Yeah. Bodies in motion with Gil Janklowitz. Our special guest today is NFL great Joe Theismann, who led the Washington Redskins to victory in Super Bowl XVII. Joe, there's still a lot of people out there that think that they can fix themselves within a very short period of time. They go on crash diets, or they try to do everything and in a period of two weeks try to get into perfect shape, and I think that's impossible. Tell me a little bit about what you think. I couldn't agree with you more, Gil. I take the football analogy here and explain to people, coaches teach us all the time that if you just go out and get first downs, that's just 10 yards, sooner or later that goal line is going to hit you in the face. And if you set your goals, short goals, small goals, and you accomplish them, you're moving towards the ultimate goal you want to get to, but you're not pushing yourself beyond your limitations. You're getting there at your own pace, and you are accomplishing something, and you will get where you want to get. So take small steps, and you will achieve your goal as well. We'll be right back after this break. Welcome to Bodies in Motion. Alicia here is going to show us something. OK, Alicia. You're on. Come on. Looks dangerous to me, Joe. Scary. OK, stay away from me. Back up over here. Yeah. Unbelievable. OK, hey, it's not me. I didn't do anything. All right? This is dangerous. Yeah, I'm not going to stand that close. This is great. Yeah. That's great. All right. What are you, a black belt in karate? All right. Let's go work out now. I'm going over here. I'm here. It's safer where I am. You're there. You go back there. OK. Five, six, seven, eight. Let's go. Exhale down. One more time. Big inhale up. And exhale it down. And one more time. Big inhale up. Let's start reaching up. Right here. Take it up. With us today, to your far left is Vicky. Then we have Kent and Trela. I'm yours truly, Gilad. With us today is Joe Theismann. Oh, yeah. And we have Sue. And all the way back there is Naina. Let's go. Come on. Let's go. Four more. Three more. Both arms go out. Now, come on. Today, we're going to work on your shoulders. We're going to do aerobics, tighten your abdominals, concentrate on your inner thighs, finish with a cool down. Come on. Four more times. Go. Four. Three. Two. Hold it. Right here. Big inhale up. Let's go with shoulder rolls to the back. Big move to the back. Roll those shoulders. Come on. Go. Four more. Up. Three more. Four more. Up. One shoulder at a time. Go. Right side. Left side. Just nice pull with the shoulder. There you go. Six. Seven. Give me four more like this. Here's four. Three. Two. Now, let's go with the body. Go. Right. Left. Drag it to the back. There you go. Four more. Three more. Two more. And hold it. Chin to chest. Center. Chest. Center. Chest. Other side. Good. Nice and relaxed. As you're turning your head from side to side, try to relax your shoulders. Feel the stretch along the neck. Let's do this four. Four more. Three more. Two more. And hold it. Big inhale up. Exhale down. Now, let's tweak it for a twist. Side to side. Go. Come on. Side to side. Go. Four more like this. Three more like this. Two more like this. Last time. Last time. Now, let's swing it out. Reach out. Now, the goal here is to reach to the side with the arms into the shoulders and lift on your toe. So, you're warming the lower part of your body as well as the upper part of the body. Let's do this one four more times. Four. Up. Three. Up. Two. Now, both arms go over the head. Right here. Push. Up. Up. Joe, keep counting for me. I'm gonna introduce those kids back there. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. What's your name? One. Nathan. Two. All right. Welcome to the show. Yeah. What's your name? Michelle. Michelle, you're doing very well. Keep going. Seven. Stay away from me. Eight. One. Let's go. How you doing here? Three. Hope he gets back soon. And we have Chuck from Oklahoma. Six. Seven. Let's go. Four more. Four. You showed up. Up. Three. You got it right. Two more. Hold it right here. Let's go. Side. Step. Now, make the move of the knee big. Big step. Start warming up the body. Four more times. Four. And three. And two. And walk in place. Right here. Is everybody working out yet? Come on, you guys. Let's go. Work with the arms. Give me eight more. Seven. Six. Five. You're looking good. Now, let's cut the move in half right here. Let's take it up. Reach up. Now, try to lift with the palm of the hand right through your ceiling. There you go. Lifting the knee up into the chest. Come on. Go. Four more. Three more. Two more. Heel touch. Forward heel. Sit low on your buttocks. Touch the heel. Five. Six. Walk in place. Eight times. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Point your toe to the side. Point. Toe. Point. Point. Point. Five. Six. Now, same step to the back. Go. Back. Heel touch. Heel touch. Four more times. Four. Three. Two. Hold it here. Legs wide. Let's start working on the shoulders. Lift. And down. Pull it back. And down. Exhale every time. How are we doing back there, Kent? Chuck, how are the kids doing there? All right. Come on, you kids. Let's go. Up. Four more. Three more. Two more. Now, we cut the move in half. Every time up. Let's go. Right here. One. Two. Small and tight. On the shoulders. Up. Up. Up. Starting to burn. One shoulder at a time. Watch. Right. Left. Right. Left. Go. Right. Left. Both shoulders up. Come on. Give me two more sets of eight like this. Through the break. We will be back with aerobics. