Thank you very much, Gorilla Monsoon. Now, wrestling fans, as you well know, the list of challengers to the Macho Man Randy Savage for the Intercontinental title goes on and on. And certainly, you're very aware. No champion uses a 30-day rule better than the Macho Man himself, Randy Savage, only wanting to put the gold on the line once a month. But Macho Man, it was- You didn't write that statement right there, but go ahead. Yeah, well, it's true, you use that rule better than anyone. But the list of challengers, starting off certainly with Tito Santana. Of course, the JYD, the junkyard dog. And we cannot forget a gentleman named George the Animal Steal, who seems to be not only after the Intercontinental title, but it seems your lady as well. George Steal, yeah, you saw what I did in WrestleMania 1. When the next time we wrestle each other, you can call it WrestleMania 5,465 and 3 quarters. That's all right, man, because I whooped them one, two, three. But now the fight is on. Next time, I'm going to be Lucy Gosee and Tito Santana. I'm the Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion. And you can dream at night about when you had the belt. And junkyard dog, man, you have to realize that you have to prove yourself, yeah. Prove yourself to the Macho Man. Macho Man, let me ask you a question. You seem to be a very opinionated individual. And there seems to be a bit of a controversy stirring here on prime time as to who the true host of prime time is, be it Guerrilla Monsoon or, as he likes to claim, Bobby the Brain Henan. Your thoughts? That's a pretty good question right there. It'll blast back in my mind from when I was the number one draft choice. And all the managers in the WWE were going after me. Bobby Henan was one of them, yeah. He was smart to come after me. So I have to figure that Bobby Henan's got the brains to take prime time and bring it all the way to the end of time. We'll be back right after this. Obviously, Bobby, you found another friend in the Not So Macho Man, Randy Savage. He had some very complimentary things to say about you. Why do you have to refer to him as the Not So Macho Man? Well, ever since February 8th in the Boston Gardens when he literally stole the title from Tito Santana, he lost. And he respected I had for him. He said he'd become the Intercontinental Champion. And he did. So if he says he's Macho Man, as far as I'm concerned, it was regardless of how you do it. Doesn't matter. Win if you can, lose if you must, but always cheat. Just get the job done. Let's go now to a special interview with Gene Okerlund and the Not So Macho Man. All right. Ooh, wow. Macho Man. What the hell? You like that, huh? Stop the music. Stop the music. Continue on. Macho Man, we received millions and millions, actually, pieces of correspondence or telephone calls through the years asking about you and asking what indeed makes the Macho Man so macho. OK. Tell them. In fact, many want to know what indeed makes the Macho Man tick. Now, it could be this lovely young lady here or it could be something else. To address that, we have brought in the head of outpatient treatment at the Numblinger Institute. Freaky name there. Please welcome to TNT, psychologist Dr. Elford R. Kissenbaum. Well, it's time I talked to him. I was hot, but that's OK. I don't carry a grudge. Go ahead. Doctor, maybe you'd like to sit down by Elizabeth. Wait, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, further down. Further down? Nobody sits next to Elizabeth. No, not even. Please, please, let's. Elford. Get down and sit down. Come on. Randy, please. Randy, please. Dr. Kissenbaum, we understand that you have been doing studies on Macho Man and Macho Man Randy Savage and the phenomenon, as it is or as it was for years. Is that correct? Yes, I first started when I was in college. I did my thesis on John Wayne's effect on American culture. I did a lot of work on Burt Reynolds and an extensive amount of work on Clint Eastwood. In fact, I did my PhD on Eastwood. You put this man in the same category with those great heroes? Well, they all. Him, yeah, all those. I'm a bubble. Tell us very quickly about your work with the Macho Man. Hold it, hold it. OK, well, it was such, see, in the past, mainly what I would do is historical research and public polling and watching a lot of movies. But with the Macho Man, here was my first chance to use a live subject who claimed to be Macho. Notice I say claimed to be Macho. But he was a fine subject. And he let me. Oh, man, careful. He let me subject him to some pretty extensive psychological tests. And I really, right now, I want to thank him personally. And thank you, Randy, for letting me tape these sessions. OK, now we have Dr. and Randy and Elizabeth. Those tapes, we want to share them with you right now. This is the analysis or the extensive questioning, as you say, Doctor, that you previously had done with Macho Man Randy Savage. Just to relax and make yourself comfortable. As you know, our goal was to try to determine what makes Randy Macho Man Savage Macho, not to mention the savage. In order to do this, we must delve into your psyche, Randy. Probe your subconscious. There are a number of ways we can do this. But the way I like is free word association. Have you ever heard of free word association? Never have yet, kind of. Yeah, what is it, type of a game? Well, in layman's terms, you might call it verbal ping pong. I'll throw a word at you, and you respond to me. I'll throw you another word, and then you respond. Is that correct? Very competitive person, but I want to tell you something right now. I play to win, and this is non-title. Yeah. Well, is it clear? It's crystal clear, yes. Now lay back and relax. I'm relaxed, yeah. Always relaxed. Take a deep breath. Deep breath, yeah, one time. Here goes. And get ready for the words. OK, yeah. Throw them at me, and I'll throw them right back, yeah. OK, here comes the first word. I want to help, yeah, mankind. Don't let it bounce around your brain too long before you pop it out, OK? Don't worry about that, man. I'm on that quick type of a thing, yeah. First word is macho. Macho, Randy Savage, yeah. I am the true meaning of macho, and that cannot be denied. Interesting. Interesting, yes, I am at different times and everything. That wasn't a word. That was my response to your response. Your response, aren't they quick? Yes, I thought you were. I'm quick. Yeah, but don't think too much, man. Otherwise, you're going to be on the couch, and I'm going to be over there. I didn't mean for you to respond to that. I'm very sorry. All right. OK? Apology accepted. Here's the second word. All right. Pump. Pump. Pumping air. Yeah, Hulk Hogan doesn't have the only key to the gym, you know. I'm there every morning, yeah. Gun. What was it? Gun. Gun. Fastest gun in the West, East, South, and North. Yeah, all over the world. That's the macho man, Randy Savage. Muscle. Muscle, yeah, muscle, yeah. Muscle, muscle. Don't help me, don't help me, no problem. See, that's so easy, it's no problem. Yeah, I'm just bulging with muscles. Next word, belt. Belt. Yeah, that's what I'm going to do to Hulk Hogan when I see him, just to make him mad. No problem. Sweat. Sweat. Sweat, blood, sweat, and tears all rolled into one, and that's why I got this. The belt. Kitten. Kitten, that's what women are when I look at them, like little baby kittens. I play with them, yeah, and then cast them aside, break their hearts, but don't worry about me. Female. Female, yeah, the race of people that admire and lust after the macho man, Randy Savage. Ask Elizabeth. Stud. Stud, you're looking at him right now in vivid living color. Boy, am I helping out human nature. This is great, yeah, I'm doing it again, yeah. Sucker. Sucker, Hulk Hogan. That was a good one, yeah, I beat you on that one, man. He's the biggest one of all. OK, Randy, now this is the very last word. Very good, OK, very good. Ready? Yes, I'm ready. Do the thing. Animal. What do you mean animal? Animal. What do you mean animal? Yeah, I know what you're talking about. You're talking about George Steele right there. That's what you're talking about right there. And I come in here and be real nice to you, but what are you talking about, man? That was a real bad word. Try to embarrass me. He tries to embarrass me, and I'll tell you something right now, a man in my position cannot be forward to look ridiculous at any time. And I'm the macho man, Randy Savage, and when it comes from me, that says something. See that right there in the room right there? Well, I'm sure there are some conclusions that can be drawn from this. And, Doctor, perhaps you can address that session you had with the macho man. Well, briefly from my record. Well, not briefly. Shut up. The subject, normally we talk about sexual repression in a state like this, but with Randy, there's no problem with sexual repression. I mean, he oozes sex. Normally we talk about an oedipus complex, but one thing I found in this session, there is no way that we can say that because there's no way that we can say he loves his mother. There's no way. But finally, at the bottom line, it's very, very simple. And that is, in his case, it's totally a matter of insecurity. Insecurity? Insecurity. This large, boisterous man. Randy, sit down. Let him play. Don't tell me nothing. He tears up pieces of paper and throws them out. This is why he has a woman for a manager, to cover up his insecurity. His boisterousness is just a matter of insecurity. This is why he got into wrestling to be gone. Now, you've got no credibility at all, man. You ought to do some other guys like Hulk Hogan, some of these other wrestlers, and psycholize him. Most interesting, same malady that you suffer from, Bobby. Insecurity. I'm very secure. Don't worry about me. I'm not going to take any tests from any quack like that. You know where the insecurity comes from, Bob? With who? With the not-so-macho man. I wouldn't say he's insecure. In the back of your mind, it's always there. Even though you stole something from someone, you may think that you want it, but actually you didn't. Now, you stole it, OK? Nice psychiatry. We'll be back, wrestling fans. Stay with us. ["WINNER OF THE YEAR"] All right, Boston. The Garden, Saturday, August 9. The Hart Foundation, Jim the Anvil, Brett the Hitman, against Nikolai Volkov of the Iron Sheik, the winners to be the number one contenders for the crown, currently held by the British Bulldogs. Here in Boston, Ricky the Dragon, steamboat in the ring against Jake the Snake Roberts. And fans, after what happened here in Boston the last time, it will be the macho man, Randy Savage, teeming with adorable Adrian Adonis, against Hulk Hogan and his hand-picked partner, none other than George the Animal Stealer. Don't like it. It was definitely trick or treat last time in Boston Gardens. And it was my trick. And Hogan, you got the treat. I heard the people screaming, even louder than the Sultans winning the world championship. They were in a frenzy. I am charismatic. I am today. I am 1995. Mr. Hogan, now you're going to see the wrath of two sticks against you. And they're better than one. And we're going to take you, and we're going to peel you, and we're going to take that Mr. Steel and rip that fur coat off him. And I bet you we can stuff seven bed mattresses with it. And we're going to take you and humiliate you, because we've got to do it. We have no choice. And we have everything to gain, and you have everything to lose, because you are the champion. And if you can't defend that belt, you can't keep that belt. Interesting point. Hogan's choice of partners is embarrassing, yeah. And it's in poor taste. And the word pain will be administered, yeah, P-A-I-N in the Boston Garden. And the pressure is getting high, and it cannot be bared by you people. Tell them right there, the Macho Man and Adrian Adonis not happy with the Hulkster's choice of George the Animal Steel. Favorite tapes in the WWF home video series is called the most unusual matches. Oh, I like that one. Battle Royals, Indian Strap Match, Lumberjack, Texas Tornado, six-man tag, 10-man tag, I love them all. Yes, but this type of contest that took place after the creation of that cassette is the item before you. And this has to be the last word in mayhem. Four men in a steel cage all at the same time. I must agree with you, Monsoon. Four men in a steel cage is bordering on madness, especially when you've got opponents like Santana and San Martino against such upstanding citizens like Savage and Adonis, two of the nicest guys you'd ever want to make in your day of daily