Yeah. Bodies in motion with Gil Jankiewicz. Hey Henry, Henry, what are you doing? Trying to hide your massive biceps so you won't embarrass me? No, I want to lose weight faster so I'm going to burn it off. You watch, I'm going to sweat so much I'll lose 20 pounds in one day. Listen Henry, overheating your body is not going to help you lose weight. Perspiration is the natural way for the body to regulate its temperature. By creating all this extra heat you won't be able to exercise as long because it will decrease your stamina. So don't try to outsmart your body. Wear just enough clothes to be comfortable and don't let me catch you trying to lose weight in the sauna either. Big inhale up. Welcome to your workout today. Today we're going to take you right through the sunset. Give me a big inhale. You're going to see a gorgeous sunset I hope. Big inhale up. Exhale down. Let's start reaching with you. Up and up. Let's go. Who's with us today? To your far left is Kent. Then we have Sue. Then to my right, your right, we have Maya and then we have Mike. All the way in the back there. Let's go. Both arms up. Push it up. And Maya, como estas amigos? Perfecto. Y tu? Tu, tu e bene. Four more. Four. Three more. Here we go. Two more. Today we're going to concentrate on a good warm up. Shoulders, aerobics, thighs, and a stretch at the end. One arm. Go. Up, up, up, up, up, up. Four more times. Go. Four. Three. Two. One arm comes forward. Go. Push. Nice easy pushes forward. Let's go. Five. Six. Seven. Take it for a twist. Go. In. And still raising on your toe. Go. Four more. Three more. Send the arms to 45 degrees. There you go. Nice and easy. Nice and relaxed. Getting the body to move. Four more times. Four. And three. And two. Hands come to the waist right here. Step and back. Step and back. Step forward. Step back. Let's get our bodies in motion here. Let's get the blood flowing. Let's start warming up. The next segment is going to be aerobics. So let's do a good warm up. Four more. And three more. And two more. Side to side with the arms. Let's go. Up, up, up, up. Four more. Four. Three. Take it to the other side. Now go. In. And step. And in. And step. And in. And step. Four more times like this. Go. Four. Go three. Go two. And the arms right here. Take it. Up, up, up, up. Go. Five. Six. Drop the arms. Roll the shoulders. Back. Roll. Roll. Nice, easy stretch with the shoulders all the way to the back. Do like this four more times. Four. Three. Two. And hold it right here. Chin to the chest. Center. Chest. Center. Chest. Center. Now take it from side to side. Let's go. Over. Nice and easy with the chest. Sorry, with the neck we go. Nice and easy. Four more. That's what happens to, we work out all day. The shoulders become the waist. The waist becomes the thighs. And so on and so on and so on. Hold it. Last time. And here. Big inhale up. Hands to the thighs right here. And let's roll and release the back. Roll and release. Roll it. Release it. Roll it. Release it. Four more. And three more. And two more. And last one. Now hold it right here. Left heel up. Up. Go from side to side. Place the palms against your thighs. Push against the thighs. And then contract the calf every time you lift. There you go. We're trying to warm up the calf muscles. Let's do this four more times. Go. Four. And three. And two. And hold it right here. Press the heel into the floor. Take a small step in. Roll it up. Big inhale up. Let's start working the shoulders right here. Up and down. Roll it up and down. Working up and down and up and down. Tighten to the shoulders. Keep your knees slightly bent. Give your upper body slightly forward. So the toes, the knees and the chest are in one vertical line. Go. Eight more. Seven. Now give me the best effort in every repetition. Let's go. Come on. Two more. Now let's do it every time. Up. One. Two. Come on you guys at home. Do this with me. And again. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. Hold it right here. Take it in and back. Through the chest and back. Now we started with the shoulders. Now we're moving the work into the chest. So every time those arms come in, the chest squeezes real tight. We go chest. We go back. Four more times like this. Go. Four. Go. Three. Go. Two. And last one. Hold it here. Let's go. Up and down. Up and down again. Let's go. Up and down. Can I get four more from you? Come on. Are you good for four more? Four more. Three more. Two more. Every time up. Right here. Up. Up. Up. Up. Go again. Five. Six. Hold it right here. One shoulder. Up. Other shoulder. There we go. Lift and hold. Squeeze and hold. Lift and hold. Tighten up. Come on. Four more times. Lift. Squeeze. Lift. Squeeze. Lift. Squeeze. Last