This is the 29th of September, 1996. I'm "Do." "Do" probably doesn't mean anything to many of you. To those who have heard of "Do," I might relate "Do" to "Ti and Do," of the "UFO Two," or of what the media dubbed the "UFO cult" that made some splash in the news in 1975 and disappeared from the scene shortly after that. And some of you might have heard of some efforts that we have made to try to share a little bit of what we have learned with the public, periodically, between 1975 and now. We put out a statement called `88 Update, and we did a videotape series a little while after that, I think it was 1992, 1991-1992, called "Beyond Human." Now, today we have quite a different urgency. It's urgent to me, and it's urgent to the students that sit before me. Our reason for speaking to you is because we feel to warn you of what is just around the corner. I'll try to just put it as briefly as I can and as clearly as I can. This planet is about to be recycled, refurbished, started over. That doesn't mean it's going to be destroyed, it doesn't mean it's the end of the world. But it does mean that it is going to be spaded under. Now, you can say, "Well, who are you to say that?" And I'll tell you who I am. As to whether or not you believe who I am is up to you. And whether or not you believe that this civilization is going to be recycled or refurbished is up to you. Now, the purpose of this tape is to warn you that this is about to happen, and that it's going to happen very soon. If I would title this tape, it would be "Last Chance to Evacuate Planet Earth Before It Is Recycled" - last chance to evacuate Earth before it is recycled. If you've read any of our teachings - the information that we have - you know that our discipline is strict, that we teach "overcoming human ways," overcoming human addictions. The purpose of that is not for religious reasons, or for morality, or in order to become "righteous." The purpose of that is to go to the heavens. Humans have some idea, because of what the negative forces have let them believe, or have led them to believe - humans have the idea that through religion, if I live a good life, then I get to go to Heaven when I die. And they don't know what Heaven is, but they think that Heaven is where God is, and Heaven is where whoever the leader of their religion is, and they'll get to go be with them if they've lived a good life by whatever standard their religion teaches. The fact is, that there is only one Kingdom Level - a Kingdom Level, just like there's a human kingdom - there's only one Kingdom Level above the human kingdom, and that Kingdom Level made the human kingdom, and designed the planet, designed all of its resources, designed all of its life forms, designed humans, and even designed humans with the potential of leaving the human kingdom in order to go to the Kingdom Level Above Human. Now, the startling thing to many is that the Kingdom Level Above Human is physical. There's some idea that the Kingdom Above Human is spiritual, as if it is limited to being spiritual. It is spiritual in the sense that, if you think of "mind" as synonymous with "spirit," and you become something that identifies with your mind instead of the "suit of clothes" you wear, then it is spiritual, because that mind/spirit becomes your identity. Even in the human world - if humans identify with the mind that they have, or the spirit that they have (remember, those two are synonymous) - if they identify with that mind, then they don't think that they die when the body they are wearing drops. They think that they move into another world. When they move out of the body, whether they do, in fact, move into another world depends upon whether they're connected or not, or what their information is, or what they are capable of knowing or doing, what they've been willing to learn. You know, the Next Level, or the Evolutionary Level Above Human - oops, I said that bad word: Evolutionary Level. Because religious people think, "Oh, `evolution', does this mean that you don't believe in creation?" That's the most ridiculous thing that someone could think - that evolution is not a part of creation. That Kingdom Level created everything that is, or made everything that is, and among those things it made, it made a number of things that advance in an evolutionary progression. So to speak of that Level Above Human, we shouldn't be afraid to use the word "Evolutionary" Level Above. It's not really an Evolutionary Level Above Human, in that creatures here can, on their own, advance into that Kingdom Level, because they can't. That sounds strange. Well, they can advance, but they can't do it - on their own. The same Evolutionary Level that created the human kingdom has to physically incarnate into the human kingdom to offer life to them - to offer information to them - while incarnate in a human body. If a recipient is thirsty enough for that mind, that recipient recognizes that he has literally connected with a source from that Next Level who is in their physical presence. Don't forget, the Next Level is not a spiritual Kingdom. Its members identify as the mind or spirit/soul, but wear physical bodies. Do you look at the heavens at night? Why do you see physical bodies in the heavens? If it was a spiritual heaven, you wouldn't see any of those bodies. They would all be etheric. But you see those Heavenly bodies. You see only a tiny, tiny fraction of those physical bodies in the Kingdom of Heaven. There are also many physical Heavenly bodies that cannot be seen by the human eye. That doesn't mean that our Heavenly Father's Kingdom, or the Kingdom of God, or the Evolutionary Level Above Human, is anything less because it has physical characteristics. It has all characteristics - everything that you can talk about came from them - including "evil" - including the design of everything that can lead you to go astray if you listen to the wrong sources. You could say, "That couldn't possibly be true." There is nothing that is that was not created by the Kingdom Level Above Human. And the reason they created everything that there is, including negative options, is so that you could become exactly what you choose to become when you have the opportunity to become it. Now, the only time we have an opportunity to leave the human kingdom and