Honky-tonk man, here we go with the biggest title offense of your career, any trepidation tonight. You're no journalist, Green Bean. You're missing a story here. The story here is romance. The lovely Elizabeth Winn- We know, we know she's head over heels for you, right? Even this bozo can see it. She wants you honky, she wants you bad. And I'm gonna oblige her, being the gentleman I am, the honky-tonk man. What are you saying? What are you saying, man? What I'm saying is this. I've got the title, I've got the belt, and tonight I'm gonna get the woman, the lonely woman. Oh no. And then where are you gonna take her honky? Where are you gonna take her honky? I'm gonna take her down a lonely street to the heartbreak old table. You gotta be kidding me. Don't you worry, I won't be cruel. Sing it, baby. Cause I know she wants me to love her tender, cause I'll be her teddy bear. And you know where that hound dog Randy's gonna be? Where's he gonna be? In the ghetto. Oh, Vince, I just told Elvis, the real Elvis doesn't hear that. Let's get back to you. Oh, my, my, my. You hear it. The honky-tonk man is on his way. You know. Scheduled for one fall, approaching the ring, led by his manager, the man of the south, Colonel Jimmy Hart from Memphis, Tennessee, weighing 247 pounds. Here is the intercontinental heavyweight champion, the honky-tonk man. And coming down the aisle is the girlfriend of the honky-tonk man, Peggy Sue. I'll tell you what, that was some of the greatest singing I ever heard in my life out of the honky-tonk man with me. Gee, you know what's great, McMahon? This is the last place in the world, the last place in the world that Elvis Presley performed. What a more fitting place for his replacement, the honky-tonk man, who in my opinion is even better. I think this performance borders on sacrilege. Right now, let's take you back. I believe standing by right now, me and Gene Overland with the macho man and the lovely Elizabeth. And I can tell you, Peggy Sue pales by comparison to the lovely Elizabeth, and I think honky-tonk man will do likewise with the macho man. The race in history, Elizabeth, the honky-tonk man, the honky-tonk man, the honky-tonk man, the honky-tonk man, the honky-tonk man is set in front of all these people that he has plans for you. Are you worried? We need a little more, Gene Overland, when we enter that ring, we are the dangers of it, we are the dangers of the macho man rules. Elizabeth has got nothing to worry about, but the honky-tonk man has got everything you worry about. Yeah, that's right. What about the claims that he's made in front of our fast television audience? Let's fuel to the fire for the Macho Man Randy Savage. Fuel to the fire, and the heat is on. Oh, you're tired, yeah? What did they do to Elizabeth, huh? What did they do to Elizabeth? The Macho Man Randy Savage says, everybody's going to be watching the Macho Madness tonight. And I guarantee that the madness will prevail, honky-tonk man. Vengeance is mine, say it to Macho Man. Bet I'm me, man, all the way. Elizabeth, down that aisle. All right, Macho Man Randy Savage guarantees that the honky-tonk man will pay for what he did to Elizabeth. It should be interesting. Back to you, Vince. All right, lucky me, Gene. Honky-tonk still dancing. Ha, take a look. Oh, but wait a minute. The look on the honky-tonk's face has changed, indeed, in Indianapolis. And oh, up in the air, because, indeed, making his way into the ring is the Macho Man. His manager, the lovely Elizabeth from Sarasota, Florida, weighing 239 pounds, Randy Macho Man Savage. Market square arena has erupted. Well, it's no doubt that the Macho Man definitely has the home field advantage here in Indianapolis. Honky-tonk Man is going to be fighting as a visitor because these fans are totally behind the Macho Man. Why? I really don't understand it. I think the honky-tonk man is a tremendous wrestling talent. And there is the lovely Elizabeth. Whoa, wait a minute. Look at this. Look at it. Behind the Macho Man's back, the honky-tonk man is trying to get stuff for Elizabeth. I think Elizabeth likes it. Here comes the Macho Man, and the honky-tonk man is headed for the calf timber. Did you see that, though, McMahon? Elizabeth gave Honky a big smile. No, I didn't see that. Look out. Here he comes. A Macho Man needs business. Macho Man, look out. Honky-tonk now. Herobrine. Macho's taking the match all the way out to the floor already. Definitely he needs business. Watch that intercontinental title back, which the honky-tonk has right now. Off the top rope. Randy Savage right back in the ring. He is quick as a cat. Savage with an elbow. Trying to set up the honky-tonk man for the ride to the buckle. Laying down under the elbow. A little consultation going on on the outside. Wait a minute. Oh, my. There's a brain buster. You know, I don't understand it. Jimmy Hart was doing nothing but what every manager should do. He was consulting honky-tonk outside the ring and Macho again going out to the floor. I've never seen the Macho Man as vicious as he is tonight. And look at this. A warning to Jimmy Hart from the Macho Man. Savage back in. Oh, come on. Look at that. Honky-tonk Man taking full advantage over this fraction of Jimmy Hart. Well, I look at it as turnabout, as fair play, because after all, it was Macho Man that directly involved Jimmy Hart in the action when he ran their heads together, him and honky-tonk. So if he gets it back, well, turnabout's fair play. Randy Savage reversing. There's honky-tonk Man coming up. Beautiful. Honky-tonk trying to get Savage down there with a hard right hand. Quick left jab by the Macho Man. Honky-tonk back in the corner. No reversal. No, wait a minute. Out and right back in. Uh-oh. Whoa. There's the first major mistake of the match right there, I think. Honky got out of the way. Macho went into that turnbuckle extremely hard. And now the tide has shifted. It's in honky-tonk's favor. And setting him up. Messing with the eyebrow of honky-tonk Man. Randy Savage again. Going after Jimmy Hart. Now really coming after Jimmy Hart. Jimmy Hart on one side, Peggy Sue on the other. The Macho Man going after Jimmy Hart through the rope. Megaphone drop. Jimmy Hart now many caught. Wait a minute. From behind. Oh, wait a minute. Whoa. What a move by the honky-tonk Man. Did you see that? Hart dropped the megaphone. The referee got tied up with Macho Man. And Jimmy Hart in the corner. Honky picked up that megaphone and hit him in the guts with it. And again, the tide has shifted to the honky-tonk Man. Honky-tonk Man a moment ago. Making gestures for Elizabeth. With a cover. It could be over. No. Count of two. Whoa. What honky-tonk's got to do now? I know that he's infatuated with Elizabeth. I know that he wants to take her out of here with him tonight. But he's got to forget about Elizabeth and concentrate on the Macho Man. Ten lock down. Peggy Sue prancing and dancing. Peggy Sue, the girlfriend of the honky-tonk Man. What an inspiration. She is outside that ring. You notice how involved she is. She doesn't sit like Elizabeth does. Elizabeth's like she's sitting on a stump out there. Honky-tonk Man. Trying to hold the Macho Man down. Randy Savage up now on his feet. Elbow to the midsection. And another one. Another one breaks the hold. To the rope. Shoulder block nice and dark. Randy Savage to the far side. Oh my goodness. Oh my. All the way outside. Whoa. Savage turned the tables there for a second. But honky-tonk caught him off the rope with that knee. Honky-tonk from way up above. Honky's now taking the match outside the ring on the Macho Man. Randy Savage thrown back into the ring. The honky-tonk Man here, perhaps sensing victory. And again, honky-tonk. Oh, look at. He's serenading Elizabeth. Look, Elizabeth said something to him. What did she say to honky-tonk? Honky-tonk Man now with the Macho Man, Randy Savage. Oh, what a right hand. Referee Joey Morello. Warning. Honky-tonk Man about his tactics. Come on. Get in there, ref. Hey, he's got a count of five to break. Oh, behind the referee's back. Look at this. That was Elizabeth's fault. She tied up the referee. Oh, really? And continuing a kick away. Honky-tonk Man. Get in there, Mr. Morello. And again, more of the same. I don't think Elizabeth is impressed at all. I don't know, but honky's getting the job done he wants to do. He's distracting the referee enough with Elizabeth and allowing Jimmy Hart and Peggy Sue to do damage on the Macho Man. Look at the concern on the face of the lovely Elizabeth. And why not? The Macho Man not looking all that good at the moment. Oh, another right hand. These fans trying to get the Macho Man out. Encouraging the Macho Man. They can't do it, though. I'll tell you, McMahon, the noise in here is deafening. I can't even hear myself think. That's not a surprise. At least I got the power. Another block, another elbow. Look at that. Randy Savitrek, left jab, and another one. Oh, stiff left jab, but look at that. Honky-tonk right back. Boy, these two are going at it too thin now. Oh, my. Closed line by the Honky-tonk man. Well, every time Macho Man Savage seems to be coming back a little bit, Honky's got enough to reach down low, deliver some type of blow, and keep the advantage in his favor. And