This match is one-fall with a one-hour time limit for the Intercontinental Heavyweight Championship. First, the challenger from Sarasota, Florida, weighing 230 pounds, Randy the Mucho Man Savage. And he is accompanied by Elizabeth. And the champion making his way to the ring from Tacuna, Mexico, weighing 244 pounds, Kiko Santana. Santana determined look on his face as he makes his way to the ring here to jam-pack Boston Gardens for an Intercontinental title defense. Gorilla Monsoon here with Jesse the Body Ventura and Jess, what a fantastic outfit worn by Randy Savage and Elizabeth. Well, I'll tell you, they're both looking good. The champion looks in great shape. Gorilla, we're in for a match of matches right here. This is a match that, believe it or not, I would pay to see. Well, you know, and I'm very particular about that. You can say that again. Tito Santana, proud holder of that Intercontinental belt, knows at any given time when he steps inside that squared circle, it's all on the line. And if anybody has the capability of taking it from him, this particular individual, although I don't care much for his style of weight, can do that. Well, I'll tell you, the macho man, I know personally he's honed. He's ready. He's prepared for this match. But I'll tell you, Chico looks in great shape. And I'm going to call it like it is, Gorilla. This is a match of matches going to take place right here. Certainly is. Only the best being brought to you here in the World Wrestling Federation. It's superstars. And these are two tremendous superstars in the world of professional sports. Right here. The bell is rung and we're wearing an awful lot of tape, Jess. A lot of times you get those nagging little injuries, those sprained fingers and thumbs that drive you bananas. Oh, yeah. Tito looks like he might have put on a little weight. Really looks good. Both men jockeying for a position here. So much at stake. Tito driving him back into the ropes. Look at the look of determination on both faces. Intensity. Boy, that can sap you of your strength in a hurry. I'll tell you, there's not only the prestige of being Intercontinental Champion, there's all the money that goes with it, too. That's what it's all about. That's the name of the game. I personally like that more than the belt itself. I'm sure you do. Nice go behind by Santana. Savage looking for a way out right to the ropes. A referee right there to break it immediately. Well, we're getting a feeling out process is going on here. Each man's trying to see what he can get away with, what he can't get away with, what the strong points are, what the weak points are. I'm sure each one of them entered this match with a game plan, and it's just a matter of times to see whose is going to work and whose is not going to work. A moment ago, looking over the shoulder of beautiful Elizabeth, another tremendous camera shot. The not-so-macho man of late had not been treating Elizabeth very nice, Jess. Head scissors by Santana. In fact, just as they approached the ring here in the Boston Garden, she was handed a bouquet of flowers. He immediately destroyed them. Well, imagine the gall of some fan trying to hand her flowers. What's wrong with that? Well, they should respect macho man's wishes, Gorilla. I never heard him say it any time, don't present any flowers to Elizabeth. He didn't have to say it, he showed it. Well, I guess he did. You know, a picture's worth a thousand words, Gorilla. Well, you know, it should cost a lot of money to go out and buy flowers today. The beautiful Elizabeth, and she is literally that. Oh, look at that, maybe a thumb right in the eye. Referee questioning him about it now, and Tito's upset. I think that was a thumb in the eye, Jess. Why would Santana get all bent out of shape like that if it was mere just a shot to the face? Because Santana's notorious monsoon for having that fire. Look at this. Look at that, Tito's going right out after him. Wow, lowers him to the big roundhouse right, and Santana with a forearm uppercut. And the macho man about to be rammed into the post, but no. What a cheap shot that was on Santana's part. Savage on the top, Santana waiting for him. Plants a big right hand. And now the champion following it up. Santana in great shape and a house of fire here. Slam. Wow. Look out, Santana looking for that flying elbow, perhaps. No, I think that's what he was looking for. Smart move by the macho man, and look at Chico's taking it out to the floor. Savage moved out in a hurry. Look at that, he got Pearl Harbor, and Santana was coming underneath that bottom rope. That's what Chico's going to get. He wants to take it out to the floor, Gorilla. You can have a turn on you. Savage showed me there that he's a little quicker than Santana, although look at this. Santana catches him, spins him around. Look out, atomic drop coming up. Oh, and a beauty. Down for the cover. No, foot in the ropes. Non-stop action in this intercontinental title match here in the Boston Garden. Wow, went to that eye again, Jess. That's a desperation move in my book. Wow, Chico's the one that's desperate right now. Well, the champion, I don't know, he's got the belt. You're the one that's got to beat him. He doesn't necessarily have to beat you. To see that macho man told the referee he was sorry for doing that. Look out, macho man from the blind side, double axe handle in the back of the neck of the champion. Who's not looking too good right at this point in time. Down for the cover, Santana gets out. Savage, same three, but there wasn't a three count anywhere in sight there. What a mattress has been, Gorilla. Certainly has, Savage pulling out. Oh, what a beautiful clothesline. Right underneath the chin, quickly over for the cover. Hooks the leg, we could have it. Oh, was that close. Wow, was that being close to history making here in the Boston Garden. Look out, macho up there again. Oh, another one, what a shot. He could get him right here. He could cover him right here. We got a new champion right here, Gorilla. Hooks the leg, he doesn't have that shoulder down, no. He was too far down his body, Jess, with the cover. Look, a bewilderment on the face of Randy Savage, the challenger. That was not a good cover. Santana answering back with the right hand, not a whole lot behind it. That one stopped the challenger a little bit. Wow, he went back to the eye again. Come on, referee. The macho man's intense. Everything's on the line in this bout, Gorilla. Chance of a lifetime for Randy Savage. Elizabeth concerned. Look out, champion thrown out now. Luckily came down feet first, and now he went down out of sight. Look out, that's some 15 feet down there. Oh, double axe handle again. Right to the back of the neck of the champion. You know what the problem is here though, Gorilla. Santana is out on that floor. You can't win the belt with the champion out on the floor. Absolutely not. You can win the match, but you cannot win the title. He pulled that on me right here in this same building, Gorilla. What do you mean he pulled that on you? Santana getting himself intentionally counted out to hold onto that title. Santana was just thrown outside the ring. He didn't go out by choice. I hope he doesn't pull the same thing on the Macho Man. Savage now trying to get him back up inside. Right hand, right between the eyes. He measured him on that one. Look out. Nice block by Tito. And now rams the Macho Man's head right into that top turnbuckle. Champion trying to pull something here. Oh, big forearm shot right across the sternum, and another one. Basked in the ring, Tito. That a boy. Get counted out there in a hurry. He may not mind that either. I'm sure he does not want to be counted out. He wants to show everyone in the entire wrestling world that he's capable of putting this man away. Santana coming to life here in a jam-packed Boston Gardens up on the second turnbuckle on the inside. Look out. Flying elbow of beauty. It could be all over right here. Macho Man's foot on the bottom rope again. Santana's got to get him back inside the center of that ring. Macho Man knows where he's at exactly all the time. This is so unbelievably exciting, Grill. I can't believe it. We've had two, three, four times within a quarter of a second. It's just unreal. Four times within a quarter of a second. Either a new champion or the champion retains the title. Santana unloading again with a big right hand. Referee Danny Davis on his case. Macho Man going for the ride. Oh, hard into the corner. Oh! Full speed ahead. Santana runs right into the knee, but Savage not able to follow up. Jess, he's hurt too. Both men. Now it's going to get down to guts or luck, Gorilla. Who wants it the most or who gets lucky? Over for a cover again. Two count only. Santana kicked out of there with power, but Danny Davis is down. Savage was thrown off right on top of the referee. Look at this small package. Davis shaking his head. Two count only. Santana got caught there. I don't know. If the referee was on his feet, he'd have got that count, Jess. What ifs don't make it, Gorilla. Look at this, Savage just hurt his left knee. He's in bad shape right now. He came down, nobody home. And the champion going right to work on it. You know what Chico's going to try to set up for Gorilla. It's no secret if he can whip on that figure four. That big figure four leg lock, no question about that. Right now the challenger in a whole heap of trouble. The leg is hurting, Chico's going after it like a shark. Oh, pulling right back inside the ring. Just where he wants him. Santana even pulling him farther in. He's wrapping it up. He's got that figure four on. It could be over here. I don't know if Macho Man can hold out on this. It's dead center in the ring, Gorilla. Pulling back for all he's worth. Macho Man in an agonizing pain that figure four slapped on. He's got it right in the center of the ring. He's trying to roll. Savage is trying to reach those ropes. He made it. He made it. What a show of guts on the part of the Macho Man Gorilla. Referee going to have to break it now. No question in anybody's mind. Intestinal fortitude galore on the part of the challenger. Look at this. What's he doing, Jess? Savage into his tights looking for something. Suplex brought in the hard way. I thought I saw the Macho Man going down into his tights. I don't think he got a chance to get anything if there's anything there. Oh, look at that. Nice counter move by the challenger. The Macho had to do something. Look at Santana. He's obsessed with getting that figure four leg locked here. He wants it bad. He knows he can slap it on him now. Look at it. What's he doing now, Jess? Look at Savage going down into his tights. He's got something in his hand. He missed it. He missed with it. Oh, look at this. Oh, he didn't miss that time. He throws that right into Santana's face. We got a new champion. I can't believe it. We got a new Intercontinental Champion, Manso. Look at that. He just threw it outside the ring, Jess. Whatever it was. He had something in his right hand. He threw it outside the ring. What are the cameramen scouting in his hand? I believe we have a new champion, I believe, Gorilla. Referee Danny Davis talking to our ring announcer. Possible history could have been made here. Let's go up and find out. Somewhere, a new Intercontinental Champion, Randy the Macho Man Savage. History