That's it so catch you. Bodies in motion with Gil Jankiewicz. These days, we have to make a conscious effort to stay in shape. Think of it. Everything is geared to make our life easy. We have refrigerators to store our food, we drive everywhere we go, and more and more jobs are becoming sedentary. You can even make a phone call to have food delivered to your home. In prehistoric times, it was definitely survival of the fittest. Everybody was fit and lean because they had to run for their food. And if they couldn't run fast enough, they became food. Make a conscious effort and stay in shape, because you never know when your survival will depend on it. Welcome to today's workout. Let's start with the head, especially to the right, and to the left, and to the right. With us today, to your far left, is Billy, and then my mom, Aura, yours truly, we have Gail, and we have Gil, I like this one, Gil, Gail, and Gil, and we have Mr. Parrot there. Let's go. Take it, right, and left, and right, and left. Today we're going to work on your hips and your thighs, we're going to do aerobics, abdominals, and the outer thighs. Let's go, right, over, side, and hold it, shoulders back, roll the shoulders. Nice and easy, big move all the way up, all the way to the back. Let me see those smiles, it's going to be a good workout today. We're going to burn a little fat, burn some calories, get you a little tighter. Let's hold it now, forward and back, press the shoulders in, then press the shoulders back. In and back, in and back, press in and back. Let's talk about positioning here, knees are slightly bent, stomach slightly pulled in, there you go, then you press the shoulders in, and open to the back, in, open to the back, four more, one, and two, and three, this is the last one, hold it here, roll to the right, to the left, to the right, big movement with the shoulder as you raise the shoulder up. You want to inhale and exhale, get the blood flowing through that body, here's four, three, two, now with the body, go, right, lift the heel, then press the heel to the floor, up and over, up and over, four more, one, and two, and three, now add the arm, take it right, left, big movement, stretch the shoulders out, there you go, relax into the movement, and make the movement a little bit bigger, let's go, four more, three more. Last time, hold it, palms into the thighs, keep moving right along, now let's talk about this one here, keep the center of your body as still as possible, and then let the inner thigh do the work, with the palm of the hand, support against your thighs, pulling the upper body away from the thighs, now press a little deeper into the inner thighs, four more times like this, one, and two, this is the third one, and now twice to each side, let's hold it, twice to the right, twice to the left, hold it, don't bounce on me, hold that stretch, feel it through the inner thigh, and over, again, one, and two, and over, last time, stretch to the right, and over to the left, let's hold it to the center, bring the body down, palms against the floor, and squeeze, small presses down, let's go, press, press, press, drop the buttocks down to the floor, try to relax your back, let the head be in one line with the spine, relax for more, four, and three, and two, and hold it, squeeze it up, bring the palm of the hand into the thigh, left side, and right side, support your body up, let's go into the calves, left side, right side, left side, right side, good job, let's go, left side, and right side, watch here, the shoulders don't move, the shoulders stay in one place, and you're pressing against the thigh, resisting, so the calf has to do the work, here's five, six, seven, and eight, press the heel down, take your body weight, shift it over to the left thigh, press into the thigh, and now let's lift the calf, and down, lift the heel, and down, lift, and down, let the whole body weight be right on top of that leg, so when you press the heel off the ground, all the work is done on the calf, lift, and down, four more, one, as you come up to the top, hold it for a split second, tense the muscle, flex it, and this is the last time, and release it, take it over to the other side, palms against the thighs, and press the heel up, up, and down, press, and down, press, and down, again, in, there you go, stay in one line, so your whole body weight is right above the heel, let's go, up, and down, press it up, and down, press it up, and down, last time, you did it, take it back to the center, roll it up, palms against the waist, let's squat down, ready, begin, down, and up, feet are faced 45 degree angle outward, squeeze what you call it, it's five, it's six, here's seven, now lift your left heel off the ground, and press deeper into the left side, let's go, down, and squeeze, down, and squeeze, four more, down, squeeze, down, squeeze, down, squeeze, last time, and hold it, press the heel, now, flex the toe in, and again, down, and lift, watch the toes flexing up, heel is on the