go to the Kingdom Level Above Human, is when there is a Member from that Kingdom Level, incarnate in human form, saying to you, "I'll tell you about a Kingdom Level beyond here, and if you want to go there then you have to follow me, because I am the guy who's got the key at the moment." Whatever Representative is sent from that Kingdom Level and comes into the human kingdom, then that's the Representative who has that key to that Kingdom, for that period of time. And it requires, if you move into that Evolutionary Kingdom, that you leave behind everything of human ways - human behavior, human ignorance, human misinformation. A long time ago, long before this civilization began (and I don't know how many subsequent times this occurred), that Kingdom Level had a Representative in a human civilization, and members of a classroom who were in the process of overcoming their human characteristics. Some of those members who began to serve in elementary ways for that Kingdom Level Above Human decided that they didn't want to listen to that Representative any more, that they could do the things they wanted to do, and they weren't sure they wanted to get rid of human ways. And so they began to find fault in the Representative who was offering them a way out of the human kingdom. Well, you know the story from there - fallen angels, Lucifer, Satan, a third of the Heavens following a renegade who decided, "This world is not for me. I can be my own `god.' I don't need that Kingdom Level. I resent that I cannot be my own individual - that I can't lead my own flock." Well, that Kingdom Level Above Human let that individual and his following lead their flock - let them do what they wanted to do - and used it for means that could serve a purpose in the design of the Next Level progression. And that very evil presence is thick on this planet because it's the End of an Age. It's so thick that it would have you not believe a word I say, and have you not accept anything that I tell you so that you will not be a recipient of the Kingdom they left (that they got booted out of and want no one else to go there). They are resentful - and are in opposition to the real Kingdom Level Above Human.don't forget, the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of Heaven. Now, the End of the Age, the End of the civilization, is the worst time for presences of that renegade level (those who were students of that Level and went renegade). When you read in historical data that there was also a Hell (and there is a Hell) and the Hell is where those evil forces are - you can imagine that part of that Hell is planet Earth. When those "evil" individuals (those who chose to go awry, those followers of Lucifer, of Satan) chose to go awry, they were then booted out of the Kingdom Level Above Human. They were confined to not only planet Earth, but any other planet with this type of gravity or environment that could serve as a natural environment for a human level. They need a human civilization. They use bodies from human civilizations. They make hybrid bodies because they have to continue to live. Don't forget, they had learned what "spirit" was. They had learned to separate their mind - their spirit - from a human body, and knew that their identity was not lost if they lost a body. They learned to move out of that body without losing their consciousness, and even invade and take over another body that was "prepared" for them. They could sustain the life of it. For the most part, they are taking advantage of the human "plants" - the creatures of this civilization - using them for their own means. Those aliens - I call them aliens because one way you could speak of them is as "space aliens," evil space aliens - but they aren't really "space aliens" because they can only circulate in a very limited part of space. They are confined to environments where there are mammalian human-equivalent or human civilizations existing. So they are not really "broad" space aliens. But the common term is "space alien." And I don't mind calling them space aliens. When the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of Heaven, the Evolutionary Level Above Human, is in close, assisting us, because of our presence here, they certainly wouldn't be called "aliens" because this is their garden. They made it. We are their experiments, we are their creatures, we are their cre-ations. They made us - everything that we are. Now, I've got to go back to the beginning of this tape, because I don't want you to listen to my philosophy, my ideology, the knowledge that I have. I want you to be aware that the focus is on the fact that this is the End of the Age. At the End of the Age the planet is wiped clean - refurbished - rejuvenated. The mess that the humans have made of it during this civilization is cleaned up. It is healed. It is probably done on "fast forward." It probably wouldn't take very long to do it by standards of human time. But even if it took a thousand years to do it, that's a very brief time according to Next Level time. We don't know how long it's going to take to do it. We can't estimate that because we're talking two different times anyhow. I mean, I'm trying to relate to you in human time and yet I am more at home in relating to the time of the Next Level. If this planet is about to be recycled - spaded under - refurbished - the only ones that get to leave it are the ones who want to leave. The only ones who survive the recycling are the ones who want to leave - have found a teacher, someone who can give them the information they need to leave, or give them the information that will eventually lead them to leaving. Now, what I mean by that is that information is available only during the time that we're here. And here I am, I'm Do, Do of Ti and Do, of the little religious "UFO cult," (because that's what the world dubbed us). And yet Ti, who is my Father, who is my "Older Member," who gave me birth in the Kingdom of Heaven long before this civilization began, Ti was here with me on this particular mission. Now, let me describe this mission for a moment. Ti left, in Earth time, 1985, because Ti had assisted enough that it was time to turn responsibility over to Do, and for me then to begin a more serious communication with my Older Member, and to be dependent upon it