made right here in the Boston Gardens is Randy Savage, the Macho Man, Knox Cole Champion, Tito Santana, but not without something out of his tights, Jess. You could just call him champ now, Gorilla. It's gonna go down in the record books that way, but there it is. There's the object right there. A piece of Cole Rolled Steel, it looks like. What? Let's go back and take a look and see if, in the meantime, Tito is out of it. Look at this. What's he doing, Jess? He's going down into his tights. Look at that object right there. He took a wild swing here, did not connect with it at that point, but now Santana's gonna try to suplex him back in the ring, and as he does, he gets it right in the kisser. He knocked Santana Cole with it. Now watch this move. After the count is made, the Macho Man is gonna rule that object, that foreign object, outside the ring, unseen, but there it goes, by the referee. You gotta call it brilliant, don't you, Gorilla? I call it cheating, Jess. I call it cheating. We'll have to wait and see what the World Wrestling Federation Rules Committee's gonna say about it, but right now, history made in the Boston Garden, the new Intercontinental Champion, the not-so-Macho Randy Savage. We'll be right back. Back with more TNT, if you can get a shot of this. There you go, Kermit, great. In the magazine, there's a little article written about, actually about this lady, and that's not a very flattering picture of her. She is gorgeous. And the writers think, perhaps the most unusual psychological weapon in the WWF today works to the benefit of Randy Macho Man Savage. It is the captivating beauty of his manager, Elizabeth. And perhaps she is somewhat of a psychological weapon. Would you agree with that, Alfred? I would, indeed. He definitely uses everything he can get from her, and a lot of it is psychological, obviously. All right. You heard it from Alfred. Would you please welcome Macho Man Savage and Elizabeth? You want to shake my hand, too? Let's get all the formalities out of the way. What kind of an excuse did you have talking to all the people all over the nation why the Macho Man is the number one professional wrestler in the world today? Unbelievable. Nobody in the way of the Macho Man Randy Savage yet excuses us what it is. Yeah, psychological, psychological, psychological, psychological, psychological, psychological, psychological, psychological, psychological, psychological, psychological, psychological, psychological, psychological, psychological, psychological, psychological, Elizabeth is a small part of Macho Madness, like a grain of sand in the Sahara Desert, one millionth that size. Yeah, macho madness is the big thing. In stepping-stone Santana, it's only a stepping-stone to the World Pile. Pardon me. If we can just take you down to some footage on that. Digest that! You certainly want to watch yourself on television. Yeah, I do. All right. Let's go to the tape. any attention much less giving any adulation and the direction of Elizabeth. He thinks he deserves it. Well when somebody does look at Elizabeth seems like he becomes it as far as the ring. Look at this. There's no stats and right outside and there's the typical macho man look at this up on a top rope now don't leave right off of Stetson head first to the apron macho man on top of it gets it to the back of the head macho man beats the cat back in grabs a handful of hair now Tony Stetson being hauled up ready to go over Stetson over again another coverカストライ Well, they could have had him on both, uh, after each suplex he could have got a pen. But now the Macho Man, he's just punishing Stanton, that's all he's done, because he could have pinned him on both, on both sides. And a power slam by the Macho Man on Stanton. Going to put a top rope now, I believe. And he's going outside, yes, now put a top rope. The Macho Man, what's he gonna do? A leap in, yes, the elbow right into the sternum. Oh, no, he's not, you tuck him. Oh, come on, ref. Crying out loud. You know, that's where disqualification would be very appropriate in a case like that. What in the world is Elizabeth seeing this man? I don't know. That's, that's a mystery there. A leap in, ooh. Another elbow. One, two, three, four. Oh, thanks, Stanton. What'd you think of yourself? What'd you think of yourself? I'll tell you what, I never cease to amaze myself, you know what I mean? You know, you get so good, and then... I think Elizabeth is kind of amazing myself. Say, Elizabeth, what is that banner you have there? Elizabeth, could you stand up just for a minute? Wait a minute, I'll tell her to stand up. Elizabeth, stand up. Show your banner. Be proud. See, that says, what does that say now? Macho madness, yeah. And people have to take note of this word because it's running wild. El Khomeini is dead. The next time... The next time that stepping stone Santana sees the Macho Man in the ring, in the squared circle, eye to eye, looking into my baby blue eyes, yeah, he is gonna turn over that Intercontinental Heavyweight Championship belt to the Macho Man Randy Savage. And then I am gonna win the World Heavyweight Championship belt, and I'm gonna have a belt that surely drowned, yeah. All that weight and all that gold. No problem at all. Mystified Vince McMahon. You've never had a superstar of this. Yeah, Lord Alfred Hayes, you know it too, don't you? You've mesmerized yourself, aren't you? Stay with us, we'll be back with more of the Macho Man. I'll stay with you all the way, baby. All right, back with more TNT. Mr. Savage, in the magazine, in the same article, there's a reference to wrestlers who can't seem to keep their eyes off of Elizabeth. Does that bother you in any way that Elizabeth is, as far as the fans... Let's see that magazine right there, yeah. Picture of Elizabeth, no picture of the Macho Man Randy Savage. Very, very bad Elizabeth, that's very bad. Oh, come on now, please. And then, and then I look at the front cover. I look at the front cover and I see her. No problem at all, baby, no problem at all. You see my T-shirt? In a lot of ways, in a lot of ways. Everybody's going to be seeing a Hulk-Cool Vince McMahon. Ain't that some Hulk-Cool? Hulk-Cool. Elizabeth? Elizabeth, Miss Elizabeth. Right there. Miss Elizabeth? What's the problem here, brother? What are you doing? I'm here to deliver these for Miss Elizabeth. From me. I don't know who they're from. What is this, Vince McMahon, man? Tell me what's going on. Thank you very much, appreciate it. Don't try to embarrass the Macho Man Randy Savage at all. Do you want to duke the man? Do you want to take care of the guy? I'll show you out, boy. Yeah. Elizabeth? Yeah. What do you have there, Elizabeth? Alfred wants you to help her get into those. What are you saying? No, I didn't mean it that way. Alfred? Don't forget that a man in my position can't afford a look. We think he was supposed to be a man, and when money lies, honor dies. That was not... It looks like maybe flowers for Elizabeth, eh? Roses. Oh, look at those roses. Look how cute. Where's the card? Let me find out who is in the danger zone right now. Macho Man! I don't see a card. What do you mean, no card? Lord Alfred Hayes, where's the card? The card may be... No, tell me right now. Don't be mumbling and fumbling right now. Just give me the card. There's no card? Tell me who's the guy that's in the danger zone right now. I'll tell you what. Why don't you have a look? From where I sit... From where I sit, I think there's a... I think maybe there is a card in it, a calling card of some sort. What is it? Let me take a look at those roses. I'm gonna bring it over to you right now, and you got about ten seconds to... You know what that looks like to me? What is it? That looks like the stuffings from a turnbuckle. That looks like the stuffings from a turnbuckle. Ladies and gentlemen, this contest is for the World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Championship. Ladies and gentlemen, this contest is for the World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Championship. It will be scheduled for one fall with a one-hour time limit, and this contest has been sanctioned as a Lumberjack match. Wrestlers around the ring, if either man is thrown out of the ring or goes out voluntarily, he will be thrown right back in. Well, there's some of the Lumberjacks. The Dragon, of course, Danny Spivey, King Konga, George the Animal Steal, Corporal Kerscher. These men will surround the ring, Lord, and anybody trying to escape or being thrown out will be ejected, not out, but back into the ring. Yes, and they just have to do that. Do they have to follow by that? Otherwise, they face all sorts of... Well, it's a very dangerous maneuver to go outside the ring. You don't know whether you have a fine defendant or foe out there. Absolutely. And having been involved in a few of those, they are not very gentle when they throw you back in, either. What did surprise me there was when I saw the Dragon come out, he's looking very, very determined and looking in quite good shape. He took quite a heavy pound. He's got a lot of foundations here, along with the Magnificent One. There's the beautiful Elizabeth coming down the aisle, leading the Macho Man down to the ring, ready for this lumberjack match. And what a tremendous flow being worn in here by the Macho Man. Look at that one. Well, they must cost him a fortune, but as opposed to that, he's definitely raking in the money, I suppose. He's had fantastic matches and now he's the Intercontinental Champion, so... He's got a hand in me, Stuart. Stole the title from Tino. He does look well, though. He looks ready, ready, ready for this match. Don't tell me not. Yes, I am, and that is some sort of a testament to what he is capable of, because everybody I spoke to said that he wouldn't be able to recover from that injury. Well, he went down recently here, in Sarasota. He was poor Harvard after a match. Like, he called Bundy and had to go to the Harvard home. Was in really bad shape, and what a testament to the condition of this man, as he is here, Madison Square Garden, both strictly against Dr. Soder. Absolutely. Look, he's strapped up, and I hope that strapping stays in place. He's got his ribs all wrapped up. Obviously, some serious damage done to them, but he's here. Yes, and he says to Macho Man, you want this belt, take a little taste of it. Well, you can see the lumberjack surrounding the ring here. Oh, what a suplex. I'm surprised to see him attempt that move with those ribs. Well, maybe he's testing them, I don't know, but that is a very hard and rigorous test to put them to when you're damaged like that. No, you don't. Look out. There you go. There goes Macho. Now, look at this scramble to get their hands on him. And the champion going right out after him, both went on the floor. Now, this is not supposed to happen. These guys are supposed to be thrown. Well, the Hulk didn't take it. Well, the Hulk was his own lock. I don't have to count on anybody. I'm going out and get this guy myself. The Hulkster has been waiting for this just as much as I'm sure Macho Man has. Tremendous opportunity here as either individual could leave this ring with two championship counts. Yes. Look at the Hulk. Apart from those strapped ribs, he looks so, so well. When I went to the ambulance, into the ambulance with him, Lord, and he went to the hospital, he was in dire, dire