Welcome to episode 9. I have to go and get this for tomorrow. There's one card with which I can get more of these books. They're up there. Those. Those. Those. Those. I have those. And... I have a very stupid space button in this machine. If I write, for example, here, hello, listen. Space makes such a terrible noise. If I put, for example, from 1 to 10, write numbers. What? Here. DELL trash. Space button. There's something strange in this button. I have a space button in my hand. This part, which was inside, doesn't help at all. Let's put back the space button. Like this. Now it's quite quiet, but then when I continue to write for a long time, I hear a terrible noise. Well, it can't be helped. This was a quick update. Because I don't really have anything else to do. This looks like 50 crowns in Sweden. Okay. I don't have anything else to do but... I still don't know if I've been able to radio it, but I haven't lost it yet. The computer is ringing. And the future. Yes, just crazy. My video page, I forgot to put some content on that page. So you know what? It's banned. My video blog is banned. So it won't be on the show. So in the future... I'll see how it goes. Except... The intention is that I make some kind of video blog, but I haven't succeeded yet. I haven't been able to. I don't have time. Okay. The video blog will be like this. Okay, I'll stop now. I can't go on. And I'll make a good one.