know? Is this you? Have you searched through every video you could lay your hands on and every instruction book in the library for that one secret that'll make you a better golfer, even a competent golfer? Well, don't despair any further. Help is on its way. In this video, we are going to give you a system that is so simple, it will transform your swing in no time. Here it is, the KISS method, the easiest golf swing in the world. From the palatial Royal Pines Resort on the fabulous Gull Coast in sunny Queensland, Australia, here comes the most simple golf tuition of all time. Endorsed by PGA professional Brian Jones, KISS Golf is designed to help you fashion a rock solid, repetitive golf swing in just 30 minutes. It's that simple. Here with Brian Jones is Mr. KISS Golf, Danny McMaster. Hello, I'm turn professional Brian Jones. With me today is international comedian, Danny McMaster. Danny, how does a comedian like yourself come up with an invention like KISS Golf? Well, Brian, being a comedian, I have lots of spare time, so I took up golf. And I spent a lot of frustrating years searching for the magic formula, or the magic swing. And I couldn't figure out why you could play like a genius one day and a dummy the next. I put myself under a lot of unnecessary pressure because I didn't properly understand exactly what I was doing. So I came to the range here one day, and I decided to feel the swing rather than just hit ball after ball. I closed my eyes and I tried to feel what my muscles were doing. I went home, I thought about it, I went to bed, I woke up the next day, and I had the answer. KISS. KISS stands for keep it simple stupid, because I find that the golf swing is rather simple. The golf swing is very simple? You're talking to a professional there. Well, it seems that the instruction is complicated. You mean the average golfer finds the instructions complicated? Yes, precisely. And I believe the instruction starts in the wrong place. What do you mean? Well, where would you start the instruction? Most teachers would start with the grip. Well, I believe the grip is the wrong place to start. Balance is where you should start. You're right. Balance is the most important part of a golf swing. If you operate from a fully balanced position, you're going to get your ball where you're aiming at. Here's what I mean to understand balance a bit more fully. If I can use you as an example. Now, if you lean forward, when you lean forward, your hips go back to balance. Now, you lean back and see your hips come forward naturally. Now, the body naturally balances itself. It doesn't have to think about it. So in the golf swing, the body could care less that it's actually swinging at a golf ball. It just wants to maintain its balance while it's swinging the club. So the first thing you should do in your golf swing is to get the proper balance position. That's right. You're the golf pro, so you show me the proper balance position. Okay. Denny, why don't you come on in here and I'll show you. Sure. Okay. Right. First of all, I don't think you even need your club here to get your balance correct. Okay. Right. Now, I want you to get your feet slightly apart there for me. Right. That's it. Good. Now, just bend from the knees a little bit. That's it. So you're nice and relaxed there. In a comfortable position there. Okay. Now, just put your hands out there. Drop them together for me. That's it. That's good. That's a good position. Just keep your head upright. That's it. You don't want to get too far over with your head. Okay. Right. Now, you can tell if you're balanced correctly there. Just rock yourself back and forth a little bit. So you know you're not going to fall over on the... That's it. Good. Balls of your feet. That looks good there. Real good in fact. In fact, why don't you just turn around there on the side and we can get a better angle for you there. Okay. That's good. Nice and relaxed. Evenly balanced. This is the proper balance position? Yes, it is. So what now? Now, I think we should move on to the grip. Today, I'm going to show you three types of grips we have. Firstly, we have the overlapping grip. We also have the interlocking grip or the baseball grip. The most popular grip is the overlapping grip which we're going to show you today. We start here. Now, the grip just rests in the tip of those fingers there, right? Not in the palm of your hands. Right in the tips. That's it. Beautiful there. And that thumb goes straight down the shaft there. Right. Now, the right hand comes in there and those two little fingers overlap each other as I showed you earlier. That's good there. Right in the fingertips. Now, you'll notice that these Vs here point to a triangle basically up there between your right shoulder and the side of your chin there. Right? Nice triangle there. That's it. Well, Danny, now I've showed you the balance plus the grip. Now, you're ready to hit a golf ball. Well, Brian's given me the proper balance position and the grip. You ready for the secret of the golf swing? I'm ready. All right. I'll go through this briefly and then we'll go through it a little bit slower. You turn your left shoulder in the backswing towards your right foot, maintaining the same spine angle you had at address. Then you pull your left shoulder on the downswing, maintaining the same spine angle you had at address all the way through the golf swing. If you maintain the same spine angle all the way through the golf swing, everything will happen automatically. You don't have to think about it. When you turn, don't just lift the club up and tilt your shoulders. Turn like a gate. So, you turn your left shoulder back, maintaining the same spine angle you had at address. I call that push. I have a push sensation from my left shoulder pushing back. I then pull the club, maintaining the same spine angle I had at address all the way down through the shot. I call that pull. So, it's push, pull. The