bad shape. Isn't that difficult to believe what bad shape he was in? And yet look at him now. I mean, he's putting those ribs to every test there is. Well, he was actually put unconscious. He was at least a minute and a half unconscious in the ring in Phoenix, Arizona, just too long ago. And right now he's doing a number on Randy Savage. It's a vendetta with him, with this guy. He is the world's greatest professional athlete. No question. Oh, grab by it. Somebody grab the Hulk's leg. I wouldn't be surprised if that was Bundy. I think it was Bundy or Morocco. Oh, the Hulk said it was both of them. And he goes out and nails both of them. Oh, I love his spirit. Right into the lion's den he went. Oh, I love his spirit. That's why he's the world champion. There's nobody on that side of the ring except the Heart Foundation, Morocco, Bundy, and the Iron Sheik. Imagine going into that crowd. And he went straight in amongst them. He got Pearl Harbor now, and look at this. Macho up on the top turnbuckle. Oh, right onto those ribs. Right onto those short ribs. Two count. Whoa, was that close. And I'm afraid the Hulk is beginning to show signs of that injury now. Oh, there goes Hulk thrown out on the bad side. And now he's going at it with Bundy and Morocco. And look at the Iron Sheik getting in a cheap shot. Really. Somehow or other this shouldn't happen. Oh, look at that. Morocco was holding the arms of the champion. And Bundy laid an avalanche on him while he was strapped to the post. To the steel post. If anything, it's going to stop the Hulk. Things like that will because no ordinary man can do it. Oh, look at that. Savage runs about again. And once again, another avalanche. Look at this. Look at Morocco. Shades of what happened in Phoenix, Arizona is happening here in Madison Square Garden. Now the Lombard Jacks have been kept away from stopping this happening. There's absolutely nothing a referee can do about that. Hulkster's got to get some of his friends over on that side of the road. Yes, and now he's going to the top rope, Savage. Savage up there again with a double ax handle for the short rib area again. And over for the cover. We could have a new champion. Sheer guts is all that prevented that happening, Gorilla. The strapping on Hulk Hogan has come adrift. It doesn't seem to be protecting him too much. Another clothesline. I can't believe that the Dragon Steve Boat and Tony Atlas wouldn't go around to the other side of the ring where such devastation is being done to the champion. It's difficult to get in there. Savage is taking on strapping off, Gorilla. He certainly has. He's going to work on it. As you have said before, there's nothing the referee can do about that. This is a lumberjack match, and the rules are different. Look at this. He's really going to work on the champion now. That strapping isn't doing him a bit of good right now. In fact, it's a death hook. Savage up again with another double ax handle right to the lower rib area. The kidney area as well. The champion's got that right arm out of there. Two count only. They seem to be questioning the referee, but that was a positive two count. Savage in a whole lot of trouble. History could be made here, not as it's quite guarded. Savage not happy about the referee's count. An elbow drops the champion once more. Over for the cover. He won't get him here. He's got that right arm out of there. 25,000 people here are just rooting for all they can for the Hulk. They know now that the Hulk is in dire, dire trouble. Hulks are in deep trouble as he's hurt bad physically against the doctor's orders. He took this match. He was warned that his title could go down to three. But he took it. You have to hand it to the Hulk. Savage going up top once more on the top turnbuckle. Look at the Hulk wide open. Over for the cover again. He's got that right arm shot through once more. And it certainly looks as if the Hulks have had more courage than sense to take this match. Big mistake he's had. Time after time, golden opportunity here for Randy Savage to become the new Bulls Heavyweight Champion and going up once more. The champion can't even get to his feet. Look out. Oh, where's that elbow? Nobody can see him here. Is he going to be made? No. Nobody except Hulk Hogan on it. Can't believe it. The Hulks are getting that adrenaline flowing. Look at the big one. 25,000 plus on their feet here in Madison Square Garden. And he's become a beautiful man. He has impervious to the public. And now he's going to give Savage some of his own treatment. Look out, the Macho Man being wrapped up here. The big boot right alongside the fissure. Oh, and that thumb right in the eye. And even that doesn't stop the Hulk. Side headlock now by the challenger. And it's a crisscross move. Oh, somebody grabbed the leg of the Macho Man. It's a Greek pop. It might have been towards the end of steel. Just not believe it. The Hulk Hogan going down here in Madison Square Garden. The winner, and still world's champion. The Hulkster, HULK HOGAN. Let's get the official word. Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of The Lumberjack Match and still world wrestling federation heavyweight champion, Hulk Hogan! Hogan! Maybe it was the Dragon. Who knows? But needless to say, still, the reigning guy right there. Everyone's favorite. Absolutely. On sheer courage. Look at this man. He is absolutely devoted to his friends and dedicated to his children's career. He's clocked out whatever pain he had from this guy. He's saying to Macho, come on, you want to meet him again. But I don't think Macho wants any piece of that. I'm sure that Savage still doesn't know what happened. Look at Hulk. And you can bet that he's a real American. The Hulk is saying, make my day. Come on. Just make my day. Savage not wanting to leave. Boy, what a golden opportunity for him. And it's gone down the tubes right now. As he heads back to the locker room. And that man, full of whatever it takes to be World Champion. Guts personified. Coming out when the doctor said no way should you go into combat with the kind of injuries you've got right now. Just look at him. The world's greatest professional athlete of all time. Tremendous. No one has left this arena. They're all standing on their feet in a tribute to this man right here. This fantastic individual. The envy of everyone in the entire sports world. Just look at him. This is incredible. Thank you to the man upstairs. I love him. All 25,000 love him. And here's some idiot in the ring. Let's go. It's coming. WrestleMania 2. Alright, fans. Boston Garden. One week away. Saturday, 9th of March. The 8th Tremendous World Wrestling Federation. Spectacular in store for you. A beaten and battered heavyweight champion. Collects his thoughts and the best he can of his physical abilities to team up with the junkyard dog and square off against the Funk Brothers reunited, Terry and Dory Jr. here in Boston next Saturday night. In a return bout, new Intercontinental Champion, Macho Man Randy Savage to defend against former champ, now challenger, Tito Santana. And Randy Savage, welcome back to the scene of the crime, Boston Garden. Scene of the crime? What do you mean, scene of the crime? History being made in the Boston Gardens. Were you there, Oker? No, but I talked to Gorilla Monsoon immediately following the match and he contends, you can confirm or deny this that you used a foreign object in KOing Tito Santana. I deny it. Okay. I deny it. Yeah, you said confirm or deny so I deny it right there. And I can say it with a clear conscience, yeah. Because the straight right hand from the Macho Man sent Tito Santana to the promised land, yeah. And made him a former champion. What a difference a day makes. It was a month ago in the Boston Garden, yeah. Still gotta be celebrating. And the Intercontinental Heavyweight Championship belt has never had so much prestige as now. Isn't that right, Elizabeth? And what about Tito Santana's attitude? Do we care? No, we don't care. Do we care? No, we don't care. Cause I am the champion right now. I'm the Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion. One question. Stare in the video scope right now and tell everybody that the Macho Man is the champion. I might get out of here. You didn't even give her a chance to say that. I can't do anything I want cause I'm the champion. Goodbye. See you in Boston. I made it happen. Boston Garden it's a week away Saturday night, March 8th. That's gonna be Tito Santana challenging Macho Man Randy Savage for the Intercontinental title. This year is one fall with a one hour time limit for the Intercontinental Heavyweight Championship. First, the challenger from Secula, Mexico weighing 244 pounds, Tito Santana. And his champion from Sarasota, Florida 239 pounds Randy the Macho Man Savage. And he is accompanied by Elizabeth. She looks lovely, Lord. She certainly does. I've long been an admirer of Elizabeth. And look at Savage. He looks lovely. Boston Garden at the Macho Man's gold title away from Tito Santana. And Santana is on fire already. Obviously he remembers that. Santana trying to get the champion inside the ring. And believe me, that's what it takes. A title can only change hands on a submission or a pinfall. Countouts do not count. No. But Santana is definitely dedicated to getting this title in the ring. And Santana is definitely dedicated to getting this title back again. You gotta get in the ring, Savage. You gotta get inside there. You can't defend it out here. I've been in for a year last time. Get your body up into the ring. That's where you gotta be. I don't think he's all that anxious to get in there. But they love me and they realize I'm the best that's ever been in the square circle. There's nobody better than me. Well, he's pretty good inside the square circle but I would debate the point about him being the best ever. I couldn't hear what he said, Lord. Well, he said he was the best ever in the square circle. Well, he's telling it a lie. I'd have to argue on that one particular point. He's certainly trying to do a little psych job here for the former champion, Tito Santana. You gotta get up into the ring, fella. He's gotta wait until the fire in Santana burns out and I don't think that's ever going to happen. Highly unlikely. This is a, what a steadiness is. What a beautiful opportunity for the former champion to get the title back right in the place where he lost it. Absolutely, and I'll tell you something else. If Savage is not careful, he's gonna psych himself out of this match. That was very, very possible. He's actually great from this point. He's looking for a tire off here on the floor, which may be a safe thing to do. Going to talk to the fans here at Boston Garden, but you gotta defend yourself. And in order to do that, you gotta get up into the ring. Don't serve me, baby! Don't say it. Don't say it, don't tell me. My God, I really don't know. But I must say one thing for Savage. When he comes into the ring, he is in 100% physical condition. He is a credit, really, to the wrestling profession, the way he trains himself and the way he dedicates himself to his chosen career. We're underway now. Oh, look at Santana. And right out the other end goes the match command. Wow, was he quick. And he didn't burn any fires down in Santana with all that psyching going on around the ring side and not getting in. Savage back on