and reliant upon it. When Ti and I were awakening, we entered this environment (to any significant degree) in the early `70's. You're looking at the body I'm wearing, and you're saying, "You entered in the early `70's? You're certainly more than 20 something years old." The body I'm wearing is, wow!, 65 years old. "I" entered at the same time my Older Member entered, which was in the early `70's. You could think, "Well, that doesn't make any sense." If you're "new age" - or whatever your belief is regarding reincarnation - you could think, "Well, I don't understand, I thought reincarnation occurs at the beginning of an infant's life." No, I'm sorry to say, that's not accurate. A mind begins when that infant is born, and that infant's genetic package begins to express itself as that mind develops. And it is a mind, it is a spirit. But then a spirit or a mind that had previously occupied another human plant, but has gone into the spirit world (or is outside of a body because it lost its body from death or whatever, but is still in the environment), can move in and take over that vehicle and be stronger than the mind that is the mind of that vehicle. In other words, it can invade that vehicle. It can take it over. It can pretty much keep the mind of that vehicle quiet and do what it wants to do with that vehicle. Now, the lower forces know this. They teach spirits to do this after they leave their bodies. They let them know that they're capable of doing that. You can say, "You mean that you and Ti came into bodies in `72, so you're `body snatchers,' in a sense." Well, the Level Above Human made this garden and its design, made the human plants for their purposes, and my Grandfather (Ti's Father) sent us into this environment with a crew that had work to do. Now, we did come in and prep the "vehicles." We actually set aside this "plant" that I'm wearing (this "vehicle" that I'm wearing) and the plants of the crew (the classroom), and the plant that Ti chose to wear. A "deposit" of a little bit of information was put in those plants that set them aside for the time when the mind was to significantly come in. And therefore, the mind that is now in my vehicle (body) cannot relate to that plant's history, prior to the time that my mind came in significantly. So, who the plant was that I'm now wearing, prior to the early `70's is just a fuzzy, dismal memory, because it is just like putting on a suit of clothes that had a history to it. And if I tried, I could invade some of that history and dredge it up, but it is so unattractive to me and it's such a low vibration to me (if I can use that word without sounding "new age" to some) - it's repulsive to me because it's certainly very human. This vehicle certainly indulged in human behavior, human addictions, human ways, as every other human does. When Ti and I were brought into this environment in the early `70's, a spacecraft brought us in - remember, it's a physical world. And actually we came in earlier and made deposits, or little "information deposits," in our vehicles when they were infants. So, that means we had to come in during the late `20's and early `30's. We also had to come in and make deposits in the vehicles of all the classroom that are sitting here in front of me at the various times when those vehicles were infants. Now, it's difficult to accept the information that I am telling you. If you knew how to interpret some of the religious documents that have been left for you, you would interpret them exactly as I am telling you. But it's not popular to do that - the lower forces would have you interpret that information, those documents, entirely differently. Because the lower forces would have you not reach that Kingdom. They are delighted to serve as your "god." They will give you the things that will make you happy in this world. If you want to, you can praise their name and ask for riches, or ask for anything that you want. They will give you the things that you want and make you feel good about it. It's even so popular today in religions to preach that, "God wants you to live an abundant life, so ask Him for what your needs are. He doesn't want you to be raggedy and poor." And of course, that's true, He doesn't. But that doesn't justify seeking a kingdom here, instead of seeking His Kingdom. You don't seek His Kingdom unless you seek to get out of this kingdom. You can't have both. His Kingdom is never going to coexist with the human kingdom. That's impossible. That would be like the humans getting down on their all-fours and existing with the dog kingdom, staying restricted to dog houses, and restricted to dog food, and restricted to dog behavior. It doesn't make any sense. Why would the Kingdom that made the human kingdom find fulfillment in the human kingdom? Now, a remarkable thing exists - the most remarkable thing that you can possibly imagine, and that is - their design enabled them to make small "mental deposits" in human plants. We'll call those "deposits," for sake of understanding, the "soul." And those deposits are really like a small bit of Next Level "hardware" with capacity for Next Level information. That deposit/soul is not only a storehouse but a separator for information. And that deposit/soul comes with an initial bit of Next Level mind. And wherever the Next Level makes those deposits of souls in human plants, they contain a little bit of information that permits the recipient to actually recognize the kind of information that I am passing on to you now. Even as you listen to me you might recognize me and that information, but the lower forces and your genetic programming says, "Oh, don't listen to that. Don't listen to that. That's horrible. That's the Anti-Christ. That's not God as I know it. That's something altogether different." I'm afraid that what you have been listening to - I'm not blaming you for listening to it, you hardly stood a chance - are the lower forces. These lower forces are so strong, that they have brainwashed and kept humans totally intoxicated at every level around the globe, so much so that they are totally preoccupied with: make money, put it in the bank, have more children, have more grandchildren, send them to college, leave plenty of "security" so that they can have a future, and their children can have a future. What does