KISS golf method. Well, Danny, that sounds very sound and simple. I knew I was thinking of myself when I said keep it simple, stupid. Do you think you could run through it a little bit more slower for us? Sure. KISS golf. Here we go. Very simple. There are two parts to KISS golf. Push, pull. Now, here I am at the address position in a properly balanced setup, which means I tilt from the waist. This is very, very important in the KISS golf swing. When I push, I turn to the right. Now, I maintain the same spine angle I have here at address. If I maintain this same spine angle all the way through the swing, everything will happen automatically, and I'm bound to hit the optimum golf shot. So, on push, I move my left shoulder back to my right-hand side. Everything happens here automatically as if I'm shaking hands with someone behind me. So, when I do pull, which is the second half of KISS golf, as I pull towards the target, I'm shaking hands with the same bloke from the back. He's come around and stood in front of me. Now, this is what happens when I do push. I push, I turn my body. I don't tilt it. If I pick the club straight up and tilt my shoulders, my hips are going to go out, and therefore my spine angle is not going to be the same as it was at address. In other words, tilt. So, I turn. It's as if someone got hold of my shirt here and pulled my torso around. Same angle that I started with. I turn, I push. My hands are in a comfortable position at the top of the backswing. Now, this is very important. The second part of KISS golf is pull. I pull my left shoulder towards the target. I do not pull my left shoulder straight around to the back. If I do this, my hands are thrown out here, out of the plane, the swing plane as they call it. My spine angle is not the same. So, therefore I have to compensate. So, my hands are thrown out. Once I've done that, I'm not going to hit the proper golf shot. So, I want to pull towards the target. As I pull towards the target, my weight goes across to my left foot automatically. My hands are pulled into my right hand side and the hands come into the strong hitting position. The shaft comes from behind my body. That's most important. If the shaft is out here, then you've already broken your right arm here. It's not pulled into your side the proper way and therefore you're just pulling straight around. I want you to pull towards the target. In other words, pull towards. Throw my hands out towards the target and I finish in a strong athletic position. Now, that's KISS golf. It's push as in turn. Now, pull as in pull towards the target. Pull out towards the target. Your body will go towards the target and out and around. Your hands will come into a strong hitting position here and that's the way you'll finish. KISS golf. Well, they've seen you swing it. Let's see you hit it. Well, folks, here's the moment of truth. Let's put the KISS golf method to the test. Remember, I just keep one swing thought on my head even though it may be two words, push, pull. It's just the one swing thought. KISS golf. Here we go. It works. Want to see it again? We'll do it with the driver. Works for every club in the bag. Now, just observe that it's the same spine angle all the way through the shot. Just as it is here with the 7 iron, it's the same with the driver. Push, pull. Simple. Well, Denny, as a pro, I know that you have to use the same golf swing every shot you have. Now, with KISS golf, there are only two commands but even those two commands make up one swing thought, push, pull. It's all based on a law of physics. For every action, there's an opposite and equal reaction. So, if push is your action and it's done properly, then the reactions to that action will be done properly. So, if pull is the action and it's done properly, then all the reactions to that will behave properly. Push, pull. Keep it simple, stupid. Speaking of stupid, how about our mate over here? Oh no. You reckon you could help him? Well, we'll give it a try. Oh, good luck. What are you doing? Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, goody. Are you Mr. Jones? Yes, I'm Brian Jones. Oh, goody. Is this where I get the easy swing? Yes, it is. Oh, goody. Because this is where they tell me this is the best easy swing thing that we can do. Just relax, relax. Take it easy. You're going to give me the swing? Yes, I am. Well, show me. All right, I'll show you. Just move some of your gear away here. I'll show you what to do. Well done, well done. Yeah. Okay, now just move into the position here to hit a ball. Okay. Right. Have you had lessons off a pro before? Oh, yeah. Okay, give us a demonstration. All right. He taught me that I get like this. What is that? That's impact position. Can you show me something better? Yeah, I will in a minute, but I want to see you hit the ball. Well, maybe if I showed you exactly what the professional showed me. So you come over here. Okay. I'll show you exactly what he did. What position you got me in for the thing. You got me. Okay, now the left arm is there. The right arm is comfortable. You put the shoulder there. The head goes to the side. Move the head. Don't move the head. Don't move the head. Leave the head there. Right. Your knee comes. This one come behind the ball. And as it comes behind the ball, you're ready. You're ready. You're ready. But I can't move. Huh? How do you hit it? Well, I need help. I know you do. You need help desperately. Yes, I do. Okay. Okay. Well, I'm the person to fix that up for you. All right. What do we do first? Okay. Come over here and hop into this position here. I hop in. Okay. That's it. Hopping good. You're looking good there. Just relax. Just relax. Okay. Make sure you have nice balance there. That's it. Bend your knees. Really good. Almost. Almost. That's better. Now what we've got to do is hit this ball. Right. Now, you told me to get in a... What is it? A nice address position. Nice balance. Where do