the outside again. Elizabeth trying to do something to help his morale, I think. Right out again quickly. Macho Van not wanting to tangle right now. Oh, don't do that, Cito. The chances are right out the window in a hurry. Yeah. Very, very quickly. Cito's been waiting for this match for a long, long time. He's just been hungry, hungry to get his title back. This is his opportunity. And I don't think he's going to blow it anyway. In fact, he's standing right inside the ring now waiting for Savage to come back in. Macho Van vaulting out again. Oh, look at this. Santana going right out after him as the race begins. Oh! Macho Van around the corner in a hurry. Oh, he's got him! He's got him! Santana nails him! Pulls him down right in front of us here. He acted hard and heavy. He's got one knee to the barrier. Whoa! Santana in quickly and out again. Santana pulling out all the stops here in the last few days. Let's go! He wants it back inside the ring. He wants it back inside the ring. That's the only place he can get that title back. Oh, look at this. Very concerned look at her face. Archido Santana is a house of fire. Look at Elizabeth. She is really concerned, Lord. Well, she might be, because right now all the emphasis is on Santana. Everything is on his face. He's got him inside again. And it looks like Santana is going to go in. Then, I should say, Savage is going to go out. Santana is going to throw him back in again. Danny Davis being jerked around and they're laying the calm down on both fans. I'm sure that Chido is going to get him back inside there. He knows what the rules are all about. Right, and there's 20,000 people here on their feet urging Santana. They want him to get this vault back. Chido now going to work on the left wing of the Macho Man. Possibly to set him up for the figure four leg lock of his. Danny Davis trying to make a break. He's got to break the hole. The Macho Man had a hole in the rope. Oh, Santana walks right into that right hand. Nice leverage move on the champion as he hooks the former champion tight and vaulting him right outside the ring. And that was one of his favorite tricks that Savage does and he does it so well. Right when Santana's body had him where he wanted Savage can turn those tables. And now it's the former champion who's out on the floor. Tremendous move here by the champion. Uh-oh, sneaking around the corner trying to come from the blind side of Santana. And out! Double lock on the right to the cervical vertebra area. And the champion realizing the count is going on, hustles back inside the ring. Santana hurt twice there. Once to the back where he had the blow from Savage. And once when his stomach went into the iron bar that formed the apron of that ring. Danny Davis certainly what his work cut out for him here in this championship match here this week in the World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental title on the line. Oh, look at that raking up. He learned that from the body, I think. The body has been advising him. They are tag team partners. Yes, they're very close friends as well. That's one of Santana's favorite moves. Look out! Both legs! Santana almost got around to nail him with the right but didn't make it. It could be over right here. And hook the legs! Hook both legs! And still, Tino able to kick out. Danny Davis telling Savage, I'll do the counting. You do the wrestling. I see that Santana is favoring that right knee where he had the operation. I wonder if that's hurting him at all. Over for the cover again. Hooks the leg, two count only. And Tino forces that left arm up between the bodies. Macho Man in control of this matchup right now. It took the Macho Man 10 minutes to get into this position with Santana. And now that he's there, he's not going to give up. Good clothesline by Savage. Santana has truly floored Santana across him. Whoa! Is that close? I think Santana was a little dizzy there because he didn't have the leg hooked and he only barely escaped from that. Oh, now rams him backwards right into those turnbuckles. The champion now standing on the second turnbuckle on the inside pounding away at the face of Tino Santana. Oh, there's the coming drop in front of him. And it's brought it in rough. What a tremendous opportunity. When Santana needs something, he seems to be able to dig down into the bag and bring out of surprise. Look at that. Once again. Santana right underneath the sternum. Santana fortunate enough to have the foresight to make sure that a return match was ripped into the contract at all title matches. I think that's the way it should be. I really think that's the way it should be. Absolutely. Santana a lot more confidence back now since he managed to put that reverse atomic drop on Savage. The champion now backpedaling asking for mercy here. Hard in, look out! He nailed the move! We could have it! No! What happened now? I wasn't sure. Santana let the cover go, wanted to drop another elbow, two count on him. The champion peaked out. Nice! He's holding his figure four. He wants to beat him with it. Macho Man manages to get out. What's he doing now, Lord? He's back into his height again. For possibly another foreign object. But Santana caught him. He throws him back into the ring and look at the champion crawling like a coward, trying to escape. But Santana catches up to him. Santana's not letting him journey, escape and he's going to make it a lot more difficult, a lot more tougher than Savage has possibly hoped for. Danny Davis trying to tell Tito Santana that you gotta let the guy get back into the ring on his own. He's outside there. He gets the count to get back in. Danny pulling away. Oh look at that! Danny Davis just rolled across the ring by Tito Santana. Santana can't do that. Oh my word! You cannot do that. Oh, that lacking superman caught the better of Santana there and he threw everything away. Tito Santana lost his cool, Lord, and he lost this match as well. Oh, he lost everything there and I don't know if any return forces are going to be included in a contract after that. Let's get to your social work. The winner of this match by his qualification, Randy the Macho Man Santana. Well, and his enthusiasm to regain the Intercontinental Heavyweight Championship, Tito Santana threw everything to the wind, including the cost of the title. Let's go back and take a look, Lord. Santana was right on top there. Not going to let Savage get out. I'm afraid he's beginning to lose his temper now. He's coming close to disqualification because he didn't let go of that hold. The referee's going to make sure he does to give him another chance. And that is it. That is goodbye. Goodbye title shot and also goodbye some money out of the pocketbook because you can't do that without getting fined severely. Tito Santana losing his cool here in a Boston Garden in his attempt to regain the title. Holy, Macho will be back. Contest is scheduled for one fall. In the ring to my right, from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, weighing 230 pounds, Tony Stetson. And his opponent, led towards the ring by Elizabeth, weighing 239 pounds from Sarasota, Florida. Ladies and gentlemen, here is the Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion, Randy Macho Man, Savage. The Macho Man, Randy Savage, the newly crowned intercontinental heavyweight champion, look at that. Savage, boom, bomb. Stetson is having problems. The Macho Man still has on his sunglasses. that might be a record boy as he ever impressive his first appearance on television as the Intercontinental Champion here today. Oh, no. Savage. Attacking the animal from behind. Walking him in the ropes. Oh, come on. What are you doing? Oh, no. Look at that. Look. Are you? The macho man has, I guess, had enough of the romance in the animal. He's been doing it with Elizabeth. Elizabeth is really upset. He better hope that George still remains tied up like that, because if he gets loose, I'll tell you, he's going to go after that macho man. The animal like a lovesick puppy. And there, Elizabeth, doesn't quite, oh, wait a minute. No, I thought I was just cutting loose. The animal. Look at that. George still got loose. He was going to do a number on the macho man, and he's really doing a number on him right now. Look at this. Macho man wants out of that ring. Macho man wants out of that ring. He just grabbed Elizabeth. And he is out of here. The animal going right in after him, I think. Macho man Randy Savage, you're going to be. Macho man Randy Savage, you're going to be going up against George the animal steel, who, as we found out recently, has quite the affection for Elizabeth. And what a spectacle, yeah, WrestleMania 2. And they put the macho man, Randy Savage, the new Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion against a freak of nature, yeah. And he tried to embarrass me, yeah, a few times. And his thinking is completely wrong, but I showed him the way to go, didn't I? Yeah, who embarrassed who? And in WrestleMania, with that big spectacle, yeah, I'm going to have some surprises, because I am the champion. And a man in my position cannot afford to look ridiculous, do you understand that? What kind of surprises are you talking about, Randy? I'm talking about surprises, yeah, surprise after surprise. And the animal steel, I'm going to teach you how to talk. I'm going to teach you how to say, Macho man, you're so great, yeah. I'm going to teach you to say that right there in WrestleMania number 2. WrestleMania 2, Elizabeth, you know there's going to be a flag match between Corporal Kushner and Nikolai Volkov. But wait a minute, I'm telling her. The Funk Brothers are going to be meeting the Junkyard Dog and Tito Santana. There's a name you know well. I'm a champion right now. And Tito Santana is a former champion, casted into oblivion, yeah. And we're talking about a spectacle. WrestleMania 2, ladies and gentlemen, coast to coast at over 24 in countries. Don't miss it by a close circuit TV. From a Madison Square Garden, a very special, from a Madison Square Garden, a very special intercontinental title match on the line here. And I'm going to bring in my guest right now, the newly crowned intercontinental champion, the not-so-Macho man, Randy. You know, Randy, I was in attendance in the Boston Garden. I knew you were. Talked about it. Tell what you saw right there. I told exactly what I saw. You reached into your tights and knocked out Tito Santana to the blind side of the referee and stole the belt. Blinds, yeah. Straight right hand from the macho man sent Tito Santana to the promised land. And I'm right here in my home, Madison Square Garden, where macho madness explodes, yeah. And I beat the beaner in Bean Town no matter what Gorilla Monsoon will tell you, yeah, because he's jealous. Where's Elizabeth? You're jealous and Elizabeth's not here. But when I go down that aisle to destroy Tito Santana and all his foolish dreams, because that's all they are, foolish dreams. Pride is bringing Tito Santana here. Pride is making him mad. And you got him all psyched up, and it's your fault. It's the public's fault. And anybody that backs Santana, watch what I do tonight, yeah. You know, Santana, let me explain something to you, Randy. Santana, very dangerous. He's a challenger. Oh, yeah, you know why? He's headhunting now. He's hungry. He doesn't believe that he can take this from me. He's