that yield? - extending the human kingdom, and extending the human kingdom, and extending the human kingdom, with no idea of the possibilities that exist beyond that. You say, "Oh yes, we go to church once in a while and we talk about Heaven, talk about the Kingdom of Heaven." But most people don't even want to touch the topic of the Kingdom of Heaven, because they don't really know what it is. They just have to have the faith that, "that's what I go to if I've been good, and I just have to trust that that's where I go." That doesn't make any sense. Well, you can say, "Why are you telling me it doesn't make any sense? That's where my trust is. That's where my faith is." I know that it is. It's not your fault. I know that's where your trust is, I know that's where your faith is. And I am desperate to give you help so that you can leave this place. Now, three kinds of individuals can have a possible future with the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of Heaven. Oh, a few minutes ago I started to tell you about this remarkable design, and I've got to go back to it. This remarkable design is what a soul can become, and how a soul can be deposited in a human vehicle. Those deposits are made just prior to a Representative of the Kingdom Level Above Human coming into the human kingdom, taking a human body, and telling the truth about what the human kingdom really is, what the Kingdom Level Above Human really is, and giving that information a chance to build in those souls. Now, if a human plant has a soul, then that human plant has to find and connect with someone who is from that Kingdom Level. And since that Representative is here to try to help those get the information that can lead them out of the human kingdom, that individual is going to say, "I'm from the Kingdom of Heaven." Oh my goodness, how blasphemous can someone be to say, "I am from the Kingdom of Heaven." How else can a Representative offer anything if He doesn't identify who He is? He's saying, "Do you want to go to Heaven? I'm here! I was sent here for the express purpose of helping you get to the Kingdom of Heaven." Now, the remarkable little process that happens - if an individual who has that little deposit of soul hears that voice that says, "I'm from the Kingdom of Heaven, I can help you go to the Kingdom of Heaven," - then that individual experiences severe pain, and begins to break away from the world, and begins to go to, physically go to and be with that Representative from that Kingdom of Heaven. Knowing quite well that they are questioning all the time, "Is this really someone from the Kingdom of Heaven or from the Level Above Human? Because if it isn't, you know, I don't want to get caught up in some `cult.' I don't want to listen to somebody who could lead me astray. But if it is somebody from the Kingdom of Heaven, and if I've got that little bit of information in my head, then I'm going to have some awareness that there could be some truth in what that individual is saying, who says He is from the Kingdom of Heaven." Don't forget, a couple of thousand years ago, there was a Representative from the Kingdom of Heaven or the Evolutionary Level Above Human, present, and He said, `I am from the Kingdom of Heaven. Go and tell the Good News.' He told His followers, `Go tell the Good News that the Kingdom of Heaven is here.' Meaning, `This is your chance, I'm here. I can take you out of here. I can lead you into that Kingdom Level Above Human.' But He also said, `That can't happen unless you leave the human world that you are in and come and follow Me. Come and follow Me.' That didn't mean on Sundays, it didn't mean part-time. It meant totally - `Leave everything and come and follow Me.' And you can say, "Well, my information says that's terrible." Well, check it out. Go read your New Testament. Go read the red letters in the New Testament. See what that Representative actually said, `Unless you leave everything and follow Me, unless you hate everything of this world and come and follow Me, you will not know My Father nor His Kingdom.' Go read it. It's long. It's thorough. It's remarkable that it's still there. I'm sure that the Level Above Human had to intercede because I'm sure that the lower forces would have, long ago, had that eliminated from documents that people would call religious documents or religious literature. Every religion is less than the "Truth." It becomes a religion when it is less than the Truth. Now, every religion can prepare an individual to be more prepared for the time when a Representative from the Level Above Human comes in. So it's not like the Level Above Human is available only to whites, or blacks, or Jews, or Christians, or Muslims, or whatever the case might be. It's open to anyone who, when a Representative is present, chooses to leave all behind, follow that Representative, and "graft" to that Representative; and that graft grows as they take in more mind. Now, they're not really taking in the mind of the Representative, because the mind that is in the Representative is not His mind. The mind that comes through me is not my mind, it is the mind of my Older Member - we're in bad shape if it's my mind. It is mine because it was given to me by my Older Member, and by the Kingdom Level Above me - but it is not of me. I do not care for glory. I know that is the last thing that anyone would give to me on this planet, and I do not care for it. But I do care to glorify the Level Above Human. I care to glorify my Father who gave me life. It is hard for me to speak of that without weakening, as you can observe. Okay, here's an individual who says, "I will break away from the world." Now breaking away from the world is not easy. It's difficult. It's tough. And breaking away doesn't mean that, I'm going to go live in some place with this little cult, and I'll spend time on weekends or at least on holidays with the family that I left, because they're my family. No, it means that you leave that world behind. You even become another individual. It means that even the "mind" that you had as a human is "aborted," and the soul that was given to you is filled with Next Level information - Next Level mind - and a new creature is born, one that is not human. Now, the mind that is filling that soul came from the Kingdom Level