Ah Oh Usually Michael's bedroom was a very friendly place when the duff road is skateboard. It was quite a friendly place When Alfred threw pillows it was a fairly friendly place But whenever squeaky threw a tantrum and went berserk it was the worst place to be in the whole house Oh This is the life with any luck I'll be able to stay inside all day Fluttering blazers did anyone get the number of that bus? Now look if any more of you toys come barging in here running me over I'll report you all to the police. Run Alfred. Squeaky's gone berserk again Now when squeaky threw a tantrum and went berserk the safest place to be the only place to be was inside Michael's wardrobe She's still out there and she'll stay out there too. You know what? She's like when she goes berserk. We'll have to turn her off Hmm, but when we turn her on she'll just go berserk again She's probably got a wire cross. I have to turn her off and fix her There's only one small problem and what's that? How are we going to turn her off? We need a long stick. I Know a coat hanger Oh, the toys have never turned squeaky off before and if a switch didn't work they were stuck. Come on diesel a bit higher Oh Don't worry squeaky we'll fix you and you'll never go berserk again Macduff she can't hear you. She's been turned off You better hurry Michael's coming if he finds squeaky he'll turn her on again Late that night when the world outside the window was fast asleep the toys trooped under the bed to fix squeaky They were quite excited because they'd never fixed a robot before and very quiet. So was not to wake Michael Hey, what's happening up there Michael must be turning over any sleep In here Johnson, we won't be long screwdriver Alfred screwdriver Macduff screwdriver diesel screwdriver Johnson screwdriver diesel The screws rusted I think we'll need a spanner spanner Macduff spanner diesel spanner Johnson That's it good that's better Oh, well done now, let's see everything looks all right I bet that's the problem tweezers Alfred tweezers Macduff tweezers diesel tweezers Johnson Now let's see what is it Johnson, what did you find? Chewing gum no wonder squeaky went berserk. I bet Michael did that you'd better put that somewhere where Michael won't get his hands on it now Really Diesel? So all we have to do is put back squeaky's head and switch it back on I'd still like to check her wires, but Johnson you don't know anything about wires, but a little check now If I just unscrew this screw it was a screw Johnson should never have touched The toys spent the rest of the night searching the floor for a long time The toys spent the rest of the night searching the floor for all the squeaky's bits and pieces I found her spring. Oh well done Macduff. Oh good. We'll put it back Hurry Quick Johnson Well done Macduff. We'll have to hurry Johnson Michael will be waking soon. That's the last piece We'll just tighten everything up and squeaky will be as good as new. Oh good screwdriver There I've got it I'll just replace her head And now I'll switch her on I Don't understand it she should work. Oh I shouldn't have fiddled with her wires now Michael throw her away. I hope he doesn't throw her too far away Well, we certainly can fix things when we try Squeaky was becoming a very good player at bumps and thumps to Really sorry squeaky. It's all my fault. Well, it's no use talking to her now Johnson you did That was before you broke her. We all broke her Macduff. We should have let Michael fix her Well Well, we better turn off the torch. We don't want the batteries going flat. Hey, perhaps squeaky isn't broken at all Squeaky's got a battery too. What if the batteries flat? Oh, it might be our only chance It was a race against time to swap batteries and see if squeaky work Hurry up. Michael be waking up at any moment Careful careful That's it there that's it I've got it. Oh good now. I'll switch her on Oh After that Squeaky stopped going berserk and loved to hear about her operation over and over again. Was I brave during the operation, McDuff? You were extremely brave, Squeaky. And did Johnson really fix me? Well, Johnson was very clever, but I found the chewing gum. And what did Diesel do? Well, he ate the chewing gum. Ha ha ha! It was very pleasant to live in a room where no one went berserk anymore. It was the best friendly place there was.