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Classic country standards. Just married. Maggie. The Road to Gundagai. Performed with that Peter Horan magic. And Peter's own smash hits. Gold Rush. Gemini Sunset. And a new arrangement of his biggest seller. Goanna. The fastest fingers in the country. Peter Horan. The Goanna. More country piano together with the original best selling country piano album in stores now from Dino Music. The long awaited new album from country's finest. Gene Stafford. Love is just a two step away. Could I please have this dance? Her best yet. That Says It All. I hear you laughing clear. First, best and always. From beautiful ballads. And I'm still carrying the torch. To classic country songs. If I have to walk in. Recorded in Nashville with the hottest country musicians in the world. 14 outstanding tracks. The country album for the 90s. Gene Stafford. That Says It All. In stores now from Dino Music. They are the new wave of country music. Mother and daughter. They've taken the music world by storm. With sales in excess of 20 million. They are the Judds. And this is their finest collection. The Judds weave their magic from the classic. To Mark Knopfler's haunting. Then back to the heart and soul of country music. If you've never given country music a second thought. Think again. The Judds. 16 tracks. Their finest collection. In stores now on record cassette and compact disc. Here's the best collection of country music you're likely to hear in a long, long time. We've called it country classics. Let's start with a little Patsy Cline. I go out walking after midnight. How about George Jones? He's just a girl I used to know. The Outlaw. Waylon Jennings. Don't think twice, it's alright. Alabama. Kenny Rogers. Yep, we got together 40 of the very best country has to offer. Remember this classic from Frankie Wayne? Lynn Anderson. Farron Young. Patty Page. Freddie Fender. And of course, Willie Nelson. Well, there's a heap more, but tell you what, why don't you just grab a copy of Country Classics and take a listen for yourself. Country Classics. It's in your music store now for a short time only from Dino. They are the number one country music act in the US today. Alabama. And this is their finest collection. With sales of more than 20 million, their music takes you to the heart and soul of country. With an anthem for the working man. And foot stomp in good times. This is the country music you must listen to. Like a breath of fresh air. Alabama. Their finest collection. Available on compact disc, cassette and LP from Dino Music. It's the hottest dance craze right across the nation. Boots scootin', country line dancin'. Now here's the video that teaches you how. Leading American instructors show you all the basic country line steps. The vine, stomp, pivot, pitch and the strut. Then we put them all together in the hottest country line dances. The electric slide, slap leather, tush push, hockey tong stomp and of course Billy Ray Cyrus' dance hit, Akey Breaky. It's great fun to learn on your own, even better with a group of friends. And why not try country partner dancing featuring favorite traditional country dance steps. And just for the small fry, country dancin' for kids with all the steps made easy. Now you're dancin', here's the CD or cassette with all the hottest country line dancin' tracks. 20 specially selected country hits perfect for practicing or partying. Three great videos, country line dancin', country partner dancin' and country dancin' for kids. Plus the very best of country line dancin' on CD and cassette. Out now from Dino Music & Video. The following program is brought to you by Dino Video. One of the great things about country line dancin' is that it grows right along with you. The better you get, the more challenging dances you learn to do. Diane Horner's unique teaching method is so easy that you could start learning to line dance from this tape. However, like the name implies, this tape is for the person who already knows some of the basics of country line dancin'. If you'd like to learn the fundamentals of line dancin', along with almost a dozen great beginning dances, take a look at Diane Horner's country line dancin' and Diane Horner's more country line dancin'. Now you are ready to learn some of the hottest and most challenging new country line dances around. These are the show stoppers you now watch others do out on the dance floor. In this video, you'll learn the longest country line dance, 96 beats long. You'll learn the most physical country line dance and get a real workout. As always, Diane will make them all simple to learn. She'll break them down into individual steps and patterns. Then she'll go through the entire dance. And finally, the line will come out so you can practice over and over. Diane will start by showing you everything from behind. That way, you and Diane will always be on the same foot. We've created special music, started at slow 96 beats per minute, so you can really follow Diane as you get started. The music moves up to 120 beats per minute or more as you begin practicing. And by the time you hit the dance floor at your favorite club, you'll be ready for the full 140 to 160 beats found in most of today's upbeat country music. Plus, as a special bonus, Diane will teach you the