repertoire. Nice people, especially at Adonis. They're doing what they said they were going to do. They were going to attack Bruno San Martino. They considered him to be the weak link in this pair. San Martino down, but Santana coming to his rescue in a hurry. Oh, look at that, Bruno now to his feet as the Macho Man tried to plant him with that belt. And there goes Savage into the turnbuckle. Oh, San Martino coming in. So much action going on in the ring now, as it will be from now until the conclusion of this. Savage hasn't been able to get his dressing gown off yet, and I'm sure that's hampering his efforts, because look at Bruno. Bruno's just kicking him in the head, and at the same time. Look at this. Oh, nice block. Savage, as you can tell, has been in cage matches before. San Martino with a right uppercut, and he's starting to unload. Referee Nick Kroll opened the door long enough to take that ring rope and get it out of there. He snatched it out, because that could be trouble in itself. That could be used as an instrument to strangle somebody with. Uh-oh. There's no disqualifications. There's no count-outs. There's no time limit. There's no pitfalls. Pitfalls do not count. The only way one team can win is if both members of that team leave the cage and reach the arena floor. Right now, the door is open, but Macho Man not going. Oh! Adonis right face-fast into his steel cage, and he's trying to get out now. He's had a taste of that steel cage, and he doesn't like it. Didn't like it one bit, and now the door slams shut. The door is only opened on request. And there is a request from Savage, but he can do nothing from it. San Martino right on his case, and look at Adrian, holding onto the leg of Bruno, and Bruno now drags Macho Man back inside, and the door slams shut once again. What a brutal tight match this is. Indeed, and there has been no ceasing to this action, and it's been mainly that of Santana. But now Santana is down, is on his back. Savage has diverted his attention to Santana, and Adrian just received a tremendous around-the-house rank from Bruno Salatino. Look! Macho Man is out! Macho Man up on the top, just about over, but now San Martino and both he and Santana. Now the door is open, and Adrian tried to escape. Very smart thinking on the part of Adonis. That was great. That was obviously their game plan. It didn't quite work. Maybe they have something else left. Oh, face blast into the steel wire. And here goes Santana. Tito now going up on the top turnbuckle. He's just about over the top. No, he doesn't get one leg over. That's wild. Adrian landed one right on his tailbone. That must be a shock to the whole spine and the nervous system that is contained therein, because Santana is obviously in a lot of pain. Now look at Adonis. He's in pain, too. In fact, everybody's in pain. Everybody's down and in pain. There he goes! Oh, look at this. Here's the other one going for the door once again. It was wide open. But Tito, with a last-ditch effort, manages to grab the legs of the adorable one. In the meantime, Santana continuing to pummel away at the Intercontinental Champion, Randy Savage. Just look at Bruno. He's taking this chance to really take it to the Macho Man. And the Macho Man's not looking tremendously macho at this moment. Oh! Upside down into turnbuckle. And he's got that foot hooked under there. There's no way he's going anywhere. He is trapped. He was trapped. That was a good time for Bruno to try and escape. But he's not going to try and escape without his partner, Savage, being on top. In the meantime, look at this. Suplex. Adrian doing a number on Tito. Oh! Beautifully executed. What a great suplex. Bruno turned around just in time to see it. And look, he says, look at this. Where do you think you're going? In the meantime, Savage falling over towards the steel door. Savage is out. Oh, look at that. Adrian all the way up on top. And this is obviously their ploy. They're trying it again. Savage going down. Savage is out. Sam Cannon with a last-ditch effort. Got a hold of the boot. Oh, no. Oh! He got his down. And he's caught himself in a terrible flow there to the lines on that top rope. Adrian's wish finally came true. He became a soprano. Oh, gosh. Savage was nearly out, then. He could have been out. And I don't think Savage was worried too much whether he left to don and seer or not. Well, they don't have to go out together. They don't have to go out simultaneously. And Savage thinking to himself, boy, I made some very derogatory remarks. I called this guy an old man. He's beating my brains out. Yes. Look at this. Sam Martino's down. Oh! Look at that. Oh, my word. Using Tito Santana for a javelin. Just rammed him. And now Adrian calls. Rammed him right there, face first into that steel wire meshing. And there's all sorts of damage can be done to you there. And in goes Adonis as well, suffering the same treatment. Perched up on top of the top rope. Look at Santana. Santana's wide open. He's busted wide open. Blood pouring profusely from the face and forehead of Tito Santana. As Bruno manages the front face lock, the Macho Man, before he could get out. Macho Man was nearly out. And he nearly is out. Boy, he's fighting with everything he's got. He wants out of there in the worst way. In the meantime, Tito now being rammed at all. Face first again into that steel mesh. Sam Martino unloading on the Intercontinental Champion. But at the same time, his partner taking a tremendous beating at the hands of the Adorable One. A block there by Savage. Nicely done. And Sam Martino catches one. This is a dangerous situation for both Sam Martino and Santana, because they both, Adonis and Savage, have the upper hand here. They could. They did have the upper hand there. I'm sorry. Look at that. If he could get a shot of that. The Adorable One just raking the face of Tito Santana back and forth across the steel cage. Already busted wide open. Santana looks like he might be out of it. In the meantime, Bruno continuing to go to work. And now he's finally over there. But take a look at Adrian and his partner. Some blood coming from the face of Adrian as well now. Adonis hasn't escaped this. He's been hit hard, and he's being hit hard. Savage is realizing now that there's a chance for him. And look at that, face first right into the steel cage. And the door was not open. Santana back on his feet. Amazing. Santana making his presence felt. He's been blotted, but he's not bent, and he's not bowing. Tito Santana reaching for that little something extra. Reaching down for that intestinal fortitude. And there goes Savage. Savage perched up there again. He's coming to finish, Santana. Oh! He got caught. He really got caught. Look at him now. Adrian's going. Adonis is going. Oh, he's not. He got caught. Oh, look at that move. Look at Adonis tearing the steps apart. Look at this. Oh! Upside down into the steel, Masko Savage. And I'm afraid he's hurt now. He is definitely hurt. And look at Santana taking a measure of revenge. Adrian Adonis into the tentacle. Oh, look at that shot. He went into the steel post that's holding this wire, mesh cage together. He's got to be busted wide open, Albert. Oh, he is. He's bleeding. Look at him there. Look. Oh, my goodness. A lot of blood just pouring out of the face. Pumping out of Savage. He must be getting weaker. Look at Santana. He's going for it. Santana's nearly there. He's up. He didn't make it. Oh, cheap shot. What a cheap shot by Savage, but you can't blame him. And now it's Adonis on the opposite side of the ring. And he's over there. He's going to make it. He's going to make it. What's he going to do? He had a chance to go out. He jumped. Oh, my word. Adonis, though, 15 feet down, and San Martino was out of the way. Mind you, he called San Martino's Lexus. He came down. Look at the blood pumping from Savage. Down goes Santana. Those two are just about out of this match altogether. In fact, the only one who's looking in any sort of shape right now is Bruno San Martino, the one they thought was the weak link in this tag team match. Talk about endurance. You can bet that the living legend can show him that. Seen it time and time again. And now all four men in the same corner. And Savage has got one leg over the top of the cage. He's more than 50% out, except that Santana has a hold of his tights. Santana looks like he's going to go up himself. Adonis is looking around, trying to get to him and help him, but Bruno's not going to let him. They're both on top of the cage there. Santana and Savage. Savage is- Oh, look at that. He got knocked right. He landed right on top of his old partner. Oh, back into the wire. Look at this. Tito's going over the top. Tito's out the door. Santana's out. Santana's out. Santana's out on the floor. Santana gets- They made it. 25,000 plus erupt here in Madison Square Garden, as the team of San Martino and Santana are victorious here in the steel cage match. Holy mackerel. Unbelievable. What a hard-fought victory. Busted wide open, Tito Santana as well. Randy Savage bleeding profusely. Let's go up and get the official win. The winners of the bout, Tito Santana and Bruno San Martino. Tremendous victory here in the steel cage match. Let's go back and take a look, if we can, at how it all went down. Bruno San Martino, of course, showing us that he certainly has a lot of stamina left. We're taking you back now, and look at this. Savage came off as Tito Santana unloaded on him and landed right on top of Adrian Adonis. Now look at this. The living legend ramming Savage face first, and Bruno says, Open the door, I'm coming, at the same time, Santana going over the top. On the opposite corner of the ring, Bruno steps out. As soon as he reaches the floor, he is officially out. And at the same time, his partner, Tito Santana, and look at this duo right here. Let's open it up and welcome, if you would please, the Intercontinental Champion of the World, the Macho Man, Randy Savage and his manager, Elizabeth. What style, what grace. Oh, boy, is that the thing. Elizabeth, do me a favor, sweetheart. Stand up again. Look at this. Look at this. This is beautiful. That is a new touch for you, Elizabeth. What do you think, gang? How about that, huh? Oh, yes. Sit down, sit down, sit down, yeah. Elizabeth, I'm very curious. Since we spoke, what, two, three weeks ago, what have you been up to this summer? Well, I've been traveling around a lot. I see. And really seeing a lot more of the country. I've been having a good time. Well, you look good. It looks like you're getting a lot of sunshine. And I do, once again, I want to compliment you on that outfit. That is gorgeous. That is really good. Oh, excuse me one second here. But I'm gonna interrupt. Being the Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion, just let that slide. Millions of chicks out there are steaming right now because they're not listening to the Macho Man, Randy Savage. Yeah, doing a conversation by yourself, right, talking to Elizabeth. That's a hip-tech thing, but the ratings are going to go down, down, down, down. Just a second. Randy. Oh, yeah. We're gonna have an opportunity to see you right now. There's action up in the ring. Let's join it in progress. All right, let's do it now. One of the more aggressive athletes in the WWF today. Indeed he is. Now, just when he drove that knee in the midsection of Coopert, he really drives that knee with all his weight behind with a lot of force. And that's a difference between knowing how to use your weight and how to deliver a blow against those who do not. That's why they're not as effective. But there, I mean, we have seen reasons for disqualification. Well, that's true, and sometimes I wish there was a disqualification. Maybe it'll kick somebody like much more. Oh, no. Look at this. Now, that could really do a number on his knees, his ankle, his back, there is his neck. Oh. You can bet this would not happen with some of the other athletes in the WWF today. Namely one of them, George the Animal Steel, who I would suspect might be looking on wherever he is. Randy Savage, I don't particularly like your style. I don't like your ways. I don't like how you mistreat Elizabeth. And I don't personally like you. But I recognize you as a great talent. George the Animal Steel is my man. I'm filming an entirety. I believe that I've detected a weakness. Randy Savage, I want to set an example. I want to have you pay for all your sins and the way you've abused Elizabeth and all women. Macho Man, I'll show you who's macho. I'll show you with the animal. Going through the animal, who's macho? Look out. Look