out there hurting me. Once you get your hands on the strap, it's hard to turn it loose. You want it back. Right here in Madison Square Garden, we're going to find out if Tito Santana can get it back. Get out. This contest is for the Intercontinental Heavyweight Championship. It is scheduled for one fall with a one-hour time limit. In the ring to my right is the challenger from Tokugawa, Mexico, weighing 244 pounds, Tito Santana. And his opponent... The Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion, Randy Macho Man. Macho Man being led down the aisle by the beautiful Elizabeth, the reigning Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion. What's the matter? Is your dress too long? Having trouble getting up the steps. I grant it. It's a beautiful look at Santana. Look at that. Chico won't even let him into the ring. Boy, he's hot. He's ready. He wants that title back in the worst way. Chico needs some manners. Stolen from him into Boston Garden. And now the reigning champion right there, the Macho Man, Randy Savage, or not so macho in my book. I don't know, he hasn't been given as much abuse to Elizabeth. Chico's the type, if he can't get that Savage, he's liable to take a shot at Elizabeth. Oh, please, Jess, he wouldn't do that. He is a gentleman. Macho Man, reluctant about entering the ring, keeps kissing the belt. Good shot of Elizabeth, and she is a very, very pretty young lady. Designing and drafting the career of that individual right there. Why don't you just ring the bell, ref, and get the thing going? Why doesn't the referee take charge of Chico Santana and get him back to a neutral corner and allow the champion to come into the ring? Well, I don't think he's capable of doing that until he rings the bell. That's right, Jess, and then he can exert some control. Savage up on the top turnbuckle, he's still got his shades on. There goes the shades now. Should have hit the bell a long time ago, ref. Over the top rope and right into the action, wow. Talk about quick. That put a stop to old Chico's thoughts about going on the floor. He grabbed a steel chair immediately as he ran out. Elizabeth looking very concerned. Look at the look on the former champion's face. All business. In one side and out the other. Santana trying to go out after him. Referee stopping him. That's not his job. Yeah, but I like the job this referee's doing. He's taking control of this bout at the start. He's not going to let Chico dictate the match to him. He's taking whatever enthusiasm Santana had going for him and throwing it out the window. I disagree with you. That's why the world goes around and around. The referee's establishing himself as the man who's going to call him that ring. I don't believe Tito can actually catch the macho man anyway. Oh, he certainly did. He grabbed a hole in the tight. He could become X-rated here in a moment. Chico's already taken the match to the floor. Boy, he wants that title back and I'm sure he'll do anything and everything to get it. Look out. Ran into the steel barricade surrounding the ring. Santana wants it back inside. I think Santana should be disqualified right now if I was the referee. Unfortunately, he did not end with a blue shirt. Fortunately, he did not end with a blue shirt and a black bow tie. He's looking to regain his title here in Madison Square Garden and he might just do that. Macho man got caught. He wasn't ready to be caught, I'm sure. He's blinded a little bit as he takes a wild swing. Look out, a coming drop coming up. Yes, a beauty. And right out over the top. Savage in a whole lot of trouble. And look at Chico's taking it to the floor again. Whatever, the title's on the line. You do whatever you have to do to win. Gee, that sounds familiar, Monsoon. It sounds like what I say. Right, that's what you say. But yet, if Macho Man was doing it, you'd sit and berate him and tell him how cheap he was. Highly unlikely. The title is on the line. I don't care how you name it. As long as you don't do any of your tights for a set of brass knuckles to enable you to win. And then the continental title. Total spectator on your part, Monsoon. Santana in control. Over the Macho Man. However, it takes a big wall of submission to regain the title as the challenger is planting those right hands between the eyes. My God, stop the dead in his tracks. Oh, nice move by the champion. Inverted a coming drop. Elizabeth looking very concerned. As well as she might. Chico's obsessed. He hasn't listened to one rule since before the bell even sounded. Well, he's going to try to get away with just, I'm sure, as much as he can without being disqualified. Macho with that knee right in the cervical vertebra area. And now it's he who has the upper hand in this title contest. What Macho's doing here now, he's going to try to beat Santana down so he can do some of his aerial stuff off the ropes. And if he gets Santana in that position, oh, Chico's in a lot of trouble. Macho Man unloaded, whoa, an elbow and a beauty. He had an opportunity for him there to go upstairs, but he didn't. Two counters, he hooked a leg, but couldn't get Santana to stay down there. Savage looks like he might have caught one right in the left eye, Jeff. Starting to close up on him. Oh, Santana going to work now on the knee area. But what possibly could be, oh, look at Randy hanging onto that bottom rope for dear life. That's not your job to physically handle the wrestlers. Your job is to count. Well, that disqualified. Well, he wants to give Chico every benefit of the doubt to try to regain the title, Gorilla. You're not supposed to put your hands on the wrestlers today. And Chico's supposed to break on the ropes. Look out, Savage on the top turnbuckle, perched up there again. Some 18 or 23 down to the arena floor. He's going, double axe handle, right to the back of the neck of Santana. Now, if I was Macho Man here, I'd do one more thing to him, and I'd roll into that ring and let Santana get counted out. Maybe that's exactly what he's going to do, Jess, but Chico's got too much left yet, Jeff. You see, when you're the champion, you do whatever it takes to keep that title. Well, let's be realistic with you. When you're the champion, Elizabeth's looking still concernedly odd. When you are the champion, it's relatively easy to hold onto the title, Jeff. I disagree with you, Gorilla. You've got too many top competitors standing in line. Well, it can only change hands on a pinfall or submission. Do you think Randy Savage would be above striking the referee should his title be in jeopardy? I surely would say Chico wouldn't be. Because after all, he got himself intentionally counted out on a number of occasions against me. Oh, that's not true. He got himself intentionally counted out against Macho Man Savage. Macho Man finally caught him at his game where he couldn't run and get out. I saw those matches when you were 12 in those pilot contests. It was not anything. That's why you're never going to give me the benefit of the doubt, Gorilla. I will if there's a doubt to be had. Santana absorbing a whole lot of punishment here at the hands of the champion, Randy Savage. Look out. Rammed into the steel turnbuckle. Santana in a whole lot of trouble here. He doesn't bounce off that in a hurry. Kick to the short with another one, and another one stops the champion and drives him back. There goes Santana again in for the ride. Whoa, nice goes on. Well executed. And he could get the fall here. Look, he's got him on cradle hook both legs. No. Santana managed to squeeze that right arm and shoulder up and through. Scoop slam. Drove him into that mat. He's going up. He's going up. Gorilla. Elizabeth says go to the top turnbuckle as she looks on. And there he is. Champion perched up there once again. Bombs away. Look out below. Everybody home as Santana got out of the way at the last good second. And Macho's definitely damaged the elbow, Gorilla. He sure did. Came right down on it. He's hurting right now. Golden opportunity. Santana's hurting also. Here comes Mach. Santana with a shoulder block and forearm. Change of his football game. What a tremendous pass. Right here in Madison Square Garden. Oh, the rotten blood is going hot right now. Macho man begging for mercy. Tito trying to drag him back in the center of the ring where he could possibly apply that figure four. The damage is going to come back in or go out without any lights on. Big roundhouse right and a nice knee lift by the challenger. Champion sent in for the ride here. Big back drop. Santana in a position now to slap on that figure four. He's winding it up now. Do anything to save that title, right Gorilla? Yes sir. Beautiful shot by our number six camera over the shoulder of Elizabeth. As we look at the action going on inside the ring. And the champion scooting to the outside. He needs a timeout. He could take a deliberate count out here. Wouldn't be a bad idea Gorilla. Santana's not going to let him do that as a fiery Mexican right out after him. Sucker chop. Plain possum was the champion. Look out, rammed into the steel railing. And now thrown back inside the ring. What a sick job that was by the champion. Santana now in for the ride. Rose line job off the road. Completely by surprise. Now's the time for that figure four. He's just about got it. History could be made here in Madison Square Garden. The title could change hands. He's right in the center of the ring. Look at Elizabeth. She's beside herself. Oh look at that. What did I tell you Jess? You'll do anything to hold on to that title. I love it. What a brilliant move on Macho Man's part. For an automatic disqualification I guarantee ya. Saving his title. Losing the match. And the winners share the purse. But holding on to the title I'm sure. The Macho Man is going to be disqualified here. Elizabeth in the ring immediately. Let's get the official word. The winner of this bout as a result of a disqualification. Tito Santana. Tito Santana winner on a disqualification does not give him the title. I don't know how he could be happy about that victory Jess. He probably keeps him in line to be the number one contender. The only way a title changes hands is by submission or pinfall. That did not happen. Macho Man is still down. He can't stand on that leg. He needs help from Elizabeth and a lot of other people to get out of here. But his title was definitely in jeopardy and I don't believe that that rule should apply. Anytime someone does a deliberate move like that to get disqualified he should lose the title. Let's go back and take a look at that. That's just because your favorite didn't win Monsoon. That's not true. If it was the other way around you'd be saying it was great. Let's take a look at this despicable display by the Intercontinental Champion. There you see Santana with the figure four leg lock on the Macho Man. The referee bending in there trying to find out if the Macho Man submitted. Looked to me like the ref slipped a little, Gorilla. Please he stuck his hand right down in his belt and rammed him right into Tito Santana. A deliberate disqualification when that happens in my book. But definitely the title should change hands. Don't go away wrestling fans. We'll be right back. All right. Back with more TNT and before we introduce our next guest I'd like to state that this party is going to be in New York. New York's entrance into the WrestleMania