Jazzmen, a film from the Soviet Union which takes a good natured look at pioneers of jazz in that country during the 1920s. I hope you enjoyed it. In just a few moments I'll be back to introduce our adults only movie, Marco Ferreri's Tales of Ordinary Madness with Ben Guzzara and Ornella Mutti. Welcome back. Our next film is a film which is definitely for adults only. Tales of Ordinary Madness is an Italian film that was made in the United States in English. It's based on the books Erections, Ejaculations and Exhibitions and General Tales of Ordinary Madness, both written by Charles Bukowski. Bukowski, who is much better known as a writer in Europe than he is in his Native America or indeed in Australia, is a poet of the downtrodden. A long time alcoholic, he unflinchingly tells of his crazy drink sodden life, filled as it is with numerous sexual encounters. Ben Guzzara plays Bukowski, a remarkable performance from this fine actor. The cast also includes Ornella Mutti, playing one of his many conquests. Now this is a sordid world you're about to enter. A world in which the bleary-eyed, self-pitying and self-mocking protagonist takes us along with him in a constant search for more booze and available women. There's little or no love here, but lots of casual sex. It's a grim world and it's most definitely not for everyone. I must stress that. However, the importance of Bukowski as a writer, of Ben Guzzara as an actor, and of director Marco Ferreri, whose films include La Gourme Bouffe, make this a film of great interest for adult audiences. If you have any doubts, switch off now. You have been warned. This is for adults only. Tales of Ordinary Madness. And so Charles continues his search for love, a relentless and seemingly never-ending quest. European critics praised Marco Ferreri's Tales of Ordinary Madness when it was released in 1991 as an honest annotation of the work of Charles Bukowski, poet of the underbelly of prosperous America. It's a fascinating, though perhaps not exactly enjoyable film. Well, our movie of the week next Monday is The Ice Palace, a superb film from Norway, and it's really a magical movie. For me now, good evening.