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. One. Two. Three. We're back. Let's do it. Woo. We're back. Aerobics for the next seven minutes. Come on, everybody. Let's start getting those bodies in motion. How are you doing there, Joe? Good. Come on. I'm getting my body in motion. Very good. Let's keep those knees going up. Not to mention my feet, my knees, my arms. Everything. Everything is in motion. Let's go. Four more. Three more. Two more. Three steps and a tap. One. Two. Three. Tap. And tap. Tap. Up. Up. Tap. One. Two. Three. Up. Up. We're going to try to learn your style. Let's go. Tap. One. Two. Three. Tap. Now one last time. Now add a kick. One. Two. Three. And kick. Hands to the waist at this point. Sa. How are we doing? Is that what you're doing? Up. Up. Four more times. Go. Up. Four. Up. Three. Two. One. Up. No way. Take it in. Come on, Joe. Beginners, you can keep your hands on the sides. On the waist. On the waist. Right here. You can stay with it. You must have gotten into a few beefs in the football game. I did. I always ran the other way. Okay, you guys. Come on. Four more times. Four. Three. Two. One. Walk in place. Now right here. Walk. All right. Here we go. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. One. Two. Three. Four. Run. Right here. Run. Run. Up. Up. Up. Up. Nice and light on your feet. Up. Up. Up. Five. Six. Right leg kicks forward. Right. Left. Nice and light on your feet. Five. Six. Two counts each side. Go. One. Two. Three. Kick twice. Come on. You're not going to get better if you're looking at me. Singles. Two. Three. Two knee lifts. Up. Other side. Four kicks. Four. Three. Two knee lifts. Come on. Right here. Up. And two. You got the move. Three. Stand the beat. Four. Three. Two. Two knee lifts. One. Two knee lifts. Up. Two. And again. Four kicks. Four. Three. Now stay with the kicks. Hands to the waist. Cross the leg over. One leg over the other. How are we doing here, Joe? We're just about close. We got it. We got it. Here we go. Ready? Up. Up. Kick. Step. Kick. Come on, Joe. Two more. Three more. There we go. Joe's back. We're in the living room, haven't we? Two. Kick it out. Let's go. Straight kick. Straight kick. Whoo-hoo. They just disconnected them. Now let's work in place. Right here. One. Two. Okay. Oh, boy. Now that you are warmed up and you have a smile on your face. Or you're laughing at me. We're gonna go for some heavy-duty stuff here. Joe, are you ready? I'm ready. How about you? Up. Six. Eight jumping jacks. Go. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Work in place right now. One. Two. Three. Get ready to speed it up. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Speed. Oh, yeah. Speed. Oh, yeah. A little speed. Five. Six. Quadruple speed. Go. Come on. Oh, burn, baby, burn. Up. Five. Six. Seven. Eight jumping jacks. Joe, count it. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Work in place. One. Two. Come on, Joe. Three. Four. Five. Six. Double time. Double time. Come on, you guys. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Quadruple time. Double time. Burn it. Burn it. Hey. One. Two. Three. Four more times. Boy, I did. Four. Three. You got the move. Eight jumping jacks. Come on. One. Two. Three. Four. Let's go. Five. Six. You gotta want it. Seven. Eight. Rock. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. One. Two. Three. Two. Rock. Okay. How about one more time? Sure. Up. Absolutely. Eight jacks. Go. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Rock. One. Two. Three. Four more times. Four. Three. Double speed with the leg. Come on. Double speed. Everywhere. Four more times. Four. Three. Two. Walking. All right. Heel touch. I feel this one. This is one. You found one. Let's go. Side step. Up. Lift the arms up. Up. Up. Up. One hand over. Right here. Go. Breathe into it. Yeah. Once again, both arms over the head. One. Make the movement big. Come on. A few more seconds. And hop. Hold it. Good job. Walk in place. Recover. Heart rate. I can feel it. I don't have one. Face yourself. Remember. Let's go. Walk it. Walk it. Bring the movement down now. This is the cool off period before the break. A few more seconds. Come on. Up. Knee lift. Up. Up. Extend the arms. Use your triceps. Lift your knees up. You did very good. And remember, doing the aerobics. Do a little bit more every day. If you're having a hard time, don't try to do everything at once. Do a little bit every day, and you're going to get better. Four more times. Four. Breathe. Two. Point your toes. Step. Sit low on the buttocks. We'll be back after this break. Wow. Yeah. Four. Welcome back to the floor work segment. I hope you're all doing good. I hope you kept going through the break. It's important to cool off the body before we go into the floor work. Now we're going to do some concentrated work on the abdominals and on the inner thighs. Hold it. Big inhale up. Exhale down. One more time. Inhale up. Exhale down. Let's push one foot forward. Press the palms against your waist. Push the other heel to the floor. And sit into it a bit. Feel that stretch along the leg. Extend the arms. Reach forward. Nice and easy. Nice and relaxed. Let's take it. Shift it over to the other side. Right here. Extend the heel out. Push the heel to the floor. Both arms. And push it forward. Nice and easy. Deep breath into it. And bring it back down. Once