Oh Oh Oh Oh Johnson liked things to be neat when he was thinking and he liked thinking So he spent a lot of time cleaning up Michael's room What shall I think about today there are so many things to think about I don't know where to start Unfortunately most of the time he never got to think at all there were always interruptions Thinking can't we do something on board? Try thinking we tried that it's boring we want to do something exciting. Yeah, what can we do that's exciting Johnson? You'll have to think of something there. He goes again thinking I Know you can go on a picnic Oh picnic yeah But it'd be nice if you came to in that case We'll invite Alfred and squeaky as well We'll have it by the window and make a proper day of it right I'll ask squeaky and I'll ask But remember to ask politely You know how sensitive they are I'll see you by the window But what were you doing thinking what else Lithery blazers what a mess Alfred was cleaning up Michael's room to Macduff was very polite more polite than she'd ever been in her life What be a proper picnic without you there no I think a picnics a silly idea, and I'm not going But why not it'll be lots of fun. Oh because of the ants and flies Yes, hard things ants and flies. I don't want to go and get eaten alive by ants and flies They must be very big no they're quite small really besides it always rains at picnics But it's never rains in Michael's bedroom You're talking about an outside picnic. This is an inside picnic. There are no ants and flies Come on you'll enjoy yourself No no no I'm perfectly happy where I am Come on you'll be far happier at the picnic No I won't Help I'm being kidnapped Come on Alfred No Come on it'll be great fun I won't I won't Squeaky was cleaning Michael's wardrobe Diesel was not polite he couldn't have been polite if he tried Johnson said you have to come on a picnic. I don't want it. Thank you Johnson said If you don't come I'll run all over you and squash you flat right Right, you're coming on this picnic whether you like it or not come on Johnson was already at the picnic ground getting ready for his friends and thinking about all the fun. They're about to have It was a wonderful idea to organize this picnic it's peaceful by the window thinking very restful indeed Johnson Johnson Johnson I told you I hate picnics We're here I want to go back to my bedroom I want to go back to the wardrobe I have never been so insulted in all my life I have a good mind to report you to the person in charge Did you ask politely? If we'd done that they wouldn't have come Well of course not Everybody knows I hate traveling and Squeaky here prefers her own company Can we go now? Well come along squeaky it's a long way back pity there isn't a bus Squeaky felt very sad now. She was at the picnic. She wanted to stay But Duff felt very sad too because she wanted to play with squeaky Squeaky Please Squeaky can't you stay? I'm being as polite as I possibly can Now come on we haven't got all day I want to go to the picnic But what about me? You don't expect me to go home all by myself do you? The picnics ruined Johnson I wouldn't say that look Johnson Johnson we're back And on top of everything no one can make up their minds What sort of a bedroom is this? Lithering blazers Ready set go After that the picnic went along better than expected They were running races I won! I won! What do you think about that? Alfred won No peeking I can't see a thing Won They also played blindfolds Won Won I know you're here somewhere Over here Alfred No over here Alfred Later that afternoon they were so exhausted they all had a little nap At sunset everybody was ready to go home again It's been a splendid picnic I really can't remember when I've had a better one In fact I think that's the first picnic I've ever been on We must do it again sometime Only next time you invite me you might be a little more polite Goodbye thank you for having me Bye Bye Squeaky Bye Bye Alfred Well that didn't go too badly did it Macduff? I'm sure no one else could kidnap toys to a picnic and get away with it Next time I'll be polite I promise Me too Coming Macduff? Coming Johnson But Johnson stayed a little longer at the picnic ground His head was full of thoughts of what a nice day it had been Of how much he liked his friends And what a peculiar person Alfred was I've got so many thoughts going around in my head I won't have to think for weeks now