floor now, down, and squeeze, down, and squeeze, four more like this, here's four, here's the three, this is two, and last one, hold it, left heel off, let's go, down, and up, your left, and up, down, and up, press that heel off the ground, work deep into the right side, four more times, one, and two, and three, and four, and hold it, heel out, let's go, press down, and lift, press down, and lift, do eight more like this with the toe flexed in, squeezing into the buttocks, and we'll be back with aerobics, welcome to the aerobics, let's get started, let's walk, right leg, right, right, right, right, here we go, five, six, okay, all you guys, remember doing the aerobic segment any time the workout gets a little difficult on you, or you're not catching on to the movement, you come back to this walking position right here, and when you feel ready, you join it, you go for it, you burn those calories, let's go, right leg, right leg, here's five, six, pump the arms, right here, forward, front, side, up, forward, front, side, up, again, up, side, lift, down, forward, side, up, again, down, forward, side, up, one more time, and side, and walk it, let's go, let's go, here's five, here's six, now let's flex it right here, right arm, left arm, out and down, right arm, left arm, out, down, right, left, use these arms, flex, flex, open and down, flex, you're getting it, come on, use those hands, use those legs, let's get in shape here, up, out, and down again, four, two, three, and down again, one, two, three, let's take it for a run, double speed now, up and down, let's go, up, up, up, cross, cross, out and down, let's go, here's four more, three more, two more, and last one, keep running right here, let's go, five, six, bring it down to a walk, let's go, today we're going to combine low and high impact aerobics, back and forth, let's go, high with the knees, now let's step forward and back, forward, back, forward, back, forward, back, every four steps, we do a triple step and we lead with the other leg, four, three, two, triple step now, up, forward, back, you got it, you got it, four more times, four, three, two, now triple step, yes, that's the way, that's the way, four more times, four, three, two, now triple step, you got it, stay in it, let's go, four more times, here's four, here's three, here's two, triple step, four times now, forward, three, here's two, triple step now, forward, back, forward, back, forward, back, triple step now, triple step now, again, let's go, and three, now triple step, last time to the left, two, three, triple step and take it for a run, same move, forward and back, forward and back, three, triple step now, up, forward, back, forward, back, forward, back, triple step, up, forward, back, forward, back, forward, back, now triple step, forward, back, you got the move, stay on the beat, triple step, forward, back, forward, back, forward, triple step, and left side, there you go, and three, and walk in place, now let's go, right, there you go, up, go again, here it is, five, six, seven, step touch, step, step, step, step, five, six, add the right arm, let's go, right, left, right, open big, five, six, both arms over the head, hop, hop, hop, five, six, six, one arm at a time, right, left, right, left, right, left, both arms, hop, with a hop, let me see those bodies flying, one arm, hey, one, two, both arms, hop, one arm, two arms, both arms, stay here now, eight more, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, walk in place, lift those knees people, come on, lift those knees, take it for a run, one, now let's cross the arms, right arm, left arm, out and down, right arm, out, right, left, out, double speed with the hands, out, hop, hop, hop, hop, hop, go, back, hop, hop, you got it, let's do four more like this, here's four, here's three, send those arms up mommy, hold it, kick forward, let's go, kick, five, six, drive the knee up to the chest, left, right, let's go, five, six, one at a time, let's go, left arm, right arm, left arm, here's four, three, two, walk it, good job, we brought the hard weight up, now we bring the hard weight down, step, step, step, step, step, step, from side to side, keep going through the break, bring your hard weight down, when we come back we're going to work on the muscles in the abdominals and the thighs, okay, let's go to the floor, we're going to do some abdominals, all right everybody, let's start with a little stretch here, boy those mats get hard in the sun don't they, and boy those towels don't want to sit do they, all right, legs wide open, stay towel, stay, stay, okay, let's reach right here forward, bend the knees slightly, extend your body up, take it over in through the leg, give me a big inhale, reach with the arm, and now take it over to the toe, relax your body into the move, no pressure right now, let the body relax, take it through the front, over to the other side, big inhale, and reach out to the toe, good job, relax your body, and bring it through the center, palms