оре Oh Oh When no toy was looking diesel like to peer out the window and watch the birds Diesel wanted to fly Oh I'm afraid not diesel You're not a bird you're a machine an aeroplanes a machine and it can fly it's got wings see Wish I had wings and I could fly too Wishing won't get you wings want a bit if you wish hard enough you can get anything you want That's what I reckon anyway Diesel was so confident his wish would come true that he didn't even wait for Macduff's answer Diesel won't get a pair of wings no matter how hard he wishes Then suddenly Macduff had an idea That Night while Michael was tucked up in bed in a fast asleep Johnson was woken up by some very unusual and interesting sounds and went to investigate What are you doing? What ever fool Well Macduff has some daft idea that if diesel thinks he has wings you'll be able to fly Diesel wishes he could fly and I just want his wish to come true. Oh, yeah, that's not such a daft idea Is it if he thinks he's an aeroplane? He might fly away and we'll never see him again Unless he thinks he's a passenger plane then he might take us with him. I Think diesel will make a wonderful aeroplane When diesel woke the next morning, he got a big shock Cabin feels a bit heavy Must be a dream for a moment there. I thought I had wings Hey What diesel my wish came true I grew a pair of wings overnight They're real aeroplane wings, too. They're silver Can you fly I haven't tried that yet But I think I'll need a runway Well, we'd better move these things That house will have to go to Oh, that's my house then you shouldn't have built it on the runway should you? Toys had no trouble turning diesel into an aeroplane, but actually getting him up into the air was a much more difficult matter But despite all the problems the toys refused to give in there that should work For takeoff wings all tightened out for it Right diesel all you have to do is race down these books and you'll be flying out that window in no time at all Oh Johnson, I'm not sure about this you can fly diesel. I know you can all right if you really think I can here I go Diesel tried but didn't make it Perhaps I'll need a few more revs Johnson. Perhaps we should forget this whole idea diesel No, no, no, no, I'll give it my best shot. I'll rev really hard this time ready This time diesel rev really hard gave it his best shot And he almost flew but he didn't I was never meant to be an airplane We'll have to tell him Johnson my idea is back fired What idea? Well, I just thought that if you really thought you had wings you'd be able to fly So we stuck them onto you while you were asleep asleep I had no idea what she had in mind good truck. I'm totally innocent So these wings are not really part of me No diesel, I'm afraid not you had me convinced My goodness there that'll teach you a Few hours later when they thought diesel might have cooled down the toys clambered back into the room Is the coast clear The coasts clear Alfred, oh Diesel's asleep. Oh and after that Diesel only ever did his flying in his dreams But they were perhaps the most exciting and pleasant flights of all You might think I'm just a toy truck to pester and punish and tease But I could be anything I could be anything I could be Is it a bird? Whatever I please No, it's a truck I think I'd rather like to be an Aeroplane zooming here and there and flying high I'd roar across the bed and out the window I'd loop and barrel roll up in the sky And I'd pick to go on secret missions and and I'd fly children to the moon and back each day And I'd deliver milk and fruit and lollies to all the other kids along the way I could be anything I could be anything But just to One day I'll be the truck I know