out. Look out. Well, I'll tell you, this Cooper's been really taking a shell act from the time that the match started. And I'll tell you, this Macho Man is just as relentless on him. He has just got to hurt this Cooper. Look at this now. Is he going to come down with the famous elbow? No. Comes down with both hands right in the back of the neck of Cooper. And I'll tell you, he's got just what he wants. Falling off with a big super slam. All right. The Macho Man with everything completely in control. And Cooper, I don't think is going anywhere. The Macho Man climbs the top rope and... Ooh-hoo. No one gets up after that. And a three count. All right, how about that? Intercontinental Champion of the World, Macho Man Randy Savage. Elizabeth, I think credit should be given where due, and I must say that you have done a tremendous job bringing this man to the ultimate in the World Wrestling Federation, the Intercontinental Champion. I think you rephrased that one time. You're giving her all the credit for bringing me to the Intercontinental Heavyweight Championship. Well, wait a minute now, Randy. I think she should be given a proper credit. She has done a tremendous... You're the Intercontinental Champion of the World. Where would you be without her? Elizabeth, would the Macho Man Randy Savage be in the exact same spot I am now? Ain't that right, Elizabeth? That's right, Macho Man. Wait a minute. Right there, she just told you. Right there. Everybody out there out here, Elizabeth. Yeah, you did, didn't you? Yeah, there's nothing wrong with their ears. I think that you're in trouble, and that guy in the band, you want to see the big elbow up close? In the latest edition of the World Wrestling Federation magazine, a couple of shots here of, well, Elizabeth there alongside Jim D'Anvil Knight. Here's the Macho Man Randy Savage over there. Yes, yes, as a matter of fact. Smaller than should be. He is. Elizabeth and Randy, I have a surprise for the two of you. It's going to be coming up here in just a moment or two. But right now, let's bring you up to date on the travels of the World Wrestling Federation as it tours the country. Yes. Well, that music means only one thing, that Elizabeth is headed for the ring here in the Spectrum along with her man, the Macho Man, or not so Macho Man, Randy Savage, the reigning Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion here in the World Wrestling Federation. Where are they? There they are. There they come. Look at Elizabeth's outfit. Isn't she lovely? Well, for a change, she's prettier than he is, if you understand what I'm saying. Got a very lovely dress on, I'll tell you that. Yes, indeed, and she's a very lovely-looking lady. The following bout is scheduled for one fall with a one-hour time limit, and it is for the Intercontinental Heavyweight Championship. Before introducing the champion, I would like to recognize first Elizabeth. And from Silver Silver, Florida, weighing 238 pounds, the Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion, Randy Macho Man Savage. The challenger hails from Detroit, Michigan, weighing in at 288 pounds, George the Animal Steel. Well, George, the Animal Steel stalking around. Look at Elizabeth. She doesn't know what to do here. Well, one thing, she better find a place to hide. Maybe this is underway already. I don't know. Oh, look at Savage. Jumped out of the ring and left Elizabeth in there. You left Elizabeth in the ring. What's wrong? Don't point your finger at me. What a despicable individual. Jumps out of the ring and leaves his manager in there with the animal. Give me a break. And he was going to take you on, huh? He'll take on it. He's crazy. I'm sure he knows I'm retired. Well, pick on somebody your own age. George, a little bit nonplussed here, not knowing quite where Randy Macho Man Savage is coming from. Elizabeth seems fit to stay on ringside here, and this matchup could be very dangerous. Once again, Captain Lou, very conspicuous by his absence in a match of this magnitude where his man could become champion. Well, I'll tell you, Macho bailed out because George the animal steal is on a par. He wants at him. You never know what the animal's going to do. In fact, he never knows what he's going to do. You know, you talk about these wrestlers. I don't know whether we're ever going to get a close-up of the forehead of Randy Macho Man Savage, just crisscrossed with scar tissue. He's been in some wars. And George the animal steal drives him outside the ring. Macho Man very quick and maybe a little bit too quick for the animal. Getting some advice here from Elizabeth. I think her advice to him is let's leave while we can. Oh, take a good look at it. Look at the forehead. Now, he's Macho Man mouthing off at Elizabeth. I don't know what he said to her. Elizabeth's shrinking in the corner behind the steel corner post. Again, you're going to start with me. I'm going to put the tights on and self-defense. Highly unlikely. He gave him a shot. And now what? Oh, he wants somebody between himself and the animal. Or Elizabeth. That lovely child was shoved around by Macho Man. She was standing in the wrong spot. Yeah. He said, look, there's the mark right there. That's where you need to stand. Don't leave it. Give me a break. You'd better be a good man. Macho's urged to take a stand there in the middle of the ring by the animal. Look at this maneuver on the part of George the Animal Steel finally caught up with the Macho Man. Oh, look at this. You believe that? He dropped him just like a bad habit. I say pick up Macho Man about 240. Oh, look at him. Pick him up like a feather. Holding him up there. Not throwing him down. He's talking about excitement. Uh-oh. Look at this now. Now we're going for what? A foreign object? I don't know. He's reaching into his tights there. Looks like he needs an edge. Couldn't tell from our vantage point. Of course, George the Animal not above going into his tights as well. George, he's got something in his hand right now. Oh, here we go. Right across the eyes. He blinded him. Yes, he did. Now he conveniently put it away. Whatever it was, it's back in the savage's trunks. Everyone in the entire spectrum pointing to the Macho Man. Referee Dusty Feldbomber, of course, looks and there's nothing there. Damage already done. Now he's reaching in again. Well, the Animal always got in his hand again. He's got something. I don't know what he's using. I couldn't see it. Went inside his tights again. Hard to tell from our vantage point. Put it back. Whatever it was. Same look. I don't have anything. Nice guy like me. I don't do anything wrong. And Steele's still faving his one eye. He caught Savage with a left and all right. Another right. And Savage going for the eyes again. But oh, mercy. There's a shot. There's lovely Elizabeth. Elizabeth, very concerned look on her face. But once again, Savage doing a number, going up to the top turnbuckle now. Perhaps that flying elbow. Oh, double axe handle right on the forehead. Over cover. He won't go. Shoves him right outside the ring. Between the second and bottom rope. Hard down onto the count. Look, he's gone right underneath the ring. Right out of sight. Savage. Maybe to come up on the other side, Dick. I don't know whether he can get through under there. I don't know where he is. Oh, there he is. He definitely did. He popped up out of nowhere. Oh, big shot. With a knee right in the back. Well, Macho Man does his stuff. Whatever it takes to win, he does. The animal definitely needs somebody in his corner. Oh, look at that. He found himself a hand bone. Macho going inside the tights again. Oh, George still grabbed whatever he had in his hand. Oh, he's got it. He's going to use it on him now. That far and object. The animal turning the tables here on the Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion. And look at this. Grabbing a hold of the leg of the referee. Oh, I think we've had a disqualification here. Referee Dusty Feldbaum are calling for the bell. Only indication I could get is that he saw the animal now with something in his hands. Not realizing where it came from. Macho's got a leg. He'll cover the bottom rope. But it's too late. The bell was rung. The big job is trying to detach. George Animal steal from Randy Macho Man Savage. This match is definitely over. Well, if he wasn't disqualified before, he is now. Gotta be. And making a hasty retreat towards the locker room area. Intercontinental Champion Randy Savage along with Elizabeth. Dusty Feldbaum are making some kind of a decision, giving it to our ring announcer Mel Phillips right now. The animal thinks he's won. Let's find out. The winner of the bout resulting from a disqualification. And still Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion Randy Macho Man Savage. Well, Savage, our winner on a disqualification. The animal going bananas here. One after ring announcer Mel Phillips. Of course, he's only relaying the message that was given to him by referee Dusty Feldbaum. George the animal steal. Disqualified after using whatever it was that the Macho Man originally dragged out of his own tights. Well, no matter the decision, one way or the other, the fans are applauding. George the animal still saying, we think you won, and that's the way it's going to be. Although in the record books, that is not true. The winner, Puerto Rico, weighing 240 pounds, Pedro Morales. And his opponent. Beautiful Elizabeth leading the way down to the ring here for the Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion, Randy Savage. And what a pair they make. Macho Man Savage. I'll tell you what, there's a lot of signs here at Madison Square Garden saying Savage number one. There is, and let us face it, if you're just looking to be a record and nothing else, then you're bound to say number one because he just hasn't been beaten. In fact, he holds some very, very big positions over top heavyweights in the double UWF. Certainly does, but I don't know, he still seems to be hiding behind Elizabeth, Alfred, and that bothers me. Well, he uses her, there's no doubt about that. But then, let us face it, as beautiful as she is, she's part of the conspiracy. Pedro Morales, the opposition, gold and opportunity for him to once again get his hands on the Intercontinental Championship. One-time reigning champion, reigning world champion, reigning Intercontinental Champion, and also holder of the World Wrestling Federation tag team title as well. You know, he's done it all here in the World Wrestling Federation. He's done it with absolute plonk, too. This is a classic matchup right here, wrestling fans. Pedro has a short fuse. This might not... Big drop down. Morales got up, slipped a little bit as he was getting up, but he was ready. Morales wants to knock the Living Daylight out of Savage when he shows it. It's no good getting up there, Savage. You're not going to beat Morales from that position. At speed, I would have to give the edge to Randy Savage, the reigning champion, but power and guts and explosiveness has to go to Pedro Morales. Power definitely, explosiveness definitely, but subterfuge and a knowledge of holds that are not in the book, the edge must definitely go to Savage. Absolutely. Oh, look at that nice shoulder block. Over for the cover immediately. A little premature on that move. Savage came in so quickly, got caught up in a scoop slam immediately, and now he's going to regroup. Oh, no, he's going to regroup with a steel chair. Referee and Morales both have the chair. Macho Man made a mistake throwing the chair in the ring there because Pedro had it, and not Macho Man. And however fast he is, Macho Man, Pedro was a step in front of... That's what you want right now. This qualification automatically as well. I'm sure he would appreciate that in the record books or the pocket books. Definitely the pocket book. It was a definite loss of tempo that forced him to do that, and that's frustration. Look at that. Sticking the finger right in the face of the former champion, Pedro Morales. He is cunning and quick. He's agile also. He knows those looks. When I say that, I don't mean in the olden days. He knows how to use them. Morales unloads with the left hand of his own. Ask Dito Santana about it. He'll tell you. Oh, look at this. Reaching into the tights for some kind of a foreign object. He's got it in his hand right now. The referee does not see it. Breaking the eyes of Morales whether he immediately puts it back. With all that tape he has on his fingers and on his wrist, you couldn't tell whether he had something in his hand or not. Well, it certainly gave me that