Lord here it comes. A double hit. A double coconut knockout. Chopped there backwards. Look at that. Alright champ. I think everyone would agree here that the madness has never been better. For sure. But that wasn't really mad. And there is a but here. There are many many good contenders on the horizon for you Macho Man. Oh yeah. I'm ready for anybody. Be tall. Got money. Don't got money. Challengers come to you. Whoa. Wait a minute. What's this? We're not scheduled to be out here. What? Andre's a giant. Is Andre going to challenge the Macho Man for the title read here? What's he doing? I'm trying to see him. He's sitting there. No way does Macho Madness surround you now. Andre chair spring as if. Look Andre may be challenging. Look. Look at that. From behind Craig DiBiase Macho Man for the title. That was out there with Andre. Look at this. Double team effort. On concrete. Andre was right. Craig DiBiase He's holding her. What's Elizabeth going to do? Elizabeth is keeping her out of the way. He's making her look at him. He's holding her and he's making Elizabeth look at this attack. Look at this. DiBiase being on by that giant. Double team hammering away. Randy Savage took him from behind and didn't even have enough guts to come at him. Head to head, face to face. They came at him from behind and that giant is choking the life out of Savage. What you got to remember about this man is not how you play the game. It's whether you win or lose. Come on. Get somebody out here. The fans yelling for Hogan. Is that what I hear? Look at this. Andre just choking and choking and choking. How much time does one man take? Savage is almost out of it as they throw him up at the feet of Elizabeth. As far as I can tell, DiBiase and Andre the Giant have fallen to new depths here in the World Wrestling Federation. How can they possibly justify what we just saw? Hey, McMahon, all I can say is nobody said being champion would be easy, DiBiase. When you're the champion, everybody's gunning for you, whether fair or unfair. The name of the game, this is professional. It's done for money. And you do what you got to do to get it. But you can't take someone from behind. If you got a challenge and you come out like a man you come out face to face. You don't double team someone. You don't bring them out like that. McMahon, what do you mean like a man? What does a woman do in another way? Randy Savage appears to have difficulty breathing after Andre was choking him and of course DiBiase just hammering away almost at will. We'll be back as we continue with more World Wrestling Federation action. For you. Yeah, this is for you. Clean it up. You know, I brought this stuff. Did you smell when Brother Love came out here, that horrid formaldehyde? This is cologne. That's the flowers. It smells just like it. He ran down the hall and threw this. He couldn't wait to open this up. Please, don't ever invite that guy back here again. What is that stuff you got? Obviously upset the Undisputed World Wrestling Federation and Macho Man, Randy Savage the champion. Here's the reason why. From the pages of the World Wrestling Federation Magazine, here's Update with Lord Alfred Hayes. Hello everyone, this is Lord Alfred Hayes with Update. Wrestling fans were shocked last week when the Undisputed World Wrestling Federation champion Macho Man, Randy Savage, was brutally attacked from behind by Andre the Giant and Ted DiBiase. This cowardly act was further escalated by Virgil, who held Elizabeth so that she was forced to witness this hour of infamy. Andre chestering as if look at that. Look, Andre may be challenging him. I don't know. Look! Look at that! From behind, Ted DiBiase knocking Macho Man off the platform. Savage out there with Andre. Andre taking control. Look at this! Double team effort! On concrete, Andre the Giant with Ted DiBiase counting away. Look at Virgil holding Elizabeth. What's Elizabeth gonna do? Virgil's doing Elizabeth a favor keeping her out of the way. He's making her look at him. Look, he's holding her and he's making her look at him. Look at this attack! Big story, tough guys. Give me a break. Look at this, DiBiase and Andre the Giant double-teaming, hammering away from Randy Savage and the whole thing and took him from behind and didn't even have enough guts to come at him head-to-head, face-to-face. They came at him from behind and that giant is choking the life out of Savage. What you gotta remember though, is that man, it's not how you play the game it's whether you win or lose. Get somebody out here! The fans yelling for Hogan, is that what I hear? Look at this! Andre just choking and choking and choking! How much time does the one man take? What? Oh no! Savage is almost out on it as they throw him up at the feet of the loser! Following this treacherous attack, a bruised and battered Randy Savage shaken with rage and burning for revenge fired out a challenge to Andre the Giant and the million dollar man Ted DiBiase to meet him and a partner of his choosing in a head-on tag team