Above Human - the Kingdom of God. So that means that even what fills that soul came from that Kingdom. And therefore that new creature becomes something that is of, or even from, that Kingdom. It's the most interesting way that a creature comes into being. It's like how babies are made in the Kingdom Level Above Human - certainly not in mammalian ways, certainly not in acts that are abhorrent to them. Now, that doesn't mean that it's "evil" to have an act of reproduction in the human kingdom - it's "evil" if I'm leaving the human kingdom, certainly. It is "evil" because it's barbaric, it's primitive, it's beneath me. The members in the Kingdom Level Above Human are not mammals - there are no males, there are no females. They don't need to consume things that require fangs or teeth. They can receive nourishment from a pill or a simple wave or vibration that they would walk through. The environment that they are in determines what the vehicle (or "suit of clothes") they are wearing for that task requires. Now don't forget, they identify as the mind - synonymous with spirit - they are not the "suit of clothes." But they wear physical "suits of clothes," and those physical suits of clothes look very much like - well I started to say like "extraterrestrials." However, most renditions by human artists of extraterrestrials are the most grotesque things that you can possibly imagine. They make them look like some praying mantis or some insect that has some crazy shape or form. And that's ridiculous. Next Level bodies are perfectly beautiful "suits of clothes." They are perfectly beautiful bodies - neither male nor female. They don't have hair that needs to be cut, they don't need to have curlers. They don't need to use makeup. It's a body that exists for the most part, in a non-destructive environment, except when it has to go to a place like planet Earth. So, it's potentially an eternal body - an everlasting body. Now, I don't like to use terms like "everlasting," because, bingo, it sounds like I'm talking spiritual talk, or religious talk. Don't forget, religion is less than Truth. Spiritual talk is less than Truth. It is an abuse of Truth - it is a replacement for Truth that the lower forces have brought in. The more religious you are, the more you become dependent upon artificial information that would lead you away from the Truth. It's just like the rituals, and the prayers, and the trappings that go with religion - they can be so addictive, they can be so soothing, they can be so calming that they feel so wonderful. And to drop those things for a reality that is a Kingdom Level Above Human, that does not need those things, is a difficult thing to do. It is as difficult to drop religious trappings as it is to drop attachments that the plant that you are wearing had - those attachments to offspring or to spouse or to the parents of those plants. The funny thing is, that in reality, those human parents do not possess the offspring they have. It is a very "evil" thing for them to think that their offspring are theirs, that they are products of theirs, property of theirs. Rather than wanting for that spirit, that mind (that is in that body that they supplied for that mind or spirit) to become what it wants to become, the humans are programmed by the alien forces, or the space aliens, or the negative creatures, to have you believe that children owe their parents or that parents possess their children. That is not true. It is cruel to even think that way. The more Next Level way of thinking is to want that individual to have their life, and not to be selfish and say, "Well, I brought you into this world. I want to cling to you. You owe me." That doesn't hold up. They didn't ask you to bring them in to the world. Is there some document that says that child owes its parent? Now the parent is responsible for the child, because the parent made the choice of creating (reproducing or replicating) another plant. And since they made that choice, or they took an action - oh, yes, we get down to that don't we - reproduction, human reproduction. Boy, the worst thing you can imagine is for humans to be taught by these space aliens - even using their religions and their government morality to teach them - that the act of reproduction is a God-given, wonderful thing. It's God-given in the sense that dogs and horses came from God. Everything came from the Kingdom of Heaven, including humans and human reproductive systems. But what the Kingdom Above Human, the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of Heaven wants is to offer you their Kingdom, which they very systematically do, periodically. But it requires that when they do, you listen to them, and that you do what they require if you want to get out of the human kingdom. And to get out of the human kingdom requires that you leave the human kingdom, and go and follow someone who can lead you to the Kingdom Level Above Human. Now, I told you a little while ago, that there are pretty much three types of individuals that can avoid the spading under at the end of an Age. One would, of course, be those souls that were deposited, and those souls were awakened, and those souls received nourishment, and left everything behind, and became attached to - grafted to - a Representative from the Level Above Human, and separated from everything. Now, I've got a bunch of these individuals sitting in front of me who, I may be mistaken, but I don't believe that any of them had the beginning of their Next Level life in this time period - in this generation. I know that every one of them were in the keeping of the Kingdom Level Above Human before they came into this time period. This time period was a chance for them to learn a lot of things that they didn't learn very well, or didn't get a chance to complete, or needed to work on more, as far as separating from the human kingdom. They are having an opportunity to develop that more, so that they don't have to be planted back in a human garden in another time - so that they can move into the Kingdom Level Above Human, take on costumes, or suits of clothes, or bodies that belong to that Kingdom, and serve and do their work in that Kingdom Level Above Human. You know, I can hear some of those humans who are watching this tape now saying, "Oh my goodness, if