impression, Alfred. That's how he originally stole the title November 8th at the Boston Gardens from Dito Santana. Went into his tights for some kind of a foreign object, and now the action is taking place out on the concrete here at Madison Square Garden. And everybody is clearing out of the way as Morales is rammed face first right into the steel barricades surrounding the ring. And Savage claiming to be number one. Oh, Elizabeth must be in the wrong place. She's catching what for right now from Savage. And Morales still down and out. I don't understand why he was angry with Elizabeth there, but I do understand what he did to Morales. He did him a lot of damage on the outside of the ring and that just isn't on. Going around there again. Not waiting for Morales or giving him a chance to come back to his feet. Got the former champion well in hand right now, slaps an elbow right between the eyes of Morales, down again on the concrete. Oh, look at this, perched up on top and at 15 feet down. Double axe handle right to the back. And nobody's got up from this, absolutely nobody. He is down to everybody with this move. The referee quite rightly not counting Morales. Talk about your high risk moves. That is the highest that I know of. Indeed it is. Our cameraman right on the spot there. You could see exactly the position that Morales was in. You could see exactly where Savage was at that time. Look at him now. And he's continuing to pummel away at the former champion. Now he wants him inside the ring after all he did to get him out there and literally destroy him on the concrete. And Morales is back in there. Well he wants to pin him now, one, two, three. That's his idea of a suplex coming up from the outside. He's got him, but he had trouble getting him. But Morales is down and he hooks the leg. Morales just manages to get out of there. I don't know how to count only Savage questioning the referee. That is absolutely astonishing because I've never seen anybody escape from that. That's a fuss. Still with this match well in hand. The Reign Intercontinental Champion, Randy Savage going once again to the outside. He's going to go to the well. One time too many here, Alfred. You've got beautifully balanced Morales. Oh! Left hand! Look at Elizabeth. She knows that her man's in trouble. He is in trouble. Look at that. Out of range and out of control. The tables have turned here as Elizabeth comes around to help her man up. Referee's saying, no, you can't do that. But she did it nonetheless. Morales taking his time. Not exactly taking his time, but measuring his. Another explosive left hand. How quickly the table has turned here. The endless resource of artillery on the part of Pedro Morales and guts personable. Wow! What a plug-up over there. Two count and a champion just manages to kick out. And he only did that because he's the champion. And he is a magnificent champion, but he's not looking too magnificent right the moment. He may do though a reverse. Morales slouching up double underhook over the back could be all over here now. Wow, was that close. Well, he's escaped twice there and I don't know how he's done that. Morales himself is unbelievable because he was down and out just a few minutes ago. Got him again. Small package. History could be made here in the garden once again. No. Two golden opportunities for Morales. These two are going absolutely hammer and tong. This pace can never last. They're going so fast. Look how fast they're coming up. Who's going to get it? Chest of strength. Morales going for the backslide. Got him. Another pinning combination. Whoa, was that close. Morales loving this now. He's doing exactly what he wants to with Savage. Anytime he wants to, out he goes. Is Morales going to run him into a steel barrier this time? Morales following him right out onto the concrete here. It could be revenge this time. It is. Fair play as he runs the face of Savage right into the steel barrier chain. And now it's Morales. Wow, did he just poke in the eye immediately. Look at this. Steel chair again. Oh. Mr. Morales managed to escape that. I think the feet of the chair came back and hit him. Referee calling for the bell here. Somebody's been counted out or both men have been counted out. Well Morales was up on the apron but I don't think he was pulling back and he may have been. I think Morales is the winner. The cameraman was on the action and was on the floor so we couldn't see what regardless Savage will still be the champion. Ladies and gentlemen, the referee has awarded the decision as a result of a count out to Pete Morales. Morales is the winner. Morales getting the decision. Now he wants the belt. He can't have the belt because he can only win the belt on a pinfall or submission. Count out or disqualification of course. Savage is making his way as quickly as possible back to his dressing room and taking the belt with him. Still intercontinental champion, Patrola Savage. Morales beside himself there with anger, frustration and a little more than grief. I'm sure that he knew Alfred immediately. On to victory Patro Morales here in the Garden. Plenty of action still to come. We'll be back. Music Music Music Music Music Music Music I like that. That's great. You know Lord Alfred Hayes, recently I spent a week at the home of Randy the Macho Man Savage and Elizabeth. How many days Steve? Two days. The usual two days. Seemed like a week, you know what I mean? He has a tremendously beautiful home. Just gorgeous surroundings. I've never seen them. Parts unknown by the way. Let's take a look at that visit right now that we had with the Macho Man and Elizabeth right here. Absolutely gorgeous. I can't believe all the detail on everything. Has to cost a lot of money. That's right. For the intercontinental champion. That's right. Nothing but the best for him. Well Elizabeth I must say very, very impressive. How many acres of land all told here on the estate? Seventeen. Am I going to be interrupting him? Well, you might be. Look at this. Does he do this all the time, continually working out? Well that's right. Continuous workout for him. Alright Elizabeth. Very, very impressive. As is this man. The intercontinental champion of the world. Macho Man Randy Savage. Mr. T. The announcer. How you doing? Good to see you again sir. Good to see me? Yeah. Do you really believe that? I mean everything's between us. No problems right Elizabeth? No problems right? Came in nice and easy. Yeah that's good. Beautiful. It's beautiful. The home is beautiful. The entire layout is just gorgeous. Talk to me Gene Okerlund. Would you like to talk to me? Randy if we can slip over here. If I could prevail upon you. I'd like to sit down and talk a little bit about the. Sit in one of those chairs that doesn't matter which one. That's the kind of awesome. I like that attitude. Right here in front of the pool. That'll be fine. Yes. Let's talk wrestling. Wrestling yes. I am very great at wrestling aren't I? Yeah. Intercontinental heavyweight champion right Elizabeth? Yep. Okay. Is that satisfying my goals? No it is not. No. I got it all Gene Okerlund. I got it all here. Well I can see you've got quite a bit of substantial wealth of course that you've acquired as being the intercontinental champion of the world regardless of how you got that title belt on February the 8th 1986. First thing of the day. No problem there but guess what. I was rich a long time ago before I even had an intercontinental title match. That's right. No problem there at all with money. Three stripes of man are pleasure, power and possession. And pleasure. Do I have pleasure Elizabeth? Yeah. All kinds of pleasure. See that? All kinds of pleasure. You know in positions I've got positions. Now power. Power. I believe that there's only one thing left for me to do on this planet right here. And that is? Yep. And that is? That is. I bet you can guess what that is. Tell me. You tell me. Will you tell me what that is? The heavyweight championship of the world. That's right. Hulk Hogan yeah. You want it all don't you? I want it all man. I want it all. I am the greatest wrestler that ever lived past, present and future. No problem there. There's an airplane going by and I'm not on it. You know why I'm not on it? No title defense right there. No. I'm ready right here. You know I'm very curious poncho man Randy. Excuse me. Alright. No problem. What'd you do? You've built a fortress here of sorts for yourself. Obviously you don't like the public around. No I just kind of stay by myself type of a thing. You know like some people say paranoid but I just say that I like to hang around the right kind of people and who could be better to hang around than myself isn't that right Elizabeth? That's right. The macho man Randy Savage with himself. Isn't that fantastic? Excuse me Randy would you be terribly at the risk of sounding negative? Do you mind if I conduct the interview? No problem man. If you want to be negative that's okay with me you know cause I'm on top of the world with one more door to knock on and I will knock on that door. You know what that door says? You know what it says on that door? It doesn't say come in. No it says Hulk with a big question mark right there. Yeah Hulkamania is dead. A macho madness is more seductive than sex. Isn't that right Elizabeth? Wait you didn't really say that. Do you agree with that? Yes if the macho man says it so. It's so. That's right. Did you get that? Yeah Elizabeth I'm very curious. You look beautiful by the way. Your tan, the bronze. How is your tennis game going? It's going pretty well. I've been practicing quite a bit. Yeah you've been practicing. What about golf now? I understand you started to take up golf a little earlier on here. I enjoy golf a lot. That's a good exercise. I enjoy it a lot. Obviously you do a lot of swimming Elizabeth. Are you sure you're not getting a sore arm from stretching the microphone way over there to talk to Elizabeth or something? I wouldn't want you to get a tennis elbow or something over here. Well she is such a big part of your package I've just got to talk to her Randy. I'm very curious macho man Randy Savage does the pressure of being the inter-continental champion get to you? The pressure man. I don't really feel the pressure about being the inter-continental heavyweight champion but the pressure of not being the world heavyweight champion is stymied. Macho man Gene I'm sorry to interrupt. This is a real important phone call macho man. It's urgent. What's urgent? It's a national women's publication. They want to offer you a half a million dollars to pose for a centerfold. That's more than they offered Burt Reynolds. A half a million dollars? Is that more than they offered Burt Reynolds? That's more than they offered Burt Reynolds. She just said that. Did you hear that? Did you hear it? Well listen let me tell you something right now. Hang up the phone. Yeah macho madness is more seductive than sex. I know that yeah but I haven't sung my song yet. No you gotta wait a while. Yeah long time from now. They don't deserve it. How could you turn down a half a million dollars? I just did it. Did you hear me? Yeah I got the money. I've got the pleasures and I want the power. How cool. Did you hear that? Yeah it's on his door right there. What now? I'm sorry it's another important phone call. What's urgent now? Tell me. It's a promoter from Japan. He wants to offer you $400,000 just to come and wrestle three men. The aggregate on this is nearly a million dollars. Unbelievable. Tell him right now no goal yet. Tell him that the money is nothing but I might be off he could bring those three guys down and I'll beat him right here for nothing. Now hang up the phone. Hang it up. I can't believe you Randy Savage. You're not sorry? No. You know I was amazed this morning when I arrived here at your home Macho Man Randy Savage. Yes I can tell you are. I found a young couple honeymooning as a matter of fact and the young lady insisted she see you before they continue on the honeymoon. It's a typical type situation. Women can't help themselves. They just do. What is this? Oh man there's a typical situation. Get her out of here Elizabeth. I'm sorry. No. I know how you feel. Dreams. Dreams. In your dreams. Genocides. Gene Okerlund You have got to be kidding me. What can I do? I've got a surplus. Unbelievable. Look at there. The real Macho Man. You Lord Alfred Hayes. I want to thank Coliseum Video by the way for extending us the use of that footage at the home of the Macho Man Randy Savage. And by the way Your Lordship there is soon to be on the market a brand new video cassette all about