It just gives you a great money. Get your adrenaline going. It's good for you. Stay healthy and try for a hundred. What a great time. So why don't more people get into it? Do they think exercise is bad for your health, like smoking or something? Glad you asked, cause that's exactly what we're about to scope out here. Hi, this is my pal Spuddy. You know, as in Couch Potato, and I'm- That's Mr. Spuddy to you. And that's my main pain professor, know it all. That would be honor to you, pal. I'm gonna show you what I'm made of. I'm gonna show you what exercise really means and what it means to you. So what does it mean, professor? Well, let's see what the experts say at the Heartfelt Heart Health Institute at Howard University. How are you? Fine, how are you? Could be better, but how are you? Fine, but just listen. Many years of research have demonstrated for most of us regardless of age or size, to live longer and healthier lives, we must exercise moderately for a total of 30 to 40 minutes every day, or nearly every day. We must exercise moderately for a total of 30 to 40 minutes every day, or nearly every day. Who's got time for that? Everyone. That is the beauty of it. This is the new deal. Cutting edge. Who are you kidding? Ever hear of aerobics? 45 minutes of continuous large muscle exercise? Three to five times a week? I'd die. Does a dog bark? Well then, what's the big deal? Everybody knows it's good for you. But they still don't do it. People are so hard to understand. Yeah. What do you mean, I exercise? Right. So, nobody's perfect. That's the point. See, if you think exercising or being physically fit means you gotta be a superhero, or an Amazon, or a sports legend, and knock yourself out, or if you think you gotta join a club or gym and buy lots of fancy clothes and equipment that costs mucho dinero that nobody's got, or put in loads of time that nobody's got, it computes that most people would turn off the concept and turn on the TV. Hmm. For me, I guess it's a pain thing. Figures. But you know the expression, no pain, no gain? I reject that concept. You and most people. So you go for the tube and live on junk food. Litterbug. Nobody's perfect. Anyway, some of us like to push for physical excellence. But most people don't choose to challenge themselves, or even work up a sweat, if you know what I mean. Well, kids don't have to push. They're active naturally. Yeah, when they're about this big. But a lot of them change their tune later on. Like, they get so worried about how their hair looks that they forget about their bodies, or just plain run out of juice. So, what our experts have unanimously concluded is... Unequivocally. Undeniably. Something is better than nothing. What's that? Your future spuddy. Give me a break. His name is Mr. Goals. You know, slug backwards. In fact, he's got it all backwards. I've been trying to get through to him, but he just won't buy. And he's in really bad shape. I gotta admit, he doesn't look so hot. Mm-hmm. So, what if I were to decide I wanted to check out this new exercise prescription? Amazing. Okay, okay. So, what's the deal? How come you think this exercise prescription is for everyone? Listen to the experts. What we mean by moderate is any physical activity, which is equivalent to wrist walking. That doesn't seem too painful. But 30 to 40 minutes a day? No way. Remember our prescription says a total of 30 to 40 minutes of moderate exercise a day. Or nearly every day. You mean you don't have to do all the activity at once? I think he's got it. Wow! In fact, you can do it in two minutes at a time. That's all you can squeeze in. And you can build on to that as you get into the swing of it. Remember, we're talking a total here, and everything counts. In fact, according to the experts, the absolutely, positively most important thing to remember is... Something is better than nothing. And there's something for everyone. No matter what your age, size... For beginners... Or people who have been on the couch too long. Try a two to four minute walk three to four times a day. Adding on and building the pace as indicated. Who, me? What if I get bored with walking? Try something else. There are a gazillion things you can do. On your own, or with your family or friends, and they all count. Thank you. Mowing the lawn? Exercise? It's physical, isn't it? And active, I guess. Yeah, if you give it a little oomph. You're gonna love this. The new prescription's got nothing to do with how good you are at doing things. It just wants you to do them. That's the prize. And you look better, feel better, and do better all around. Gross. Hey, maybe you should give this deal a shot. Before it's too late. But how do I change? How do I get from here... To there? So I don't end up like that. You know, if you need some help, get your mom and dad in on it. Like you said before, kids are naturally active. For a while, at least. Yeah, and parents need to move it even more. So tell them how it is, and get them going. My parents? No way. Well, maybe, just maybe, if they knew how important fitness was to you, they'd get involved. Tell them what the experts say. If one parent is active, it is twice more easier for their kids to be active. And if both parents are active, it's six times more likely that their kids will be active. Wow! Monkey see, monkey do. What if you only have one parent around? Then it's up to one. Double duty, like my mom. Hey, how you doing? Good. You ready to jump on? Yeah. What we want to do together, or have time to do together, it doesn't always work. But Mom makes sure we get out and do something every day. Or nearly every day! Nobody's perfect. We do all kinds of things, sometimes on our own, sometimes together, and we have a lot of fun. You want to try it, Jonah? Yeah, sure. Anna's right, you know. She said I was right. I didn't think she paid much attention to what I did or didn't do. I was wrong. She said she was wrong. When I finally got smart about my heart, I got more active, and when I got more active, she got more active. Maybe there is hope for my family. The more we planned and did together, the more we talked, and the more we talked, the more I learned about Anna. And the more we could help each other work things out. Right? Yeah. When Mom was telling me what I should be doing, she started asking me what I wanted to do. And you actually listened? Yeah, and give all the support I can. I assumed that all kids like to play organized sports. I found out I have one who didn't. But she was ready to go out and do things a different way, if I gave her the chance. I didn't expect too much. You don't get yelled at when you mess up? No way. I get rewarded for just doing something. Win, lose, or draw. Sink or swim. And Mom helps me figure out how to get where I need to go, at the park or the gym. We both feel better. And look better. Mr. Gulls! Poor Mr. Gulls. He's finally met the fate of any true slug. Gross. But predictable. Pete! I think he's trying to communicate. It sounds something like pleh. Pleh. Maybe he's trying to say please. Maybe it's just indigestion. No! I've got it! Remember how Mr. Gulls always does everything backwards? Yep. Boy, he is saying pleh. Pleh is backwards for help. Right on, Mr. Gulls. Wait, there's more. He says he's willing to try to do something. But please don't wait and consider all the options. Just be careful you don't start with too much. Especially grown-ups who haven't been active or who have a medical problem. Be sure to consult with your doctor before starting the exercise program. But not too much of that super fatty stuff. Remember, Mr. Gulls? And... Apart from these considerations, we strongly advocate that you... And that you be absolutely certain that you... Destroy yourself! Looking good, man. You fired. Cool. Don't you just love happy endings? They just give you a great month. Get your adrenaline going. It's good for you. It's good for you. Thanks for watching.