I did what you would do, I would not even be a humanitarian. I would be forsaking my responsibility to the human kingdom." You have to forsake the human kingdom if you expect to ever know service in the Kingdom Level Above Human. You can't do both. You can't say, you know, "12 hours a day I'll work for the human kingdom, and the other 12 hours I'll work for the Kingdom Level Above Human." No, to leave the human kingdom requires everything you have. A second type is one who recognizes the Representative, recognizes the information of the Next Level that is coming through the Representative, knows it is true, and has not yet had the strength to complete it. This type still trusts the Next Level, still believes that that is the only Truth, and whatever faith they have and trust they have, that's where it is. And they will be kept in the keeping of the Kingdom Level Above Human, and replanted at another time, and given another chance. However, even though that Kingdom Level is fair, just because someone with a deposit of soul comes to them, is no guarantee they will get to the Kingdom Level Above Human. When they come, they can apply their effort toward change to the best of their ability or capability. It takes a lot of effort. And even your effort cannot get you there. You have to please your Older Member. I also had to, and have to, please my Older Member. When I first took my birth into that Kingdom Level, it was because I pleased my Teacher - my Older Member - the one who gave me birth into that Kingdom. No matter how hard I work, that work is of no value if it doesn't please my Older Member, the one who took me into that Kingdom. That is still true. In other words, this classroom here not only has to please me, they have to please my Older Member. So, just because they're sitting here, having left their world behind, does not mean that they will receive a body or suit of clothes belonging to that Next Level. Okay, let's say they try to the best of their ability, and according to the Next Level's judgment they're not quite ready for a body of service, belonging to that Kingdom Level. If they did the best that they could, and they still pleased their teacher and pleased their teacher's Teacher, then they will have a future. They'll be replanted, have another time for a Representative to come into the human kingdom, and have that nourishment. Now that's the second type. So one is the type of soul that becomes a new creature, is ready to go into the Kingdom Level Above Human, receive a body, begin service. Two, is one who is in the process of that but doesn't quite make "quartermaster" - not quite ready to have a body because of more work that needs to happen as far as separating from human. We'll talk later about some of the work that is required in separating. There is a side issue to the Next Level's presence that is a very interesting phenomena. During the time that the Next Level is close to a planet because they have a Representative there, and they are communicating continually with that Representative, then there is mind of the Next Level present that even the lower forces can tap and take advantage of, and increase a broad scope of their knowledge and their technical advancement, etc. Now, how long has the Next Level been here with me and my Older Member? Since the early `20's. Well, think of the advancement that has taken place on the planet, as far as technical advancement and scientific development since the early `20's, because that presence was here that all creatures could draw upon and use, including lower creatures who are here who don't believe that they want to go to my Father's Kingdom at all. They want to remain human. Okay, back to the three types: One, those ready for quartermaster; two, those not quite ready, and the third type: those who recognize the information of the Next Level and are attempting, even without knowing of the Representative's presence, to break away in their own way. Now, when they attempt to break away in their own way, not even aware that I'm here or that my Older Member has been here at this particular time, they somehow or another find themselves drawn to others who are breaking away. They are also finding themselves surrounded with an opposite type of people who say, "What's wrong with you guys? Are you crazy? You're leaving your career? You're not paying attention to your children?" This is happening a lot. Many people are going into what the mainstream likes to call "cults" - they are breaking away. People who love their God so, in their own way, that they end up like what happened with Randy Weaver at Ruby Ridge, what happened at Waco, what happens in nations that, even in their government, want to honor God - listen to God - entirely, instead of taking man's laws, man's requirements, man's rules. They are breaking away. They are conscious that there is some presence of God here and are saying, "I want to go in that direction. I'll even put my life on the line in order to get closer to God at this time." I am not qualified to specifically tell you who all these various types are. But I've given you some illustrations. It's like even in patriot movements, or in militia movements, or in "cults," or in this type of religious radical or another who know that this world is rotten, they are saying, "I would rather die in service to my interpretation of what God is than stay here." Those young souls, those young spirits, those minds will be saved. They will be set aside - "put on ice," so to speak - and have a future, have another planting in the next civilization for further nourishment. What does this add up to? This adds up to that the ones who love this world and love the human kingdom, say to me and all those like me (or all those I just discussed - all those various categories) that, "They're nuts, they're crazy. They're radicals. They're against the world. They are not human - they're inhumane. They're tyrannical or their terrorists." Now, don't misunderstand me. I'm not advocating violence. I'm not advocating going out and trying to create some war. The war that is a natural phenomenon that comes with the End of an Age, is forced upon those who want to leave this place. It's not anything that we have to do or we have to create. And some, aware that that will happen - even some