the Macho Man. Should be good. I would imagine. Definitely. What do you think of the layout? I like the ladies too. What about turning down the $500,000 to be a centerfold? I'd pay them $50. Speaking of the Macho Man and Elizabeth please welcome them back to TNT the Intercontinental Champion and his manager right here. This is the real Macho Man right here. I don't think so. Not at all. Not even close. And you sir. I invited you over to my house right there and I noticed some pieces of gold were missing after you left. I'm not accusing anyone of being a thief but that man right there. Listen I would never do that. I would never do that Randy Savage. Elizabeth the beautiful palatial estate 17 acres. Furt Reynolds telephone everything. The whole nine yards. The whole nine yards. Let me ask you something right here. Where's the Macho Man Randy Savage now? I don't see it in here. Maybe my glasses are too dark. Lord Alfred Hayes. There is no one there. There is not one there. You already checked. I did yeah. Yeah you checked. Let's see that. Yeah I'm not in there yet. No I'm not in there. Just a reflex action. I can't be accused of anything predetermined or premeditated. Excuse me. We're going to talk about your driving habits a little bit later on. That's coming up here. We're going to be talking to some people in the audience. Don't go away as we continue to visit with the Macho Man and Elizabeth. We're right back. Alright. Some questions for the Macho Man and Elizabeth. You too Lord Alfred Hayes. I'm curious what do you think of Elizabeth? Are they related? I said what do you think of Elizabeth? I don't know if they're related or not. Beautiful. Beautiful. I concur. Real intelligent person yes. Hey Gene Olkerlin unless you have any other type of thing in your mind I think I'm going to take over the TNT. Wait a minute. I'm going to be right in this chair right here. You're welcome. I've been waiting for a long time to get down this row. I have been working at this. How are you my dear? Fine. How are you doing? It's good to see you. Terrific. Good to see you again. I have something I'd like to ask Elizabeth. Please. Well I'd just like to tell her that if you ever decide to dump him I've got a great guy for you. He is gorgeous. He's really gorgeous. What do you think of that Liz? She's trying to take Elizabeth's place but no go. I got your pictures. They're a little blurry. She says she's a Jesse Venturo fan. You. Question sir. Yes Macho Man. You find that you have too much pressure in trying to defend the intercontinental title while at the same time pursuing the world's title. Good question. Yeah a real good question. Address that if you would. Address it? I'm not working for the US mail here. I handle it real real well. Once in ten thousand lifetimes. A man comes along that sparkles yeah but I'm once in one million lifetimes so I think I'd be able to handle it. What do you think? Elizabeth! What do you think? Yes. Alright. Get the impression Elizabeth agrees with that. Somebody here have a question? Oh excuse me. Just a second. Yes. Hi Dylan. If you're so macho and so tough how come you haven't been able to beat Hulk Hogan yet? Hey I like that. Have you got part of George Steele's turnbuckle stuffings in that shirt or what? That's not on my diet. Very observant on your part. Natural foods all the way. Thank you very much. Macho Man Randy Savage and of course you Elizabeth. Always great to have you on the program. You know that sweetheart. You look. You look terrific. Hey what the something thrown at you. Wait a minute. Fans stay tuned. More TNT continues up next. Mr. Wonderful Paul Orndorff don't go away. We're right back. Tonight it's going to be Boston the Garden Saturday night October the 4th. Tito Santana against the King. Harley Race. The Islanders against the Funks. Talk about a six man tag. Unbelievable. The Giant John Stud King Kong Bundy and Bobby the Brain Henan against the Super Machine the Big Machine and from Glasgow Scotland the Piper Machine. And after what happened here last Saturday night. How's this for a return match? Intercontinental title on the line. The Macho Man Randy Savage against George the Animal Steele. Title on the line Macho Man but no qualification. Absolutely anything goes and to my way of thinking that has got to favor the animal. Let's pretend for just one second that you're President Jack Tunney. You want to do that just for one second? No we better not do that because I'd be spitting in your face right now. Yes I would yeah. Degrading the Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion like you're doing and putting me in a match like you are in the Boston Garden where I took the Intercontinental Heavyweight Championship belt on February the 8th 1986. It's a disgrace to professional wrestling. A disgrace to the WWF. Most of all a disgrace to the Macho Man Randy Savage and I think that I have to come up with some kind of a surprise that no one and nobody is going to understand that I'm talking about taking the man all the way home. Do you understand that? You understand that Captain Lou Albino? We're talking about no holes barred. We're talking about chairs and tables but I don't see any difference in George Steel's style. But now we're going to see how the Macho Man does when I'm thinking late at night and bringing everything to an end. Yeah. Boston Garden Saturday October 4th. Contest scheduled for one fall in the ring to my right from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing 225 pounds Troy Martin and his opponent escorted towards the ring by Elizabeth from Sarasota, Florida weighing 239 pounds. The Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion Randy Macho Man Travis. Hello Elizabeth. Elizabeth holding a rope for the Macho Man. It should be just the other way around. But why? Because Elizabeth is a lady. That's right. She's a lady and she knows how a lady treats her man. Oh my. You know, you know, McMahon getting back to what we talked about a little earlier. You know what bothers me? You and Sam Martino, whenever your favorites don't win, you always cry foul play and rotten refereeing. On the contrary Jesse Ventura, if anyone's biased, I would think it would be you. All right. I look here at the Macho Man Randy Savage and his capacity crowd looking on with, of course, the lovely Elizabeth. And I think that's one of the reasons why all these people are here is to look at Elizabeth, not the Macho Man. Well, maybe the guys are here to look at Elizabeth, but you can bet all the girls are here to look at the Macho Man. I don't know about that. Macho Man, one of the most arrogant individuals I think ever in professional wrestling. What do you think, Bruno? I think women with that taste could very well be here to look at the Macho Man. All right. Newcomer Troy Martin, I believe making his debut here as we take a look at the Macho Man to meet Troy Martin and where'd he go? There he is down on all fours. You have to hand it to this man whether or not you appreciate his arrogance or not. He is a gifted athlete. He's more than a gifted athlete. He's the intercontinental heavyweight champion. That pretty much speaks for itself, I suppose. Nice maneuver by the Macho Man. Front face locks it up by Troy Martin. Macho Man staying right with him. Look at that. Talk about balance. A lot of you amateur wrestlers could pick up a point or two from that maneuver by the Macho Man. Not everyone thinks that the Macho Man is worthy of being intercontinental champion. One of those is our guest now, Pedro Morales. You know it's a shame to have a man like Macho Man as a continental champion. You know. Believe me, I've been wrestling for many times and I can't wait to have my hand in Macho Man. I'm ready for Macho Man. I know that he's a great wrestler but I can't believe the way he treats Elizabeth. I can't believe the way he treats the fans. And believe me, I'm ready anytime you want. Macho Man, I'm ready for you anytime you want. Here's Pedro Morales. Whoa from the top rope and nobody does that in the WWF except this man. The Macho Man. That's right. You know I don't get too close to him. That's right. I gotta say something. Why is it Pedro Morales when he talks has got a mouth full of mashed potatoes? Oh no. A mouth full of mashed potatoes? Come on. Wait a minute. Look at this. The Macho Man is way out of the ring very. He's way out in the arena somewhere. Well this Troy Martin. This poor young man is really taking a beating. Well I'll tell you Troy's getting an introduction to the WWF the hard way courtesy of Macho Man Randy Savage. He is indeed. It's the Macho Man from the top rope now. Oh my. Now across the back of the neck and the Macho Man is just back this week. He is all Macho. A scoop now. And Troy Martin down to the cameras again. The Macho Man goes outside to the apron. Here is the most devastating move I think in professional wrestling. Macho Man gets his ballots in. Leads out for the chest. Up Troy Martin and you can bet Mr. Martin will not move. I bet you that is not the potatoes out of Morales' mouth. If he has any in there you can bet it. There's no doubt I agree with you there. Your winner the intercontinental champion Randy Savage. Macho gets a buzz on the cheek. One of these days you get a buzz somewhere else. The Macho Man victorious. Now let's go back and take a look at what did you call this? The most devastating move in professional wrestling? I personally think this is the most devastating move in professional wrestling. Let's say Martino Paul. No question about it. Nobody does like the Macho Man. When he goes on that top rope he comes down with that elbow. He comes down with all his weight behind it. And when he connects it connects right there's no question about it. No one will not escape this blow. The Macho Man victorious with that devastating flying elbow. And in a moment ladies and gentlemen we will take you to no it won't be the flower shop. Not this week. We're going to take you to Hypers Pit. Ladies and gentlemen this contest is scheduled for 1-4. Introducing on my left from Auckland New Zealand at 249 pounds Tony Garia. His opponent being led towards the ring by his manager Elizabeth from Sarasota Florida at 239 pounds the Intercontinental Champion Macho Man Randy Savage. Oh take a look at it the Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion Randy Savage and look at her. She certainly is. I'll tell you why she certainly compliments him and there's no doubt about that. You might not like the team but she's a gorgeous lady and he is the champion. She certainly is and I refuse to call him Macho Man any longer for a number of reasons of course. One of which is that on November 8th in the Boston Garden she literally stole the championship from Tito Santana. Little bit of jellyfish over here. Were you in attendance? Did you see what went down? I did. What a gorgeous attire he has there. It's a tremendous robe he has on. You boys just wish you could have somebody do that for you. Walk around there and take a beautiful sequin robe off you. What would a robe like that cost? Oh you're looking at between twenty and twenty five thousand dollars worth of ring attire. Tony Garia he wants the robe. Oh look at that. Referee Danny Davis once again getting involved here with the wrestlers. You're not supposed to do that John. Well I'll tell you not but that it's still fair Dickham. Oh high cross body by Tony. Two count only. That's why he's the champion. He kicked right out and went right back to work on his man. Savage still got his shades on. I can't believe it. Over the top Sunset Flick couldn't get the leverage. Look at the Macho Man. Still got the goggles on and the sequins. Oh small package he couldn't get him. He didn't even beat you with sunglasses Garia. Big knee from the back and out you go. Garia gone out. Hard to the floor here. Oh going up to the top some fifteen feet high. Look out below. Double axe handle only nailed up with it. That's why he's a champion. Wow. Wow. Tony Garia former six time co-holder. Right now wrestling fans soon to be making his way to the World Wrestling Federation Superstar Billy Graham. Superstar Billy Graham out here in the remote stretches of the unknown. The barren vast wastelands of the desert where only one man can survive. And you look at him Superstar Billy Graham who is bad to the bone. Who is getting tougher. Who is getting meaner and coming back to hurt somebody. Back to the WWF and Randy Macho Man Savage. You've got to get ready because one day you might have to deal with the man of steel Superstar Billy Graham. Talk about hurting somebody right now. The champion Savage really putting a hurt on Tony Garia as he did everything under the sun to him outside the ring. Now going to the top turnbuckle. Say a prayer Tony boy. We'll see that patented flying elbow and he's the master of it. There it is. Good night. Lights out. Guaranteed. One. Two. Three. Count. This case is closed. Wow. Unbelievable. Once Randy Savage goes up there and plants that flying elbow some 15 feet down. I don't care who the individual is. He's not going to get up from it. Your winner, Mortar Man Randy Savage. Oh look at him right now giving some static to Elizabeth as she obviously was standing in the wrong part of the ring. Well good thing she wasn't underneath that elbow like Tony Garia was or she'd have to sell that farm. Or in this case maybe the road. Very impressive victory here this week on Wrestling Challenge by that man Randy Savage. Let's go back and take a look. We're going to take a look at how Danny Davis gets involved here. Look at this. He's holding on to him. This referee should be put down right now. Look at this referee. That is ridiculous. The Macho Man came in from high under the sky dropping that elbow as Sergeant Preston would tell King this case is closed. One. Two. And three. Congratulations. You got the three. Very impressive victory. He called out the champion. He want to come back. Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion. Not so Macho Man. Randy Savage. He is something to deal with. Stay with us wrestling fans. A special interview coming at you right now. Well wrestling fans. George the Animal Steel another force to reckon with here in the World Wrestling Federation. Right now we're going to have a golden opportunity to see my dear friend Ken Resnick with the animal himself. Thank you very much Gorilla Monsoon and giving credit where credit is due. Bobby the Brain Heenan. It's not that often. We have the rare opportunity to talk to perhaps the most controversial and certainly the most unpredictable man in all of wrestling. That meaning of course none other than if you will, George the Animal Steel. George has agreed to come out on prime time this evening. George if you will. Let me give him a little help. George come talk. Hey! Hey! Prime time! Top rated show! Tough wrestlers! Kenny Dahl! See! Gorilla! See! Gorilla Monsoon nice! Weasel! See! Elizabeth! Elizabeth nice! Nice! Macho Man! Bad! Elizabeth nice! See! See! Nice! Look! Nice! Well Gorilla, Bobby the Brain will be back with more great action here on Prime Time. Bye-bye! Hey! And as you certainly saw a few minutes ago we had the opportunity to visit with one George the Animal Steel and after that interview the Macho Man Randy Savage demanded equal time because evidently he wanted to answer some of the statements if you will made by George the Animal Steel. Well there were no statements. Well there was only some grunting and words said. But mostly hallucination! Well it appears George the Animal Steel's part. It appears you can't quite hide Miss Elizabeth anywhere. Oh me man he's hallucinating yeah. Oh yeah she's well hidden yeah. Tied up at times too yeah. Elizabeth is a small part of macho madness yeah. Controlled by the Macho Man Randy Savage and her Continental Heavyweight Champion. My property! That's the way it is. Yeah that's the way it is. And Gorilla Man soon who calls Macho Man Randy Savage not so macho. Have you ever heard him say that? Many times. What a rib! What a rib! Women are my plaything but so are the wrestlers in the WWF too. George the Animal Steel you cannot compare to the Macho Man Randy Savage no you can't. And I believe that I get real intense when I think about him and other wrestlers in the WWF in comparison to the Macho Man Randy Savage are nothing! Absolutely nothing! You can name them and they would not measure up. No I would imagine you would have to start with one Hulk Hogan. Yeah beautiful, beautiful. That name right there that name right there would drive me completely wild at another particular time but not now! Gorilla, Bobby the Brain we'll be right back with more What a rib! The challenger from Detroit Michigan weighing 276 pounds George the Animal Steel The opposition for the champion the most unorthodox man in professional wrestling George the Animal Steel take a good look This is going to be Mayhem Oh look at this the champion hiding behind Elizabeth give me a break Oh look at that The Animal obviously infatuated with Elizabeth and then tossed him right there I was going to say Oh look at this turnaround I was just going to say the Animal better concentrate more on Macho Man on his manager The Animal going to work and the champion right out over the top rope and down and the Animal right out after him and the champion rammed into the steel barricade and once again this one gone to the floor here in Toronto's Maple Leaf Gardens This one has turned into a real barn burner and Gino I was going to say at the outset of this you know you can throw the rule book out the window and George the referee counting as the champion gets his head rammed into the runway here and George took the time out there to take a look another look across at Elizabeth and now it's a very clever move throws him back inside the ring he knows he can't win the title out there on the floor but he's still looking across at Elizabeth saying you and nice well we know she's nice one two cost him again as he got caught trying to come back in taking a chunk out of the bicep of the champion George the Animal Steal Savage let him have it with I don't know with what just dropped the Animal couldn't have been some ordinary blow I think he's got a foreign object in his trunk Gino five minutes point wouldn't surprise me that's how he stole the title from Gino Santana in Boston Gardens Savage now really going to work on the Animal tremendous shot right over the shoulder of Elizabeth you're seeing exactly what she's seen going to the top bounce away yes he caught it double axe by the champion right across the back of the neck whoa the Animal with a very powerful kick out there inside the ring Savage into the ringside area grabs his steel chair brings it into the ring referee trying to stop him off now it's a battle for the chair the Animal's got it the referee's trying to get a hold of it and the Bunch of Man he's going to his tights he's going to his tights I'm sure he has a foreign object in his tights having all kinds of problems in Toronto's Maple Leaf Gardens the Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion Savage with George the Animal's come on Bobby drag this stuff out of there we're going to be back in just a moment with the exciting conclusion of this tremendous match give me a break we'll be back music music music well we're back got it now we're about to get back to this haha who's that Andre there it is get it out of here Bundy come on give me a break let's go back to Toronto's Maple Leaf Gardens there we go what the hell that is he rammed him with it again right in the throat area I don't believe he's got it in his hand right now the referee wants to see it you can bet there's nothing there the Animal not waiting I saw it that time Tito something wrapped up there and he stuffed back into his tights no doubt he has a piece of steel or something wrapped in tape there I noticed Macho Man has a few words for you well he rammed it again he knows that I've seen it he knows I saw it in the Boston Gardens when he stole the title from Tito Santana and he's about to do a number once again here with it George blocked it he's got a hold of it and a referee does see it and now it's the Animal going to work on it the referee calling for the bell here well that's what's all over Tito George the Animal still going bananas now going away at the facial area of the champion oh look at that he just clobbered a referee there goes Savage comes around to collect Elizabeth and he can't wait to get out of here referee Terry Orson knocks silly by George the Animal steel and look at this let's stay with the wrestlers here the Animal following the Macho Man out of there well I wish we had a handheld camera that could oh listen there it is now he caught him down in the runway the Animal has brought the champion back inside I can't believe it referee trying to tell the Animal the match is over he doesn't want to hear that there goes our ring and also running for his life the Animal has gone berserk oh he's clobbered a referee again and Savage running for his life look at that kisser is he upset or is he upset boy he needs some guidance at some point and the crowd loving it standing ovation here for George the Animal steel we don't know what the outcome of this match is yet the ring and I'll just try to get it for the referee who was literally not silly this match let's go up and see if we can get it ladies and gentlemen the referee's decision George the Animal steel is disqualified the winner and still champion Randy Macho Man it's not hard to understand I thought for a moment there that the referee had disqualified Savage because the full after was in Savage's hand when the referee saw it unfortunately the referee didn't see it like he said when the Macho Man was using it that's a face that only a mother can love Roger you know I think that the whole turn around romance here is when George Bravo the referee I think that superseded anything that went on before you cannot touch That's six man tag and what a wild one it's going to be Tonight the Boston Garden the Intercontinental title is on the line the Macho Man Randy Savage against George the Animal Steal but ladies and gentlemen it is no disqualification meaning absolutely anything goes and Macho Man Randy Savage I've got to say that if ever the rules favored George the Animal Steal it's tonight here in Boston I can't even hear you man you talk to me but I can't even hear you I don't understand a word you're saying no channel my mind yeah going down that aisle sky-high in the Boston Garden is the only thing that I'm concerned about yeah if I want to go to a different galaxy let me go tonight let it be Saturn or Jupiter or whatever doesn't matter to me channel my mind in different directions tonight's the night Rod Stewart a long time ago said tonight's the night he also said what's the gimmick yeah what's the gimmick yeah what's the gimmick can't George steal yeah no DQ no holds barred how can it be worse than last time I don't know you know how could be worse than last time from one end of the building to the other I guess we can do it we can go through the roof we can set the building on fire we can bring nitroglycerin there maybe something special in the Boston Garden be creative yeah be creative do something special for tonight I'll be there I'll be there I ain't answering no phone calls I don't know what the gimmick is but I'm gonna remember tonight there is no escape for the macho man via disqualification because there is no disqualification more importantly where's Elizabeth where's the macho man Randy Savage is playing right now intercontinental champion won the title right here in the Boston Garden or stolen I should say for February a 1986 take a look at the cranium on George the animal steal want to make the fans aware while we're waiting that special stipulation in this match laid down by World Wrestling Federation president Johnny don't disqualification George a little perplexed as we are he wants to see Elizabeth he says you said Elizabeth nice nice very very well the music is just about at an end and I still no savage the animal waiting patiently or impatiently it's hard to tell he's always got the same look on his face well the music has run its course what is this some psychological ploy yes I understand your concern George we don't know George we're waiting to have we don't have a clue Elizabeth Elizabeth no Elizabeth I can't help believe that this has all been premeditated free planet apart of macho man Randy Savage over here this track that he was talking to us going to work now unloading with a heavy artillery right off the bat Randy Savage Georgian in a bad way in a hurry title on the line here tremendous opportunity for George the animal steal to get his hands on the intercontinental title I think his intentions were to make short work of steel by by Pearl harboring the man he's looking for something very expensive that's history very heavily why is the referee coming if there's no disqualification here he could do anything he wants there's definitely no disqualification this return match here the Boston Ducks all right things do not look good for George at this point in time