another one drops for the sternum area. He's measuring him with those elbows. Oh, come on. Leave Elizabeth alone. Honky-tonk man. Oh, yeah. Look at, he's pointing at Elizabeth. Oh, no, here he comes. Here he comes. He's coming after Elizabeth. What's he going to do to her, Jesse? The Honky-tonk man is going to come after Elizabeth to be hard on one side. Honky-tonk man on the other side. She has no place to run, no place to hide. Elizabeth is in trouble. I definitely think Elizabeth is in trouble, and Macho Man's in no shape to do anything about it. They've got her cornered from both sides. Macho Man coming in from behind. Hero. Honky-tonk man back in. Randy Savage following him. Oh, yeah. Sharon, you want to put on the brakes now? Sharon, look at him. He wants to break the momentum of Randy Savage. He's fighting time. Over the top rope. Randy Savage all the way up. Savage is going up. This is his patented move. Down across the head. Randy Savage. Well, I'll say this. McMahon Elizabeth did her job. She distracted the Honky-tonk man. She wasn't trying to do that, and you're not. Randy Savage scooping up the Honky-tonk man. Big body slam. Going to the outside. This kid's fell. He's going up to the top. A new Intercontinental Champion will be born. Down into the head. That cover. We've got it, too. No. Whoa. Tremendous resilience on the part of Honky-tonk. Jimmy Hart holding to the ring. Now, wait a minute. Look at that. Oh. Honky-tonk man leading his own manager, Jimmy Hart. Sleeper holding the ring. We could see the change of the title. I don't believe it, but Honky looks like he's going down. Wait a minute. What's he going to do to Elizabeth? Honky-tonk man just broke the hold. He's going to break this up now. Peggy Sue was coming over to attack Elizabeth. There's no question about it. Wait a minute. Oh, yeah. Honk. Macho Man caught Honky coming down. Oh, my goodness. And the count continues. And I think the Macho Man has won the matchup. No. Macho Man gets the victory. Macho Man may have gotten the victory, but that's a count-out, McMahon. The title does not change hands. Wait a minute. On a count-out outside the ring. Wait just a minute. Peggy Sue just handed to Honky-tonk man his guitar. Randy Savage better get out of there. Uh-oh. Randy Savage is caught. Listen. Honky-tonk man has used that guitar before. We've seen it. I know. And the good thing is, like they said, that he don't play piano. Honky-tonk man who's been batting 1,000 with that guitar now has the Macho Man Randy Savage cornered. I'll tell you something. This is not right. This is not fair. The match is over. The match is over. The official should get in there and stop this. Wait a minute. Look at this. From behind, Jimmy Hart and Randy Savage. Oh. Honky-tonk man is going to have at him now. Honky-tonk man is going to wear back Elizabeth. She should get out of there. Watch out. Here it comes. He almost hit Elizabeth with that. Look at the gentleman. Look at the gentleman the Honky-tonk man is. He could have hit Elizabeth. He could have hit Macho Man. But instead, look at her down. He's going to hit her. Look. You know he's going to hit her. No, he's not. Somebody should stop this right now. Elizabeth and somebody. Macho Man standing up. Kick to the midsection. And now, Randy Savage has the guitar. Randy Savage victorious over the Honky-tonk man via count out. Oh, that guitar. It's no longer. I can't believe he would do that to an instrument like that. Here is the winner, ladies and gentlemen, Randy Macho Man. Savage. Macho Man victorious. And Elizabeth came into the ring and saved him from certain devastation from the guitar. You know. Like, what's this? Macho Man. What's going to happen here? Whoa, don't tell me. The Macho Man holding the ropes for Elizabeth. The Macho Man holding the ropes for Elizabeth. The Macho Man holding the ropes for Elizabeth. The astonishing pronouncement of World Wrestling Federation President Jack Tunney. The World Championship is being held up for the time being, but certainly things may be ironed out when WrestleMania 4 happens in Atlantic City at the Trump Plaza on Sunday afternoon, March 27th with a 4 p.m. start. There will be an elimination tournament for the World Wrestling Federation's heavyweight title. Quite obviously, Hulk Hogan, Andre the Giant receiving buys, and justifiably so, in the first round. However, other top contenders will meet in various brackets in that first round, including this man by virtue of all that he's done in the World Wrestling Federation over the past three years. Macho Man, Randy Savage, you're going to be part of this big tournament, and your opponent in the first round is going to be none other than the Natural Butch Reed. First of all, what do you make of all that's happened over the past week, ten days? I'm going to answer your second question first. I like that. Yeah. I'm talking to you, Natural Butch Reed, right now, looking into the video scope. I got respect for you as an athlete, super athlete, but you don't have the only key to the gym. Yeah. There's other people that have paid their dues, and that focus of attention at WrestleMania 4 is going to be spectacular, a spectacle. Yeah. But yeah, go ahead. Right now, yeah. You know, Macho Man, Randy Savage, it's no secret, in late 1987, you were proclaimed V1 half of the Mega Powers, along with Hulk Hogan. What do you make of what has happened to Hulk Hogan and the World Heavyweight Championship? That question right there is too hot to handle right now. Yeah, I'm thinking I hear voices, but my eyes don't lie. Yeah. And you know what I'm talking about, Ted DiBiase, yeah. This will carry you a little ways, but it won't take you all the way, yeah. You're going to be taught that sometime in your life. And I think WrestleMania 4 can be the place, yeah, but Butch Natural Reed, I'm talking the guy with the big guns, yeah. That's the guy I'm concentrating on, yeah. WrestleMania 4, I'll be there and ready, yeah. All right, he is one of the superstars of the World Wrestling Federation in WrestleMania 4 and the tournament for the world title, the Macho Man, to beat the Natural Butch Reed. This will be the schedule for one ball. In the ring from Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, weighing 282 pounds, Iron Mike Sharp. And his opponent, our opponent, going to go bananas. Looking for a swing and floated by his manager, Elizabeth. Whoa, baby. Weighing 239 pounds. Yeah, take a look at Elizabeth. The Macho Man. Come on. Wow. I love it. I love it. The Macho Man, Randy Savage. What an ovation. There she is. Can you consider her to be the greatest matcher in the World Wrestling Federation tonight? All she did was exploit the fact that the Honky Tonk man is a gentleman who had never hit a lady. What are you talking about, never hit a lady? You saw Elizabeth once before. He didn't hit her, he crushed her aside. Crushed her aside, huh? Iron Mike Sharp ready to lock up the Macho Man. He's just got tremendous respect for the Macho Man. But he seems lately to be hiding behind Elizabeth's skirts. Oh, you really think so? Yeah. I don't think so at all. Macho Man on Iron Mike Sharp. Kick to the chest area. The Macho Man, of course. One of the participants in the upcoming WrestleMania 4 Championship Tournament. Covered by Iron Mike. We get to it. Whoa, that's wild. Complaining of a little slow count there. Iron Mike hammering away on the back of the Macho Man. The man who will face the Macho Man in the Championship Elimination Tournament in WrestleMania. We will hear from him right about now. Macho Man, WrestleMania 4. You find out who's the real Macho Man. It's me, boy. And I tell you what, I progressed all the way after you. I progressed in that aggression. You're gonna find it out. That's right. And you know what? It's just for you anyway, dude, because we're thinking about drinking a black and steve-o or even drinking hammer Valentine. And you know what, Valentine, if it just happens to be you, tough turkey. That's bad, boy. Well, there's gonna be some tough turkey in the tournament, no question of that. Methuen, Massachusetts, gearing up for World Wrestling Federation action this Sunday afternoon, March 6th. At the Methuen High School gym, beginning at 2 p.m. The event being sponsored by the Citizens League for Adult Special Services. On the card this Sunday afternoon, Canada's strongest man, Dino Bravo. The ultimate warrior, the King Harley Race. And the Macho Man, Randy Savage, to aim a few this Sunday afternoon at the Methuen High School gym. Well, that's where the Macho Man delivers a lot of his most damages outside the ring. Oh, wow, coming off of those ropes, clothesline, Randy Savage off to the apron. Savage going up to the top, what's gonna happen here? Macho Man getting shot down. And oh, Dino Bravo. And the pre-count. Not even going to be able to find something to withstand a blow like that. He loses it. Oh, and welcome to Macho Man. Here is the Macho Man, Randy Savage. This is just what he's gonna do here, the Macho Man. Holding him up, holding him to death. Yes, and that's sweet. Victorious once again as we go back to the replay. I'm glad that Mike Sharp gave it his best, but I'm glad that this Macho Man was so energetic. And here he comes with the