who want to get to the Kingdom Level Above Human - mistakenly feel responsible for creating those wars. They don't have all the pieces right. But if they are doing it for the right reasons, not me, but my Father and my Father's Father, and the Kingdom Level Above Human says, "They love me more than they love the world. And they love me more than they love the world during the time that I have a Representative present. And I will honor that. I will extract them. I will put them aside. I will give them a planting at another time." Well, you know, one of the things that disturbs me the most is that those who are very religious, by whatever name, are usually those who had been recipients of souls, recipients of a little bit of Next Level information, a little deposit from the Kingdom Level Above Human. And the lower forces were aware of that. And so the lower forces do everything they can to keep those individuals from ever knowing the Kingdom of God. So they come in and offer those recipients their version of the "Kingdom of God" through their religion, but it's totally counterfeit. It's totally false. It's concerned with healing your cancer, healing this that's wrong, fixing your pocketbook, or making your business right, or doing all the things to extend your life here - and above all, tend to that family, tend to that "future," tend to all the things that will leave a future for our children. If that's your preoccupation, you cannot know the Kingdom of Heaven and you will have no future. If you love the Kingdom of Heaven, or the Kingdom of God, or the Level Above Human, by whatever terms are in your head, and you hate this world and want to leave it, you will have a future with and in the very Kingdom Level that created you. Don't forget we are at a very unusual time - we're at the End of an Age. You can say, "Boy, you're really trying to fill me with fear, aren't you?" If it would work, I would. I would do anything that I could to wake you up, if you have that potential to know that Kingdom, to be saved from this spading under, from this recycling. I mean, I don't care for any of the fame or glory of the human world. It's absolutely worthless to me. I can't wait to get out of here. There's nothing this planet, or this civilization, or this kingdom level has to offer me. I am away from my Father to be here. Anything that I could sacrifice in this world is no sacrifice at all compared to what I sacrificed in leaving there to come here, to try to help those who were given to me as a task. I apologize for being so emotional but that happens to be the Truth. I want to leave here. Now, I'm in a vehicle that is already falling apart on me, and I'm desperate to try to help you have a last chance to go. Let's go back to title of tape. Title of tape is "Last Chance to Evacuate Planet Earth"- to get out of the human kingdom, get off of the planet, leave it literally. Now, "leave it literally" means - well, what is literal - that leaving requires that you start identifying with the mind that can connect with this information, and not identify with the body that you are wearing. And that you take advantage of everything that you can to learn more of this information, become more connected with it, and to follow it like sheep would follow a shepherd, in an attempt to leave this place. So, I hate the lower forces who have taken the very Truths that were initially the Truths, and have reduced them to "religion," and they made the religions more attractive and more human, so that those who had deposits and were seeking the presence of a Representative of the Kingdom Level Above Human, would, when He came, be looking for the wrong one - the one who would bring "peace on Earth." Here we are at the End of the Age, and you've got a whole world full of many, many types who say, "We're coming to the End of an Age, we're coming to the Second Coming, we're coming to the time that Jesus is coming back, or that the Kingdom of Heaven is coming - and His Son is going to set up His Kingdom here on Earth, and Earth will then be Heaven." This will never happen. You wouldn't have it even if it happened. Once you knew what it was, you couldn't stand it. You cannot cling to being a mammal, connected with other mammals, and expect to get into a level of life that is beyond mammal. Now, you can search the documents of your religions right now and they clearly tell you that in Heaven there are - there will be - no males and no females. It is not a mammalian existence, it is not a human existence. And those documents also clearly tell you that you have to leave everything of the human world in order to know that Next World or ever see that Kingdom of Heaven. Well, once more, the awful thing that happens, from your perspective, when the Level Above Human comes into the human kingdom and incarnates into a human body, is that the Representative whom they send has to say - in order to find followers - "I'm here. I'm from the Kingdom Level Above Human." What does that yield? That yields, immediately, that the vast majority say, "cult, some religious radical, some blasphemous individual that wants to take advantage of people - you know, has some big bank account somewhere that they're taking whatever possessions that followers might bring with them or have access to." I wish you'd show me where that bank account is so that we could use it to get this information out. I don't mean to make fun of this. I am desperate - for your sakes. Within the past 24 hours I have been clearly informed by my Older Member of how short the remaining time is; how clearly we cannot concentrate on anything except the perspective that says: the end of this civilization is very close. The end of a civilization is accompanied by spading under, refurbishing the planet in preparation for another civilization. And the only ones who can survive that experience have to be those who are taken into the keeping of the Evolutionary Level Above Human. Now, there are some strange possibilities that could happen that I have not touched upon. How is this end of civilization going to occur? Well, I don't know all the particulars. Talk to the people who talk about earthquakes, and talk about weather phenomena, and talk about ozone layers. And talk to environmental people and they'll say, "Well, the planet is