there goes Sandy we can see it very very clearly right here with this shot I don't know if he's got something in the hand or not I like George just the way he is look at this tremendous beating the champion he's got a whole lot of men how can Sandy get himself into a mess like that I noticed he opened up that can of worms is sure that I noticed even the referee is counting I do believe the count outs do count in this match call for the bell George has no idea what's happening no he doesn't not a clue wait a minute it's not right through the ropes look at the blood gushing out of the forehead of the intercontinental champion he has a place to hide but he can't find one as the animal finds him again George isn't going to quit let's go to the ring this is a one fall bow introducing in the ring from Portland Oregon weighing 246 pounds Billy Jack Haynes from Sarasota Florida weighing 236 pounds the intercontinental champion Randy Savage being led down the aisle here this capacity crowd on his feet being led by Elizabeth and boy she has been putting up with an awful lot from the intercontinental champion for quite some time now I don't know how she does it it's simple monsoon if you don't toe the mark you hear the bark well she is lovely this week here the belt is not at stake Bob Juman doesn't have to worry about losing his title but he can certainly lose a whole lot more than that Bobby I wouldn't worry about that and I wouldn't worry about the beauty of Elizabeth how she's treated let's concern ourselves with what is important the intercontinental champion Randy the Macho Man get it right Savage I don't hardly ever say Macho Man because he's not a Macho Man in my book anymore oh Billy Jack's sticking his nose in personal business look at that scooped Elizabeth right around and look at that give me a break he's not a man he's a mouse yeah well you're gonna he's gonna do something that big big 250 pound piece of cheese I'll guarantee you well that certainly remains to be seen the Billy Jack Kane since entering the World Wrestling Federation here is a tremendous individual in fact we had an opportunity to ask Liz why do you put up with this actually the macho man really is nice to me he buys me beautiful clothes and and he really does treat me good it's just that sometimes he doesn't really like me to talk to what are you doing over there get out of there right now give me a break you don't seem to understand the whole wrestling world is focusing on the macho man Elizabeth is just a topping on the cake just something extra freedom of speech guaranteed by the Constitution brain right and a woman's place is in the home. Nice takeover by Billy Jack a little bit to the chagrin and surprise of Randy Savage powerhouse definitely Billy Jack he's going to get the nod for power but Savage going to get it for speed. He's stuck under their high cross body champion down the leg hook to count only. Just lucked out right lucked out. You call just like I do monsoon intercontinental champion the scene fit to leave the squared circle to get a breather and he might well need that breather Elizabeth's concern she shouldn't be. She should be. No, he's the intercontinental champion he's defended the title he he won it fair and square. He'll send to all please pull it in the Boston Gardens in front of 19,000 plus stole the title from Tito. She looks very concerned right now. Her meal ticket might be in trouble. He's in no trouble he's just playing cat and mouse with this big tattooed fool. You ever wonder why he draws on himself. Smart move there by Savage over for the cover outsmarted Billy Jack and that particular move look out. That was almost three. However, only in horseshoes and hangar dates and dealing with you monsoon almost counts. Nice clothesline one of the most devastating clotheslines I've seen. It's a nice it's a devastating devastating pay attention. You want to be co-host out here with me I'll try I'll try to pay that I'm sorry. Billy Jack retaliating with some right hands downstairs but not effective hooks that top rope and look out reversal coming up. Devastation did you see that was a nice clothesline wasn't as devastating as macho man. Look at the intense look on the face of this youngster suplex coming up. High vertical turn it loose. He's not going to get him. I'm not sure man's got too much adrenaline going on. Elizabeth certainly doesn't see it that way. She is extremely concerned because she's a woman. She belongs at home. I mean it was his business to have her as a man. That's fine with me. How could he possibly pull in front of him to protect him if she remained at home. That's a cat and mouse game he plays with you. Monsoon he's a man. Oh Phil Nelson beautifully applied right in the center of the ring. Could be all over here. Oh macho man. Oh he made it to the rope. Referee did not break it as Billy Jack pulls him back in. He's in deep trouble right in the center of the ring. Oh look at that. What a referee got in the way. I can't believe it. What. How do you see it. He just scooped up there both ways and kicked the referee right in the kisser. The referee should have been watching behind to see if his hands were locked properly. Referee knocked right into the middle of next week. Here comes another referee. It's Danny Davis. What is he going to. Oh come on. What's going on here. That's ridiculous. Let's get the decision before we make a judgment Monsoon. Well wait a minute Danny Davis is explaining it to our ring announcer. He had no way shape or form that he could call that. Oh wait a minute. Let's find out what he did say. The winner of this round the result of a disqualification. Randy Macho Man Savage. I bet you I know what happened. I bet you when his feet went up Billy Jack shoved Savage into the red. I bet you that's what happened. Good call. A good honest call. Danny Davis my hat goes off to you. Are you kidding. Danny Davis literally stole that match away from Billy Jack Haynes. How could he come out of nowhere from the locker room area step into the ring and make any kind of a decision. I'm telling you I'm telling you that was one of the fairest calls. I don't say that much. I don't say that much. That was a fair call. You're a liar Bobby. I'm not a liar Danny Davis my hat goes off to you. Look at your monitor. We're going to go back and show it. Be glad to. Look at this now. Glant right in our beautiful full notes of right in the center of the ring. And look at that. Very deliberate. He picked Savage up. He picked Savage up shoved him forward. You are in charge of justice here wrestling fans. Stay with us. The wrestlers rebuttal coming up with Ricky the Dragon Steve Boat should be interesting. Danny Davis you did a good job. Take it from the brain. Make your plans now. Boston Garden Saturday night November the 1st. Talk about Saturday night madness indeed. A ladies tag team matchup. You'll see the Birdman Coco beware against Jimmy Jack Funk. It will be the sensational Rouge Jack and Ramone on the card against the Moon Dogs. The master of the full Nelson Billy Jack Haynes against Ace Cowboy Bob Orton. The British Bulldogs Dynamite Kid and Davey Boy. Defend the tag team championship facing the challenge of Bret the Hitman Jim the Anvil. The Hart Foundation. And talk about a war. Rowdy Roddy Piper against Magnificent Morocco. And the Intercontinental title on the line. The Macho Man Randy Savage accompanied by Elizabeth. Facing the challenge of Ricky the Dragon Steamboat. Yeah. What an athlete you are Ricky the Dragon Steamboat. Fantastic athlete. You very very quick. Intercontinental Heavyweight Championship belt. Definitely up this particular night in the Boston Gardens. Where? We bet. February the 8th, 1986. I took that belt. Yes I did. I won the big one. And that's what Ricky the Dragon Steel has failed to do in his career. Win the big one. Ricky the Dragon Steamboat. What did I say? George the Animal Steal. Perhaps you still on your mind? Listen man. Last time in the Boston Gardens we fought all over the building. And I'm glad I got any brains left after that match. But guess who won? Guess who's hand went up in victory? The Macho Man Randy Savage won the big one. And I remember Ricky Steamboat. Do you remember Don Morocco? Yeah when the big one came along. You couldn't handle it. Jake the Snake, Robert same thing. Now you're a three time loser. You come to the Boston Gardens. You can take a look at this. But you can never get it. Boston the Gardens Saturday, November the 1st. Be there. The Intercontinental Champion World Wrestling Federation. Randy Macho Man Savage who's got himself a real tough opponent tonight. No I mean this is the first time I've seen this guy. Sort of a poor man's Elvis Presley come up against a man of your caliber. Well Killer Cal you're complimenting the Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion. But who can blame you man? I'm the best professional wrestler in the world today. Talking to you Hawkie Talk man. Your pink Cadillac. Did you dry it up in your pink Cadillac man? Did you do that? Yeah. All the way to the spectrum. But guess what? The competition in the WWF is fantastic. Proof in the fact that the Macho Man Randy Savage is the Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion. And Killer Cal and President Jack Tunney of the WWF. And Vince McMahon and Honky Tonk Man and Tito Santana. Guess what? I'm the best that ever was. Yeah the greatest Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion that ever lived. Yes I am man. I'm not arguing with you. I love your tie. Yeah? You gotta put that on the Honky Tonk Man right there. Yeah I will. Yeah. Make him a little bit more hip because guess what's happening now Macho Madness. Macho Madness is what's happening now. Not going all the way back in time to yeah what the 50's, 60's whatever man. Yeah but wait a minute. You said you're the best wrestler of all. I saw Hawk Hogan defeat you. When? When? Right here at the spectrum. In the spectrum. Okay guess what? This Intercontinental Heavyweight Championship belt is supposed to be my passport to the world title. And I'm talking about getting a shot at Hawk Hogan. Yes I am talking about that. But Paul Orndorf man, guess what? If you can do the thing today, congratulations. Beat Hawkamania here. But guess who's going to be pointing at you at ringside because I want that World Heavyweight Championship belt because it means a lot more than this belt right here. Talk about being the greatest in the world is the most important thing that ever could be. I believe you. I believe me too. Okay. Yeah I believe myself at all times and honky tonk man you're going to believe me too. Just wait until you see Macho Madness doing the thing today. I hope Hawk Hogan's watching this match. I hope he's watching this match. I'm sure he will be and we will be right back. Well the nonstop action is in just a brief lull. We're going to continue. We've got some great matches coming up. If you thought you saw everything earlier in the World Wrestling Federation, hang on your hats because we haven't seen the Hulkster and Mr. Wonderful Paul Orndorf. Joe Morello the referee coming into the ring area. Bill Phillips in the ring the announcer so we'll be getting underway just momentarily Randy Macho Man Savage. We haven't seen yet although we know he's here back by the dressing room honky tonk man making ready to do some battle. Here's a look back at the dressing room. Let's get the bell. Let's get the bell and get the announcement for one ball with a one hour time limit. And it is for the Intercontinental Heavyweight Championship soon to be entering the ring area accompanied by his manager the lovely Miss Elizabeth. From. To. To. In the ring area the challenger from Memphis Tennessee weighing two hundred forty five pounds the honky tonk man. Well Lord Alfred we've got the music for the honky tonk man and yet to make his appearance. Well Dick he's the first for me I've never seen him before. I'm so much looking forward to this. Well. I'll tell you. You talk about sartorial splendor. Yes I think he's out dazzling. The Macho Man. I think you're right Lord Alfred Hayes and Randy with the shades and secret headband. Lovely Elizabeth never seen her look prettier. No. I must say that she is a lovely lovely girl but don't forget she's part of that conspiracy that is that has made Macho Man so successful yesterday. Well a lot of people are inclined to excuse her because of her beauty but I don't really excuse her because she has been a part of Macho Man's progress. She has been a part of his distraction that has helped that progress. I really don't