Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! It's show time. Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Oh, I can't get enough of that chiver frizz. Scientist pick. Merchant 1, need a volunteer. Scientist pick. Manipulation. Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Scientist pick. Intelligence. Manipulation. Merchant 1, need a volunteer. Merchant 1, need a volunteer. Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Greetings and welcome to show number 2 of Count Rockulus Theater for the Insane. I would like to thank everyone for their feedback on show number 1. Tonight's show will feature clips requested by viewers and some of my own favorites. We will also see some upcoming attractions and barrage editing. So why don't we get right down to it on your source of sensory overload, Count Rockulus Theater for the Insane. Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Uh, yes sir, may I help you? Oh, I'd like two of those please. Hot dogs? Yes sir. And three of those, and one of those, and five bars of these, and a cup of that nice hot liquid. Coffee, coming right up. Oh, and two bags of those peculiar white coffee material. You mean our crunchy popcorn. Uh, shall I wrap that for you sir? Oh, that's all right. My saucers just outside. They come from miles to enjoy our intermission. Johnathan E., that's the name. Houston players come and go, but the champion plays on. You know how the game serves us. It has a definite social purpose. Nations are bankrupt, gone, no poverty, no sickness. Man has accomplished what he'd always craved. The corporate society was an inevitable destiny. A good life, a centuries old dream. I'd better do as you told Johnathan, that's all I have to say. Don't be here when I come back. You won't be back, Johnny. No player is greater than the game itself. It's not a game a man is supposed to grow strong in, Johnathan. You still don't understand why I came here. You're the only person I ever wanted. I wanted you on my side, that's all. The books you ordered are classified and have been transcribed and summarized. Who summarized it? Zero, of course, is the world's brain. Does it? Zero, of course, is the world's brain. Does it answer you? It speaks. I'd like some information about corporate decisions. How they're made and who makes them. They're afraid of you, Johnathan. All the way to the top they are. The game was created to demonstrate the futility of individual effort. Let the game do its work. Game? This wasn't meant to be a game! Johnathan! Johnathan! Johnathan! Johnathan! Johnathan! No, Billy! No, get away! Get away! Billy, Billy! Billy! Billy! Don't go! Billy! Get away! Get away! Billy! I want to see him now! Billy! Billy! My mother! Billy! I'm gonna be in the hospital. I'm gonna be in the hospital. Billy! Billy! Billy! Billy! Hurry. All I see is darkness. Oh. I will love you forever. You are my life. You are my life. Many men have tried. They tried and failed? They tried and died. The worm is the spice. The spice is the worm. The worms. They're not attacking. Why? Why? There is a place that's terrifying to us. To women. This is the place they cannot look. Traveling without moving. Now I truly control the worm and the spice. And I have the power to destroy the spice forever! You are my life. Paul. Paul. Paul. Father. Father. The sleeper has awakened. Arrakis. Dune. Desert planet. Your time has come. A storm is coming. Our storm. And when it arrives, it will shake the universe. Emperor! We come for you! Well! Come on, little mama, let's tear this damn place up. Come on, little mama, let's tear this damn place up. Come on, little mama, let me see you do your stuff. Harder! Bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop. Yeah! Come on, little mama, tear this damn place up. Well, come back, minute, turn around, turn around, get it, let me hear you say, come on! Come on, little mama, tear this damn place up. I believe this baby's gonna be gone for a long, long time. I believe this baby's gonna be gone for a long, long time. Come on, little mama, let me show you a real good time. Oh! Bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop! Oh, little mama, tear this damn place up! Whoa! Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! Oh, little mama, tear this damn place up! Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! Come on, little mama, tear this damn place up! Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on, little mama, tear this damn place! Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! Come on, little mama, tear this damn place up! Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! Tear it up! Tear it up! Come on, little mama, tear this damn place up! Right now! Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! Come on! Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! Come on, little mama, tear this damn place up! Come on! Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! Come on, little mama, tear this damn place up! Come on, little mama, tear this damn place up! Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! Take this place up! Recently, 20th Century Fox had two great ideas. To make a film called Beyond the Valley of the Dolls. And to get Russ Meyer to write, produce, and direct it. This is Russ Meyer. 