again. Big inhale up. Exhale down. And take a full sitting position on the floor. Okay, guys. Let's go. Oh, yeah. Are we ready? Let's start with the crunches. Warming up the abdominals. Go. Lift it up and down. Exhale every time. Squeeze and release. Squeeze and release. Exhale. Inhale as you're coming down. Okay. This is just warming up the abdominals right now. Let's go. Eight more. Seven more. Six more. Five more. This is the best four now. Three. Crunch a little tighter. Two. And last one. Now hold it. Watch. Here we go. One arm. Center. In and down. Cross one arm. Center. Again. Cross. Lift. Back and down. Cross and lift. Back and down. Again. Cross. Lift. Back and down. Cross. Up. And lift. Joe, come. Four more for me. Let's go. One. Two. Three. Four. Again. One. Two. Three. And four. One. Two. Three. And four. Let's go. Up and down. Now you can feel those stomachs. Now as you exhale up, really put all the concentration into pulling the abdominals in. Six. Let the head relax against the palm of the hands. Now take it side to side. Let's go. Left and down. Right side. And down. Lift. And down. Four more times like this. Go. Four. And three. Relax your head against the palm of your hands. Straight up and down. Let's go. Up and down. Exhale. How are we all doing? Okay. Now four more. Four. And three. And two. Last one. Now watch. Here we go. Three counts up. Two. Three. Release on four. Go up. Go two. Go three. Release on four. Good job. Three. Release on four again. One. Keep counting it, Joe. Three. I'm going to check on those keikis here. One. The little ones. How are you doing, Trilla? All right. Three and down. Let's go. Real tight on the abdominals. Four. Four. Good job. Again. Lift. Lift. What is this doing here? Let's put the head back. There you go. Two. And three. Again. Let's go. Up. And two. And three. Two. Three. Release on four. Go up. Two. Three. Release on four. Go in one shot. Go up. Two. Three. Then release down. Go in one shot. Up. Two. Three. Now release. Good work. Go up. Push yourself up. And now release it down. One more time. Two. Can you do one more time? Let's go. One more. Lift. Two. Three. Very good job. Stretch it out for a second. Over with the legs to one side, arms to the opposite side. I got this one right, Sue. And over to the other side again. And roll it over. We're going to work on the inner thighs. Oh, great. Okay. Palm of the hand out. One leg crosses over the other. Let's start lifting up. Go up and down. Now what you want to do is focus the concentration on the inner thigh. Okay? The foot is parallel to the floor. And you're lifting up every time. Let's go. Up and down. Up and down. Lift. Up and down. And one more set of eight. Let's go. Eight. Count it with me. Seven. And six. Good job. Five. And four. And three. And two. Last one. Now watch here. We take it up. In. Center. And down. Go up. In. Center. And down. All right, Joe. Let's go. In. Center. And down. Up. Push it in. Center. And down. Don't let it go all the way down. Center. And down. By the time I'm done with you, pal, you're going to be back in the NFL. In. Center. And down. Up. In. Center. And down. One more time. In. Center. And down. All right. Up. Let's bring that leg in. Center. And stretch it out. Let's go to the other side. Okay. Cross one leg over, allowing the inner thigh to get a nice free movement. And ready. Let's start. Up. And down. Up. And down. Exhale as you're lifting up. I want you to feel those inner thighs tightening up every time you lift a leg. Lift and release. Lift and release. Lift and release. And again, let's go. Lift it up. Release it down. Extend the heel away from your body so your leg is straight. By pushing the leg away and straight, you can feel the inner thigh working as you're lifting the heel up. There you go. Up. And down. Four more times. Four. Three. Two. And now we go. Up. Bring it in. Center. And down. Up. Bring it in. Center. And down. Up. Bring it in. Center. And down. Go. Up. In. Center. Down. Again. Up. In. Center. I can feel those. It's all up to you now. These are the best ones. In. And the last one. Let's go. Up. In. Center. Oh, boy. Let's sit up. Stretch that inner thigh. Good work. We'll be back with a cool down. Welcome back to your cool down. Bring one leg in. Okay. And stretch that knee downwards with the elbow. Lift your body up. Extend the arm. Flex your front toe in. And reach forward. Try to relax into it. Try to deep, deep inhale and exhale as you're coming through. Go a little further forward. There you go. And relax it. Bring the palm to the side of the body. Take a big inhale and stretch. Lift yourself up. Try to reach to the side of the body. There you go. All the way out. And relax it down. Oh, thank you. Good job. Let's go over to the other side. Okay. Bring the leg in. Foot touches right above the knee with the elbow. Press slightly on the knee, pushing it down, feeling the stretch on the inner thigh. Toe flexed in. Palm up. Let's reach forward. Nice and easy. A little further out. And relax it. Bring the palm to the side of the body. And take a big inhale up. Reach it up. And exhale down. Okay. Roll it over on your knees. Slowly come up to a standing position. Good job. Give me a big inhale. Good work today. Exhale down. Let's go check on our karate kid here. Let's see how they're doing. Oh. Okay. Now it's... Special thanks to the luxurious all-ocean front Hawaii Prince Hotel, located at the gateway to Waikiki.