Yes, well I'm here, I'm here live in the studio audience. Excuse me, what's your name? Evan. Evan, are you enjoying the show so far? Yeah, Glenn, I think you're absolutely fantastic. Thank you, Evan. Now, I've got a few words to speak just to the guys watching. Now guys, listen. Self abuse is a bad thing, it can cause damage to your eyesight. And we have, Evan, we have living proof of that here this evening in the studio audience. For the first time on national television anywhere, ladies and gentlemen, here they are, the Five Blind Boys. Oh, everybody, we're the Five Blind Boys. Hi, I'm the youngest and ugliest of the tag on the run to the letter. My name is St. Ignatius Pop, you can call me Iggy. Now all four and five of us here, we're great fans of blues music. That's because we were brought up in Blaney, which is of course in New South Wales, the home of the blues. Go blues! Now we never wanted to be musicians, we were trained to operate heavy machinery. But we've suffered discrimination in the workforce. No one will let us operate a fansaw. And you know why? It's because the colour of our skin. Anyway, my name... AAAAAAAAHHH! What is it? What is it Ron? The lights! Have the lights on! The lights are on Ron, just relax. Sorry about that brothers and sisters, but blind boy Ron's a bit scared of the dark. Now, my name is Four Fingers Blind Boy Toby Jack, they call me Four Fingers because I lost the four fingers here on my left hand. In a horrible mincing accident at the Aventoir. The other guys down there were good enough to tell me. I still get these phantom pains and sometimes I have to scratch the damn thing. Oh, that's better. Anyway, like I said, my name... AAAAAAAAHHH! What is it Ron? What is it Ron? What is it mate? How tall am I? How tall? You're very tall mate. I'm scared of heights! Get me down! I'm gonna fall! I'm gonna fall! AAAAAAAAHHH! You won't settle down Ron! You alright Ron? No worries mate. No worries, that's better mate. Right then. The last member of the Five Blind Boys is of course Silent Neville. Neville! Neville was a bit embarrassed about peering on national television because he's got bad skin. I mean look at him now, his face does look like a relief map of the Pyrenees. And all those rocky craves you see are actually volatile pustules. Actually just running your hand over his pimples it's like reading a braille version of War and Peace. Rep said to Scarlet, frankly my dear I don't give a... Oh my god! Why? Oh my god! It can't be true! I can see! I can see! I can see! I'm sure! I can see! I can see! What's it like? Well it's like catalyst. It's like colour to a blind man. It's like... Well I know it's there, but I don't have to touch it to know it's there. You know what I mean? Hang on, it's getting brighter. It's getting very bright now. Oh wow, it's getting very bright! I must be looking at the sun! It's a miracle! I can see! I can see! He drove me home! He drove me home! He drove me home! The Lord God drove me home! He drove me home! Did he raise Lazarus? Yes he did! From the dead? Yes he did! Make a blind man? Yes he did! See again? Yes he did! Then he'll save you two in times of woe! Like he saved Lazarus from the dying pen. He will provide! He will provide! He will provide! He will provide! The Lord God will provide! He will provide! Once he had an evil man, his fleet was quite a slow, and if we were that merry-web, the land was as blind as a match! Join the people that he will provide! Join the people that he will provide! The Lord God will provide! He will provide! The Lord God will provide! He will provide! To be the dictator in Panama! And to fiddle while the damn place burns! You want a family home? You want to eat the brains of little children? Put a pig that's through the back of your head! He will provide! He will provide! He will provide! I said the Lord God will provide! He will provide! I said the Lord God will provide! Lord! Godamn! Godamn! Thank you!