final blow. And that's the end of Mike Sharp for this round of play. Macho Man victorious, and there he is, holding him up for his manager Elizabeth. Let's take you now to the update. All right, thank you, Vince McMahon. Million Dollar Man, Ted DiBiase, your reaction to the holster. Well, all that posing isn't quite the same without the belt now, is it? Well, you don't have the belt either. Politics, you pig, mean sleazy politics, and I'll take care of that at WrestleMania 4. One thing I know for certain tonight. In the ring, Macho Man Randy Savage at his corner, as always, the lovely Elizabeth. Now, earlier on, Ted DiBiase, you indicated that you would have something or somebody special, somebody who would be worth their weight in gold in your corner. What were you talking about? Never mind about that, little man. I want to talk about Macho and the Macho Man. Let me tell you something, Randy Savage. You're looking at the man that has destroyed Hulkamania. All those little holsters out there, they have no faith in Hulk Hogan anymore because he's not a champion anymore. And you're looking at the reason why you think you're so macho because you've got a beautiful woman in your corner. Let me tell you something, brother. There's nothing more macho than a man with money, and I've got it all. Let's go, Virgil. All right, the Macho Man meets the Million Dollar Man here tonight on Saturday Night's Main Event. Would you concur with that, Jesse? There's nothing more macho than a man with money. I would agree with that, yeah. Really? Yep. Money can buy anything as far as I'm concerned with me. Well, maybe then you should be in the corner of Ted DiBiase. Maybe that's what he meant. I don't know. But I can tell you one thing. In the corner, the Macho Man will be the lovely Elizabeth. Let me take you back for a moment to remember. The last main event there. That is the crowning moment of glory. That is Macho Madness at its most macho. With Elizabeth on the shoulder of Randy, Macho Man Savage victorious in our last main event. What a beautiful sight. That's quite a feat of strength, isn't it? Holding all 98 pounds of her up on his shoulder. That's remarkable. She's certainly worth her weight in gold. Let's take you back to the Macho Man. All right, tonight, Macho Man Randy Savage, you're going to be facing the million-dollar man, Ted DiBiase. The thing that concerns me, DiBiase has stated, he will have something in his corner that is worth its weight in gold. Oh, yeah, worth its weight in gold. Macho talks and money walks. Prove it, when you took your money and you tried to buy a hokumini, huh? And you came up bankrupt. Now you're trying to cash a check against the Macho Man Randy Savage and Macho Madness, yeah, but your check's gonna bounce and I'm gonna bounce you all over the world. Wrestling Federation, yeah. And talking about the worth its weight in gold. Worth its weight in gold. You know what I got in my corner worth more than its weight in gold, huh? What is it? The bravest little manager in the world today. My platinum doll, Elizabeth, right there. How do you like that million-dollar man? Ready to go down that aisle. Get ready, yeah. Let's go cash in now, yeah. Oh, here's platinum doll. His manager, the lovely Elizabeth, is the Macho Man. Heads for the ring. Oh, someone's gonna be cashing in, all right. And it could very well be Randy Savage. Oh, Elizabeth, more lovely than ever. That is a beautiful sight indeed, Jesse. I would think far more beautiful than the type of Buddhist that you were looking at earlier on. Than the what? You heard what I said. Buddhist survivor type. Do you remember your comments? The lovely Elizabeth, along with Randy, Macho Man Savage. What a matchup we're gonna have here with a million-dollar man, Ted DiBiase. Savage with tremendous speed. Lightning-like agility as well. And what a tremendous support from this capacity crowd as we hear Macho Madness. It's about time you shut up. DiBiase, of course, has the money, and look at what else... What is that?...DiBiase has. There's what money can buy. Did you know that? There's what money can buy. You knew that all along, Jesse. Ha-ha-ha, and I didn't say a word, did I? With his weight in gold, that's 500 pounds of Andre the Giant and that million-dollar man has done it again. DiBiase has purchased the rights for Andre the Giant to be in his corner. Now, how is that going to affect this match? We'll find out when Saturday Night Main Event continues. The match is just beginning now. Macho Man Randy Savage against Ted DiBiase, the million-dollar man. What a classic in television. Wait a minute, Savage outside. Virgil's coming over there next to Elizabeth. I didn't see Virgil do... Whoa, he hit Virgil. Fire out on him, slapping him again. Oh, from behind, DiBiase attacking Savage. What a setup that was. Virgil coming over next to Elizabeth, and DiBiase capitalizing on that. So what? He didn't do nothing to Elizabeth. Macho Man beat the first one. Oh, yeah, you're certain of everything, McMahon. I'm certain of one thing. You're going to see a tremendous match up here because there was a time, McMahon, that you hated the Macho Man and Elizabeth. What? And I have said all along, Macho Man's a tremendous competitor. So is the million-dollar man. This is going to be a great matchup. Hated? Are you kidding me? I've always been fond of Elizabeth. Randy Savage? That's something else again. But right now, it's the Macho Man and Ted DiBiase as 500 pounds of Andre the Giant looks on and worked his weight in gold. What kind of psychological advantage does Andre give Ted DiBiase? Well, I'll tell you what, a lot more than Elizabeth could ever give the Macho Man because if you had to stand in an alley back-to-back and fight, I would certainly want the Giant at my back and not Elizabeth. Good point. But then again, if you needed some sort of special inspiration, wouldn't you rather have Elizabeth? What's he doing now? Does he think he's going to be the next World Wrestling Federation champion? He's going to be wrestling here, not dates. I see. Remember that. DiBiase from the second row down across Randy Savage. If you want a date, hit the dating games. Randy Savage is in trouble. He's in trouble because I'll tell you why. You got Ted DiBiase very accomplished. He might be rich, but he's also good at that ring. Indeed, one of the best tacticians in the history of the World Wrestling Federation is Ted DiBiase. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Which Dave Hebner is that? That's Andre. That's Dave Hebner, supposedly. There can only be one real Dave Hebner. He's been fingerprinted now, Jesse, and looking on with a little concern on her face, justifiably so, is Elizabeth. Thus far, this match has been all Ted DiBiase. DiBiase, flipping savage. No! And he blows a lot of Randy Savage. Holy moly! That's a million-dollar man with that elbow. You see him cobweb, but a good reversal. Indeed, off the rail. Nice kick by Randy Savage. DiBiase made a mistake and dropped his head there. Off the rail. Knee to the back. DiBiase over the top. Up to the outside. Randy Savage. Tucked the referee all the way. Up to the outside. Savage. Now, if I was Savage, I would not take this off to the floor. He's got the smart idea. Get him back in the ring, because too much adversity outside that ring. Off the rail. Tucked his head. DiBiase in a world of trouble. Powering in the corner, and Macho Madness building to a fever pitch. The match is far from over, McMahon. A-ha! And a 50-kick to the midsection, caught by Randy Savage. Savage with DiBiase. What a bullseye that was. For the Macho Mads, got it in his favor. That's it! Oh, wow. That's what he did. Andre the Giant looking on. He almost saw the count of three. Savage. Savage. DiBiase off the top rope. What a maneuver. Wow. Andre's concerned. He is. Well, he should be concerned. Hey, I've never taken a thing away from Macho Man Savage in that ring. Kick to the chest. Randy Savage off the rope with additional momentum. Savage really wants happening now. The only problem I have with Savage today is that sometimes he tends to hide behind the stoke. I've never seen that ever. I've seen him at home. What you see here, however, is Ted DiBiase taking the power. Savage looking back in. Consultation on the part of the Giant. What are they planning? They're planning nothing, McMahon. He just gave DiBiase some encouragement, probably. Maybe he saw a weakness in the Macho Man that he feels DiBiase should exploit. Oh, really? Randy Savage awaiting. It's amazing how much I know, isn't it? You got a point there, Jesse. But look at this. The match turning around again. Now, you noticed that consultation with the Giant must have been so good, didn't it? I bet you even knew exactly what he told you. No, I don't. Hell no follow through. Ted DiBiase pouring it off. That's right, Dave. He's just trying to keep things according to Hoyle here. No, that's the referee who we think is Dave, haven't we? Top again by Ted DiBiase. Backing the Macho Man to the corner. DiBiase now with Randy Savage lifting to the buckle, following in to hand out back. For me, right into the face. What a maneuver on the part of Randy Savage. And Savage plants the elbow. Covered up and one, two, and... Oh, wow. You