you live? That's your address. It doesn't worry me. Come on. Make me this portable joke now. All we do... I'm in a dress. I'm in a balanced balance. Right. Balance position. Okay. Now what do I do? Now push it back with your shoulders. Push what back? Your backswing. Have a nice backswing here. Push it back. That's good. Now I'm going to move in here and I'm going to help you here. Right. Righto. Now push back there with your backswing. Push the back. Push it back. Oh, hit them boys. You nearly hit the lady. Lady. And you bring the club back. Oh. Oh. Steam coming out of my nostrils. Oh. Sorry lady. All right. Let's have another go. All right. Here we go. All right. So I hang... I don't... When I go... I want you to push it back. But I want you to hang on to the club. Hang on to the club. Hang on to the club. Now the object's to hit the ball. Okay. Here we go. Hiya. Oh. It's a bit more to the swing than meets the eye, Mr. Jones. Well, the only thing you can do is to keep your eyes on the ball. Yeah. Must take a bit of practice. It does. It does. It's not easy. But. Yep. Keep going. Keep going. Oh, okay. You're on a roll. All right. Balance. You got your balance. Right. You got the grip. Push. Push it back. Push. Right. Push. What do I do now? Hit the ball. Hit the ball. Okay. Hit the ball. Right. Close. Perfect. But no cigar. No. Straight ahead. Straight ahead. Let's hit another one for you. All right. Here we go. All right. Balance. Push. Right. Hang on to the club. Hang on to the club. All right. Getting close. You are. You must have taught you good, that man. Certainly. Certainly. Here we go. I gotta do lots more practice, Mr. Jones. Okay. You keep at it. How'd you go, Brian? Well, Danny, I guess I gave him the instructions, so let's just leave him on his own for a while. I have some people over here who might be a little bit easier to handle. Okay. Let's go and give them a try. Shortly, I'm going to give the KISS golf tuition to these people over here. I want you to notice the people who are participating. They're all shapes, sizes, ages and gender. And that means the KISS golf can be applied to anyone. With other golf tuitions, I felt that the professional was getting you to swing the golf club the way he does rather than what you're comfortable with. KISS golf lets you swing the golf club to your natural body maker. You see the diverse ages and body sizes we have in our group here. This little girl is 10 years of age. This boy is 14. This man is 77. And here's a woman who is a 27-year-old beginner. We left them alone to hit a few shots and get used to the KISS golf instruction. Ten minutes later, they were hitting the ball confidently. Let's see the results. You practice exactly as my instruction says and you will have a solid, repetitive golf swing in no time at all. The only instruction in your head is push-pull. Remember to maintain your spine angle all the way throughout and that's it. It's very simple. Don't let anyone tell you any different. I'll give you one warning about KISS golf. You may experience a loss of focus because of its very simplicity. This is a trick of the mind. By its simplicity, the action may prompt the mind to add things to it, question it or complicate it in some way. When you're hitting some wayward shots, stop. Go back to the basic instruction. It's your concentration that is straight. Well, Brian, it's the world's simplest golf tuition and we're almost out of time. Is there anything we can add before we go? Danny, I think when people practice, they don't know how to practice. If you come to the practice fairway, be prepared to spend a little bit of time out there anyway. I mean, when you have a game of golf, it takes you four to four and a half hours for a game of golf. So don't just rush out there in ten minutes and expect to get it all done. Learn how to hit the shots. Know how far you can hit each club. That's very important. Hit a few hooks, hit a few cuts and a few straight balls. I know we all like to hit it straight, but experiment a little bit with the game and enjoy it. KISS Golf works for every club in the bag. What, even the putter? Chipping, pitching, bunkers, even the putter, but that's for another time. This video is about teaching people to get off the tee and hit the ball down the fairway towards the green. Keep it simple, stupid. By the way, let's see how stupid it's doing. Well, how's it going? I got it now, Mr. Jones. I got it now. I'm really good. I got balance, push, pull. I got it. Stand back. Let me hit this. That's it. That's it. Oh, I got this shot. Oh, Mr. Jones, that was the best shot ever. It was just balance, push and pull. It couldn't be any simpler than that. Keep it simple, stupid. What? Who you calling stupid? That's KISS Golf. KISS? You're going to give me a kiss? No, I'm not. Well, maybe the lady will give me a kiss. Lady. Oh, forget them. Folks, we've come to the end of the video, but it's not the end of KISS Golf. I just want to make sure that you get this very, very important tip. Maintain the same spine angle all the way through the swing. That is the secret to a good golf swing, and that is the secret to KISS Golf. Another little tip is this. Start out with small swings first. Push, pull, push, pull until you get the proper feel. Take it up to half swings. Push, pull, push, pull until you get the confidence to do the full swing. Push, pull. KISS Golf. Practice this, and I guarantee you your golf will improve out of sight, and you'll have a lot more fun on the golf course. See you next time. You know, you'll soon know yourself anyway if you're going to fall over that way or this way. So your balance should be evenly balanced. Right? Brian, how'd you go, mate? Keep it simple, stupid. Speaking of stupid, let's go and see how he's going. As soon as you said stupid, I was lost. Right. Have you had lessons off a professional before? I was warned, you know, I was saying. Got enfermes here with me.