Monday night, Ronald Reagan and Anne Sheridan star in the story of four people and their troubled lives in King's Row. Then Tuesday night, a professional gambler goes after the cops who sent him up the river, enframed. More good stuff on TNT. Hold the end of your string up, Joey. Joey, we're never gonna get this done if you keep on eating the kicks. Kicks is a cereal that's low in sugar with a corn crunch that kids like. Kicks also make them home. Home for the holidays movies every day this month on TNT. Welcome to Zonners Clothiers where quality service and attention to detail have been the Zonners creed since 1951. From men's sportswear or women's career in casual dressing to quality clothing from Aquascutum of London, Zonners has been an institution in Vernon for 40 years. Aquascutum produces suits, sport coats and rainwear of beautiful fabrics and impeccable quality in the tradition of London's Regent Street. Zonners highly recommend the suitor sport coat from Aquascutum. Call 1-800-922-1868 now for a free gift certificate. No matter what racket sport you're playing, it's the Racket Palace for the best in equipment and accessories, clothing, shoes and fast professional repairs. The Racket Palace, Berlin Turnpike, Newington, all the top names in the game, what service you can count on. Check out these specials, winter string tune-up, synthetic gut, regular $20 now at $9.99. And discover our wide selection of new racketball equipment. And now for a limited time, 10% off all clothing in the palace, the Racket Palace, Berlin Turnpike, Newington. The 24th century continues. On Star Trek, the next generation. All the drama, the wonder and excitement of Gene Roddenberry's original space odyssey are here in a new age of high adventure. Follow the voyages of the new Starship Enterprise and the lives of her crew. On Star Trek, the next generation. Weeknights at 7 on Fox 61. Miniver on TNT. We will return to Mrs. Miniver in a moment on TNT. Yes sir, it takes a heap of women to make it in the West. And TNT's rounded up some doozies and floozies. They're not cowgirls, they're western women. Every day next week at 4 Eastern on TNT. So I'm standing in the checkout line and this really attractive woman sees I have Kellogg's brand flakes. And she says, buying that for your father? Come on, they taste terrific. That's why I eat Kellogg's brand flakes. It's a nutty toasted wheat taste. And they're Kellogg's. So I turned to this woman. I looked her straight in the eye and I said, ah yeah, yeah, they're for dad. K-E-double-L-O-double-good. Kellogg's brand flakes. Toasted taste to you. I wish the person who put those tires on the playground had to wash my kids' clothes. So much dirt and tire smut. I gave up until Tide with Bleach. Colors are bright with Tide with Bleach and those whites take a dirty side. Gets only this white with other detergents but Tide with Bleach gets it gleaming white. It brings back the brightness and newness. Thanks, Marlene Brigette. If it's gotta be clean, it's gotta be Tide. Monday night, Chris Kringle has quite a job to do. He has to make the whole world believe that Santa Claus is a make-believe. Oh, I don't believe it. Miracle on 34th Street. 805 Eastern on TBS Monday night. There's something about the power of the moon. I just can't explain. But I feel it instinctively. That's part of its mystique. Andy McDowell on The Power of Luna Mystique. When it touches me, it's as if the power of the moon is mine. Who can explain Luna Mystique? All I can tell you is that the moon can move an entire ocean. Imagine what it can do for you. Possess the power. Luna Mystique, the fragrance. Looking for a great place to take your family on vacation? Start right here. There's lots of water sports by the seaside. Lots of activities for kids. There's even a supervised children's program. And for those who think a family vacation should include things from far away places, there's no better place to see them than from right here. Take a three, four, or seven day fun ship vacation on Carnival. The most popular cruise line in the world. Plane ship. If for years you've been itching to get relief from the discomfort of a dry nose. Here's some good news. Nasal. It's not a decongestant. Nasal is a gentle moisturizing spray that soothes away dryness. So gentle that you can use nasal as often as you like. So the next time your dry nose needs soothing relief, try nasal moisturizing spray. It's what every dry nose has been itching for. I'm going to tell you a secret about a big league baseball player. My husband, Lenny Dykstra. It used to be he didn't smile a lot. His teeth were stained. And you know, mine were discolored. But then I discovered Plus White. The Plus White system. The exciting new way to whiten and brighten your teeth. It works and it works fast and even removes coffee and tobacco stains. So how's that for shiny teeth? Plus White's got his bug smile and a lot more, darling. The Plus White system will whiten and brighten your teeth, guaranteed. Tonight, a sauce that's chunkier than ever before. Ragout Chunky Garden Style. Mom, how chunky can it be? Yep, that's really chunky. Ragout Chunky Garden Style. When it comes to sauce, there's only one question. And now, back to Mrs. Miniver on TNT. We will return