got to give DiBiase credit. He's tough. No question of that. What a classic encounter. Slammed by Randy Savage. Oh, the knee misses. And you know what Savage was setting up for. If that knee were to hit, I'd have bet my bottom dollar he'd have gone up to the top for the big elbow. Ted DiBiase applying more pressure to the knees, kept up with Hoyle. Trying it again. Savage, kick out. Oh, the elbow kick out. Oh, a bounce drop. What a maneuver. Savage had enough leg strength to actually catapult DiBiase over the top rope. Randy Savage going after Ted DiBiase. Why's the hole enough? Wait a minute. DiBiase trying to get Savage to the outside. A hammer. A right hand. Another one. DiBiase laying it in now. A pocket and DiBiase into the ring. What's this? Look out, here comes Andre the Giant. Oh, and that's enough to even make the Macho Man think right. Oh, from behind. Did you see what Virgil did? You saw that. Well, I look at it this way. Macho Man struck Virgil earlier in the match. He got only what was coming to him. The referee says, you're going back. Virgil's gonna be ushered back. There was no call for what Virgil did. Absolutely no call whatsoever. Look at Andre trying to act as a little mediator there. Virgil hammered the Macho Man right in the back of the head. I mean, he really busted him. All right, Virgil's gonna lead. We're gonna resume this match in a moment. All right, the match resuming as the million dollar man, Ted DiBiase, steps to the rope. Andre the Giant being warned by the official dead head man. From the second rope now, DiBiase timing it just right, right into the head of the Macho Man, Randy Savage. Well, I think DiBiase needs to make a finishing move here of some sort. These are good set-up moves, but he's got to go... There it is! Two! Oh, can't hit him. Because Randy Savage is a tough guy. I've said it before. DiBiase leaning all his weight now down on Savage in the headlock. Now, this is a wear-down move here, McCann. Being that you've never been in the ring, I have to explain things like this to you. Oh, really? Yes. This is to wear your opponent down, put your weight on his weight so he has to hold both, and that'll tire you out quick. Elizabeth looking up. Speaking of Elizabeth, if she did that to you, you'd tire out, McCann. Oh, really? Yeah, I think so. Andre the Giant looking on, and it looks to me like Randy Savage is in serious trouble here. Andre being warned. Getting back to the corner. Why is Hebner so concerned with Andre? You saw Andre coming over. Look at that jank of the hair, and Savage back down. Yes, and didn't DiBiase seal that well from the ref? And then the ref asked him if he pulled the hair, like DiBiase's gonna say, oh, yeah, referee, I pulled the hair. DiBiase ramming a knee into the back. Applying more pressure here. Elizabeth shouting encouragement to Randy Savage. He could use some right about now, and if ever anyone could encourage him, in my book, it's Elizabeth. You're so infatuated with her, McCann. And these fans encouraging the Macho Man to get it together. Ted DiBiase holding tough with that reverse chinlock, and you see how he's putting that weight on the Macho Man. Macho Man's got to get to his feet. He's got to get DiBiase's weight off him. Randy Savage back to his feet, making it a tip to escape, and now we'll do the midsection. Another one. A third one breaks the hold. Savage off the rope. Off the rope. Over. DiBiase right back at him. DiBiase missing. Savage on a hold line. And he caught that one out of the blue, and that's even things up now. DiBiase, the back of his head, kicked that man extremely hard. What resiliency on the part of the Macho Man? Randy Savage with momentum, with control, trying to set up Ted DiBiase. Back body drop, yeah. Nicely done. What a turnaround by the Macho Man. Uh-oh. But just like that, it turned around again. DiBiase, over Savage's hand, ran right into the referee. No, that idiot Jepner got in the way. DiBiase gave the referee a shoulder block. Whether it was intention or not, I can't say. That happen is more incompetent than I could imagine. Over the top rope. What a maneuver. The Macho Man, Randy Savage on the top rope. You know what's gonna happen now. Yes, down from high above. And Macho Man's like a shark. He knows the referee's knocked down. He knows he can do that. Turn around, no. Off the behind. Headbutt. Andre Lajac interfering in this match. Andre Lajac with Randy Savage running right into the ring post. And the great thing about it, his referee Dave Hefner hasn't seen a thing. And what is Elizabeth gonna do about all this? Elizabeth is... She's taking off. Look at her. She's left her man. She's left Macho to get beaten up. Now what do you think of her, McMahon? Andre Lajac could be coming after her. Meanwhile, Andre is destroying Randy Savage. Andre's not concerned with Elizabeth. She ran off. Look at that. And again. Just chopping away 500 pounds of Andre Lajac. Dave Hefner, the referee, in the corner. Oh, look at... Coming back around. Oh, look at, look at, look at. DBSI helping Hefner. He's shielding Hefner from what's going on. Look at that. He's not even letting Hefner see what's going on. Well, what are you thinking? He should. Of course he's not. Well, now he's bringing him over. And he's telling him how. Oh, I love this. Yes. Oh, but look, Andre... I love this....is that he had nothing to do with Randy Savage's condition. Six. Oh, come on, ref. The referee is counting. Eight. Nine. Ten. Ten machos counted out. Can you believe that? Randy Savage counted out. Obviously the fans aren't too pleased with the result. Oh, come on, ref. I'm sure he can see that. And look, friends are doing coming back. What are they doing here? They're setting him up. Virgil and Ted DiBiase setting up Randy Savage after Andre's done the damage on the outside. What a slap. I'll tell you what they're doing. They're making an example out of the macho man. Dave Hebner to referee. Wait a minute! Here comes the Hulkster with a chair! Hulk in the ring. DiBiase takes off. Virgil takes off. The Hulkster with a steel chair protecting Randy Savage. Look it. I love it. Hulk Hogan tried to sneak in and Pearl Harbor him, but they were too smart for him. They got out of the ring before Hogan could do any damage with a chair. Hulk Hogan in the ring protecting Randy Savage. And now you know where Elizabeth went. It wasn't because she was afraid of anything. I wouldn't say that. I bet she showed her face now because she saw Hogan out there. And she figures now it's safe. No way, Ventura. Elizabeth is unquestionably the bravest little manager in the whole wide world, just like Randy Savage said earlier on. What if she's so brave, why is she crying? But since she has emotion, doesn't she? She cares for her man and she stands by her man. Randy Savage on his feet. The Hulkster there with him. The madness and the mania coming together once again on Saturday night's great event. But the madness to me looks like it's suffering. The madness don't look to me like it's ever even going to make it to mania. I think DiBiase and the Giant accomplished what they wanted to. They eliminated a man from the tournament. No way indeed. Randy Savage with his manager, a lovely Elizabeth in there with the Hulkster between them. Yeah, that's right. And Hogan might come between them at WrestleMania. But I think this, I think Liv should be wearing the yellow tonight. Not Hogan? Aw, come on, Jesse. Surely she's proven herself once again as the bravest little manager in the entire World Wrestling Federation. And later on, the Bees and the Isles in the Tag Team Matchup, plus former Olympian Ken Patera to meet the one-man gang, the Hulkster will be back tomorrow on Saturday night's great event. Nilda in great shape just looking for Bobby the Brain hidden. Great shape, she looks like a big fat kid to me. There's action going on for the slicks here. Let's go down to the ring. The natural, Butch Reed. Uh-oh, listen to that music, Jess. Oh, yeah. They're on their feet here in the Unison. Is Capacity proud to meet and greet the Macho Man, Randy Savage? Oh, fucking Elizabeth. Don't get like McMahon on me, not soon as that drooling all over about Elizabeth. I just said she was lovely, Jess. She is lovely. Come on, Gorilla, you're drooling so much you look like Matilda. Please. Butch Reed is way down for this most important matchup. The Macho Man, Randy Savage, against the natural, Butch Reed, whoever comes out victorious will beat the hammer in the quarterfinals. That's right. Now I know why you're a traction to Elizabeth, Gorilla. What's that? Just like Kate Kong, right? Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah. I'll buy that. At least you show her a little bit more respect than that Oakland McMahon does. Take a look, all decked out in blue. Look at the diamonds on Elizabeth. Wow. Another former champion, Intercontinental Champion, the Macho Man, Randy Savage. Talk about guys with endurance, guys with ability to wrestle a great number of times in succession. I believe Macho Man has that ability, Jess. Well, definitely does. You know, I've been on the Macho Fan Wagon a lot longer than any other announcer here ever has been. I realized the talent this guy had two, three years ago. Well, that's fact. You certainly have. Look at this. They're on their feet here. As the entire world is watching and applauding here at WrestleMania IV, this guy, the Macho Man, Randy Savage, what determination, what ability, eye flyer. He does it all, Jess. Well, don't give him all the credit yet. He's facing a real tough customer in the natural butchery. And I think if you get down to muscle, I think Reed's the stronger of the two. I think Macho Man's definitely gonna have to use his aerial tactics if he's going to indeed be successful. No question that the power in this match belongs to the natural, but the cunningness, the determination, the guts, the inner guts got to go to the side of the Macho Man. And if it gets down to managers, you've definitely got to give Slickster the advantage. Why is that? Well, because, I mean, I wouldn't want to stand back to back with Elizabeth in a fight, would you? No, but Elizabeth will be there if you need her. You can depend on that. I wouldn't trust a Slickster as far as I could throw him across the street. You wouldn't buy a car from Slick? Absolutely not. Really? Not even a used one. Not even a bright blue Caddy? Please. Nice go behind. The natural using his weight advantage there. See, that's what the natural's got to do. He's got to corner Savage, cut the ring off on him, and use power stuff on him. Takes him over with a nice snap there as we look over the shoulder of Elizabeth. Macho Man caught that one right above the eye. Ram face first into the turnbuckle. And so far it's a good game plan by Slick and the natural Butch Reed. Oh, he's stopped him dead in his tracks. Macho Man with a little offense of his own right now. Went for a suplex. Couldn't get that big body up there. Reed didn't have any trouble. There you see the difference in the power. Macho Man went for the suplex. Reed blocked it. Reed in turn reversed it on the Macho Man. Elbow drop and a beauty by the natural. Two count only, though. As referee Joe Morano was right there, and the Slickster giving all kinds of you-know-what for to the referee. Well, that's Slick's job out there. So important. Every match so important. So far, far, Jess, in the quarterfinals, two matches set. Huckster taking on the big guy Andre. Right. And, of course, DiBiase meeting the Rock. That's right, and the winner of this match will meet Greg the Hammer Valentine in what I'd have to turn a mild upset over Ricky the Dragon and Steve Boat. I think so, too. I would have to say Steve Boat held a little bit of the favorite, Matt. So we've seen our first upset. Both of these guys will be pulling out all the stops you can bet on that one. You know, whoever wins this thing, Gorilla, can you imagine gonna have to wrestle four times? Absolutely. Four times. I mean, it's tough enough to wrestle one time. Elizabeth, concerned look on her face, and rightly so. Although the Hulk and Andre will only have to wrestle three times, but then again, those two meeting each other, I think, makes an equivalent to four times. It's possible. Look out! Whoa! Fish shot right to the kisser on the Macho Man, who's not parrying too well at this particular point in time. You know, what else could be a big key is the man who can stay injury-free in this tournament. That is ultra important. Look at that. Put his head down, made a cardinal mistake for a ring veteran dress. Definitely did, and the Macho Man took advantage of it, and he's turned the tables. Tied his turn, but Reed turns it around and follows with an elbow and misses the mark. Once again, he got turned around. Oh, he's clotheslined by the natural. Well, the natural's using his weight well in this match. Oh, what's he saying to Elizabeth? Well, he's the better man, I guess. Well, he shouldn't be talking to Elizabeth if he's going up that rope or whatever. Wasting time, valuable time. He's still jawing away. Macho Man's on his feet now, Jess. He waited too long. He's trapped. You know, I just realized why the Macho Man has Elizabeth out there to distract his wrestler. Look at this. Savage going to the top. Dependent point elbow. He ain't gonna get up from it. No way. Hooks the leg. He got up. Whoa, what a victory. You know, I gotta give Elizabeth great credit. She distracted Butch Reed. I don't know what. Maybe showing him a little leg or whatever, but she got Butch Reed looking at her and it allowed the Macho Man to reverse. Slam Reed off the rope and set him up for that big elbow. You're changing your mind, Jess. You said that the Slickster was the better manager out there. I'll stand corrected now. I just realized why Elizabeth is out there. Elizabeth applauding her man, the Macho Man, Randy Savage, as he gets by in this first round. And in fact, in the quarterfinals, he will tangle with a Hammer Valentine. And what a matchup that'll be. It'll be a classic confrontation as they're on their feet here in Atlantic City at WrestleMania IV. What an outstanding performance here by the Macho Man, Randy Savage. All right, surprises, surprises. I cannot believe that one of those two men did not advance, but that's the way it comes down, Macho Man. You and Elizabeth and myself have been watching your thoughts. Hulk Hogan is a cheated man, not a defeated man. In fact, Hulk Hogan has never been defeated, not by me, not by you, not by Andre the Giant, not by Ted DiBiase, you understand? Right there, yeah. All right, now, there is more to come. You have advanced quite obviously, Macho Man, Randy Savage. Speculate, if you will, for us on your chances. Greg, the Hammer Valentine up in round two. Well, I've had the blessings of the mania all along, and I'm figuring and thinking that nothing's gonna stop the Macho Man, Randy Savage now. The madness, yeah, the madness with that momentum and multiply it with the momentum of, yeah, Hulkamania. Nothing is gonna stop one here for the mega powers from going all the way to the end, all the way to the championship. Yeah, I'm gonna take it all, yeah. I'm gonna take it all. Elizabeth, am I gonna take it all or what? What about it, Elizabeth? I believe he is. I'll tell you what. You keep smiling. That's gotta be a great inspiration to the Macho Man, Randy Savage, as he advances in the championship elimination tournament. All the way, yeah. Here as part of WrestleMania 4. Gorilla Jesse, let's get back to you. See, already in the finals. This is the second half of the summer. Scheduled for one fall. Into the ring. Oh, this is gonna be a classic, yes. The love of the south, Jimmy Hart from Seattle, Washington. Weighing 249 pounds, Grey the River Valentine. Valentine continuing on. Oh, they're on their feet again, as here he comes. Are they color coordinated or are they, Jeff? What's that, Gorilla? Are they color coordinated? I mean, yeah, they certainly are. Looks like they are. You betcha. I'm having a hard time hearing you over the roar of this crowd, Jeff. You know what? It's time to go. I'm having a hard time hearing you over the roar of this crowd for the Macho Man and Elizabeth. Well, it sounds like 50,000-plus here when in fact it's somewhere between 20 and 25, but they are showing their local support for this guy right here, the Macho Man, Randy Savage, and Elizabeth. Gotta be tiring just carrying around that robe, Jeff. It's gotta be tiring for Elizabeth to carry around those diamonds on her neck. Macho Man, Randy Savage, getting by the natural, Butch Reed in the first round. If he wants to continue, he's gonna have to get by the hammer right now. This guy's got a lot of class, a lot of determination, former champion, formerly the Continental Champion, knows what it's like to have the gold to wear it around your waist to have to defend it. Of course, there's nothing sweeter than that championship belt. Don't forget Gorilla Greg Valentine also knows about the gold. He's a former Intercontinental Champion. Absolutely. But neither of them have had such a golden opportunity to get the belt, the World Heavyweight Championship. Well, a win here will only give either one of them the opportunity to beat the gang. And that's kind of a nightmare. It's not a whole lot to look forward to, right? Yeah. Doesn't give you great incentive, does it? No. In the meantime, the gang is sitting down somewhere nice, calm, cool, and collected, relaxed, watching this one. Waiting to find out who, in fact, he will beat in the semifinals. And Greg Valentine going to work with a series of forearms on the Macho Man early. Macho Man answers with an elbow to his own and a smash into the top turnbuckle. Look out. Irish whip into the corner. Face first. Snap there. Takes a hammer over. Beautiful backdrop. That one. Hooks the leg. Whoa, that was close. You're not going to get that quick a fall on Greg Valentine. He's too tough. Referee stepping in between. And that gave the hammer an opportunity to sneak in that quick forearm. He's going up to the top early here. Hammer on the outside was a lot of wasted effort for my money, Jess. I'm not sure. He came down with full body weight on the back of the Macho's neck. But the Macho Man was too close to him. He didn't get that kind of impact that he wanted. Look out. Hammer off the ropes. There's that patented elbow. That one had impact that you want. Both of these guys noted for their elbows as