time and hold it. Now cross and back. Cross and back. Four more times. Come on you guys. Give me the best effort now. Show me how badly you want this. Show me how bad you want to get in shape. Four more. Three more. Two more. Last one and shake it out. Start walking. We'll be back with the aerobics. Welcome back to your aerobics segment. Seven minutes of burning fat. Pure and simple. Let's go. Start lifting the knees up. Five. Six. Seven. Walk forward and back. Forward and back. Forward and back. Forward and back. Triple step. Up. Other side. Real good. Two. Again. Three. Triple step. Forward and back. Forward and back. Forward and back. Triple step now. Forward and back and forward and back and forward and back. Triple step and walk in place. Walk. Good job. Give me those arms. Five. Six. Seven. Now fist high. In. In. Out and down. Go. Tighten up. Open up and down. Again. One and two. Other hand. Go. In. In. Open up and down. Go. One and two. Out. Other hand. Double the speed with the hands. Up. Up. Make it tight. Now let's run. Up. Up. Come on you guys. Four more times like this. Go. Four. Go three. Go two. Hands go up and down right here. Up. Up. Up. Up. Here's five. Six. Right leg kick forward. Your left. Up. Up. Up. Up. Up. Two counts each side. Go. Up. Again. Singles to the side. Up and out. Five. Six. Two knee lifts. Up. Up. Two. Up. Two. Up. Two. Kick to the side right here. One. Two. Three. Four. Triceps and legs. Two knee lifts. In. Two. Other side. Up. Leg kicks. Up. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Knee crossover right here. Up. Up. Over side. Again. Kick it out to the side. Now go out. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Cross it over. Up. Again. Again. Now what? Kick out. Two. Three. Four. Real good. Five. Six. One more time crossover right here. Up. In. Up. In. Up. In. Kick it out. Out. Two. Three. Stay here. Five. Six. Hand comes out. Watch. Out. Out. Out. Out. Up. Up. Where's the big smile? Eight more. I want to see that smile. Up. Up. Up. Turn the leg over. Turn it over right here. Here's five. Six. Seven. Again. Turn. Turn. Turn. Up. Now let's walk in place right here. Walk. Two. Three. Four. Now we're going to do a box step. Triple step and go to the other leg. Ready? Five. Six. Go. Forward. Up. One. Two. Triple step. Forward. Back. One. Two. One. Two. Three. Forward. Back. One. Two. One. Two. Three. You got it. One. Two. One. Two. Three. Up. One. Two. One. Two. Three. One. Two. At the arms. Out and pump them. Out. One. Two. One. Two. Three. Up. And one. Two. One. One, two, three, hop, hop. One, two, r-r-r-r-up. Hop, hop. Are we in fourth gear yet? One, two, in. One, two, hop. Last time. Hop, two, walk in place. Let's go. Here's one. Hop, hop, pivot. Step, two. Good job. Five, six. Two counts each leg, one, over, unhappened can't. Now in singles, one, two, three, twice, go, again. Now in singles, add the arm, two, three, we're going for eight, five, six, knee lift now, let's go, out, in, over, again. Now singles, out, one, two, three, four, five, six, now knee lift, up, in, you got the move, stand the beat. All right, I like what I see, singles, two, three, four, five, six, knee lift, up, again, come on, put energy into the move. Singles with a hop, seven, six, five, four, three, knee lift, go, up, again, again, now hop, go, one, two, we're going for eight, up, five, six, knee lift, up, in, go, up, in, go, up, in, go, now hop, one, stay with the hop, here we go, five, six, seven, add the arms right here, up, out, up, let's go, one arm at a time. So how did we do for you? You did good for us. Come on, lift those arms up, four more, three more, two more, those of you who are just turning your monitors on, we're just getting started, let's go, four, three, now step to the back, go, hop, step to the back, heel touch, let's go, five, six, seven, both arms out, push, one, bringing the body back down, getting you ready for the floor work, heel touch forward right here, heel touch, flex the toes in, four, and three, and two, lifting up now, hop, and up, and up, and up, we'll be back with the floor work, keep cooling off on your own, shake the legs out, we'll be right back. Welcome back to the floor work segment, let's go from side to side, here we go, let's keep cooling off the body for another minute or so, then we're going to take you through the abdominals, and we're going to do your thighs, let's go, four more, three more, two more, is everybody feeling good today? Let's go, step, step, step, bring that body to the center, point your toe, there you go, nice and easy, squats down toward the center, up, up, four, three, two, and hold it, big inhale