to Mrs. Miniver in a moment on TNT. People in Kings Row are hiding dark secrets that could destroy them all. Something's going to happen, Drake. Something bad. I don't know what. Get out of this town. Now. Before you're in too deep. If you won't think about yourself, I should think you'd at least want to protect her. Drake, I think I've killed her. You fiend! Louise. You fiend! Louise has got to be kept quiet, Paris. I can silence her, Randy. Where's the rest of me? Anne Sheridan, Robert Cummings, and Ronald Reagan in his favorite performance, Kings Row. Monday on TNT. I'm singing in the rain Now you can collect Hollywood's most dazzling musicals. Tonight, tonight Time Life Video announces a tribute to the great Hollywood musical. Clang, clang, clang with the trolley Tradition Tradition Begin your collection with the award-winning Fiddler on the Roof. Two videocassettes for the low introductory price of only $19.99. With lashes a girl can get burned Then continue your collection with Meet Me in St. Louis starring Judy Garland. George Gershwin's An American in Paris with the legendary Gene Kelly. Leonard Bernstein's musical masterpiece, West Side Story. Call now to get Fiddler on the Roof for just $19.99. Then add to your collection with other great musicals. There's no minimum to buy, cancel anytime. If I were a rich man So call now to get Fiddler on the Roof for just $19.99. Here's how to order. To order your Fiddler on the Roof video Call 1-800-962-0500 That's 1-800-962-0500 Or send $19.99 plus $3.23 Shipping and handling to Great Hollywood Musicals P.O. Box 1880, Department 4, Alexandria, Virginia. Tonight on CNN World Report There are 400 million children in China who get no laws to protect their rights. What should be done to help Chinese youth? In the Middle East, Australian sailors are feeling expertise for making a video that's demeaning to Arabs. And where does the real Santa Claus live? The country that claims the top of the world on CNN World Report Midnight Eastern tonight. Jingle bells, jingle bells Jingle all the way Oh, what fun it is to ride In a one-horse open sleigh Now, the Diamond Sweets collection A sampling of delectable diamonds So tempting, so luscious Concocted to satisfy a woman's craving for elegance Heavenly, exciting Nurture the consuming passions Diamonds Look for many other extraordinary designs in the Diamond Sweets collection. See the delectable Diamond Sweets collection at Barrabalt Jewelers. Welcome to Zonner's Clothiers, where quality service and attention to detail have been the Zonner's creed since 1951. From men's sportswear or women's career in casual dressing to quality clothing from Talia, Zonner's has been an institution in Berlin for 40 years. Talia produces suits, sport coats, and outerwear of beautiful fabrics and impeccable quality in the tradition of Italy's Baiella region. Zonner's highly recommends a stylish suit or sport coat from Talia. Call 1-800-922-1868 now for a free gift certificate. In the rain Everybody's talking at me I don't hear a word they're saying I'm going back some day Come what may to blue bayou Come down, you'd better take care If I find you can creep around my backyard You're the poetry man You'll love Singers and Songwriters, a special collection of all your favorites on four LPs or two cassettes, $19.99, two CDs, $24.99. Ain't it good to know you got a friend To order, call 1-800-452-0100 or send just $19.99 for four LPs or two cassettes or $24.99 for two compact discs plus $4 shipping and handling to Singers and Songwriters, PO Box 1880, department four, Alexandria, Virginia. And now back to Mrs. Miniver on TNT. We will return to Mrs. Miniver in a moment on TNT. New York's got some great Broadway plays. But L.A.'s got the magic. How do you do that? Magic happens, Patrick. The Lakers versus New York, Tuesday at 8 on TNT. Bigger than life. When you're cooking your best, nothing tastes quite like butter. Nothing bastes quite like butter. Nothing bakes quite like butter. Nothing bakes quite like butter. Mmm, butter. Mmm, butter. When you're cooking your best, nothing tastes quite like butter. Citizens, citizens, citizens, citizens. Elegance, citizens, citizens. Elegance, ooh, he's a citizen. We're a citizen. Boy, a citizen with lots of citizens. Elegance, elegance. Patrick, you're an elegant citizen. We've got elegance. The boy next door. The music of garland. The magic of a simpler time. And it was grand just to stand with his hand holding mine to the end of the line. A Christmas tradition and one of our favorite movies. Meet me in St. Louis, Thursday on TNT. This is the Braun hand blender. With it, you can make sauce in minutes, salad dressing in seconds, and a milkshake in almost no time at all. Who knows? You just may acquire a taste for fast food. The Braun hand blender. California, I've captured your essence, your spirit and sparkle, your style and sophistication. Jacqueline Smith's California. The fragrance that captures the dream. Turn on your smile. This is California. Turn on your style. This is California, the new cologne for men. California, a great way to feel about yourself. He's a sweet lovin' man. Makes me lovin' all the time. Yes he does. He's a sweet lovin' man. Got me lovin' on his mind. Oh yeah. I'll tell you