we take a look at the Colonel. Boy, is he excited. As well he should be. The man who wins advances forward. Shoulder breaker or power slam coming up. Shoulder breaker. Yes. Cover, a little nonchalant. He didn't get that body weight really on him. Definitely. He didn't get squared away on that and he needed to sink the arm in and hook that leg deeper. Can you imagine, Jess, what's going through the minds of these two individuals? A chance to be the world champion. That's what's going through their minds. Savage out over the top and down. Hard under the concrete. Almost rammed his head into that steel barricade. You know what's unique about this is Valentine's giving Macho Man a taste of his own medicine. That's normally what the Macho Man likes to do. Certainly does. Look at this. Reverse knife edge. Both men out there. The referee laying the count on. And rams him right into that steel barricade. Looked like right neck first. Look at Elizabeth. Wow. Is she worried? Well, she can see the championship slipping away right now. Going around the corner. Macho Man definitely injured outside the ring. And the beating he's taking, even if he gets by this, he's gonna have to face the one-man gang. If he does. And right now, it don't look like he can. Certainly doesn't look too good for the Macho Man right at this particular point in time. What an interesting matchup it would make, Jess, to see the hammer against the gang. That'd be interesting, but I'll tell you, you know what the good thing is about this match? So far, Valentine is dictating the style of match right now. He has taken over and is dictating what's happening in that ring. He's dictated the style and the tempo as well. And he's giving Macho a taste of his own medicine. As both of these guys, you gotta pull out all the stops at this point. There's nowhere to go after this. Valentine better be careful. He's outside that ring. Referee laying a count on him. Well, he counted him not only to break the hole, but he continued to count on the outside the ring count. Nice job being done by this guy. Ooh, he's pulling him in the ring. It could be Figure 4. Figure 4 is going to work softening up those leg ligaments, going to work on the quadriceps. Now he steps over. Oh, he's not gonna make it. Savage gets to the bottom rope and in a hurry. You heard the Colonel screaming into that megaphone saying pull him back into the middle. You know, Savage just doesn't seem to be on his game here. Valentine has taken all the starch out of the Macho Man. Well, Ravishing One took some starch, obviously, out of the Macho Man. Oh, look out. Wow. Who? Who? You mean Butri. Butri, the natural. Oh, what did I say? You said the Ravishing One. Oh, sorry. The natural. Backbreaker. This could be it. Hooks the leg? No. Macho Kick just when Hammer went to hook that leg. A little bit late on that hooker. He might have had him. Macho's wrestling on instinct right now. Caught him coming in. Got that old adrenaline flowing right now in Elbow, and it's Valentine in trouble. Macho Man looks like a man possessed. All of a sudden, the Macho Man has exploded. He's trying to get up to the top quick. Valentine trying to beat him. Look at this. Flying Elbow Double X Handle right between the eyes of Cover. Oh, two and a half. The Colonel got up there and stopped that count. And a smart move by Hardy. Saved the Hammer, and the Hammer nails the Macho Man and turns it around. Irish Whip in now by the Hammer and Elbow, well placed. Suplex coming up. Come on, that's it now. Oh, no, it was Savage who got it. Flipped him over. Very short suplex. Savage going to the top, but Valentine's getting up again. Not there in time, I don't believe. Yes. Yes. The Hammer nailed him. I think they nailed each other. He's hurt too bad to follow up, Jess. Definitely. I think Macho made some contact hard coming down off that rope. They actually nailed each other on that one. Hey, get off of it. Come on, come on. Getting a little help, no. Colonel warned him right at the last minute that Savage was on his way. Well, that's the Colonel's job. There's nothing illegal about that. I didn't say there was. I didn't say you did. I'm just explaining to the people, Gorilla, that's why. Pulling him back in, perhaps another shot at it. Yes, the Figure Four. Look at him, he turned it into a small package. Duca, he got him. What a move by the Macho Man. They've gone bananas here in Atlantic City. Savage moves forward and it'll now be the Macho Man versus the One Man Dan. Let's go back and take a look at the beautiful maneuver on the part of the Macho Man, Randy Savage, as he turns this into a beautiful small package. Did you see the hammer? Greg Valentine going for his patented Figure Four leg lock. He tries to hook it. Savage turns him over into a small package cradle. One, two, three, and Macho Man advances to meet the game. He can put the headset back on now. Hey, I'll tell you something, Gorilla. I don't have to take no back seat to Hogan when it comes to posing. Did you hear that crowd? Yeah, I heard them. They were chatting. I may have to come out of retirement. This is my final matchup, Jess, the one we've been waiting for. Macho Man taking on the Gang for the right to meet in the finals the Million Dollar Man. That's right. We're down to three. And here is the One Man Gang! One Man Gang has been sitting in the back in his locker room, in the dressing room, relaxing, while this man, the Macho Man Randy Savage, had a rough time with the hammer. Look at their feet again, Jess. 20,000 plus. 20,002, Gorilla. You forget me and you all the time. Well, yes, we're here. Elizabeth leading the way as usual for her man. This guy's got to be getting tired, Jess. Well, you know, as much as I admired the Macho Man, the advantage has got to be the One Man Gang right here because he sat out of by. The Macho Man first had to wrestle the natural Butch Reed. Then he had to get by Frank the Hammer Valentine. I mean, it's almost superhuman what he's done so far. I just can't see him getting by the Gang who has sat back with a mind. Well, every time we've seen Elizabeth come down to the ring today, Jess, she's had on a new outfit. She is indeed a lovely person. You know, I'll bet you Mrs. Trump, Donald Trump's wife, is looking at a few of Liz's outfits and starting us. Oh, look at this. Savage going right after the Slickster. I'll tell you what though, Jess. What's that? You made some good points about the 747, about the Gang, but you didn't talk about what is, in my opinion, something very important, and that's heart, Jess. Heart? Heart. I don't think... Breath heart? No. I'm talking about heart. Inside, intestinal fortitude, guts. I don't think the Gang has that characteristic as strong as the Macho Man. Well, you might be true, Gorilla, but again, I gotta go back to the fact that the Gang sat out of by. He's only had to wrestle one time. Macho's already gone twice. Plus, the Gang has a huge weight advantage. Yeah, somewhere in the neighborhood of 300 pounds. You can see he's manhandling the Macho Man right here, pushing him around the ring. Macho Man doesn't dare get caught. McClaren's a smart move. Whoa. Missed him a big roundhouse ride, and Savage going to work immediately. Referee stepping in between. Come on, ref, that's not your job. Whoa, Macho grabbing by the beard. Whoa, look at that. Close lines him right over the top rope. A beautiful maneuver. Where's he going with him? Oh, see, the Macho Man's making a mistake early. He's trying to lock up with the Gang. He should make the Gang chase him around. Run him out of gas. That's right. Try to tire him out. Boy, there's no worse feeling when you're out there, Justin, to run out of gas. And see, if the Gang gets Macho down on the mat like he just did right there, Macho's gonna be in big trouble. He can sit on him, squash him. When you got somebody like the Gang sitting on your chest, you can't expand that chest. You can't get any oxygen. Lights go out in a hurry. Big roundhouse ride. Slickster with a confident look on his face. Gotta keep an eye on him, too. He's got a cane. Well, the Slickster's gotta be feeling real good right now. His man got the buy, got to rest. He needs only one win to be in the finals against Ted DiBiase, who right now is sitting out with a buy. Watching and waiting. Savage in trouble. Gotta stay out of the corners. Down. Can't be in that position. Look at that. Planting that big size 17 right in the throat. But we're looking at a guy who's got determination, Jess. We're looking at a guy who's not this guy. I'm talking about the Macho Man, who's got that, what we talked about earlier on, intestinal fortitude. And in my opinion, got the conditioning that's needed if he has to go three or four times. Well, Liz looks very concerned outside the ring, which, well, she should be right now. Whoa, he's got him. No foot on the ropes. Whoa, was that close. Macho was very fortunate. The gang slammed him close enough to those ropes that he was able to get a foot out of them. Gang drags him back in there, drops an elbow. This could be the beginning of the end. There won't be no foot on the rope now. Two, and he comes out the back door. I can't believe it. Remarkable. That adrenaline has got to be flowing through the