up, exhale down, one more time, big inhale up, exhale down, take a seat, down on the floor, all right everybody, let's go, let's do those abdominals, ready? Here we go, let's start it, up and down, up and down, exhale up and down, squeeze and release, squeeze and release, let's do this four more times, four, and three, and two, now let's bring the knee in, let's go, in and down, in and down, in and down, four more times like this, go, four, I want to see everybody lifting the upper body a little further up, toward the knees, and let's do four more as we're going up like this, three more, up and down, last time, now let's hold, both knees in, cross them over, let's go from side to side, left and down, other side, good job, turn the body, exhale as you're coming up, turn the body, and exhale as you're coming up, again, lift and down, lift and down, come on you guys, I am not going to do this exercise for you, if you want to get better, you got to want these exercises here, these abdominal exercises are our friends, they're good for us, let's go, four more, and three more, and two more, and last one, straight up and down, in, down, come on, please, I'm asking you, don't let me do this by myself, lift, come on, up and down, four more, there you go, show me that power, where's the willpower, we got it, okay, two more, and last one, drop the legs down, extend the arms right through the legs, and let's go for small lifts, lift every time, up, go, five, six, seven, give me eight more, one, two, three, four, count in five, six, seven, and eight, hold it, everybody hold it up, bring the chin to the chest, extend the arms a little further up, tighten the abdominals, and release them down, good work, and I almost started to cry because I thought I was working out by myself, but that was just an illusion, let's roll it over, on your knees, and we're coming to a standing position, palms against the thigh, lift yourself up, very good work on the abdominals, turn the body, hands to the waist, let's work the thighs, down and up, get into a position here, knee right above the heel, and squat down and lift up, let the concentration be on the buttocks and the thighs, let's go, down and lift, down and lift, down and lift, four more, four, and three, and two, every time down, let's go, now, press, press, press real tight, five, six, give me two more sets of eight, go, one, count it with me, up, como estas amigos there, six, up, eight more times, go, last eight now, come on, let's make those the best ones, these are the ones that count and hold it down, right here, extend the arms forward, and now pull and down, pull and down, watch here, watch my leg, once again, the knee does not come over the toe, you want to protect those knees, go, four more, three more, squeeze tight, and last one and hold it, turn your body over to the other side, let's start down and up, down and up, let's go, down and squeeze, down and squeeze, down and squeeze, four more times like this, go, four, go, three, go, two, every time we go down, down, there you go, guys, come on, make it tight, I'm right here with you, where are you going, stay tight, eight more, seven, six, five, four, three, two, and hold it right here, extend your arms, now pull and down, pull and down, squeeze real tight, go, four more, go, three more, go, two more, last one and hold, back to the center, palms against the thighs, against your waist, and we go, down and up, down and up, down and up, give me two more sets of eight and we'll be back with the cool down and the sunset, welcome back to the stretch, give me a big inhale up, exhale down, palms against the thighs, let's roll the back up, and release down, once again, roll up, squeeze the buttocks underneath you, squeeze it tight, roll down, one more time, squeeze it in and roll it down, take a wide stand, turn your body to the left, press your heel to the floor, extend your arms forward and reach into it, okay, press the heel into the floor and hold that stretch, and relax it, let's go over to the other side, turn, press the heel to the floor, extend your arms out, very good work, and back to the center, big inhale up, drop one arm down, other hand stays up and stretch the head to the side, and release down, big inhale, other hand, take it down and stretch to the side, very nice work today, once again, big inhale and exhale down, and as I promised you, we are taking you to the surf, so follow us, come on you guys, I'm going to take this mic off so I don't ruin our equipment, and we're out of here, come on. Thank you for joining today's workout, I enjoy hearing from you, so please write to Gilad at Bodies in Motion, P.O. Box 88046, Honolulu, Hawaii 96830.