match. We now await to hear who will be Randy's partner should Ted DiBiase and Andre the Giant respond to this challenge. For the World Wrestling Federation, we are making their way out to the ring now. And what a magnificent sight that is, all those people there rising for this occasion. Now settling down a little bit. This is a spectacular matchup. You see Virgil right there taunting Elizabeth. This is a spectacular matchup between the Macho Man Randy Savage and the million dollar man Ted DiBiase. There you see the Macho Man going after Virgil and turning his back on the million dollar man. And turning his back on the million dollar man. Ted DiBiase went right after him. Throwing the champion back into the ring. I'm afraid there Sean the champion Randy Macho Man Savage allowed his attention to be diverted and that's exactly what Ted DiBiase wanted and needed to get the edge. Smashing elbow right there dropping the champion. And I think you're exactly right there Alfred. He knew that if he went over after Elizabeth the champion would not stay along stay too far away. Ted DiBiase sends him into the ropes misses with the clothesline there and the Macho Man comes back with a big one of his own. Right into the turnbuckle and an elbow to the jaw of the million dollar man. Shot to the midsection and then he sends the million dollar man right over the second rope there onto the arena floor. He has some Virgil trying to get himself into the picture there distracting the referee and at the same time distracting the champion Randy Macho Man. The champion Randy Macho Man Savage and once again Virgil has proved his worth as a bodyguard to Ted DiBiase by enhancing his chances to beat the champion Macho Man Savage. Right there the million dollar man had his attention diverted and paid for it. Right here the Macho Man has the foot of the million dollar man Ted DiBiase sends him up high drops him down that atomic drop sends a million dollar man right over the top rope. And right at this moment Sean the Macho Man looking really good looking really well, very very sharp very alert. He's obviously put in a lot of overtime in the gymnasium to get himself in such fine fashion for this match. Well Alfred do you think the plan of the million dollar man and the bodyguard Virgil may have backfired on him? Trying to fire him up going after Elizabeth. It seems to have at the moment Elizabeth is, she's not showing any concern at all so she's very much closer to the ringside than we are Sean and she can see that her man is doing really well but you must never ever ever allow your attention to be diverted for one instant. Especially when you're dealing with a man like million dollar man Ted DiBiase as we are seeing right now. DiBiase can quickly switch and turn those tables upon you, it doesn't take him long. Trying to go for the sunset flip here the Macho Man fights him off and delivers a smashing blow to the forehead of Ted DiBiase there with the clothesline and has Ted DiBiase had enough? It was just a leverage move right there grabbing the tights of the Macho Man and sending him right out of the ring. A questionable tactic there Alfred. Yes he moved so quickly. Macho Man was very very quick coming in with that clothesline but DiBiase was even quicker when he pulled him out there by his trunks and it was a leverage move combined with good good timing. The million dollar man smashing the Macho Man's head on the table that holds the bell twice in fact. How quickly these matches can turn because just moments ago Savage was in full command of this match. And then we saw Elizabeth right there trying to come to the aid of the Macho Man, Randy Savage, but she is pretty much helpless at this point. Yes and DiBiase had to get back into the ring then quickly to stop the referee's count. Otherwise it looked as if both men might have been counted out and that wouldn't have helped the cause of Ted DiBiase one iota. You can hear this crowd here, a spectacular crowd at Milwaukee County Stadium for this matchup. Yes they were all on their feet there Sean, trying to get their vocal backing behind Macho Man, urging him to reach down for a little bit extra but at the moment it is not there. Macho Man down, the million dollar man going for the cover. But can only get two. Did you see the way he came off those ropes much Alfred? Macho Man really slingshot it off those ropes into a clothesline. Very dangerous. Good reserves of strength being shown there by Savage because he has taken quite a thrashing, quite a pace in his last two or three minutes and yet he was able to bring that out. Double reverse. The Macho Man, Randy Savage, runs right into the boot as he charges after Ted DiBiase. And that shows just how good DiBiase is because he waited for that. He knew possibly that that double reverse was coming. He is such a clever, clever wrestler. It is easy to understand why he is a top contender for the championship. Yes we have a good over the shoulder view there from Elizabeth and then from Virgil, showing both