240 pounds of creative energy. For years, he's been making very moving pictures for very little money. Yet there was something about his films, like The Moral Mr. T's and Vixen, that sparked the public's imagination. That something was Meyer's infallible eye for picking beautiful women. Look on up, look on up, at the bottom of Look on down, look on down, at your love He caught up in all the This time, they've really gone beyond the Valley of the Dolls. With Russ Meyer supplying a dazzling selection of traveling companions and brand new stars. Dolly Reid as Kelly, the singer. Cynthia Myers as Casey, the swinger. Marsha McBroom as Pet, the soul sister. Edie Williams as Ashley, the superstar. Erica Gavin as Roxanne, the sensualist. And Phyllis Davis as Susan, the insider. Beyond the Valley of the Dolls has all the elements. Drama, love, mystery, music. But the most important element is the guy who put it all together. Russ Meyer. This is not a sequel. There has never been anything like it. Symbols. We're all familiar with them. There are shortcuts to vital information. That's why, to familiarize you with the movie rating symbols, which will be used by this theater, we present the following guide for parents and young people. It is designed to inform parents about the suitability of movie content for viewing by their children. G, all ages admitted, general audiences. GP, all ages admitted, parental guidance suggested. R, restricted, under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian. X, no one under 17 admitted. One of animated films' most influential directors is Ralph Bakshi. His films broke new ground by combining traditional animation with highly detailed settings and stock footage. Films such as Heavy Metal and Rock and Roll would soon follow. The film was released in the late 1980s. It was the first film to be released in the late 1980s. It was the first film to be released in the late 1980s. The film Wizards is set thousands of years after nuclear war has ruined many areas of the Earth. Mutants dwell in the radioactive wastes while beings of ancient folklore have repopulated the fertile lands. A mutant wizard named Black Wolf has gathered technology searching for the secret of war. He plans to use his newest discovery to inspire his mutant army to conquer the world. It will never work. People don't want war. It destroyed this planet, its people, and all records of past civilization. Not all records, as you'll soon find out. Attention! Leaders of tomorrow's master race! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! The time has come as I promised. The time when I reveal to you my loyal followers the ancient secret of war. The key to creating hysteria fear gods. Yeehaw! The time has come for the creation of the world. The time when I reveal to you my loyal followers the ancient secret of war. The time has come for the creation of the world. The time when I reveal to you my loyal followers the ancient secret of war. The time has come for the creation of the world. Yeehaw! Go! Go! Go! Go! Come on. And this leads to distortion of judgment. Yeehaw! The main computer is destroyed, but the subcomputer is safe. Subcontractor. Elena. We're going to find her, but you can't. Yeehaw! The End In the day-to-day conduct of your police duties, no matter how or for what reason you are called to investigate a situation in a residence, use your eyes to detect evidence of marijuana, hashish, or narcotic violations. In one sense, you might say a room is like a field investigation report. But it's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. The room is like a field investigation report or a booking sheet. But unfortunately, the information isn't typed clearly on the form waiting to be read. The evidence you're looking for is here, all right. But it has to be located before you can read it. And it has to be read with specially trained eyes. For example, inexperienced eyes would probably overlook the valid evidence of marijuana and hashish use that are apparent on this coffee table. But in the law of evidence, you can't guess. You have to be sure. Ashtrays, being open to view and easy of access, are logical places to use your eyes for evidence of marijuana violations. And the logical evidence to look for is a partly consumed marijuana cigarette. Marijuana cigarettes are called joints. One that has been partly smoked is called a roach. There are some noticeable differences between a marijuana or grass joint and the butt of an ordinary cigarette. Note the burned end of the ordinary cigarette. Cigarette tobacco contains a burning agent that keeps the tobacco ignited and burning smoothly. Result, fine gray ash and an evenly burned end. Marijuana has no such burning agent mixed with it. Therefore, it's hard to keep lit. It burns unevenly and generally ends up as a scorched, irregularly burned butt. Note this burned hot spot in the paper. Unrefined marijuana, called unmanicured, often contains seeds. Marijuana seeds burn very hot, often exploding like tiny bombs through the paper. These bomb craters are clearly visible even at a distance to those who use their eyes. This of course is marijuana itself the best evidence of all. It has distinctive characteristics. Learn them. Use your eyes. It also has a