to the back, lift your body up a bit, bring the heels in, shake the legs out, we did a good aerobic workout, abdominals, let's start, everybody ready, let's put it at an angle here, okay, let's start with the abdominals, let's start, ready, start it up, let's start it up, let's go, up and down, lift and down, exhale on the way up, squeeze your abdominals in, let's go, let's go, now let's talk about the positioning here, let's relax the head against the palm of the hands, shoulders do not come all the way down to the floor, shoulders stay in the air, then you concentrate deep into the abdominals, you exhale every time you push up, there you go, exhale and release, exhale and release, here's four, three, now we count three counts up and release on four, lift, three, and release down, lift, two, three, don't jerk the movement, rest, highest and release, again lift, press, lift and down, again lift up, two, three, and down, one more time, two, three, eight singles all the way, up, down, exhale up, there you go, lift, let's do this, four more, how badly do you want these three, two, and last one and hold, now cross and put the elbow to the knee, let's go, bring the elbow to the knee, cross it over, lift, release, lift, release, now you don't have to let the elbow touch the knee, I'd rather you press your chest up toward the knee, okay, let's go, four more, three more, two more, and last one and hold it, all the way down, let's bring both knees over to the left side, cross them and now squeeze up and release, there we go, we're working into the side of the abdominals, the obliques, get that nice tight stomach, huh, yes, squeeze up, all right, everything all right there girl, let's go, lift, release, lift four more times, here's a one, squeeze really tight now, you might even want to pause for a split second all the way up there and release down, take the legs over to the other side, ready, let's go, lift it up and down, up and down, now don't try to force the movement even if you're only lifting two inches but you're feeling it on the side of the abdominals, that's all you need to do, let's go for four more times, here's four, here's a three and a two, one and a half, one and a quarter, one and a fifth, last time and hold it, all right, bring the knees into the chest and let's turn it over outer sides, okay, right here and let's start lifting and down, lift and down, okay, once again talk about the positioning, you're leaning against the palm of your hand, so make the arm straight with the shoulder perpendicular to the floor, let's go, lift again, lift up and down and up and down, lift, now make the heel go up first, we're working on the outer thigh, lift and down, lift and down again, lift and down and lift, now every time up, let's go, up, two, three, small move but very very tight, seven, eight more times, here's one, here's two, here's three, here's four, this is a five and a six, seven, eight singles all the way up and down, lift and down, lift and down, lift four more times, here's a one and here's a two, here's a three, last time and four, bring the knee a little bit closer in, keep the body tall, let's lift and release, shifting the angle, working on a different part of the muscle, now don't let your stomach sink down to the floor, lift it up, in the air, let's go in singles, up and down and up four more times, here's a one and a two and here's three and last time and four, good work, shake it out, bring the knee in, quick quick quick, let's go to the other side, ready, let's start, up, down, lift, down, lift and down, squeeze and down, again working the outer thighs, let's go, eight more times and seven and six and five, this is four, this is three, this is two and this is one, now take it in singles, now do eight singles then eight full ones and then do 16 to the front, just like we did on the other leg, we'll be back with a stretch, keep going on your own, welcome back to the stretch, let's stretch the outer thighs, we just worked on them, okay, take a sitting position, great, cross the right leg over the left, okay, press the palm of the hand to the back, lift yourself up, nice and tall, there you go, now reach over and take a hold of the knee and stretch to the side of the body, reach over to the side, look over to the other side of the world, how's it going in the other side of the world, looks okay to me, okay, let's take it over, switch legs, cross the left over the right this time, okay, lift yourself nice and tall, let the legs drop down, feel the stretch on the side of the thigh, okay, bring the palm of the hand right through the knee, stretch it over to the side, hold it there, what are you doing there boy and bring it back to the center, good work, now let's roll it over and come over here, slowly up, palm against the thigh, support yourself up, take a big inhale up, exhale down, big inhale up, exhale down, exhale down, very good work, we'll see you again tomorrow, thank you everybody, that was great, thank you, all right.