in terms of the location. In New York we're going to see Mr. Typer Rowdy Rowdy Piper versus Mr. T. Ten rounds of boxing. That's going to be a little bit different. Smoking Joe Frazier is in the corner of Mr. T. And of course Lou Duva. One of the most active men in boxing today in the corner of Rowdy Rowdy Piper. George the Animal Steel is going to be facing our next guest. Would you please welcome the macho man Randy Savage. Just relax. Everything will just come real nice and slow. Just relax. You're on the champion now. Don't get nervous. I noticed you were stuttering out here. Everybody's nervous in the WWF but it was inevitable all along. And I said it and I did it and I done it and I'm going to do it again and again and again. I wonder what kind of champion George the Animal Steel would make. What's that noise right there? That wasn't Alfred. Kind of a laugh is there right there now. That was Alfred. Alfred shave on you. In any event. Now George the Animal Steel has given you not just problems in terms of athletic ones. He really is, there's no secret to the fact that the animal is obviously very much infatuated with your manager Elizabeth. Oh yeah he's got a non-existent type relationship going. A non-existent one. A non-existent type relationship going. That's not what we hear. It's not what you hear huh? No. You believe everything you hear Lord Alfred 8? Certainly not. Somebody tells you something going to jump off a cliff. Do you do it? Certainly not. No man that would be very bad because all of a sudden you'd be going down, down, down, down and then eventually you gotta hit bottom. Go ahead. Thank you. Sure. No problem at all. I'm only the champion. I can just sit here. Interrupt me at any time. Only the Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion. We have some footage. Now there we see. Uh oh. Now you're on the other side. And look at this. I didn't see this here. Is it that? I mean Elizabeth look at the animal. That's one of the kindest things perhaps you'll. What is going on? Now you will see what's going on right about now I believe. Uh oh. And look from behind. From behind you attack the animal. Right. I did that's right. Took him and threw him into the ring. Now what everybody doesn't realize is that I'm getting to be an expert on flowers. Yeah. In fact I'm the leading florist in the country today. And now, and now the animal gives a gift to Elizabeth and what I want Elizabeth to find out right now is that they gotta pass the test. And you gotta bang them against a person's head before you get flowers. You gotta test them real good. Yeah. The taste test is very very important. The taste test. The taste test. We don't wanna be associated with anything second class. Ain't that right Elizabeth? Right? Did you cause that? Yeah. By taking the flowers didn't you? You did. But then it's all straightened out and it's coming to a tragic ending in the Nassau Coliseum in Long Island. Long Island. You're laughing out there but coming to Long Island you ain't gonna be laughing. Well you weren't laughing right there were you? Turn my back on the jerk and captain of a garbage truck. Turns the animal loose. And look at that. You think that's treating a champion with respect right there? No way. Oh no. A sneak attack from behind. You're laughing out there don't you? You're laughing at the champion. I'm gonna tell you something right now. Wrong go baby. Wrong go. Caused by... Sit down Mr. Savage. I'm gonna sit down after I say one thing. You pushed me right? You pushed me. You wanted it to come to a tragic ending? I'm gonna destroy the animal all in one night. Biggest wrestling spectacular of all time in the Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion. Yeah with these championship hands. Yeah. I'm gonna destroy him. And it's your fault and it's your fault and it's all your fault out there yeah. An animal ain't gonna be an animal no longer in the Nassau Coliseum on that particular night. Go ahead and ask a question. Elizabeth how do you feel about this match up? Do you have any mixed emotions? I mean obviously George Steele has a great deal of affection for you. Well George Steele's a very nice man. He is a nice man. What the... Unbelievable. Get up right now. Get up. No Mr. Savage. Mr. Savage. Yeah. You gonna stand right over here on this side of the desk right now where I can see you. You direct your questions right here toward me. I'm the Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion of the world and I ain't gonna take that. You understand me? Do you understand me? Do you understand that Elizabeth? We're done here. Nassau Coliseum. Got it in mind. We'll be back with more teams. Yeah you just wait. You just wait. And of course his partner Tito Santana. And of course his partner Tito Santana. And of course his partner Tito Santana. There's a ton of defenses part of WrestleMania 2. Macho Man Randy Savage. You're gonna be challenged by George the Animal Steal this Monday night as we get down to the short strokes. WrestleMania 2. The biggest spectacle in the world today. Throw it in on Nassau Coliseum Long Island. Yeah. George the Animal Steal. I'm gonna teach you how to talk. I'm gonna teach you how to say Macho Man you're the best. Elizabeth's not here right now. But she's gonna be there watching. Real close. And there's only gonna be one man. Not here right now. You don't see her, do you? She's not here right now. WrestleMania 2. Macho Man's gonna be there. Every match is gonna be a main event for WrestleMania 2 this Monday night. Don't you dare miss it. All right, while we're away. This contest is for the inter... While we're away. This contest is for the Intercontinental Heavyweight Championship. It is scheduled for one fall with a one hour time limit. In the ring is the challenger from Detroit, Michigan. Weighing 288 pounds. George the Animal Steal. Right. And his opponent. To be led towards the ring by Elizabeth. From Sarasota, Florida. Weighing 239 pounds. The Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion. Randy Macho Man. Seven. The Macho Man making his way to the squared circle. Led, no doubt, by his lovely manager, Elizabeth. There's a good looking Elizabeth. Wow, she's a beauty. Oh, she is fantastic. I'm really rooting for the animal tonight, Vince. Because that's my guy. He's got... Somebody's gotta show this Macho Man how to treat people. This gorgeous, nice young girl. And he treats her so badly. This is my match. This is my match. Earlier on we had an occasion to chat with the Macho Man and Elizabeth. As they make their way into the ring now. Let's go back and take a look at what we saw and heard. Freak out! Freak out! Macho Man, Randy Savage here. The Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion of the World. Talking to you right now. George the Animal Steal. By the end of tonight. Yeah, by the end of tonight. We're gonna have a talk here. I'm gonna say excuse me, Macho Man. You are the greatest in the world. No doubt about it. The biggest spectacle in the world. The Macho Man and Macho Madness. Zoning on you, George Steal. Oh, yeah. All right, the Macho Man and George the Animal Steal. About ready to lock up now. And this will be a most unique matchup. Who does that guy think he is? Look at that gorgeous manager. He treats her like dirt. Animal's totally in love with her, as you probably know. I'm looking forward to this. I think Animal can beat him. Come on, George. Yes, and of course, George the Animal Steal can not only win the Intercontinental Championship here, but he just might win the hand of Elizabeth. Who knows? Well, if she had any taste, she'd change boyfriends immediately. Just, she should manage Animal. Uh-oh. And right away, the Macho Man cannot adapt early on to the rather unorthodox style of George the Animal Steal. Macho Man, very, very crafty and certainly one of the more athletic talents in the WWF today. Uh-oh. And there's another look at George the Animal Steal. And again, the Macho Man leaps from the ring. And they're fighting a little fire with fire. The Macho Man. A lot of fur. Of course, it would be classified as hair, but it looks almost like fur on George the Animal Steal. There's so much of it, with the exception, of course, of any... And again, the Macho Man. Here it is! He's coming after him! Uh-oh. George Steal coming after him! Back in now. And again, right back there. I'm telling you, he's on murder. He's on murder. He's on murder. He's on murder. He's on murder. He's on murder. He's on murder. I'm telling you, he's on murder. He unnerves him every time. I think he's scared of the Animal. Watch this. Well, if anyone has any sense, they will be frightened. The Animal! Has the Macho Man! Oh, look at that! Oh! All right, George! Eat his leg! The Animal. I believe gnawing on the calf. Yes! Definitely. I wonder what Elizabeth thinks of that. Well, I know it's journey, but somebody's got to stick up for her. And the Macho Man moves right in now. And George... Oh, look at the strength of George the Animal Steal! Mmm. Macho, huh? Mmm. Kind of changes things there a little bit, huh? Changes things a lot. Out of the way, George. Ooh! Out of the way, George. George Steal looking down on Elizabeth. Oh, don't, George! Oh, no. Look, he's all hung up in the ropes. Oh, no. The Animal has made this mistake once before. Uh-oh. And here, I mean, the referee must ask the Macho Man to move back. George Steal caught in the ropes, helpless. Did you call that macho when you attack somebody when they're caught in the ropes? Definitely not. Definitely not. Come on, George. Uh-oh. And again, from the top rope, the Macho Man. A leap. George! Look at that. Oh, no. Shoulders are down in the Macho Man a moment ago, and George Steal easily kicks out. Oh, he just gets so caught up looking at Elizabeth that he loses his concentration. Come on, George. Right back through the ropes now. And again, the Animal goes to work. The Macho Man through the ropes, out on the hard concrete floor. Oh, look at that. Macho Man hiding. Yes, indeed. Literally under the skirts. Yeah. Uh-huh. Of his manager, the lovely Elizabeth, from the other side, however. Uh-oh. Come on. Oh, no. Oh, no one ever accused the Animal of being a mental giant, but look at this. Oh, no. The Animal, biting again. There's no hair there. Macho Man reaching for the hair of the Animal. There is none, except all over his torso. None on his head. And now, the Animal starts to hammer away. I wonder if he's had his shots. What question? Uh-oh. Uh-oh. Not very much in the way of scientific wrestling maneuvers that we are seeing here thus far. It's all brawling techniques. And again, another bouquet of flowers that someone wanted to give to Elizabeth with a macho. Oh, wow. Right across the face. And now, the Macho Man. And maybe a little bit of trouble. Macho whip to the buckle. George Steele with the flowers. Oh, look at this. Uh-oh. Oh, right, George. He may not be smart, but he has respect for women, Vince. That's what he's got. And he does. And you can bet the Macho Man is going to have a little more respect for the Animal after this. That's right. Look at that. The Animal going over for Elizabeth again. But don't get carried away, George. Uh-oh. Uh-oh. Now, he's really getting carried away. He's having some breakfast. Into the buckle. It makes no rhyme, no reason. But you can see George, the Animal, Steele all down