body of the Macho Man, Randy Savage, or he'd have never been able to kick out of that one. Look out, Gang going to the ropes for the big splash. No, nobody home. That took a lot out of Gang. Braces into the corner and once again gone. That's what Macho's got to do. He's got to jab and move. He's got to stick and move. He could take a lesson from Sugar Ray Leonard outside the ring right now. Stick and move, stick and move. Look at the Gangs in trouble. Oh, the Gang's upside down and out. It came right down on his feet. Lucky for him. And Macho likes it out there. This is classic Macho Man Savage here. Bombs away from the Max Handle. He nailed him with it. In the meantime, the count is going on. Look at that. There's a little help. Well... Savage got to try to slam him. That's a mistake. Big mistake on the Macho Man's part. Big mistake. That's a choke, a blatant choke by the Gang. See, he made a great mistake. Oh, look out. Are you kidding? Slickster getting on the case of Elizabeth. He almost slapped her, Jess. Whoa, and the Gang missed something. Look at this. Slickster up on the apron. Oh, and he's got the cane. Slickster got the cane in. Where is the referee? The ref's tied up with Elizabeth. He's missing all those. And now sees the cane. Oh, it's a disqualification. And he continues. He broke the cane right over the back of the Macho Man. But Savage is going to the finals. The result of a disqualification to the winner... Macho Man, Wendy Savage! This place has exploded here. Boy, that took a lot out of the Macho Man, Jess. Whoa, look at this. Macho's going up on top. Oh, he hit him. Oh! Max Headley knocked him down, and the Gang squashes the Slickster. What a downer this guy did. It's down to two men. He made a big sandwich. Let's go back and take a look. Now you see the Macho Man, the Slickster firing the cane to the one-man Gang. The Gang comes up. Wham! He hits the Macho Man with the cane. Now, right now, Elizabeth has the referee tied up in the corner. The referee not seeing this, but he does spin around and see the one-man Gang hitting the Macho Man with the cane as a result of the disqualification. Well, I thought it was kind of stupid, Jess, because if you use a weapon in there and a referee turns around and sees you, that's what happens. The bell rings in your history. Now, in fact, it will be the million-dollar man, Teddy Biasi, along with the Macho Man, Randy Savage, for the championship. Right now, let's go to Mean Gene Oglelin, who obviously has got to be excited. They are up in arms here in Atlantic City, and I don't blame them, Jess. And now, ladies and gentlemen, from Trump Plaza, it is now time for the final event. It is the final match of our Championship Elimination Tournament, and we will determine the undisputed World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Champion. At this time, I would like to introduce the presenter of the championship belt. He is the lifestyles of the rich and famous's own Robin Leach. Robin Leach, I'm bringing down the coveted World Wrestling Federation Championship belt. As it's come to this, Jess, we will have, in fact, an undisputed World Wrestling Federation Champion, and it will either be the Macho Man, Randy Savage, or the Million Dollar Man, Ted DiBiase. Well, his money won't be able to help him now, Jess. He's got to get out there and do it. Yeah, but you know, this is Macho's fourth match. I realize that. DiBiase's had, what, two? Yes. That's got to weigh heavily, gorilla. Where's Donald Trump? I want to say hi to him. Where is he? There's the belt for the World Heavyweight Championship. Ladies and gentlemen, at this time, allow me to introduce our guest ring announcer. He is known throughout the world as Mr. Baseball. Here is Bob Yunger. And he still hasn't found mana. Ah, man, it's lucky. Take me out to the ballgame, indeed. He missed that one, Jess. Look at that, he can't even hit an air ball. Nothing was thrown, and Yunger still swung and missed. Tell you, he looks good, Jess. Got a nice tan. He almost speaks well of you. No, he doesn't. How special. What amazes me is how an athlete of Yunger's stature, who played about two years in the big leagues and batted 200, could get so renowned and so famous. Well, I mean, to me, Mr. Baseball should be like Willie Mays or Mickey Mantle, not this character. He's our special ring announcer here at WrestleMania IV, taking a few bows, a few accolades. One ring announcer to another. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much. It is now time to introduce our guest timekeeper. She is one of the loveliest women in Hollywood. You know, she's getting a much bigger response than Yunger shared in. And someone I've been dying to meet. Well, he's finally going to get to be here, Jess. Of the Wheel of Fortune. He's been hunting for her for the last three and a half hours. Big cheer for Vanna White. Wheel of Fortune's Vanna White. Imagine two lovely ladies, Vanna White and Elizabeth. She's beaten me at midnight. Don't tell you for that long. Well, maybe we'll see another exclusive in the examiner very shortly. Big smile. You know, I said it. You know, Gorilla, we all know she knows the alphabet, but here she's a timekeeper. You know, competent. Piece of cake for that. And that's more protection than Michael Jackson gets. Certainly appears that way. Look at those pearly whites, Jess. Oh, look at the look on the caser. Look at that lecherous old man. Oh, my God. There's a lecherous old man. Have I ever seen one? Vanna making her way up the steps. Yeah, you know, Donald Trump just got a kiss. I'll bet Euker don't. I'll bet he does. I'll bet he does, Jess. Cut her arm around him. She's probably holding Euker up so he don't fall. Boy, he's waited a long time for this. His dream has finally come true. He's caught up with Vanna White. A dream is gonna come true in mere moments here in Atlantic City for either the big and dollar man or the monster. He got it, Jess. He got the kiss. Look at him. He's fading. He might not be able to announce. Look at him. Oh, my brother. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the final match of our tournament to determine the undisputed World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Champion right here at Trump Plaza in Atlantic City. Introducing first. He was an airhead before. Now I don't know what he is. Accompanied by himself. I think he's an airhead in heat. He's got the big boy with him. Andre the Giant. Here is the million-dollar man. He's obviously gonna be seconded by Andre the Giant. Virgil's still nowhere in sight, Jess. Didn't get any reports from the locker room area either. Well, Virgil's obviously injured at the hands of Hogan. Might have been taken to the hospital. Who knows? Yeah, but look at the second he's got now. Ho, ho, ho. I don't like the look of this. You know, again, I'll repeat it again. If I had to stand back-to-back in an Allian fight, I'd definitely want Andre with me and not Elizabeth. Oh, no question. No question about that. Plus, another important factor is that the million-dollar man had to buy because of Andre eliminating Hogan, which they said was part of their master plan. Yeah, he did state that. So now DiBiase is well-rested. Macho Man Randy Savage has fought three times, including the one-man gang. I gotta say the advantage would have to go with DiBiase at this point. Oh, no question. Unless Macho Man can prove it different. Well, should the Macho Man be successful, it would be an unprecedented four times that he would have to be successful. And his opponent... No one has ever done it....led to the ring... It would be a first....by his manager, the first lady of wrestling, Elizabeth. And look, still a different outfit. Randy! This time all in white. Macho Man! Savage! Try to concentrate on wrestling. You're a lot. I know it's hard for you. Elizabeth, in fact, lovelier than the last three times we've seen her, as this is the fourth time the Macho Man has come down that ramp. And they're still on their feet these 20,000-plus here in Atlantic City, as this is happening in the entire world watching. And we're gonna see history made right here today. Well, one of these two men will be crowned the Undisputed World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Champion. Either the Million Dollar Man, Ted DiBiase, or the Macho Man, Randy Savage. He's gotta be thinking about one thing and one thing only, that this is where it all ends. Right here. You know, Gorilla, I'm in love with the subject here, but if you had to pick, who would you pick? Elizabeth or Rana White? Elizabeth. Really? Yes. They're still on their feet here, cheering on. I'm afraid I'd have to pick Rana, because Elizabeth, you'd have to fight Macho Man for. I thought you just meant as a beautiful person. I did. I'm beyond fighting anyone, Jess. And unfortunately, I think you are, too. Well, Gorilla, you can feel the tension right now. This is what it's all come down to. You can cut it with a knife. You can feel the electricity in the air as both of these men Savage and DiBiase. Here we go. We'll see who wants it the worst. Nice move. Oh, look at that. Andre reached up and hooked the leg. Referee didn't see it, though, but he better be careful. DiBiase wouldn't want to risk a