sides of this match. Ted DiBiase going up on the second rope. Macho Man's back turn. Double elbow smash to the top of the head of Macho Man, Randy Savage. And he is down. He is and the timing of the challenger. Goes for the cover once again here Alfred. The timing of the challenger is so good. He splits second time. Now there's that anguished look upon the face of Elizabeth. Now she's worried. Back breaker, breaker across the knee. Goes for another cover. He is hooking the leg Alfred. Yes he's doing everything right. It's all textbook wrestling. But that's why Randy is the champion. He is so good. Elizabeth urging her man there. Setting him up here for the suplex. Macho Man hooks the leg. And turns the table. It is the million dollar man who's on the receiving end of that suplex. Yes it's a pity Randy is a little weak at the moment because that wasn't a very high suplex. It did its damage obviously to Macho Man but not as much as if Randy had been 100% fit. Changing clothes on their knees. As though it were a bigot boxing match there for a second Alfred. Yes. High body press off the ropes. Goes for the cover. Right into a charging Ted Tibeasi with that clothesline. Only get two there. This is really a fantastic match on both of these men going hammer and tong at each other. And I'm surprised at the quick reversals that both of them have been able to make at this point in this match because they've both taken a tremendous thrashing and yet to keep your brain so clear and so aware of what is going on is awfully, awfully difficult. Great wrestling. Perhaps both men right now conserving energy after the fast and furious pace we have seen preceding this. Definitely. Definitely Tibeasi is in a good situation there to give himself a breather. There's no doubt about that. Ted Tibeasi asked Dave Hebner to check him. He's got two if he gets one more. Holding. Holding nicely. Two and a half. Macho man Randy Savage reaching down somewhere. Gets back on his feet. But Ted Tibeasi remains on top. Dave Hebner asking the million dollar man Ted Tibeasi. I don't know what good that will do. He pulled the hair of the champion. There was an argument there with Tibeasi. See him driving as he leaps up holding onto that chinlock. Elizabeth has every right to look concerned there. Her man is not faring too well right at this particular moment. And look at Virgil ever present, always there regards himself as a sentinel. But he's not slow in coming forward to give a helping hand. All right there the Macho Man Randy Savage charging into the turnbuckle ducking at the last second and driving the head of Ted Tibeasi into that top turnbuckle. Good move by Savage. What an excellent, excellent move. You call that heads up I guess Alfred. Definitely heads up there. It was indeed. Heads down for the million dollar man. And the whole body down in fact after that Savage charging into the turnbuckle. Alfred it looks as though this match has taken a great deal from both men. It says so much for their conditioning Sean. These men are absolutely in fine, fine conditioning. And it's showing all the time. Tibeasi stepping across twisting the left leg of the champion and the Macho Man waiting until the last second and then using that right leg to drive the million dollar man Ted Tibeasi back into the corner. And did you notice how his neck snapped across that third turnbuckle or the middle turnbuckle I should say. Could have been a case of whiplash there. And again the same move sends Ted Tibeasi right over the top rope. You think he would have been more cautious Alfred? I think so definitely but you know now they both have their heads ruffled a bit. They've put everything they have into this match. They know what's at stake. So they could make mistakes here. Such as that for example. Macho Man waiting for Ted Tibeasi driving a right fist into the midsection. And now if ever there is a chance for the Macho Man to finish him off it is now. Locks another blow delivers one. Locks. A mistake here by the champion. He didn't follow that up quickly enough. He allowed just those precious few seconds of recuperating time for Tibeasi. Champion limping. Now he's following it up. He hooks a leg. Can only get two. I guess driving into the turnbuckle when he missed Ted Tibeasi earlier. Yes it was a textbook cover. Everything was right with it. And everything was right with that move too. Right over the top rope. Snapping Ted Tibeasi's head off the top rope there. I don't know if you've noticed Sean. I'm sure you have but the Macho Man is favoring that right knee that he injured a little while ago very very heavily now. Perhaps it is starting to stiffen up. It could be in this cold evening hour. Virgil getting involved here as the Macho Man Randy Savage trying to make his way to the top rope there. Scuffling here. Macho Man Sean coming. Rolled the Million Dollar Man Ted Tibeasi back over. And a very close count there Alfred. Yes how did Tibeasi manage to escape from that? Put his head down. And that's what happens when you