one of these old days, I'll make that sweet man lovin' all night. Cheer with Color Guard. Dirt goes, color stays. There are chances worth taking and some that are not. If a chance is worth taking, it's worth my best shot. This time I'll play Safeguard. This time I'll play Safeguard. The antibacterial lather in Safeguard gives you more deodorant protection than you may need from yourself. But a little insurance never hurts. This time I'll play Safeguard. Penzac's News of the Week. Climber zooms up mountain just by using his IQ. Here are the amazing photos. Here's his amazing IQ. The Pentax IQ Zoom 700 with the 70 millimeter power zoom lens. Amazing. And now back to Mrs. Miniver on TNT. Coming up after Mrs. Miniver, there's more home for the holidays drama with Greer Garson and Walter Pigeon in Blossoms in the Dark. The 24th century continues. On Star Trek The Next Generation. All the drama, the wonder and excitement of Gene Roddenberry's original space odyssey are here in a new age of high adventure. Follow the voyages of the new Starship Enterprise and the lives of her crew on Star Trek The Next Generation. Weeknights at 7 on Fox 61. Judy Garland in one of our favorite movies Meet Me in St. Louis. Thursday on TNT. Welcome to Zonners Clothiers where quality service and attention to detail have been the Zonners creed since 1951. From men's sportswear or women's career in casual dressing to quality clothing from Aquascutum of London, Zonners has been an institution in Vernon for 40 years. Aquascutum produces suits, sport coats and rainwear of beautiful fabrics and impeccable quality in the tradition of London's Regent Street. Zonners highly recommends a suitor sport coat from Aquascutum. Call 1-800-922-1868 now for a free gift certificate. No matter what racquet sport you're playing, it's the Racket Palace for the best in equipment and accessories, clothing, shoes and fast professional repairs. The Racket Palace, Berlin, Turnpike, Newington, all the top names in the game, what service you can count on. Check out these specials, winter string tune-up, synthetic gut, regular $20 now, $9.99, and discover our wide selection of new racquetball equipment. And now for a limited time, 10% off all clothing in the Palace, the Racket Palace, Berlin, Turnpike, Newington. The 24th century continues... on Star Trek The Next Generation. All the drama, the wonder and excitement of Gene Roddenberry's original space odyssey are here in a new age of high adventure. Follow the voyages of the new Starship Enterprise and the lives of her crew on Star Trek The Next Generation, weeknights at 7 on Fox 61. We will return to Mrs. Miniver in a moment on TNT. People in Kingsrow are hiding dark secrets that could destroy them all. Something's gonna happen, Drake. Something bad, I don't know what. Get out of this town. Now. Before you're in too deep. If you won't think about yourself, I should think you'd at least want to protect her. Drake, I think I've killed her. You... Louise. You fiend! Louise has got to be kept quiet, Paris. I can silence her, Randy. Where's the rest of me? Anne Sheridan, Robert Cummings, and Ronald Reagan in his favorite performance, Kingsrow. Monday on TNT. I'm Bob Knoll. My official title is head of auto testing for Consumer Reports magazine, but I really work for you. Every year, my staff and I report on over 140 models, specifically with your needs in mind. So when you shop for a car, you'll know if it's safe and reliable, how it's equipped, how it performs, and whether it's cramped or comfortable. And there are over 200 people who work for you at Consumer Reports. We test and report on everything from toothpaste to TV. And since Consumer Reports is non-profit and accepts no advertising, we're able to give you the unbiased truth about products. Right now is a good time to try Consumer Reports because you can get a free trial issue with no strings attached. Here are the details. Call now for your free trial issue of Consumer Reports. Learn how products compare, which give you the most value for your dollar, and which are best for your specific needs. Consumer Reports gives you information like which fast food lunch had the least fat, which VCR had the best picture quality, which oil filter best protects your car, which laundry detergent delivers what it promises, and which bank really helps the money pile up. Consumer Reports' rating system compares products by brand name. You'll know who the reliable manufacturers are, which models have the features you want, plus all the pros and cons, including price. Call now for your free trial issue, then decide. When the bill arrives, pay it and get 11 more issues, 12 in all, including the annual buying guide issue for just $20. Or write cancel on the bill and owe nothing. And with your paid subscription, you'll get two free books, our 1991 buying guide issue and the updated new medicine show. And your paid subscription includes the annual auto issue with new car ratings, repair records, and crash test results. So put Consumer Reports to work for you. Call now. Call 1-800-228-5100. 