into the stuffing. But wait a minute. Now, the Macho Man's back with him. Oh, he's stuffing him. Each man getting a taste of what it looks like. Right. The Macho Man got a nice big gulp. There's another swallow coming up. Uh-oh. This is not the Macho Shining fight, I don't think. Uh-oh. Go to the Macho Man, Steele. And there's no doubt that this referee is bending, or allowing the bending, if not the breaking of the rules here. Well, he's probably got some strong feelings about Elizabeth, too. Look at the hair on that torso. Some defender. And you see the Macho Man circling the ring, trying to get his... Oh, look at this. Oh, not again. Come on, George. Pay attention. Watch out. George... Oh, from the top rope. Uh-oh. Down across the back. George Steele is absolutely enamored with Elizabeth. He can't take his eyes off. To distraction, obviously. Absolutely. Actually, she becomes a good weapon for the Macho Man. Yes, and there, the slam. Macho Man now going out. Uh-oh. If he gets up there and delivers the elbow to the all-over for George Steele. Roll over, George. Uh-oh. Watch out. And the elbow. That looks like... We're gonna have a three count here. Oh! How about that? All right, George. That's the first time I've ever seen anyone escape. Uh-oh. The audible now. With a handful of face. What's he gonna do with it? I think he's gonna eat his nose. Oh, my God. Down on his shoulder. It's all George Steele at the moment. By the referee, trying to maintain a little order, but the animal's taken right off his feet. Look! The Macho Man's feet are on the ropes. I can't believe he got the three count. I can't believe that. The Macho Man. Once again. With belt in hand, as we will get the official decision, and there is George Steele, obviously very, very upset. Well, I don't blame him. He was busy getting warned, and next thing he was pinned. Uh-oh. Oh. A little consolation prize there, where the animal gets another buckle, I guess, but he leaves the ring without Elizabeth, or without the title ballot, as now we take a look at the replay. And here, Susan, you'll be able to see clearly what happens. Referee is looking right at the shoulders, and George Steele does not see the additional leverage of the Macho Man using the second rope. The ropes. I can't believe it. I could have sworn he would have won, especially after he survived that elbow. And now, look at this. Uh-oh. Oh, my goodness. The animal. Going after the official. There's no telling what George the Animal Steal is going to do. Resto Mania 2 is history, and this man is still the Intercontinental Champion. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, Elizabeth. My dear, how are you? You look gorgeous as usual. Thank you very much. Well, you're more than welcome. How are things going for you? Oh, great. Everything's super. When you get into New York City, you have an opportunity to do a little shopping. Oh, yes. I mean, you really enjoy that. Excuse me, just let me in for a second. I'm just telling you, I'm holding a gold medal for your kind of heavyweight championship. I'm not going to let you down. Don't degrade the champion at any time. I'm going to be able to afford a look with the test. You understand that? Tell T.O.T. and Canada and tell Hulk Hogan that. Elizabeth, I think I need to tell you something right now. You don't understand. Thank you. Thank you very much. You know who you're with? Thank you very much. You're with me, my friend, Randy Savage. Goodbye. Thank you. The point I was trying to make. Excuse me. They told me to get into television broadcasting. I had to really clean up. I certainly had. I had to clean up, but I had to clean up, and I had to clean up, and I had to clean up, and I had to clean up, and I had to clean up. from Sarasota, Florida, weighing 239 pounds, the Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion, Randy, Macho Man, Tavis. Here he comes down the aisle out of the dressing room area, the current reigning Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion, the not-so-macho man, Randy Savage, being led down by the beautiful, lovely, absolutely and no matter what you say about him, look at this crowd, everybody on their feet, whether they hate him or whether they love him, her, too, he gets them all up. But I notice that Tito Santana is up pretty much, too. He is truly electrified superstar, and he's very, very colorful. He's very, very flashy. He's a young man. You can look at his body. He's a well-tuned athlete. You know, he played pro baseball for a while, also. He's got about $8,000 or $10,000 worth of ring attire on. Tremendous opportunity here for Tito Santana to regain the Intercontinental Championship that was literally stolen from him. Absolutely. One of the things that Tito Santana must do, he must not let his lady intimidate him and get him into trouble. Well, that is his plan. The macho man is an absolute expert in psyching you up, and he does it with the young lady at his side, and he does it really masterfully. Referees showing the capacity crowd here in the garden that the belt is definitely on the line. This is what it's all about. This is where the dollars are. Look at Tito Santana. He said, get the lady out of the ring so we can go to work, because I want my belt back right now. Boy, he's ready. He is ready. He is primed and ready. And the macho man. Oh, look at this. Look at him hiding behind Elizabeth. Why, you coward. Look at that. What a despicable display. Well, I don't know. I think she's as much to blame as the macho man himself. She does that every time. And I'm going to say right now, and I know I'm going to be getting myself in the hot water for this, but she does that, too, to deliberately distract an opponent. Well, the first round of strategy has definitely worked for the macho man, because they've definitely intimidated Tito. You trying to look at that? Oh, Elizabeth went down. Give me a break. And immediately pouncing on Tito from the backside. So the strategy worked. He's still got some ring attire on. He's got a pair of shades on. I can't believe that. Macho man going to the top turnbuckle. Santana's waiting for him. Whoa. He had a bandana on. He had shades on. The head gear's off. And now with Santana exploding with a vengeance. It's pandemonium in the Madison Square Garden. They love Tito Santana. He almost nailed the referee. This match would have been over in a hurry. He would have been out. Santana doesn't want to see it end that way. There's only two ways for him to win, submission or pinfall. Otherwise, the belt goes the other way. Absolutely, and that would be a shame, because I must say that the intercontinental belt, when it was held by Santana, it was held with dignity. What a kick to the head. You notice the seasoned veteran that Santana is. He's going to work on him, and he will not let up. He's right on him at all. He's got his dog on his prey. He's going right outside after him right now. He does not want this man to regain nothing. Oh, look at this. Santana not wasting any time. The macho man went out there to get a breather, and now Tito just rams him out over the steel railing. And he's getting a dose of his own medicine. And the right side area nails him with a steel chair. This is what's happened to Tito before. It's now happening to Macho Man. Santana going to watch the count here. He doesn't want to get counted out or have his opponent counted out. Look at the expression from the macho Tito Santana. Oh, last ditch effort on the part of the macho man. At the last split second, he rammed Tito right into that steel post. And now it's Santana who's in a whole lot of trouble. The referee stopped the count there, and I think quite rightly so, because that was close, close, close to a disqualification. And as we said before, in a championship belt, the belt was not going to change on a disqualification. The referee giving them some sort of buffer there. Tito Santana's holding his shoulder. The camera has not been able to pick it up. He might be in severe trouble. He might have a dislocated shoulder. Well, he rammed that left shoulder flush on into that steel post. And look at this. Savage going to work on him now. He is relentless once he gets the upper hand. Oh, look at him going into work on him. He's just like his name. He's a savage when things are going his way. Macho off the top of the top turnbuckle. Oh, nailed him with a double axe handle. And on the left shoulder, where he seems to be a little bit disabled. Turns him over, hooks the leg. No, that left arm of Santana nowhere near down there. You don't beat Santana like that. The great condition he happens to be in. He know what it's like to be the champion. A champion means prestige. It means a lot of money. Oh, nice suplex from the outside. Beautiful shot over the shoulder of the beautiful Elizabeth. Almost a three count there. I don't think I've seen one come so close as that before, Gorilla. Tito is in a whole heap of trouble here in Madison Square Garden. Send in for the ride. Oh, clothesline job well executed by Savage. This belt is not old, and yet look at the amount of punishment he's already taken. He's so intent on hooking that leg that he's letting go of the upper body. You know what I'm really impressed by? Each man is trying to pin his opponent every time he gets the opportunity. You look at the earlier matches, the guys that were not champion, they didn't try to get a pin admittedly. But right now, every time that Savage gets the opportunity to get his man in trouble, he tops him for the one, two, almost down to three counts. Clayton Chokehole laid on there by the macho man. And Elizabeth looking very concerned. And she's not looking concerned for Tito, that's for sure, because Tito's really taking two woes up close. Referee was in a down position on that arm for the three count. Well, it goes back to Archie Moe when Archie Moe was fighting, when he was an older man in his career. Young man knocking down, getting his head together, let the count go as far as he can. And Tito Santana is listening at the count, and he's trying to get as much breathing as he can between one, two, two and three quarters of an inch of count. This is a bad place to do that, or any Madison Square Garden could make your death in there, and you won't be able to hear anything. Very, very tricky move to be doing in there. Hooks the leg, no. Santana knows when he's on his back, and I wouldn't wait for any two count or two and a half count. And Santana deceptively strong as well. That could be a mistake on the macho man's time. Look at this, macho, now trying to even the score as he was nailed with a chair earlier on. But Santana unloads with a couple of big right hands. They're clearing out the ringside area. That's the mistake I was telling you about. That could have been a mistake. The macho man went to the whale one time, two minutes. Oh, I thought he was going to hit the pile driver. That's exactly what I thought. And if he had, he would have never got up from that one. Oh, look at that double cross. The macho man aimed Santana. The idea looked that he was going back in the ring and had double crossed and stepped out and hooked him. Suplex coming up. No, nice block by Santana. Neck breaker, not well executed. No, but it was a twisting neck breaker, and I think it's taken some of the sting out of macho man. Taking a whole lot out of Tito