hottest thing in line dancing today, partner line dance. It's the same line dance, only now you can do it with a partner. So let's get started. When you get done with Country Line Dance Challenge, Diane will make you the show stopper out there on the dance floor. Hello, I'm Diane Horner and welcome to Country Line Dance Challenge. When you first started line dancing, I bet every dance was difficult and really required concentration. After you'd been dancing for a while, maybe you thought Country Line Dancing had lost something. Well, then what you need are a few more Country Line Dances. Dances with more challenge, dances that really let you show what you can do out there on the dance floor. That's why I made Country Line Dance Challenge, so everyone who learned to love country dancing from our first takes could just get better and better. Some of the dances in this video can be pretty demanding physically. Others require you to concentrate because they are complicated. All of the dances will make you a better dancer and put you right up there with the best at your dance club. A couple of things to remember when you go out dancing. In traveling around the country, we found regional differences in most dances, even differences from club to club. So what we teach you is the mainstream dance. Even if your club does things a little differently, you'll be able to pick it up easily. I sure hope you enjoy this video in the best way I know, by getting out to your favorite dance club and having a ball Country Line Dancing. So here we go with some new Country Line Dances. Country Line Dances that are a little more challenging and just maybe a lot more fun. The Applejack develops coordination and always gets lots of attention on the dance floor. It uses the fan, touching, step touch, and the reggae with a jump. Just like we always do, we'll practice each of the steps individually before we put the dance together. Let's practice the fans. Starting with the left, pass your toe out and in. A couple more. Good. Now take your right heel and tap your heel in and out. In and out. Then tap your right toe out and in. A couple more. And take your left heel in and out. A couple more. And you're saying, that's easy, right? Well, what we're going to do is put it together. Let's practice the left side first. It's the left toe and the right heel moving together. You're lifting your left toe and your right heel. Four more times. Now we have to switch it. Right toe, left heel. Here we go. Over and back. And just bend the knees a bit. Give them a little lift. Four more. Now, we do a pattern. We'll do one on the left, one on the right, two on the left, two on the right, one on the left, one on the right. Let's try it. Ready? Left single, right single, left double, right double, left single, right single. And that's the first part of the Applejack. Let's try that again. Ready? Here we go. One left, one right, two left, two right, one left, one right. How's it going? Let's do it one more time. Ready? And over and each side once, each side twice, each side once. And that's the coordination part of the Applejack. Now take your right foot touching front back and step touch twice. Let's try it. Touch front, back, step touch each side. And we'll practice the step touch a couple times. Step it over and touch. Step and touch. Remember, on a step you change the weight, on a touch you don't. And we'll be turning one quarter turn to the right as we step touch. Step, touch, step, touch. And then the dance finishes with the reggae. Let's practice the reggae. Cross over, back, back, and a jump forward. And let's do that again. Crossing right, over, back, back, jump forward. And one last time on the reggae. Here we go. Over, back, back, jump forward. And let's try the entire Applejack. From the top and the fans. Left side first. Here we go. Over and back and the right. Two left, two right, one left, one right. Now touch forward and back. Step touch, quarter turn to the right. And reggae over, back, back, and jump. That's the Applejack. Let's do it a couple more times. Ready? Here we go. Single, single, double, and double. Single. And touch front, back. Step turn, quarter right, step, touch, and cross it over. And jump forward. Oh, let's do it one more time before we bring out the line. Here we go. It's one, one, two, two, one, one. Now touch front, back, step touch. Each leg turn, quarter turn to the right. And reggae, back, back, and forward. That's it. Let's try it in the line. Let's pick up the pace in Applejack. Ready? Left. Now touch front, back, step touch twice. And reggae. Again. The pattern. Touching, step touching, and reggae. Again, it's one, one, two, two, one, one, and touch it. Step touch. And reggae. Pattern. Touch it, step touch, each leg, reggae. Again. Touch front, back, step touch. Reggae. Pattern. Again, Applejack. Have fun with it. Once, once, twice, twice, once, touch, just your right. Step touch each leg. And reggae. Again. Touch. One more time. This is the Applejack. Again. Double, single, double, singles. Have fun with it. This is the Applejack. That's the Applejack. Good job. The Pigeon is a fairly long dance that uses steps you already know, the heel toe touch and the bind. But it also has some new steps that require strength and balance. Let's take a look at those