do that. And now I believe yes it is the Macho Man is favoring his left knee now. So obviously both wheels in trouble. He's trying to oppose the Million Dollar Dream here. The Macho Man keeping it high. Keeping it away from his neck. Yes that's good positioning by the Macho Man under such circumstances. He's got it high and he's around his chin. He's got to keep it there. If Tibeasi can drop it a little bit he's gone. Dave Hebner forces them to break. And right there you see the body conversion with a chair. Dave Hebner had his back turned. I don't believe he even saw it. I don't think he did. He must have heard it because it was a tremendous blow. How is that possible? Unbelievable. The champion showing tremendous courage. After receiving a vicious blow from a chair from the bodyguard Virgil. What great resilience he has. Macho Man I just I just take my head off to him every time. Look at this. Small package here. Two and three. What a victory for the champion. The Macho Man Randy Savage. He pulled that one right out of the air because he'd been hit over the head with a chair. He was suffering and now look at that's frustration. Now the bodyguard Virgil coming into the ring. The Macho Man the decisive victor in this one. But it is not enough for the million dollar man Ted Tibeasi. They've got him completely at their mercy. And somebody better try and stop this because the referee is not going to be able to. Macho Man is down there. That's his best place out of the ring. Ted Tibeasi not willing to accept this defeat. Bodyguard Virgil placing the World Wrestling Federation champs belt around the million dollar man's waist. A place where it does not belong. Definitely not because there was a decisive one two three there that went against Ted Tibeasi and now Macho Man is coming back in for that coveted belt. After throwing a chair into the ring and entering the ring once again they decided it was time to leave. Yes it's not always a good tactic to throw a chair in because sometimes it can be used against you. In this case however it's self-noticed on Ted Tibeasi that he was coming back in. Randy Macho Man Savage The Macho Man Randy Savage victorious here and still the World Wrestling Federation champion. And look at that absolutely everybody in this packed arena on their feet the whole of them giving him a standing ovation. Thousands and thousands of people here doing just that. And what a victory it was Alfred. Yes it was. They love him they love her. His manager the lovely Elizabeth. Hoisted high on the champion's shoulders. And they're still standing. What a magnificent match that was. Only topped by the courage and endurance and resilience of the champion. The Macho Man Savage. He better choose a good one. Macho Man I know you are very aware perhaps perhaps too well aware of what happened the last time we talked on this very same platform. Oh yeah and that's not going to happen this time no. Last time that I was interviewed out here on this exact same platform Bobby and Weasel Lehinen and Andre the Giant came strolling right out here. And I'm telling you you're showing the Macho Man a challenge. This is what happened before. You remember it well. I remember it very well. The million dollar man and his money set me up where the DBS could attack me from behind and knock me off this platform and straight onto the concrete floor. Right over there. Airborne yeah. Right inside the concrete which made me easy pickings for Andre the Giant Ted DBS and Bobby Heenan and that's not going to happen this time. And I'll tell you something else that's not going to happen this time. And that is Virgil the bodyguard of the million dollar man. Of the man with the 30 money. Because Virgil came out here and put his 30 slimy hands on my manager Elizabeth's shoulders and forced her to watch Look at that. Another flashback. Look. Bobby Heenan Look at that. That's disgraceful. It's disgraceful but I'll tell you what the Macho Man looks totally helpless inside them big paws of Andre the Giant. Don't he? Come on. It's a double T. That's no double T right there. That's not going to happen this time. And the reason that it's not going to happen this time is because right now at this very second I've got somebody watching my back. Somebody I can trust. Ooh Elizabeth. Somebody A lot of good she did last time right? I don't think that's Somebody in this building right now and that somebody is my tag team partner. And I got me a tag team partner Andre the Giant Ted DiBiase. I've got me a tag team partner and he's the greatest tag team partner that anybody in the world could ever have. That ain't you, Hatch. And here he goes right back. Yes! Look at this! That's the Macho's partner. There he is! Tom Hogan! Well I'll tell you what now I know why Jack Tunney came to me to referee this because I'm the only man in the world. Hogan! Hogan! Trust me that's a fall order even for you to attempt to maintain law and order between DiBiase Andre and these two tag team partners the Magnus and the Mania