Santana, that's for sure. All that fire he had when he stepped inside the squared circle was slowly going out. I can assure you one thing. Two of the greatest heavyweight champions in boxing, Mohamed Ali and Joe Frey, they took at least two years off of each other's career, the power and the fights they've had. This is the type of match that takes years off of your career. These men are taking a brutal beating in there right now. No question about it. I can assure you Tito Santana is taking a beating right now. Macho again with a steel chair. He done nailed him without wanting to tore his head off. He's still after it with the chair. I don't know, that could be an automatic disqualification in my point of view. I think that should have been a disqualification. Kicked him right in the throat. You know, a lot of times a disqualification is too unfair to the fans. Macho on the top turnbuckle, bombs away. Oh, he got caught. Did he get caught? That's the first time he's been caught on that particular dangerous move. I have never seen him so flat-footedly caught as that. Both men have been outside the ring an awful long time. Look at Santana. He doesn't want this match to be a count-out. Anyway, shape or form, he wants the belt. He's dragging him in for that one, two, three. This is the first time I've ever seen a man come down all of his weight on a steel chair like that. Oh, there's that pat, that forearm shot by the former champion. Over for the cup. No. Santana pulls him up. Mistake, mistake, mistake. See, Santana's upset. He want to physically hurt him now. Could it be a big mistake here on the part of Tito Santana? Elizabeth looking very concerned. I don't think so because Santana knows he's really got to thrash his man and beat him into almost unconsciousness before he'll get both of his shots. Santana thinking that Savage headed for the locker room, stopped him, and now rams him into the steel railing. Obviously Pandemonium broken loose here in the Garden. And the people on their feet looking at it. Oh, ramp right into our table. Santana shoves Savage back inside the ring where he wants him. Going into the top rope, right in the corner there. He's a little bit out of the ranks, but he's there. Beautiful flying elbow by the former champion. And we could be seen at the beginning of the end here for the reign. He's going for that finger four. Stuck the finger right in the eye. Tito Santana was so methodical then. So confident there. You think too methodical that it was predictable? Is that what you mean, honey? When he came out from the top rope, he knew he had things under control. And he went for the finger four. Elizabeth doing a little consoling. And giving him the opportunity. And they're both outside again as Santana came out after him and got caught. How much more punishment can these two men take? The threshold level has been about reached on the part of both men as far as how much physical punishment one individual can take. And it was Santana who turned the tables that time. Look at Mr. Elizabeth as she run down and see about a man. Savage was rammed face first. He's busted wide open by the steel post. The blood just gushing out of him. And Elizabeth extremely concerned. Look at the expression on her face. That's right. Look at Savage. He's busted all the way across his forehead above both eyes. But look at the determination as he's climbing back in there. You've got to admire the Macho Man. He's coming back in. He's strictly on guts now. The Macho Man is strictly on guts. He knows what that championship means to him and he wants to maintain his belt. I can't believe the referee didn't even take a look to see how severe the cut is. It's got to be really bad as the blood is just pouring out of it. But still coming forward and he got caught once again. And now Santana going to work on it. We can see history made right here in Madison Square Garden. He is right for the picking note. Winding up with a big right hand. Santana unloads with another one. Look at the resiliency of the parties coming right back. Where are they getting the energy? Gorilla, this is what champions are made out of right here. You've got two of them right in there right now. The current and the former. He went back to the rope to get some leverage to come right on and hit the Macho Man. Both men show an exceptional courage. I'm sure that Savage really can't see now too good. That blood's got to be flowing down in his eyes. Look at that. Deliberate. He did that deliberately. He knows. He knew where he was. He was on the threshold. And that is it. No referee there. No way. He took a blow from the fist and his head is the damage also. I think he's knocked out. He's got the flying forearm as a referee lays unconscious on the canvas. Come on, Raph. Up, up, up. He took a big right hand from the Macho Man. And the referee's still down and out of it. Look out. Savage still trying to mount some kind of an attack. But Santana continues the Armstrong. No one there to cover. Savage is unconscious. He's only digging down and his self-conscious now trying to make some sense out of it. What a forearm to the head. What a knee to the head. Oh, look at that. For a Harvard job as the Macho Man wasn't hurt as bad as he thought he was. Santana with a subset roll up. Referee's there. No. Rolls him up. He hugs the tights. Hey, that's not right. Forgive me. I think the referee definitely has counted the shoulders of Tito Santana down. He has. Look at this. Santana not done yet with a champion. There goes the Macho Man busting wide open but still with his belt. I can't understand why the referee cannot disqualify Savage for blatantly knocking him unconscious. I can't believe it. I cannot understand it myself. Well, the only thing I can imagine he was knocked unconscious and he's lost all remembrance of that. I'm going to need some kind of interpretation on that one. And still Intercontinental Champion Randy Macho Man Savage. Miscarriage of justice here at Madison Square Garden as the third man in the ring obviously did not know his job. Let's go back and take a look at it. Unbelievable execution of conditions. Beautiful sunset roll up here and the Macho Man turns it around ahead. But the referee at this point in time, Ernie, had no business counting anybody out. You're so correct because the man should have been disqualified some time ago. Cheated out of his title once again. That man right there, Tito Santana what a valiant effort. Many people not aware Many people not aware as yet the new World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Champions are the British Bulldogs and I think we might call their attention as we have just a second before the excitement begins. Boy, you talk about something spectacular that's about to happen. It's here. This is where it's at. The World Wrestling Federation. And now perhaps the man that needs no introduction anywhere in the world. This place is going wild. Unbelievable. You tell me what other sport you hear noise like this. Ladies and gentlemen and for no other athletes. Heavyweight World Championship. One ball with a 60 minute time limit. First of all, introducing the challenger from Sarasota, Florida at a weight of 238 pounds Randy Macho Man Savage. He is accompanied by his manager Elizabeth. Ladies and gentlemen, the World Heavyweight Champion from Venice Beach, California at a weight of 302 pounds Hulk Hogan. You call the Jack Reynolds no athlete, no man alive, has a charisma. The electricity that surrounds the World Wrestling Federation champion, the incredible Hulk Hogan. He wears that World Wrestling Federation championship heavyweight belt very proudly. And he wants to keep that belt. But I know somebody that would love, love to take that belt out of the ring tonight. And there he is right now along with his, his manager the very, very lovely Elizabeth. As diminutive as beautiful as Elizabeth is. So look at the Hulkster. Look at this. Macho Man doing a Pearl Harbor Heavyweight Champion Hulk Hogan. Look at him. He's got the belt now. Now he's got the belt. He went at him with this robe. With that beautiful sequin robe. And now he's got the belt. And now the Macho Man is going to work. Look at that. The referee grabbing the belt. And the Macho Man on the attack right now. Elbow. Across the top of the head. He's going on top. And he caught the champion. He caught the champion in the back of the neck. We talked about earlier, we knew he'd do anything he could to win, including attacking the champion with its own title belt. He hasn't even taken his glasses off yet. Up on the top rope yet again. Double fist. And Hogan right now is really, he did a Pearl Harbor job on the champion Hulk Hogan. If we could catch it, it looks like Elizabeth is on the ring apron asking him to stop. I don't believe this Jack Reynolds. There comes Hogan. That's a mistake. That's a mistake. Down goes the Macho Man. Now Hogan's got the glasses on. He's wearing the glasses. Another hard right hand. There he goes. The Hulkster right out after him. Ordering Elizabeth away. Picks him up. Hogan's got him up on top right now. Inside that... Outside the ring. Into the steel pole. The Macho Man grabbing at his left shoulder. And Hogan back in the ring. Abiding the count out, still wearing the sunglasses of the Macho Man. Rosa back in. Hogan back in there right now. Alright, the glasses are off. Look at this. Got him up there on top right now. Look at the strength of Hulk Hogan. Hogan grabbing at the trapezius muscles and holding him up there. The Macho Man is really hurting right now. Hulk Hogan asking the crowd saying he may want to take Elizabeth. Hogan blowing a kiss. The Hulkster for the... Well, with a few kisses of his own. Now the Macho Man grabbing at Hogan. Look at that, referee in the way. As the Macho Man goes after Hogan. Both men outside the ring right now. Battling it out on the floor here. Macho Man back in the ring. Hulkster still on his knees. Right to the head, Jack Reynolds. And again, Hulk Hogan on the arena floor. Hogan down right now. The Macho Man going after him. Listen to the crowd roar. Woods it right into the steel standards here at Rinside, giving the crowd back. This man will do anything to win the World's Heavyweight Championship belt from champion Hulk Hogan. That's something you don't see very often right there. The incredible Hulk Hogan, the champion prone on an arena floor. Macho Man continues to go out more punishment. Hogan stopping away. Coming right back. Savage knot on the floor as well. One thing I learned about the Macho Man, he's pretty good with the fists. He's also good with the boots as well. And he's exemplifying that right now. No, nothing to him. He tried to go into the return buckle. Driving Hogan's head in. There, now. Hogan says enough is enough. The champion says let's go at it. You want to play with fire, baby? You're gonna burn. Hogan going right after the Macho Man. He was trying to get out. Hogan with a series of right hands right now. Look at that. And the crowd is loving it, Kenny. To say the least, the famous right-on brother, uttered from the words the lips of Hulk Hogan. Oh! Right in the turnbuckle, Jack Reynolds. Macho Man had nowhere to go back to fall back. Absorbed the full brunt of that blow. That was a tremendous shot in there by the champion. As he caught the Macho Man real good. All right. Atomic drop right now.