new, tough steps. Jumping, crossing, leaping, tapping, an arrow, into another leap, and a pigeon. The dance has three sections. We'll practice each section individually. Let's start with the first section. Right foot, heel toe touch twice. Then the left foot, heel toe touch twice. Straddle cross, straddle together. Heel step each leg, then double heel touch front, double toe touch back. That's the first section. Let's practice it again. Ready, touch twice. Step, the other side, touch. Now straddle cross. Each side, heel step. Now two touches in front, two in back. That's the first section. Let's do it one more time. Right side, heel toe, heel step, heel toe, heel step. Now straddle jump, and each side, heel step, two heels in front, two toes in back. That's the first section. Now the second section requires balance, and we'll be doing the vine similar to the vine in the slap and leather. We touch in front, in back, in front, in back, in front, in front, and then vine. Moving back, three steps, down, and slide together. That's the second section. There's a turn on the second section. I'll show you the turn this time. Here we go. We balance in front. Now you can lift your leg if you like. In front twice, or a half turn. And we bring it back to where we started, and slide together. And that's the second part with the turn. Let's try it again. We balance in front, in back, in front, in back, in front, and you turn 180 and vine. Three steps and a touch. Another 180, and we're back to where we started. Three steps and a stomp. Slide it together. That's the second part of the pigeon. Now for the third part, here's where you need to be strong. We're going to leap. You're going to take that left foot, you're going to pull it back, and step on it, and tap twice. Let's try it. Pulling back, pushing off the right foot, and leaping. Pull back, step, tap twice. One more time. Pull back with the left foot, leap, and tap twice. Then immediately go into the arrow, crossing in front, each side, and finish with another leap and a stomp. Two pigeons, and that's where the dance gets its name. Let's try that third part. Left foot, pull back, leap off that foot, touch twice, arrow, each leg, pull back, step, and pigeon twice. Let's try that again. Here we go. Left foot, pull back, leap, tap the toe twice, heel, toe, cross, each leg, and then pull back, left, stomp, and pigeon twice. How you doing on that third part? Let's do it one more time. Left leg, pull the ball of the foot back, press off the right, tap the right, heel, toe, heel, step, heel, toe, heel, step. Pull back, and pigeon. Those are the sections. Let's do the entire pigeon. It's 66 feet long. From the top, right side, heel, toe, touch twice, and then the left. Now straddle cross, straddle together, each side, heel, step, double heel in front, double toe in back. Balance, front, back, front, back, twice in front, turn 180 and vine. Here's where it's like the slap leather. Bring it around, three steps back and touch, and slide together, pull back, left, tap two, arrow. Other side, arrow, pull back, step, and pigeon twice. That's it. Let's do it again, the pigeon. Ready, right side goes, double heel, toe, touch, straddle cross, each side, heel, step, now two, front and back. Balance, remember you can touch the ground here if you need to. Two in front, turn 180, and vine. Turn another 180, back three, stop if you like, slide, pull back, touch twice, arrow, arrow, pull back, step, and pigeon twice. Good work, that's the pigeon. Let's try the pigeon in the line. Are you ready for this? Here's the pigeon. Right leg, go, heel, toe, touch, and left. Straddle cross, straddle together, each side, heel, step, now two, front, two, back, balance, front and back, and front and back. Front, turn it, vine, three steps, and touch. Another turn, we're back to where we started, stomp and slide, pull back, pull, and tap twice, arrow, each leg. Right into that, pull back, and pigeon, again, double, straddle, heel, step once, now two in front, two in back, balance. Remember you can touch down any time, and vine, three steps, and touch. Half turn, stomp, slide, pull back, tap it twice, pull back, stomp, and pigeon, start at the top. Now make it fancy if you like. Nice turn, double, balance, half turn, vine, three steps, and touch. Half turn, stomp, and slide, pull back, tap it twice, pull back, pigeon, go again, twice, each leg, jump, and then it's once each leg, doubles, balance, looking good, vine, turn, stomp, and slide together. Pull back, tap, arrow, pull back, and pigeon. Grab across, each side, front and back, balance, turn it, vine, this is the pigeon, bring it back, pull it back, tap it twice, pull it back, and heel toe touch twice, straddle across, heel step, two in front, two in back, hit it, balance it, turn it, vine, turn, pull back, tap it twice, pull back, pigeon, good job, that's the pigeon. The Ledoux Shuffle is the longest dance I know. It's 96 feet long, but it's easy if you know the tush push. And you learned the tush push from our first video, Country Line Dancing. To the tush push, we add arrows. We also add a stomp, jump, cross, turn, and we add a reggae, stepping over and back and forward. Let's start by reviewing the tush push. And in the Ledoux Shuffle, we're going to change the tush push and tap our toes