in trouble in that area." Talk about the way that people no longer are restrained nor do they have respect for their neighbors. They're so unrestrained that if you just say something that makes them unhappy, they start throwing rocks at you, and the next thing you know you've got a neighborhood war, you've got a little ethnic war in this nation or that. And there's so little restraint that these little groups, these little ethnic groups, these little religious groups, these little governments that are in conflict - they seem to be doing a significant amount of the spading under themselves. They seem to, by choice, be so quick to condemn others. Well, what is it that's in the history books about the Truth? It says: be careful not to condemn someone else or you will be condemned. That doesn't mean anything anymore - everyone is quick to condemn. I mean they don't even "look-see" anymore. They just see a tiny little aspect of someone else and they quickly determine that they are so brilliant that they can judge it as being not what they are looking for - worthless, some radical movement, some movement that certainly is beneath them. Well, that is making hasty judgments - that kind of quick-to-condemn-others attitude, that kind of violence that wants to destroy others. You know, the world and its majority have created laws that try to keep individuals like us non-existent, because we threaten the system that the major systems exist on. You could say, "What if everybody in the world left their families and came and followed Do?" Well, you don't have to worry about that - that's not going to happen. You know, only a tiny, tiny little fraction of the plants that are on the planet would ever be able to make that transition from the human kingdom to the Kingdom of Heaven. It's the same in regard to giving up human ways. You could say, "Well, what if everyone gave up their human and mammalian reproductive activity - there wouldn't be any humans left." Oh, then you don't believe that the Kingdom Level Above Human is capable of producing individuals? That they can't create or make them? That they are dependent upon the human reproductive activity? You sure don't give them credit for much. They made the very first ones here. They even designed them with a capacity to reproduce. If humans didn't reproduce, the Next Level could make as many as they want to. They always have been able to do that. They're not dependent upon humans for anything. Well, I know this could sound strange, but I wish you could believe me. Why do I wish that you could believe me? Because if you really believed me, you would look at what we have to say. You know, this little classroom of students who are about to move into the Level Above Human, following me out of here - and we're going to leave quickly - are doing everything they can do to be non-human. That doesn't mean that they are uncaring. They are more sensitive than you can imagine. They are more caring than you can imagine. The qualities that they have exceed anything of your imagination - because they have listened to and taken in information of the Next Level enough that they believe it and it has become a part of them. And it means everything to them. They know that by separating from the world that the vehicles that they are wearing - the plants that they are wearing - caused grief for individuals. There's another aspect to that: the Kingdom Level Above Human also sees to it that none of those lives that were touched by that separation were damaged. They may be temporarily hurt. That doesn't mean they are damaged. A lot of times - or all of the time - that kind of hurt can lead to a greater positive for the individual who experiences the pain of that separation. Well, I started to tell you a minute or two ago, that we created recently a website on Internet - one called "Heavensgate." We have put into Heavensgate just about everything we have to say, as far as we are capable. The time I'm sitting with you is a tiny little fragment of time. I couldn't tell you all the things I know if we sat for days and days and days. But if you want to know more about us, if you can believe what I am telling you and you want to know more about it, you can go to Heavensgate on the Internet. You can pull down all kinds of stuff that we have written, things that we have done, things about our history. We even have a book that is available to you - I'm not going to spend time now trying to sell you some book. But there is a book available that you can find on the Heavensgate website. I don't want to take away from the seriousness of the moment, because I am concerned that time is short. Again, the topic of this tape is: Last chance to evacuate the human kingdom - planet Earth - to get out of this space so that this garden can be recycled. I hope for your sake that you have a degree of curiosity about what I have said on this tape, so that you will look a little deeper. If you condemn me thoroughly and call me the Anti-Christ or whatever you want to call me, it's not going to hurt me. It's going to hurt you. If you condemn us, you will be condemned. Nothing can hurt us. The thing that we could experience here that would be the most horrible thing, from your point of view, would serve to help us get back to the Kingdom Level Above Human more quickly, and that's what we desire to do. I know that the presentation of this little tape is not what I would call skilled or polished. It doesn't have the things that humans like to see in their presentations. But I know that it has the Truth. And that any of you who have a fragment of Truth in you can connect with that Truth. And if you pursue that Truth, you don't have to worry about what is going to happen, for you will have a future. You will be in the keeping of the Kingdom Level Above Human. This I desperately, for your sake, hope you take advantage of. And what happens to those who respond to us - one way or the other - is all a part of the spading under, even what may happen to us as a result of this little tape, or whatever subsequent things that we do in relationship to you between now and our departure. I hope that you take advantage of this. I hope that I have been a servant of the Next Level, and that you might somehow come to know the Next Level through this meager effort.