disqualification, would he? I believe that Andre is going to cause a lot of trouble down there, Jess. Macho Man. Well, Andre's obviously distracting the Macho Man right now. Nice three moves there and into this hammerlock. And down and up goes the Million Dollar Man and another reversal. And a side headlock. And Savage into the ropes. Nice shoulder block. Comes off again, goes over the top. Look at that, Andre grabbed the leg again. That's twice now. But twice the referee hasn't seen him. This is unfair, Jess. I'll tell you what, the Macho Man's definitely got his work cut out for him because it seems he's not only wrestling DiBiase, but he's got to find a way to avoid the Giant, too. Well, we need another referee down at ringside on the outside, at least. You know, definitely Liz versus the Giant is a disadvantage for Macho Man. Go contest there. Arm wringer by the Million Dollar Man. I'd say the cards are stacked against the Macho Man right now. Yeah, they really are. Well, DiBiase said he'd do anything to get that title. So far he has. You can't fault him for that, Gorilla. He knows what it feels like to have the belt around your waist. He felt that, Jess. That's right. Oh, he's laying those chops in on the Macho Man. Big Andre outside the ring watching it all. Drops an elbow right to the back of the neck. How could you possibly concentrate on what you're doing inside the squared circle when you know you got that monster out there? Macho's down and he's hurt now. Two count, no. Comes out the back door. Still got the presence of mind left. Savage gets rid of him in a hurry, but whoa, nice shoulder block. Macho up in a hurry. Sunset flip. Can he get the momentum to take him over? No. Whoa. And Macho made that right hand in there. And a clothesline in the zone. Hooks the leg, two count only. That was close. DiBiase rolling out. Andre coming over there talking about something over there. Andre promised DiBiase the title, but DiBiase, I think, is gonna have to win it on his own. Wait a minute, wait a minute. No question about that. Both men chalking for a position here. Nice underhook and went to the knee in the lower abdomen by the Million Dollar Man. What a chop. Whoa. Laid that boot right in the side of Macho's face. Andre smiling outside the ring seems real pleased with everything. Savage in deep trouble here in Atlantic City, here in WrestleMania IV, where it's come down to this. The single elimination tournament to decide once and for all the undisputed World Wrestling Federation Champion after the title was vacated. We've gone through so many matches, just eliminating one by one, sometimes two at a time, and we're down to this. Gorilla, look at the Macho Man. I think the three matches he had earlier may have taken too much from him. Certainly took a lot out of him, but he's got a lot of spunk. He's got a lot of desire. He's got intestinal fortitude, and he wants a win. Whoa, nice clothesline. Was that a maneuver by the Macho Man? Look out, high knee. He sends DiBiase right out over the top. Million Dollar Man. Look at this. Andre stepped right over him. He's protected him. The Macho Man can't jump from there. If he does, he's jumping right into Andre. Andre's telling him to jump. Andre's asking him to jump. He's telling him to jump. What a disadvantage the Macho Man is at here. I don't know what he thinks he can do. Going over and conferring with Elizabeth. Send something to Elizabeth. As she comes down the steps, he's pointing away for her. Elizabeth's headed back towards the locker room area. In the meantime, DiBiase with a full harbor job. You know, I've seen this before, Gorilla. I've seen Elizabeth run off before. I have, too. Oh, look at that shot. You know, maybe Macho just wanted to get her out of there for fear of the Giant, too. Wherever she's gone, she could be gone too long, Jess. That's right. Because DiBiase's definitely taking advantage here, snapping there into a reverse chinlock. Hooks him with a reverse chinlock. They're on their feet here. Oh, look at this. Elizabeth returning with a Hulkster. I can't believe it. This is definitely gonna even it out now, Gorilla. Look at the look on that face. I don't think DiBiase and Andre know what's coming up here. I don't think so, either. The Macho Man in a lot of trouble. Liz does it again with brain over brawn, Jesse. The Hulkster's down there, and he's got a chair with him as well. He's gonna sit himself down in the corner of the Macho Man. However, Hulkster with a front row seat here at WrestleMania 4. And I'll tell you what, Hogan's accomplished something. He's got DiBiase's attention, and it's throwing DiBiase off a little bit. Now there'll be no excuses either way, Gorilla. One man will prevail. I don't know, it may be too late, Jess. The Macho Man has taken tremendous punishment here. I don't know whether he's got it left inside him or not. Look at that, Andre just dragged him out through the ropes. And the Hulkster over there in the fairway. And Macho with an elbow on DiBiase. And another one. Hogan caught Andre and knocked the big man down over there. Break in the face by the Million Dollar Man. Bought him a little time there, nice clothesline. Hulkster giving a little bit back, a little of their own medicine, as he is the main rooter now in the corner of the Million Dollar Man. Hogan's trying to pump up the Macho Man, but I just don't know. Look at this. Suplex delivered. Macho's number one man right now. The former champion, the Hulkster, DiBiase complaining about the cop. The Hulkster came down and really evened things up here, Jesse. Yeah, but Macho Man, you know, hasn't done a thing. I think he's too beaten up, Gorilla. Gut Red Suplex coming up. He nailed him with it. One, two, rope. Came out the back door. Well, Macho's got a lot of resilience. He's still kicking out. Andre complaining to the referee about the cop. Remember, this match has no time limit. It'll go till there's a winner. Absolutely. Scoop up by DiBiase's slam. Going to the outside, very high. DiBiase's going to the top. Macho Man beating him up here. Oh, he caught him. Middle of a slam. Look at Sam. He's going to the outside. He's up there on the top. He's going for the elbow. The flying elbow now. DiBiase out of there. Macho went too quick for that elbow. He thought he could end it quick. Maybe that's what he has to do. He may not have enough in him. DiBiase going for the sleeper hold. There it is. He's got it on. But right near the ropes is the Macho Man. Oh, look out. Here comes the hunkster. Oh. Oh. He clobbered a million dollar man. Down he went. The referee did not see it. That's terrible, Macho. I can't believe Hogan would stoop to that level. DiBiase is out cold. Sam is looking around, doesn't know. Now he's going to the outside. I cannot believe Hogan would stoop to that level. The flying elbow. Hunkster leg. It's over. We have a new champion. It's Medlam here. It's Pandemonium. A taken victory though, Macho. And of this unit, World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Champion, Randy Macho Man, Sam. The Macho Man, Randy Savage. The new champion of the World Wrestling Federation. You know, Ted DiBiase, I gotta say, was robbed because he had that sleeper hold on the Macho Man. He had it sunk in. Hogan coming into the ring and hitting him with a chair. I can't believe Hogan would do that in front of all the Hulkamaniacs worldwide. Well, Jess, Andre interfered early on in the match. It took the Macho Man's intellect to send Elizabeth back, and look at the tears coming down the face of the first lady of professional wrestling, Elizabeth. And look at that match. What intestinal fortitude. This is Macho Man's finest hour. Well, give it to him. You win anyway you can. He's now the champion of the world. An unprecedented four victories. Here in this Elimination Tournament, and now he is, in fact, the undisputed World Wrestling Federation champion. Look at the tears of joy coming down the face of Elizabeth. What a threesome, Jess. Macho Madness, Hulkamania, and the lovely Elizabeth. I'll tell you, Gorilla, my adrenaline's pumped up so much. I feel like coming out of retirement. Macho Man handing the gold to Elizabeth. They have worked long and hard for this, and deserve it, and deserve it as the Macho Man, Randy Savage, has paid his homage to Elizabeth and given her the respect that she so rightly deserves. Now she's hoisted up on his shoulder with the gold and the Hulkster's saying, this is what it's all about. This is the moment that everyone's been waiting for. I've got goosebumps running up and down my back, Jess. Well, there's not much more you can say, Gorilla. Absolutely not. They have not left. Well, Jess, that wraps it up for WrestleMania IV. What a tremendous climax. A new champion crowned in the form of the Macho Man, Randy Savage. Elizabeth extremely happy. Of course, we had another title change hands here, Jess, the Tag Team Championship. A new champion. And remember one thing, Gorilla, the pleasure, of course, was all yours. Thank you very much, Jess. They're still here. They're still all in attendance. The 20,000-plus here in Atlantic City as WrestleMania IV has come to a conclusion, and the new champion is the Macho Man, Randy Savage. So long, everybody. We'll be right back.