instead of our heels. Let's try it. Tush push with a toe tap, four times, alternate right, left, right, heels, double bump, single bump, and sliding right, two steps, sliding left, two steps, do that again, but add a half turn and a quarter turn, stomp, clap. That's the tush push. Now we're going to take the tush push and we're going to add three arrows and do the back half of the tush push. And that will be the first section to the Ledoux Shuffle. Are you still with me? Let's try it. Three arrows. And then the sliding part of the tush push. Half turn that second time. Quarter pivot, stomp, clap. That's the first part of the Ledoux Shuffle. Let's do it again, it's three arrows and the back part of a tush push. Ready, go, three arrows. On an arrow, you touch three times and step. And then we slide and take two steps. Half turning, quarter turn, stomp, clap. Let's do it one more time, starting with the arrows. Touch, heel, toe, heel, step. Heel, toe, heel, step. Now on this last arrow, touch, we're sliding right, two steps. Add the turn. Pivot one quarter, stomp, clap. We've got the first section. On to the second section, we start with the tush push. And we do that whole tush push, except we leave out the clap at the end and add the stomp, jump, cross, turn. Let's go for it. Starting out the second section on the Ledoux Shuffle, here we go. Just like the tush push. Double ball, single ball, slide right, two steps, and left. Two steps, turn it, half turn, turn again, and pivot and stomp. No clap, jump, cross, turn. That's the second part of the Ledoux Shuffle. We'll get it, let's do it again. Ready, tap your toe, four, and your left, four. Now right heel, left heel, right heel, clap into that double bump. Single bump twice, sliding, two steps. Again. Pivot, stomp, jump, cross, turn. That's the second part of the Ledoux Shuffle. Let's give it one more try. Four toes, right and left. Alternate your heels three times, bump, slide, two steps, half turn it. Pivot a quarter, stomp, jump, cross, turn. We've got the second part. And the last part of the Ledoux Shuffle starts out with the back half of a tush push and finishes with a reggae. Let's do it. Right foot, sliding, three steps, and then two steps. Do that again, turn, turn, pivot and reggae. That's the third part of the Ledoux Shuffle. Let's do it a couple more times. We start sliding right, two steps, and left, two. Same thing, add a half turn on the two steps. And pivot, quarter turn, reggae. One more time and we'll have it. Right, slide, two steps, left, slide, two steps. Do it again, and turn, turn, quarter turn, reggae, over, back, back, over. And we've practiced the Ledoux Shuffle. Now it's time to try it from the top. Three arrows, starting right, and left, and right. Slide, two steps. Again, slide, two steps, turn that second time. Pivot a quarter turn to the left, stomp, clap. Now, half, four, and four more. Alternate right, left, right, get found. Those are doubles, singles. Sliding on that right, two steps. Bring it back, same thing again, add the half turn. Quarter turn, stomp, turn. We're back to where we started, and we slide. And pivot. Quarter turn to the left and reggae. We did it, that's the Ledoux Shuffle. Let's bring on the line. The Ledoux Shuffle, here we go, three arrows. Slide on your right, two steps. Do that again, half turn. Quarter turn, stomp, clap, four toe taps. Heel right, left, right, clap and bump it. Single bumps, slide right, two steps. Turning, stomp, jump, cross, turn. We're back to where we started. Quarter turn, reggae. Start again, three touches and steps for the arrow. Do it three times, slide right, two steps. Triple, turn that second time. Four, heel press, bump it. Slide it right and left. Turning, quarter turn. Reggae, again, arrow. Slide. Four, heel press, each side. Bump, slide, two steps. Stomp, jump, cross. Reggae, again, we're doing it. Slide, triple. Now, four taps. Three heel press, bump. Sliding right. Do that again, second time, turn. Stomp, jump and slide, that's quick. Quarter turn, reggae. This is the LaDue Shuffle. Sliding on your right, take two steps. Turn the toe. Alternate the heels, fall. Sliding, the triple step and then two steps. Stomp, jump, slide. Turn, enter. That's the LaDue Shuffle, great job. The bonus dance, the partner tush push. You already know. Steve and Jan and I will do the tush push in a line. And Arvel and Mary will do the partner tush push. Ready, four heel presses right, four left. Now, swivel three times, bump it. Sliding right, two steps. Left, two steps, do that again, turn, pivot. Now, pivot, stomp, clap. When you're doing partner tush push, at the end, just take four steps and leave out the clap. And slide, two steps. Turn. And four steps again. Swivel, double bump, single bump, slide. Pivot. Arvel's going to maintain contact with his left hand as he spins the lading. And slide, two steps. Notice Steve is adding another variation. Bump. Woo. Four steps for the finish. Swivel. Bump. And slide. And four steps, go again. Swivel. This is the partner tush push. This is the line dance tush push. knife together. That was the the partner tush push and the tush push in a line. I hope you had as much fun as we did. We'll see you on the dance floor. Bye bye. This program was brought to you by Dino Video. Thank you for watching.