believe in that. Macho Man of course is a very able wrestler even without Elizabeth. Yeah. Well this is a sight to behold. Honky tonk man suspenders the whole bit. Well you know the suspenders and the flashy pants and the sequined uniform doesn't help when you're in there with Macho Man alone. Well you've got to be able to wrestle and we'll find out shortly. It's going to be tough too and have plenty of heart as well. Nice maneuver by Honky Tonk Man there. He reversed that waist hold. Well through the ropes, lower leg. I get the feeling that Savage is just testing him out at the moment. He's probably like me maybe this is the first glimpses called of Macho Man. He's very busy on the road and maybe he doesn't have time to do his homework on these new upcoming stars in the WWF. Macho Man just ordered Elizabeth to stand over at a certain spot. He's like him or not you know the guy goes full tilt and even with a hair pull. He does. Macho Man is in control of every move there is in the book and a lot of them that aren't in the book as well. Well Macho bails out and Honky Tonk Man is indicating to Joe Morrell the referee there was a hair pull that should not have been allowed. And Macho Man is a master of bailing out at the right time. He can avoid all sorts of punishment by that. And he's also a master of psyching out his opponent. I'm afraid Honky Tonk Man could be the type of person who will fall for the trickery and the treachery of Macho Man. Well I'll tell you Randy Savage is really quite an athlete and a tremendous wrestler. Again whether you like him or not is not the point but the guy really comes to go and he gives you plenty of action. Well when you look in that record book where all those victories are listed and you look at Macho Man's list of victories you have got to be tremendously impressed. Well I'll tell you Macho Man went under the top and middle rope in the sense of buying a little bit of time and now we're into a psych job. Honky Tonk Man wants the action. He says here I'm a little ring and we're getting delays, delays. Oh listen to him. Once again you see a little bit of experience there of Macho Man. He's allowing Savage to really dictate this match even though Savage looks to be ducking out of the way getting out of the ring. And oh good reversal. Hit him head first into that turnbuckle. Oh he caught it. He caught it right there. And the referee didn't see that. He is so good at things like that. Or should I say so bad at things like that. But I mean the referee just did not see that move. We did. Well we did and so did Honky Tonk Man. He didn't see it so much he felt it. Look at Macho Man. He is so quick. Look at him. A flying double chop. He's right on top in one, two and a kick out so that delays the count. Or erupts it. Macho Man doesn't let you rest when he's got you going. Oh. Too eager. We've seen that happen many times with a young wrestler. Another kick out. That was an easy kick out for Honky Tonk Man because Macho hadn't trapped him completely. Now it's a test of strength. Two can turn each other. Oh. And if you'll notice once again Macho Man has put himself right near the ropes in that position for an easy escape. Macho Man I think is gaining a little respect for the Honky Tonk Man. I think so. But he doesn't respect too many people does he? No for sure. But I think he's saying wait a minute this guy is not all what he seems to be. The guy came to wrestle I think. 97 maybe same. You know I'm never sure about Macho Man. And I've seen him wrestle many many times. And I've seen him set other opponents up like he did just there. Yep. And he gives them that impression that he's reeling and he's senseless and he's dizzy and he's not. He just isn't. He just can't trust the Macho Man. Oh coming our way. Back body drop. Oh. Oh. He's down. Close. Two and a half maybe. Oh yeah. He'll take it off the top rope. A little choke hold. Joe Morello's counting to four. Had to break it. He is so quick. Isn't he quick? He's like a cat. Right onto that top rope. And so sure and positive. And he never misses. He brought the double chop down on the head of the Honky Tonk Man just to driven him back seven feet. Honky Tonkin. A considerable amount of trouble but the bound is early. And these men these days they are so well conditioned as obviously Honky Tonk is. But just one or two blows don't finish. Macho is ready for a back body drop. It looked like setting it up and instead got a kick in the face for his money. Oh body slam. Body slam. A little bit of trouble with that body slam. He wasn't quite well balanced. And this is the case of Macho Man. No it's not. I thought Macho Man might have been setting him up again but he didn't. Take the leg. He didn't. Well the foot's over the bottom rope so that's the end of that. Yes. Does anybody know a ring better than Randy Savage? Well he knows every inch of the ring. He's got some for it now. He can use every inch too. Well there's a shoulder block. Savage went down. Honky Tonk Man backed up and threw the ropes and he's down on the floor of the Spectrum where you see him now. Oh boy. And now Morello giving him a count. While he's down on the concrete there. Randy Savage. I'm surprised there because Savage got caught himself. Well now just a pier 6 brawl outside the ring. It could appear you're right that there's a lot more to Honky Tonk than we thought. Or at least than I thought. He's showing a lot of resiliency. Macho. Macho ducked behind Elizabeth. Using her as a shield. What do we got here? The bell. What is that? Macho Man is the winner. Well Honky Tonk Man didn't do his homework. He did not do his homework on Randy Macho Man there. Macho Man really made a mockery of the rules. And used Elizabeth and the rules to gain him that victory. Well let's get the announcement. The winner of this bout resulting from a count out. And still Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion Randy Macho Man Savage. Well it's not over. Macho Man wants to do him some more harm. He wants a little more. Well the bell remains in the hands literally and figuratively. Randy Macho Man Savage. And there you see Honky Tonk Man very disgusted. Very frustrated going off. He's got to go back home. Back to the drawing board. Well that's the end of that. Don't touch that dial. We'll be right back. Wrestling is just one of the many fine features available on Prism. Well boy now we'll take you to a real interview. Boston we are one week away. The Boston Garden Saturday night November the 1st. And what a night it's going to be. A ladies tag team match on the card. The Birdman Coco Beware against the Wild Jimmy Jack Funk. The Sensational Rougeau Jack and Ramon against the Moondogs. Billy Jack Hayes against the Bodyguard Cowboy Bob Orton. The tag team title on the line. The British Bulldogs against Brett the Hitman Jim the Anvil the Heart Foundation. Talk about a war. Rowdy Roddy Piper against Magnificent Morocco. You know the mood the Scotsman is going to be in. And Boston the Intercontinental Title on the line. The Macho Man Randy Savage against Ricky the Dragon Steamboat of Boston Garden. A very familiar building to use. Well they made the Boston Gardens famous on February the 8th, 1986. Ricky the Dragon Steamboat. You had all the opportunities in the world to make fool of yourself on Halloween. Yeah. But it's not Halloween on November the 1st. It's Macho Madness. Yeah. In Boston. In the Boston Gardens. As I walk down that aisle in the Boston Gardens. The history of the Celtics. Yeah. Ringing my ear. But out the other side with no effect. Not at all. No. Because you're talking Macho Madness, Ricky the Dragon Steamboat. And I'm talking controlling your own atmosphere. Which is something that I am able to do at any particular time. Time distortion Mr. TV announcer is a, yeah, it's a talent. It's a talent, yeah. But once you're in it, you've got to know how to get out. I'm the best talented wrestler that ever was past, present and future. And you, man, are going to find that out on November the 1st, Boston Garden. Macho Madness. Boston one week away, the Garden, Saturday night, November the 1st. Don't miss it. This contest is scheduled for one fall. In the ring to my right, from the Isle of Samoa. Weighing 242 pounds, C.B. Uffey. And his opponent. Soon to be led towards the ring by Elizabeth. From Sarasota, Florida. Weighing 239 pounds, the Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion. Randy Macho Madness. Where's Elizabeth? Whoa. Doesn't she look lovely? You know what I like is the ovation that the Macho Man gets when he heads to the ring. No, no, no. The ovation is for Elizabeth, not the Macho Man. Yes. Lovely Elizabeth. And the Macho Man. Something else in his own right. This capacity crowd getting up for the first World Wrestling Federation event here. From the superstars of wrestling. The Macho Man, Randy Savage. In the non-title matchup here, meeting C.B. Uffey. This should be a sensational matchup. Should be a great, great matchup. C.B. Uffey from the South Sea Islands. A real good aerial attack. Randy Macho Man Savage. You don't have to explain him. Intercontinental Champion. Possibly the possessor of the most devastating move in wrestling. That big elbow off the top rope. Well, a lot of individuals have been gunning for the Macho Man. I can tell you that. And I think it's taking its toll also on Randy Savage. Almost everyone would like to have a piece of the Macho Man, Randy Savage. As a matter of fact, Billy Jack had a match with him. This year, you remember, about three weeks ago. Here's what Billy Jack had to say about the match. Randy Macho Man Savage. This is right at you, brother. You're tough. You're Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion. You got Mr. Elizabeth. But all besides the point. I had you beating the full Nelson. Down the road, brother, you and me are going to go toe to toe, Daddy. Yes, indeed. And I, for one, would like to see that rematch. And he certainly hit the Macho Man. He hit it, I think. Drop toe hold, nicely done. C.B. Affey on top of the Macho Man. Well, I know personally, McMahon, the reason you're dying to have Macho Man put out of wrestling is I think that you want a chance at Elizabeth. I think deep down in your heart. I'd like to have a what? A chance at maybe taking Elizabeth out on a date or something. And the only way is for one of these guys to take the Macho Man out of it. Oh, look at that. He's going to be taking it out right about now, too. Whoa, almost three. C.B. Affey with a drop kick. Referee in position. Only two. Well, I'll tell you, you might be right. Macho Man has started off extremely slow. And maybe it is taking it so long. I don't think he's starting off slow. It's just that C.B. Affey, give credit to C.B. Affey. Give credit where? Oh, wait, look at that. Wait a minute. That's it. Pick on Elizabeth. C.B. Affey from behind. Oh, no. The Macho Man preoccupied with Elizabeth. Better keep his eyes on this man, C.B. Affey. C.B. Affey scoops off the Macho Man. Slams him to the canvas. Going up to the road now. Whoa. Oh, my. You know what his mistake was there, McMahon? He looked out to the crowd for a little bit of approval. He delayed the move and caused Macho Man the chance to raise those legs up. Macho Man up on the top rope. He's like, yes, he's coming down. Right across the back of C.B. Affey. Macho Man with C.B. Affey. That's been a tremendous match up. Oh, don't. Oh. He dropped his face first right on the retaining barrier. Macho Man. But if you'll notice, he helped him into the ring. Yeah, helped him in all right. Look of concern on Elizabeth's face a moment ago, and why not? Macho Man. Out on the edge. Going up to the top rope. Macho Man, Randy Savage. Yes. It's over. I think you're right. The three count. Macho Man, Randy Savage. Victorious. Here is your winner, the Intercontinental Champion, Randy Macho Man Savage. Macho Man once again takes the duke in the opening match up here before this capacity crowd. Macho Man and Elizabeth. Somebody's going to teach that man a lesson one of these days. All right, let's go back to the replay. Here now, C.B. Offy on the top rope. But over here, look, as he comes down on the Macho Man, he brings his knees up and right in the midsection. I'll tell you, they took an awful lot out of C.B. Offy. That really hurt him badly. And of course, from that, here comes the Macho Man from the top rope with that devastating elbow of his. But as you can see, C.B. Offy was already badly hurt. Stand by, everybody. Special update with World Wrestling Federation Champion Paul Cogan with some nutritional tips. Thanks for watching.