coming together. Well I'm excited because I'm going to be right in the middle of all this. Nobody is going to be any closer than me when these four get it on. Take a look at the shape the Hawkers in. Wow! Alright let's get away from him now. You know something Macho man? I like your style brother. I know where you're coming from I know where you're going because I've been there. But there's one thing Macho man. You've always made one mistake and that mistake is brother when you're the WWF champion you should know whenever you dial on the telephone they're going to be trying to wire tap you trying to monitor your calls. You should have known that the local operator would be the stool pigeon that would make the phone call you made when you asked me to be your tag team partner. The call that would be heard around the world. But that's okay. First thing we don't care about the phone call that Andre the Giant and the Million Dollar Man know about it. We don't care because number one you and I are fighting for different things man. You and I are fighting for the love of all those Hulkamaniacs. For the love of all the madness yeah. Number two Macho man you and I are fighting for the same lady brother. She is now our manager and you and I are fighting for her honor Macho man. No way I don't think so. But the third thing Macho man the third thing we're fighting for is for the cause. Just like the phone call that was heard around the world the handshake between you and me that will unite us as one being. The handshake of the madness and the mania together will formally be felt around the world. We will make the world stand still because this is the first public shaking of the mega powers brother. That's exactly what they are to the mega powers. I got one question for you. During that summer slam on August the 29th in Madison Square Garden yeah the summer slam when the mega powers go down that aisle yeah what happens when Ted DiBiase and Andre the Giant are put away in all forms of transportation in New York City. All the limos all the taxis all the airplanes come to a complete stop. That's okay that's okay because you and I have given fair warning to all my little hulks. We've given fair warning to all your madness maniacs. They'll be there they'll be watching but there's one final point I have to clear up with you macho man. Tell me now. The thing that's on my mind that I want you to know is that when we step in the ring man and the lovely Elizabeth is in our corner she's my lady too brother because from now on with the mega powers united as one she guides every step of the way signs every contract and is our inspirational force that will help us overcome all odds. And what are they going to do when the mega powers come running through? All right Jesse we're really getting things off here with a bang so to speak. Conquistadors in the squared circle only one of them however will stir off against the macho man Randy Savage. In this place you can bet in just a moment here we go the standing Avenger for the undisputed champion. Take a look at the Elizabeth this way. Look at the shame. Elizabeth is looking back in the dressing room area. She's got a little finger. She wants a bite. Who is that peeking around the corner? Yeah. Whoa. The hunker. Right behind the macho man Randy Savage. The mega powers. Take a look at the shoulders on the hunker. In the best condition of his life the hunker Carson the macho man. Teaming up as the mega powers will meet the mega box in just a couple of weeks on that special pay per view of Spartan Air. You will be the mega referee. The mega referee. There's only one referee that can handle the mega powers and the mega bucks. Jack Money has to go off the search and find the mega ref. Only I fit the bill. Only one man in the world could do it. Don't get pushed around in there. Don't get pushed around. Can't touch a referee around. You have that kind of people there. That kind of bad luck. Anything could happen to you. I will make sure there is only one man from each team in the ring at one time. I see. You're going to maintain order are you? That's right. I guarantee this. At the end of this long feud and it's gone on for quite some time now. You will be a decisive winner. You're going to guarantee that are you? I'm guaranteed. You're also going to guarantee that you're going to call the match fair and square. Yes. You're not going to lead one side or another. No. The better team will win. I'm going to work with the macho man Randy Savage. You know this is a unique situation McManamee. So much alike. Just to say they couldn't pull a little switch. With one of them got in trouble. I'm sure they just might do that Justin. The Conquistadors could be the Hefners. Under masks. How do you know? The Hefners are small compared to the Conquistadors and the Hucksters looking on with a keen eye which you will have no doubt in a couple of weeks. Elbow to the head. I'm really looking forward to getting back in the ring though McManamee. Two and a half years Jesse