1-800-228-5100. It seems like only yesterday she was a little girl. You have so many precious memories. Now you can treasure those memories forever with Loving Steps, an exquisite set of collector's dolls recommended by the Ashton Drake Galleries. Both dolls are crafted from fine bisque porcelain, hand-painted in lifelike colors, and dressed in elegant Victorian fashions. Bring Loving Steps into your home by calling this number now. But hurry, Loving Steps is issued in an edition which closes forever in 1990. Produced by Ricoh International, Loving Steps is the first doll designed by renowned artist Sandra Cook. Previous exceptional first issue dolls have proven to be wise investments, selling for as much as 374% over issue price. Loving Steps appears to have promising investment potential as well. While there's no guarantee Loving Steps will increase in value, you are guaranteed complete satisfaction. This exclusive collector's set is yours at the issue price, payable in four monthly installments of $31.25. Have your credit card ready to save COD charges. Call now. Now on videocassette. Brian Denning has dreams his son can't fulfill. No! Rising Sun, now at West Coast at National Video from Turner Home Entertainment. And now back to Mrs. Miniver on TNT. Coming up after Mrs. Miniver, there's more home for the holidays drama with Greer Garson and Walter Pigeon in Blossoms in the Dust. Followed by a nostalgic trip to the TNT trailer camp. More good stuff right here on TNT. Citizens, citizens, citizens, citizens, elegant citizens, citizens, elegant. Ooh, he's citizen. I'm a citizen. Boy, citizen, with lots of citizens. Elegant, elegant, I bet you never got citizen. We've got elegance. People in Kings Row are hiding dark secrets that could destroy them all. Something's gonna happen, Drake. Something bad. I don't know what. Get out of this town, now, before you're in too deep. If you won't think about yourself, I should think you'd at least want to protect her. Drake, I think I've killed her. You killed her. Louise. You fiend. Louise, this has got to be kept quiet, Paris. I can silence her, Randy. Where's the rest of me? Ann Sheridan, Robert Cummings, and Ronald Reagan in his favorite performance, King's Row, Monday on TNT. When it's cold and rough outside, try something warm and creamy inside. Cream of wheat hot cereal or instant cream of wheat. Two warm, delicious ways to come in from the cold. A lot of you insist on eating wheat thins and oat thins because they taste good, but the whole idea behind these crackers is that you can eat them without feeling guilty. That's why they're baked, not fried. I mean, eat them because they're delicious and you miss the whole point. Welcome home. Home for the holidays movies every day this month on TNT. If you have a corporate fleet of one or more vehicles, this message is for you. Do rising fuel prices have you concerned? Convenient Petroleum surrounds your business with convenient locations all priced to save you money. Now take advantage of their new corporate fueling card, offering you accountable control over fleet purchasing, multiple fueling sites, and a full-time commercial account staff. For an appointment, call 1-800-922-1849 and receive your free limited edition antique bank. No matter what size your fleet is, Convenient Petroleum has a program for you. Located on Silver Lane in East Hartford is Connecticut's largest pet shop, specializing in exotic fish, birds, and reptiles from around the world. You'll find the finest selection of tropical marine and rare fish, hundreds of tanks of reasonably priced fish for your aquarium. Exotic's large staff will help you with the most technical questions. Let the professionals at Exotic Pet serve you today. Exotic Fin and Feather Pet Shop, exit 58 off I-84. Large selection, reasonable prices, and professional staff at Exotic Fin and Feather. World Championship Wrestling presents Star King 90 Collision Course, live on pay-per-view. The world heavyweight title hangs in the balance as Sting faces a masked menace from his past. Can he unmask? Can he conquer the black scorpion? See the first ever tag team championship of the universe, and don't miss Lex Luger, Stan Hanson, Dome, Ric Flair, Arne Anderson, and more. Star King 90 Collision Course, a live pay-per-view spectacular, Sunday, December 16th. Welcome to Zonner's Clothiers, where quality service and attention to detail have been the Zonner's creed since 1951. From men's sportswear or women's career in casual dressing, to quality clothing from Aquascootum of London, Zonner's has been an institution in Vernon for 40 years. Aquascootum produces suits, sport coats, and rainwear of beautiful fabrics and impeccable quality in the tradition of London's Regent Street. Zonner's highly recommends a suitor sport coat from Aquascootum. Call 1-800-922-1868 now for a free gift certificate. Thank you. Zonner's Clothiers, where quality service and attention to detail have been the Zonner's creed since 1951. From men's sportswear or women's career in casual dressing, to quality clothing from Talia, Zonner's has been an institution in Vernon for 40 years. Talia produces suits, sport coats, and outerwear of beautiful fabrics and impeccable quality in the tradition of Italy's Bayella region. Zonner's highly recommends a stylish suitor sport coat from Talia. Call 1-800-922-1868 now for a free gift certificate. Welcome to TNT and our home for the holidays presentation.