distinctive aroma. So use your nose as well as your eyes. Marijuana has a sweet musty odor that is easy to identify. Knowing this, pot smokers often try to hide the telltale fragrance of grass smoke by burning incense in the room. Therefore, the presence of incense or incense burners in a room should be noted. As a matter of fact, once marijuana use has been established, every kind of humidor or container that looks suspicious should be closely inspected for marijuana residue. This is a $100 block of hashish, a stumbling block that may trip on suspecting marijuana smokers and send them tumbling into the horrors of hard narcotic addiction. Imported from narcotics producing nations abroad, this concentrated mind-warping substance is by volume eight to ten times as potent as marijuana grass. Hashish does not burn like tobacco, smolders slowly like Fourth of July punk when lighted. Consequently, a very small amount will get a smoker very high and keep him that way for a long time. What's a small square of tin foil doing here? Strange as it may seem, such squares of foil are strong evidence that hashish is being smoked on the premises. Only educated eyes would recognize this bored wooden block as prima facie evidence of hashish smoking. Here's how it works. The tin foil is pressed into the small bored hole in the homemade pipe to protect the wood from the heat. Then the foil is punctured to let smoke pass through. A small load of hashish is pressed into the tin foil and lit. And another potential narcotics victim floats out of the world of reality toward a midnight of eventual regret and despair. So, no matter how or for what reason, in the day-to-day conduct of your police duties, you are called to investigate a residential situation. Use your eyes. In private, she's a mistress of the martial arts. Super chick, she's more than just one woman. And too much for just one man. Super chick, the super kind of woman. Always in the middle of where the action is. Always ready for a new adventure. You can't avoid the mist. Super chick, she's much more than you've ever had before. Super chick, she's much more than you've ever had before. Somewhere between science and superstition, there is another world. The world of darkness. Look, your daughter doesn't say she's a demon, she says she's the devil himself. I'm telling you that that thing upstairs isn't my daughter. Now I want you to tell me that you know for a fact that there's nothing wrong with my daughter except you know I'm lying. You tell me you know for a fact that an exorcism wouldn't do any good. You tell me that! Nobody expected it. Nobody believed it. And nothing could stop it. The one hope. The only hope. The exorcist. Rated R. What's wrong with me? Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Hey, wait! Hey, wait! Hey, wait! Hey, wait! Hey, wait! Hey, wait! Hey, wait! Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Mohamed Mohamed Mohamed Rance, Mohamed, Rance Rance Mohamed Mohamed In a steaming briefcase Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Ow! Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Briny Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers Strip Stealers I've gotten a lot of comments on this next piece of footage. It is a Japanese children's show called Gimmie Gimmie Octopus. You may want to strap yourself in for this one. Gimmie Gimmie Octopus Are you having a dream too, Gimmie Octopus? Today is a high day for some reason. The chombo is running away in a hurry. This is bad. This is bad. The chombo is running away in a hurry. I failed. I failed. I tried to make the chombo into an octopus, but the chombo lost the octopus. Transform! Octopus Jutsu! The monster, Tororo, is also very weak. He's quite strong. Gimmie Gimmie Octopus He wants the hat he's wearing. He just needs to get closer. But the octopus is chasing him again. Come here. Come here. Come here. I failed! I failed. I failed. I failed again. This is bad. I failed again. I failed again. Hey, the water is cold. There's an octopus over there. Gimmie Octopus Cut the rope. Gimmie Octopus That's amazing. Gimmie Octopus Octopus Octopus Octopus It's hot today. Damn it. Hey, watch out. Huh? Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. Here's some requested Betty Page footage for my friend, Ether. Here's some requested Betty Page footage for my friend, Ether. Here's some requested Betty Page footage for my friend, Ether. It was you. Jezebel, it was you. If ever an angel fell. Jezebel, it was you. Jezebel, it was you. If ever a pair of eyes. Must be paradise. Deceiving me. It was you. Jezebel, it was you. If ever a devil's plan. Was made to torment man. It was you. Jezebel, it was you. Could be better had I never known. A lover such as you. Forsaking dreams at all. For the siren call. Of your own. Like a demon love contesting you. Contest me constantly. What evil star is mine. That my face designed. Should be. If ever a pair of eyes. Must be paradise. Deceiving me. It was you. Jezebel, it was you. If ever a devil's plan. Was made to torment man. It was you. If ever a devil's plan. Was made to torment man. Jezebel, it was you. Jezebel, it was you. Jezebel, it was you. Jezebel, it was you. Jezebel, it was you. Overload? Count Rocula's dealer for the insane. Jezebel, it was you.