is going to do. A pay per view alone. This is for the world to see me step back into the ring. I bet you you could not even have the match just announce me stepping back into the ring. Let me throw a pose or two. Jesse please don't trip over that bottom rope when he comes to the ring. That would be awfully embarrassing if you did. Oh look at that. Macho man with a Conquistador now rams it into the spine area. That will take his toll a bit. And an easy to do battle is the Conquistador right outside. And right up to the top rope the Macho Man. From the top rope there it crossed the back. Now see if I was the other Conquistador I'd find a way to distract him and change places. It's that kind of chicanery which you enjoy Jesse that has a lot of people concerned about the way you're going to conduct yourself as the guest referee in the Man of the Summer Zone. McMan you are the only person in the world that's like that. Name me another. The Macho Man on the top rope there it is. And he does that. I'll be there in a few. Oh look at this. A rope that's turning the other Conquistador flying out to the outside of the ring. Here's the winner the Russian Union World Wrestling Summit of Rizzi Buckeye Hubbard the Magnus and the Mania coming together as the Mega Power and I'll be meeting Jimmy Austin. It seems to me I remember back in the year so when you played with the Macho when you hated the Macho you hated the Macho when you didn't. To give returns you are That was new a up but and war you know 1 1 We have two women with one woman and two men. She's the young American behind the megaphone. What are you talking about? She's a dream! Oh, they're in pretty sad shape. You can see the inspiration at this point. Whoa! Take a look at that. Unbelievable. Best of both worlds. So there's a real physical effect there. All right, yeah! But not believe. Unbelievable. Scromaniacs in here. There you go again. Showing your body. Let's go. Showing your face. Reminding you that you're guilty. Jesse, your body, your body. Never looked as good as this. What a battle I'm in now, sir. Who can tell if I could use? But Jesse, the body that steps in will be Jesse, the rep. The mega rep. Yeah! Jesse, the body behind, sir. And now, the phenomena. I could well end up the greatest rep since Danny Davis. There you go again. There's a lot of worry going on. And now there's the mania left by Scott. You're all missing the fist. Looking pretty good, isn't it? It certainly is. If somebody could step high, it could be in a couple of weeks. And SummerSlam. Standing by, right now, we're going to take you, ladies and gentlemen, to a special, whoa! We're right behind you! It's hot here at SummerSlam 88. This awesome twosome. The Mega Powers, later on tonight, here to beat the Mega Bucks. Comprised of Andre the Giant and the Million Dollar Man, Ted DiBiase. Hulk Hogan, I know you're ready. Well, you know me, Gene. They've already made a believer out of me, man. A couple hours before the match, you can already feel Madison Square Garden rumbling, brother. I know what Hulkomania feels like. I know what the macho madness feels like. But together as one, as the Mega Powers, we definitely are the strongest force in the universe. And the dude here is going in with a clear conscience. I've never built so much electricity. Oh, yeah. I'm talking the mania and the madness together. Here's the Mega Powers, yeah. And besides that, Mean Gene Oakland, oh, yeah. We have our secret weapon. Oh, yeah. Wait a minute, wait a minute. Hold on, gentlemen. Secret weapon. This is, this is the First Lady of wrestling, Elizabeth. That's the secret weapon. You better believe it, Mean Gene. You don't think we'd go into this thing without the 24-inch pythons loaded, brother. We've got Elizabeth, our secret weapon, and the last thing those Mega Bucks are gonna see is the kiss of death, Mean Gene. Oh, my ladies and gentlemen, stand by for this gun. What are they gonna do when the Mega Powers come running through? No way to stop us. Oh, no way. No way, because Macho Madness surrounds you now. Andre gesturing as if... Look at that. Look, Andre may be challenging him. Oh, no. Look, wait a minute. From behind, Trent DiBiase. Macho Madness, a pythons. Saddler, a pythons, a pythons. Macho Madness, a pythons. Saddler is up there with Andre. Andre taking... Look at this. Double pin-off. On concrete, Andre DiBiase. Look at Virgil holding Elizabeth. What's Elizabeth gonna do? Virgil's doing Elizabeth a favor, keeping her out of the way. He's making her look at him. Look, he's holding her, and he's making Elizabeth... What? Big, strong, tough guys, give me a break. Randy Savage is issuing a challenge to take on Ted DiBiase and Andre the Giant in a tag-team match, and Savage says he'll select his partner at a later date. So the challenge is out, and now another question presents itself. Will Mr. Heenan the Giant and DiBiase accept this challenge? And you ask me, will we sign for that? Read my lips, humanoid. Yes, we will. The big announcement. You know, gentlemen, this may be your lucky day, Mr. Heenan. That ain't the biggest announcement. Because just prior to this interview, the office of the president indicated to me that a referee has, in fact, been assigned to this matchup. Who? To this challenge by the Macho Man, Randy Savage. And that guest referee... Is who? And... Jesse the Buddy Ventura. What? Jesse. Jesse Ventura. You. You of all people. And, look, Andre and Ted DiBiase apparently very pleased with the announcement. I've got me a tag-team partner, and he's the greatest tag-team partner that anybody in the world could ever have. Well, it ain't you, man. And here he goes right back. Hey! Yes! Look at this! That's the Macho's partner. There he is! Hulk Hogan! Well, I'll tell you what, because now I know why Jack Tunney came to me. It's a referee, this, because I'm the only man in the world. Hulk Hogan! Yes! Because I have it from a very good source that the Buddy Jesse Ventura is definitely afraid of one man. That being the eighth wonder of the world, Andre the Giant. Now, you're being definitely afraid of Andre. Will that have any bearing? You see this, brother, love? I could step back into the ring tomorrow and probably become the world champion if I wanted to. Do you think I'm afraid of anybody? Hard to be humble when you're great. Which... Well, Brother Hayden, Brother Gray, it is good to see you. What is this? Jesse the Buddy, my good buddy. Andre the Giant has a little something here he'd like you to listen to. I just want to say something. You better pay good attention, all right? And remember, Jesse Ventura, when you pay attention to the Million Dollar Man, it's always, and I mean it, it's always and I mean it, it's always and I mean always it's always it's always it's always while, Superstar, we saw the ham-hawk of Andre the Giant stuck in the face of Jesse the Body Ventura. We saw the Benjamin Franklin's stuffed into the pocket of Jesse the Body Ventura. You know, Jesse the Body Ventura, To me, a man who was a seal with the United States Navy, a man who was my colleague in a broadcast position, I would be very surprised. Well, I'm not gonna be surprised. Let's find out what Jesse's gonna do. Let's go to ring side. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the main event of the Newsline. This is what we've been waiting for. This is Dan Corella. It is a tag team match, scheduled for one fall. At this time, here is the special guest referee, Jesse The Body Ventura. Jesse The Body Ventura making his way down here. Oh, that's not Jesse The Body Ventura. Well, that's a bunch of men looking like right there. There he is. What kind of referee attires that? That's Hollywood style, brother. Hollywood style, my man. Sunset Boulevard, Hollywood Boulevard. Must be known as Jesse The Movie Star, Body Ventura. That's exactly right. Hey, if you're gonna pose, take off your jacket and your shirt. Dip pose, brother. Can't believe he's not wearing an earring. And I'll tell you what. Did you know something? On that clip we just saw, he didn't give any money back, did he? No, he didn't give a dime back. And now, ladies and gentlemen, team number one to be led towards the ring by manager Bobby The Brain Heenan. Oh, they find him. Bodyguard Virgil, here are the Mega Bucks at a total combined weight of 780 pounds, making his summer residence in Hyattis Court, Massachusetts for a million dollar match. There's already four guys on the way to the ring. That's exactly right. I'm not sure about the guy that's already in there. And his partner from Grenoble in the French Alps, the 8th Wonder of the World. And I'll tell you what happened earlier. Bobby The Brain Heenan, he just simply discarded Hercules. He just said, man, you're on your own. I got more important things to do. That's what happened, I believe. That's how treacherous he is. And he wanders away, doesn't have any champions. There you go. And there are the opponents. Oh, listen to the eruption. It's gonna be definite here. It is definite. Here they come. The first lady of the ring, Elizabeth, here are... Look at the horse, look at the condition he's in. Yes, Granola, he's definitely looking better. And look at Elizabeth. Have you ever seen her, love, here? No, she's never looked finer. She's never looked good here. The match has been a fair bit more kind of for many. And the Hulkster, brother, is definitely on top of his team. He's big as a chip, training. He looks in the best shape of his career, brother. This, indeed, is the Mega Powers. From Venice Beach, come on. Oh, what a beautiful grove that is. Probably cost $10,000. At least. Hulkster pointing the finger at the big guy, the giant. Listen to that ovation. Oh, yeah, they're all on their feet. They're standing. They're standing in total ovation to the Macho Man, Elizabeth, and the Hulkster brother. They love him. They love him. What a combination. Hulk Hogan joining forces with the reigning champion of Macho Man, and now both of them under the guidance of Elizabeth. Oh, that's right. Unbelievable.